
Rostelecom benefits. Benefits for pensioners Rostelecom. Privileges of Disabled Persons in Civil and Family Law


Benefits for paying for a MGTS home phone for pensioners are a separate type of support for this category of citizens. To obtain such a privilege, a number of conditions and requirements are provided, as well as the need to go through a separately defined procedure, since a particular telephone company seriously controls the subjects claiming benefits and discounts. In MGTS, benefits for pensioners are provided to the home phone and the Internet serviced by the specified company.

Subjects of receipt

The privilege on the telephone, despite the widespread use of such a means of communication by citizens, is provided to a limited list of persons (). MGTS is a Moscow telecommunications company that spreads its work over vast territories and offers a wide range of services (). At the same time, the organization exercises strict control over customers, fulfillment of obligations and the possibility of realizing subsidies when using the network.

Phone benefits for pensioners are considered a mandatory support measure, but only if the person is in a certain benefit group:

  1. . The title must be confirmed by relevant documents, in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow.
  2. Pensioners in the status of a labor veteran. This category requires the receipt of either mandatory insurance pension coverage or other pension options ().
  3. Persons recognized as rehabilitated. The pensioner must also provide documentary evidence of this fact.
  4. Disabled people, including those who received a group during the war, as well as persons equated to them ().
  5. Persons who participated in the war, transferred to the reserve, served in the internal affairs bodies and the security service. This includes members of both ordinary and commanding structures.
  6. A pensioner or a pensioner who has received special orders, medals, diplomas.
  7. Visually handicapped. It is necessary to establish the first group or the third degree of limitation of labor abilities.
  8. Single citizens or families consisting only of pensioners. Here important condition is the achievement of the age of fifty-five or sixty years by a woman or a man, respectively.
  9. Non-working persons retirement age recognized as needy, having dependent children under the age of eighteen.

The provision of benefits for paying for the telephone for pensioners is carried out only after payment for the services and upon presentation of papers confirming the right to a subsidy.

Provision procedure

Benefits for a home phone for pensioners are issued according to the requirements of the company offering the type of service in question. Such subsidization does not represent the abolition of the obligation to pay for the telephone, but the reimbursement of expenses through the provision of discounts. The amount of compensation is fifty percent of the amount paid.

The user of telephone services, even if he falls into the preferential category, pays all expenses. Citizens fully contribute funds to the accounts issued to them. Only then can the benefit be realized. The pensioner must send an application, and then the money spent will be returned to him. This course of action is required condition. In addition, the subsidy will be distributed only to one city number. If there are several networks, the subscriber can choose the appropriate option on his own.

However, it is typical for the Moscow region that only MGTS provides compensation to pensioners for a telephone. The assistance program in this case is officially provided for and has a regulatory conclusion. Conditions are different for other companies. For example, Rostelecom does not provide. The only relief is the establishment of tariffs with discounts and more favorable conditions for the category of citizens in question.

The implementation of compensation for the telephone to pensioners is carried out not by the telephone company itself, but by the social security authorities. A package of papers should be sent there, which will serve as the basis for making a decision, namely:

  • identity document;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • certificate of disability, other medical documents;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • an agreement with a telecommunications company for the provision of services;
  • income statement;
  • documents establishing the fact of the presence of awards.

It is allowed to request additional papers if other circumstances are required to establish benefits.

An application for a telephone subsidy to a pensioner is a document, the content of which may influence the decision. It should include information about the applicant, the grounds for applying for assistance, as well as the details that will be required for the payment of funds. The appeal is certified by the date and signature, the list of attached papers is indicated below.

It is allowed to send an application to the social service in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, online on the Gosuslug website, as well as by visiting the MFC. The procedure for consideration of the appeal is general, providing for the adoption of a decision no later than the tenth day from the date of registration of the application. The term of compensation accruals will depend on the method of return of funds. If in cash, then immediately after the pensioner receives a positive response. If to a bank account - then within the period established by the bank for such operations.

In our new material, we will talk about the types of benefits that people with disabilities of all groups living in the Russian Federation can use in the current 2020.

Disability Insurance Pension

This type of pension is accrued to people with disabilities who were given group 1, 2 or 3. At the same time, insurance experience plays a role, regardless of its duration. By the way, the reasons that led to disability, as well as the period of its onset, are not important. The same applies to the fact that a disabled person is employed.

In 2020 (since January 1) monthly insurance pension, accrued to disabled people of the 1st group, is equal to 11372.50 rubles (without dependents). The pension changes upwards in the presence of one dependent 13267.92 rubles, two 15163.34 rubles or three 17058.76 rubles.

Disabled people of the 2nd group are entitled to 5686.25 rubles. Here, too, the number of dependents is affected. If we are talking about one person, the payment will reach 7581.67 rubles. When there are several dependents, 9477.09 rubles are charged. With an increase by one more person, the insurance pension reaches 11,372.51 rubles.

For those who have group 3, 2843.13 rubles per month are provided. The presence of a dependent increases this amount to 4,738.55 rubles. The more dependents, the higher the pension is 6633.97 rubles and 8529.39 rubles - the latter value is issued for three dependents).

Social disability pension

Assign such a pension to citizens of the Russian Federation who are considered disabled.

Indexation of pensions and disability payments in 2020

If we talk about the current period, social pensions will grow by 7%, while insurance will increase by 6.6%. As for social payments, the increase will be 3%. The average disability pension will reach 9.7 thousand rubles.

More information about disability benefits

Disabled people have the opportunity to use a set of social services (we are talking about a social package or NSI). But these services are also offered in the form of monetary compensation, which from February 1, 2020 will also undergo upward changes. In particular, they give:

For medicines 889.66 rubles;

For a ticket to the sanatorium 137.66 rubles;

For travel to the sanatorium (by train, bus, train, plane) 127.77 rubles.

In general, this year it is equal to 1155.06 rubles.

Among other things, social security employees, if necessary, can provide the following services:

Care of a person with disabilities and catering;

Assistance in obtaining legal, medical, socio-psychological and other types of assistance (for example, in kind, related to employment, funerals, etc.).

Free of charge to receive this or that support is entitled:

Disabled persons whose relatives, due to objective reasons, are not able to care for them, etc. (at the same time, the pension of the recipient of services with all supplements must be less than the subsistence level);

Persons with disabilities living in a family with a total income below the minimum wage established in the region.

Partial (incomplete) payment for services is provided if the disabled person has:

Pension (plus allowances), amounting to 100-150% of the subsistence minimum in force within the region;

Relatives who are not able to take care of the needy, and the amount of pensions of these citizens with allowances is also equal to 100-150% of the regional minimum;

A family with an average per capita income not exceeding 100-150% of the minimum wage accrued for living in a particular region.

Benefits for people with disabilities in the field of education

Holders of 1 and 2 disability groups can enter any MOU, VPO and SPO out of competition. At the same time, any disabled person has the right to a scholarship.

Benefits related to spa treatment

Going to a sanatorium together with a disabled person of the 1st group, the accompanying person (with the approval of the social security) is provided with a ticket (free of charge). He is also provided with travel on the conditions applicable to a person with disabilities. It is noteworthy that, in general, non-working people with disabilities do not pay for travel and recreation in a sanatorium, while those who work receive a 50% discount.

Benefits for medicines

Disabled people of the 2nd group who are not employed and persons with disabilities (group 1) receive prescription drugs free of charge (there is an approved list). Having group 2 and work, or group 3 (in the absence of activity), you can claim a deduction for half the cost of a certain remedy prescribed by a doctor.

Transport benefits for disabled pensioners

City passenger transport transports children with disabilities and those who care for them on preferential terms. The disabled are also included in this group. Both can purchase a ticket at a special reduced price, which is set by the authorities in each region.

Social Benefits for the Disabled - EDV

Recall that in 2005 the social. benefits have been replaced by, that is, monthly cash payments provided for both disabled children, the disabled, and veterans. The former prisoners of the fascist camps and those who suffered from radiation are also marked here.

3896.43 rubles (1 disability group);

2782.67 rubles (disabled children and group 2);

2227.55 rubles (for group 3);

Privileges of Disabled Persons in Civil and Family Law

Experts emphasize that people with disabilities should not be discriminated against in terms of salary and other significant points. Disabled people of groups 2 and 1 should work no more than 35 hours a week (unless they agree to other conditions). At the same time, wages are kept in full.

Plus, every year a disabled person has the right to rest for 30 days (no less if we assume that the working week is six days). An employee can work beyond the agreed time, at night or on weekends, with his consent and agreement with the employer, if there is no direct prohibition in medical recommendations (here it is worth focusing on the IPR).

Benefits under housing law

Families raising children with disabilities, as well as adults with disabilities, receive a discount of at least 50% on the rent for an apartment, if we are talking about a house owned by a public or municipal housing stock. Utilities are paid at the same discount (the housing stock is not important here).

In addition, disabled people and families with unhealthy children have the right to receive a piece of land in the first place. The territory is intended for the construction of individual housing, gardening, dacha and subsidiary farming. It should be noted that the site, according to the Decree of the President, should be a place suitable for the life of a disabled person.

Plus, it is important to take into account some of the requirements regarding the sale and purchase of residential premises and payment for services. For example, a disabled person can live in an alienated house (premises) all his life or apply for another space that meets the requirements of housing legislation. In addition, the disabled person has the right to receive the required assistance, food and material components.

tax incentives

Insurance premiums

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with individual entrepreneurs (we are talking about organizations) have the opportunity in the first case to pay 20.2% for a disabled person (until 2012), and in the second - 27.1% (since 2013). These contributions are mandatory, but not in every Pension Fund agree with these values.

Contributions for injuries

In relation to the heads of organizations, if necessary, a benefit is applied on payments that are accrued to employees with disabilities of groups 1, 2 or 3. From the salary of such an employee, 60% of the insurance rate should be paid (this is indicated by articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 186-FZ). It is worth knowing that under a civil law contract, payments when calculating the amount of contributions are taken into account only in accordance with the clauses of the concluded contract (see paragraph 4, clause 1, article 5 of the above-mentioned Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ “On Compulsory Social Insurance from industrial accidents and occupational diseases).

As for the tax on property and land owned by organizations, paragraph 3 of Article 381 and paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Tax Code, these taxes are not paid:

Public organizations of the disabled, where the latter are at least 80%;

Organizations with an authorized capital consisting of 100% of the contributions made by the institutions indicated in the previous paragraph (at the same time, there must be at least 50% of employees with disabilities, and their share in the wage fund is 25% or more);

Organizations owned by societies of the disabled.

income tax

Focusing on paragraph 1 and subparagraph 38 in Article 264 of the Tax Code, other expenses can include those incurred by taxpaying organizations that have provided work to disabled people and provide them with social protection.

But for this, half (or more) of the employees must be with a disability, and on average, from the total salary, at least 25% must be spent on paying for their activities.

We emphasize that disabled people working under civil law contracts (for example, contracts) or part-time jobs cannot be considered together with other employees who have a group.

Plus, the stipulated paragraph gives an idea of ​​​​the goals of social protection for people with disabilities. This includes:

Changing the protection and working conditions for the better;

Preservation and creation of jobs for people with disabilities, including those who work at home or need special equipment (installation and purchase of the latter are not excluded);

Training and employment of disabled people;

Repair, as well as the creation of prosthetic products;

Purchase and maintenance of rehabilitation equipment (including the purchase of guide dogs);

Sanatorium and resort services for people with disabilities and their accompanying persons (important for children with disabilities and those with group 1);

Protection of the rights and interests of citizens with health problems;

Organization of various events that promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society;

Ensuring equal opportunities with healthy people (the same applies to support);

Directing contributions to organizations for the disabled, etc.

Labor costs

An employer who employs a disabled person is provided with the opportunity to increase labor costs. Paragraph 23 of Article 255 of the Tax Code informs that the costs of additional payments to citizens with disabilities are included in labor costs, which are taken into account when determining taxable income.

For example, if a disabled person who has been exposed to radiation is transferred to another position with a lower salary than he had before, he has the right to receive an additional payment (clause 4, article 14 of the Federal Law of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

personal income tax

There is a tax deduction of 3,000 rubles from the salary if we are talking about disabled veterans of the Second World War, shell-shocked, crippled or wounded (groups 1, 2, 3) during the defense of the Russian Federation or the USSR. And here is the amount of 500r. per month is provided for the disabled of the first two categories (2 or 1) and from childhood. childhood; disabled people of groups I and II.

VAT is not subject to:

Vouchers to health and sanatorium-resort institutions (not counting tourist ones), if they were bought with money left after the employer paid income tax (clause 9, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Amounts involved in the purchase of technical, rehabilitation and other assistance for the disabled (for example, hearing aids);

Financial assistance in the amount of 4,000 rubles issued by the employer to disabled pensioners (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Reimbursed for a person with disabilities the cost of medicines prescribed by a doctor (no more than 4,000 rubles, about this in paragraph 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Transport tax

Bet on one horsepower for the disabled and pensioners, it is reduced by half if they themselves purchased a passenger vehicle with an engine power of up to 150 hp as a whole. Also, in some regions, under these conditions, you can not pay this tax at all (if the vehicle belongs to a disabled person of groups 1, 2 or a veteran of the Second World War).

Land tax

Disabled since childhood, WWII and holders of life-long 1 or 2 groups (if the conclusion does not limit labor activity and issued before January 1, 2004) the amount not taxed on own land was reduced by 10,000 rubles.

Personal property tax

Persons with disabilities from childhood, as well as those who have groups 1 and 2, are exempted from paying it.

State Duties

With disability groups 1 and 2, you can not pay a fee by filing a property claim with an amount of damage of less than a million rubles. The same is true for the state duty "for applying to the courts of general jurisdiction." A 50% discount is valid for people with disabilities of categories 1 and 2 for any notary services.

Code of Benefits

Types of benefits Benefits for disabled people of group I Benefits for disabled people of group II Benefits for disabled people of III group Benefits for disabled children
Public Utilities 50% discount 50% discount 50% discount 50% discount
Monthly disability tax deduction 500 - 3000 R 500 R -
Tax deduction per guardian per month Up to 12 000 R Up to 12 000 R 6000 - 12 000 R
Exemption from tax on one property + + + +
Discount on car tax, 150 l. With. or less 50% 50% 50%
Discount on prescription drugs and medical equipment 100% 50-100% 0-50% 100%
Free dental prosthetics + +
Free vouchers for spa treatment + + + +
Free transportation to the place of treatment Once a year Once a year Once a year
Intercity transport 50% from January 1 to May 15, the rest of the time free of charge once a year there and back
Free public transport If they can't see well or can't move +
Minimum vacation 30 days 30 days 30 days
Reducing working hours while maintaining the full rate Up to 35 hours per week Up to 35 hours per week
Ability to work overtime, weekends and nights Disabled consent required Disabled consent required Disabled consent required
Housing Benefits + + + +
Free parking + + + +
Parking under a prohibition sign + + +
Exemption from state duty in courts + +
Discount on notary services 50% 50%
Out-of-line service for the disabled + + +
Service out of turn for disabled children in kindergartens and medical institutions + + +
Departure of the MFC specialist at home Is free

Code of laws

Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 "On the Social Protection of the Disabled" - fixes the main list of financial payments and in-kind benefits that people with disabilities can count on.
Decree of the President No. 1157 dated 02.10.1992 “On measures of state support for the disabled”.
The federal law No. 178 dated 17.07.1999 "On State Social Support" - provides for the procedure for obtaining benefits and the conditions for their implementation.
Decree of the President No. 685 of 06.05.2008 "On the social support of citizens with disabilities."
Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002 "On Compulsory Insurance of Vehicle Owners" - guarantees the right of disabled people to a discount when buying an insurance policy.
Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001 "On the state pension provision”- gives the right to apply for a social pension.
Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1024 dated 12/17/2015 "On the rules for conducting medical examinations, classifications and criteria for assigning disability groups."
Government Decree No. 247 dated 07.04.2008 "On the rules for recognizing a person as disabled."

Rostelecom does not advertise the provision of benefits. It's easier to find cancellation information today various types privileges for telephone calls and Internet tariffs. Preferential resources of Rostelecom are presented on the websites of the company's representative offices in the regions in the form of a list of links. The resources indicated in the list have a direct connection (network of the IRF Rostelecom).

The company assures subscribers about getting access to them in the maximum speed mode. Rostelecom cooperates with resource owners on a contractual basis.

Rostelecom: advantage mode

Judging by user reviews, “” and “” are in the greatest demand. These resources are not the property of Rostelecom. Their prerogative is only to provide the provider with quick access and high flow rates. The preferential resources of Rostelecom are divided thematically:

  • Informational;

  • Game portals;

  • Providing viewing of TV shows and movies;

  • Portals for communication.

Company's own resources

This category includes - the television portal of Rostelecom. Grace time for Rostelecom calls and information about privileged tariffs should be found at the place of residence of the subscriber. You can use the old proven method - call the help desk "09".

Benefits for the disabled from Rostelecom are provided on holidays (Victory Day). More detailed information on tariffs and benefits for certain categories of citizens by region can be found at

About the benefits for Rostelecom employees provided for Internet resources, telephone communications open information no. More is known about the material and social assistance provided by the company to its employees.

Today, some categories of citizens are entitled to a privilege for a TV antenna, but far from many Russians know who can apply for it, and what documents must be submitted for this. The information below will be useful to those who watch their favorite TV channels through city cable TV networks and collective TV antennas. We will talk about what a benefit is when paying for a TV antenna, who is entitled to it, and what actions need to be taken to use it.

Categories of citizens applying for a benefit for paying for a TV antenna

According to the Decree of the Government of Moscow and numerous amendments to this document, some categories of users of telecommunication systems are entitled to a discount for paying for the use of a television antenna. There are also such preferential categories that are completely spared from this part of the costs. All beneficiaries were divided into three categories:

  • The first category, which included Heroes Soviet Union, equated to them holders of three Orders of Glory, as well as Heroes of Russia. They pay, according to the government decree, 50% of the cost of the service.
  • The second category is visually impaired people of the first and second groups, who are completely exempt from paying this communal fee.
  • The third category, which provides a 50% discount on a television antenna for disabled people living alone and pensioners who receive a state subsidy for utility bills.

If you meet these requirements and fall into one of the categories listed, you may be eligible for benefits. To do this, you will have to submit a standard package of documents.

In order to qualify for a discount on payment for telecommunications services, low-income single pensioners will have to submit the pension certificate itself and an extract from the financial and personal account (issued by a utility company) confirming the composition of the family. Those who receive a subsidy will have to submit a document on its appointment, and disabled people - a certificate of the established form confirming disability. The expiration of the benefits for the television antenna coincides with the expiration of the subsidy for housing and utilities, and the control of the implementation of the Decree is entrusted to the deputies of the head of the city administration.

Pensioners - already by the right of reaching such a venerable age should enjoy state support. In 2018, persons receiving an old-age pension are entitled to numerous social benefits Content of the article:

  • 1. Property tax benefits for pensioners in 2018
  • 2. Do pensioners have benefits for transport tax in 2018?
  • 3. What other tax benefits are provided to pensioners
  • 4. Benefits for paying utility bills in 2018
  • 5. Benefits for connecting gas to a private house
  • 6. Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment in 2018
  • 7. Benefits for pensioners to travel in public transport

What benefits are provided to pensioners in 2018

What other benefits are provided for tax pensioners List of additional tax benefits for old-age pensioners:

  1. Tax deduction for the purchase of real estate (a residential building, an apartment, a room, a land plot for the construction of individual housing) - from the amount of 2 million rubles
  2. Tax deduction for the purchase of the above real estate on credit - from the amount of 3 million rubles
  3. Zero personal income tax rate (other citizens pay 13% income tax)
  4. Land tax deduction
  5. Zero state duty rate when filing a lawsuit in court with the amount of claims not exceeding 1 million rubles.

Pension provision for residents of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region in 2018

Russia as a whole, or only in certain regions of the country. The content of the article:

  1. Conditions for granting and types of benefits to pensioners in 2018
  2. List of all federal benefits for retirees in 2018
  3. Regional benefits for pensioners in 2018
  4. Will benefits for pensioners be canceled in 2018 - rumors and realities

Conditions for granting benefits for pensioners in 2018 - types of pension benefits A Russian pensioner will be able to receive a benefit if he:

  1. Reached, first, retirement age.
  2. Secondly, the pensioner's income is below the subsistence level in force in the region.
  3. Thirdly, if it belongs to a certain category of citizens.

Beneficiaries are:

  1. Elderly people who have merits before the state.

Social support for Irkutsk residents

Targeted assistance Targeted assistance can be distinguished in the form of:

  1. Financial compensation.
  2. Food products.
  3. Items of clothing.

A special program should be developed in the region. Assistance is provided after a personal appeal and the provision of documents. You can count on one type of support - or at once the entire package of social services.
Social support measures are social protection from the PFR budget. Targeted assistance is provided in almost all regions of the country. Rumors and real information about the abolition of benefits for pensioners in 2018 - which pensioners will lose benefits, and which ones? The State Duma will consider a bill according to which pension benefits will be abolished.

Residents of the Irkutsk region will receive benefits for traveling by train in 2018

Labor veterans and home front workers will take advantage of a 50% discount on January 15, IrkutskMedia. In 2018, residents of the Irkutsk Region and the Republic of Buryatia are provided with benefits for travel on suburban trains. Labor veterans and home front workers will receive a 50% discount, and victims of political repression - 100%.
It is reported by IA IrkutskMedia with reference to the press service of the Eastern Railway. For travel in suburban rail transport for the entire period of 2018 in the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia, benefits will be provided to certain categories of citizens. In the amount of 50% of the total fare: - labor veterans, as well as citizens equated to them as of December 31, 2004; - home front workers during the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, the amount of monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services to citizens of preferential categories specified in paragraphs 4, 5 of Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 No. social support on payment for the phone "in 2017 is 460 rubles, and in 2018 it is already 500 rubles. A, the amount of monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services to citizens of privileged categories specified in paragraphs 1-3, 6-10 of Appendix No. 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for payment per phone" in 2017 is 230 rubles, and in 2018 it is already 250 rubles.

Benefits for travel in public transport An important benefit that most pensioners enjoy. You can apply for benefits at the Social Security office in your area or city. The exemption applies to the types of transport:

  1. Buses.
  2. Trolleybuses.
  3. Trams.
  4. Metro.
  5. Air Transport.
  6. Suburban trains.
  7. Intercity trains.

Let's consider in which region the authorities decided to leave such a benefit for 2018. Region Type of benefit St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Reduced travel tickets.

Tariffs are set by the Transport Committee and are reviewed periodically. Moscow and Moscow region Reduced travel ticket for public transport. A social card should be issued. Arkhangelsk region 60 preferential trips.
Chelyabinsk region 30 free trips per month.

Rostelecom benefits for pensioners on payment in 2018 Irkutsk

Lonely old people, disabled people, a family of elderly people with a total pension income of less than two living wages established for the region of residence. A strict list of grounds for applying for help is not established by law. Traveling in urban and suburban transport For pensioners who do not have a special status, but retired by age, there is also a federal benefit that gives the right to travel by public transport.


Regional authorities have the right to establish the features of the passage of certain categories. For example, in some regions, the elderly can use public transport on preferential terms only on certain days. In others, an old-age pensioner, a citizen receiving a survivor's pension, a disability pensioner can travel for free not only on city routes, but also on suburban ones.

In 2018, the benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment are as follows:

  • Full compensation of the cost of travel to the place of treatment (provided that this place is located in the same region where the person under examination lives).
  • 50% discount on the purchase of prescription drugs.
  • Compensation for accommodation and payment of the cost of medical rehabilitation procedures in health institutions (payment for a ticket to a sanatorium).

How to get benefits for spa treatment To receive the above discounts, a pensioner must contact:

  1. to the attending physician for diagnosis;
  2. to the branch of the FSS (or PFR) at the place of residence.

By the way, any pensioner has the right to replace a voucher to a sanatorium by reimbursement of its cost in cash.
Muscovites who have the right to provide benefits for paying for telephone services are compensated for monthly expenses in a certain amount. According to the Law of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow” (as amended on December 14, 2016), clause 3 of Art. 5 subscribers of telephone networks in the territory of the city of Moscow provided with monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services. The amount of this compensation for subsequent years is determined by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the next financial year and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Government of Moscow ; as amended, entered into force on May 30, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated April 30, 2014 No. 20).

How to apply? A citizen of retirement age living in Irkutsk can apply to one of the branches of the Pension Fund - on the street. December Events, Rosa Luxembourg or Yamskaya. Residents of regional centers apply to territorial branches. Employees of social services are provided with documents confirming the fact of residence in the region, a pension or other certificate. For gasification of a private house at a reduced rate, pensioners are advised to contact the social security and write a statement about the need for assistance at the address. A disabled person, in order to go to a spa treatment, needs a certificate from a doctor and permission from the local branch of the FSS.

  • Factors affecting the amount of pension maintenance
  • Quantitative characteristics of the recipient
  • Support measures
  • Local measures to support pensioners
  • Terms of appointment
  • List of required documents
  • When money is transferred to the recipient
  • Addresses FIU branches in Irkutsk
  • Changes in 2018

The amount of pension payments in Russian Federation depend on the length of service of the person, as well as the region of residence. Thus, pensions in Irkutsk in 2018 are on average higher than in warmer regions. In addition, all social subsidies increase by a multiple of the northern coefficient. For the Irkutsk region, it is 1.3.