
How to dry your hair after. How to dry your hair after washing. With a perm


We all want our hair not only to hang lifelessly along our heads, but also to have at least some volume. In this article, we will talk about 5 ways to dry your hair so that there is volume.

Method one

In the first paragraph, I want to consider special shampoos for hair volume. To be honest, I don’t see the difference between shampoo for volume and the most common one, for example, for shine or something else. Without going far from the topic, I will say that, in principle, shampoo does not play any role, and there is no point in paying extra for some functions that it still does not perform. But the only thing I noticed is that shampoos containing sulfates give more volume to the hair than some organic ones. This is a real tangible fact.

Also, the volume will appear if you start or, as they will dry the hair a little at the roots and they will rise a little, creating volume.

Method two

Are there people among you who use a conditioner or a mask for the entire length of the hair, including the scalp? Yes, your hair at the roots will become softer from this, maybe even strengthened, but you can say goodbye to volume, and you have to wash such hair more often. I advise you to back at least two inches from the roots to keep the volume.

ADVICE! After you have dried your hair, use dry shampoo or. Hair will immediately become voluminous without any effort. Guaranteed!

Method three

And now let's start considering the question of how to dry your hair so that there is volume. The easiest and easiest way is to simply dry your hair upside down, you can use a little foam and then fix everything with varnish (remaining in the same position, upside down, of course). All this will help you keep the volume longer, but still, varnishes and foams are better to use for special occasions, because all this spoils our hair. And yes, don't forget to wash it all off the same evening!

Method four

The next method is very similar to the third, and maybe even better, you will not get dizzy from constantly drying your head. You just need to separate the hair into sections (usually the back of the head and the two sides of the crown) and dry each section separately, while lifting the hair at the roots with your fingers or a round comb.

Method five

Well, the last way, more tangible, for those who are in no hurry and for which you need round curlers - Velcro. After you have washed your hair, dry it thoroughly with a towel, literally dry it for a minute with a hairdryer, you can in the same position, upside down, and then divide your hair into three sections, and in these sections select several horizontal strands (here, based on how many you pieces of curlers). And under each of these strands, simply fasten the Velcro curlers.

Your whole life has been telling you: "You can't just take and dry your hair for the time you want to dry it." Yes, especially if you are in a hurry. And especially if you always think the glass is half full.

Optimistic natures during slow drying usually do not realize how much time it actually takes. And then in critical moment habitually think: "yes, nothing, now I'll dry everything in five minutes." And then they either run away with wet hair and catch a cold - or they are simply late.

Because improper drying with a hair dryer can easily take twenty minutes - or even all thirty.

And on the right - much less. No, we won't promise you those cherished five minutes. This, of course, is possible, but not for thick and long hair for sure. But in ten or fifteen minutes you will meet.

Plus, understanding these rules allows you to dry your hair not only quickly, but also safely.

Ready? Go.

How to quickly dry your hair with a hair dryer?

1. Correct shampooing temperature for fast drying

Fast drying also depends on proper washing. If you understand that you will have to hurry when drying, do not wash your hair with hot water. Warm is better. The lower the temperature, the better. Only without fanaticism, look do not catch a cold.

2. What is better to replace the balm so that the hair dries faster?

Don't skimp on conditioner. The less you use it, the faster you can dry your hair afterwards. If possible, it should generally be replaced with diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

3. Rule of the first speed dry towel

With washing figured out - now preparing for drying. You will need two dry terry or microfiber towels. First, you collect the bulk of the water from the hair. To do this, wrap your hair with a towel and gently squeeze this twist, running your hands from the roots to the ends.

4. How not to dry your hair

Many are led by the false feeling that if you rub hard wet hair against each other, they will dry faster. No, absolutely not. Firstly, they dry faster not from this, but from the air circulating in the process. But there is a much better way to ensure such circulation - we will talk about it later. Secondly, it is one of the most traumatic things for your hair. And wet hair is extremely vulnerable.

5. Rule of the second towel for speed drying

Now comes the second towel. After you have collected the main moisture first, wrap the hair tightly with the second. Made? Now leave this whole structure for a minute. The amount of water that is still left in your hair is a great prey for the terry, but the hair dryer will take longer to cope with it.

6. Thermal protection

And the last stage of preparation for drying is the application of thermal protection. Just don't put on too much. From an excessive amount, she will not protect better - but in the end she can make her hair heavier and blind.

7. The correct distance from the hair dryer to the hair

And now, let's start drying. Do you see how important preparation is? More than half of the rules apply to her. So. The first rule of fast drying is the correct distance from the hair dryer to the hair. This distance is approximately 30 centimeters.

Are you used to thinking that the closer the hair dryer, the faster your hair dries? And this is another snag from our mind. Overdry - yes, the closer, the faster. But dry - no. After all, the air flow from a longer distance simultaneously works with a large volume of hair.

8. The right air temperature to dry your hair faster

And now let's expose another snag from our mind. It may seem that the higher the temperature of the air supplied by the hair dryer, the faster your hair will dry. But again, this is not the case. Proper blow-drying depends on airflow, not temperature.

High temperature is needed for styling.

But it is better to dry your head at medium temperature.

9. Action that must be performed during drying

Remember we promised to let you know the best way, providing air circulation between the strands? So here it is: while drying your head with an air stream, do not forget to comb the strands with a brush all the time.

It is best to use the so-called skeletal brush for this - the air passes not only past it, but also through it.

An excellent option for such a brush is in ours.

10. Fast step-by-step hair drying

Another life hack that allows you to dry your head faster is that you should not dry your hair all at once. And the regions. Depending on the style of the hairstyle, the areas may be different. However, in the most general case, one must at least fix upper part hair - so that it does not interfere - and first dry the bottom. After that, calmly go to the top.

To fix hair, you can even use the most ordinary hairpin - however, of course, they are better suited for this. As, however, and for many other things.

What should be the hair dryer so that quick drying is possible at all?

All these rules can significantly reduce the drying time of the head. However, if you use an initially weak hair dryer, it is not a fact that you will even have time.

It is essential for drying hair.

Egor Balko - dermatocosmetologist, trichologist at the clinic of aesthetic medicine "Premium Aesthetics" - tells in detail about the whole process of washing and drying hair: how to wash your hair, what to apply after shampoo, at what distance you need to dry your hair, which comb to choose and what else you need to do for hair health.

Egor Balko

You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty - even every day. Every day, the sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete a secret, styling products remain on the hair, dust settles. All this makes the hair dull and brittle. Due to improper care, hair loss can also increase. It provokes the accumulation of dead cells on the scalp - they inhibit the growth of new hair.

To prevent thinning hair, they should be washed with not very hot water - 28-35 degrees. If a person uses a medicated shampoo, the hair is washed twice. Squeeze out some shampoo, lather it in your hands, distribute massage movements fingertips on the scalp and rinse. The second time you need to squeeze out more shampoo, apply to the skin and hair, distribute well over the entire length of the hair (from roots to tips) and leave for 5-10 minutes. So the substances will be able to fully show their properties. The same method should be followed when washing your hair. regular shampoo: the first time a person washes away the dirt, the second time it allows the beneficial components of the shampoo to act on the hair and skin.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to wash the ends of the hair with shampoo. Yes, the ends tend to be drier and more brittle compared to the hair shaft. But that doesn't mean they don't need cleaning. And it’s hard to imagine that when washing your hair, shampoo does not get on the ends. To make them look healthy, use a balm or mask and leave-in products.

What follows after shampoo

After washing your hair with shampoo, you need to apply a balm or conditioner.

Conditioner is a light cosmetic product. Its main task is to neutralize the action of the shampoo. The shampoo has an alkaline pH, which opens up the hair scales and removes impurities. With the help of the conditioner, the hair scales are closed, the hair becomes smooth, shiny and easier to comb. The conditioner is suitable for those who have thick hair - they do not need extra weight - or are prone to oiliness.

Balm also neutralizes the effect of shampoo. But it has a more complex structure. This tool is thicker and fatter, it contains components that restore the structure of the hair, protect it from external factors, make its core thicker. Balm - a remedy for thin, dry hair.

It does not make sense to use both of these products at the same time. It is better to use a mask in addition - after a balm or conditioner. All these means should be applied to the hair, not the scalp.

To understand how long to keep the product on your hair, carefully read the instructions. It is no coincidence that producers write 5 or 20 minutes. The time depends on the composition of the product. There are substances that are instantly absorbed into the hair shaft, and there are those that take longer to do so. If you overexpose an instant mask or conditioner, you can overload your hair with caring ingredients. Hair will become heavy, dull and lifeless and will not be able to hold volume.

Can you rub your hair with a towel

After washing, remove excess water with a towel - the scalp and hair should remain slightly damp. Do not twist or rub your hair with force. Thick and healthy hair will probably survive such treatment, thin and weakened - definitely not. It is enough to get wet several times and use a cotton towel.

After that, it would be good to apply an indelible agent to the hair: fluid, oil, serum - whatever suits your hair type or solves a specific problem. Such products restore the structure of the hair, make it thicker, denser and protect against negative external factors. It is especially important to use such products for people with weakened, thin and dyed hair.

How to dry your hair properly

If a person plans to dry their hair, a heat protectant can be applied after using a leave-in product - it will reduce exposure to hot air. Silk proteins are best suited for these purposes. Before you start styling, let your hair dry naturally - it should remain slightly damp. So you will reduce the time of exposure to hot air on the hair.

But in any case, using a hot hair dryer is harmful - even when using protective equipment. Do not dry your hair this way regularly. The greater the distance from the hair dryer to the hair, the safer (as far as possible) the procedure for their structure. The optimal distance is 15-25 centimeters. Direct a stream of air from the roots of the hair to the ends at an acute angle - this will close the scales of the hair and its core will not be damaged.

During drying, do not forget to switch modes - from hot air to warmer air as the hair dries. Drying must be completed on a cold setting. Hot air evaporates water from the surface of the hair (this leads to their excessive dryness), while cold air quickly stops it. After drying, a special oil can be applied to the ends of the hair. It is important not to go overboard with the amount: squeeze 1-2 drops of oil onto your hands, spread them over your palms and apply to all hair or just to the ends. So you will achieve the desired effect - the hair will look more shiny and at the same time not lose volume.

Which hair dryer and comb to choose

In order for the hair to remain soft, lush and shiny, they should be properly cared for. Washing your hair plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of curls, but not everyone knows that this is a rather traumatic procedure.

Incorrectly selected shampoo, hard water, the aggressive effect of the hair dryer lead to the fact that the hair becomes thin and lifeless.

How to prepare water?

Tap water contains many substances that can damage hair. The greatest danger is chlorine. This element accelerates the aging of the scalp and allergies, due to which the curls begin to split and fall out. In addition, the hair itself absorbs harmful substances.

You will get rid of these problems if you wash your hair with clean water - boiled or filtered. It is also recommended to use for the preparation of balms.

If it is not possible to prepare purified water, of course, you will have to use the tap option. Make sure she stays cool. This will prevent the absorption of dangerous substances into the scalp. You can add 1 tsp. soda for every liter of water - so it will become softer.

Rules for washing hair of different types

The technology of how to properly wash your hair with shampoo depends on their type and condition. Normal, healthy curls do not require specific care. They already shine in the sun, have vitality, rarely split, easily combed. It is enough to wash them when they get dirty, using the appropriate shampoo. You can use a hair dryer, but if possible, it is better to dry the strands natural way.

Colored, oily and dry curls are more vulnerable. Therefore, they require more careful care. In general, experts give the following recommendations:

  • oily hair should be washed 1 time in 2-3 days; normal - 1 time in 4-5 days; dry - 1 time in 8-10 days.

Dyed hair

Many girls are interested in how to properly wash dyed hair, because they can quickly fade. First of all, you should choose a shampoo and conditioner containing substances to protect the color. Ideally, they should be made by the same company as the paint.

When caring for curls, follow these rules:

  1. Avoid daily washing. No matter how good the shampoo is, it will still slowly remove the coloring pigment. If you have oily skin heads, and curls are quickly greasy, experiment with care products. Find the right shampoo for you that will reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Use hairsprays and styling mousses only on special occasions. Under the influence of these funds, the curls inevitably fade.
  3. Limit the use of hair dryers, straighteners, etc. All these devices dry out curls and deprive them of strength.
  4. Blot wet hair with a towel, wait. Only at the end use a hair dryer to give volume and shape to the strands.

Greasy hair

The opinion of trichologists on how to properly wash oily hair is unambiguous: not often and using special shampoos with medicinal plants, vitamins and trace elements. Otherwise, you will remove the entire protective film from the scalp, irritation will occur, and the activity of the sebaceous glands will only increase.

Sometimes increased oily hair is associated with endocrine disorders. In such cases cosmetics won't fix the problem. If you are healthy, the following advice will help you reduce the greasiness of curls: before washing, lubricate the scalp with curdled milk or aloe. These products degrease well. Carrot juice stains, so it is only suitable for dark curls. For light strands, you can use a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, but this combination leaves a specific smell. Put on a hat on top for 1 hour.

There are 2 gentle washing techniques oily hair:

  • Rub the shampoo into the roots, massaging the head with your fingers. The tool itself will flow down the curls, so there is no need to carefully distribute it along the entire length. This way you will prevent hair damage.
  • Dilute the shampoo with water and lather. Then apply to strands. Foam will be evenly distributed on hair, having removed dirt and fat shine.
  • After washing, always use a balm or at least rinse your hair with boiled water.

Dry and brittle hair

Dry curls look lifeless. They are devoid of shine, split, unpleasant to the touch, and the scalp is covered with small scales.

The main rule for dealing with dry hair is not to overdry it even more. In caring for them, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • Wash only when dirty with a mild shampoo. You can make it yourself by mixing the yolk of one egg with vodka and water (50 ml each).
  • Always use a medicated conditioner. It smoothes the rough surface of the hairs and intensively moisturizes. As a result, the strands begin to get less tangled and electrified.
  • Completely abandon blow-drying and other thermal styling. When you want to curl your hair, use regular curlers. If you keep them on your head all night, the hairstyle will acquire the desired volume.

Action algorithm

detailed instructions will help you wash the strands well, saturate them useful substances and avoid injury to the structure of the hairs:

  1. Each time comb your hair for 10 minutes, massaging the scalp with a comb - blood will flow to it, and it will better absorb vitamins and trace elements from the shampoo
  2. Moisten your hair with water, then wait a bit. Wet curls are less exposed to hazardous substances. Wet scalp will not let them in at all.
  3. Shampoo your hair twice. First, grease and dirt will be washed off, and then useful ingredients will act.
  4. Apply the balm to the entire length of the hair, without touching the roots. Wait a few minutes.
  5. Rinse the curls thoroughly with warm water, then rinse with cool water to close the hair scales. This will add shine to them.
  6. If the hair is sick, rinse it with a healing herbal decoction when it dries.

Further care

After washing, it remains to dry and comb the hair. It would seem that elementary procedures, but many make mistakes in them, which injure the scalp and curls.


Experienced trichologists explain how to properly comb your hair after washing:

  • Wait until the curls are completely dry. You can’t comb wet hair - after absorbing moisture, it becomes heavy, so it breaks easily.
  • Act smoothly. Comb short curls from the roots, long curls from the ends, gently rising higher. Patiently unravel the knots, do not pull, otherwise you will tear your hair.
  • Massage the scalp with a comb - this improves the nutrition of the follicle, causing the hair to grow faster.

It is worth buying a brush with natural bristles. If you are using a regular comb, its teeth must be smooth and blunt, otherwise you will scratch your scalp. For those who have a lot of hair climb, a rare comb is suitable. Do not share your comb with anyone, and do not forget to clean it if it gets dirty - with hot water and soap or ammonia.


There are 2 methods on how to properly dry your hair after washing: natural and using a hair dryer. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The best solution for owners of all types of curls is to let them dry on their own. However, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Do not dry your hair outside. Otherwise, the roots will become heavier, and the hair will fall out more.
  • After washing your hair, gently wring it out with your fingers, then wrap it tightly with a towel. It must first be heated on a battery or iron.
  • Change towels as you get wet until curls are completely dry.
  • You can air dry the strands, but avoid direct sunlight.

The hair dryer dries out the hair, causing it to break and fall out. If you cannot do without this device, then follow the recommendations:

  • Pre-treat your hair with a heat protectant gel or spray.
  • Select the cold air supply mode.
  • Take the hair dryer away from your head at a distance of 10 cm.
  • Dry the strands one by one.
  • Always leave your hair slightly damp so as not to dry it out.

How to keep curls clean longer?

Even some owners of normal hair have to wash their hair quite often. To prolong the freshness of your hair, pay attention to:

Styling products

Modern sprays and mousses often contain alcohol, which delays the appearance of oily sheen. In addition, such products slightly lift the hair at the roots, and they are less in contact with sebum.


The owner of the bangs can make a small pile. So the hair will not come into contact with the scalp and absorb sebum.

Styling tools

On brushes and combs there are traces of mousses and sprays, sebum. Therefore, styling tools must be cleaned regularly.

Dry shampoo

If you only have soiled roots, try using dry shampoo. Spray it from a distance of 30 cm, rub it into the scalp. After a couple of minutes, comb thoroughly with a brush. This will allow you to pass 1 more day from clean hair without resorting to washing.

Smooth and straight hair will never go out of fashion, because such styling looks quite well-groomed and emphasizes the youth and beauty of the fairer sex. Many women think about the question of how to dry their hair so that they are straight. Professionals give a lot of recommendations to help make the styling perfectly straight and beautiful, which is suitable for both straight women and representatives. curly hair. In the second case, styling takes longer, but the result will be simply stunning.

How to dry your hair completely straight?

Every fashionista is capable of getting straight strands at home (see), however, she can use the most destructive or gentle ways to straighten them. Ironing is a great tool, but heat treatment has a negative effect on the structure of the hair.

At home, it is possible to turn to several options for harmless straightening of curls. The result of such straightening will remain until the next shampooing. The procedure can be repeated without much effort. To create such a styling, you will need a comb and a hair dryer. For a better and longer-lasting effect, you can use masks and balms based on oils (see).

It is possible that curls will take more time and additional funds, but the main styling tools will be a hair dryer, comb, and fixatives.

How to choose the right comb and hair dryer?

To answer the question: “How to properly dry your hair after washing?”, You should initially learn about the tools and means for fixing during drying. Women need to carefully consider the choice of a suitable comb and brush for strands. Only right choice able to please the representatives of the weak half of humanity with an excellent result.

A weak hair dryer in its power, which does not have many modes and additional nozzles, brings inconvenience. With the help of such a tool, women should not expect an excellent effect of straight strands. Most likely, the result will look like a "dandelion" effect. In order not to bring your hair to such a state, you should initially think about buying a powerful hair dryer.

A comb-brush for women should be chosen with a specific and clear goal - to dry straight strands. The bristles of such a tool can be created from a variety of materials: plastic, natural and combined. The price of a comb is directly proportional to its quality. A woman should remember that it is better to purchase a quality tool once than to treat curls after trying to restore them to a healthy appearance.

Important! The diametrical size of the comb should be quite large. The shorter the strand, the smaller its diameter.

Blow dry straight hair

How to dry your hair so that it is straight with a hair dryer? Straight hair is the most obedient. It is relatively easy for women to take care of such hair. In some cases, straight curls can be naughty, knocked out of styling. You can eliminate this drawback by using proper drying, fixing components for curls. To create a styling, you need the following:

  • tool attachment;
  • round comb for strands;
  • elastic band for strands;
  • mousse for curls;
  • cream for moisturizing hair;
  • lacquer or spray, providing durability of styling.

First you need to dry the strands with a regular towel. In this way, excess moisture is eliminated, they are faster to dry. Apply mousse or cream to the scalp to get beautiful styling. Funds are suitable for creating additional volume.

We put the nozzle on the hair dryer, turn on the medium power mode. We proceed to drying the strands, without drying to the very end. Approximately 80% dried hair should stop being exposed to warm air. The air flow must be directed from top to bottom. We lift the strands up, fix them with an elastic band. After we dry the curls located on the back of the head, neck.

Dried hair should be pulled to the side, having achieved full straightening, fix the strands with one of the most gentle means.

Important! You should not use a lot of varnish, as it can lead to an undesirable effect of dirty curls.

Natural straightening when drying straight hair

Natural methods of drying hair are completely harmless and quite simple. Among them are the following drying options:

  1. To keep hair straight, wet strands can be wrapped around the head. This option can only be used by owners of long straight curls. In this case, it will not work to get the effect of perfectly smooth hair, but the hair will definitely not stick out like a dandelion.
  2. Use special silicone products that smooth the strands. It helps to style unruly hair. For owners of curls, such a tool will be ineffective.
  3. A keratin procedure helps to straighten hair (see). After its implementation, you can go to bed even with wet strands.
  4. A fairly common way to maintain straight curls is a weak pigtail, which is braided by the owners of long and middle length strands. This helps keep hair smooth and straight after drying.
  5. One of effective ways drying is the division of the strands into several parts and combing them for 10-15 minutes. During final drying. Curls will become much straighter than usual.

How to dry curly curls so that they straighten?

Many owners of curls dream of straight and smooth hair. Women often wonder how to dry curly hair? Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with curly strands are not recommended to use a hair dryer and any thermal devices, as they severely damage the hair.

To create the effect of straight hair, you should constantly use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. These funds will perfectly protect against overdrying, the negative effects of thermal exposure. Slightly damp curly hair should be combed with a brush, dried with a hairdryer. To fix the result should be sprays, serums. It is not recommended to use foams, varnishes, as they significantly weigh down the hair.

You can get perfectly smooth, straight hair quickly, effectively without harm, not only in the salon (see), but also at home. To do this, you just need to take into account the characteristics of your hair, then the result will definitely please you pretty much. Quality and proper care will definitely give to representatives of long and short curls excellent appearance. More information about drying can be found in the video.