
Ointment for blemishes on the face. Remedies for age spots: face whitening cream. Be beautiful and healthy


The emergence age spots on the skin due to various factors. Both women and men suffer from excessive pigmentation on the face and body. You can fight the increased production of melanin cells with the help of pharmacy whitening creams, folk remedies or salon procedures. It is worth consulting your doctor before taking any action.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

What color a person's skin will be is determined by melanin. This pigment is produced by special cells called melanocytes. Its main task is to protect skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Under the influence of various factors, cells sometimes produce less or more melanin. Ultimately, age spots of a pale or dark shade appear on the face or body, respectively. The use of whitening creams is possible only after identifying the source of the problem.

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Causes of dark marks on the skin:

  • Ultraviolet. V small amount UV rays cause sunburn. However, prolonged exposure to the sun or the abuse of tanning beds causes a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. As a result, melanocytes actively produce melanin;
  • Change in hormonal levels. Contraception, pregnancy, menopause can affect cell function, resulting in excessive skin pigmentation;
  • Hereditary factor. Pigmented spots on the skin of the face, namely birthmarks, can be inherited from generation to generation;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin. Burns, improper treatment of acne and boils lead to darkening of the epidermis. It is quite difficult to whiten this kind of pigmentation;
  • Age-related changes. As we age, melanocytes begin to produce more melanin. As a result, the pigment is distributed unevenly on the skin, which leads to the appearance of age spots (lentigo);
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or gallbladder cause different shades of markings on the skin;
  • The use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics. A complete rejection of the use of harmful cosmetic products will help get rid of the side effect;
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body interferes with the synthesis of melanin from tyrosine. The solution to the problem will be maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, taking vitamin complexes;
  • Taking medications. Long-term and often uncontrolled drug treatment affects the work of melanocytes. A reaction in the form of dark marks on the skin is noted after taking antibiotics, cytostatics, etc.

In most cases, age spots can be easily removed with special bleaching creams. You can buy a medicinal cosmetic product at a pharmacy.

Types of age spots

The pigmentation on the skin of the face or body is not always the same. Dark markings vary in shape, color, and size. This allows you to identify their belonging to any species and find out the reason for their appearance.

Freckles or, scientifically, ephelids usually represent a collection of small, uneven spots on the skin. There are light and dark yellow shades. Freckles are predominantly red-haired and fair-haired people. Pigmented spots of this type are localized on the face, neck, hands or body. Their appearance is due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

In the summer, freckles darken, and in the winter they turn pale. With age, their number decreases significantly. You can try to whiten age spots using special creams.

Another type of age spots are moles. They are also called birthmarks or nevi. They are an accumulation of melanocytes that produce melanin in excess.

Some moles are found on the skin from birth, while others appear over time under the influence of various factors. They can be flat or convex. Their appearance is provoked by ultraviolet light, changes in the hormonal background or injury.

There are different shades: light beige, dark brown, black, etc. Most of them are harmless, but they are able to degenerate into melanoma (malignant neoplasm). It is impossible to remove such age spots on the skin of the face with whitening creams.

As a preventive measure, moles should be periodically checked for malignancy by a dermatologist (at least once a year).

Lentigo- This is a benign skin neoplasm, most often provoked by ultraviolet radiation. Flat, dark brown pigmentation spots of small size usually appear on the skin of the face. The dark markings are well defined.

Most often, the elderly suffer from lentigo. Pigmentation occurs due to the increased production of melanin pigment by melanocytes. These age spots are difficult to whiten.

Melasma or chloasma- This is a large flat dark spot with an uneven outline. The dark markings often appear in clusters and are symmetrical across the face. There is a tendency to merge with each other.

Chloasma is commonly referred to as a skin pigmentation disorder caused by pregnancy. Another reason for the production of more melanin by melanocytes is ultraviolet light. Sometimes the appearance of melasma provokes serious diseases: cancer, liver pathologies, helminthiasis, etc.

The absence of melanin in some areas of the facial skin is called vitiligo... The nature of this kind of age spots is not fully understood. The disease is characterized by the appearance of white marks on the skin. of various shapes and sizes. Often, age spots merge with each other, forming large foci of epidermal lesions.

Vitiligo does not pose a health hazard and is a purely cosmetic defect. The disease can be inherited.

When is whitening required?

It is not difficult to whiten age spots existing on the skin with the help of pharmacy products. However, before you start cleansing your face, you should understand the causes of pigmentation disorders. It is better to consult a dermatologist before carrying out the procedures.

You can use bleaching creams for age spots if:

  • There are no contraindications;
  • Pathology is not caused by disease;
  • Pigmentation on the skin of the face causes strong aesthetic discomfort;
  • Dark marks appear in abundance.

Freckles and lentigines can be easily whitened at home using pharmacy products. Other types of age spots require treatment or removal at a beauty salon. For example, you can get rid of nevi or moles using peeling, laser or cryotherapy. The method of removal is chosen by the beautician. However, you should make sure in advance that the neoplasm is not melanoma.

In the presence of wounds or inflammation on the skin of the face, the use of whitening creams is prohibited.

The lack of a positive result and the pigment spots remaining on the skin of the face are a reason to change the brand of the pharmacy used. Usually, the positive effect of the ointment can be judged after 2-3 months of treatment. To choose the right cream, you should consult a dermatologist.

How to choose a cream for age spots?

The appearance of excessive pigmentation in certain areas of the skin brings discomfort to its owners. You can get rid of a cosmetic defect with the help of pharmacy bleaching agents.

Creams for age spots on the face have two ways of affecting the skin: some ointments exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, others affect melanocytes, which produce a large amount of melanin pigment. The latter are more preferable for use, as they prevent the appearance of new age spots.

Selection rules good cream from pigmentation on the skin of the face:

  • The product must have a quality certificate;
  • The following components should be present in the composition of creams for age spots:
    • Hydroquinone - prevents melanocytes from producing melanin in high doses. However, the substance is very toxic and its use is limited;
    • Glycolic acid - acts as a keratolytic, has a pronounced exfoliating effect. Also, the substance enhances the effect of other components that make up the creams for age spots;
    • Tretinoin - accelerates cell renewal, promotes exfoliation of the facial skin and faster regeneration;
    • Arbutin - inhibits the production of tyrosinase, which plays an important role in the synthesis of melanin. In this regard, it has a powerful whitening effect. Natural source - bearberry leaves;
    • Beta-carotene and retinol - block the work of melanocytes, have a positive effect on the regeneration of the facial skin;
    • Salicylic acid - exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, makes age spots subtle;
    • Fruit, lactic acid - act as keratolytics;
    • Ellagic acid - protects against solar radiation and helps to whiten age spots;
    • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - combats facial aging and harmful effects sun rays, has a regenerating effect. Application in creams is associated with a whitening effect;
    • Kojic acid - blocks the production of tyrosinase, thereby decreasing the production of melanin. As a result, age spots become less pronounced;
    • Rucinol - reduces the amount of melanin produced by the cells of the facial skin;
    • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - prevents the appearance of new age spots;
  • The choice of a product is made taking into account the type of facial skin.

A properly selected whitening cream will quickly eliminate age spots. In order to achieve a positive effect, the pharmacy should be used correctly. Improper procedures will increase the risk of side effects.

The best pharmacy creams for age spots on the face

The bleaching agent must not only be selected according to the criteria, but also used correctly. To keep side effects to a minimum, you must strictly follow the directions. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can help with the choice and technique of use.

General rules for the use of creams for age spots:

  • Before applying the product, an allergic reaction test should be carried out;
  • It is required to apply the cream exclusively on cleansed skin;
  • The best time for procedures is before going to bed, in the evening;
  • During the day, sunscreens should be used to protect the skin;
  • The course of treatment for age spots with bleaching ointments should last at least 21 days;
  • If adverse reactions occur, the number of daily procedures should be reduced.

It is recommended to use pharmacy products for cleansing the skin of the face in the autumn-winter period.


Skinoren cream has established itself as an excellent remedy for acne and increased skin pigmentation. It is a white matting substance. The positive effect is achieved due to the presence of azelaic and benzoic acids in the composition. Suitable for bleaching age spots like melasma or chloasma.

The principle of using the cream is simple. Apply a thin layer of the product to previously cleansed and well-dried skin. It is recommended to treat your face twice a day. During treatment, sunscreen should be used to prevent the appearance of new age spots. The duration of the whitening procedures is at least 3 months.

Side effects include slight burning, itching, peeling, redness. Usually, negative symptoms pass quickly and do not bother the patient. The cost of the cream varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.


Whitening cream "Achromin" effectively fights all age spots on the skin of the face: lentigo, freckles, chloasma. In addition to gentle cleansing, it protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Substance white with a pleasant light scent.


  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Vitamin B3;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Licorice root oil;
  • Lactic acid.

Previously, the product included hydroquinone. It is an effective but highly toxic substance. For this reason, manufacturers have decided to exclude the component from the composition.

The application of the cream should be done regularly for best results. To whiten age spots, apply the product to your face twice a day. Already after 14 days, you can see a positive effect. The course of treatment is determined in each case individually.

Cream "Ahromin" is included in the list of products with a low price category. Its cost is about 100 rubles, which is an incomparable plus. Pigmented spots on the skin of the face become barely noticeable and completely disappear after a month of use.


To whiten existing age spots and prevent the appearance of new ones, the Melantiv cream will help. The tube contains 15 grams of active substance, which is enough for 1.5 months. The use of this product for cleansing the skin of the face is justified due to its unique composition.

The active ingredients of the Melanativ cream:

  • Acids - glycolic, kojic, stearic;
  • Alpha arbutin;
  • Vitamin E.

It is recommended to use Melanativ cream once a day, exclusively before bedtime. The product is applied massage movements on the skin of the face. The first 7 days, the application of the ointment is carried out every other day. Side effects include itching and tightness.

The cream fights well against all types of age spots, including lentigo and acne. For freckles, the ointment is ineffective. The cost of the funds is about 700 rubles.

Snow White

A fairly budgetary whitening product "Snow White" is produced by the Biocon company. The price is from 100 rubles. For the complex removal of age spots, it is recommended to purchase creams for day and evening use, as well as a scrub and gel for washing. The manufacturer guarantees 3 levels of facial skin whitening.

Active ingredients:

  • Acids - kojic, ascorbic, fruit, lactic, stearic;
  • Bearberry, licorice, white lily, boa extracts;
  • The daytime agent has UV filters.

The cream is well absorbed into the skin and has a dense texture. The product fights dark spots such as freckles or acne. An evening ointment is applied to the face before going to bed. After half an hour, the leftovers are removed paper napkin... Day cream needs to be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure, can be used as a makeup base. To get rid of age spots, you should strictly follow the instructions.

Badiaga Forte

Cream-mask "Badyaga Forte" with Indian watercress has a good effect on age spots and post-acne. Due to its composition, the product suppresses the production of melanin on the skin of the face. Among the active ingredients are extracts of Indian cress, string, wheat germ, essential oil grapefruit and badyaga.

The cream is applied to the previously cleansed skin by lungs rubbing movements. In 20 minutes. the face is rinsed with water. It is not recommended to go outside for the first 2-3 hours after applying the mask. This can be irritating.

In parallel, sunscreen should be used to prevent the appearance of new age spots. It is enough to apply the cream on the skin of the face 1-2 times a week to achieve the effect. The procedure is best done at night.

The cost of a bleaching agent for age spots varies from 100 to 300 rubles.


To whiten age spots on the skin of the face, you can buy Pharmacos cream from Belita-Vitex in the pharmacy. The silver tube contains 50 ml. facilities. The tool belongs to creams with a low price category. The price is about 170 rubles.

The cream is dense in consistency, milky in color and has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. The composition of the remedy for age spots includes lemon acid, Valteria indian leaf extract, ferulic acid, shea butter, bearberry, wheat germ, vitamin E acetate, safflower oil, UV filters.

Active cream

Means against sunburn and various kinds of pigmentation "Cream-active" is produced by the company "Best Traditions of Russia". For 100 ml. will have to pay about 100 rubles. Despite the low cost, it has a pronounced effect and quickly removes age spots on the skin of the face. With regular use, it whitens freckles, lentigo, post-acne.

White cream with light texture. It is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. The composition of the remedy for age spots contains panthenol, linolenic acid, arbutin, vitamin E. In addition to whitening pigmentation, it protects the face from ultraviolet radiation (SPF 50).

The cream is required to be applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer before going outside. The product is water resistant, which is an incomparable advantage. The manufacturer recommends periodically renewing the protective layer after bathing. Pigmented spots with prolonged use of the ointment become barely noticeable.


Whitening cream "Skinolight" belongs to the middle price category. Approximate cost for 75 ml. funds is 2,000 rubles. Regular use of the ointment helps to reduce age spots on the skin of the face and is the prevention of their appearance in the future. Also, the cream protects from the harmful effects of sunlight, moisturizes and exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis.


  • Azelaic acid;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Liposentol-hydro complex: panthenol, glycolic, citric, lactic acids;
  • Macadamia, avocado, argan oil;
  • Bearberry and licorice root extracts;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A palmitate.

It is required to treat age spots on the face with Skinolight ointment 2 times a day. With excessive skin pigmentation, it is advised to use the product as a cream for the daytime. Before use, it is worth making a test for the presence of individual intolerance to the components.


Cream "Neoton" copes well with lentigo, chloasma, age spots from acne. The cost is about 1000 rubles. The product evens out skin tone, mattes and moisturizes.

Facial whitening active ingredients include salicylic, glycolic, lactic, ascorbic acid and licorice root extract. To lighten age spots on your face, be patient. The ingredients in the cream help to exfoliate the top layer of the skin and protect it from sun exposure.

The method of using the product is simple. Apply a cream evenly on the pre-moistened and dried skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mass should be completely absorbed. The excess should be removed with a paper towel. To achieve the desired effect, the procedure is carried out once a day, for example, in the morning.

A cream that lightens age spots can be used as a base for make-up. Its use is especially suitable for people with oily and combination skin types.


Elure cream blocks the production of melanin pigment by melanocytes. This helps to lighten existing age spots. To keep your skin clean and smooth, experts recommend using all whitening products from the Elure line. The complex includes: cleanser, lotion and night cream.

It contains rucinol, melanozyme, beta-carotene, ascorbic and citric acid. The whitening effect is achieved through the daily use of products from the Elure line. The active ingredients gently affect age spots, gradually lightening them. There are no irritations or other side effects after applying the cream. When using, avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the skin or eyes.

The cost of a miracle remedy for age spots varies within 2,000 rubles. Such a high price justifies itself with a positive result after the procedures. If your financial budget does not allow you to purchase Elure cream, you can use cheaper analogues.

Age spots on the face and body are a problem that worries a large number of girls. The reasons may be different: hormonal disruptions after 50 years, the manifestation of pigmentation during pregnancy, metabolic disorders, severe overheating in the sun, strong skin sensitivity, improper care.

In any case, this problem needs to be addressed. In cosmetic stores and pharmacies, there are a huge number of different remedies to solve this problem. There are also pharmacy products and cosmetics separately. The difference is that some treat age spots, while others whiten.

Treatment with creams for pigmentation is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with freckles;
  • when spots appear in the form of a butterfly;
  • when pigmentation appears due to sun exposure;
  • with acne, acne and other defects;
  • with chloasma (high sensitivity of the skin);
  • with lentigo (the appearance of flat and white spots on the body in the elderly, who often stay in the sun).

TOP of the best creams for pigmentation on the face in the pharmacy

In order to find a really good and high-quality one, you need to study its composition, see popular brands and the products they offer. In the composition, you need to pay attention to the presence of hydrochione. It is a toxic substance that has a quick and long-lasting effect, but has many side effects. The use of this drug is prohibited throughout the world, and therefore it is prescribed only in extreme cases. Another not very useful ingredient is mercury. Too frequent use of a cream with such a composition will lead to a collision with poisoned vapors. The consequences can be different.

A good anti-pigmentation cream should contain the following substances:

  • vitamin C- promotes the rapid restoration of the skin, softens the strong chemical effect of other components on the epidermis;
  • arbutin- take care of problem and sensitive skin;
  • beta caroti n - prevents the appearance of new pigmentation;
  • gluconic acid- enhances the action of all other components, and also has a whitening effect;
  • tretinol- a chemical that helps other components to be absorbed into the skin faster through the pores, and also helps damaged areas to heal faster;
  • rucinol- a component responsible for whitening pigmentation;
  • tocopherol- prevents the appearance of new pigmentation;
  • kojic acid- effectively fights stains, but may be an allergen;
  • hydrochion- toxic substance. Perfectly and permanently removes pigmentation, but has side effects.

During pregnancy, you need to choose a whitening cream with a separate composition.

It is very important for expectant mothers that when using this or that drug, it does not harm the child. Therefore, you need to choose very carefully. It is strictly forbidden to use products that contain the following components in high concentration:

  • arbunin;
  • vitamin C;
  • kojic acid;
  • bismuth salt;
  • hydrochion;
  • silicones;
  • flavors;
  • chemical dyes;
  • refined products.

It is better to pay attention to the funds in which the following components are present:

  • vitamin E;
  • gluconic, citric and lactic acids;
  • salicylic and hyaluronic acids;
  • parsley or licorice extract;
  • oil of calendula, jojoba, grapes;
  • rucinol.

Green pharmacy face cream whitening

Effective budgetary funds against age spots. Has a light pleasant aroma and does not contain dyes. Suitable for expectant mothers, does not harm the fetus and removes without side effects. It contains only natural substances. The active ingredients - shea butter and vitamin C, moisturize, nourish, maintain water balance, and restore damaged areas of the dermis. Reduces the risk of re-pigmentation, protects against exposure environment.

  • Shea Butter;
  • vitamin C;
  • lemon juice;
  • extract of parsley and licorice root;
  • vitamin E;
  • glycerol.

Application during pregnancy

Use several times a day. Especially apply before going outside - this will protect the skin from the sun's rays. Find out how to choose a face cream with sun protection and age spots c.

Green pharmacy face cream whitening has an average cost in Russia of 60 rubles. The minimum volume is 10 ml.

Biocon from age spots

A gentle whitening product from the Biocon company is great for expectant mothers and their babies. Intensively and at the same time carefully cares for the skin. Quickly and without leaving marks removes freckles, age spots, redness and inflammation. Moisturizes the dermis, maintains water balance. Soothes, treats acne, pimples. Nourishes with beneficial vitamins and minerals to keep mom's epidermis healthy and baby's good development.

  • thermal water;
  • Shea Butter;
  • vitamin E;
  • extract of chamomile, calendula;
  • lemon juice;
  • beta carotene;
  • rucinol;

Application during pregnancy

Apply in the morning and evening after complete cleansing of the dermis from cosmetics, dust and dirt.

Natura Siberica Whitening

Day cream for the face with a whitening effect. It has a light, pleasant and delicate texture, spreads evenly on the skin and is quickly absorbed. The active ingredient is turmeric extract, which quickly and easily fights pigmentation throughout the body, and also helps to eliminate postpartum stretch marks. Natural ingredients in the composition of the product help to nourish, moisturize, saturate the dermis with useful vitamins and minerals. The product protects well against ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, cold, strong winds. Eliminates inflammation and irritation. Has no side effects. In case of an overdose, there will be no negative effect on the skin.

Cost - about 200 rubles

  • turmeric extract;
  • vitamin C;
  • licorice extract;
  • grape seed oil;
  • glycerol;
  • tocopherol.

Pregnancy use

Apply once or twice a day. Use with sunscreen before going outside. Find a sunscreen for the face for sensitive skin you can by.

Mama Comfort

  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol;
  • citrus extract;
  • chamomile and licorice root extract;
  • glycerol;
  • arbunin.

Application during pregnancy

Apply once a day.

Maybe allergic to the presence of citrus extract in the composition.

Pharmacy ointments and gels for removing age spots on the face and hands

In addition to cosmetics that can mask pigmentation for a while, there are pharmaceutical preparations. They work more strongly, but at the same time they cure, and not just temporarily eliminate the problem. Each type of epidermis has its own pharmacy creams for freckles and blemishes. They are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Natural. They do not contain any dyes, silicones, fragrances and other things. They are non-toxic and non-allergenic. It contains only natural ingredients, vegetable oils, vitamins.
  2. Vitamin. They contain a huge amount of vitamins to intensively rewrite the dermis and restore its healthy appearance.
  3. Organic. Composition from organic products. They soften the strong effect of the whitening ingredients on the skin. They have healing and moisturizing effects.
  4. Hormonal. Take into account hormonal changes during pregnancy and after 50 years. Align hormonal background, quickly cope with pigmentation.

Below you can find examples of whitening pharmaceutical ointments.

Salicylic and salicylic zinc

An effective remedy that will quickly get rid of the problem once and for all. It is prescribed for dermatitis, pigmentation, eczema, acne and other skin diseases. It is contraindicated to use the drug for allergies to the composition, purulent diseases and burns. The active ingredients in the composition are salicylic acid and zinc oxide. They treat acne, pimples, pigmentation.

Side effects: burning, irritation, itching, rashes, possibly an allergic reaction to the drug. In case of an overdose, the effect of side effects will increase.

Salicyl-zinc paste is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day.


It is an antibacterial agent with a mild healing effect. Removes age spots quickly and easily. Treats acne, comedones. Tightens pores, evens out tone. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Promotes the regeneration of the damaged upper layer of the epidermis. The active ingredient is syntomycin, which has a strong antibacterial effect. The remedy is prescribed for skin diseases, pigmentation, dermatitis, acne and allergic rashes.

Side Effects: No special cork effects. In case of an overdose, there will be burning, irritation, itching, and burns are possible.

Contraindications: purulent diseases, burns, severe skin sensitivity, dry skin type, for pregnant and lactating mothers.


A good ointment against pigmentation, acne and allergies. Quickly whitens freckles, pigmentation. Treats acne, dries acne, tightens and unclogs pores. Restores water balance, evens out tone. Heals damaged areas of the dermis. It is prescribed for dermatitis, acne, pigmentation, burns. The active ingredient, clorimazole, provides protection from sunlight and relieves inflammation. Contraindications: sensitive and dry skin. Learn how to moisturize your face.

Side effects: irritation, itching. In case of an overdose, side effects will increase.


Strong whitening and healing agent. The active ingredient - zinc oxide, allows you to quickly and effectively relieve inflammation, heal damaged areas, and even out the tone. The product also cleanses and tightens pores, restores water balance. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, burns, purulent diseases.

Side effects: irritation, itching, some types of dermatitis, burns. In case of an overdose, the side effects will increase.

Zinc ointment is applied once a day. Price - about 30 rubles


A good pharmaceutical agent against pigmentation, acne, irritation. The active ingredient - retinol, contributes to the quick and painless removal of age spots, acne, comedones, freckles. Restores tone, heals the damaged upper layer of the dermis. Contraindications - allergy to the main component.

Side effects: itching, burning. P In case of an overdose, there will be no negative effect on the condition of the epidermis.


Sulfur is an active ingredient of a powerful pharmaceutical agent. Helps to get rid of pigmentation, protects damaged areas from exposure to sunlight. Treats acne, dries acne. Provides essential vitamins and minerals. There are no contraindications.

There are no side effects. In case of overdose, there may be a slight burning sensation.


A good remedy for pigmentation, acne, comedones. Protects the skin from external environmental factors. The active ingredient is salicylic acid, which fights rashes and irritants of the epidermis. Additional ingredients nourish, moisturize and even out tone. There are no contraindications.

Side effects: irritation, possible allergies. Overdose - burns, itching, irritation, rash.


A working pharmaceutical product known for its high quality and fast results. The active ingredient is azelaic acid. It helps to regenerate the skin, restore water balance, moisturize and nourish. The presence of tocopherol in the composition helps to quickly remove pigmentation. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug. You can learn more about preparations with azelaic acid.

Side effects: none. Overdose may cause slight irritation.

Heparin Whitening Ointment

A popular anti-pigmentation remedy. Does not harm the skin, does not cause allergies. The composition does not contain dyes, fragrances and other harmful components. The active substance is benzocaine and sodium heparin. The product restores the upper layer of the dermis, participates in moisturizing, nourishing, and whitening pigmentation.

Side effects: burning, tingling. In case of an overdose, an individual intolerance to the drug may appear.

How to choose a medicine for your face

  1. Choose only a certified product.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of hydrochione.
  3. Study the composition carefully.
  4. Get an allergic reaction test.
  5. Take into account the peculiarities of the type of skin.


In the video - an overview of the best pharmacy remedies for freckles and age spots:


  1. Pigmentation is the cause of poor nutrition, strong sun exposure to the dermis, metabolic disorders.
  2. It is possible and necessary to cure pigmentation. They will help to cope with this.
  3. Hydrochione, an effective but toxic ingredient.
  4. For pregnant and nursing mothers, a special whitening cream is needed.
  5. In addition to cosmetics, there are stronger pharmaceutical ointments.
  6. You only need to buy a certified product.
  7. Pharmacy ointments not only treat pigmentation, but eliminate skin diseases, normalize the epidermis, remove acne, nourish and moisturize.
  8. It is necessary to treat and care for the dermis, otherwise irreversible consequences may occur.

Pigmented spots cause aesthetic discomfort, so it is important to find the best remedy to deal with the problem. Among the variety, you can pick up as a medicine or cosmetic cream and the optimal recipe for alternative medicine.

What are age spots?

A pigmented spot is an accumulation of skin pigment melanin in a specific area of ​​the epidermis. Pathology is not life-threatening, but rather carries an exclusively aesthetic discomfort. Women over 40 and pregnant girls are most susceptible to hyperpigmentation - this is due to a change in hormonal levels.

In addition, dysfunction in the production of pigment is caused by malfunctions in the work of metabolic processes in the body and a number of other reasons, among which the following are distinguished:

  1. Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs that cause malfunction of all organs and systems.
  2. Vitamin B12 deficiency (), which is responsible for normal work female organs and systems.
  3. Overuse of sun exposure or frequent visits to tanning beds - UV rays activate the excessive production of melanin.
  4. The consequence of mechanical damage to the skin - improperly performed salon procedures(peeling, hair removal) or banal squeezing of blackheads.
  5. Abuse of cosmetics (creams, scrubs, masks) that have a potent regenerating effect.
  6. Ingress of aggressive chemicals ( household chemicals, paints, solvents) on the skin.
  7. Genetic predisposition (in the case of vetiligo).
  8. Nervous shock, stress.
  9. Diseases of the endocrine system.

The most common example of localized hyperpigmentation is common freckles. They are most common in people with fair skin and hair (Nordic type) and affect the face, arms and chest.

They are small reddish specks that become brighter after exposure to the sun. In winter, when the sun is less active and practically does not affect the skin, it can disappear completely.

Important! Freckles are not a cosmetic problem or a health hazard. In addition, it is easiest to lighten or get rid of them completely.

A number of other examples of hyperpigmentation are also distinguished:

  1. Moles () are uniform dark spots on the skin. The most dangerous type of pigmentation, since there is always a risk of degeneration into a malignant formation. They can be located on any part of the body and be both congenital and acquired.
  2. Chloasmas (melasmas) are large, dark spots of irregular shape, which are most often formed as a result of hormonal disruption in young women.
  3. Lentigo is a type of pigmentation that is directly related to age characteristics... Due to a malfunction in the production of melanin and a slowdown in metabolic processes, dark spots are formed that look like freckles, but have larger size.
  4. Albinism (vitiligo) is a genetic disease characterized by hypopigmentation. With albinism, people do not produce melanin at all, and with vitiligo, it is produced unevenly and stains only certain areas of the skin.

The best remedies

To get rid of the problem of hyperpigmentation once and for all, it is necessary to choose a comprehensive treatment.

TOP 10 creams

A wide range of brightening creams, peels, masks and serums makes beauties choose the best product for a very long time. In order not to get lost in the variety of modern products, we have selected the TOP-10 of the most effective creams to combat age spots on the face.

  1. "L'Oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium"
    A special series of creams from a popular manufacturer, which is aimed at restoring aging skin, nourishing and saturating it. The composition includes many useful components, among which the main share is calcium.
  2. Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector
    The cosmetic product of the elite series is aimed at improving complexion and evening tone. The miracle remedy contains 5 main components - ascorbyl glucoside, dianella extract, glucosamine, yeast extract and salicylic acid.
  3. "Khadi Herbal anti blemish cream"
    A moisturizing cream with a brightening effect from a popular Indian manufacturer actively nourishes the skin with beneficial ingredients and fights annoying age spots. Contains exclusively natural ingredients, which makes the cream hypoallergenic.

  4. Complex system for whitening the skin of the face. The composition includes pearl proteins and amino acids, which activate metabolic processes in the dermis, deeply nourish and moisturize it, giving it radiance.
  5. "TimeWise" from Mary kay
    Anti-aging cosmetics for the restoration and nutrition of the dermis. Helps to deal with minor pigmentation on the face. Including with the first signs of lentigo. Gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates the production of new ones.
  6. Lierac Magnificence
    Medical cosmetics contain active ingredients that prevent premature aging... Does not eliminate visible age spots very strongly, but may help prevent them.
  7. "Idealia Pro Vichy"
    Anti-age spots correcting serum is based on thermal water and lipo-hydroxy acid. Eliminates not only age spots of varying complexity on the face, but is also suitable for the care of other parts of the body.
  8. "Tony Moly Panda's Dream White Magic Cream"
    The product from a popular Korean manufacturer regulates the production of melanin and effectively fights the appearance of age spots. The main active ingredient - niacinamide, significantly improves the appearance of the skin, lightening age spots.
  9. "NATURA SIBERICA" Bleaching
    Light day cream from the series of the same name by the popular manufacturer natural cosmetics... Amur lingonberry in a professional formula provides deep skin hydration, perfectly tones and energizes, preventing exhaustion.
  10. Garnier Orquid Vital
    It activates the vital activity of cells, moisturizes the skin surface and has an anti-aging effect. Eliminates pigmentation, leaving the skin healthy and radiant.

TOP 10 ointments

You can find an effective remedy to combat increased pigmentation on the skin of the face not only on the shelves of cosmetic stores, but also in pharmacies. Such drugs should be used only after consulting a dermatologist, as some components can cause an allergic reaction.


To get rid of age spots on the face, you can use special whitening ointments that brighten the skin and give it a healthy glow and radiance.

  1. Retinoevaya
    The main active ingredient is isotretinoin. The tool is a biologically active formula of vitamin A. The drug has a dermatoprotective, keratolytic, anti-seborrheic and anti-inflammatory effect; regulates the work of melanocytes. It should be applied to the skin 2 times a day. The full treatment course is 4 to 6 weeks. The agent is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day.
  2. "Melanativ" cream
    The active ingredients of the product are alpha-arbutin, kojic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin E. It is recommended to use the product for skin pathologies, such as increased pigmentation of any kind, in particular age pigmentation... The cream is used in the evening; during treatment, you should use sunscreen cosmetics. The product is safe and perfectly brightens the skin with regular use.
  3. Skinoren
    The ointment contains azalic acid, as well as additional components. It relieves inflammation in tissues, forms anti-inflammatory agents and helps the body fight bacteria. When using Skinoren, abnormal melanocytes become unviable. Thanks to the properties of the ointment, the skin surface becomes less oily and gains a healthy glow.
  4. "Belosalik"
    The product contains salicylic acid and begamethasone. The main property of these components is effective cleansing of the affected skin areas and whitening of hyperpigmented skin, not only in adults, but also in children. The ointment is applied 2 times a day, applied to a clean smooth skin thin layer. The term of use of the funds is 4 weeks.
  5. "Clotrimazole" ointment
    The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. Clotrimazole ointment qualitatively whitens age spots that have appeared due to age-related changes. Well moisturizes and heals flaky dry skin. It is used for bacterial and fungal infections. The remedy is prescribed in cases of hyperpigmentation caused by a fungal skin disease.

From pigmentation

There are also a number of special medicines that are aimed solely at getting rid of age spots and restoring healthy skin.

  1. Liniment synthomycin
    The basis of the drug is chloramphenicol, castor oil. It is an ointment with a brightening effect, anti-inflammatory and emollient effect. The medication is prescribed for the treatment of pustular skin lesions, ulcers, burns, acne, boils, age spots after squeezing out acne or other mechanical damage to the dermis.
  2. Salicylic
    The basis of the ointment is salicylic acid. In addition, the composition includes a number of ingredients aimed at softening and lightening the skin. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-seborrheic effects, and also eliminates hyperpigmentation.
  3. Zinc
    The main active ingredients of this drug are zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, lanolin, fish oil, parabens. Has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect, significantly lightens age spots. It is also prescribed for prickly heat, acne to improve the quality of the skin.
  4. Sulfur
    Unlike other drugs, it is considered an aggressive agent. Contains sulfur, petroleum jelly and purified water. Promotes the early formation of epidermal cells, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It also exfoliates the stratum corneum.
  5. Akhrominovaya
    The ointment contains a whole complex nutrients- arbutin, lactic and fruit acids, licorice extract, vitamin C, glycerin. Together, they have a mild effect on the dermis, replenish it with essential vitamins and minerals, and lighten hyperpigmentation.

To prevent the formation of age spots, you should take good care of your skin. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend following simple rules.

  1. Control hormonal levels and consult a doctor at the first sign of a change.
  2. Use creams with an SPF factor in the hot season (it is advisable to select funds with an SPF of at least 20).
  3. Give preference to non-waterproof creams, since they contain much more aggressive components.
  4. On the beach, hide your face from direct sunlight under wide brimmed hats and sunglasses.
  5. Do not forget about moisturizing pigmented skin - it is best to give preference to products that contain antioxidants.
  6. Periodically drink a course of vitamin C - the component helps the production of collagen, has a lightening effect and strengthens immune functions.
  7. Periodically use tonics, creams, masks with a lightening effect. This will help prevent hyperpigmentation and avoid unwanted spots on the skin.
  8. People with albinism or vitiligo should take particular care of their skin care. They are generally not recommended to sunbathe, so as not to damage the dermis and not get a deep burn.

In addition to irritation or redness and other unpleasant "surprises", age spots may appear on the face, and this happens at any age. They are a very common cosmetic problem for most women and girls. They are very difficult to disguise with decorative cosmetics.

There are many ways to deal with age spots, including folk recipes, cosmetic procedures, as well as special whitening creams that can be bought at the pharmacy. What are these means, and which of them are the most effective?

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Pigmented spots can appear not only in the face, they can be on the hands and other visible areas of the body. Stains include:

  • moles;
  • freckles;
  • age spots;
  • spots after pregnancy;
  • sun age spots.

Also, the appearance of pigmentation on the face can be associated with diseases of the female genital organs, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, due to weakened immunity. Lack of vitamin C in the body also leads to the appearance of unsightly spots, the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and nervous system, badly reflects on the condition of the skin. All these factors will provoke the appearance of age spots.

The condition of the skin is badly affected active sun rays, and most girls in early spring and summer are very fond of being in the sun, overusing tanning. In adulthood, spots appear due to the aging of the body.

Despite many reasons, women of all ages strive to have a beautiful, perfectly flat and healthy skin... In case of the appearance of the slightest spots, they want to get rid of them, and then modern cosmetic whitening agents come to the rescue, which can quickly and efficiently make the skin of the face clean and healthy.

Choosing a whitening cream

A huge assortment of cosmetics is offered by shops and pharmacies, but before buying a whitening face cream, you need to look at its composition. Required components For effective skin whitening, the following substances must be present:

A quick overview of the best whitening products

Of the expensive creams, manufacturers can be distinguished VIGHY, LIERAC, DEPIDERM, NEOTONE they are considered the most effective, efficiently and permanently remove age spots from the skin of the face.

The VIGHY Idealia PRO cream contains many natural ingredients based on kombucha. The substance evens out skin color and removes pigmentation. VIGHY Thermal Water softens and brightens the skin, it does not contain parabens. Salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect and prevents skin pores from quickly becoming dirty. Adenosine copes with inflammatory processes, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The cream should be applied twice a day, apply only to the cleansed surface, except for the area around the eyes.

Whitening face cream LIERAC Sunific Extreme thanks to protective filters and other components, they reliably protect the skin from direct sunlight, and the production of melanin is controlled by broomrape extract. Pigmentation already present on the skin is eliminated by noni extract, while jasmine oil and aloe extract intensively moisturize the skin. Vitamin E, which is part of the cream for age spots, nourishes the skin well, relieves inflammation and redness, and improves its tone. The cream is used before every trip in sunny weather, it can also be used as a base for make-up.

Face cream from the brand DEPIDERM has a new revolutionary formula and contains natural ingredients - licorice, green tea extract, vitamin C. The whitening cream also contains lactic acid, copper chelate, thermal water and other substances, its entire composition does not contain parabens, fragrances and preservatives. The product should be applied only to areas of skin with pigmentation in the morning and in the evening, apply until the skin is completely lightened.

Brightening cream NEOTONE Radiance contains innovative ingredients, for example, ascorbic acid brightens the skin and exfoliates its surface. The cream contains licorice extract and salicylic acid, as well as other components that help control the process of skin pigmentation. The tool is used daily 1 time, when applying, you need to pay special attention to problem areas, can be used as a base cream.

Bulgarian face cream Akhromin, in the opinion of many, a very effective remedy for eliminating pigmentation, the cream belongs to inexpensive budget cosmetics. It has a whitening effect and UV protection, it can be used as a prophylactic agent and it removes:

  • freckles,
  • excessive tanning;
  • pigmentation after pregnancy;
  • age-related pigmentation.

The cream should be applied daily in the morning and evening, on the cleansed surface of the skin, and after about a couple of weeks, a positive result will appear. It is worth knowing that the product has its own characteristics, in the open air it oxidizes and becomes darker.

Polish whitening cream with active ingredients Eveline Cosmetics- an excellent remedy, as it is absorbed by any skin type. Its use does not cause irritation or redness, such manifestations can only be on hypersensitive skin. Eliminates all types of pigmentation, even persistent tan. It is applied twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the results will be noticeable in about 2 weeks.

As part of the Belarusian brightening face cream Vitex- active plant components that immediately block the production of melanin. Fruit acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while lingonberry extract brightens and moisturizes. UV filters and pectin have a lifting effect and prevent the appearance of freckles and age spots. The tool is applied only to problem areas, only 1 time a day, if desired, in the morning or in the evening. The end result will depend on the degree of pigmentation.

Dermatological preparation Skinoren is considered a very effective remedy in removing age spots. The cream contains azelaic acid, which normalizes and synthesizes metabolic processes in skin cells. The product is easily and simply applied to the skin twice a day with massaging movements. If irritation is observed, then you should stop using Skinoren.

Age spots can always be removed, so you need to fight them in order to feel confident and without discomfort. Modern cosmetics, salon treatments, as well as recipes traditional medicine help get rid of pigmentation if done correctly and regularly.

For the skin to shine with youth and health, you should eat right, lead healthy image life. If there are problems in the body associated with the work of internal organs, then even the most effective remedies may be powerless and will not be able to remove age spots.

You always need to listen to the advice of a cosmetologist or dermatologist, they will be able to give the necessary recommendations in choosing a cream, taking into account the type of skin and its features. Any of the means must be not only effective, but also safe for health.

Perfect skin has always been and will be the standard of beauty. But unfortunately, not all girls are happy with the state of their dermis. One of the important drawbacks, which looks aesthetically unattractive and causes discomfort, especially in a large company of people, is the presence of age spots on the face and neck.

Darkened areas of the skin appear due to low or, conversely, high production of melanin, vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalance. Getting rid of this ailment is not easy, but still possible. Our article contains the most effective and popular remedies in the fight against age spots, which in the shortest possible time will help to acquire refreshed facial skin.

Pigmentation reasons

There can be a huge number of reasons for pigmentation, because each organism is affected differently by certain problems. Now together we will try to figure out the possible origin of age spots on the skin of the face.

  • Lack of vitamins. Deficiency of vitamin B12 provokes darkening of the skin. It regulates pigment synthesis, thereby preventing the formation of new age spots. Vitamin A will discolor dark shades. Vitamin E in sufficient quantities reduces the risk of skin damage from intense sun exposure.
  • Poor blood circulation... During stagnation, the blood cannot independently free itself from decay products and toxic substances, because of this, they appear on the skin in the form of age spots.
  • Wastes in the intestines. The improper functioning of this organ interferes with the metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which darkening appears on the skin of the face.
  • Kidney disease. The appearance of dark or yellow spots on the face often indicates that the kidneys are not working properly.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Observed at the age of over 40 years.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It is observed during pregnancy, lactation, and in adolescence.
  • Sun rays. They not only cause skin burns, but also stimulate the excessive production of melanin in the epidermis..

Rating TOP 7 best remedies for age spots on the face

In sales you can find many products that prevent skin darkening, but not all of them meet the requirements stated by the manufacturer. Therefore, we carefully studied the assortment offered by the market and identified 7 products that differ from analogues in quality and efficiency. This TOP includes:

  • Kora;

Let's take a closer look at the presented assortment.

The presented product is suitable for all skin types and all ages, hypoallergenic. Along with the low cost, it has a high whitening effect. Thanks to its natural ingredients, it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, softens it and gives it a healthy look. The result will be noticeable after 2 weeks of regular use.

Alen Mak Achromin cream

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • relieves age spots;
  • gives the dermis a healthy appearance.
  • not found.

For such a small cost, it is quite good remedy... I use this tool constantly for prevention purposes and dark spots really go away, for this many thanks to the manufacturers. I did not expect a positive effect, and nevertheless the result is on the face.