
Happy Anniversary Kindergarten. Scenario of the anniversary of the preschool institution for the team Perform the dance "U-ha-ha"

Pathology of the uterus


Everyone is sitting at the tables, the music of "Fanfare" sounds

Leading. Good evening! And the evening is truly good, because old, good friends gathered in this hall, who were united by kindergarten No. 45 "Dolphin".

Today is the anniversary birthday
And we can't hide our excitement
Please no further discussion
Our festive evening to open!

Employees kindergarten sing a song to the motive "Good beetle"

Song to the motive "Good beetle":

Anniversary, Anniversary, Anniversary!
We are glad to see everyone - both guests and friends.
Let's sing and dance, dance, dance.
Celebrate our anniversary, celebrate, celebrate.

Sing along to us quickly, to us quickly, to us quickly.
Together it will be more fun, more fun, more fun.
We want to wish you, wish, wish.
Have fun, don't be bored, don't be bored, don't be bored!

Be happy always, you always, you always.
And forget about the years, about the years, about the years.
For the 100th anniversary, anniversary, anniversary.
We will gather everyone again - both guests and friends!

Leading. We all have joy and uplift,
And I hope it's nice
We will spend this evening with you.
Pour champagne into glasses.
And congratulations to the kindergarten are starting.

To the music, everyone pours wine into glasses - they drink. "I wish" Vaenga.

– Dear colleagues, I invite everyone to travel through time on a virtual train number -35. We are still on the platform of the station. (phonogram sounds of the sounds of the station) And the parents of our pupils came to see us off on the anniversary trip. (Word to parents).

And now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!

A toast to parents. Music sounds "The trailer will move"

According to the previously purchased tickets, you took your seats in the restaurant car of the express train No. 35. The train is still on the platform, everyone is worried, and I want to introduce you to everyone who, together with us, passengers, is traveling today in the restaurant car.

Head of the train: (Head)

Service medical care: (medical workers kindergarten)

Machinists: (deputy manager)

Tracker: (caretaker of the kindergarten)

Passengers: we and our guests.

- And in order for the train to move, we must choose conductors. At each table, as in the car, there should be two conductors, choose. (At the tables, conductors are chosen, they are given distinctive signs - badges) Your conductors have a responsible job today - to make sure that your glasses are always full, their task is to pour, pour and refresh. And so everyone is presented and the express train No. 35 leaves from the second track (the soundtrack of the fast train No. 40 sounds”)

Dear passengers, something we drove a couple of stops and did not notice it. As they say,
First stop - lumpy
The second is a falcon,
And the third must fly - like a bird,
And why don't we have a glass of wine!

Everyone drinks and eats to the music (O. Sergeeva “Stations, railway stations, trains”)

Everyone sings the song "Blue Wagon"

1. The blue wagon runs, swings,
The fast train is picking up speed
Let what is planned come true
And what is meant to happen will happen!


2. Let it be good mood,
There will be many sincere friends
Let there be funny adventures
And gifts from beautiful fairies!

Tablecloth, tablecloth spreads a long way.
And sadness dissolves in the air
Everyone, everyone believes in the best,
Rolling, rolling train of childhood into the distance.

Leading. The official moment is coming
I invite the one who knows everything
About the whole team who helps us
And courageously heads the kindergarten.
We ask the manager to say a few words
Nina Nikolaevna, the microphone is ready.

The word of the head of the d.s. to reward employees.

- For you, dear passengers, and especially for you, awarded citizens, the Serpentine ensemble dances under the direction of our choreographer Popov A.M.

- The people languish in anticipation,
And there is no reason to delay any longer.
That's why it's his birthday,
To make the glasses ring.

Conductors, do not forget about your job responsibilities.

(The music sounds "The wheels are knocking" VIA "Flowers")

- Are you sitting well? Doesn't shake you in our car? Then listen and remember, and who does not know - remember.

Leading. In the 70s of the last century, it was decided to build a children's plant on Uritsky Street. The customer of this construction was the Corvette plant, because. many families from this plant lived in this microdistrict.

The phonogram of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds.

Leading. Did you recognize the song that was just played? Of course. Who among us does not know the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” as easy as a snowflake? The poems were written by Raisa Kudasheva in 1903. The song "Yolochka" became in 1921 thanks to the composer Leonid Beckman. As is known, in New Year- miracles happen ... And on December 29, 1976, a children's plant called "Dolphin" was put into operation.
Today this song is 90 years old, poems - 111, and kindergarten - 35! We wish our hero of the day to live to the same venerable age!

Host. 35 years have passed since then
How did the kindergarten open?
Do any of you remember
How young we were.

Colleagues' song to the motive "How young we were"

Look around, stranger
I know your incorruptible look
Maybe I'm just younger
We don't always recognize ourselves.

How young we were
How young we were
How sincerely loved
How did you believe in yourself?

We were then greeted without a smile
All the flowers on the roads of the earth
We forgive friends for mistakes
Only treason could not be forgiven

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed
And the youth that is gone is still immortal

How young we were
How young we were
How sincerely loved
How did you believe in yourself?

We've already played the first half.
And only one thing they managed to understand
So that you are not lost on earth
Try not to lose yourself

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed
And the youth that is gone is still immortal

How young we were
How young we were
How sincerely loved
How did you believe in yourself?

Lightning burned out in the sky
And the storm subsides in the hearts
Don't forget our favorite faces
Do not forget our native eyes

Nothing on earth goes unnoticed
And the youth that is gone is still immortal

– On the way, along any route of our trains through the vast country of Russia, in compartment, reserved seat and general carriages, we meet random fellow travelers to whom we open our souls and talk about the most intimate. Our train was no exception, and I suggest you watch a film about us and those who came before us…. For your attention, the Dolphin studio has released a film for the anniversary.

- Dear passengers, I ask you to hurry your conductors with pouring, pouring and refreshing your glasses.

While the glasses are pouring
And in them a reflection of amber,
And the faces of our passengers light up
Like a spring dawn!
With wine, everyone's longing is carried away,
Becoming brighter
And a toast to the heart asks -
Now, we will drink, for the anniversary!

To the music "The trailer will move", VIA "The leg has cramped."

Leading. We continue to remember, I ask everyone to answer questions. (Prices will be awarded for the correct answer)

- Who took over the plant in 1976, became the first head of this kindergarten? (Moiseeva Valentina Vasilievna)

- Which of the first employees of the kindergarten do you know? (Sheveleva E.I., Chernyshova G.S., Valentina Fedorovna).

- Valentina Fedorovna is still with us - she has a double anniversary today.
- VF, you were hired, but you didn’t have children yet, what did you do?

- How many years has Nina Nikolaevna been working at the head of kindergarten No. 45? (24 years)

- What was the name of the methodologist who started working with N.N. (Kapisheva N.P.)

- Which of the passengers of our train is the same age as the hero of the day?

- At one of the stations following our train got off: (I.O.F., pensioners present)

Leading. Today they are visiting us. I ask questions, I take interviews.

. - How many years have you worked in this school?
-N.N., you are not just an employee of this d.s. You are also the first parent. What do you remember as a mother about the garden.
– S.P. she has always been a creative person, she brought a lot of new and interesting things to the interior of her 6th group.

Leading. All right, so let's raise our glasses to these people.

Somewhere in the field lights, somewhere the wind toils!
Well, we are supposed to drink for the guests.

Leading. In July 1977, children's voices sounded in the kindergarten ...

A soundtrack of children's laughter sounds, “children” - adults run up to the host.

Leading. Who will answer why
So beautiful all around?
And where we don't look
Friend on the left and friend on the right.
Lots of fun today
The songs are ringing!

Children: Because the kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!

Children's words:
1. Oh, guys, what a fun day today.
We will have a happy holiday.
35th anniversary year
Kindergarten is celebrating now.

2. Why is it such fun everywhere.
Such a celebration from dawn to dawn.
From the fact that we celebrate the anniversary.

3. And only everything?

All. And only everything!

Children sing the song "Magic Land".

1. We grew up in warmth and affection,
Like flowers in spring
Fairy tales every day
In an amazing country.
It's good that there is
State "Kindergarten".
Children are always playing there.
Lots of little guys!

Kindergarten is a magical land
Full of miracles and mysteries.
Kindergarten is a land of mysteries
She will not be forgotten.

2. Here the stump has a dream,
Here Kikimora lives
The locomotive knows how to make friends,
The cat is talking.
Even the evil Grandmother-Hedgehog
Here you can become a princess
A hut on chicken legs
Likes "Russian" to dance.

4. Glory to this house, glory to my garden,
We wish peace, happiness and praise the owners.

5. Many years, health to you and big and kids.

The children leave. The soundtrack of children's laughter sounds.

Leading. For 35 years, small children have been growing and developing in our kindergarten. For 35 years, we have released 1,750 children and handed them over to other friendly hands.
Just think about this number. That is how many children we have taught to draw, count, make friends, think, sing, dance and much more. So let's drink to the golden hands and bright heads of all those who have made an effort in raising so many children, for us, dear colleagues!

Leading. If we turn back time, go back in time in a time machine, we would find out that since 1976 the kindergarten was departmental and belonged to the Corvette plant.

- I would like you to remember this year, even if you were not yet in the world, or you were very young, or already smart teenagers, or, or, or .... For example, I was 9 years old in 1976 and I remember how I ran to the nearest store and bought a popsicle for 5 kopecks! What a delicious meal it was... And I suggest you remember the prices in stores in '76.

A survey is conducted at the prices of 76 years, prizes are awarded.

- And we will return to our hares, but not to the free riders, because everyone here has tickets, but we will return to the anniversary.
In 1993, the Corvette plant handed over its kindergarten to the city, and it began to work under the guidance of the city education department. Now teachers need to improve their skills and pass on categories, which is successful, because professionals work here!

The song "Team" is performed. Trainee teachers sing.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention

Here we have already trodden paths,
We went in summer and winter,
And you raised our children,
Always (Hearts) warmed them with kindness.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How hard it is to be an educator.

And it's a pity that we part so soon,
But time can not be appeased and not restrained,
Team of the best teachers
You could always surprise us.

To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How hard it is to be an educator.

Talents are tested for loyalty
We have something to be thankful for
And if, what, then immediately to this kindergarten,
We will bring all the children to you.

– But even this is not enough. Doesn't like N.N. stagnate and in 2001 the kindergarten receives the status of "Child Development Center", therefore, dear colleagues, today we have a double anniversary - 35 years for the kindergarten and 10 years for the "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45". So let's drink to the CENTER!

Everyone drinks. The music "The trailer will move" sounds.

Leading. We asked the Central Television to reflect our anniversary on the 1st. Our request was graciously responded to by the Big Difference TV show, which went on the air today. Attention please!

A table is set up, the “manager” sits at it. The screen saver of the program "Big Difference" sounds

LEADER: It is necessary to wait for guests today: a birthday near the garden.
He was born after all, already 35 years old.
Hush, I hear a knock on the door - the guests seem to be coming.

There is a knock on the door, the teacher of physio comes in.

FIZO: Hello, N.N.! Happy birthday to us!
Don't you know? Right now we have a gym.
I invite everyone to rhythmoplasty,
Everyone will have a waist, just like mine!
Let's go jogging down, well, be brave, come follow me!

LEADER: So immediately and run?

FIZO.: There is nothing to lose time!

Grabs the hand of the head. and drags along. To the music they run around the Christmas tree, then HEAD. She runs out and sits down at the table.

LEADER: Well, they cheered up well, lost a hundred grams,
Lyudmila's training will make figures for us.
So… what was I talking about?… Oh, I completely, completely forgot!
It's our birthday, the guests will arrive now.
Again I hear a knock on the door. Here they go!
There is a knock on the door and an epidemiologist enters.

Epidemiologist: Good afternoon! Was I not expected? I'm from SES. They wrote to us
That the whole group is visible from your window.
They don’t wash their hands with soap in it, they don’t eat meatballs with cheese,
They sleep a little and do not walk, they only play the fool.
Sign this deed. Lose the prize, that's for sure.

INTERVIEWER: Let me explain...

Epidemiologist: No time, goodbye!
He snatches the act out of his hands and runs away.

INTERVIEWER: So congratulations! (knocking on door) Who's knocking? Sign in!

Nanny: Here is a statement, please accept.
Nyura told me that, you see, I am a fool.
Allow me to ask you, please fire her as soon as possible!

LEADER: Wait, do not rush, and take this.
You shouldn't lash out in the heat of the moment.
If we expel Nyura, it will not be profitable for you:
After all, you will have to work in two groups, as is being done.

Nanny: Okay, I don’t want two, but I’ll teach Nyurka a lesson!
She leaves and the nurse takes her place.

Art. nurse: Hello, N.N.! I would ask you to join us
It's time to go down to the office to get this advice:
For dinner, breakfast and lunch, we say “no” to sausages!
Children with them have allergies, cough, runny nose, anemia.
And, like it or not, there will be fish and scrambled eggs!

LEADER: We need a ration for both lunch and dinner.
How to make - it is not known that it is tasty and healthy?

Two drunken plumbers burst in.

I vodopr.: You called us? (swinging)
Waterfall II: Here, they found us. (hiccups)

LEADER: I would ask you to stay on your feet
And don't speak out loud in the office!

I vodopr.: Are we to swear? No way!

Head. Brothers, how can you, because there are children around you!

II vodopr.: What are you talking about, Palych and I are only cultural.
Even if we overdrink, we spit in the urn!

ZAV: Why do you drink right at work?
If you can't help but drink, drink where you live.

I vodopr.: We can’t at home - the conditions are not the same there.

II vodopr.: And then we, nevertheless, protect our health.

They leave, embracing and singing “Noisy reeds”.

LEADER: How to celebrate a birthday here?
Life is in full swing in the study (e) management.
Again a knock is heard at the door.
Again with worries go.

Kindergarten workers come in with mugs of tea in their hands.

Employees: It's us! Congratulations to everyone, we wish you happiness, joy,
What would we all know no grief for many years, no troubles.
To raise children all their lives, to be loved and loved!

Employees sit down to the HEAD. They sing the song "Educator" to the motive "Dear Long"

1. We are reluctant to get up at six in the morning,
But seeing children's eyes,
All our worries recede,
It's time for us to go to work.

Yes, I am a teacher, which means
That children were not entrusted to us in vain,
And we will educate them, and we will caress,
And it's not hard for us, to be honest.

2. And in the garden again, again worries,
He fell, this one has a bruise.
Not easy to believe, oh, this burden.
We have to replace mom all day.

Yes, I am a teacher, yes, a teacher,
And even though our salary is small,
We are enthusiasts and dreamers,
And shout to us three times:
“Hurrah!”, “Hurrah!”, “Hurrah!”.

3. But the problems come again:
Teachers' council and experience to generalize.
And the kids so as not to be bored,
We need to play games with them.

Material on the topic:
Scenario for the anniversary of the kindergarten


The music hall is already decorated with helium balloons under the ceiling.

To the anniversary of the kindergarten "And only 40 more"

Fanfare sounds. Enter 2 leaders.

B: Good afternoon, Dear friends!

Q: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Q: We are happy to welcome everyone who came to visit us today for our festive anniversary!

Q: We are -40 today!

Together: Happy anniversary, dear, kindergarten!

Q: There is one country in the world - you can't find another like it,

It is not marked on the map and the size is small.

But lives in the country of that glorious wonderful people

And wherever you look, a friend is walking next to you!

In that country, there is such an order: everything is in the power of the guys

And they all live together like a family - one kindergarten.

Now the music is playing, now the brilliance of colored lights

Kindergarten meets children, clap quickly!

(Children run into the hall with balls in their hands).

Child - Listen! Listen! Listen!

Everything from the first to the last row!

Welcome children of our garden!

Child - There are a lot of guests here! Because…

All children - Anniversary!

Child - Happy birthday, our beloved kindergarten,

We wish happiness and joy for the guests and for the children!

Child - How did the adults try,

To make the garden a favorite,

To make us all smile

And no one was bored here.

Child - To bright, clean, bright

Was here every day and hour.

So that resentment is imperceptible

They would leave us.

Child - What is the name of our kindergarten,

Where do we enjoy living now?

"Fairy tale" we call him

And now we will sing to you!

(The song "Kindergarten" is performed cheerful and perky with balloons)

(At the end, the children release the balls to the ceiling and leave)

V: We are very glad to see big people here today.

Wishing you health and happiness on this glorious Anniversary!

- And we invited guests to have fun, sing, dance,

After all, it is more interesting to celebrate a birthday with friends!

- We are no longer “five”, not “six”, time is rushing fast.

Fourty years, happy years How can you not be proud!

- Today we will celebrate a joyful holiday with you!

Listen to your congratulations and receive gifts!

V: Today we have a truly extraordinary day, because old, good friends have gathered in this hall, who were united by the Skazka kindergarten. For 40 years they have been growing and developing in our kindergarten like spikelets, small children. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not hide them, but carefully pass them on to other friendly hands. And more than 20,000 children have grown in our garden for 40 years. Just think about this number!

Q: How wonderful is an anniversary? Meeting good old friends

A sea of ​​vivid impressions, a meeting of different generations!

Q: And today the graduates of our kindergarten came to congratulate us!

Dance………………. (Dance name) performed by .... -(dance)

And ...... will give a song ...…………… .. (song name)

Vedas. 2. And let's turn the page back at 40 years old. That's how it all began /phonogram of a crying baby/. Do you hear? (The doctor brings in a baby - an envelope from the hospital) He was born, our kindergarten! It was November 1974. Everything is as it should be: the baby was given a tag with the number No. 26. (The doctor attaches the tag with the number to the envelope with the baby) (APPLAUSE.)

(Song to the motive “First Steps”. The presenters sing in turn)

Vedas: Years, years, 40 years ago,

There is a new kindergarten.

Little children came to the garden

Tenderness and care were found in him.

Top-top, top-top, very hard

Top-top, top-top, the first days!

Historical facts: the first head was ..., she was replaced in 1956 ... The kindergarten was lucky, throughout this period there were always talented and competent teachers who glorified our kindergarten.

1. Work for the good - it is holy and eternal

Hardworking - he is invincible.

And how not to remember this evening

About veterans - dear teachers

Vedas. – With deep respect and great joy, we present you your honored veterans. They connected their whole lives with the upbringing of children, with this hard, noble work. These people no longer work in our kindergarten, but they serve as an example for us. And we are always glad to see you. Over the years, so much warmth and affection has been given that many children began to consider them their second mothers. We give way to you, colleagues………………………………….

And so our well-deserved "moms"

And for all of them, the number performed by the educators Song-?

Colleagues' song to the motive "Do you remember how it all began"

Many years ago they came to work in this garden .... (surnames of veterans) They connected their whole lives with raising children, with this hard work. .

Vedas. 1How many babies have passed through your hands and heart.

How much warmth and affection you gave to each child.

Vedas. 2 But today you came to this hall not for work, but for a holiday.

Thanks to you, children grow up, knowing how to behave and live.

Educators! Kindly you are not in the world! we want you to be happy!

Word to give memorable gifts honorary veterans are provided by the head of the kindergarten ......:

Memorable souvenirs for guests (thank you letters and a bouquet of flowers)

Today we invited someone who lived for many years to visit

They were not called veterans for nothing - after all, there is no one wiser.

You lived honestly and with dignity. Worked tirelessly

They raised a young tribe. But the autumn of life came suddenly.

Tired hands, gray head, wrinkles lay around the eyes.

But your age-old wisdom always surprises us so much.

We honestly want to tell you - we look at you with envy.

You can now jump, you can not sleep at a quiet hour

Now no one will tell you: “No! It is forbidden! Don't touch! Don't go!"

You can eat at least a ton of candy.

Well, we give you our word that someday we

We will be the grandson of our own, just like you

Grooming, undead and cherish, telling him “Don't go!

Not! It is forbidden! Don't touch! Do not jump! Come down from above!”

All children: Thank you for your titanic work!

Presenter 2: All this, believe me, the children will return to you!

Children give souvenirs to veterans, run away from the hall to the music

Vedas: Our kindergarten is very loved and respected by the parents of our pupils, they leave the children in our children with peace of mind, without fear for their life and health. Our dear parents! Without your support, we would have had a hard time. Thank you very much for your cooperation with us in the development of your children.

And today, of course, we are very pleased to receive congratulations from them.

(Parents congratulate the kindergarten team.)

Vedas. – Today we have the most honored and welcome guests and they are in a hurry to congratulate us on our birthday!

Vedas. - The activities of our kindergarten institution are coordinated by the education department of the administration.

Vedas. - The word for congratulations is given ....

Vedas. - The word for congratulations is given ....

Vedas. Kindergarten is a team of kind, warm-hearted people who bring warmth and comfort to children.

Vedas 2. 40 years of kindergarten, and so much has happened!

Our beloved kindergarten would not be so cheerful, fabulous, joyful if it were not for the constant work and diligence of our friendly team. Over the years I have received so many diplomas, prizes and awards!

Q: The official moment is coming, We invite the one who knows everything

About all the team who help us

And courageously heads the kindergarten!

We ask the manager to say a few words.

Olga Alexandrovna, the microphone is ready!

And since the kindergarten has them, we thought: why not assign titles to our employees, even if they are not serious. This prompted us to think about awarding titles in nominations.

Employees come out to the song

Song to the motive "Weather in the house":

What is the forecast in our garden today.

What will surprise the kids today.

After all, children are like November weather.

We can never predict.

Chorus: The most important thing is the weather in the house.

Where you are always welcome.

We are all a family, and everything except,

Easy to fix with an umbrella.

We are all so different, of course.

But we also have a common feature.

We create comfort and joy for children.

And this is what life is all about.

No matter snow, fog or frost.

But exactly at seven we will open a kindergarten.

The house comes to life, the light in all the windows,

And the teacher is glad to meet a new one.

Today is a birthday in our house.

And the doors are open for guests.

Well, for us there is no better gift,

Than to see the faces of all your friends.

V: Well, well, coming to a conclusion Our solemn part

We believe: the jubilee evening will remain in our hearts!

And let everything that we live in the garden not pass. Won't disappear like smoke.

And the painfully familiar Corner, which has become dear to all of us, will remain in the heart

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The scenario is compiled taking into account the simultaneous conduction for all age groups. A bunch of concert numbers was the arrival of fairy-tale heroes.

Synopsis of the script for the 25th anniversary of the kindergarten "Rodnichok". Contains poems, songs for children and adults, alterations to the melodies of famous songs, congratulations to employees and veterans of the kindergarten.

In the script you will find anniversary songs, a theatrical performance, congratulations to guests. It can easily be supplemented with your own materials, songs for children and dance compositions.

Scenario of the 50th anniversary of the kindergarten.

The proposed scenarios are suitable for morning performances of kindergarten groups of different ages.

scenario for the anniversary of the kindergarten "We are 30 years old!".

Scenarios of the holiday "Happy Birthday, my kindergarten!"

Material on the topic: Scenario for the anniversary of the kindergarten
Scenario for the anniversary of the kindergarten. Maybe someone will like my design. I will be glad!



Anniversary of a preschool institution. (suggest ideas)

11 messages

Scenario of the anniversary of the kindergarten 30 years for children

Scenery in front of the curtain: a picture of a Russian hut. The noise of the vacuum cleaner.
Baba Yaga flies on a broom

Baba Yaga: - Pah-you, well-you, grandmothers are bent! (examines the broom) Again, the technique failed. Wow! The microchip burned out. Koschey slipped. It is clear that it was dragged from the Chinese market, the expiration date has long ended. (To the audience) Why are you here? Well, shoo from here! You don’t see, the plane crash happened to me, I don’t get to you now, I got by force!
Leading: - And we have a birthday of a kindergarten, a holiday, and who are you? You weren't invited to the party!

Baba Yaga: (coquettishly) And I, Atamansha Yaga! Modest I - one drawback - beautiful! Elderly girl, single. (mysteriously) Men, keep in mind that good has been wasted for 300 years. And I'm to Kuza, on an unofficial visit, an urgent and strictly confidential matter! Well, there, happy birthday to congratulate, what to ask for yourself. And I don’t know anything about your children’s garden birthday and I don’t know!
Leading: - Granny Yagusya, any house is born along with the brownie, so the kindergarten was built, and the brownie Kuzya settled in it.

B.Ya.: – So, they have the same birthday?!
Moderator: Yes, that's right.
Bab Yaga: - Where is Kuzenka? Delayed, dear? Probably preens, my handsome hand-written. And maybe he is embarrassed by me, Yagusenka, beauty? Let's inform Kuze that all the guests have gathered (calling on a cell phone).

- Hello, Kuzenka, my golden darling, come out, show yourself.
Leading: - Something Kuzya is delayed. Then let's all call him together. Remember what words we will call him:
brownie, brownie,
I'll treat you to hell!

- Well, repeat with me, but more friends!

Kuzya: - I managed, I was not late. And today is my birthday. And kindergarten too.
I love my kindergarten, I love both adults and children.
I can't tell you which of us is younger.
I'm already 30 years old now and kindergarten too!

Brownie's song to the motive "Kurochkin's Couplets".

I won't brag, my dears,
I know what I'm talking about.
I guard the kindergarten
I've been a watchman for 30 years.

All people will say about me:
Pure in heart and not arrogant,
Or am I on your scale
Not handsome enough.

I have many worries
I don’t like gloomy people from childhood,
Laugh with a funny joke
I'll cheer you up with pranks.

I never get discouraged
And a smile from ear to ear
Everyone understands: I will not offend
Adults and kids!

Baba Yaga: Did you take your magic chest for the holiday?
Kuzya: Of course! After all, we have a holiday, and a holiday cannot do without magic at a holiday!
Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, my beloved brownie (kisses Kuzya), give me a chest, I really need it!

Kuzya: And how will we be left without magic?
Baba Yaga: If you don't want it for good, I'll take it for bad! (pulls out radio) Declare Operation Capture! Welcome! How heard, welcome! (Knocks the walkie-talkie on the floor)

The light is turned off, screams are heard, firing. The light turns on, two robbers are brandishing pistols on the stage. Baba Yaga is trying to open the chest, Kuzya hid under the table.

Host: And who are you?

The robbers sing a verse of the song from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians":

Bang-bang, and we are robbers, robbers, robbers.
Bang-bang, and you are dead, dead, dead!
And whoever sees us will immediately gasp,
And from someone fried smell!

Baba Yaga: Kuzya, open the chest!
Kuzya: I won't open it! There's magic for the kids, not for you! You ruined our holiday! Leave and you'll get it!
Baba Yaga: (offended) Are you still teaching me?
(Blow the whistle) Hey, robbers, over here!
Rogue: What happened?

Baba Yaga: Offended! And they threaten! And they offend! (sobs) But I'm good... But I'm pretty... Aaaa...
Robbers: (curling fingers) And we are the most courageous, strong, dexterous, skillful and more ... and more ... the smartest ....
Kuzya: Since you are so smart, then open the chest yourself. (robbers and Baba Yaga try to open the chest, but they fail)
Baba Yaga: Well, okay, let's use heavy artillery! (Pulls out a walkie-talkie) Gorynych! Hello! Hello! How heard! To me!

The robbers roll in the "Snake Gorynych" - instead of a head - three balloons.

Kuzya: She found someone to scare us. And we have heroes, they will defeat your Gorynych in an instant! Hey, Russian heroes, come out, let's defeat him together.

The boys come out, they shoot from the bows at the heads of the Serpent Gorynych.

Kuzya: With such heroes as we have in kindergarten, nothing will scare us!

Baba Yaga sits on a chest, takes an apple out of his pocket, eats it and says

Baba Yaga: Okay, I'll sit here until you open the chest!
Kuzya: Baba Yaga, let's compete: if you win, then we will open the chest for you, and if we do, then you will leave with nothing. Do you agree?
Razb: Agreed.
Kuzya: Will you guys help me? (Yes)
Baba Yaga: We will defeat you anyway, tell me what to do!
Kuzya: (takes out 2 bags of balls, shakes them out on different halves, puts benches in the middle of the hall) Here is your half, and here is ours. While the music is playing, you need to throw as many balls as possible from your side to the opponent's side. As soon as the music stops, we will find out who is the most dexterous!

Scenario of the anniversary of the kindergarten.

Lyubov Luchkina
Scenario of the anniversary of the kindergarten.

The script for the celebration of the anniversary of the kindergarten.

Introduction: number from junior group (dance)

1. Not so long ago 30 years ago

Built wonderful Kindergarten.

Here the kids from home are in a hurry

And in the evening - you will not take away in any way.

2. Here educators are cool specialists

And the nannies are caring and affectionate.

It's cozy here, nice and bright.

We are very lucky with this garden.

And in anniversary we want to wish

For this garden to grow and prosper.

1. Today we have a wonderful celebration, mixed with anniversary - the 30th anniversary of the children's

garden, with an attestation layer, with a smack of a birthday, with a wedding

decoration and bitterness of parting. Let's applaud this

2. Kindergarten - 30 years. This event is a celebration for many graduations of children who,

how fledgling chicks with strong wings left their shelter children's

garden. This is a holiday for a huge army of adults who, in certain years,

or otherwise worked in this kindergarten. It's a feast for those who stood by it

origins and even for those who erected these walls!

Alumni number kindergarten.

1. Kindergarten - 30! This is generally not enough!

On the anniversary today he called!

Here there would be no free patch,

Whenever everyone comes to this room.

2. But celebrate this anniversary lucky only we are with you! This is very responsible

be happy for everyone.

Song « Kindergarten» (to the tune of a song about five minutes)

We will sing a song for you Kindergarten,

Who went here will be very happy

Listen to this song -

She opens the soul

We will tell you about Kindergarten.

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

These are the best toys

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

These are the first girlfriends

And also Kindergarten -

These are nannies and fizorgs,

Understanding and vigilant

Groups of cute kids

Amazing and different

And from this beautiful.

We give particle souls to children,

We take them with us to good fairy tales

Our children are like actors -

All singers, readers, dancers...

Children's the garden is dearer every day.

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

We all develop together

And also Kindergarten -

These are grandmothers and mothers,

Their pleasant excitement

All dads and grandpas

Good-natured and gallant.

We are surrounded by talent.

Children's the garden celebrates glorious anniversary,

For thirty years the doors for children have been open.

All employees are greeted

Mothers are being replaced for babies -

There are plenty of things in store…

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

These are the best toys

Kindergarten, Kindergarten -

These are the first girlfriends

And also Kindergarten -

These are nannies and fizorgs,

Understanding and vigilant

Groups of cute kids

Amazing and different

And from this beautiful.

1. We ask the manager to say a few words

(FULL NAME.), the microphone is ready.

What date is 30 years - serious and important

And someone wants to tell us:

"It's time to grow up, you citizens!"

But we seriously tell you

Who communicates with children

"Baby" must be himself

Does anyone doubt?

After all, 3 plus 0 is equal to 3 years old, and at 3 years old relies:

Joking, laughing and playing

Does anyone doubt?

Today we will show you

What about jokes and songs

It's easier for all of us to live in the world

And life is more interesting for everyone!

Alumni number kindergarten

Congratulations from the administration and from the representative of the state farm

2. And let's turn the page back at 30 years old. Here's how it all started. (soundtrack of crying baby) Do you hear? He was born, our Kindergarten! Was a year. Everything is like supposed: the baby was given a tag with the number 31.

1.- Today we have family celebration- our birthday kindergarten. Each person born receives a document.

Has such a document and the team of our kindergarten.

(The “Birth Certificate” is shown)

Mother - s. Sofyino

Father - Ramensky district

Place of birth - USSR

Place of issue - Gorono, 19

Song (the first steps)

Years, 30 years ago

There is a new Kindergarten.

Little children came to the garden

Tenderness and care were found in him.

Top-top, top-top, very hard

Top-top, top-top, the first days!

The word is given: clinic and school

2. Kindergarten is especially children. How many of them have grown up in these good walls in 30 years! May good luck accompany them!

Alumni number kindergarten

1. Little playful little ones came to congratulate us with you, don’t be strict with them, because in the future the boys will become ministers of the country, and someone will become the president, but girls - society ladies, taking advantage of the moment, we will invite the first to dance, just waiting applause!

Performance of older preschoolers - dance

The floor is given to sponsors

2. Do kindergarten had everything necessary for growth and development. So flowed it days: weekdays and holidays.

Year, year, and after it another

They ran quickly.

To see them off to school,

And to meet others to replace them.

Top top, top top, very light

Top-top, top-top, weekdays.

2. Children's the garden is a team of people - kind, warm-hearted, who bring warmth and comfort to children. In addition, graduates of our kindergarten.

1. Meet Vasilisa beautiful.

Smart, kind, great workers!

For all of them Kindergarten definitely home.

Graduates working in kindergarten sing a song

(It's great that we are all here today)

Today in this room

Gathered in vain

Once upon a time in this garden

We went friends

It's great that we are all here

Friends gathered again.

Let's remember today childhood,

Your friends, girlfriends

And the taste of that semolina

And this quiet time.

Probably today, twenty years later

You would love to lie down

That baby bed.

Some kids run out kids with balls

And the same teacher

And the same quiet time.

And again this polka

And again Santa Claus

How nice to be back

Us in childhood at least for an hour.

2. Well done Vasilisa….

1. Our children are happy to run to kindergarten every day. Let's hear what the kids have to say about it.

Kindergarten is good, it is better no garden to be found.

Go around the whole area, it will still be the best.

We love kindergarten from the cradle

It's a big, cozy house.

So much joy and smiles

Kindness and happiness in it

Our educators are of the first category, they combine practice with clever theory.

Teach adults to respect, kids not to offend

They learn to argue and decide, to agree, to object.

In general, to school, so that everyone is ready.

Thanks to all the staff for the kindness and warmth

We have a lot of fun Cozy and light.

Our beloved kindergarten, we want to congratulate

Leave an unusual song in your hearts.

Children senior group sing a song "Let run clumsily…"

Children are in a hurry to their favorite kindergarten.

Even the rain does not scare

If the garden invites

A whole team of educators.

We have matured over the summer

And tired of resting.

We grew up, we tanned,

Don't know right away.

We love doing

We don't sleep in class

We answer questions

We all want to know.

Let all the guys run clumsily through the puddles

AT children's kindergarten today hurry:

leave a ray of sunshine

You are a gift from us preschoolers.

Children are happy to congratulate you

And believe from the bottom of my heart

We sing and dance to you

Even if they are babies. Presentation of collective work.

2. And now the guys of the preparatory group are invited to the hall

They all have something to say

Ditties will sing

Quite consciously

1. Cooks cook porridge for us,

On a holiday, pancakes are baked here

This is not a simple matter:

Feed us all day here.

2. The nanny keeps in order

Our group all year round,

Brings cleanliness around

All day long it rubs and rubs.

3. We love educators

Let's never forget.

Let's bring ours one day

Future children here.

4. The nurse smears green

We get sick sometimes

Even vaccinates

From diseases to us always.

5. Head of music

And dancing and singing.

At night he does not sleep, probably, -

All activities create

6. And the head of our

To get into Pushkin's fairy tale

She would ask for a fish

Give rich sponsors.

And I would also ask

For a salary increase

To all employees kindergarten

Everyone would be very happy.

7. How to conduct activities,

Dance or sculpt

How to play on a walk

How to draw a flower

Our methodologist knows everything,

All activities, teachers' councils

8. We have a caretaker and a watchman,

Janitor aunt Luda,

We can't do without them

We are very poor without them.

9. It's all ours Kindergarten

Anniversary he is so happy

May he receive gifts

Our favorite Kindergarten!

Years, 30 years have passed,

But from life childhood is gone.



MUSIC SOUNDS IN THE HALL screensaver "Happy Anniversary!"

F1 Fanfare

F2 Solemn music

Adults come out

Vedas. - Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to see you in our cozy hall! Today we

Let's celebrate our 25th birthday! So here we go!

F3 "Mustachioed nanny" (children exit)

1. Anniversary Dialogue

Zhenya: Our kindergarten has a birthday! real anniversary!

Sonya Q: What is an anniversary?

Zhenya: What is an anniversary? It's a close circle of friends!

This is a sea of ​​impressions! This is a meeting of generations!

Alice: A joyful, bright day, in any weather!

There are always a lot of people going. And give gifts, And wish happiness!

Together: That's how they always celebrate the anniversary! (leave)
Switch tape recorder

Vedas. one And now we will tell you about our hero of the day.

2. VIDEO"A home where everyone is comfortable"

Here is the house, which is called a kindergarten.
And this is manager, who doesn't know.
Everyone in our kindergarten respects her. She leads us all on the right path,
Keeping from various hardships and problems A house in which everyone is comfortable.

Here is our Methodist- In anxiety, in care - from morning to evening she is at work.

But get to know - "moms second"- caring, kind and patient
They play, read, draw, sing, they give all knowledge to children.

And this is assistant teachers They don't waste time
They wash all day long here and there, in the group they have cleanliness and comfort.

There are in our garden and specialists: physio and muzo, speech therapist and art.
They have all angelic patience, they find inspiration in their work.
Psychologist tries. Social teacher deals with children.
Knowing the subject, the technique deftly drives science into children's heads.
And he looks worried supply manager, carries our economic cart,
Everything is subject to her: plumber, driver, kitchen, electricians, watchman, janitor.
Medic looking after the health of children laundry- Laundry and ironing in the morning.

And finally, here kids! Family live friendly, in love and care.
You will not find unfortunate faces among us. "All the best for children!" - this is our motto!
We create, we compose, we dance, we sing, we invite the Theater, we go on hikes.
We participate in contests, competitions, we are engaged in circles, we sew dolls with mothers.

It is not by chance that we have countless talents, there are already winners of all ranks.
Every parent is proud of their success. Both the teachers and the whole team
Kitchen and laundry, watchman and janitor, nannies, manager and methodologist -
Proud of the next generation. And here is the anniversary and congratulations to it:

The leaders enter the hall:

May this bright building live forever,
And let the graduates be happy
And all the kids will be happy
And our team is talented, courageous

a home where everyone is comfortable!

Together: And the garden, which is 25 years old!
Switch tape recorder

Vedas. one - And let's play a little, because we are all preschool workers here. Now we will find out how well do you know our favorite kindergarten?

3. Quiz:

1 manager?
- 1 Methodist?
- When the day is celebrated preschool worker?
(September 27)
- How many people are working in kindergarten now?
(58 people)
- What is the program of our kindergarten?
(Kindergarten is a house of joy)
- How many children attend kindergarten?
(189 people)
Where was the manager's office originally located?
(speech therapist's office)
Where was the bookkeeping?
(medical office)

We conducted research during which the average statistical parameters of a kindergarten worker were identified. So.

Our average height(163cm)
- Our average weight(67kg)
- Foot size (37,5) - Average age (40 years)

Vedas. 2 Do you know how many children kindergarten workers have in total? And we counted. 86 children! Unfortunately, all of them could not come today, but here are a few guys waiting in the corridor. Many of them are graduates of our "Annushka" different years. Well, let's not test your patience. Meet our children!

4. "Song-complaint of children of teachers"

(START: put 2 benches in the hall, lay out books on them, Girls give a rag handbag and a doll, Misha a car, Seryozha a children's ball.

THE END: stroller; lacquered bag; cap; soccer ball, jacket "Nenets Autonomous Okrug")

Children perform "Song-complaint of children of teachers" to the melody of the song "Tum-balalaika".
(younger ones sing, older ones act)

Mom's work is so interesting, we rarely see you - things are endless
May we touch your hearts with an old melody of a plaintive song.
(teachers go to work one by one, two, comb their hair, make up, chew something, do not sit down yet)

Oh, on Monday you are not at home! All because you have a teachers' council
Mom is still not there, mom is still not there, because on Monday you have a teachers' council.
(sit on a bench. 1 performs, the rest write down, 1 yawns, two whisper and laugh, the other praises and shakes his finger)

Tuesday and Wednesday waited for dinner, you called - wait until the evening,
(Moms take out their phones, dial a number)
Mom returned - and instead of dinner, she immediately sat down to write plans!
(they type - some with 1 finger, some quickly, fall asleep)

Here and Thursday, well, and you are at a meeting, teaching parents how they are with their children ...
(they begin to speak affectionately, then frown, wave their hands, show books on education, you can shake the strap)
All about methods, about education, how we missed our mother!

On Friday you spent the matinee, made everyone happy, made everyone happy. (twirling in pairs)
Everyone says: you are a great artist! (different images: bunny jumping, bear)
Tired and "no" at home. (sit on the bench "without strength." Stretch their legs. 1 child approaches the other and hugs)

waited Saturdays with hope, children, so Saturday passed quickly,
(children stretch their hands to their mothers, mothers wave “bye” to them and go the other way)
Mom was in the library, in the library, in the library. (mothers sing, children cry)

Though on Sunday shall we go to the cinema? Mom will never be again:
(moms walk smartly, think)
“I am composing a new matinee, dear daughter, please do not interfere!” Ts-s-s-s-s!
(moms sing, children at this moment leave the hall slowly, sad and look reproachfully at their mothers)

In the years, days and weeks have developed, daughters and sons have grown up.
(mothers sing, come forward a little. Children enter "adults": 1 child with a stroller, 2 children with a varnished bag, 3 children - pilot, 4 children in sportswear NAO)
The mothers look at them with surprise: the mothers were busy with other children!

(they say): Dear moms, don't worry! You don't have to tear yourself in half
Just organize your time...
Together: So that there is something left for us! (send a kiss)

go away

Vedas. 1 - And now we invite the main people in our kindergarten to this stage. Who do you think it is? Of course, children!

5. Dance "Smeshariki" (children of the preparatory group)

Vedas. - And let's overhear what the children are talking about kindergarten. Switch tape recorder

6. Video interview of children (turn off the projector, switch the tape recorder)

F3 ENTER 3 girls

1 girl- Do you know who comes to kindergarten before everyone else?

2 girl- Educators, of course!

1 girl- And that's wrong!
3 girl- Who?

2 girl- It's the chef! They cook so delicious! And they can also sing. Now sing! Meet the kitchen workers.

F 5 "steps in the snow"

7. Song of the kitchen workers(sledge, cap, snowballs, snowflakes, felt boots)

And it's snowing, and it's snowing, he wanders next to the cook.
And people are sleeping, because the time is five, that's just the cook to plow.

He is the earliest person. Believe me, his age is so long,
He got up early, then got tired, and got home only in the evening.

For breakfast, semolina - that's the trouble, it's all burnt, as always!
One lump, another lump, here - then the whisk helped.

Here the rest came up and the conversations swam,
And it became fun to his awakened soul.

And how much do we need to have time to clean, wash, grate,
The salad is ready and the onion is sizzling, and dinner is boiling on the stove.

Let's all sit down together, drink tea, tell how we all live.
After all, we have such a team - we all know how and what sometimes.

Today is a holiday - anniversary, we congratulate all friends.
After all, a holiday is life, and a holiday is that we have such a house!
After all, a holiday is life and a holiday is in that - such people are in that house.

Vedas.- And the children from the senior group also want to congratulate us. They are very worried, let's
Let's give them a round of applause. (parents)


F 6 "I will not love"

Vedas.- Who gave his whole heart to children, devoted his life to them,

He is eternally young in soul, always handsome in appearance.

Because next to childhood it is impossible to grow old,

Because we always need to look into the distance without edge.

  1. 9. To the melody "SONGS WITHOUT END"

(A teacher in a hat, with a purse comes out to the music of the introduction and is carried away in the years of her youth. A group of children follow her in a chain)

V-L: I got a job in a kindergarten, There are a lot of pretty guys here:

Mischievous, funny, noisy and bully ... I am now their brave commander!

Children: And time, and time does not slow down, But time, and time goes by itself.

(for a loss, the teacher puts on a hare hat)

V-L: I will dress up as a wolf and a hare. I'll be spinning with a butterfly craft.

I will sing a lullaby to you in a quiet hour, Dad and mom, I will replace all your relatives.

(children sing the chorus, the teacher takes off the mask to lose)

V-L: So the years flew by like a moment. Do not recognize my little children.

Sons and daughters are led to kindergarten, I remember my youth.

Children: We will grow up and leave the kindergarten, And take the warmth of our hearts with us.

It is a pity that we will not return time with you. So let's dance and sing!

Let time, let time not slow down, Let time, let time go by.

F1 Fanfare

Vedas. one: And now the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten


F 7 - presentation of diplomas

Vedas 2: The word for congratulations and rewarding with a letter of thanks is provided

Vedas. 1:S the opportunity for congratulations and awarding with diplomas and thanks is provided – …….

Vedas. 1 - Our kindergarten is located in the city of Naryan-Mar and today I came to congratulate us ... ..

F 8 - "the theme of Baron Münghausen"

Vedas. one- Kindergarten is cute, kind, smart, funny, noisy, wonderful children. Everything that we do in our kindergarten - we do for them, for them to grow and develop.

Vedas. 2- Kindergarten is parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this.

Vedas. one- Kindergarten is employees. The most hard-working, creative, all able, soul-sick, children-loving people.

Vedas. 2- Kindergarten is a family. And as in any friendly family we have our own traditions.

Vedas. one Kindergarten is a unique system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, education and health improvement. No system performs so many functions at the same time.

Vedas. 2- Kindergarten is a living organism that breathes, feels, rejoices, grieves, we try to penetrate into every heart, to instill joy, love, kindness in it.

Closing song "JOYAL WALTZ"

Only the sun will wake up the yards, run through the pines and maples.

You will hear the laughter of children - mischievous, carefree, cheerful.

It's fidgets hurrying to our house - girls, boys

Hello happy kindergarten!

Good morning, kids!

Teachers are our friends kind word help with advice.

As if mothers will understand and forgive, and will reveal to us the secrets of life.

Let a star flash from an asterisk - we believe that each of us will become it,

It will be hard, don't worry! This happy hour will come.

CHORUS: In a joyful house in the neighborhood, a carefree childhood lives,

In a joyful house, a bright house, a meeting with a miracle and a fairy tale awaits.

Veterans who worked in our kindergarten are invited to visit. The invited guests are seated. Children of the senior and preparatory groups (No. 6, 7, 8 - about 20 people) run into the hall to the backing track of music "I, you, he, she - together the whole country" with balloons in their hands. They stand in a checkerboard pattern, sing a song to the motive of the DDT group "Autumn" and at the end of the song they release balloons. Balloons are inflated with gas, so they rise to the ceiling and remain there until the end of the holiday.

The course of the holiday

Lyrics of the song "Autumn".

Verse 1 (teachers sing):

What is childhood? This is a kindergarten.
Pink childhood behind.
Here we are friends and play
We miss mommy
And don't forget the beloved garden.

Chorus (children sing):

Kindergarten love you
Hurry to the kindergarten, we always crowd

Mama take us quickly.

Verse 2 (children sing):

What is a kindergarten "Alenka"?
Kindergarten "Alenka" is happiness
We are fond of theater
We do sports
That's what kindergarten "Alenka" means

Chorus (children sing).

Verse 3 (children sing):

Who are the second mothers here?
These are educators and nannies
Here they love us
Learn and pigeons
They will never love us.

Chorus (teachers sing):

Kindergarten love you
We always hurry to the kindergarten in a crowd
It's an anniversary in our kindergarten
(Children): Mom, lead us quickly !!!


October autumn is circling at the gate
Preschool people hurry to kindergarten.


Moms and dads lead us by the hand
Where we are loved, where we are expected.

They sing a song to the motive "Cool you got."

Lyrics of the song "Cool I hit."

So that you can get into our kindergarten
Need to put in the effort
And as soon as you were born
Go to management
AT kindergarten"Alenka"
we have a lot of fun
and we go on hikes here
and we dance and sing.
Musical our worker
Dancing and singing with us
We still don't understand
Why doesn't he get tired?

Cool, I ended up in kindergarten
I am a star, I am a star in "Alenka" they tell me
Cool, I ended up in kindergarten
I am a star, I am a star in Alenka, they tell me.


Our kindergarten invited guests
Today is a birthday.
Meet the kindergarten anniversary
And accepts congratulations.


How beautiful it is in our hall - it will be fun with us.
With impatience they waited for the holiday, here it is the long-awaited hour.


Our good home, congratulations on the anniversary from the bottom of our hearts
We have known you for forty years, but do not rush to grow old!
Here, always in a crowd of cheerful children love to sing, dance
Here they grow up before school, they want to learn about everything.
Dear home, we wish you not to say goodbye to childhood in the future.

Children sing the song "Kindergarten - House of Joy" (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova "Music Director" No. 2, 2007. P. 56).

Presenter 1:

Let the days and years fly over us
it rains, it snows.
But here, in Alenka, the weather is beautiful
Today, tomorrow and always.

They perform a song to the motive "Chocolate Bunny".

Lyrics of the song "Chocolate Bunny".

1. Be careful, be careful here today is the anniversary
Congratulations are received here by "Alenka" from the guests.
Before you today we will act together
Because, because we are forty-five today.
We will sing verses for kindergarten employees
We are very grateful to you that we all live happily
We frolic on a walk, the nannies wash, clean, rub
Washerwomen wash our linen, cooks bake deliciously.

We are kindergarten "Alenka" - a cheerful girl
Cool for everything one hundred-oh-oh-oh
We are kindergarten "Alenka" we sing very loudly
And here we are good oh-oh-oh.

2. And the head of our service is difficult
Checks, entertains, does not give rest to everyone
Educators and nannies upset you sometimes
Sorry dear ones, we still love you very much.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the chief specialist of the Department of Education __________. At this time, the children change clothes and prepare for the next number. The children of the preparatory group No. 7 come out with Domovenko at the head. Presenter 1 takes out a loaf with lit candles, gives it to the manager.


To be our the holiday is bright,
Friendly little people
Birthday gift
Prepared a round dance.

The song "Karavai" is performed.

Words of the song Karavay.

1. For our anniversary holiday
We baked a loaf
Caravan, caravan
Live to a hundred years.

2. He's made of many parts
To make him taller
Caravan, caravan
Accept congratulations.

3. Anniversary to succeed
And to remain in memory
Caravan, caravan
Accept congratulations.


There is a children's country in the world - it is the most beautiful.
Games live there and laughter. I invite everyone to dance.
Children who do not dance read poetry.

Child 1:

In the alley there is a house right in the tower-teremok.
Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who, who lives in a two-story building?

Child 2: Maybe the mouse is a norushka?

Child 1: Not!

Child 2: Well, the frog is a frog!

Child 1: Not!

Child 2: So, bunny coward ...

Child 1:

Well no! There are cribs in the little house
The kids are sleeping on the bed...
Rise early, wash white
Congratulate the kindergarten have fun and make noise.
And they dance and sing - they live a lot of fun.

E. Blaginina.

They perform the dance "U-ha-ha."

Child 1:

The teachers said that today in this hall
There will be many kind eyes and they did not deceive us.

Child 2:

It's so warm for you and me together, so we want to say
Without embellishment, without any flattery - we are happy to celebrate the holiday.

Children run out of the room.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the chiefs of the Oktyabr Production Association (congratulations from the plant).

Presenter 2:

We heartily welcome your congratulations.
Look at us, how good we are.

Educators give birth to children of the 1st junior group, “put” them to sleep (the children squat down all over the hall).


There is a quiet hour in the garden according to the schedule
Who woke us up?
Who stretched so sweetly?

Children perform a dance to the song of K. Orbakaite "Sponges with a bow."

Presenter 2: Our kindergarten came to congratulate many guests. And we are all very happy. Allow me to introduce the theater "Long live the children."

Congratulatory number of the theater "Long live the children!"

Children of the senior group No. 8 come out, who do not dance.

Presenter 2:

Today we invited someone who lived for many years to visit
They were not called veterans for nothing - after all, there is no one wiser.

Child 1:

You lived honestly and with dignity. Worked tirelessly
They raised a young tribe... But the autumn of life suddenly came.

Child 2:

Tired hands, gray head, wrinkles lay around the eyes ...
But your age-old wisdom always surprises us so much.

Child 1:

We honestly want to tell you - we look at you with envy.
Now everything is possible for you, it’s not difficult for you to read books ...

Child 2:

You can now jump, you can not sleep at a quiet hour
Now no one will tell you: “No! It is forbidden! Don't touch! Don't go!"
You can eat at least a ton of sweets!!!

Child 1:

Well, we give you our word that someday we
We will be the grandson of our own, just like you
Grooming, undead and cherish, telling him “Don't go!
Not! It is forbidden! Don't touch! Do not jump! Come down from above!”

All children: Thank you for your titanic work!

Presenter 2: All this, believe me, the children will return to you!

Children give souvenirs to veterans, run away from the hall to the music. Children run out - dancers of the same group, get up to dance.

Presenter 2: Gives feedback to veterans.

Child 1:

Veterans dear, we wish you now
Stay young, we'll dance here for you.

Child 2:

Funny toys came to visit us today
Funny, funny, clockwork toys.
Light pillows, soft toys.

Children perform the soft toys dance.

Presenter 1:

This long-awaited day and this hour has come to us
We gathered in this hall together not for the last time
Our garden is famous for its comfort, we certainly like it
There are so many interesting things in it and the children in it are wonderful.

Girls come in middle group No. 2 with puppets in their hands, sit the puppets in front of them on the floor.

Child 1:

We are children of the middle group, we came to congratulate everyone
We will tell today how ringing laughter flows ...
How we play with dolls, but you can't count them
How we quarrel and make peace, because we love them all.

The girls perform the song "Oh, what a pity ..." (music by T. Kopylova).

Lyrics of the song "Oh, what a pity."

1. Oh, what a pity - it's been four days

I don’t want to put up with her - she is silent and I am silent
She is silent and I am silent.

2. We were friends with her and not my fault
What next to the pillow does not sleep now she
Now she stands in the corner day and night on the shelf
And day and night on the floor.

3. Oh, what a pity - it's been four days
I quarreled with the doll - does not listen to me
And yet I'm still sad, I'll probably forgive the doll
I'll probably forgive the doll.

Presenter 1:

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday is like no other...
Someone smart once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Joy of meeting, smiles, hopes..
Wishing you good luck and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless
So that success comes every day.

And now the guys from the Yunost Palace of Culture came to congratulate us. Meet.

The number of the dance group of the Palace of Culture "Youth" is performed.

Children of the 2nd junior group No. 4 come in with a teacher.


You can't get away from anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.
We have an anniversary today. We are all congratulated from the bottom of our hearts.
And even our kids sing songs today.

Children of the 2nd junior group sing the song "Kindergarten" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Presenter 1: Graduates also came to congratulate our kindergarten.

First-graders come in and stand in pairs for the Lukomorye dance.

Child 1:

We had fun in the walls of the kindergarten
Always warmed by caress and care.
We grew up strong, became strong
And it's time for us to go to school.

Child 2:

Many, many days in a row in summer and winter
We went to this kindergarten, our own kindergarten.
We always hurried here, we loved him very much
It was a pity to say goodbye to him, a pity to part ...

They perform the song "Behind the Low Fence".

Lyrics of the song "Behind the Low Fence"

1. Behind a low fence is our kindergarten
I have to say goodbye to him soon and I'm not happy at all.

Kindergarten, kindergarten
The house is happy for children.
It is a pity that in kindergarten
Do not come back to us again.

Child 1:

Gone are the years and the days when the little ones entered
Here we are in the kindergarten, and at first we cried loudly, shouted
Asked to go home with mom. What happened…. In general, oh-oh-oh.

Child 2:

And it doesn't matter that there is neither mom nor dad in the group
Here are educators and nannies - they are everywhere with us.
They taught us to read, write, and, of course, dance.

They perform the dance "Lukomorye".

Child 1:

Behind was a garden, carefree days
Soon we will receive the first grades in the diaries

Child 2:

We used to play school but the game is over
We are envied today by preschool children from the yard.

Child 1:

Each of us is very happy today
We all sing, and with us the birds
We came back to this room
They came to say hello and goodbye.
Congratulations everyone!!!

Children shout words, wave their hands and run out of the hall.

Presenter 2: We were congratulated not only by graduate children, but also by the parents of our children who still go to kindergarten. Meet the kindergarten parent committee.

Congratulations to the parent committee.

The children of the eldest and preparatory groups/10-15 people/. The leader stands in the middle of the children.


Birthday is a happy date.
This holiday is incomparable.
It was not in vain that it was invented once
To give joy.
We are happy with these children's voices / points to children
And we are glad for the radiance of children's eyes.
Together with them we believe in miracles.
And we know it won't be the last time.

Child 1:

Long live the garden for many, many years
Let restless hearts beat.
We wish you light and victories

All: And we will stay with you forever.

Adults and children sing a song to the motive "My Guardian Angel".

Song my guardian angel.

1. My first step (the manager sings - recitative)
My first friend
All this was remembered
And suddenly it became brighter.
Thanks to
With all my heart
Everyone who is with me
It has been a long journey.

Chorus (everyone sing):

In this garden in winter and summer
A swarm of bright pearls.
Don't ever leave the world
My favorite garden.

2. After the rain (manager)
Rainbow footprint
And after the music
There is a quiet light in my soul.
But betray us
You can't each other
After all, the angel of music
Let's look into our eyes.

Chorus (everyone sing):

In this garden in winter and summer
A swarm of bright pearls.
Don't ever leave the world
My favorite garden.

After singing the song to lose, the children take the balls that hang on the ceiling and give them to all the guests present.


We are finishing the concert. We, guests, wish you
Live a hundred years and not grieve, with bright sun be friends
Let nature give you the generosity of the Russian people
If suddenly you get sad -
May you dream of a child's dream
And sweets... and cookies... and our treat.

The head of the kindergarten invites guests for tea.

Anniversary of the preschool educational institution "We are 40 years old"

The audio recording of the song "Little Country" sounds. Stretching from wall to wall "We are 40 years old", from which small snowdrops hang on a fishing line.

We have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our beloved kindergarten - "Snowdrop".

Presenter 1

There are many gardens in the world

But one like ours

He shines for us like the sun

Happiness, joy gives us!

Lead 2

We welcome you

And believe me - from the heart!

We are not standing here for a reward

We know how good we are!

Presenter 1

Our garden - "Snowdrop",

Already a lot - forty years!

Yes, for so many years we have supported this light.

Lead 2

That light burns without fading

And there is never an end to it.

And we give without a trace

The work of the soul and heart.

Children perform “Dance with Sultans” to the song “Imaginations”
After the dance, they line up in 2 lines and read poetry
1 child . Who will answer why

So beautiful all around?

And where we don't look

Left friend and right friend!

2 child . We know today is a special day
The heart became more cheerful
We know it's kindergarten
Celebrates an anniversary.
3 child Look how much light
Smiles and people...
There is, of course, no secret
It's just an anniversary.
4 child Listen! Listen! Listen!
Everything from the first to the last row.
Welcome children of our garden!

5 child Let it be fun. In a wide space
For all of you sounds in our high hall
Our fiery children's ...
All. Hey!!
6 child. happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten

We wish you happiness, joy

For guests and children!
7 Child: Let's sing and have fun
Play noisy games
In the meantime, we offer everyone
Start the holiday with a song!

Children sing the song "OH, HOW WELL IT IS LIVING IN THE GARDEN"

1 leader: Every child is a drop, a ray,

Gathered together - a bright spring.

What will they carry to the river of life running?

Just think for a moment.

2 host: They will be a river of pure, crystal,

Or like a pool of stagnant water,

Will they become a lake with a mirror surface,

Maybe a sea with a steep wave.

1 leader: Everything that is pledged, everything will return to us,

Good sowing, we will reap good.

2 host: Let the heart smile again with joy,

Meeting with a drop of my stream.

1 leader: Home Garden 40.

What a wonderful date.

Blossom him, do not fade,

To the delight of adults and children.

(slide presentation)

(employees sing a song to the motive “top - top stomps the kid” in verses)
1. Years, 40 years ago
There is a new kindergarten.
Little children came to the garden
Tenderness and care were found in him.

Top-top, top-top, very hard
Top-top, top-top, the first days!

1 leader: It was March 70.

2 host: Neither more nor less, but 40 years ago

In the fourth district

A new kindergarten was born.

They gave him a beautiful name:

"Spring snowdrop", he was called!

Everything is as it should be:

the baby was tagged with the number 31 and given the gentle name "Snowdrop". The baby fell into the hands of Tamara Vasilievna Danilova, she was the first head of the kindergarten. The kindergarten began to have everything necessary for growth and development.

1 leader: Oh! What space was there?

There are no chairs and no curtains

Everything is empty and quiet

Look at everything, well, just famously.

2 host: But the hostess of the kindergarten

Knew everything that needed to be done.

The team picked up

And the work began.

With such difficulty everything got

Found, mined!

1 leader: Cups, spoons, ladles

For Antoshka and Serezha

Folding beds and cribs

For Irina, Zhenya, Natka.

2 host: Drawn, nailed

Cleaned up, arranged.

Boiled all around

The happy house rang.

1 leader: The little ones started coming

Naughty playful

Grow up very fast

Engage and play.

Children of the middle group perform

Dance "Matryoshka"

2 host: Year after year passes in worries,

Rarely see you, business!

But today you are not at work,

And they came to this hall for the holiday!

You are considered, you are respected

All children need them

Without them, well, there is simply no life.

11. Money Specialists.

We really need them.

Their work is very difficult.

A little cautious.

Needs attention

General effort.

12. We have a supply manager and a watchman,
Janitor aunt Luda,
We can't do without them
We are very poor without them.

13. And in the gym our fizruk is working,

Hands down.

The laundress erases everything, irons,
And he gets along well with our caretaker.
Everything will be laid out on the shelves - cleanliness all around, comfort!

14. Work is in full swing every day
The manager has a concern -
Manage this house, don't miss anything.

15. We could talk for a long time, but just tell everyone:
All children: Thank you! 15. We will share joys and sorrows in half.
And today we give you our children's heart!
Children remove cardboard hearts on ribbons from their necks and
put them on for kindergarten staff, sit on benches.

Children sing a song


2 Presenter: It all starts from childhood, from Mother Earth.
With a wise kind heart that we could meet.
Does "Snowdrop" have such a heart - big, one and for all?
There is a lot of love in him, I will not hide, our success lies in it.

1 Presenter: Happy anniversary kindergarten,

Each guest is happy to congratulate.

Congrats from W.O.

Congratulations from the Union.

Who can help with tickets?
Remove our spiritual burden,
He will do what he can for us...
Our beloved union!
A word for congratulations ... Baranovskaya Galina Alekseevna.

2 Presenter: Anniversary birthday

Notes kindergarten,

And about this without a doubt

Everyone is talking today.


1 child: We have been looking forward to this meeting.

We have warm words for you

But before you hear fiery speeches,

We will reveal to you what your daughters have a headache about.

2 child: We often hear from our friends:

« Lucky is the one whose mother is a teacher!

But to be honest - the complaint of the children

Listen, let us speak.

Children sing verses - a complaint

Children of teachers read poetry:

1. Oh, on Monday you are not at home!
All because you have a teachers' council.
It's a pity, of course, but mom is still gone,
After all, on Monday they have a teachers' council.

2. Well, on Tuesday you wrote plans
And I didn’t notice anyone at home,
Of course, my mother did not notice
All because you wrote the plans.

3. On Wednesday, you didn’t come home again,
Why did you go to the seminar?
After all, without you there are so few people,
Only you, mother, were missing there!

4. Well, and on Thursday, where did you go for so long?
We know you held the meeting.
After all, parents need to be taught
Surround children with care and affection.

5. On Friday, you spent a matinee,
She jumped like a bunny, amused everyone.
Everyone says: you are a great actress!
It's just that you're not at home.

6. Well, it's time to rest on Saturday,
Where are you, mother, going on your way?
Mom went to the library
And again, the daughter was left alone.

7. Can we go to the cinema on Sunday?
Mom answered me: “No way!
I will write a new matinee,
And you, dear, I ask you not to interfere.
8. So the days, weeks were formed into years.
The mother's daughter has already grown up.
You didn't notice it, mom!
You raised many other children!

1 Presenter:

Good people are walking the planet.
And maybe that's why they're good
That in their work, as in a song, they really want
To invest at least a particle of a good soul.

Vedas. This is always remembered and appreciated by our parents, to whom we provide great assistance in raising children.
The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Congratulations from parents (sketch)

2 leading
Forgotten all the hardships
The years flew by quickly
Us worries and sorrows
They were all tied up with a thread.
And today, on the anniversary
We joke ourselves
Look quickly
And laugh with us.

1 Presenter:
It's a fun time for everyone

All are in joyful excitement.

Heroes of fairy tales, please

Start the show!

(the king and queen appear with a child in their arms)

1 Presenter: The son was Tsar Saltan,

As you know, Prince Guidon.

In general, sooner or later

He also began to reign.

And was born in due time

His heir is a son.

And the prince began to grow

Not by days, but by hours.

The Queen says to the King:

Queen: Unattended - no good!

Mothers, nannies, they do not count,

Things are not in our hands,

The ill-bred grows!

At least for the sake of decency

Find a kindergarten for your child

Let them not say that we have

The loafer is growing up!

2 Presenter: Guidon thought,

Here he gathered the courtiers,

Built in a row - and that hour

He issued the following decree:

Tsar: For the heir to the throne

Get ready today

You are without prizes and awards

Find me a kindergarten

What would the Tsarevich be looked after,

And trained and fed

And what would a kindergarten be like

Was….not too expensive.

1 Presenter: And the messengers went

All over the country.

(messengers jump and sing to the tune of the song "It's time to rejoice")

Messengers: It's time - it's time - let's rejoice in our lifetime,

I'm jumping around the world, I'm looking for it as best I can!

Finding a decent kindergarten

For the royal child -

We will receive from the Tsar "Merci Boku".

(line up in front of the king))

Messenger: Kind, father, our Tsar.

Sovereign of the whole country,

We've traveled all over the world

And this is the answer:

There are not enough gardeners everywhere,

Where we just have not been!

We found such a kindergarten -

A real paradise for all the guys.

Tsar: What kind of kindergarten? Answer!

Address, address, name!

(the messenger calls the city and number of the kindergarten)

2 Presenter: Here the king could not resist,

Rather sat on a horse.

(The king “rides a horse”, the Queen waves her handkerchief to him).

Queen: (sings) Tsok - tsok - tsok! heard in silence.

This is my Guidosha riding a horse.

King: (looks around) Hey, the garden! Blimey!

Cleanliness in it, beauty!

And there are a lot of toys.

Well, how is the ped. process?

Head: For your lovely little children

The whole kindergarten works.

We cannot count all the successes:

We have our own program

We teach kids to sing

Temper, do not get sick,

love math,

Do sports

And don't practice.

Tsar: Yes, great daycare!

I am glad to bring my son.

Queen, bring the boy

A good young man!

(The queen brings the child to the manager).

Head: Teachers are girls

Everything is in the hands of the master,

Everyone can: draw,

Sing, play and dance

Find an approach to the baby

And to spend.

Tsar: Understood, understood your hint!

Who is the best teacher?

(reward gifts)

Head: You, listen, Tsar Guidon,

They say that there is a law:

If the kindergarten is an anniversary,

To please the children

We need to find sponsors.

And bring gifts!

(The king scratches his head in embarrassment)

1 Presenter: Sat on the golden porch

The king with his retinue,

Long argued, noisy,

How to celebrate an anniversary.

Tsar: I command my ministers,

Consultants, financiers

Decide everything about the anniversary

As soon as possible!

(the ministers come out and start a dialogue with the Tsar)

Tsar: In kindergarten ...

Ministers: (in chorus) ANNIVERSARY!

Tsar: We need to call...

Ministers: (in chorus) guests!

Tsar: And arrange for them ...

Ministers: (in chorus) Banquet!

Tsar: Is there money for this?

Ministers: (in chorus) Not!

Tsar: Nonsense, my treasury,

Full to the top!

(shows a bag, coins rattle in it)

Let's invite overseas princesses,

And kings and kings

Eh, let's go luxurious,

Famous Anniversary!

Yes, such that there was a rumor

Two centuries about me!

Minister of Finance: Yes, finances are fine

It's not clear about nutrition.

Minister of Nutrition: Royal chef! Where are you?

Cat - cook: Here!

Minister of Nutrition: Do you have any ideas?

Cat - cook: I am the chef, the royal cat!

I cook cabbage soup and compote.

I'll fry cutlets for you

From carrots, for a banquet.

Minister of Nutrition: What are you going to sing to me, sly?

Where is the salad and where is the stellate sturgeon,

Where is the sausage, entrecote?

Confess, sly cat.

Cat - cook: Calm down, for a banquet -

real meatballs,

And liqueurs and snacks

In French and in Russian?

Minister of Nutrition: And you must, cat,

Let's bake a huge cake!

Cat - cook: Okay, okay, I'll bake!

Murrr... I'll run to the kitchen! (runs away)

Tsar: Well, since congratulations, then there will be a treat!

2 Presenter: There are many gardens in the world,

But such as our one!

He is like the sun for us, he shines,

Happiness, joy gives us!

All parents come out performing a scene:

happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten!

What are the rich treats

All adults and children!

(caravan is brought in)

1. As for our anniversary, many guests gathered.

What would the kindergarten congratulate

Congratulate and praise.

2. Congratulations, congratulations

We wish you all good health.

Here is such a height

Here's the width.

3. What would happiness be the sea,

And if there is grief

Here are the dinners

Here is such a low.

4. Replenish the kindergarten with the laughter of cute preschool children.

5. So that guests come and bring gifts

Here is such a height, here is such a width.

6. D - garden, d - garden is happy for all guests today

Loaf, loaf, treat anyone you want.

Here is such a height, here is such a width.

Farewell song performed by kindergarten staff

Tatyana Belova
Scenario of the anniversary "40 years of kindergarten"

40th Anniversary Scenario"ALENKE"

scene"Why do you need Kindergarten»

A son was born to mom and dad,

Went to the child the fifth year,

It's time to take his mind

And get educated.

Mum. We have unfinished business,

The business does not make a profit.

As luck would have it

Another son is growing ill-bred!

(to dad) You, at least for the sake of decency,

Find a kindergarten for your child

Let them not say that we have a lazybones growing up!

Leading. Father thought about it.

Dad. How can we find a good one for our son? Kindergarten?

For the child to be looked after

And trained and fed

And so such a kindergarten was not too expensive!

Leading. That's what my father found out.

Dad. In the garden of the son, until they take,

The line is long, many people are waiting.

Leading. Had to act privately

They sent their son to the village, to his grandmother.

The son was friends with his grandmother,

He sang ditties, and sewed patches.

Good practice, of course.

But the school needs another.

Leading. But, then a miracle happened, they called and said they were waiting for you in "Alenka", friends.

Dance performed by children "Multicolored Glasses"

Mum. Hey garden! Blimey!

Cleanliness in it, beauty!

Children are right expanse here!

Dad. What about the educational process?

Leading. The manager has an answer, of course.

Head. For your lovely little children

All works Kindergarten.

We do not have all the success count:

We have our own program

We teach kids to sing

Temper, do not get sick,

love math,

Be very polite

To play sports and not be arrogant.

Our teachers are masters

They know how to sing and dance, draw and compose, they will find an approach to the baby

and you won't be bored!

Leading. Mom and dad didn’t have time to hug the boy, their boy ran away, he was no longer to be seen.

Sweet, kind, warm Kindergarten, under your wing you are ready to accept everyone.

Head. Here your boy blossomed like a flower, here he found knowledge and friends.

Dad. Now, I am calm for my son, and I am satisfied with my education!

Fanfare sounds. Enter 2 leaders.

AT: Good afternoon dear friends!

AT: Good afternoon, dear guests!

AT: We are glad to welcome everyone who came to us today to our anniversary!

AT: We are -40 today!

Together: WITH anniversary, native, Kindergarten!

AT: Among the birches is our Kindergarten.

In winter - in the snow, in the spring - dressed in foliage.

It is the home of all children.

No wonder the kids love him so much.

Here they learn to sing and draw,

Play and help mom

Learn a lot about the world.

Here every adult is like a native.

Children are loved here with all their heart!

AT: And bringing the children to our house,

You don't worry about anything.

Here the children will create comfort,

Fun, joy will bring.

It's a lot of fun here today

The songs are loud.

Because the birthday is Kindergarten!

AT: Listen! Listen! Listen!

Everything from the first to the last row!

Welcome children of our garden!

(Children run into the hall with balloons in their hands).

1 child: Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,

But we didn't know anyone like this one!

Most the best holiday- send all congratulations,

Because the kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!

2 children: Birthday is a holiday childhood,

And today and in "Alenka" is he!

We wholeheartedly give

You have a million smiles!

3 children: We are very happy to congratulate

All employees kindergarten:

Everyone who lives here with us

He gives his heart to children!

4 children: We will share joys and sorrows in half,

And our heart baby today we give you!

(Children release helium-filled balloons from their hands up)

5 children: We believe that the mood will be excellent.

Dances, and poems, and songs - it's all for you!

Together: Happy Birthday!

Song "Happy Birthday, Kindergarten»

AT: There are many guests at our celebration today. They came to congratulate our "Alenka" with wonderful anniversary.

AT: The word for congratulations is given to the methodologist of the CSSD

AT: The word for congratulations is given to the head of the regional trade union organization

AT: The word for congratulations is given to the head teacher of MBOU "Lyceum No. 1"

Vedas: Team of working employees kindergarten diligently

preserves and continues the good traditions of its predecessors.

Vedas: As young girls they came to work in children's

garden: (listing veteran employees). They linked their lives with

raising children, with this hard work. Now they are veterans who

today are on a well-deserved rest.

Vedas: Veterans of the preschool world,

Giving themselves to children

You are our heroes and idols!

Today we praise you, loving!

AT: Word for congratulations to veterans

AT: Our children want to thank you for your work and congratulate you on our anniversary.

Dance "Drip-drip-drip"

Boy with a teacher.

M: How big are you Kindergarten! How many guys are here!

AT: Yes, we have a big garden. Do you know who works in kindergarten?

M: Not. Will you tell me?

AT: Necessarily! I'll introduce you to everyone who works here.

Song of Snow White and 7 Dwarfs.

On the motive "Honestly"

We must honestly tell you -

All professions are important for the garden!

Well, who will fry cutlets for the kids?

Who will distribute vitamins to everyone at lunch?

Who will bring us a salary?

Who will sweep the paths in the morning?

Who will put things in order, wash the floor?

We are all trying to make our garden flourish!

Well, how to live without us? Well, tell me, tell me.

Where would the garden be without us? Yes, just nowhere!

And even though sometimes we get very tired in it.

But we love our garden, we will not leave it!

(after songs leave)

Scene about 7 gnomes

Snow White: AT kindergarten we have a special smell:

Gnome cook: It smells like cabbage soup and baking in the kitchen,

Dwarf washerwoman: In the laundry - soap and powder,

manager: At the caretaker - a dusty bag,

storekeeper: And vegetables, lavrushka, cinnamon -

It smells in the closet at the storekeeper.

Nanny: In the group, the nanny smells of bleach,

watchman: The watchman smells like an old whisk.

Nurse: Our doctors smell of medicines,

Together: And in accounting - everyone will tell you -

No matter how much you breathe in through your nostrils,

It smells like little money!

AT: We have a good holiday! Everyone is in a great mood! So many guests we invited today.

AT: But for some reason, I have a disturbing feeling that we still forgot to invite someone.

Head and senior educator and educators

manager: Well, our holiday is coming,

My soul is singing!

senior vosp .: Even more sing,

If you know who's coming!

I won't read it, oh no!

manager: You can immediately see - literate!

Give it here and don't be ashamed.

(Reads with fear) Fathers, please pray!

We forgot Miracle Yudo

invite to anniversary!

senior vosp .: Yes, they are afraid of him everywhere!

We do not want such guests!

manager: Stop seditious speech!

Call everyone soon

Don't forget from the royal furnace

Bring us a loaf!

senior vosp.: Hey, people, hurry up here!

Trouble has come to our kindergarten!

God, God, help!

Save us from anger! (takes a loaf)

Everyone comes to the fore. Sounds of thunder, frightening music. A three-headed Miracle Yudo appears (three teachers in one dressing gown, a sign hangs on the chest "Commission").

All teachers sing to the motive "What do you want?"

Song "What do you want?" (commission meeting)

Manager and Senior. vosp.: You are our long-awaited,

Come on, come on

Eat bread and salt with us!

Well, bow down everyone

Yes, lower, lower

Bring kvass from the cellar.

Together. We are distinguished guests

Always very happy

Can't live without control

You say, you say

What do you need, what do you need

What else can we please you?

1st head. I am ready to eat bread and salt,

But first I want to hear

How are you preparing for SES?

Is there any progress in kindergarten?

Educator. There is, of course, a considerable

We are now a seasoned people:

Nothing to scare us

We know what to show!

Teachers sing to the tune "Happy Neighbor".

Cleanliness is everywhere

Everything glitters - even tear out your eyes!

soapy soda solution

We have washed everything!

Sterile under the beds

There are no quarantines in the group,

Chlorine stocked plentifully

We are ahead for a thousand years! Pam Pam…

2nd head. And doubt gnaws at me -

It can't be all right!

Report to me

For labor protection!

Educator. What to say - and so everything is clear

All claims are in vain.

Even though we have problems

Together we all solve them!

Sing to the motive "What to say?"

What to say, what to say?

We all love work

And on the weekend we go here,

We will work on holidays.

We arrive in the morning a little light,

And at night we write plans,

The family was completely abandoned -

You forgot your mom's kids!

3rd head. Enough for us to sing songs here,

I would like to see,

Where is your fire extinguisher

Bring it to me here!

Educator. We'll bring you what you want!

Here is your fire extinguisher! (puts before the commission)

We have 50 of them

Through every meter they stand!

Heads in order.

1. Well, this time we believe you.

2. We will check again in a year.

3. Have fun, have fun

Together. But don't get too relaxed! (leave)

boy with teacher

M: Interesting here you have! Who do you have here garden is the most important?

Play: Our most important manager is Tatiana Aleksandrovna.

M: Is she even more important than the president?

Play: Well, the main thing is not the main thing, but a variety of questions can be solved!

Scene about the Marquise

Head's song:

Ale-ale, what's the news?

AT I haven't been to the garden for a long time.

The fourth day, as I am on the courses,

Tell me, how are things going?

And we're doing well

No sad surprise

Except for the rubbish:

Only one lady came from SES

And she scored a bunch of flushes,

But we don't have to pay the fine. have to -

My aunt did not find microbes.

Ale-ale, what's the news?

I'm calling from accounting.

Tell me, are the nannies all in place?

After all, I love them all!

Everything is fine, Tatiana Aleksanna,

And we are doing well.

Not one sad surprise

Except for the rubbish:

The spotlight fell on the window

And the toilet is leaking for a long time,

All is well, all is well!

Hello, hello, what's the news?

I'm calling you from Rayono.

Are all teachers there?

Now with control to them I will come!

Everything is fine, Tatiana Aleksanna,

And we're doing well

No sad surprise

Except for the rubbish:

Script to be written,

And to call everyone for the anniversary,

And then the electrician came to you,

I didn't find you at work

And the timesheet must be closed,

Give it to the accountant

And you need to get soap

Replace pipes in basement

And buy new curtains,

Attach cornices in the hall,

And the rest, Tatiana Aleksanna,

All is well, all is well!

AT: Of course, the manager has many worries and problems.

AT: And let's dream what our kindergarten in 50 years!

The curtain opens. On the stage office of the head of the kindergarten. The manager sits at the desk, there are equipment on the table, a lot of phones. The manager herself is talking on a cell phone.

Head. Yes Yes. Come, we are waiting for you.

The manager puts the phone on the table. He presses the button of the equipment and speaks.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna, come to me.

The secretary enters with a notepad and a pen.

secretary: Yes, Tatyana Petrovna, I'm listening.

Head: Has the toy car arrived?

secretary: Yes.

Head: Order to unload as soon as possible

secretary: Where to store? Just on last week brought exactly the same toy car. The groups are littered with toys, closets and hallways even.

Head. Find a place! Make an application to the store for a new physical education equipment. By the way, what is the water in the pool today with orange flavor or walnut flavor?

secretary: / writing down the manager's order in a notebook / With lavender, yesterday I had an orange scent. Tatyana Petrovna, the teachers are asking to somehow regulate the temperature in the groups, it’s so hot, how can children be tempered?

Head: Will it hurt pineapples in the winter greenhouse?

secretary: Not. The pineapple harvest has already been harvested.

Head: Okay, I will solve this issue today. you can go

The secretary leaves.

The phone rings. The manager picks up the phone.

Head: I'm listening. What? The President will speak? Good. /in five seconds/. Hello Vladimir Vladimirovich. Yes, old computers have been replaced with new ones. Yes, in all groups. Thank you.

/listens/. You say the dacha was built for the children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea? Thank you very much for this. Yes, I will definitely pass it on. Goodbye, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

The manager hangs up, presses the button.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna, urgently come to me. Don't forget your notepad.

The secretary enters.

secretary: What happened?

Head: Announce to everyone that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' council. Invite caregivers, narrow specialists: physical education instructor, music director, doctor. nutritionist, massage therapist, ecologist, speech therapist, sociologist, psychologist, parents, head of the Tulgan administration

The theme of the teachers' council: "Summer holidays for the children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea."

secretary: All right, Tatyana Petrovna.

Head: I won't be here today, I left for Gorono. By the way, is the car ready?

secretary: Yes, the driver has been waiting for a long time.

Both leave. The soundtrack of a song about the Black Sea sounds.


To the motive of the song "Top-top stomp baby"

Years, years, 40 years ago

There is a new Kindergarten.

Little children came to the garden

Tenderness and care were found in him.

We, we are all one family.

You can't live without work

Children are waiting for miracles with interest -

So our place is right here!

Top-top, top-top, very hard

Top-top, top-top, the first days!

On the motive « Childhood, childhood»

How in childhood I go to kindergarten every day

The kids are already there waiting for me.

With children, of course, you can not be bored,

minutes childhood can be remembered.

And I can, and I can again

Do exercises, braid braids,

Watch cartoons, collect puzzles,

Playing snowballs outside in winter.

On the motive "From a smile"

Our life is more beautiful from a smile,

Let the nervous preschool work

If suddenly there is a conflict - hold on,

Smile when you want to scream!

And then, for sure,

You are in the eyes of a preschooler

Respect read without error,

A river starts from a blue stream,

Education starts with a smile.

The teacher comes out with the boy.

M: I liked everything in your garden. I will definitely come back tomorrow!

AT: Of course come! We will be very happy!

AT: The floor is given to the head.