
Popular topics for today. The most discussed topics on the web. Recipes are a great choice for a blog topic.


Hello, Vladimir Manerov is in touch. And today in the article I have prepared for you 28 interesting blog ideas. If you are at the very beginning and are just thinking about starting your journey in, then read the article carefully. My thoughts and ideas will push you to the right path. :)

When choosing an idea for a blog, you need to be extremely careful and devote enough time to this process. So that in the future interest and your creation will not disappear. And the truth is this: almost 90% of newbies quit their blog in the first six months. :(

When choosing an idea, remember the most important rule: the topic of the blog should be close to you, so that it is pleasant to write new articles, and you get money from it.

If this rule is followed, then undoubtedly your blog will achieve high results.

Before choosing a blog topic, answer yourself a few key questions:

  1. Am I ready to love and cherish my creation like a child?
  2. Am I interested in this blog topic?
  3. Is there anything new I can tell readers?
  4. What can I teach?
  5. Who will be my future readers?
  6. Is this topic interesting to people?
  7. Is it possible to make money on this topic?

Below in the list I will give my thoughts that I think can shoot in the future. I'm not saying that they will 100% meet their expectations. Everything will depend only on the author of the blog. My task is to help push you, direct you in the right direction.

Read each item carefully and think whether it suits you or not? And also write in the comments what you liked and what you think is not worth attention.

  1. About an aspiring athlete (football player, hockey player, no matter what, the idea is that in the future he can achieve great results, and your blog will already exist).
  2. About one day in the life of celebrities.
  3. About health at the computer.
  4. Your pet's blog.
  5. About records and the Guinness Book of Records.
  6. About water (everything about water, its benefits, harm, where it is found, etc.).
  7. About babies (if you have a baby, create a blog about his life).
  8. About tricks and magicians.
  9. About Olympic records.
  10. About gifts (we are all looking for what to give for the holiday, why not answer this question in the blog?).
  11. About the new series.
  12. About UFOs!
  13. Ideas for what to do with a large group.
  14. About the paranormal.
  15. Answers to questions from the Internet.
  16. About and facts.
  17. About the red book.
  18. About extinct species of animals.
  19. About the most unusual people.
  20. About unusual hobbies.
  21. About parables.
  22. About beautiful places in your city.
  23. About your young family.
  24. About the amazing.
  25. Blog in the style of myth busters.
  26. About a new invention.
  27. About dreams.
  28. About the psychology of color.

Where to get inspiration from?

    We all love to watch an interesting, exciting video. But look at it this way. You can take an interesting idea for a blog from the video.

    I think this is the most correct decision. People can spend hours doing their hobby, their favorite thing. It could be anything from cooking delicious food, raising children, collecting, building, etc.

    Professional qualities (your work)

    You work as a lawyer, then why not create your own personal website and use it to help people in need of legal assistance? Or maybe you are a chef, then create a blog about goodies. And if you're a seller, create a blog about new products or how to sell. I think you get the idea :)

    Life events

    The idea is to blog about your life event. Give a solution. For example, you moved to live in America and write a blog about how to move to America and how a Russian person can survive there.

    From the book store

    Just walk around the bookstore at your leisure and look at different books. Assess what people are interested in, what they like to read, how often they buy this or that book. Or maybe the idea for your blog will be some novel that became a bestseller and shocked the world. For example, like Harry Potter or today A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).

    From loved ones

    Just ask them so they are interested. Or what they think you are good at and what you do better than others. It's always clearer from the outside.

Advice: we often search the Internet for information on some topic, and to find it we have to scour the entire Internet and look through thousands of sites. Why not collect all this information in one place and tell it in understandable language? Think about it.

Personally, I wish you to find the right path and bring your blog to huge traffic and profitability. But the main thing to remember is that your blog should be interesting to you and people should like it. ;)

Write your thoughts on this topic in the comments, write those items from the list that you liked and liked. And also subscribe to blog updates or join groups on social networks so as not to miss interesting information.

I look forward to your comments on interesting blog ideas. ;)

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The theme of the site is a certain direction that connects all the materials that you publish on it. It can be commercial and non-commercial, narrow and general.

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The best way to understand what a site’s theme is is with a simple example. Imagine that you are fond of sports and have decided to create a website where the same fans can get useful information. There are a lot of sports. You can write about all of them or concentrate on one of them. Let's say at football. Football will be the theme of your site.

The commercial theme of the site implies the possibility of earning money on it. Non-commercial - most often serves to talk about your hobbies, hobbies. The goal of making money in this case is secondary. A narrow theme revolves around one narrow area of ​​activity, while a general one includes additional areas. Football is narrow because it only talks about one sport. If you create a website about all sports, and also start talking about the features of choosing sportswear and the possibilities of active winter recreation, the topic will become general.

How to choose a theme for a website

The choice of website theme directly depends on your main goal. Why do you want to do it? Conventionally, three main reasons can be identified:

Focus on profit now

Creating a website focused on making quick profits requires increased attention to the topic. A mistake is fraught with the failure of the project, its unprofitability, and a decrease in your own interest in its development and promotion process. It is important to analyze what is popular with users and what is interesting to you. Only your personal interest in the topic can guarantee the success of the project. Working on what you like brings pleasure, so it will be easier for you to motivate yourself to invest effort in promotion until the moment when the site brings the first profit.

When choosing what topic to create a website on, try to predict how exactly it should bring you profit. There are many options, for example you can:

  • place advertisements on the site for money;
  • sell links;
  • publish PR articles.

Your choice will affect the theme of the site. For example, if you plan to advertise, it is worth analyzing the most profitable categories of goods or services.

When choosing a topic, do not forget about your competitors. Everyone analyzes the market situation and tries to grab the tidbit. Therefore, the more profitable the topic, the more active the struggle for a place in the sun. To win it, you need analytical talent, a little ability to predict the further development of markets and a bit of luck.

Profit orientation in the long term

The willingness to develop a project for a long time, investing time and money in it for some time, opens the way for you to a niche of a general theme. The site itself can tell a lot, and its individual sections can focus on a narrower segment. A good example of such projects are various portals: women's sites, sports, construction, etc. Promoting such a resource will require a lot of time and skills. Nevertheless, in the future one can hope for constant profits that will recoup the investment.

Non-profit sites partially fall into this category, because a good idea eventually finds like-minded people and begins to bring in money. But still, we moved it to a separate subsection.

Focus on a unique idea

If you are creating a non-profit website, driven by the idea of ​​talking about something close to you and not setting the goal of making money on it, the topic is not important. You are free to do whatever you want. You can be sure that interesting content will always bring grateful readers.

Try not to ask the question directly: “how to choose a theme for a website,” but approach it from a different angle – a consumer one. Evaluate what you are best at, what you can talk about more interestingly and captivatingly than others. Then analyze whether there is a demand for this information and draw a conclusion.

The most profitable website topics

From year to year, the most profitable website topics change. Nevertheless, there are several of them that have not lost their leadership positions over the years.

  1. First of all, these are large catalogs of goods / online stores. The topic is one of the most profitable, but it also requires considerable effort. If you don’t have the energy to create a second Ebay, you can concentrate on a narrower segment of goods and get to the top. For example, start with women's shoes, then expand into the clothing, outerwear, lingerie, etc. segment.
  2. In second place are social networks. There is no point in competing at the global level, but there is a demand for narrow-profile resources and very little competition.
  3. Adult websites are among the most profitable in the world.

If we return to a world closer to earth, then the ranking of the most profitable topics looks different. It depends on how you are going to make money on your resource. For example, if you decide that you want to advertise on it, select several topics that interest you. Evaluate each of them according to three parameters:

  • competition;
  • ad click cost;
  • the number of topic requests from users.

Choose the one that will allow you to balance the costs of fighting competitors and the profit received in a way that is favorable to you.

If you need a list, we present you with expensive site topics according to The list is based on an analysis of the advertisers who spend the most on advertising on the Google search engine.

  • Finance.
  • Trips.
  • Shopping.
  • Work and education.
  • Internet and telecom.
  • Computers and electronics.
  • Business and industry.
  • A house and a garden.
  • Auto and Transport.
  • Beauty and Fitness.

The most popular website topics

Popular and profitable topics mean different things. What is popular among users is not always profitable. For example, the financial services market leads the list of profitability, but is completely unpopular. A good example is sites with show business news. They are visited by a huge number of people, but the cost per click on advertising is one of the lowest. In order to make money on it, you need to learn how to attract a lot of cheap traffic, which requires a lot of effort and time.

Among the most popular website topics are:

  • Cars.
  • Real estate.
  • Clothes and shoes.

What to avoid when choosing a theme for a website

When choosing a website topic, start with an objective assessment of your interests, opportunities and competition. Do not try to immediately enter the market of the most profitable topics. This is fraught with a quick failure, especially if you turn a blind eye to your knowledge in the chosen field, hoping only for its profitability.

Think about where you will get your content from. Add someone else’s, create a unique one, or pay copywriters. Unfortunately, many novice masters create a site with many sections and cannot find enough time to fill them with quality. As a result, the site earns a negative credibility with search engines, loses positions and it becomes very difficult to promote it.

Assess how much you are willing to spend on website promotion. Please note that a narrow topic requires less investment, and in many cases you can limit yourself to only good content to reach the top. Competitive topics require a large budget. What costs are you prepared for?

In fact, you can make a profit from any topic, but if your goal is to get it quickly and with minimal investment, you should look towards a narrow topic. It is easier to promote it, since such sites enjoy great authority among search engines.

Choosing a topic for a blog is perhaps the most crucial moment in the fate of those who decide to try their hand at conquering the Internet. It is obvious that covering unpopular and less relevant topics will never lead to success and fame on the Internet. How can you identify the most popular topics on the Internet that thousands of users will come to your site looking for? This is the question that will be answered in this review.

To determine the top topics for a blog, you shouldn’t “reinvent the wheel.” Search giants have long developed convenient tools for analyzing the popularity of queries, words and topics. For Google, this is KeywordPlanner - a powerful tool with wide capabilities.

A direct “competitor” from Yandex is a tool called Wordstat - easy to use, understandable and convenient. Since we assume that the reader can take his first steps in mastering the blogosphere, we will analyze the popularity of blog topics using the example of working with Wordstat. In our opinion, it is easier to use. Which of these two tools to use in the future is, of course, up to you to decide. Among the obvious advantages of Google Keyplanner: if you are going to create a blog in English, then it is much better suited for analyzing foreign queries. Yandex is popular among Russian-speaking users; the rest of the world is still more likely to give preference to Google :)

Let us finally get to the heart of the matter. Next, we will present examples of word analysis in Yandex.Wordstat with query frequency. By what criteria were these examples included in this review? It is necessary to understand that for the long-term development of a site, it needs a “reserve” in the number of visits. Therefore, the following are words from queries for which the viewing statistics reach several million monthly, as well as their derivatives.

Top topics: reviews-ratings and articles-lists

List articles are constantly popular among users. They help you make a choice and consider alternative options. Such articles include various “Tops”, ratings, and comparisons.

Example of search frequency for the word “Top”:

If you suddenly decide to compete with Kinopoisk, then you may well choose the subtopic “Top films” :) A potential reserve of 600 thousand monthly visitors is an indicator of a very, very successful site. Considering that the film industry produces films, TV series and other products in incredible quantities, there will be a lot of ideas for various rating articles, such as “Top 10 films in the noir genre” or “The best TV series of the 90s”.

Recipes are a great choice for a blog topic.

The request “Recipes” is addressed to Yandex more than 29.5 million times per month. This niche is incredibly popular even in narrower areas:

For example, an “Easy Recipes Blog” could ideally get 1.8 million monthly visits. But seriously, this topic for a blog is really very attractive. Firstly, here you can not limit yourself only to text articles - you can also develop a video blog. Of course, you will have to be in a fierce competition mode, but on the Internet now there is no other way.

Most Popular Topics on the Internet: Health Blog

The topic of health will always be relevant. Given the love of the Russian-speaking Internet audience for “self-diagnosis,” requests for certain aspects of health will definitely not decrease in the coming years.

If a blog is created for the purpose of monetization, then the topic of health should definitely be highlighted as one of the most profitable. Even with not the most significant traffic, such sites, filled with quality content and having a user-friendly interface, can bring good income to their owner. Again, this topic for a blog is quite realistic to implement in video format.

Travel is always a popular blog topic

The “travel” theme is also very convenient for combining different formats - be it a video blog or the usual articles and reviews with illustrations.

The “travel” niche is quite capacious. The main thing here is not to force yourself into a narrow framework, thereby limiting the audience. If you start a blog about travel around Buryatia, it obviously won’t get as many visitors as a broader area such as “travel around Russia” could. This requires a detailed analysis of narrower areas, be careful with this.

Blog topic: humor

Users spend a significant amount of time on the Internet for entertainment. Everyone wants to cheer themselves up - with funny pictures, funny videos, witty quotes.

Due to the popularity of this Internet niche, you need to be mentally prepared for very tough competition - with content from social networks, with already known and authoritative ones.

When choosing an entertaining and humorous topic, you can focus on something “core” (for example, humorous congratulations, jokes for BD), or act comprehensively (in this case you will have to generate a very large amount of content!).

Go for it - who knows, maybe a new adme or Pikabu will soon appear on the RuNet, only with even more original, fresh and interesting content :)

Politics is an “extreme” topic for a blog

An ever-living, and most importantly, widely popular topic, in which it is very important to be “on the cutting edge.” Those. have time to release up-to-date information whose content does not fall under the description of extremist or offending the feelings of anyone.

The competition in this media field is very serious, you will need to put in a lot of effort to ensure that your blog earns a certain weight and authority. On the other hand, examples of video blogs of very mediocre quality and content on Youtube demonstrate the opposite: even “knocked together” videos that touch on topics that resonate in the minds of viewers become popular. However, if such a blog/video blog is made for the sake of making money, you will have to “sweat” here: there is not so much targeted advertising on political issues, you will need to work hard on the “visitor portrait” and attracting sponsors. Well, if you just decided to become a “mouthpiece of the truth” and think that money doesn’t buy happiness, go for it! And, of course, may you have the strength to resist the hordes of political bots if they suddenly decide to take a liking to the comments on your blog :)

Reviews are a popular blog topic.

Reviews are another bottomless niche on the Internet. People will always be interested in knowing someone’s opinion about a game or movie, seeing how a popular gadget actually works, which car is worth buying for 500 thousand, and which ones are worth walking around for a kilometer, etc.

Please note: if you are going to create a review blog “about everything”, it will be quite difficult to “build” your audience. It is necessary to look, as in the topics discussed earlier, for a more specific direction, analyze its popularity and develop it directly. For example, “game review” can potentially bring more than 100,000 monthly visitors from Yandex alone. And if we remember the wild popularity of gaming video blogs on YouTube, it becomes even more obvious that even this “niche” topic has inexhaustible potential. The same can be said about smartphone reviews – both in the format of regular text blogs and in video versions. Your goal when choosing a “review” topic for blogs is to analyze its relevance and degree of relevance over a long period of time. Well, when it comes to monetization, reviews are perhaps the most profitable area.

Beauty is a topic for a popular beauty blog

The topic of beauty is another “imperishable” topic that clearly will not lose its relevance over a long period of time. The standards of beauty, ways of maintaining this very beauty, self-care, etc. are changing.

When choosing this popular topic for a blog, you won’t have to limit your flight of imagination – there will always be plenty of ideas for reviews. The topic of beauty fits well into any format - both a text review blog with media inserts, and a full-fledged beauty video blog (this area is one of the most visited on Youtube). It lends itself well to monetization, which is also an important point for those who consider creating a blog not only as a means of self-expression, but also a resource for earning money.

There is probably no point in further listing potentially popular topics for blogging - we are sure that our readers have already understood the “scheme”: using a keyword analyzer, we select something to suit your taste :)

However, a couple more tips for novice bloggers should still be given. These tips will deal with topics that are exactly no need choose.

A news blog is not a good idea

Yes, news is one of the hottest types of content on the Internet. Everyone reads the news.

But the problem with such content is that it is “perishable.” If you are just starting your journey in blogging, you simply will not keep up with current events: while search engines “walk” through your site, index the content and show you in the search results, the news may lose relevance and become of no interest to anyone. This means there will be no visits. Another point is that you will have to produce a lot of news content. So many. And regularly. Only in this case will you be able to get regular, and not random, readers, who will delight you with stable visitor statistics. And one blogger is unlikely to cope with such a task. What is needed here is a team of writers capable of covering various news agendas, filling out sections and doing all this in a high-quality and interesting way. It is quite possible that you are ready to “take this burden” onto your shoulders and try to create a successful news project on your own. But don't say later that we didn't warn you 🙂 .

“About Me” is a Great Topic for an Unpopular Blog

If you are not a media person with 5 thousand followers on social networks, if your Instagram is not “liked” to pieces, then the idea of ​​​​creating a blog about your life needs to be carefully analyzed. Is it worth it to tell the world about how you live day by day? Will it be interesting to read, and in the case of a video blog, will it make a spectacular show? No, on video hosting sites you can actually find a lot of content in the style of “Here I woke up, here I am having breakfast, and here I am walking down the street...”. But who is watching this? For the most part, such videos are unbearably boring and only make you want to freeze for a long time in the “facepalm” position. Are you sure that you will not cause exactly the same desires? Of course, you can take the risk. And there is a certain degree of probability that this will make you popular. “But this is not accurate,” as one well-known video blogger likes to say 🙂.

"Hype" topic in which you do not understand at all

The Internet is littered with content created by people with a clear lack of expertise in the topics they address. They are also called “rewriters”. Just kidding, not all rewriters and copywriters write meaningless texts. But some are guilty of this... The fact is that on the Internet, thanks to search engine algorithms, the main emphasis is on the uniqueness of the content, and not on its content (this, of course, is also evaluated, but is not a priority). This is how articles on the topic of blockchain appear, written by housewives in the humanities who are on maternity leave (this is a collective example, we ask housewives in the humanities who understand blockchain and are reading us now not to be offended :)).

Try to choose a blog topic not only based on its popularity. It is important that you have knowledge in this area, or at least the desire to understand it well. Then there is a chance that, gradually mastering your chosen topic, you will bring invaluable benefits to your readers or viewers.

Dear readers, we wish you to become successful, prosperous bloggers who love the work they do!

Article Popular blog topics – how to choose the one that will “pop” was modified: January 13th, 2018 by Netobserver

Every day, millions of people search for and publish articles on the World Wide Web. Each of them has its own reader. There are no exceptions. After all, information is the key element and main value of our post-industrial society. Whoever has the information controls the whole world.

Yet, despite the potential value of any "piece" of information, there are certain topics that are more popular and interesting than others. If we delve deeper into the topic, then for each region and for each age group there is its own top 10 most popular topics on the Internet. But among them you can find many common features. So what is the most popular topic on the Internet?


Absolutely any person (with very rare exceptions) has three basic, one might say, fundamental needs: the desire to live, the desire to eat and the desire to reproduce their own kind. Based on this, it is not surprising where the ranking of the most popular topics on the Internet begins.

Several years ago it was estimated that queries of this nature in search engines account for approximately twenty percent. According to the latest data for March 2018, 150 million people searched for “porn” and “erotica” in the Yandex search engine. Now the demand has dropped somewhat, but 18+ materials will be on the list of the most popular topics on the Internet for a long time.

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

The second basic need is the need for constant food. Basically, this topic includes, of course, a wide variety of cooking recipes. But here you can easily add articles, for example, “An effective diet for two months”, “The ten most harmful foods”, “The most useful vitamins that can be found in vegetables and fruits”.

Everything is simple here. Both men and women want to be in good shape and occasionally spoil their loved ones with something tasty and, if real, unusual. While old grandmother's recipes are gradually going out of fashion, articles from the Internet are becoming the best friends of young and advanced housewives.

Essential Questions

The instinct of self-preservation occupies the most important position in the system of human needs. Without it, we simply would not be willing and could not survive. But what should we do in this or that situation in order to stay alive?

The answer to this question can be easily found by any Internet user. Who should you contact and what should you do if the person next to you feels unwell? How to behave in case of fire? What to do if you are taken hostage? What to do if you are being stalked? What are the basic self-defense techniques? Life is very important for a person.

Entertainment component

All people need to relax from time to time. The support provided by the Internet can be simply invaluable. Children especially win (or lose, depending on how you look at it). Computer games were very popular in their time.

Now films and TV series have taken over the initiative. For example, for young people, the most popular topics on the Internet include various types of popular culture. In March 2018, 210 million people searched on Yandex for a movie to watch. This is not so little.

And such data are not at all surprising. After a long day at work or school, people need to get away from everything somehow. Movies and TV series allow them to do this with amazing ease.

Success, fame, money

Many people dream of becoming famous and famous. It's easy to dream. Everyone is capable of this. It's much more difficult to actually achieve something. But in this matter, the Internet can act as an assistant.

There are millions of articles on how to create your own company, what qualities a future boss needs, and how to learn to play the stock market. This information is so accessible that it is surprising how anyone can avoid using it.

Sport - is life

One of the main hobbies of our generation. Fans spend a lot of money to attend a match of their favorite team or attend a competition of their favorite athletes. It's no surprise that sports are one of the most popular topics on the Internet. Let’s say that if a person did not have the opportunity to watch a hockey match live, now he can find out the score with a couple of clicks and watch the brightest and most exciting moments of the game.

In addition, among the population of planet Earth there are not only those who like to watch others do something. No, many people want to do something themselves. If a person does not want or does not have enough money to attend a special section, he can always independently begin to lead an active lifestyle. Of course, without a coach this is quite difficult, but still possible. There are enough resources on the World Wide Web that can tell you how to run correctly, where is the best way to start your training, what exercises develop certain muscles, and so on.

Bad habits

And how to get rid of them? There is hardly a person who, at some point, would not want to improve something about himself. Not everyone has the willpower to turn to a specialist or loved ones. But no one will judge you on the Internet. There will be hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of individuals out there with the same problems. And there are just as many experts and simply kind people who are able and willing to help. How to stop worrying with or without reason, how to stop biting your nails, how to wean yourself off cigarettes - all this can be solved if you have the desire and access to the Internet.

Local tailoring architects

One of the most popular topics on the Internet. Some people don’t want to pay workers for work that they can do themselves, others simply want to try their hand at construction - both of them can find help on the World Wide Web.

Where to buy the cheapest building materials? How to quickly and efficiently renovate an apartment? What tools are most needed in a young couple's home? This and much more can be found among the most discussed topics on the Internet.

Travel, or There and Back

It's fashionable, it's prestigious and it's interesting to almost everyone. Tourism is without a doubt one of the most popular blogging topics on the Internet. People are curious to know where is the best place to relax, where the best food is, where the most beautiful places are. There is also a huge scope for photographers in this topic: spectacular images of exotic or simply unfamiliar places always attract attention.

Nowadays there is a huge number of so-called travel blogs on the World Wide Web. Still would. The topic is rich and very promising. In it, everyone is able to open up and find themselves. An active and potentially dangerous holiday for one group of travelers, a quiet and cultural holiday for another. Everyone is happy.

Politics: who rules the world?

From the very beginning of time, people simply could not help but be interested in what was happening around them. This is understandable, because most often the political situation in the world directly affects the lives of mere mortals.

The better the situation in the country as a whole, the better will be the situation of those who live in this country. So, politics is unlikely to ever go out of fashion. And there is proof of this. Everyone is familiar with the excitement before presidential elections in various countries. People argue, express their opinions and guess who will win, read about the personal and public lives of many political figures. It is always relevant and interesting.

I learn a lot from both Russian-speaking and Western bloggers. Combining my knowledge, I have compiled a list of 21 niches that have performed well over the years and will continue to be relevant in the future.

1. Facts (lists)

For example, write an article “10 rules of proper nutrition.” And you begin to give a detailed answer to each point.

2. How...

You can find your niche and provide useful answers there. It may not solve the problem, but the blog will be very popular.

3. Politics

Politics is very popular. In politics there is always a topic for discussion. But be prepared to encounter some objections, since views on a given situation vary.

4. Recipes

Recipes are a great way to...

These can be recipes only for salads or only recipes for cakes. An example that has become one of the most popular in the food niche in the West.

5. Beginner's Guide

Every beginner has to start somewhere. This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog by starting to write a newbie guide for your topic.

Find out what questions beginners ask themselves when they want to start a business.

6. Complete guides

If you are an expert in your field, you can write large and detailed manuals. For example, “ ” or “Everything you wanted to know about Email marketing.”

People are constantly interested in new knowledge and such complete guides will perfectly cover their need in your niche. You can also make detailed infographics, it works very well.

7. Interview

The best way to stand out among bloggers is by interviewing experts in your field.

8. Product reviews

You can review different products. This method will allow you to quickly start making money on affiliate programs.

9. Debunking Myths

Every industry has fact and fiction. We like it when you think “it” is true for a long time, and after reading or watching it, you find out that it is a myth.

Stories like this always attract attention. That's why the show “MythBusters” is so popular all over the world.

10. Virtual Reality

VR is a fast growing industry. It will only grow in the coming years.

The topic is “hot” and while there is no competition here, you can quickly occupy this niche. You need to be interested in all the trends in this industry and follow the news.

11. Troubleshooting Guides

Troubleshooting Guides. People are always looking for solutions on the Internet because they urgently need to solve a problem that has arisen.

Life advice is a valuable commodity.

13. Travel

We always want to go somewhere exotic. Any advice on how to do this cheaper will always be appreciated.

Travel will always be a popular topic for online searches. In 2017, the Federal Migration Service predicts that 5 million foreign passports will be issued.

14. Funny stories

Stories that make people smile will always be popular, including on social media. Due to this, you can make your blog very popular.

Parenting tips are always appreciated. There is always a lot of traffic in this topic. Dad bloggers are also very popular.

16. Ideas for gifts

Gift guides for friends, relatives, colleagues will always be popular.

Thousands of people find it difficult to choose a gift. Help them find a solution to this problem using a blog. Affiliate programs will be a good source of income for your blog in this topic.

17. Health and Medicine

Eternal theme. When a person is bothered by something, he looks for symptoms and causes via the Internet.

Some diseases do not require seeing a doctor and are easy to self-medicate. Blogs like this will always bring traffic.

18. Auto

This niche is very big. Just imagine how many brands of cars there are.

19. Construction

Many people want to save on construction and prefer to do something with their own hands.

20. Business and Finance

Interest in financial topics is always popular. Everyone wants to know the most important “secret” of financial success.

21. Women's theme

The female audience of the Internet is constantly interested in the secrets of beauty and femininity. This could be “hair care” or “weight loss diets”.


Popular topics come and go. If you choose the wrong niche, you risk wasting your time.

The topics listed above are practically guaranteed will make your blog popular.

What blog topics do you think will always be relevant?