
Beautiful business board. Do-it-yourself business board - how to make a board for development. Tips and easy steps to create a board for kids. Board making secrets


Each of the parents heard this slightly frightening word "business board". It translates as "practice board". Moreover, these activities not only develop the baby at cosmic speed, but also give mothers a lot of free time while the little researcher studies this smart design. The portal decided to tell its readers what this board looks like, how to make a business board with your own hands, and what exactly is the use of this wonderful toy.

Do-it-yourself businessboard or purchased?

You can buy a board for classes in a store, but it costs a lot - from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. Therefore, we propose to make a business board with our own hands: cheap and "angry". Moreover, this occupation

  • will take you away for a few evenings,
  • will unite with the spouse in a common impulse to make the world of the child a little more interesting,
  • wake up your Creative skills
  • and keep the kid interested!

Busyboard: purpose and benefits

Everyone has heard about the famous teacher - Maria Montessori. It was she who came up with the idea of ​​creating a developmental board with locks, the study and opening of which would train the child's fine motor skills, intelligence, memory.

But time does not stand still. And the business board began to acquire new materials: buttons, pieces of fabric of various textures, rosettes, levers and clothespins - to adapt to creative ideas modern psychologists and mothers.

How useful is a business board?

It gives babies new tactile sensations. When else can you explore the treasured holes of the outlet without hearing the menacing shout of the pope? Or from the heart dig into the keyhole? How can you tell which fabric is soft and which is rough? What is the difference between metal and velvet to the touch? The activity board reveals a whole world, fascinating and interesting, in front of the child. It also trains imagination, memory, intellect ... At the same time, the business board is absolutely safe.

Busyboard for toddlers and older children

In addition, a business board can be made for each age. Papas are special masters in making boards for four- and five-year-olds, using new mechanisms, bolts, screws, complicated designs of hinges and locks.

Do-it-yourself businessboard

So, you decided to make a do-it-yourself board. Where to begin?

1. Choose the right board. It can be made of plywood, plastic, wood, chipboard. If you decide to use wood, be sure to sand the board well so that the child does not get a splinter.

2. Think about bodyboard elements. It's time to inspect the caskets, needlework boxes, spouse's tools. Everything will fit:

  • locks,
  • latches,
  • heck,
  • switches,
  • buttons,
  • sockets,
  • ropes for lacing,
  • woolen threads,
  • buttons,
  • door handles,
  • tumblers,
  • padlocks,
  • pictures with animals, numbers,
  • stickers,
  • beads,
  • Velcro,
  • lightning,
  • rivets,
  • bells,
  • pieces of fabric (wool, leather, fur, velvet),
  • old calculator,
  • abacus.
Tip: Make a small niche in the business board with a door that will be locked. When the baby opens it, a surprise will be waiting for him in the "room" - a toy, candy or any other little thing at your discretion. This will delight and motivate the baby even more.

3. Be a designer, draw a business board plan. Where will the castle be located? Where are the pieces of cloth? Where to attach an outlet? After all, it is important not just to randomly attach everything to the board, but to do it in such a way that the toy also turns out to be beautiful.

Fill the empty space between the details of the board with stickers or drawings. Let the business board be cheerful!

4. Bring the idea to life. It's time to attach the developing elements to the board. Self-tapping screws, nails, reliable glue and a handy husband will be used.

See if the sharp ends of the mounting material are left on the other side of the business board. Everything that protrudes and can injure the baby must be cut down.

Young children in the first years of life actively grow and develop. Within a few months after birth, the baby has a great interest in the surrounding objects. He wants to touch, examine and taste everything. The business board allows you to secure the process of exploring the world and make it more fun. What it is and how you can make this device with your own hands is described in the article.

What is a business board

This is a developmental board designed for children 2-3 years old. Usually, different types of buttons, locks and buttons are placed on it, details from equipment that can be played Small child. All fixtures are securely fixed to the board.

Playing with a business board is absolutely safe. Any kid is interested in sockets, switches, tools. It is difficult to protect the child from these objects, as he will try to get to them. The business board allows you to familiarize your baby with the most common household items, minimizing the risk of injury.

Making a business board with your own hands is simple and within the power of any mom. It is enough to be able to use a hammer and think over the look of the future board.

The development of babies according to the Montessori method

The famous Italian teacher Maria Montessori observed the peculiarities of the knowledge of the world by children of different ages. She proposed her own methodology for teaching kids, which contributes to a quick and effective understanding of ordinary things. The teacher decided that children develop better if they are given different objects in their hands. So, the kid will be able to touch the thing himself, study its shape and deal with the functionality.

Montessori introduced a new theory of preschool education. The teacher suggested creating a study stand, where you need to place improvised household items and tools. The kid will carefully study each device, and the mother will be able to calmly observe the process without worrying about the health of the child.

The methodologist suggested placing door locks and handles, latches, chains, cornice rings, a zipper, buttons, and a bell on the stand. Each of these items contributes to the development of thinking and fine motor skills hands While playing with an object of interest, neural signals enter the brain, from which the baby feels new impressions and learns to remember.

Montessori advised to make a do-it-yourself business board using ordinary improvised items. These may be non-working devices that are available in every home.

What is the use of a bodyboard

A do-it-yourself do-it-yourself board board will allow your baby to develop the following skills:

  • perseverance;
  • Attention;
  • imagination;
  • visual and tactile memory;
  • Feel;
  • fine motor skills;
  • coordination of movements;
  • the first skills in handling household items;
  • color perception;
  • logical thinking.

Stand design features

The development stand can be purchased at children's store or do it yourself. Do-it-yourself business board for children can be made subject to the following recommendations:

  1. For the stand, it is better to use processed boards or plywood boards. You can buy a base for a business board at any hardware store, cutting it to the desired size.
  2. On the board should be placed things that are interesting for the baby. For example, non-working sockets, switches, handles from cabinets and doors, buttons, hooks, dial from the phone.
  3. The business board must have devices that can be moved, twisted, stretched.
  4. All items should be carefully fixed so that the baby cannot tear them off. For this purpose, it is better to use screws.
  5. For the development of fine motor skills, it is important to place objects from the board on the board. different materials and various textures. It can be rubber balls, plastic wheels, knitted dresses for a doll, fragments of wool knitting, metal beads. The kid will pick up each object and thus be able to learn to distinguish them by touch.

What can be fixed on bodyboards

To make a do-it-yourself business board, you can use the following items:

  1. Children's balls of different diameters. You can take a few rubber balls and put them on a metal rod, fixing its edges on reverse side boards.
  2. Furniture wheels. It could be wheels. different sizes permanently fixed with self-tapping screws.
  3. Construction and massage rollers. For better development of sensory sensations, it is recommended to use foam rubber, cardboard, rubber, fur rollers.
  4. Locks and hinges. You can choose the simplest varieties with rounded edges.
  5. Cardboard and plywood. Opening windows can be cut out of these materials. Even make a small house.
  6. Lacing. You can draw on the board acrylic paints boot. On it, drill holes into which to stretch the lacing.
  7. Disk from a Soviet phone.
  8. Buttons. It is better to use metal and plastic buttons of different sizes and colors, attaching them in one row.
  9. Lightning. You can take a fragment of an old jacket with a working zipper. A stationery stapler is suitable for attaching fabric to the board.
  10. Bell. It can be purchased at the fish shop.
  11. Door handles.
  12. Switches.
  13. Wooden or plastic abacus.
  14. Cosmetic and other mirrors with a protective edge.

A do-it-yourself business board may contain other items. The main thing is that they are safe for children's health.

How to make a do-it-yourself board for a boy

Boys usually show an increased interest in various objects that can be assembled and disassembled, screwed and unscrewed. Therefore, especially for boys, it is recommended to make a board filled with bolts, nuts, springs, chains, hooks, real tools, battery-powered flashlights. Such a business board can be supplemented with a typewriter, a toy steering wheel, a steering wheel, a speedometer, a fragment of a rope.

It's good to make themed stands. For example, in automotive, railway, construction topics. In any case, objects of different colors and shapes should be present.

A do-it-yourself boyish business board, the photo of which is given above, will be more useful if there are sound and light effects. For example, battery-operated light bulbs can be built into the stand, which will turn on.

Bodyboards are a new word in the field of the formation of children's intellectual abilities. Developing details and simple puzzles attract the attention of the child. "Smart" boards are equipped with elements with various functions: hooks, latches, laces, locks, buttons. For leisure, they are of great interest and have a beneficial effect on other aspects of children's development.

Bodyboards are educational boards for children, with a variety of details, pursuing several goals: to organize the leisure of a curious child and to develop children's hand motor skills. The invention was conceived and developed by Marie Montessori, a famous Italian educator. Montessori is the author and organizer of pedagogical methods responsible for the early development of children.

The benefits of the board in the development of the child

Busyboards are educational boards for children, and a godsend for parents. The child spends a lot of time with pleasure and benefit, being carried away by the study of unfamiliar details. Items located on the business board have different shape and colors, which is of great interest to the child.

Busy boards for children in the form of a house are very popular.

The benefits of intellectual toys are very large:

  1. The child learns to distinguish colors.
  2. Busyboard contributes to the development of imagination and logical thinking.
  3. The child develops tactile sensations, which has a good effect on the brain.
  4. The developmental board teaches young children perseverance and attentiveness.
  5. Helps the child understand the essence of the cause-and-effect relationship.
  6. Engages fine motor skills.
  7. Instills in the child the first skills in household matters and self-care: use a switch, tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, use an outlet.

For parents, a business board is an assistant in raising children. When this amusing board falls into the hands of the kid, he enthusiastically spends time with it, satisfying his curiosity about unknown objects and their uses.

At what age can you play with a touch board

Busyboards - educational boards for children, made for young children. Starting from the age of eight months, the child has the ability to focus attention on some object, to be interested in its functions and to sit independently.

However, from this age, parents should not offer their baby a wooden board. It is better to give preference to developing business boards made of dense flannel fabric. Details of the "smart toy" must be firmly attached and match the age of the child, as well as include simple details: Velcro, buttons.

From 1-1.5 years old, children will be interested in a business board with switches, buttons, various colors, images of animals, geometric shapes.

By the age of 2-3, the child seeks to learn more about the objects around him, open the nightstands, take and play with “forbidden” objects. By this age, the developmental board may have a wooden base, and be endowed with complex objects.

Details and elements

Bodyboards were originally conceived by Marie Montessori to develop motor abilities in children. Developing details on the board are designed to form the activity of children's fingers.

The smart board should have components responsible for the development of the following tasks:

  • study of flowers;
  • development of fine motor skills and speech development;
  • proper handling of household items;
  • formation of associative thinking.

To study colors, the following elements are placed on the development board:

  • colored interchangeable chips;
  • multi-colored buttons or clothespins;
  • plugs different color from consumer electronics.

The development of speech and fine motor skills of the hands are inextricably linked.

To form these aspects, the bodyboard is equipped with the following details:

  • abacus;
  • compass;
  • twist;
  • ratchet;
  • labyrinth.

The following components help develop skills in handling household items:

  • lacing;
  • locks, hecks, hooks;
  • buttons, Velcro, fasteners - zippers;
  • belt buckles;
  • switch, socket with plug.

To form an associative understanding on the business board are located:

  • telephone disk;
  • clock face;
  • calculator;
  • gears.

Shape and dimensions

Busyboards - educational boards for children who may have different shape. The intellectual playing field can be placed on the basis of any geometric figure: a square, a circle, a trapezoid, a hexagon.

For older children, business boards can be in the form of: cars, houses, sun, ship, caterpillars. They, in addition to the contents, may be interested in such an unusual form of the product.

The sizes of the game stand can be various, depending on the children's age category. A one-year-old child will need a small business board 30–30 cm in size, with 3–4 developing details. How older child, the more extensive and rich the intellectual board should be.

Children 3-4 years old can use a business board measuring 50-70 cm.

It is desirable that the size of the development board does not exceed 1 meter. In this case, it will be inconvenient for the child to reach the details while in a sitting position.

The business board can be portable, or have a mount in one place. The main thing is that it is firmly installed and does not have sharp parts and dangerous objects.

Popular manufacturers and models

Busyboards are educational boards for children that are of great help and contribution to the development of children. Parents who decide to purchase an intelligent board for their baby should be familiar with the manufacturers and the distinctive functions of bodyboards. Each company produces its own model with certain features.


Firm Smekalkin has in stock huge selection bodyboards for kids. Intelligent stands are made of any size and shape, equipped with labyrinths, gears and doors. The playing field is made in a pleasant color scheme, predominantly used blue and turquoise tones.

There are options that include the presence of 30 developmental components. Each of the bodyboards has a universal selection of game and developmental components suitable for any age of the child.

happy home

The bodyboards of this company are famous for their attractive appearance: "smart" houses in pink and white pastel colors, as if created for a little princess. Most often, game stands are made to order, taking into account interesting ideas from the consumer.

smart girl

This manufacturer is known expensive options development board. Busyboards - houses have multifunctional parts and sets of individual developmental elements.

It will be difficult for small children to master such material, but for older children such a toy is ideal. “Complex” bodyboards are also relevant in game operations of several children, for example, in kindergartens or game centers.

Smart House

The educational stands of this company are made in cold or pastel colors, which contributes to the perseverance of the child and has a calming effect on him. They have fairly simple, but no less interesting elements and functions. The assortment has big choice bodyboards with different directions.

interesting house

This company makes entertaining and funny educational toys. Bodyboards are made in the form of cartoon characters Smeshariki which makes kids very interested.

Busyhouse is popular - a voluminous toy house filled with various multifunctional details, labyrinths and abacuses. Products are suitable for different age categories of children.

If parents decide to purchase a development board for children, then they need to approach the choice of this design seriously and carefully, and take into account a number of points.


  1. You need to choose a developmental stand taking into account the age of the child: a wooden business board is not suitable for young children, which they can get hurt on, and older kids can damage the flannel business board and tear off one of the parts.
  2. The product must be durable, made very high quality. Details must be held firmly, not have sharp corners or very small elements.
  3. Too bright saturated colors have an exciting effect on nervous system child. When choosing a toy for a child, a parent should give preference to calm bed tones.

How to make a business board with your own hands

Busyboard is quite an expensive game for children. Many parents prefer to be patient, turn on their imagination and invent an intellectual stand for their child with their own hands. This is a very correct decision.

Making a business board yourself is not difficult. By being creative, and using the preferences of the baby and his age features, parents can create a unique business board that is not inferior in quality and functions to a purchased product.


A fabric development stand can be made for babies of one year of age. To begin with, parents should carefully approach the choice of material. It is better to use flannel, but other durable fabrics are also possible. The edges of the canvas should not crumble. In extreme cases, mom can make a border or carefully hem the edges of the material so that they do not crumble and threads do not come out of them.

The color of the background fabric is better to choose a moderate, calm.

For the manufacture of parts, you need to prepare a special material:

  • multi-colored threads;
  • shreds of durable material, different colors;
  • large buttons;
  • Velcro;
  • patterns and patterns of interesting characters and details.

It is necessary to sew on developing elements very firmly and carefully so that the child, left alone with the playing field, cannot bite off or tear off a piece of fabric or a fastener.


Wooden business board - more difficult option intellectual game, and requires a very careful approach. For its manufacture, it is necessary to take as a basis a wooden board, or plywood with polished edges.

The shape can be left square, or you can cut out a peculiar figure, for example, a house, a triangle, a car or a ship. To paint the surface, parents should take into account not only the age, but also the gender of the child.: girls like white and pink colors, and for boys you can choose blue or turquoise colors.

Home inventory will serve as an excellent pantry for finding items that can be used as the contents of a business board. Parents should creatively look around the apartment and pick up safe and interesting things.

Accessories for sewingButtons, hooks, fasteners - zippers, ribbons, laces, buttons, large beads
StationeryPaper clips, magnetic notebook, pencils
household itemsSwitch, phone dial, dial,

sockets, plug, latch, locks, magnets. And, also multi-colored clothespins, discs, hooks, wheels, latches, flashlights

Sound ItemsBells, bicycle bell, xylophone components
Counting materialAbacus, counting sticks, old calculator

To draw the maze, the parent will need a thick black marker. Developing elements should be located at some distance from each other, so as not to create the effect of sloppiness and satiety.

Before starting work, parents need to plan where which parts will be in order to arrange them in a logical chain.

How to make a business board safe

So that the developing playing field does not harm children, parents, first of all, should worry about its safety.

Boards must have smooth sanded surfaces. Painted parts should not emit a poisonous, cloying odor.

All elements must be firmly attached. Cracked or broken parts should be excluded from the contents of the bodyboard. Even for beauty, do not include in the content of the business board, too small components, such as beads or beads. The playing field should be inspected daily for the presence of broken particles.

Be sure to remove in case of contact and do not use glass, sharp or prickly objects to fill the stand, such as:

  • buttons;
  • nails;
  • pins;
  • hairpins.

Parents are required to ensure that a business board for young children does not have any paper components. Babies can put them in their mouths. You need to fasten a wooden business board with special devices.

Under no circumstances should a parent allow a child to play with a board leaning against a wall. The board can lose support, move and injure the baby.

You should not fix the fabric board to the wall with buttons or small nails, they may not hold a fairly heavy game stand. A child can tear off a flannel business board and harm himself with small fasteners.

Features of a business board for boys

Developing boards for children may not differ by gender, but boys will be more interested in business boards in the form of cars, ships, and a remote control. The color scheme can be more saturated than the background of the intellectual board for girls, for example: blue, green, gray, blue.

A business board for boys should have mainly technical items:

  • locks;
  • consoles;
  • flashlights;
  • construction processes.

Developing board for girls

Busyboard designed for girls, made in pastel gentle colors. It is usually white, pink, yellow or cream in color. It may differ from the boyish product in the amount of fittings and lacing, interesting surprises.

In the developing house, you can cut through the doors and install the back panel, on which there will be a mirror or a photograph of the hostess.

Toy for the little ones

For young children, it is allowed to make a business board from soft, durable fabrics. Children from 8 months - 1.5 years old will enthusiastically remove details from Velcro, fasten large buttons, and look at bright images of animals.

The shape of the business board can be very diverse:

  • the sun;
  • caterpillars;
  • hare;
  • nesting dolls;
  • ladybug;
  • fir trees or trees.

Bright colors attract the attention of kids, and the developing canvas will not be left out.

How to make a house with your own hands: materials and step by step instructions

Bodyboards are educational boards for children, which can have a different shape and the presence of a thematic selection of material. A developing house - a business board is very popular among children. Parents are able to make such a house on their own.

Before starting work, prepare necessary tools and material:

When all necessary items cooked, parents can start making the base-house:

  1. Attach a pattern of a house to a wooden sheet, circle and carefully cut out four parts.
  2. Fasten the walls of the house together with bars and screws.
  3. If desired, the manufacturer can cut windows and doors.
  4. The finished body of the house should be carefully cleaned of chips and primed. Paint the smooth surface with the chosen color.

The theme for the developing house should be selected, in accordance with the age and preferences of the baby. Each side can be made in accordance with the chosen style.

Themed wall options might look like this:

Playing field theme Availability of relevant elements
auto repair shopCars, wheels, which contain lacing; Lantern; gears. And, also: unscrewing parts; labyrinths; wrench and screws; designer details, magnifier. Attach a toy steering wheel.
home restaurantMulti-colored saucers with fabric, mugs with Velcro; fruits and vegetables of different sizes and colors, products depicted on magnets,
Dry cleaningA set of clothespins; buttons; doll things with lacing; Velcro clothes; brushes; buckle straps
SalonPockets with colored elastic bands, combs, combs; model of hair, for weaving braids; mirror; clamps

When doing the work, the manufacturer must carefully fasten all the details. On the windows and doors of the house, you can install heck, locks and latches. Wall decoration can include brightly colored drawings, stickers of butterflies and flowers.

For young children, you can sew a house - "Seasons":

  1. It is necessary to take one large and three small squares of flannel fabric, of different colors, and sew them together.
  2. Finish the edges and seams. Attach the roof in the same way.
  3. On a larger piece, sew a tree without a crown, two animal figures.
  4. On small pieces of fabric, arrange the details corresponding to the season.

Season details:

  • sun, flowers, crown of green leaves;
  • crown of yellow leaves, ribbons of rain;
  • white "snow" covering for a tree, snowdrifts and a snowman.

To begin with, parents can show how the tree "changes its dress" in different time years, and then the baby will perform operations of weather changes on their own.

Bodyboards are a necessary game material for learning environment . It is useful for an older child to study the developing functions of the elements of an intellectual board on his own, without the help of adults. Parents and teachers are required to play the role of an outside observer, for independent work of children with the playing field.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: bodyboards for children

Busyboards: educational boards for children from 9 months:

The older the child becomes, the more interesting it is for him to learn the world. Constant curiosity, the desire to learn something new keeps parents in good shape, adding gray hair. The baby wants to explore everything: scissors, sharp objects and tools. In this case, a great solution for parents can be developing board, or business board, with your own hands do which is very simple. Our editors have prepared a special review for parents who dream of taking their baby useful toy and get at least half an hour of freedom.

IN Lately many methods of raising children have been developed, and one of them belongs to Maria Montessori, an educator from Italy, a doctor of medical sciences. The principle of the theory is based on the independent activity of the baby, subject to complete freedom. All children begin the stage of growing up with the phrase “I myself”, this is what the wisest teacher took as a basis.

In her opinion, kids are able to learn everything on their own, for this they just need to organize the space. It is things, not people, that will help a child grow up. Within the framework of this theory, bodyboards were invented - developing boards for children, which we will talk about filling and making with our own hands in this article.

What is the benefit for the child, and at what age do you need a business board

Everything that surrounds the child and what he is so interested in can be fixed on the development board.

It is important! According to psychologists, it is necessary to develop a baby in game form, therefore, it is the business board that will perfectly cope with this task.

During the game, the child acquires the following skills:

  • fine motor skills develop during tactile contact;
  • patience develops, because it will not immediately turn out to open the latch or tie a shoelace. But since stubbornness is present in almost every child, they want to finish what they started and succeed;
  • logic - in order to light up, just press the switch;
  • learning new things - it is necessary to provide in the business board the ability to add.

The first do-it-yourself board for a boy can be made for 1 year, and as you grow older, upgrade the design.

This should be known! Parents should not interfere in the process according to the Montessori method, the child will independently learn to deal with objects.


What you need to pick up or buy to create a safe do-it-yourself board

You can, of course, buy a ready-made development board, but making it yourself is much more pleasant. And then only parents know what the child is interested in, and what subjects he will be interested in. The photo shows a step-by-step process for making a do-it-yourself business board for a boy.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the base: a sheet of plywood or, their size depends on the age of the baby.
  2. If necessary, you need to sand the material well so that the child does not get hurt during the games.
  3. Next, cover the surface with varnish or water-based paint.

What tools and fasteners are needed

To create a do-it-yourself children's development board-board, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • or a set of screwdrivers;
  • wire cutters.


Ideas for making a do-it-yourself board for a girl

A girl's toy should be painted in the following shades:

  • pink;
  • peach;
  • pale lilac;
  • light green.

It is possible to perform the main background and some objects on the board in these shades. As a filling, we recommend using the following thematic instructions.

Subject Description
Beauty saloonFix pockets in which to put all the attributes of the salon: combs, hairpins, tassels, bright ones. You can also make a model of a pigtail with a bow or a soft doll, for which several wardrobes should be provided.
home cookMake a board in the form in which to place plates, cups, saucers, pans. Girls will surely be delighted with such filling.
LaundryFasten the rope with bright clothespins so that the girl can put the things of the dolls in order.
For the little onesYou can attach abacus, string lacing, toys with musical accompaniment, zippers, beautiful rattles.

This is interesting! A developing business board will look much more impressive if it is additionally decorated with drawings or applications.

bodyboard for girls

Ideas for making a do-it-yourself board for a boy

For a boy, a toy should be created with a focus on his age. From practice, it was noticed that the guys like forbidden items more. To make a business board with your own hands, you need to buy:

  • for boys, as well as for girls, it is desirable to create a thematic board, for example, in the form of a ship, a watchmaker's workshop or a car mechanic;
  • lock, bolts, switches - boys of any age like it;
  • they will be delighted with the opportunity to unscrew the nuts, rotate the disk from the old phone, play with the dial;
  • you can fix the steering wheel from the car and install a bicycle bell, the child will feel like a racer;
  • they like to open fixed locks;
  • you can complicate the design with doors that are locked with locks or latches;
  • of great interest will be a battery-operated flashlight, a compass, a speedometer, all kinds of hooks, locks, you can add a piece of rope.

bodyboard for boys

How to make a do-it-yourself business board for a child

You can make a business board with your own hands, it's not difficult at all, and fill it with those items that will really interest the baby.

Creating a bodyboard sketch

We offer step by step to make a do-it-yourself business board for a boy. First you need to decide what form the future design will have. If it is made for a baby, you can take a sheet of a small size. As a material, plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm is suitable, which must first be sanded to a state of perfect smoothness, or a furniture board. At the stage of creating a sketch, you need to show a little imagination: the development can be made not only in the form of a rectangle or square, but also in the form of any geometric figure, as well as in the form of a car, ship, tree or robot.

Preparing the board and items for equipment

The board can be covered with two layers of varnish or bright water-based paint. Then, after drying, it is necessary to place all objects without fixing. If necessary, their location can be adjusted.

In our master class, an arrangement in the form of the palm of a hand was chosen, 6 fragments were installed around the perimeter, loops, as well as a socket, a switch, wheels and a handle, will be fixed on them. You can think of options with opening doors, for this, cut a square with a jigsaw, which is subsequently fixed to the hinges.

Surface decoration

You can leave the surface of a natural color, but the child is much more interested if the business board is brightly colored. Subsequently, it will be easier for the baby to remember the name of the shades, tying them to a specific subject.

The following items are suitable as filling:

  • lacing;
  • switches, sockets and plug for a socket;
  • zippers, fasteners, Velcro;
  • doors with locks;
  • hand massagers;
  • bicycle bell;
  • a jar with a twist-off lid;
  • locks, latches, handles;
  • roulettes, rollers, fishing reels.

And this is not a complete list of content. The main thing when choosing is, in no case should the child get injured in the game.

Fastening elements

We fasten the elements with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws:

Illustration Description

First you need to screw the loops to the blanks, then fix them on the sheet.

Mark the labyrinth, cut with a jigsaw and screw.

Screw all other elements.

After assembly, it is important to check the reliability of attachment and functionality of each item. This master class can be viewed in more detail on the video:

Do-it-yourself house-shaped board - manufacturing features

recommended for children over the age of one year, it develops logic and, with the help of tactile contact, fine motor skills in a baby:
  1. To create it, you need a board, which must be carefully prepared and fixed together in the form of a cube using bars and.
  2. Using a jigsaw, cut out windows, doors, which are subsequently fixed with hinges.
  3. Fasten different chains, locks, latches, ribbon - decor options depend only on the interests of the baby.

You can see the manufacturing process in more detail at the master class:

business board house

How to make a soft business board with your own hands from fabric and felt

For very young children who are just starting to explore the world, you can make a fabric board, the so-called soft version. Sew the first toy by analogy with a developmental rug. It can be like a book or made in the form of a carrier or pillow. We offer to make a do-it-yourself business board for girls from an ordinary sponge, step by step photo will help to correctly complete all the processes:

Illustration Description

It is necessary to prepare 4 sponges and various accessories: soft, ropes, ribbons, beads, rings, bells.

Glue 4 sponges together to make a cube 16 × 16 × 16 cm, if necessary, you can cut the top.

From different fabric to decorate the sidewalls, cut out 6 squares 18 × 18 cm.

On the 1st side, sew on a bell, bells with an elastic band, imitate a stalk with a leaf.

On the second side, make a sun with Velcro, a rainbow and a cloud from.

On the 3rd side of felt, sew on Piglet and Winnie the Pooh.

On the 4th square, sew a hedgehog made of felt and.

On the 5th square, sew a butterfly with only the body, insert foil into the wings to entice the baby with rustling.

The ladybug on the 6th square must be sewn with drop-down wings, inside which buttons should be fastened.

Sew the squares together, leaving one edge free, sew beads between them. After that, put the cube inside.

More do-it-yourself master class for making a do-it-yourself board for girls can be viewed on the video:

There are a lot of manufacturing options, you can even adapt a sofa as a cognition.

soft business board

Photo of original ideas for creating a soft do-it-yourself board

A fascinating board will keep the kid busy for a long time, and if you think over the option of adding or moving objects, this will become a favorite game with which the child will explore the world. We have prepared a photo selection of interesting options for creating a do-it-yourself business board for children.

Early child development allows stimulation good memory and fantasy. Experienced experts recommend starting developmental activities with young children as early as possible. These activities form tactile sensations and an excellent idea of ​​each surrounding object.

Today there are a huge number of specialized centers that offer a variety of copyright techniques. They are aimed at expanding the horizons of a little crumbs. In addition, special items have been developed that can be used independently. One of them is a business board.

What is a business board?

The design is a wooden board, on the surface of which a lot of household items are fixed. There are switches, sockets, locks and much more. All these things are of genuine interest to a small child.

How useful is a business board for children? When in contact with each object, he masters their structure and purpose in everyday life.

The founder of this building is the Italian teacher Maria Montesorri. She developed a whole theory for the development of the child in different ages. Thanks to her methodology, education takes place in the form of a kind of game. In the course of this, a person learns the world around him through tactile contact.

It has been scientifically proven that children try to repeat the entire algorithm of actions while looking at adult parents and relatives. That is why most babies have an increased level of interest in dangerous sockets and switches.

Initially, the design consisted of lacing and rosette. After that, each new model was refined with new interesting details that had a developing effect.

Making a business board from improvised materials with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing in this business is to prepare high-quality materials.

Advantages of modern business boards

What are the positive qualities of a modern development board? These include:

The development of fine motor skills. To do this, it is enough to spend up to 15 minutes a day with a child near this facility. As a result, a quick acquaintance with household items is noted.

Patience and perseverance. From the first time, the baby will not be able to properly turn on or unlace the lacing, push the latch. Every day the child will be smarter.

Logical thinking. Before proceeding to the next task, he will comprehend the entire algorithm of actions. As you get older, your actions will become more meaningful.

New information. Any new object on the surface of the board will broaden your horizons. There are many interesting bodyboard ideas on the Internet.

“Experienced teachers advise purchasing wooden boards for educational games with a baby. They do not contain harmful impurities and toxic paints in their design.”

Master class on making a business board

What kind of business board can you make with your own hands? The design may contain everyday household items: sockets, door latch, light switch, doorbell button, lightning, etc.

Introducing step by step instructions how to make a business board at home. Before proceeding with the construction of the product, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • wooden board;
  • hacksaw;
  • bolts;
  • screwdriver
  • consumables: socket, locks, zippers, cord, switches;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver.

The workflow is divided into several stages:

On the surface of the board we make markings for the location of developing parts. Next, we move on to the layout of objects.

After that, carefully fix each element to a wooden plane. Next, draw bright images of cartoon characters.

When the paints are completely dry, they must be covered clear varnish. It dries quickly and does not emit toxic odors.

The product is almost ready. Now it is important to check each detail for the strength of its fixation. The photo of the best bodyboards shows modern models designs for child development.

Do-it-yourself photo of bodyboards