
Is it possible to change kindergartens. How is the exchange of tickets to kindergarten. Gave a ticket, but the garden does not suit. What to do in order not to lose your place in the queue


Moms and dads are striving to get a ticket to a more convenient kindergarten, because many have received tickets to kindergartens far from home, despite the fact that there are kindergartens within walking distance. Confusion reigns in the queues and on the forums, parents share their sorrows, scare and support each other.

We will try to clarify the issue of exchanging vouchers for kindergartens in Yekaterinburg, because from May 15 we continue to accept applications for the exchange of vouchers, and from July 1 the stage of completing groups begins.

Why are vouchers issued to inconvenient kindergartens?

Distribution of kindergartens occurs automatically. When the turn of your application comes up, the Education system begins to look for a place in kindergarten. First, she "scans" the kindergartens listed on the parent's application. If there is free space in them, he immediately assigns it to the child. But if there is no place, the system "scans" more distant gardens until it finds a free place. As a result, many children receive kindergarten away from home.

Not all families are ready to take their child to a distant kindergarten and want to get a place in a convenient institution. Others decide that "tit in hand" is better than the ghostly chance of getting a garden closer to home.

“The eldest kid is 3 years old, they gave a ticket to the garden on Bebel, we live on the Broad River, we don’t run over ...”

“For two years I drove from the Academy to Bardin Sr. And she carried a car seat with her newborn. Didn't break. But the eldest went to kindergarten, where he got an excellent teacher and had friends. And at home he only whined that it was boring.

How to change kindergarten immediately after distribution

If parents are satisfied with a place in a kindergarten, they must submit a package of documents to the kindergarten by July 1 to enroll the child. Most parents (up to 85-88%) do just that.

If the place does not suit you, you need to contact your district Department of Education before July 1 with an application to change the kindergarten. Check the office hours on your local office's website.

In the application, the parent writes the numbers of the three desired kindergartens and the period during which he is ready to wait for the provision of a new kindergarten (at least two months). For example, you indicate the three kindergartens closest to the house and write that you are ready to wait for a place in them until January 2020 (because in February-March you need to go to work, and by this time you will need at least some kind of kindergarten). With his application, the parent vacates the former place in the kindergarten.

Thus, from May 15 to July 1, quite a lot of places are vacated in kindergartens, and from July 1, the stage of replenishment of groups begins. The system again starts looking for a suitable kindergarten for you - but only among those indicated in the application - what if other disgruntled parents have vacated places there? Or someone will move, and the place will become free. If there are no free places in the desired kindergartens and there comes a time until which the parents are ready to wait for a new ticket, the system returns to the original algorithm. She again looks for a place in the nearest gardens, then switches to gardens farther away, then further away until she finds an empty space. Some children are still lucky, and they get a place near the house. But, unfortunately, many families have been waiting for a comfortable kindergarten for years.

“We were given a distant garden at the age of 2, wrote a statement and again indicated which garden I want. In February, my daughter turned 3 years old, in May they gave the garden that was indicated first in the application.

“Girls, the child turned 4 this week. We have been standing in line for the garden almost since birth. In the period from 3-4 years, they refused 4 times (they gave us far from home), and here I again counted on the distribution in May that there would be many graduation groups, and they would give us a place in the Academy, but they gave us a garden again far away - sort of, and not strong, but you can’t walk there.”

Do I need to rush to apply for a change of kindergarten

Since May 15, there has been a real crush in the Departments of Education. Parents are in a hurry to write an application for a change of garden, hoping that this will increase their chances of success. People stand in queues all office hours, and still do not have time to write a paper. Department staff try to expedite the process and accept applications without face-to-face communication, often only exacerbating the confusion. Moms on the forum warn each other to take their children with them.

Is it worth it to rush and waste your nerves in the crowd? Employees of the Education Departments answer: no, it is not worth it. Applications will be accepted until July 1, and only after that will the new distribution of seats begin. However, parents have their own argument: the sooner they write an application, the closer they will be to the beginning of the new queue. And then, perhaps, they will get the desired place first.

Department staff explain that when applying for a “shift”, a group of “replacement” applications is formed, and the priority in it is built by the date of submission of the initial application (which is usually submitted shortly after the birth of the child). That is, the children who were ahead of you in the general queue will also be the first in the “replacement” queue. According to this logic, it is pointless to rush. The queue "to change" is considered after July 1 first of all.

However, mothers do not believe these statements and talk about the formation of a new queue - in the order of filing applications "for a shift." Indeed, when submitting this application, mothers receive a new key number for the State Services portal, but it is sealed with the previous key number. The information is contradictory, and this adds to the unnecessary hype.

“I have been following the situation since 2014, and there were refusals in my fate with my first child. And then, as now, those who refuse are returned to their original place in the queue. But at the same time, they are considered first of all, unlike those who have not yet been given a ticket in principle) this seems to be logical) But in all the rules there are errors and exceptions, and here it is not without it ... (("

"You are wrong. Back in 2016, if they refused, they put them in the queue again. There is no restoration with the previous date."

How to change kindergarten through exchange or transfer

Many parents are not ready to wait for the "ideal" kindergarten and agree to "what they give." At the same time, they hope to change the kindergarten during the visit. To do this, you need to provide a package of documents to the kindergarten before July 1, become a pupil of the institution, wait until September 1 - and after that look for a place in convenient kindergartens.

The first option is to look for exchange options with another child on your own.

Here you can post your ad and view the entire list of offers, filtering your search by area and age of children. As soon as you find a "counter" option for the exchange and contact the other parent, you need to submit applications for the exchange to the heads of your kindergartens.

The second option is to write inquiries to convenient kindergartens about the availability of places. If a place becomes available in the desired kindergarten, you can take it. If a request is denied, it means that the this moment There is no free space in the desired group. And after a while, you can write a new request.

Of course, parents in search of a convenient kindergarten use both of these options at the same time. By the way, the child is not obliged to attend kindergarten, even becoming his pupil. Parents can write a statement that they temporarily do not plan to attend kindergarten, but ask to save a place for the child. In this case, no visit fee will be charged.

One more moment: Unfortunately, younger brothers and sisters do not have an advantage in placement in kindergartens, and parents will not be able to get a place just because the eldest child goes to this kindergarten.

“Children of the weather. The oldest is 5, goes to the garden next to the house. To the youngest child 3.6. Already several times refused the kindergarten. They give far ((In the OO they can’t help in any way, they shrug their shoulders. ”

What is the best option for changing kindergarten

It is a pity that even the Department of Education cannot answer which of the options for changing the kindergarten will most likely bring the desired result. Parents should choose their own strategy based on their family situation. Someone can raise a child at home waiting for a convenient place, someone prefers to take their children to private kindergartens until a good ticket comes, other parents take their children to a distant kindergarten and actively monitor ticket exchange services.

All the parents of Yekaterinburg hope that officials will improve the system of distributing kindergartens and take into account all the accumulated sad experience.

In the meantime, we wish you to get a place in the most convenient kindergarten, where the child will go with pleasure, without spending a lot of time on the road!

The transfer of a child from one kindergarten to another is subject to availability. However, parents can agree to switch places. To do this, you just need to find a "couple" - parents who are ready to give up their place in the preschool educational institution in exchange for yours. Another option is also possible - to entrust the procedure to officials.

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General provisions

Kindergartens in the Russian Federation are divided into several types:

It is clear that parents are aimed at giving the child a quality preschool education. These are explained by the increased interest with "good" kindergartens.

However, this interest is not always satisfied - the child may be enrolled in a regular kindergarten against the wishes of the parents. This is one of the subjective reasons to transfer to another preschool institution.

There are other reasons, also subjective, and more serious, objective. It doesn’t really matter why the parents didn’t like “their” kindergarten.

Is it possible to change places in kindergarten? There is no legislative prohibition on this matter, which means that the procedure is lawful and permissible.

By law, parents have the right to transfer the child to any preschool, except in cases where admission requires or compliance with other conditions of admission.

What it is

Enrolling a child in kindergarten today is a lengthy procedure. The catastrophic shortage of places in preschool educational institutions forces parents to enroll their kids in the queue for places in kindergarten almost the next day after.

The employer does not care about the problems of placing children in kindergartens. If it turned out that the queue for the kindergarten has not yet come up, and it's time to go to work, the whole burden of the problem falls on the shoulders of the parents.

No less difficult is the situation in which a place in a kindergarten has been received, but the institution is located far away, and parents simply do not have the opportunity to bring and pick up their child from the kindergarten on time every day.

Changing the preschool is the only way out of this situation.

There are other reasons why it may be necessary to transfer a child from one preschool to another. Here and territorial remoteness, and conflicts within the institution.

In any case, upon occurrence problem situation Parents need to know what to do.

The transfer can only be hampered by a real shortage of places in kindergarten. In this case, you can find parents who are ready to agree to an exchange with a transfer to another kindergarten - just like that or for a certain fee.

The transfer can take place only with the participation of the directors of the DDOU.

Depending on the rules adopted in a particular municipality of the Russian Federation, the transfer is solved in several ways:

Both admission and transfer are carried out on the basis of the commission for the distribution of places in kindergartens. It is this document that will need to be obtained and presented to the director of the kindergarten when transferring.

Who can count

Any parent whose child attends an institution of a regular, non-medical and non-correctional profile can use the procedure for exchanging a place in a kindergarten.

The easiest way to find an exchange is in the same area where the first kindergarten is located. In this case, the formal exchange procedure will be the simplest and fastest.

You can spend it literally within three days after the parents receive vouchers.

If you agree in advance on the exchange, you can simply go to the inspector of the distribution commission, explain the situation and the reasons that caused it, and get approval.

In this case, the vouchers will be exchanged even before the parents apply to the kindergarten for enrollment.

Where to go

There are several algorithms of actions for the exchange of vouchers. The simplest is the direct agreement of the parents on the transfer.

What should be done:

Indicators Description
Find a family contact who does not mind exchanging places (ideal if you are mutually interested in the exchange, for example, in connection with the move or the territorial remoteness of the kindergarten from)
Notify the directors of both kindergartens
Get copies of tickets on the basis of which the child was enrolled in a preschool educational institution (if necessary, the director can put his visa on the ticket to formalize his consent to the exchange of pupils)
Both parents must write on expulsion from kindergarten due to transfer to another preschool educational institution
Get a child's medical record this is one of the main documents, without which it is impossible to enroll in DDOU
Submit to a new kindergarten about admission and attach all the necessary documents to it

This perfect option if the kindergartens are located in the same district (administrative district) and are attached to the same department of the department (or administration) of education.

If kindergartens are located in different districts (administrative districts), representatives of the municipal administration will have to be involved in the exchange.

The algorithm of actions is similar, but parents will have to visit not only the heads of kindergartens, but also write an application to the education department (department) of their district administrations.

The application must state the request for the exchange, providing the reasons for this step. The document must be signed by the head of the department or an employee authorized to sign.

Then, on the indicated day, you need to come to the office again in order to get new vouchers-directions to the desired kindergartens.

With this most important paper, parents must go to the new place of determination of the child, write an application for admission and submit a complete set of documents.

If the municipality does not have a separate department in charge of educational issues, you should contact the department of education under the administration of the municipal district.

How to change a place in kindergarten

Obviously, there are two options for action - semi-official and official.

In the first case, the main task of parents is to find a volunteer from among the same parents, but in the kindergarten that is more convenient in terms of location or for other reasons (higher in terms of the quality of services provided or with a more comprehensive educational program).

How to change a place in a kindergarten to another district in case of a semi-official exchange of places? Post an ad in online or printed resources, try to find those who agree to exchange parents on the forums.

In the end, advertise with a ticker on TV. It is important to indicate the age of the child so that the exchange is possible in reality (groups are completed by age).

Another option suggests the official path:

In principle, it is not necessary to interrupt the visit to kindergarten. This can be done if the baby does not feel well in a new environment, does not get along with classmates, psychological or psychosomatic problems have appeared.

Simultaneously with the expectation of the transfer, parents can independently look for exchange options for the first type.

Swapping places is convenient because parents do not have to wait until a place becomes free in the garden they need.

Such an expectation can drag on for several months and end in nothing, since there is probably a queue for admission to the desired preschool educational institution. To the vacant seat most likely, put a child on the waiting list.

If the parents agreed among themselves, they can talk with the directors of their kindergartens, write applications, take vouchers and exchange places with the least loss of time and effort.

The necessary conditions

For municipal officials, it matters whether the conditions for transferring children are met when exchanging seats.

The main condition is the availability of an officially issued voucher (direction) to kindergarten and the availability of a place officially assigned to the child.

It is important that the earlier at the beginning of the year an application for an exchange of place is submitted, the higher the chances of receiving the desired transfer by September.

The fact is that officials are engaged in additional staffing of groups on the eve of a new school year. Therefore, if there are places in the kindergarten where the parents are striving to get, then the exchange becomes quite real.

In order for the desire to acquire additional weight in the eyes of specialists from the Department of Education, parents must indicate in the application the objective reason for the transfer.

It should be associated with the difficulty or complete impossibility of providing the child with a full-fledged visit to kindergarten.

In order not to violate the rights of a minor, officials will be required to do everything in their power to solve the problem. If the reason is actually objective and valid, the exchange will be carried out very quickly.

How can I do that:

Indicators Description
At the moment, the distribution of places in kindergartens in Moscow is directly supervised by the Moscow Department of Education through the portal, you can make an appointment with officials and state your request for an exchange
There is also a Population Information Support Center You can write an appeal there and get advice on how best to proceed in this situation.
The former system of OSIP (district information support services) has ceased to exist in connection with the complete transition of the distribution of places in kindergartens among the capital's kids to electronic form

Practice shows that only a personal appeal can help parents initiate an exchange.

Therefore, it is advisable not to hope to receive help through e-mail, but to speak directly with the education official and try to convince him to provide real help.

Possible reasons

The Law on Education does not say anything about what reasons for exchanging places in kindergarten can be considered objective.

At the same time, officials most often consider the following as valid reasons:

The subjective reasons that matter to parents and cannot be considered critical from the point of view of officials are the following:

Indicators Description
The desire to take children to one kindergarten with friends, neighbors or relatives
Location of a new kindergarten near the place of work
The desire of parents to provide the child with a wider educational space a child development center or a specialized kindergarten in this sense is preferable
The need to attend a kindergarten closest to home
Conflict between adults and parents in which both kindergarten staff and other parents can take part
The discomfort which the child constantly experiences and which reflects badly on his mental state

It is impossible to name all the reasons why parents are trying to exchange kindergarten. Whatever the reason, by law the exchange is possible.

When it's possible

The opportunity to exchange a kindergarten is provided to parents in two main cases:

The first case does not require the participation of the Department of Education, the second involves its active participation in the exchange procedure.

But even there are no places in that kindergarten where parents dream of transferring their child, it’s still worth talking with the head. Many go to meet their mothers, and when vacancies arise, they notify parents about the possibility of an exchange.

The procedure for the exchange is not regulated by law. However, when exchanging, it is important to have on hand the original or a copy of the ticket to the DDOU.

This will confirm the legitimacy of the actions of the parents, prove that they received a place in the first kindergarten legally, in the order of priority.

It often happens that officials do not take into account the remoteness of the kindergarten from the place of residence of the parents and issue a referral to an inconvenient kindergarten. Realizing this, the managers, if possible, make the exchange without unnecessary questions.

Required documents

Registration of a child in a kindergarten is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

Approximately the same package of documents will be needed when exchanging places. However, there are nuances that should be taken into account.

To register a child for an exchange, the package of papers will be as follows:

If more than ten days have passed between leaving the first kindergarten and registering for a new kindergarten, the doctor will most likely require a certificate of the baby's health from the local pediatrician.

Video: about the exchange of places in kindergartens

Main nuances

When a child is enrolled in a kindergarten, the administration in the overwhelming majority of cases collects a “voluntary contribution” from the parents in favor of the kindergarten.

Funds are transferred to DDOU and used for the benefit of the educational institution.

When exchanging children, a new registration is obtained, so in most cases, parents will have to pay a voluntary fee again.

In addition, it will be tedious to go through a medical examination with the child again, perhaps to take tests. This is the procedure for the admission of pupils to a preschool educational institution. It is important to prepare the child for the transition to a new group.

You may need the help of a psychologist in adaptation, although teachers who are strong in psychological and pedagogical terms do an excellent job with the adaptation problem without special help.

Is it possible to exchange not places in a kindergarten, but places in the queue for a permit?

It often happens that one parent does not need a place as urgently as the other, and she is ready to wait a little more. Unfortunately, this option is not possible.

The fact is that such a scheme is contrary to the law. We are talking about records that have already been made in the documentation of the department or department of education.

You cannot change them, it will be a violation of the law, a falsification of accounting documentation. Such a procedure is not provided for by legislative acts, and therefore illegal.

Voucher - a referral to a preschool institution, which contains data about the child and the institution in which he is enrolled.

It is needed at the initial stage, when places are distributed in each of the kindergartens among all young children in need of education.

The legislative framework

There is no law or local act that regulates the exchange of vouchers, but:

  • The right of the child to education is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993.
  • Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of education of parents (including the choice of institution) - art. 44 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012.
  • The procedure for admission is fixed by the Model Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science N 2562 “On a preschool educational institution” dated 11/27/2011.

How to change a ticket to kindergarten: a guide for parents

It is not easy to exchange a ticket to kindergarten. This is due to the fact that for the exchange it is necessary to abandon the previous direction and again stand in line. Not the fact that the second time will turn out better.

Therefore, parents are trying to find another party interested in exchanging: so the probability of getting where they need to increase significantly.

How to start an exchange?

It is better to start the exchange with a choice: again, refusing the issued voucher, or look for those who want to exchange with you and to the place you need.

In the first case, you should start by contacting the education department, where you will refuse the previous one and join the queue for a new ticket.

In the second - with the search for candidates for the exchange.

List of documents

For exchange, it is minimal:

  • the voucher itself;
  • passport (required for application);
  • a photocopy of the baby's birth certificate.

Accordingly, if two families are exchanging, then both parties should have these papers.

You can exchange only those directions, data on the age and health group of children in which correspond to each other. That is, if the age of one baby is 3 years old, and the other is 4, it will not work to change.

Where to go

It is impossible to make an exchange of vouchers without the approval of the department of education and the head of the kindergarten. Therefore, it is necessary to pay a visit and obtain consent in both institutions.

Exchange procedure

As mentioned above, the algorithm for exchanging directions by waiting in a new queue looks like this:

  • write a refusal of the issued voucher;
  • to gain a foothold in the electronic queue for the garden again;
  • expect to be invited to receive a referral to one of the selected kindergartens;
  • and take it to the head of the garden for the conclusion of the contract and.

It is believed that those who are looking for a kindergarten again, given preference over other candidates and.

This is because the age of the child usually approaches 3-4 years.

This is the time when every young kid should be arranged and comprehend the world with the company of peers.

But this is not spelled out in the law, and is applied at the discretion of local authorities.

For the second case (with the search for those who want to exchange with you), the procedure will be as follows:

  • look through bulletin boards, newspapers, Internet sites in search of a suitable candidate;
  • agree on an exchange for the referral of a child of the same age;
  • turn to one head of the garden, and then to another with a request to exchange;
  • take copies of vouchers marked by the head of the kindergarten for consent;
  • come to the education department to re-register vouchers;
  • get a ticket and settle with it in the desired garden.

Note! If the exchange is carried out in different areas of the same territorial entity, then the procedure will become more complicated in that it will be necessary to approve the change of gardens in both departments and the department that manages them.

Terms of exchange

You can make a decision to change the garden both before entering it (while you are waiting in line to receive a referral), or by visiting the group for a while.

Usually, if you write a refusal from an unsuitable kindergarten, then on the application indicates a period of 2 months to six months, during this time you will be looking for a more convenient place.

However, no one guarantees both its location and the fixedness of the time period spent on the search.

When exchanging with other parents, the period often depends on the days and weeks spent finding each other. It also depends on whether education departments are located in the same or different districts.

Attention! When exchanging in this case, do not forget to take the child's medical card and his personal file from the former kindergarten.

They are issued at the reception, provided that there are no debts for paying for meals or attending circles.

What to do in case of refusal?

It is the right of the parent to choose a kindergarten, as well as to refuse the institution where it is inconvenient or far to drive the child.

Refusal to accept an application for surrendering a referral to a kindergarten and a new enrollment is not legal. You can complain about it right up to the court.

But if, after repeated waiting in line, a place in the right kindergarten not issued, try to find exchange options yourself.

You can also try to resolve the issue through the manager - what if you get lucky? Electronic queue minimized the possibility of reaching an agreement, but there are still people on the ground.

Complaining to higher or supervisory structures about an uncomfortable kindergarten is almost pointless.

You are required by law to provide a place for your child to receive an education. It is provided. home garden and the best educator no one in the world promised.

Other nuances of ticket exchange

How to save while waiting for a suitable exchange?

In order not to pay for the kindergarten, parents should write an application addressed to the manager with a request to keep your place without visiting the group.

The kid will be listed in the garden while you are busy looking for options.

In the case of the exchange of vouchers, the determining factor is the perseverance of parents in achieving the goal.

With due diligence, most manage to find options for changing the childcare facility and get a place in a more convenient area.

Wait in line, look for yourself or agree to the proposed kindergarten - everyone decides for himself.

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Sending children to kindergarten is not easy. Either the queue did not fit, then there is no suitable institution. Sooner or later, the problem is solved, but here a change in the preschool educational institution is required for various reasons.

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How to transfer a child to another kindergarten in 2019? Due to various circumstances, it may be necessary to transfer a child from one childcare facility to another.

And most parents do not know how to do it right. How to transfer a child to another kindergarten in 2019?

General points

Parents of children preschool age it is useful to know how the acquisition of preschool educational institutions takes place. This will help to understand the procedure for transferring the baby to another kindergarten.

The territorial department of the education department is obliged to compile lists of children for each individual kindergarten.

Formation of groups is carried out on the basis of applications submitted by parents and the age of children.

Until the first of June current year information about the composition of the groups is brought to the attention of the heads of children's institutions and direct applicants.

At the appointed time, parents turn to the kindergarten in which the child is assigned.

After providing the necessary documents, it is concluded. As a rule, after the group is completed, there are no free places in the kindergarten.

All subsequent applications are recorded and included in the general queue for the next year, that is, until the next recruitment.

You can get a place earlier only when the pupils drop out. For example, someone will move to an Ionic institution or for some other reason stop attending kindergartens.

At the same time, do not forget about the first-priority and beneficiaries. Children of certain categories of parents have priority for enrollment in a preschool educational institution.

What you need to know

The number of places in children's institutions is limited. In the absence of free places, kindergartens simply cannot accept children, especially out of turn.

In accordance with clause 3 of the Procedure, the transfer of a child from one children's institution to another is possible at any time, regardless of the period of the school year.

A detailed explanation of the right of children to education in the Russian Federation can be obtained from the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The basis for the creation of the Letter was the practice of considering cases in the European Court of Human Rights regarding violations of the rights of children to education in the Russian Federation.

This provision prohibits the refusal to grant the right to education.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation civil rights and freedoms cannot be restricted due to the lack of registration at the place of residence.

Russian laws do not allow the regulation of such a right in relation to children on the basis of registration at the place of residence of the parents.

That is, the lack of registration cannot become a reason for refusing admission to a preschool educational institution.

But nevertheless, the registration process will simplify the translation process, at least temporarily. The received temporary residence permit is equivalent to a permanent one.

In addition, according to the law, if you live at a different place of residence for more than ninety days, you will in any case need to temporarily register.

Is it possible without the consent of the father

According to generally accepted standards, any of the parents has the right to take the child's documents from the kindergarten for transfer to another preschool educational institution.

That is, a parent who does not agree with the actions of the other parent has the right to apply to the guardianship authorities to resolve the situation.

It can also apply, which believes that the interests of the child are being violated.

It states that parents cannot represent the interests of the child if there are contradictions between the interests of children and parents.

In this case, the guardianship authorities appoint a representative who protects the interests of the child.

It states that all issues regarding the upbringing and education of children are resolved by mutual agreement.

If there are disagreements, an appeal to the guardianship authorities or the court is required. for transferring a child to another preschool without the consent of the father, of course, is not provided.

But if the authorized bodies consider that the situation of the child has deteriorated significantly after the transfer, then decision the baby will be transferred back.

Features of the procedure

Changes in the legislation on education have led to the fact that they can refuse admission to kindergartens only because of the lack of places.

At the same time, the acquisition of preschool educational institutions takes place on the basis of the existing queue. And the movement of the queue is carried out based on the date of submission of the application by the parents for queuing.

That is, in fact, you can expect to get a place no earlier than the due queue at the time the kindergarten is completed.

Meanwhile, one of the parents decides to wait with the definition in the preschool or otherwise skip their turn.

In order to be guaranteed a place in a preschool educational institution when transferring, you need to submit an application to the local department of education.

This indicates that the place is needed right now, and it is not possible to wait another year. With such an appeal, the authorized bodies are obliged to find a place for the child.

Otherwise, you can send a complaint about the inaction of the authorities to the prosecutor's office. Let the educational authorities prove that there really is no place in any kindergarten.

In Moscow

To transfer a child to another preschool institution in Moscow, you need to contact the Public Information Center on the provision educational services Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, you can apply for the transfer of a child to another kindergarten in the city department of education, namely the education department of the district where education is planned.

Sending a child to a good kindergarten is already a problem. But what if the parents have moved, want to take the baby to a garden near their home or work, or simply want him to be in the same kindergarten with the children of relatives or friends. There is a way out - exchange of kindergartens. True, at first glance, this procedure may seem so complicated and lengthy to parents that some refuse the opportunity to change to a kindergarten located in a convenient place, continuing to carry the child every day almost through the entire city.

Let's try to generalize kindergarten exchange procedure so that parents, at least in general terms, have an idea of ​​what they are dealing with and where to start in general. It is clear that not only in different cities, but even in neighboring areas, the procedure for exchanging places in kindergartens may differ slightly, since there is no clearly defined legislation in this regard yet.

1. After the parents have agreed among themselves, the first step of the exchange of places comes. First, the parents of both children must take copies of permits from the heads of kindergartens, by which they came to the garden, as well as copies of orders for enrollment. On copies of vouchers, the heads of kindergartens put visas on consent to the exchange.

2. Parents apply to RONO one of the regions. You need to have passports, birth certificates of children, certified by the head of the copy of the order and vouchers.

3. In RONO, the parents of both children write job exchange applications in kindergartens, signed by the head of the district.

5. Copies of signed statements are made.

6. Based on applications to the RONO referrals to parents to new kindergartens.

7. After that, the parents should take the referral. copy of birth certificate child and also exchange statement and submit all documents to a new kindergarten.

8. Don't forget from the old kindergarten pick up a medical card your baby. If the child had a gap between going to kindergartens, most likely, an additional certificate from the doctor will be required.

If the exchange of kindergartens takes place within the boundaries of one district, the procedure may be slightly simplified. After the consent of the heads of both kindergartens for the exchange, the parents write applications for the expulsion of children, take documents from one kindergarten and take them to another, write applications in the new kindergarten. Managers can exchange documents at the RONO of one district without the participation of parents, or parents themselves will have to go to the district administration, where each of the kids will be discharged from one kindergarten and put in a place in another kindergarten. Of course, this option is quite simple and ideal, but still, it turns out that some are lucky.

Exchange procedure kindergartens can take as much as two weeks or even less, and drag on for several months. But in any case, no matter how long the exchange of kindergartens takes, in the end, both the child and the parents will certainly like the new kindergarten, which will be located in a convenient place near your home or work.