
What vaccinations does a child need in a kindergarten? Compulsory vaccinations for children for kindergarten: is it possible to enter kindergarten without vaccinations? What vaccinations are needed in kindergarten


Before entering Kindergarten the child is undergoing a medical examination. Attention is also paid to the presence of marks in the vaccination card, which will then be sent to an educational preschool institution. Lack of vaccinations in a baby can cause some difficulties with the adoption of a child in kindergarten.

Admission to kindergarten is not only an opportunity for socialization for a child, but also the danger of meeting various infections that surround a person.

Preventive vaccination is capable of protecting against them. In kindergarten, infections are spread in a household way:

  • through toys;
  • inventory.

Many viruses cause severe diseases and are dangerous with serious complications.

Important! In a vaccinated baby, in case of infection in kindergarten, the disease will proceed in a mild form and without complications.

Read more about whether vaccinations are compulsory in kindergarten and how to write a refusal.

What laws exist in Russia?

The legal and regulatory framework for preventive vaccination is represented by the following documents:

  1. Federal Law No. 157 "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" (1998). State guarantees in the field of immunization include:
    • availability of vaccinations, their free of charge;
    • social support in the development of complications after vaccination;
    • the use of effective drugs;
    • control over the quality, efficacy and safety of drugs.

    According to Art. 5 of this Federal Law: "A citizen has the right to refuse preventive vaccinations."

  2. "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health":
    • Art. 30: "A necessary condition for medical intervention is the informed voluntary consent of the citizen."
    • Art. 33: "A citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse medical intervention or demand its termination ...".
  3. "Convention on the Rights of the Child" (1990).
  4. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03.21.2014 N 125n (as amended on 04.13.2017) "On the approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications."
  5. A guarantee for the provision of preschool education to a child without vaccinations is given by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 43), the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (Art. 5, Part 1, Part 2).

List of mandatory vaccines for children, without which they do not take in preschool educational institutions


The most commonly used polio vaccine is the oral vaccine. 4 drops of the solution are dripped into the child's mouth (on the root of the tongue or on the tonsils). After that, you can not give the baby anything to eat or drink for an hour.

Also, injection vaccination can be used. The injection is done in the thigh or under the scapula.

The vaccine is administered three times with an interval of 4-6 weeks:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4.5 months;
  • at 6 months

Revaccination at 18 and 20 months.

Whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria

Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus is given according to the following norms:

  • at 3 months;
  • then at 4.5 months;
  • at 6 months

After that, at 1.5 years and at 6-7 years, revaccination is performed. Most often, the domestic DPT vaccine is given. If the child has indications (severe allergic reactions, unfavorable neurological background, etc.), the baby can be given a more gentle foreign-made vaccine, for example, Pentaxim.

Expert opinion

The vaccine is injected into the front of the thigh muscle. The introduction into the buttock is undesirable, because there is a fairly large layer of fatty tissue, and the drug may not reach its destination. After 1.5 years, the vaccine is done in the deltoid muscle in the shoulder area.

In preparation for the vaccination, an antihistamine is given three days before it. Local reactions to vaccination include:

  1. rise in temperature;
  2. redness or lump at the injection site;
  3. general malaise;
  4. drowsiness.

Rubella, measles and mumps

Vaccinate children a year and 6 years old. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets; children 2-5 years old are most susceptible to infection. The vaccination site cannot be wetted during the day. It is also better to refrain from visiting the baby public places... The vaccine is administered subcutaneously in the shoulder or under the scapula.

If a domestic vaccine is given, in which rubella and mumps-measles vaccines are contained separately, then 2 injections are given under different scapulae or in the shoulder and under the scapula. In a foreign vaccine, all three components are combined together, and this separation is not required.

Reference. Reactions to the vaccine are rare. A rash with a rise in temperature may appear.

Hepatitis B

For the first time, a child receives the hepatitis B vaccine while still in the hospital, in the first 24 hours. The second and third vaccinations are given at 1 and 6 months.

Babies weighing less than 2 kg, as well as those born prematurely, are not allowed to be vaccinated. Another contraindication is signs of a severe allergic reaction.

No more than 3 months should elapse between the first and second vaccinations, otherwise the first vaccination will have to be repeated.

The vaccine gives immunity against hepatitis B for 20 years. Revaccination is carried out after 22 years. The drug is administered intramuscularly.

Expert opinion

Smirnova Luiza Dmitrievna - medical worker

Private Clinic Pediatrician Assistant

Children under 3 years old are injected into the thigh. Those who are older, in the shoulder. It is important that the vaccine does not get under the skin, but into the muscle - this is more effective and prevents the risk of seals at the injection site.

Vaccination against hepatitis B can be carried out at the same time with other vaccinations, except for BCG. The vaccination site cannot be wetted for 2-3 days. Persistent immunity to the virus is formed 3 months after the end of vaccination


Newborn children are vaccinated against tuberculosis for 3-5 days with the BCG vaccine. Contraindications are:

  1. prematurity with a body weight of less than 2 kg;
  2. birth injury;
  3. intrauterine infection;
  4. immunodeficiency;
  5. skin diseases.

In this case, the vaccination is postponed or carried out with the help of an attenuated BCG-M vaccine. The inoculation is done intradermally (not to be confused with subcutaneous injection!) In the left shoulder, a point is selected on the border of the upper and middle third of the shoulder.

After the vaccine has been injected, this area should not be treated with anything. If the vaccination in the maternity hospital was postponed, the vaccination begins in the clinic, after having carried out the Mantoux test before that (read about whether they can not take to the kindergarten without the Mantoux test).

The exception is children under 2 months old, they do not do the test. Also, the Mantoux reaction is checked before revaccination.

Revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out at the age of 7 and then 14 years. Usually, a transparent bubble forms at the injection site, which disappears within half an hour. The next reaction should be expected in 4-6 weeks.

A nodule with infiltration appears, it is transparent in the center, and a crust surrounds it at the edges. The formation disappears on its own after a few weeks, leaving behind a small scar.

Complications include:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • cold abscess;
  • superficial ulcer;
  • keloid scar.

List of additional

In addition to compulsory vaccinations against the most common infections, doctors recommend additional vaccination for children according to epidemic indications or in risk groups. These vaccinations include:

  1. against shigellosis;
  2. against meningococcal infection;
  3. against pneumococcal infection (children from 2 to 5 years old);
  4. against rotavirus infection;
  5. against chickenpox;
  6. against hemophilic infection (children who were not vaccinated in the first year of life);
  7. against the flu.

Will they take you to kindergarten without them?

Important! The kindergarten administration has no right not to accept a child without vaccinations, because The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law "On Education" guarantee that every child has the right to receive preschool education.

A postponement from the garden can be a situation when massive infectious diseases are recorded in an educational institution. As soon as the period of the epidemic passes, the unvaccinated baby must be taken to kindergarten.

Problems that may arise

Problems with admission to kindergarten can begin even in the clinic if the doctor refuses to sign the medical card.

In this case, you need to ask the doctor to give a refusal in writing with a reference to the document on which he relies.

Also, in practice, there are often situations when parents are asked not to bring an unvaccinated child for 2 weeks if other children in the group were vaccinated against polio with a live oral vaccine at that time. This is because the risk of infection in an unvaccinated baby is higher in this case.

What is injected in preschool?

All vaccinations in a children's educational institution are done only with parental consent. At the same time, the individual vaccination schedule for each baby is taken into account. it often happens that a child lags behind the generally accepted vaccination schedule for one reason or another.

In this case, all missing vaccinations will be made already at an educational institution. When the vaccination takes place on time, then in kindergarten all vaccinations are given according to the schedule.

If we take into account that some kindergartens take children from 1.5 years old, then the list of vaccinations preschool age will be next.

The vaccination schedule for children (calendar of preventive vaccinations) 2018 in Russia provides for the protection of children and infants under one year old from the most dangerous diseases. Some vaccinations for children are carried out directly at the hospital, the rest can be done at the district clinic in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Vaccination calendar

Children for the first time
24 hours
  1. The first vaccination against the viral
Children 3 - 7
  1. Vaccination against
Babies in 1 month
  1. Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B
Children in 2 months
  1. The third vaccination against the viral (risk groups)
  2. First vaccination against
Children at 3 months
  1. First vaccination against
  2. First vaccination against
  3. First vaccination against (risk groups)
Children at 4.5 months
  1. Second vaccination against
  2. Second vaccination against haemophilus influenzae (risk groups)
  3. Second vaccination against
  4. Second vaccination against
Children at 6 months
  1. Third vaccination against
  2. The third vaccination against the viral
  3. Third vaccination against
  4. Third vaccination against haemophilus influenzae (risk group)
Children at 12 months
  1. Vaccination against
  2. The fourth vaccination against the viral (risk group)
Babies at 15 months
  1. Revaccination against
Babies at 18 months
  1. The first revaccination against
  2. The first revaccination against
  3. Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae (risk groups)
Babies in 20 months
  1. Second revaccination against
Children in 6 years
  1. Revaccination against
Children 6 - 7 years old
  1. Second revaccination against
  2. Revaccination against tuberculosis
Children under 14
  1. The third revaccination against
  2. The third revaccination against polio
Adults from 18 years old
  1. Revaccination against - every 10 years from the moment of the last revaccination

Basic vaccinations up to a year

The general table of vaccinations by age from birth to 14 years assumes the organization of the maximum protection of the child's body from infancy and the support of immunity in adolescence. At the age of 12-14, a planned revaccination of poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, mumps is carried out. Measles, rubella and mumps can be combined into one vaccine without compromising quality. Vaccination against polio is performed separately, with a live vaccine in drops or inactivated with an injection in the shoulder.

  1. ... The first vaccination is carried out at the hospital. This is followed by revaccination at 1 month and 6 months.
  2. Tuberculosis. The vaccination is usually done at the hospital in the first week of the baby's life. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out in preparation for school and in high school.
  3. DTP or analogs. Combination vaccine to protect an infant against whooping cough and diphtheria. In imported analogs of the vaccine, a CIB component is added to protect against inflammatory infections and meningitis. The first vaccination is performed at 3 months, then according to the vaccination schedule, depending on the chosen vaccine.
  4. Hemophilic infection or HIB component. May be included in a vaccine or administered separately.
  5. Polio. Infants are vaccinated at 3 months. Re-vaccination at 4 and 6 months.
  6. At 12 months, children are routinely vaccinated against.

The first year of a child's life requires maximum protection. Vaccinations minimize the risk of infant mortality by forcing the infant's body to develop antibodies against bacterial and viral infections.

A child's own immunity under one year old is too weak to withstand dangerous diseases, innate immunity weakens by about 3-6 months. A baby can receive a certain amount of antibodies with breast milk, but this is not enough to resist really dangerous diseases. It is at this time that it is necessary to strengthen the child's immunity with the help of timely vaccination. The standard vaccination schedule for children has been developed taking into account all possible risks and it is advisable to follow it.

After a series of vaccinations, the child may have a fever. Be sure to include paracetamol in your child's first aid kit to lower the temperature. A high temperature indicates the work of the body's defense systems, but does not in any way affect the effectiveness of antibody production. The temperature must be brought down immediately. For infants under 6 months, rectal suppositories with paracetamol can be used. Older children can take antipyretic syrup. Paracetamol has maximum effectiveness, but in some cases and with individual characteristics, it does not work. In this case, you need to apply a child antipyretic with another active substance.

Do not restrict your child's drinking after vaccination, bring a convenient bottle of water or baby soothing tea with you.

Vaccinations before kindergarten

In kindergarten, a child is in contact with a significant number of other children. It has been proven that it is in the children's environment that viruses and bacterial infections spread with maximum speed. To prevent the spread of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to carry out vaccinations by age and provide documentary evidence of vaccinations.

  • Flu shot. Performed annually, it significantly reduces the likelihood of getting flu in the autumn-winter period.
  • Vaccination against pneumococcal infection. It is performed once, the vaccination must be performed at least one month before visiting the child care facility.
  • Vaccination against viral meningitis. Performed from 18 months.
  • Hemophilus influenza vaccine. From 18 months, with weakened immunity, vaccination is possible from 6 months.

The vaccination schedule for children is usually developed by an infectious disease specialist. In good children's vaccination centers, it is mandatory to examine babies on the day of vaccination to identify contraindications. It is undesirable to carry out vaccinations at elevated temperatures and exacerbation of chronic diseases, diathesis, herpes.

Vaccination in paid centers does not reduce some of the pain in the administration of adsorbed vaccines, but you can choose more complete kits that provide protection against more diseases in 1 injection. The choice of combination vaccines provides maximum protection with minimum injury. This applies to vaccines such as Pentaxim, DPT and the like. In government clinics, this choice is often not possible due to the high cost of multivalent vaccines.

Restoring the vaccination schedule

In case of violations of the standard terms of vaccination, you can create your own individual vaccination schedule on the recommendation of an infectious disease specialist. The characteristics of the vaccines and the standard vaccination or emergency vaccination regimens are taken into account.

For hepatitis B, the standard regimen is 0-1-6. This means that after the first vaccination, the second one follows a month later, followed by revaccination six months later.

Vaccinations for children with immune diseases and HIV are carried out exclusively with inactivated vaccines or recombinant preparations with replacement of the pathogenic protein.

Why you need to do mandatory vaccinations by age

An unvaccinated child who is constantly among vaccinated children, most likely, will not get sick precisely because of herd immunity. The virus simply does not have a sufficient number of carriers for spread and further epidemiological infection. But is it so ethical to use the immunity of other children to protect your own child? Yes, your child will not be pricked with a medical needle, he will not experience discomfort after vaccination, fever, weakness, and will not whine and cry, unlike other children after vaccination. But when in contact with unvaccinated children, for example, from countries without compulsory vaccination, it is the unvaccinated child who is most at risk and can get sick.

Immunity does not grow stronger, developing "naturally" and infant mortality rates are a clear confirmation of this fact. Modern medicine cannot oppose viruses with absolutely nothing, except for prevention and vaccinations, which form the body's resistance to infection and disease. Only symptoms and consequences of viral diseases are treated.

In general, only vaccination is effective against viruses. Get the vaccines you need to be age-appropriate to keep your family healthy. Vaccination of adults is also desirable, especially with an active lifestyle and contact with people.

Is it possible to combine vaccines

In some clinics, the simultaneous administration of vaccinations against poliomyelitis and DPT is practiced. In fact, this practice is undesirable, especially when using a live polio vaccine. The decision on a possible combination of vaccines can only be made by an infectious disease specialist.

What is revaccination

Revaccination is the repeated administration of a vaccine to maintain the level of antibodies to the disease in the blood and to strengthen the immune system. Usually revaccination takes place easily and without any special reactions from the body. The only thing that may bother you is microtrauma at the site of the vaccine injection. Together with the active substance of the vaccine, about 0.5 ml of an adsorbing substance is injected, which holds the vaccine inside the muscle. Unpleasant sensations from microtrauma are possible throughout the week.

The need for an additional substance is due to the action of most vaccines. It is necessary that the active components enter the bloodstream gradually and evenly, over a long period of time. This is necessary for the formation of correct and stable immunity. At the injection site, a small bruise, hematoma, and swelling are possible. This is normal for any intramuscular injection.

How immunity is formed

The formation of natural immunity occurs as a result of a viral disease and the production of appropriate antibodies in the body, which contribute to resistance to infection. Immunity is not always developed after a single illness. For the formation of stable immunity, repeated illness or a sequential cycle of vaccinations may be required. After an illness, the immune system can be greatly weakened and various complications arise, often more dangerous than the illness itself. Most often these are pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, for the treatment of which strong antibiotics have to be used.

Breastfeeding protects maternal immunity by obtaining antibodies along with breast milk. It does not matter whether maternal immunity is developed through vaccinations or is "natural". But early vaccination is necessary against the most dangerous diseases that form the basis of infant and child mortality. HIB infection, whooping cough, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, should be excluded from the threats to a child's life in the first year of life. Vaccinations form full-fledged immunity from most infections that are fatal for an infant without a disease.

The creation of "natural" immunity, which environmentalists advocate, takes too long and can pose a threat to life. Vaccination contributes to the safest formation of full-fledged immunity.

The vaccination calendar is formed taking into account age requirements, the characteristics of the vaccine action. It is advisable to keep within the time intervals prescribed by medicine between vaccinations for the full formation of immunity.

Voluntary vaccination

In Russia, it is possible to refuse vaccination, for this it is necessary to sign the relevant documents. No one will be interested in the reasons for the refusal and forcibly vaccinate children. Legal restrictions on failures are possible. There are a number of occupations for which vaccinations are compulsory, and refusal to vaccinate can be considered unfit for the job. Teachers, childcare workers, doctors and breeders, veterinarians should be vaccinated so as not to become a source of infection.

Also, you can not refuse vaccinations during epidemics and when visiting areas declared a disaster zone in connection with the epidemic. The list of diseases, in case of epidemics of which vaccination or even urgent vaccination is carried out without the consent of the person, is enshrined in law. First of all, it is natural or black pox and tuberculosis. In the 80s of the XX century, smallpox vaccination was excluded from the list of mandatory vaccinations for children. The complete disappearance of the causative agent of the disease and the absence of foci of infection were assumed. Nevertheless, at least 3 focal outbreaks of the disease have occurred in Siberia and China since the refusal of vaccination. It might make sense to get vaccinated against smallpox in a private clinic. Smallpox vaccines are ordered in a special way, separately. Smallpox vaccination is mandatory for livestock breeders.


All doctors recommend, whenever possible, adhere to a standard childhood vaccination schedule and maintain immunity with timely vaccinations for adults. Recently, people have become more attentive to their health and visit vaccination centers with the whole family. Especially before joint trips, travel. Vaccinations and developed active immunity

Many parents have heard that they will not take a baby to kindergarten without vaccinations. Usually doctors persuade parents to give their child at least some vaccinations. During a medical examination in a kindergarten, parents with a child's medical card are sent to the head of the clinic. She may refuse to put her signature, demanding that, if not vaccinations, then at least a Mantoux test. But Russian legislation allows us to solve this problem, and gives an unequivocal answer: an unvaccinated child can attend a child care institution, if, of course, he is healthy.

What to do with the doctors?

Parents have every right not to give their baby any vaccinations at all. If you are refused to sign a medical card, ask the doctor to substantiate the refusal in writing, indicating the number of the regulatory document on the basis of which they refuse the child to attend kindergarten. Write a statement about your refusal to take the Mantoux test or other vaccinations. Usually after that, all medical records are signed. If not, prepare papers for the health department and the prosecutor's office of your city. Doctors know that they are breaking the law by forcing parents to vaccinate their child, so there is a high probability that the case will not reach the prosecutor's office and the health department, but still.

What to do with the head of the kindergarten?

The next problem that may arise is the refusal of the head or nurse of a kindergarten to accept an unvaccinated child into an institution. However, the federal law "On immunization" gives children the right to visit children's institutions without vaccinations (excluding periods of epidemics officially recognized by the city's sanitary doctor). If in kindergarten you are offered to take a certificate from a sanitary station or any other institution that your child is healthy, know that there is no reason for this if a medical examination in a children's clinic is passed and the baby is recognized as healthy. The only document that you must provide to kindergarten, besides a medical certificate, is your refusal to vaccinate.

Laws giving the right to refuse vaccinations

The main law, which spells out the rights of parents to refuse to vaccinate their children, is the federal law "On immunization". In particular, Art. 5 speaks of the right to refuse vaccination, and Art. 11 of this law - on the mandatory consent of the parents of minors for vaccination. Art. 32 of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health protection - on the consent of citizens to medical intervention, Art. 33 - on the right to refuse this interference.

When drawing up the "Waiver of vaccinations" do not forget to mention Art. 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 43 article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. These are normative documents that spell out the human right to education, including preschool education. There is also a law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which makes it possible for citizens of Russia to receive education regardless of beliefs, health status and other factors. In addition, the European Social Charter (part 1, paragraph 11) gives every person the right to use any measures that allow him to achieve the highest level of health by any means.

No consequences of refusal from the same Mantoux sample are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Medical workers are required to provide you with full information about both vaccination and the right to refuse it (Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Immunization").

The Law "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in Russia" (Art. 7, Part 3) provides for the provision of anti-tuberculosis assistance to minors only with the consent of their parents or guardians.


the federal law "On immunoprophylaxis" does not establish the exact form of such a document as refusal of vaccinations. Therefore, any waiver signed by the child's mother or father will be valid.

Parents who have made a decision refuse vaccinations, it should be remembered that the law is on their side. You have the right not to have your child vaccinated, and at the same time, you have the right to attend kindergarten. Talk to health care providers and gardeners calmly. If they tell you about the need for vaccinations, it is helpful to ask them to prove it with regulatory documents. There are no such documents. Therefore, cases of vaccinations and kindergartens usually do not reach either the court or the prosecutor's office.

Kindergarten without vaccinations? Yes!

I have repeatedly heard that they will not take a child to kindergarten without vaccinations, but I decided that I would solve problems as they come. And now, the time has come to give my unvaccinated daughter to kindergarten... In the local clinic we were seen extremely rarely, all the terms for vaccinations passed, and when we came to bypass the doctors for the kindergarten, our doctor did not try to persuade us once again to “think about it and still give at least some vaccinations”. She flipped through our half-empty medical card, and silently issued a medical certificate form for bypassing specialists. We bypassed all the necessary doctors and handed over a card for the signature of the head of the clinic that the child is healthy and can go to kindergarten. But the manager refused to give us the signed card until we put the Mantoux test. From that moment it all began ...

Step 1.
At that time I was already familiar with the Laws, and I was very determined. She asked in writing to provide a paper on what grounds she refuses to allow her to visit the garden, with a request to indicate the number of the normative document. Attached to the letter was a statement in which she refused the Mantoux test. I prepared copies for the city health department and the district prosecutor. But, fortunately, I didn't have to use them, because after reading the refusal, the card was immediately signed and given to me unconditionally.

Step 2.
The head of the kindergarten where we were applying received us very warmly. A very nice woman who lives with her whole soul in her work, knows each child as her own. I invited a nurse for acquaintance, who, having opened our card ... gasped.
- We can't take you.
- Why?
- Your child is not vaccinated, he is sick. All our children are vaccinated. And yours will infect ours.
- Firstly, my child is healthy, it is written about this in the medical record. Secondly, if the children in the kindergarten are all vaccinated, as you say, then why will they get sick?
-… (pause)… Anyway, I can't take you. Am I tired of living?
This phrase gave me a slight shock. But I calmly continued the dialogue. Then, in a nutshell, she mentioned the Law "On Immunoprophylaxis", which gives an unvaccinated child the right to attend children's institutions (with the exception of periods of epidemics, officially recognized and signed by the chief sanitary doctor of the city). They began to tell me that I needed to go to the sanitary and epidemiological station, take some kind of certificate ... go to the head physician of a hospital, take some kind of permission ... I refused, because I was not given any justification for this.
After that, they returned me all the documents for registration in the kindergarten, and said that I need to think and consult. We agreed that I would come up in a few days and bring a refusal to vaccinate, where, at their request, I had to write that “I was warned of the consequences, and I take responsibility for the child's life.”
These few days were enough for me to find comprehensive information, to consult with knowledgeable people, doctors, lawyers.

Step 3.
I prepared thoroughly. I wrote a refusal, listing all laws and regulations, in an extremely bureaucratic style. She paid special attention to the fact that this refusal is a deliberate and balanced decision made on the basis of a detailed and comprehensive study of issues related to vaccination, personal experience and does not contradict the norms of the current legislation, including:
1) Art. 26 (on the human right to the general availability of education) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2) Art. 43 (on the right to education, including preschool) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
3) Art. 5, part 1 (on the possibility of obtaining education by citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of health status, gender, beliefs and other factors) RF Law "On Education"
4) Art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) « Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health "
5) Art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination and to receive full and objective information from medical workers about the need for vaccinations) and Art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the RF Law "On immunization of infectious diseases".

A separate point is about responsibility for the life of the child. I have never heard that the doctor who gives the vaccine takes responsibility in writing for the consequences of vaccinations, or at least warns about the consequences. And in general, what does the assumed responsibility for the refusal presuppose? That a parent will ensure that no one is disturbed if an unvaccinated child develops the "vaccine" disease? Refuse relying social benefits? Or will they legally refuse to treat him? In addition, the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" does not establish any exact form of refusal, it speaks only of written form. This means that any waiver will be in force if it is written and signed by the parent (mother or father).
A few days later, as agreed, we again returned to our conversation. In order not to waste time, I gave the refusal of vaccinations in triplicate for familiarization (and the signature of all those present). One - to the medical card, the second - to the manager, the third - to me. I prepared a letter where, in the event of a refusal to admit a child, they would have to justify the reasons for the refusal in writing. With this letter, I was firmly convinced to go to court.
I think it was largely due to my determination to defend the truth and calmness in my voice, after a short debate, we signed an agreement on attending kindergarten.

So, information, information, and again information. Fortunately, it is there, and it is quite accessible. This is what allows us to stand up for our and our children's rights. Nevertheless, we live in a democratic country, and are protected by the Laws. And if they are not fulfilled somewhere, then the more public attention is drawn to this, the fewer such cases will be. By the way, about the Laws.
The rights of citizens are determined precisely by the Federal Laws and the Constitution of the country, and not by the orders of the Ministry of Health and, moreover, by local regulations.
The Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" was adopted on September 17, 1998. Actually, the clause on the right to refuse vaccination was added to the law not because the state suddenly decided not to vaccinate children, but absolutely compelled. Russia in 1996 became part of Europe, and this imposes certain obligations on the country. As a result, in May 1998 Russia had to ratify the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the direct result of which was the adoption of a number of Federal Laws (not only in the field of health care), “cleaning up” the arbitrariness that took place in the country. Because with such flagrant violations of fundamental human rights, Russia would not be accepted into Europe.

A few tips.
It is often said that there are some regulatory documents and laws according to which a child cannot attend kindergarten without vaccinations. However, no one has ever seen these "mysterious" laws.
There was a case when one mother (during her son's placement in a kindergarten) was presented with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 426 of March 28, 1986 "On measures to improve measles prevention", which says that a child cannot attend kindergarten without measles vaccination ... (Here are humorists!) The USSR has not existed on the world map for a long time, and the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis" was adopted on September 17, 1998. Accordingly, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 426 of March 28, 1986, automatically loses its force.
And, in my humble opinion, in no case do we need to go where we are sent (to SES, for fluorography, for retake tests, X-rays, etc.), until it is proved to us that we are obliged to do this by law. Anyway, before you prove to them that we are not obligated to do something, it is useful to ask them to prove to us otherwise. .
If the case goes to court, then for the defendant (the administration of the kindergarten, for example) it will be a losing one in advance. Perhaps that is why it almost never reaches the court.
And as an attempt of consolation, I will say that after a certain age it becomes easier. From about 4 years of age, vaccination fights subside - new “acquaintances” by default decide that the child is fully vaccinated (not least because the child looks, contrary to popular legend, alive and quite healthy). New vaccinations have not been on the calendar for some time, and old "acquaintances" are already tired of fighting, the deadlines are all passing, the reporting has long been handed over, why now "break the spears." Some health workers are even (in secret) beginning to approve, sharing the stunning news that they do not vaccinate their children either ...

Kuznetsova: what to do if they are not allowed to enter the kindergarten or school without vaccinations?

Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child Anna Kuznetsova considers the refusal to admit children to educational institutions due to the lack of vaccinations as the basis for going to court. She announced this, answering questions from readers of the RAPSI website.

“Vaccinations are a sensitive topic, the attitude of the parental community to it is different, often contradicting the position of immunologists,” said the children's ombudsman. - But in any case, it is illegal to refuse admission or prevent a child from attending an educational institution.

Refusal of preventive vaccinations cannot be the reason for the ban on attending school or kindergarten. This is a direct violation of the child's right to education, which means you have every reason to go to court. "

According to Kuznetsova, if kindergarten and school staff prevent children from attending educational institutions due to refusal of vaccinations, parents can contact her office, or regional children's ombudsmen, to get the necessary legal support.

Current laws give parents the right to refuse to vaccinate their children, and such a refusal cannot limit their right to receive an education. The only exceptions are situations when the threat of mass diseases and epidemics is recorded.

In May 2017, in St. Petersburg, the family of a three-year-old girl who had not been vaccinated against poliomyelitis and tuberculosis lost a trial with a kindergarten, the director of which did not enroll the child in the institution due to lack of vaccinations. According to the judge, the law was not violated, since the actions of the head were formalized as a temporary suspension from visiting the kindergarten, which is not formally a refusal to enroll.

What vaccinations are required for admission to kindergarten and will a child be accepted without them?

When the time comes to send your beloved child to kindergarten, a lot of worries, problems and questions arise. How to choose an institution, educators? How to set up a child psychologically? What kind of doctors to go through? What tests should I take? What vaccinations are needed for admission to kindergarten? Let's try to deal with the last of them - will the child be taken to kindergarten without vaccinations?

Ideally, if the child has all the necessary vaccinations upon admission to kindergarten

Are parents required to agree to all vaccinations?

The attitude of modern parents towards vaccinations is ambiguous. Some strictly comply with the requirements of medical institutions, others are categorically against the vaccination of children. Both are right in their own way. The problem of such diseases as tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis is still quite acute, and the risk of contracting them is quite high. Nevertheless, the quality of the vaccine today is questioned by many, and side effects from them are not yet fully understood.

The vaccination procedure is a very responsible event. It requires the high professionalism of a pediatrician and a nurse who deals directly with injections. The doctor needs to take into account the general state of health of the child, to know about his congenital abnormalities and diseases, if any. It is important to notice the existing contraindications in time:

  • increased body temperature;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • the psychological state of the child (the presence of stressful situations, fear or hyperexcitability);
  • lack of adaptive life situations such as a change of residence or climate change.
  • Doctors are required to give the child a medical card without vaccinations, as well as give a certificate with permission to visit preschool... Provided that the child is healthy and can be in contact with other children.

    When a healthcare professional refuses to do this, be sure to take a written document from him confirming his refusal. It will come in handy in case of contacting higher health authorities. However, as a rule, doctors themselves know that they have no right to force you to vaccinate a child.

    List of vaccinations that are needed for admission to kindergarten

    Before applying to kindergarten, the child undergoes a medical commission, the results of which are entered into a special card. A completed vaccination certificate is also included there, if the parents agree to the vaccination.

    There is a calendar of preventive vaccinations, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it provides for the following types of vaccination:

  • BCG - vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis;
  • DPT - from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (we recommend reading: why does the leg hurt after DPT and what to do?);
  • Pentaxim or Infanrix - from polio;
  • Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella (we recommend reading: how rubella vaccinations are given: vaccination schedule);
  • Prevenar - against pneumococcal infection (we recommend reading: how is Prevenar vaccination carried out?).
  • Does the head of the kindergarten have the right to deny parents the admission of an unvaccinated child?

    Responsibility for the life and health of children lies entirely with the parents, only they can decide whether to get vaccinated or not. Refusal to vaccinate is not officially a reason for a child not to be admitted to a kindergarten. This is stated by Federal Law No. 157 "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases". It means that the citizen Russian Federation has the right to refuse vaccination if he is a minor, the decision is made for him by one of the parents.

    If the parents have refused vaccination and have the necessary documents on hand, you can safely defend your rights in a kindergarten. When the manager does not want to take a new pupil and demands to provide a certificate of vaccination of the child with marks of vaccination, you can refer to the law and provide papers.

    In this regard, employees of preschool institutions cannot but arrange for an unvaccinated child. The only exceptions are cases of mass diseases or epidemics, but these measures are temporary.

    Where to complain if the child is not admitted to the kindergarten?

    Explain the current situation there. Show all the documents that you received, including a medical card, or attach a certificate of refusal to issue a card from the polyclinic, if any. It is also a good idea to have an audio recording of the conversation with the head of the kindergarten with you. It is better to record on an analog voice recorder rather than digital, then it will have more weight in court as evidence.

    Make the text of your statement concise, clear and succinct. After your request, employees of the administration or law enforcement agencies will contact you to resolve this issue.

    You can be sure - in the event of a trial, the court is always interested in protecting the child and will decide in your favor. After the decision is made, you will be given a written court order, with which you need to appear before the manager, and you will certainly be accepted.

    Stages of preparing documents for registration in a child's kindergarten without vaccinations

    Ideally, the solution to such a sensitive issue should be peaceful. To do this, you need, first of all, to establish contact with the leadership of the kindergarten. After making sure that you are hired, you can write an application.

    In the period of preparation for kindergarten, it is necessary to visit the future preschool institution, talk to the head and ask all the exciting organizational questions

    The next step is to prepare the necessary documents, which are listed in the regulation "On preschool primary institution":

    • birth certificate;
    • referral from GORONO, if you queued up on the website of state services, then a printout from this website;
    • an extract from the child's health card, permission to visit the children's team;
    • instead of the required vaccination certificate - a written refusal of vaccinations.
    • To get a medical statement, go to your local pediatrician, where you will receive a list of tests that need to be passed, and a list of specialists who carry out the examinations. All medical examination data are entered into the medical record. At the end, the doctor will write a conclusion that the child is completely healthy and can attend kindergarten. The last step will be the stamp of the head of the pediatric department.

      What is the bottom line? An unvaccinated child is clearly entitled to attend kindergarten. When the employees of the leading positions of the polyclinic or preschool institution interfere with you, contact the higher authorities. With all this, do not forget about the most important thing - about the health of your children and their peace of mind, try to achieve your goal in peaceful ways. Let the kindergarten bring you and your children only pleasant emotions.

      You ask - lawyers answer

      Children without vaccinations have the right to attend kindergarten and school

      We all live in a society, we are not isolated from other people. We all have the right to health care, which is realized, including through the opportunity to get vaccinated for free. We are talking about preventive vaccinations included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications. Getting vaccinated is our right, not our obligation. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. And even if they do, it happens that they face some problems in the exercise of their rights.

      There are many controversial cases when a child's lack of vaccination leads to a refusal to attend kindergarten or school.

      Whether or not to be vaccinated is a personal matter. Moreover, the issue of vaccination safety has different points of view. Many medical specialists believe that vaccinations can negatively affect the health of the child and, in some cases, even lead to disability. Their opinion is not far-fetched, but based on statistics and official data. Therefore, parents whose children go to kindergarten, or will only go to kindergarten or school in the future, should know that they have the right to refuse vaccination. And this applies to all vaccinations - measles, rubella, tetanus, etc.

      At the same time, unvaccinated children cannot just be banned from attending kindergarten or school. Any refusal must be based only on the applicable rules of law.

      The right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations is provided for Federal law from 17.09.1998 N 157-FZ "On immunization of infectious diseases".

      The right to refuse medical intervention, incl. from vaccinations is also provided for by the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 N 323-FZ "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" (Clause 3, Art. 20).

      Within the meaning of these norms, citizens have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations for their child. And no one has the right to make them forcibly - not a single health worker. Moreover, the parent's written consent must be obtained before a child can be vaccinated.

      But the law provides for cases when refusal of vaccinations can lead to some unpleasant consequences. For example, it will not be possible to travel abroad to a country where a specific vaccination is mandatory.

      It is impossible to attend a kindergarten or school without vaccination only if there is a threat of an epidemic, mass infectious diseases have arisen. And then this measure is temporary. As soon as the threat of the epidemic has passed, or the so-called quarantine has ended, the unvaccinated child can go to kindergarten or school again. And this measure - a temporary restriction on visiting an educational institution - is dictated, first of all, by the interests of the child himself - why go where the infection is raging, and he does not have a vaccination against it?

      However, in order to prevent a child from being admitted to kindergarten or school without vaccination, the opinion of the head of the educational organization that an epidemic is possible is not enough. Such a decision should be supported by a document from the competent city or regional services. If this is not the case, then the refusal to admit children to kindergarten violates the constitutional right to the general availability of preschool education.

      This is the position that the courts adhere to when making decisions when parents appeal the refusal to admit their children to preschool education due to the lack of children, for example, measles vaccination, tuberculin diagnostics - Mantoux test.

      Interestingly, the court practice showed that even if the management of the kindergarten restricted the child from attending, but then suddenly "changed his mind" and the incident was settled, the court, taking the side of the parents and the child, collected moral damage from the perpetrators, and of course, expenses to pay for legal services.

      Therefore, if your child is deprived of the opportunity to attend kindergarten on the grounds that he does not have any vaccinations, ask for a written refusal and go to court for protection of rights.

      The problem with refusal of vaccinations often arises even at the stage when parents cannot issue a medical card for a child in a kindergarten. If this happens, you must write a statement to the head of the clinic with a requirement to eliminate the violation and issue (sign) a medical card. This often happens when parents refuse the Mantoux test, and the phthisiatrician unreasonably does not want to sign the conclusion. If contacting the head of the clinic does not help, you have the right to contact the prosecutor's office and even the court.

      If the problem has already arisen at the kindergarten level, when the medical card is issued, but the child is still limited in visiting - they are not admitted to the kindergarten, or they are expelled from the kindergarten when he has already attended it, then you should contact the head of the kindergarten. You should also apply in writing, give your arguments, substantiate your position, indicate that such a refusal is illegal. If this does not help, then you can also contact the higher education authorities or the prosecutor's office and the court.

      Since your task is not just to stir up a scandal, but to solve the problem, you need to understand where its root is, what can be done to solve it. For example, with regard to measures aimed at preventing tuberculosis, it can be noted that refusing the Mantoux test and Diaskin test in the clinic, you can require safe methods examinations, including PCR test, quantiferon test, sputum analysis, examination by a phthisiatrician. Doing a dangerous X-ray examination (and even more so fluorography) is not worth it.

      And remember, it is better to try to resolve the conflict peacefully, and not go immediately with a complaint to the ministries and the prosecutor's office.

      Sometimes it is important to seek the help of a lawyer in time in order to solve the problem, and not wastefully "butt" in the correspondence. At the initial stage, professional help is always more effective than in "neglected" cases, when a bunch of stupid complaints have already been written, which in general may turn out to be that these parents are bad and, refusing vaccinations, do not care about the health of children.

      If you need help in solving the problem of refusing to attend a kindergarten or school for an unvaccinated child, the specialists of the human rights company "VIRTUAL-YURIST" are ready to assist you. Practice shows that it is better to contact a lawyer BEFORE writing a bunch of unsuccessful complaints on your own. In this case, the effect of a complaint or statement that is correctly drawn up by a lawyer is much greater, and the problem is successfully resolved.

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    Many parents do not want to vaccinate their newborn, but because it is impossible to go to kindergarten without vaccinations, they take this risky step. The entire procedure for admission to a child care institution ends with a referral from the head to the head of the clinic. The supervisor, in turn, requires at least some of the vaccinations or the Mantoux reaction. In the legislation of Russia, there is an exact definition on this issue: a child without vaccinations has the legal right to attend kindergarten, and the only reason for refusal may be the baby's illness in its active phase.

    The law on which this right is based is specified in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation On Immunization. According to the norms prescribed in Article 5, a parent can refuse to vaccinate.

    Article 11 states that health workers are not allowed to vaccinate a child without the consent of his official parents or guardians.

    Another law on which preventive vaccination is based is specified in article 32 of the OZ RF "On health protection".

    It says that doctors have the right to treat a person only after his consent. Article 33 informs that every citizen has the right to refuse interference from a medical institution.

    Attention! Preventive vaccination aimed at reducing the number of people suffering from tuberculosis, based on the law "On the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis in Russia" also provides for an agreement on the part of legal parents or guardians.

    Liability before the law

    In addition to the legal norms specified in these two laws, a parent can refer to the Declaration of Human Rights, or rather to its 26th article and the Constitution of the Russian Federation (43 article), when filling out a sample of refusal to vaccinate.

    These two regulations state that everyone has the right to receive an education. Nationality, religion, state of health and many other circumstances are not a significant reason for refusing to accept a minor in educational institution.

    Important! According to paragraph 1, paragraph 11 of the European CX, a person has the right to use any methods of prevention or treatment that will help him improve the general condition of the whole body.

    No liability before the law, infringement of rights, research due to refusal of vaccination, is not provided. This is the personal desire and choice of each person, and in the case of a child, the decision of the parents. It is they who take responsibility for the possible consequences of the absence of this medical procedure.


    Divorce through court with children and without them

    Employees of a medical facility are required not only to provide information about the vaccine itself and its purpose, but also about possible consequences, both from vaccination and from refusal to get vaccinated. Moreover, they must inform their parents that in accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis", they have the right to refuse to carry out the procedure. This is possible due to the status of optional vaccination within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation.

    Can a child attend kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Previously, vaccinations were compulsory, and in their absence, the educational institution had the legal right to refuse to accept a child in a kindergarten or school.

    However, according to latest changes included in legislative framework, this clause is no longer an obligation and therefore cannot serve as a reason for refusal.

    To become a pupil of a kindergarten, a certificate from a polyclinic is enough, which will indicate the results of examination of all specialists, including an epidemiologist. The document must be certified by the head physician of the children's medical institution.

    If a child is not taken to kindergarten for no good reason, then this is a violation of the law, and in particular, human rights. Parents can challenge the decision of the manager in judicial procedure by filing a claim for violation of the rights of a minor.

    Important! Employees of an educational institution can remove a child from visiting a childcare facility for the period of vaccination of other children, in order to protect the baby from possible infection or illness.

    Although a child without vaccinations has the right to go to kindergarten, vaccination against measles and polio is still compulsory. Without them, neither the clinic nor the educational institution will give consent for the baby to visit the garden.

    In kindergarten without vaccinations: how to refuse?

    To enter any educational institution, you need to prepare a whole package of documents. You will have to collect papers, starting with a statement asking you to take the child to the kindergarten and ending with certificates confirming the appropriate state of health of the child. Health workers and kindergarten managers pay special attention to the availability of a certificate of vaccination against severe infectious diseases.

    In accordance with the Federal legislation of Russia, there is a certain one. Parents need to know in advance what vaccinations should be given to children at a certain age. This list contains not only mandatory vaccinations, but also those that are able to protect the child's body from other, no less dangerous diseases.

    To prevent seasonal outbreaks of viral and infectious diseases, and epidemics of dangerous diseases in Russia, the Ministry of Health conducts routine vaccination of children, starting from the first days of their life. During artificial immunization, antigens of microorganisms are introduced into the child's body in a certain amount.

    This specially prepared material is able to maximize the resistance of children to diseases of infectious and viral origin. Immediately after the introduction of antigens into child's body a process begins that stimulates the production of antibodies to specific pathogens.

    Vaccination of children, in accordance with Russian legislation, is carried out both for the purpose of prophylaxis and for the treatment of diseases. Today, many parents are strongly opposed to vaccinations, as they believe that they can harm babies. When deciding to refuse routine vaccination, you need to be aware of all the consequences and problems that you may face.

    Vaccination of children in Russia can be carried out in several ways, depending on the type of vaccination. The most common method of administration is intramuscular , which allows you to achieve maximum effect.

    The antigens introduced in this way quickly spread through the bloodstream, and children quickly begin to develop immunity to a specific disease.

    Preoral introduction vaccine provides for the introduction of an infection of enteroviral origin (poliomyelitis). Subcutaneous method vaccinating a child is advisable only for live vaccines, fever (yellow), mumps, rubella, measles, etc. Cutaneous and intradermal method vaccination is carried out with the introduction of dry tularemia vaccine and the following antigens: BCG, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, smallpox.

    There is another method of vaccination of children in Russia, which does not lead to the development of persistent immunity to diseases. Intranasal way grafting (through the nose) involves the use of inoculations made on the basis of ointments, creams, aerosols and aqueous solutions.

    Such vaccination allows for a short period of time to create a barrier for harmful microorganisms that enter the body of children by airborne droplets (rubella, measles, flu).

    Do children need to be vaccinated, can they refuse?

    Parents who have decided not to give their children routine vaccinations should carefully study the legislation in force in Russia. In accordance with the regulations of Article 11 of the Law of September 17, 98g. №157 FZ, any vaccinations for children under the age of majority should be done only with the consent of their parents. Using the same normative legal act (Art. 5), routine vaccination can be canceled right in the maternity hospital.

    In order not to legally participate in vaccinations in Russia, parents need to know what documents need to be filled out and where they should be submitted. First of all, you need to draw up a statement in duplicate, in which you need to indicate that parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

    On the second form of the document, the representative of the institution where the application is submitted (maternity hospital, school, kindergarten, etc.) must stamp the receipt, indicate the date, the incoming registration number and signature. If parents decide to send their waiver by mail, they must enclose the form in a certified letter, draw up an inventory and notification.

    List of mandatory (routine) vaccinations

    The Ministry of Health of Russia has approved a list of vaccinations, which employees of medical institutions should give to children, starting from the very early age... The same department approved a calendar for preventive vaccination (Order No. 51n dated January 31, 2011), according to which Russian children must be vaccinated against the following diseases:

    Disease for which vaccination is carried outCharacteristics of the diseaseAt what age is the vaccine given
    Group B hepatitisIt affects the liver, often becomes chronic. With untimely and poor-quality treatment, cirrhosis of the liver may developDuring the first 24 hours of life. Revaccination is carried out in 4 stages: 1 month of life; 2 months life; at 12 months
    An infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. With tuberculosis in patients, the lungs are affectedFrom the 3rd to the 7th day of life. Revaccination: at 7 years old; at the age of 14; at the age of 21; at 28 years old.
    DiphtheriaAn acute illness caused by bacteria that, when entering the body, affect the kidneys, heart, respiratory tract and nervous system
    PolioAn acute disease that develops as a result of the penetration of a viral infection into the body. The danger of poliomyelitis is that patients often have paralysis and irreversible paresisThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

    Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 20 months; 14 years

    Whooping coughAfter the bacteria penetrate the organism, the disease develops rapidly. Patients have a paroxysmal cough that continues long time, up to cureThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

    Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years old; 14 years; 18 years

    A viral disease, usually in an acute form. In patients, there is an increase in temperature, intoxication of the body, damage to the nasopharyngeal mucosa and a rash. Patients often face severe complicationsAt 12 months. Revaccination should be performed at 6 years of age
    Almost immediately after infection with this disease, patients develop a rash, fever and enlargement of lymph nodesAt the age of 13
    TetanusIt is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, convulsions and asphyxiaThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

    Revaccination should be carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years old; 14 years; 18 years

    Hemophilic infectionA disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae and proceeding in an acute form. Affects the child's nervous system, causes respiratory failure and multiple purulent fociVaccination can be done according to three schemes:

    1. The first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 3 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

    2. The first vaccination at 6 months, the second at 7.5 months.

    3. Vaccination is done once from 1 year to 5 years.

    Revaccination should be done at 18 months of age.

    Before registering for a kindergarten, a child must undergo a medical examination, the results of which are reflected in the appropriate form. The form also indicates all the vaccinations given to the baby, both mandatory and optional.

    If the child's medical record does not contain a record of the following vaccines, he may be denied admission to kindergarten:


    • polio;
    • BCG, DTP (calendar);
    • mumps;
    • rubella;
    • measles.


    • meningococcal and hemophilic infections (2 months before going to kindergarten);
    • pneumococcal infection (30 days before going to kindergarten).

    Vaccination against meningococcal and hemophilic infections in Russia should be carried out no earlier than the child reaches 18 months of age. If an unfavorable epidemiological situation is observed in the region in which a family with small children lives, then vaccinations against these diseases begin at 6 months, followed by revaccination after 3 months.

    Children should be vaccinated against influenza annually, between September and October. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection can be carried out once, after the child reaches the age of two.

    How should children be vaccinated?

    To avoid complications after vaccination, children must be carefully prepared:

    1. It is imperative to pass blood and urine tests.
    2. Get advice from a neurologist, allergist and therapist, who will give professional opinions on the possibility of vaccinating a child.
    3. On the day of vaccination, children need to have their temperature measured. At the slightest hesitation, the vaccination should be postponed to another, more favorable day.

    Each parent should carefully monitor the quality of the vaccine that is given to the baby. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to find out in what conditions ampoules with antigens are stored. In the office of a specialist, you should find out what is the shelf life of the vaccine that he is going to give to the child.

    For any doubts about the quality of the vaccine or professionalism medical staff, parents need to stop vaccinating and choose a more reliable medical facility.

    After vaccination, the following rules must be observed:

    • Immediately after vaccination, you do not need to leave the walls of the medical facility. It is advisable to be in the immediate vicinity of the therapist's office for 30-60 minutes, who can provide qualified assistance in case of any problems.
    • After vaccination, do not wet the injection site.
    • If the DPT vaccine was given in the summer, parents need to closely monitor the temperature of the child. If it rises slightly, then the baby should be given an antipyretic agent, which was recommended by the local therapist. It is important to remember that children under 5 years old should not be given Aspirin. If the temperature rises rapidly, then you need to seek help as soon as possible. medical institution or call an ambulance.
    • The usual diet of children can be changed only a day after vaccination.
    • If, after vaccination, the behavior of children causes anxiety among parents, they need to urgently seek professional advice.

    Problems that can arise if children do not have routine vaccinations

    Today, for many parents, the issue of childhood vaccination is acute. Many do not know whether or not to have mandatory vaccinations. This is due to the fact that every year the number of children who have developed complications after routine vaccinations is increasing.

    As a result, more and more families decide not to vaccinate their children. Having deliberately taken such a risk, they may face problems when registering their children in a kindergarten or school, when traveling to sanatoriums or summer camps.

    The legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation does not force children to be vaccinated. Only their parents have the right to decide this question. If the family decides not to vaccinate their child, they may have only temporary difficulties when registering him in a kindergarten or educational institution.

    The Directorate has no legal basis to refuse to accept unvaccinated children. Parents can receive a temporary refusal only if at the time of registration of documents in the institution there is a massive illness of children (infectious or viral).

    In practice, the management of schools and kindergartens usually tries in every possible way to prevent such children from getting into the collective, since they pose a "threat" of epidemics and outbreaks of serious diseases. Managers either do not accept medical records at all without marks on routine vaccinations, or they appeal their unwillingness to register a child who did not participate in vaccination by the lack of vacancies.