
Scar n childhood autism and aba. Schramm autism. Smart books for a parent, speech therapist, teacher


child with autism- it's a mystery. No wonder the symbol autism around the world is an image of a jigsaw puzzle. And all of us, teachers and parents, are trying to piece together this puzzle and build a beautiful picture. But, sometimes, our "puzzle" does not want to "get together". Sometimes we do not even suspect that the child has any abilities, because he does not want to cooperate with us and show us what he knows.
Moreover, the child does not allow us to teach him - to show, tell, explain ... He wants to do only what he is interested in, and screams to be left behind and left alone. Therefore, in order to put the pieces of the puzzle together, we need a strong glue - control over the behavior of the child or "Guiding control" ( instructional control).

Many of the problems that prevent parents and those around the child from establishing relationships with him and teaching him are superimposed precisely on the Guiding Control platform:

· How to make sure that the child does not run out on the road?

· How to make sure that the child sits during class?

· How to make sure that the child answers the questions addressed to him?

· How to make a child pee in the toilet and not in his pants?

All of these problems are symptoms of a lack of "Guidance Control". And if, with the help of behavioral methods or other types of treatment, one of the symptoms is removed, then some new problematic behavior will appear in its place.

Therefore, achieving "Guidance Control" is the most important part of learning autistic child . Without it, we are powerless and cannot help the child in any way. Until we are able to help the child overcome himself and his own desires and begin to cooperate, we are unable to bring his development to significant progress.

From Bryansk to Vladivostok, in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia, parents and professionals helping children with autism received free copies of the first ABA book in Russian from the Coming Out Foundation.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the “gold standard” for helping people with autism in many countries, is still an unknown curiosity in Russia. One of the reasons is not only the lack of systematic training for behavioral therapists, but the almost complete absence of books and other materials on modern ABA principles and methods.

In an attempt to change the current situation, the Vykhod Foundation, together with the Steps charitable foundation, took part in the publication of the first Russian-language manual on ABA, and donated part of the circulation to specialized non-profit and government organizations, as well as to parents and individual specialists.

Robert Schramm's book Childhood Autism and ABA. Applied Behavior Analysis Based Therapy” published by Rama Publishing (Yekaterinburg). The uniqueness of this publication is that the author sets out the basic principles of applied behavioral analysis in a very simple language, accessible to the general reader.

The Russian-language edition was intended to be a kind of "introduction" to ABA for Russian professionals and parents who are not familiar with this area and approach to learning. Robert Schramm, a behavioral therapist with many years of experience, speaks primarily to parents raising a child with autism. He offers them simple and effective tools for the development of speech and communication of the child, which are based on the reinforcement of his verbal behavior.

Here is what parents of children with autism write who have already received and read the book (from reviews on the forum "Special Childhood of Irkutsk"):

“I already received it last week Zhenya is reading now. Yesterday he asked me to write something small on a tablet, in response - a small chocolate pea. Flying works. Small even wrote “Dad give me chocolate.”

“Now I can also refer to the source, thanks to those who published the book. I’ve been saying for a long time, not a single person has heard me yet: all the extraneous surrounding people, by their actions towards me and my child, give the child reinforcement of incorrect behavior.

In order to make the book as accessible as possible to those who need it most, the Vykhod Foundation purchased a part of the print run for free distribution in Russian regions and CIS countries. Free copies could be ordered by parents of children with autism, as well as regional parent associations, government organizations and rehabilitation centers. The copies of the book were distributed by the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center for Autism Problems", one of the Foundation's partners.

Robert Schramm's book turned out to be in great demand, first of all, among regional associations of parents of children with autism and centers for the rehabilitation of children. The places where the allowance was sent are Yekaterinburg and Tula, Moscow and Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg and Vladikavkaz, Kostroma and Tomsk, Kemerovo and Irkutsk, Bryansk and Rostov-on-Don, Samara and Krasnodar, Volgograd and Tyumen. No less interest in the publication was shown by representatives of organizations from the CIS countries - part of the circulation was sent to Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Georgia.

On the this moment more than 500 books were sent to 56 Russian and foreign organizations. Separately, it is worth noting another 300 copies of the book, which the Vykhod Foundation donated to five state organizations in Voronezh involved in the rehabilitation and education of children with special needs. The distribution of the benefit in Voronezh took place within the framework of the joint program of the Vykhod Foundation and the administration of the Voronezh Region – “Autism is curable”. In addition, 4 families of children with autism and 3 professionals working with children with ASD received free books.

Perhaps the publications received will change the views of parents and specialists in better side and – in the long term – improve the quality of life of people with autism in these regions. In any case, the feedback received allows us to hope so.

“The book is very relevant and important, since, in any case, I have not seen anything like it in ABA! For other parents, it was the first book on autism! It was very important for me to understand what is important in our children to maintain an interest in learning! Once again, I want to say a huge thank you to the translator and everyone, everyone, everyone who gave us - parents - this opportunity to get information on the principle of "one window". It’s a pity that I ordered few copies - 5 pieces,” Zalina Dudueva, Chairman of the MIR Association of Parents of Disabled Children, mother of a child with autism (Vladikavkaz).

“We received 72 books to Krasnoyarsk on February 20th. Liked the book. Written in very accessible language. The parents to whom I gave books, and with whom I had the opportunity to contact, are very satisfied. We reconsidered the attitude to many behaviors of the child,” Inna Sukhorukova, psychologist, mother of a child with autism (NGO “Light of Hope”, Krasnoyarsk).

The Coming Out Foundation team hopes that through the publication, hundreds of other parents will discover the basic principles of applied behavior analysis, and will be able to better understand their children and improve their relationships with them. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who was able to make this a reality, including the translator, Zuhra Kamar, as well as the Center for Autism Problems, in particular the coordinator Yana Zolotovitskaya, for the work done to distribute free books among parents and government organizations.

Special thanks to Marina Kuzmitskaya, who collected and processed applications from organizations and sent books by mail. Many parents and professionals were able to quickly obtain copies of the book thanks to her gratuitous efforts.

The Vykhod Foundation, meanwhile, will continue its publishing program. Other ABA manuals are now being prepared for publication - more focused on specialists and their professional training. It is also planned to publish separate manuals for parents, teachers of public schools and specialists from other areas.

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Childhood autism and the ABA. ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy Robert Schramm

If the behavior continues or happens more frequently after a week or two, you should stop, rethink your possible goals, and move on to a different tactic. It was established by a UN resolution and has been held since 2008 to draw attention to the need to help people who suffer. The child directly or indirectly talks about the desire to die or kill himself or about municipal state educational institution Trinity reference for parents Are we making mistakes in raising our children Inna Ivanovna Burakova 2015-2016 behavior modification, or as the lovaas method.

For example, in a situation where a child throws a plate on the floor immediately after the father answers the phone, you can understand that the purpose of this behavior is to try to get the attention of the father. In other words, it is a condition that makes the consequence more or less valuable to your child for a time than it would otherwise be. If such an experience (reinforcement) is positive each time the child uses a certain skill, he will be motivated to use it again in the process of overcoming that sandy wall.

Childhood autism and aba - charitable foundation i'm special robert schramm childhood autism and aba. Aba (applied behavior anlisis) therapy based on the methods of applied behavior analysis. Robert Schramm childhood autism and aba. Autism is a disorder that manifests itself in the abnormal behavior of a child. Childhood autism and the ABA. ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy Robert SchrammChildren's Autism and Ava aba applied behavior analisis therapy Buy the book Childhood Autism and Ava. Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy by robert schramm and other works in the book section of the ozon online store. Digital, print and audiobooks available.

Autism Books Supported by the Exit Foundation

One of the big difficulties in solving the problems of autism in Russia is the acute shortage of books and other printed materials on autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which, on the one hand, would correspond to the latest scientific research in this area and the information in which would not be outdated, and , on the other hand, would consider those methods of correction and intervention in autism, whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven. This makes it difficult both to train and develop professionals working with children and adults with autism, and to inform parents about how their children can be helped.

Robert Schramm Childhood Autism and ABA. Applied Behavior Analysis Based Therapy”

A total of 1,000 copies of the book were distributed free of charge to more than 50 Russian organizations. At the moment distribution of gratuitous copies is stopped. You can buy the book using the links below:

Mary Lynch Barbera Childhood Autism and the Verbal Behavioral Approach

A total of 3,000 copies of the book were distributed free of charge among Russian state and public organizations. At the moment distribution of gratuitous copies is stopped. You can buy the book using the links below:

Tara Delaney "Developing Basic Skills in Children with Autism"

A total of 1000 copies of the book were distributed free of charge by the Vykhod Foundation among Russian state and public organizations with the support of the Steps Foundation. At the moment distribution of gratuitous copies is stopped. You can buy the book using the links below:

Fred Volkmar and Lisa Weisner, Autism. A Practical Guide for Parents, Family Members and Teachers

A total of 700 copies of the book were distributed free of charge by the Exit Foundation among the participants of the international scientific and practical conference “Autism. Route selection. An additional edition of the book is currently being prepared for free distribution. The book is not available for sale. The release of new copies of the book will be announced later.

SMART BOOKS for a parent, a speech therapist, a teacher

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Robert Schramm: Childhood Autism and ABA. ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis Based Therapy

Evidence-based methods of ABA (Applied Behavior Analisis), or Applied Behavior Analysis have been successfully used around the world to help children with autism for more than half a century. This publication is the first in Russia that systematically talks about applied behavior analysis and allows readers to get acquainted with one of its most effective areas - the analysis of verbal behavior.
Robert Schramm, a certified ABA specialist, provides parents with methods and techniques to help correct any undesirable behavior of a child, regardless of the severity of the disorder, to understand how to control the process of teaching a child new skills and how to enable him to become more successful in life.
The publication is addressed to parents and interested professionals.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907.

See what "Schramm" is in other dictionaries:

Schramm- Schramm is a German surname. Known carriers: Schramm, Andrei Andreevich (1792 1867) lieutenant general, commandant of the Sveaborg fortress. Schramm, Claudia (b. 1975) German bobsledder, World Championship bronze medalist. Schramm, Leo Paul (1892 ... ... Wikipedia

Schramm- (Schramm) Konrad (August 21, 1822, Krefeld, January 15, 1858, St. Helier, Jersey, UK), leader of the German and international labor movement. During the Revolution of 1848 49 in Germany, he participated in the publication of democratic newspapers. In May 1849 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Schramm Conrad- Schramm (Schramm) Konrad (21.8.1822, Krefeld, ‒ 15.1.1858, St. Helier, Jersey, UK), leader of the German and international labor movement. During the Revolution of 1848–49 in Germany, he participated in the publication of democratic newspapers. In May 1849 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Schramm, Leo Paul- Leo Paul Schramm (German Leo Paul Schramm; September 22, 1892, Vienna November 30, 1953, Brisbane) Austrian-Australian pianist and composer. From the age of 10 he studied with Theodor Leshetitsky. At the age of 15 he went to Berlin, where his soloist career ... ... Wikipedia

Schramm, Leo

Schramm Leo Paul- Leo Paul Schramm (German Leo Paul Schramm; September 22, 1892, Vienna November 30, 1953, Brisbane) Austrian-Australian pianist and composer. From the age of 10 he studied with Theodor Leshetitsky. At the age of 15 he went to Berlin, where his career as a soloist and ... ... Wikipedia

Schramm, Andrei Andreevich- Andrey Andreevich Shramm Date of birth January 15, 1792 (1792 01 15) Date of death June 10, 1867 (1867 06 10) (75 years) Place of death G ... Wikipedia

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In this article, we will talk about a problem that is becoming more and more urgent every year all over the world, but for some reason is stubbornly hushed up and ignored in the countries of the former CIS. We are talking about autism in childhood. We will tell you in detail why it can occur, how it manifests itself, and what parents of sick children should do.

In 2007, the United Nations decided that every year April 2 would be Autism Awareness Day. It should be noted that this decision was not made World Organization health care, namely the UN. This suggests that autism is a worldwide problem.

For most people, the meaning of the word autism is unclear. Autism is a mental disorder of a child, in which all developmental processes in his body are disrupted. The kid cannot understand what is happening around him, it is alien to him. the world, he does not want to make contact with other people.

Doctors can't explain exactly why children face early childhood autism. However, there are several main factors that can provoke the disease. These include:

  • poorly developed instincts and affective sphere
  • disorder of perception of the surrounding world
  • hearing loss
  • malfunctions of different parts of the brain responsible for intellectual development child
  • child's genetic predisposition
  • intrauterine complication of fetal development
  • birth injury
  • damage to the central nervous system
  • hormonal disruptions
  • infectious and viral infections
  • mercury poisoning
  • vaccination against measles, rubella
  • taking antibiotics

Signs of childhood autism

Autism can appear in a child at any age. Doctors distinguish three main age periods when parents can first detect in their child symptoms of childhood autism:

  1. early childhood autism appears in children under two years of age. It is very important to find it in time to start effective treatment and correction of childhood autism. What in the behavior of your child should alert you:
  • the child does not have any reaction to the appearance of strangers
  • baby does not respond when called by name
  • when you talk to him, he looks away
  • prefers to play alone
  • does not interact with peers
  1. Features of childhood autism in children from two years are as follows:
  • child refuses to communicate
  • he doesn't start the conversation first
  • the kid likes to do math, drawing, he likes music
  • the child can repeat the same sound for a long period of time
  • if the baby finds himself in an unusual environment, he is enveloped in a feeling of panic and fear
  • baby is hard to learn

  1. Teenage autism manifests itself in children aged 11 to 18 years. Such children are very aggressive and are in constant depression. It is unbearably difficult for them to survive transitional age, so they often throw tantrums, get nervous.

Classification of childhood autism

All of the above symptoms of childhood autism are classified into 3 syndromes:

  1. Kanner syndrome, with him a child:
  • can't get along with people
  • he abstracts from the outside world
  • not talking
  • does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor
  • plays with objects that are not customary to play with

All these characteristics of children with early childhood autism make themselves known from the birth of a child. The task of parents is to report the problem to the pediatrician at the first sign.

  1. Asperger's Syndrome shares a lot of symptoms with child autism syndrome by Kanner. But with him many children:
  • think outside the box
  • they have very well developed logical thinking
  • attention is quite unstable
  • they have beautiful faces, similar to puppets, but at the same time, the gaze of autistic people is directed “inward”, the face does not express any emotions
  • such children are very attached to the house in which they live, but they are not drawn to their parents
  1. Rett syndrome - doctors characterize this type of childhood autism, as the most difficult, in which the child not only lags behind in mental development, he loses the ability to walk with age, his muscle tone decreases, he cannot do anything with his hands.

Diagnosis of childhood autism

You need to show your child to a neuropsychologist when you notice at least 6 of the above symptoms in him. The doctor will then conduct a diagnostic examination by interviewing the parents about the behavior of their child in his usual life.

Unfortunately, today children with autism are not hospitalized to observe their development. This practice is common only in Western countries.

Treatment of childhood autism

You can treat children's autism yourself at home, as well as with medication. Ideally, both methods of therapy should be used in combination. We will describe for you in detail both methods of treating autism in a child, so that you can know what to do and when to urgently contact a qualified specialist.

  1. What you can do on your own without medical intervention:
  • Repeat the same actions often to instill in a child a skill or ability. For example, even if the baby has learned to brush his teeth, still go with him to do this procedure so that he does not forget about it.
  • Make a strict daily routine for your child and follow it clearly. If at least once you go astray from the regime, it will be more difficult for the baby to rebuild.
  • In no case do not allow the child to abruptly change the environment to which he is accustomed. This can scare him a lot.
  • Spend as much time with your baby as possible, communicate with him, even if he simply remains silent in response. The baby needs to be able to talk. This recommendation is detailed in Mary Barbery's book Childhood Autism and the Verbal Behavioral Approach».
  • You can not scold and punish a child with autism. In his presence, it is better to talk in a quiet, calm voice.

  • Take your baby in your arms more often, hug him, kiss him. It is very important for him to feel the love of loved ones. You can read more about this in O. Nikolskaya's books on early childhood autism. The author has published a lot of works devoted to this problem.
  • If it is very difficult for the baby to talk, then try to establish communication with him using picture cards. The importance of the play approach in the development of children with autism is written in the book by Robert Schramm “Childhood Autism and ABA. ABA. Therapy based on the methods of applied behavior analysis.
  • An autistic kid should not overwork, so between classes, be sure to take a break in which the baby can fully relax.
  • Do it with a little one every day physical exercise. They may be elementary. This load is very useful for development of a child with early childhood autism.
  • If your baby shows initiative in something, you can’t stop it. It is advisable to pay attention to the child and fulfill his proposal. This topic is devoted to a whole section in the book by K. Lebedinskaya "Early Childhood Autism".
  1. Drug treatment of autism is required if the baby has any disturbances in the child's mental system or the internal organs do not work properly:
  • The doctor may prescribe probiotics if the baby has developed dysbacteriosis due to autism.
  • Be sure to prescribe the intake of multivitamin complexes to strengthen the child's immune system. Special attention should be paid to the regular intake of Omega-3.
  • Hormone therapy may be prescribed. The child will be injected with secretin, which improves the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Neurological drugs may be prescribed to improve psycho-speech development.

In conclusion, I would like to note that autistic children are not a sentence. Parents need to treat this disease with understanding. You just need to accept it and do everything possible so that the baby can live a full life. Some mothers, having learned about such a diagnosis, withdraw into themselves, despair. You can't do this. Surround your baby with care, love, attention. It is motherly hugs that are sometimes the most effective medicine.

Video: "How to recognize an autistic child?"

child with autism- it's a mystery. No wonder the symbol autism around the world is an image of a jigsaw puzzle. And all of us, teachers and parents, are trying to piece together this puzzle and build a beautiful picture. But, sometimes, our "puzzle" does not want to "get together". Sometimes we do not even suspect that the child has any abilities, because he does not want to cooperate with us and show us what he knows.
Moreover, the child does not allow us to teach him - to show, tell, explain ... He wants to do only what he is interested in, and screams to be left behind and left alone. Therefore, in order to put the pieces of the puzzle together, we need a strong glue - control over the behavior of the child or "Guiding control" ( instructional control).

Many of the problems that prevent parents and those around the child from establishing relationships with him and teaching him are superimposed precisely on the Guiding Control platform:

· How to make sure that the child does not run out on the road?

· How to make sure that the child sits during class?

· How to make sure that the child answers the questions addressed to him?

· How to make a child pee in the toilet and not in his pants?

All of these problems are symptoms of a lack of "Guidance Control". And if, with the help of behavioral methods or other types of treatment, one of the symptoms is removed, then some new problematic behavior will appear in its place.

Therefore, achieving "Guidance Control" is the most important part of teaching an autistic child. Without it, we are powerless and cannot help the child in any way. Until we are able to help the child overcome himself and his own desires and begin to cooperate, we are unable to bring his development to significant progress.

Author: Schramm Robert
Translator: Izmailova-Kamar Zukhra
Editor: Sapozhnikova Svetlana
Publisher: Rama Publishing, 2017
Series: Textbooks for Parents
Genre: Child psychology

Annotation for the book "Childhood autism and ABA. ABA. Therapy based on methods of applied behavior analysis"

For more than half a century, evidence-based methods of ABA (Applied Behavior Analisis), or applied behavior analysis, have been successfully used around the world to help children with autism. This publication is the first in Russia that systematically talks about applied behavior analysis and allows readers to get acquainted with one of its most effective areas - the analysis of verbal behavior.
Robert Schramm, a certified ABA specialist, provides parents with methods and techniques to help correct any undesirable behavior of a child, regardless of the severity of the disorder, to understand how to control the process of teaching a child new skills and how to enable him to become more successful in life.
The publication is addressed to parents and interested professionals.
5th edition. Download the book Childhood Autism and ABA. ABA. Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy - Robert Schramm.