
Experienced activities of preschoolers. Entertainment on ecology in kindergarten. Senior group. Scenario Municipal Educational Institution



Tasks: to acquaint children with the fact that some substances (ice, resin, etc.) can change their state depending on the conditions (from heating they turn into a liquid, and during cooling they acquire a solid state); develop the ability to identify the general properties of objects and the dependencies between them when external conditions change.

Experiences in kindergarten

Experience 1

  • Glass test tubes (you can choose other dishes) equally fill with water. Put the test tubes in places with different air temperatures.
  • Why did the water on the street turn into ice?
  • What color is ice?
  • What ice to the touch? Smell?
  • What happens to ice when heated? Why?

Demonstrating experience on a dry spirit lamp, analyze the transition of water to a different state of aggregation depending on temperature. Similarly, you can demonstrate the experiment with resin.

Experience 2

Place ice icicles in several vessels and place them in different places in the group room.

  • Why do icicles turn into water at different rates?
  • How can this process be accelerated?
  • Why does water drip from the sunny side of the roof on a frosty day?

Experience 3

In the corner of the garden, find trees with resin (cherries, plums, apple trees, etc.).
How does the hardness of fruit resin change depending on the air temperature during the day? In different weather? After special heating?

  • What substances have properties similar to resin? (Sealing wax, wax, paraffin, etc.)
  • How does their use change depending on the state?

Children give a comparative description of substances, their properties.
Using dry alcohol, it is necessary to demonstrate experience with any of the listed substances. Children draw their own conclusions.


Tasks: to acquaint children with the phenomenon of the transformation of liquid into steam and vice versa (after heating, ice turns into water; water during boiling - into steam; steam, cooling, turns into water); explain that the state of substances in nature depends on the conditions of their existence and the purposeful activity of man; to develop the ability of children to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena.

Experience 1

The teacher, heating water in a transparent vessel, observes the boiling process together with the children. On the glass with which the vessel is covered, condensation forms - small drops of water. Children can find out that these are drops of water in another way: cover a test tube or flask in which water boils with blotting paper, on which a wet spot will appear. Water that has escaped from glass into a vessel can be turned into ice.
Children draw their own conclusions.

Experience 2

Drying doll linen in different weather (warm, windy, quiet, cloudy, frosty).

  • Under what conditions will laundry dry faster?
  • Why does the colder the clothes dry faster?
  • Why does it rain heavily in summer?
  • Is rain always accompanied by wind? Why?
  • When is rain called "chicken" or "blind"?
  • Why does it rain in winter and sometimes snow in summer?

Experience 3

Fill two identical transparent vessels equally with water. During the walk, put them in a place well lit by the sun. Close one of them tightly, leave the other open. At the end of the walk, analyze the changes that have occurred with water in closed and open vessels.

  • Why are the water levels different?
  • Where did the water droplets form on the lid?
  • Why does the water level in the pool, in open reservoirs, become lower in dry, hot weather?
  • How does water return to earth?
  • What does that require?


Tasks: give children an idea of ​​the wind as the movement of air.

Experience 1
Invite the children to sharply wave a sheet of thick paper several times. Wave at your hands, at paper combs.
— What is happening?

Experience 2
Raise the flags while walking and determine the direction of the wind.

Experience 3
Hold your wet finger up to the wind.
- What's happening?

Experience 4
During observations in the garden, in the flower garden or in the garden, children are offered to observe the movement of branches, leaves, flowers.

  • What is it due to?
  • What phenomena accompany the wind?
  • Is it possible to artificially create wind? How?


Tasks: deepen children's understanding of the various states of water (liquid, loose, solid).

Experience 1
Prove to children that rain is transparent, odorless and tasteless drops of water. Raindrops collected in a vessel can be of different temperatures (in summer and autumn), different transparency (depending on the purity of the object on which they fall), and different volumes.

Experience 2
Demonstrate how, after heating in a vessel, hail turns into water. Make samples of the purity of water (grad - clean and transparent water; the purity of rainwater depends on the purity of the surface on which it is collected).

Experience 3
Observation of the transformation of snow into water, water - into ice. Determination of the characteristic properties of water.
Demonstrate the phenomenon of ice as a result of rain falling on supercooled ground (while maintaining the characteristic properties of ice). During the winter with children, it is advisable to make snow structures and fill them with water.


Tasks: to acquaint children with the properties of the surrounding air (every person breathes air).

Experience 1
Demonstrate an empty open jar, a plastic bag. Ask what they have. Offer to roll the bag into a tube from the side of the hole. What's left in the bag?
Children conclude that the air is transparent, it is in the bank, in other objects on the tables, it is around us.

Experience 2
Offer to blow into a straw or a thin tube, one end is immersed in a glass of water.
Why do bubbles appear?

Experience 3
Immerse lumps of clay, sand, pieces of foam rubber into a jar of water. Why did bubbles appear around objects?

Experience 4
Conduct breathing exercises with children, explain the importance of ventilation. premises.

Experience 5
Assumption: there is no air in the surrounding objects. Invite each child to roll a tightly folded plastic bag from the side of the hole into a tube with movements away from you.

  • What does the air "cushion" that has formed testify to?
  • What color is the air?

Experience 6
Assumption: plant roots do not breathe underground, because there is no air there.
Throw a lump of solid earth into a three-liter jar of water. Observe the appearance of bubbles.
- Where did they come from? (from the ground)
Plants, like all living things, breathe air. If the soil is hard, then there is little air in it, the roots have almost nothing to breathe. It is necessary to save the plant from death by loosening the ground.

Experience 7
Assumption: there is no air in the water.
You can demonstrate the presence of air in water using the Elodea plant. Cut a sprig of elodea in half and immerse down in a jar of water. Observe the appearance of bubbles that appear at the cut sites.
Where did they come from in the plant?
Invite the children to examine the structure of the elodea stem through a magnifying glass. It has a tubular structure, due to which the plant easily absorbs the air contained in the water.

Experience 8
Place a mirror and glass of the same size, pre-painted with black paint, on a windowsill or other lighting with sunlight. After a while, the children determine by touch which glass has heated up more and why this happened. This experiment will certainly help the kids to correctly explain such phenomena (the shiny surface of the mirror glass reflects Sun rays, the black surface of the second glass attracts).

Entertainment for older kids preschool age"Dreamers"

Program tasks:
1. Empirically introduce children to the properties of air and water.
2. Help children develop analysis skills, solve cognitive problems.
3. To form cognitive abilities in children, interest in experimentation.
Equipment: a sieve, 2 water containers, 2 watering cans, a large blue sponge, matches, an orange, a balloon, balls, a large plastic bag, umbrellas. The host invites the children to stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands together
And we smile at each other. (with movements).
- Do you guys like magic? (Yes)
-Now I will turn you into wizards. Close your eyes:
“I’ll take a wand in my hand, I’ll wave it softly, I’ll turn you into wizards now.” (hitting everyone on the shoulder with a stick)
-Open your eyes, now you are wizards.
And since we are magicians, we must work miracles.
Children, we need an item to work miracles. But what you will know when you solve the riddle:
"A new vessel, but all in holes." (sieve, sieve)
- Why do you need a sieve? (sift flour)
And with the help of a sieve, you can make it rain.

Experience with water

Children, why is it difficult to keep water in a sieve? (liquid, fluid)
- Can you hold water in your palms? (Yes)
- Let's check.
- Water is difficult to hold, it tends to run away.
Guess the riddle:
Came from heaven, gone to earth? (rain).
When do you think it rains the most? Do you know how rain is formed? Now we will try to make rain with the help of a sponge.
Experience "Where does the rain come from?"
First, the children examine the sponge, then lower it into a container of water, squeeze it, make “rain” and “heavy rain”.
Guys, like a real sorceress, it can be different, it turns into ice, then into snow, then into rain or turns into icicles.
No planks, no ax
The bridge over the river is ready.
Bridge transparent glass,
Slippery, fun, light. Ice.
Who is this gardener?
Poured cherries and gooseberries,
I watered the plum and flowers,
Washed herbs and flowers? Rain.
The white tablecloth covered the whole field. Snow.
Do white carrots grow in winter? Icicle.
Mobile game "Under the umbrella".
Guys, I offer you another experience with water, it's called "Wonderful Matches".
Bent matches under the influence of water straighten and form a star.
Do you think it is possible to make a cloud using a glass jar. Let's try.
Cloud experience.
Presenter: Guys, if a person can live for several days without water, then life is not possible without air. We need air to breathe, let's do the experiment "How long can you not breathe?"
Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible, but still
We cannot live without it. Air.
Air is invisible, but it spreads in all directions, without having its own smell, it can transmit them.
Experience "What smells the air."
Presenter: Let's fantasize, is it possible to stand on balloon hic, and sit down, it does not work. So let's try to lie on it. Here's the problem, again nothing happens. Or maybe try putting all the balloons in a big plastic bag and try again. Finally it worked out.
Balloon experience.
You all know that if you pierce a balloon, it will burst, but the wizards are with you today and we will pierce the balloon without any harm to it.
Experience "How to pierce a balloon so that it remains whole."
Presenter: Let's play with air for a bit.
Mobile game "We catch air" with packages.
Well, guys, today we were both wizards and scientists and dreamers. What did you like? Now you know what properties air and water have and we cannot live without them. What do you think is more important for a person? Correctly! Air and water are inseparable from each other.
I wish you all good luck and see you soon!

To determine the location ecological holidays in the pedagogical process, their influence on the ecological development of children, a stating experiment was conducted in preschool educational institution No. 44 "Cinderella" in the city of Stary Oskol. The experiment involved pupils of the senior group in the amount of 20 people.

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment is to study the holidays and entertainment of ecological content held in preschool educational institution No. 44 "Cinderella" in the city of Stary Oskol and to identify their impact on the ecological development of older preschool children in the experimental preschool educational institution.

The ascertaining experiment was aimed at solving the following problems:

  • 1. To identify the level of ecological education of children of senior preschool age, the degree of awareness of activity, possession of the rules and norms of behavior in nature, the level of self-esteem.
  • 2. To identify the level of development of empathy, emotionality of children in relation to wildlife.
  • 3. Determine the place and significance of ecological holidays and leisure evenings in the work on the ecological education of children of the older age group.

The ascertaining experiment was carried out in two stages:

1) During the first stage, the level of ecological education, empathy, emotionality of children in relation to objects of wildlife was revealed. To do this, firstly, for 2 weeks, the behavior of children in the corner of nature and on the site was monitored, cases of both positive and negative attitudes of children to wildlife were noted. The results of observations for each of the children were recorded in the summary table "Attitude towards objects of wildlife" according to the criteria of the identified attitude of children: positive, neutral, negative (see Appendix 1).

Secondly, the children were interviewed on the following questions:

  • - How do you think, how should one treat nature, plants, animals? Why?
  • - Is it possible to break trees?
  • - Is it possible to pick flowers?
  • - Is it possible to beat animals?
  • - Can fires be lit? Why?

The results of the conversation were recorded in a summary table. For the correct, thoughtful and reasonable answer of the child, 1 point was assigned. For an incomplete answer, an indicator of 0.5 points was set. For an answer that did not correspond to the correctness in the aspect of the ecological upbringing of the child, an indicator of 0 points was set. According to the total indicator, we have identified the level of environmental education of each child:

  • - high level - from 5.5 to 6 points;
  • - average level - 5 points;
  • - low level - from 0 to 4.5 points.

The results of assessments on the questions of the conversation also made it possible to identify questions that largest number children could not give a positive answer, and can be effectively used in the process of compiling the approximate content of holidays and entertainment of an ecological orientation in the older group of the experimental preschool educational institution. The results are presented in Appendix 2.

After that, a series of tasks was used to identify the level of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children in relation to wildlife objects. For this, they used, firstly, reading excerpts from L. Tolstoy's literary work "The Lion and the Dog". During the reading, the behavior of the children was observed. Then there was a discussion on the following questions:

  • - How do you feel about these characters?
  • - Do you feel sorry for them?
  • - Would you like to help them?
  • - How would you help them?

Secondly, they offered game situations, during which children showed their attitude to the objects of nature and demonstrated it.

Situation number 1. The fox runs after the hare through the forest. How do you think a hare feels when a fox runs after him? How does a fox feel when he runs after a hare?

Situation #2. A cold wind is blowing. A small birch bends to the ground. What does she feel? Is she good?

Situation number 3. Imagine that you are walking home from kindergarten in the evening. And suddenly you hear a little kitten meowing under a bush. How does he feel? Do you want to help him? How can you help him?

At this stage of the experiment, the level of emotional responsiveness, sensitivity, ability to empathize, empathize with the inner world of another object of wildlife, as well as the desire to provide support and effective assistance, was studied. Based on the children's answers, we revealed the levels of comprehension of the emotional states of wildlife objects by children, understanding their feelings and experiences, the desire to provide support and effective assistance, as well as self-realization in interaction with others.

The second stage of the experiment was aimed at identifying the place and significance of holidays and leisure evenings in the environmental education of older preschoolers. This stage includes:

  • - Analysis of the teacher's plan for 6 months (from September to February), during which it was revealed how often holidays and entertainment are held in this group, their place in the pedagogical process. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the content of holidays and entertainment, their goals.
  • - long time the activities of the educator of the senior group were monitored. It was noted how often the teacher spends holidays and leisure evenings with children, how much he takes into account the importance and possibilities of leisure activities in the pedagogical process, how holidays and leisure evenings are interconnected with other activities of preschoolers.
  • - Analysis of children's activities, observation of their behavior: whether children tend to participate in holidays and entertainment, how stable are the interests of children.
  • - Analysis of the conditions created in kindergarten for organizing holidays and leisure evenings (equipment of the hall, availability of attributes, etc.).
  • 1) The results of identifying the level of environmental education, empathy, emotionality of children in relation to wildlife objects are presented in tables 1,2,3 and in fig. 1,2,3.

Table 1 Identification of the attitude of children to objects of wildlife (based on the results of a two-week observation of the behavior of children in a corner of nature and on the site)


Thus, based on table 1, Fig.1. it can be seen that 50% of the children in the experimental group showed a positive attitude towards objects of wildlife: interest in natural phenomena; understanding of the specifics of the living, the desire to practically preserve, support or create the necessary conditions for it; understanding and sympathy for those who experience a shortage of any conditions; emotional response, joy to any manifestations of animals and plants, their beauty. For example, Masha A. and Galya U. at each morning meeting in the kindergarten held hands and ran to the aquarium to check if the fish were fed and if their water was clean enough. Anton Zh. loves to feed the birds while walking. And Valya Ya. on a walk notices beautiful weather phenomena (for example, a rainbow) all the time. Such children are characterized by a pronounced positivity towards nature. There are practically no negative manifestations in their behavior. Preschoolers prefer activities with natural objects. With pleasure, on their own initiative, they communicate with living beings, observe the manifestations of their life. They willingly respond to the offer of an adult to help the animal, independently see the need to care for it and perform it efficiently. They have already formed a wide range of ideas about nature. Children independently identify a number of essential features of the living in individual objects and groups of objects. The motive for caring for animals is an understanding of the value of life.

  • 40% of children in the experimental group showed a neutral attitude towards wildlife. Children of this subgroup as a whole showed a positive attitude towards nature of a selective orientation. They cared about specific living objects that are directly related to them, attractive to them. Children of this subgroup with pleasure, on their own initiative, communicate mainly with familiar animals, are interested in the manifestations of their life, their condition. For example, Masha Z. said that she has fish and a cat at home and she carefully looks after her pets, but at the same time, the girl was not practically not interested in animals in the nature corner of the kindergarten.
  • 10% of children in the experimental group showed a negative attitude towards wildlife (Katya I., Tanya T.). These children showed an unstable attitude towards animals and plants without a pronounced positive orientation. Katya I., along with individual positive actions, showed negligence towards the objects, and sometimes even aggressiveness. Tanya T. during the entire period of observation did not show any desire to communicate with objects of wildlife.

Table 2 The level of children's attitude to nature (according to the results of an individual conversation)

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The results of an individual conversation showed that 55% of the children in the experimental group showed a high level of attitude towards nature. These children know how to relate to nature, plants, animals and can reasonably answer why. In 40% of children, an average level of attitude to nature was revealed. These children, knowing that it is necessary to take care of wildlife objects, can show their selectivity towards some of the objects. For example, Yulia M. answered the question “Is it possible to pick flowers”: “No, you can’t, but everyone does this to give a bouquet of flowers to mom on March 8th. And if I do it all, then it turns out that it is possible. Zakhar Ya. replied that it is not allowed to throw garbage in the forest, but sometimes it is possible, for example, in the forest, at a picnic, since there is nowhere to put it, there is no trash can. 5% (one child per experimental group) revealed a low level of attitude to nature. Masha Z. in a conversation stated that it was possible to break trees, pick flowers and throw garbage. Thus, Masha Z. showed the lack of formation of environmentally significant value orientations, insufficient conviction in the need to respect nature.

The results of assessments on the questions of the conversation also made it possible to identify questions to which the largest number of children could not give a positive answer. These are the questions:

  • - Is it possible to pick flowers?
  • - Is it possible to throw garbage in the forest, on the river?
  • - Can fires be lit?

Thus, purposeful work with children in the aspect of

  • 1) gentle care behind the plants
  • 2) rules of conduct in the forest, on vacation;
  • 3) compliance with the rules fire safety in the forest.

These aspects can be effectively “fitted” into the scenario of an ecological holiday.

The results of a series of tasks to identify the level of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children in relation to wildlife objects are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Identification of the level of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children in relation to objects of wildlife


Thus, it can be seen that in the group of children, 50% showed a high level of empathy and emotional responsiveness in relation to objects of wildlife. In 50% of children, an average level of empathy and emotional responsiveness in relation to wildlife objects was revealed. There was no low level of empathy in the group. However, the results of the study allow us to state the need for targeted work to increase emotional responsiveness, sensitivity, the ability to empathize, empathize with the inner world of another wildlife object, as well as the desire to provide support and effective assistance. According to the children's answers, we found that not all children in the group can adequately comprehend emotional states objects of wildlife, to understand their feelings and experiences, not everyone seeks to provide support and effective assistance.

The results of the ascertaining experiment, thus, showed the need for purposeful work with children to increase the level of environmental education, empathy and emotionality in relation to wildlife.

This can be effectively implemented through the organization of ecological holidays and entertainment for children.

However, first of all, it is advisable to study the place and significance of holidays and leisure evenings in the environmental education of older preschoolers.

2) The results of a comprehensive analysis to determine the place and significance of environmental holidays and leisure evenings in the work on environmental education of children of the older age group of MDOU No. 44 "Sun" of the city of Stary Oskol are presented in table 4

Table 4 Analysis of the teacher's plan for 6 months (from September to February)


Work form

Program tasks


Summer talk


To generalize and systematize ideas about summer according to essential features. Clarify ideas about some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Develop connected speech. Develop a desire to share your knowledge and memories

Autumn is golden


To consolidate the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn; recall proverbs and sayings; develop observation; cultivate love for the native nature; learn to understand the patterns of natural phenomena.

A conversation about vegetables


Form generalized ideas about vegetables. Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to accurately and fully answer the question posed.

Ecological holiday

Autumn meeting. Tell children about the meeting of autumn in the old days in Russia: traditions, fun

Practical lesson

To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about fruits, to consolidate the ability to distinguish fruits in appearance. Clarify knowledge of where, on what they grow. Develop attention, memory.

Tree Tale


Fix the names of trees and their distinctive features.

mushroom kingdom

Introduce children to mushrooms (what they look like, where they grow, etc.) Talk about their diversity, that there are not only edible, but also poisonous. Enrich children's vocabulary.

A conversation about the work of people in the fall.

To systematize knowledge about the work of people in the fall: harvesting, preparing food for the winter, warming the homes of domestic animals.

Activate vocabulary: granary, vegetable store. Cultivate respect for the work of people.

Man as a part of living nature.

Develop ideas that a person, like plants, is part of wildlife, about the structure of the human body; educate the desire to take care of the smaller brothers.

Birds in autumn


Contribute to the enrichment and generalization of children's knowledge about migratory birds; development of cognitive interest in nature; educate the need and need for a caring attitude towards living beings.

Talk about wild animals.

To form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of animals in the forest; them appearance. To cultivate love for animals, the desire to help in difficult conditions for them.

Little Red Riding Hood Meets Forest Animals...


Contribute to the deepening of knowledge about wild animals in winter period(food, methods of obtaining in winter, living conditions). To develop coherent speech of children.

Winter magic is coming...


To concretize and deepen children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter. Introduce children to nature winter months. Cultivate in children to observe. Cultivate love for nature.

Talk about pets.


To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about domestic animals (their characteristic features, living conditions, benefits for humans); cultivate caring attitude towards pets.

Domestic birds.

To expand children's ideas about poultry and their chicks (what they eat, what benefits they bring to people, behavior, movement). Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.

Conversation about wintering birds.

To form a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds; learn to distinguish them by essential features in appearance.

Tell Piggy about indoor plants

Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants; learn to name parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower); learn to think and draw conclusions; encourage the desire to care for plants, treat them with love.

Journey to the kingdom of water.

Practical lesson

To develop the cognitive interest of the child in the process of experimenting with liquids; Introduce children to the properties of water. Cultivate respect for water.

Apron for why.

Practical lesson

Contribute to the clarification and consolidation of ideas about the types and properties of fabric: bologna, nylon, chintz, burlap. Develop the ability to compare, draw conclusions; expand children's vocabulary.

Pond on the window


To consolidate children's knowledge about fish, about the structure of their body, mode of movement, life. Develop observation, cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings

Animals of the North.


Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the animals of the North: their characteristic appearance, habits, nutrition, cubs. Activate adjectives and verbs in speech.

A conversation about the sorceress of water.


Tell about the importance of water in our life, show where, in what form water exists, talk about the variety of conditions of water.

House under the sky blue roof

To let children know that nature is our common home. To teach children to distinguish between nature and non-nature, to name objects of animate and inanimate nature. Cultivate love for nature, the ability to empathize.

Based on table 4, we will compile a summary table and a diagram to determine the place and significance of environmental holidays and entertainment in the work on environmental education of children of the older age group MDOU No. 44 "Sun" of the city of Stary Oskol

Table 4 Summary table for identifying the place and significance of environmental holidays and entertainment in the work on environmental education of children of the older age group MDOU No. 44 "Sun" of the city of Stary Oskol

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An analysis of Table 4 and Figure 4 suggests that in the older age group of MDOU No. 44 "Solnyshko" of the city of Stary Oskol, in the work on environmental education, the greatest importance is attached to such types of activities as conversation, play and entertainment.

22% of allotted time is spent on environmental entertainment. Entertainment in kindergarten is carried out in order to amuse children, bring joy to everyday life. Entertainment is a joyful event for children, contributes to the manifestation of positive emotions in them, cheers up. Systematically conducted entertainment in kindergarten enriches the life of children, contributes to their fuller and more harmonious development.

In the structure of classes, holidays of ecological content account for only 4% (1 lesson out of 23), which, along with their role and significance, necessitates the introduction of new types of holidays of environmental content in the pedagogical process older than the group of the experimental preschool educational institution.

Summary: Entertaining experiences for preschoolers. Experiments for children at home. Focuses for children. Entertaining science.

How to curb the seething energy and indefatigable curiosity of the baby? How to make the most of the inquisitiveness of the child's mind and push the child to explore the world? How to promote the development of a child's creativity? These and other questions certainly arise before parents and educators. In this work, we have collected a large number of a variety of experiences and experiments that can be carried out with children to expand their understanding of the world, for the intellectual and creative development of the child. The described experiments do not require any special preparation and almost no material costs.

How to pierce a balloon without harm to it?

The child knows that if the balloon is pierced, it will burst. Stick on the ball on both sides of a piece of adhesive tape. And now you can safely pierce the ball through the tape without any harm to it.

"Submarine" No. 1. Submarine from grapes

Grab a glass of fresh sparkling water or lemonade and toss a grape into it. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But gas bubbles, similar to small ones, will immediately begin to sit on it. air balloons. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up.

But on the surface, the bubbles will burst and the gas will escape. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with gas bubbles and rise again. This will continue several times until the water "exhales". According to this principle, a real boat floats up and rises. And the fish have a swim bladder. When she needs to dive, the muscles contract, squeezing the bladder. Its volume decreases, the fish goes down. And you need to get up - the muscles relax, dissolve the bubble. It increases and the fish floats up.

"Submarine" №2. Egg submarine

Take 3 jars: two half-liter and one liter. Fill one jar with clean water and dip a raw egg into it. It will drown.

Pour a strong solution of table salt into the second jar (2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of water). Dip the second egg there - it will float. This is because salt water is heavier, so it is easier to swim in the sea than in a river.

Now put an egg on the bottom of a liter jar. Gradually adding water from both small jars in turn, you can get a solution in which the egg will neither float nor sink. It will be held, as if suspended, in the middle of the solution.

When the experiment is done, you can show the focus. By adding salt water, you will ensure that the egg will float. Adding fresh water - that the egg will sink. Outwardly, salt and fresh water do not differ from each other, and it will look amazing.

How to get a coin out of the water without getting your hands wet? How to get out of the water dry?

Put the coin on the bottom of the plate and fill it with water. How to take it out without getting your hands wet? The plate must not be tilted. Fold a small piece of newspaper into a ball, set fire to it, throw it into a half-liter jar and immediately put it down with the hole in the water next to the coin. The fire will go out. The heated air will come out of the can, and due to the atmospheric pressure difference inside the can, the water will be drawn into the can. Now you can take the coin without getting your hands wet.

lotus flowers

Cut flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, twist the petals towards the center. And now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, the flower petals will begin to bloom. This is because the paper gets wet, becomes gradually heavier and the petals open.

natural magnifier

If you need to make out any small creature, such as a spider, a mosquito or a fly, it is very easy to do this.

Plant the insect in a three-liter jar. From above, tighten the neck with cling film, but do not pull it, but, on the contrary, push it so that a small container forms. Now tie the film with a rope or elastic band, and pour water into the recess. You will get a wonderful magnifying glass through which you can perfectly see the smallest details.

The same effect will be obtained if you look at an object through a jar of water, fixing it on the back of the jar with transparent tape.

water candlestick

Take a short stearin candle and a glass of water. Weight the lower end of the candle with a heated nail (if the nail is cold, the candle will crumble) so that only the wick and the very edge of the candle remain above the surface.

The glass of water in which this candle floats will be the candlestick. Light the wick and the candle will burn for quite some time. It seems that it is about to burn down to water and go out. But that won't happen. The candle will burn out almost to the very end. And besides, a candle in such a candlestick will never cause a fire. The wick will be extinguished with water.

How to get drinking water?

Dig a hole in the ground about 25 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. Place an empty plastic container or wide bowl in the center of the hole, put fresh green grass and leaves around it. Cover the hole with clean plastic wrap and cover the edges with earth to prevent air from escaping from the hole. Place a stone in the center of the film and lightly press the film over the empty container. The device for collecting water is ready.

Leave your design until the evening. And now carefully shake the earth off the film so that it does not fall into the container (bowl), and look: there is clean water in the bowl.

Where did she come from? Explain to the child that under the influence of the sun's heat, the grass and leaves began to decompose, releasing heat. Warm air always rises. It settles in the form of evaporation on a cold film and condenses on it in the form of water droplets. This water flowed into your container; remember, you pushed the film a little and put a stone there.

Now you have to come up with interesting story about travelers who went to distant lands and forgot to take water with them, and start an exciting journey.

Miraculous matches

You will need 5 matches.

Break them in the middle, bend them at a right angle and put them on a saucer.

Put a few drops of water on the folds of the matches. Watch. Gradually, the matches will begin to straighten out and form a star.

The reason for this phenomenon, which is called capillarity, is that wood fibers absorb moisture. She crawls further and further along the capillaries. The tree swells, and its surviving fibers "get fat", and they can no longer bend much and begin to straighten out.

Washbasin chief. Making a washbasin is easy

Toddlers have one feature: they always get dirty when there is even the slightest opportunity for that. And the whole day to take a child home to wash is quite troublesome, besides, children do not always want to leave the street. Solving this issue is very simple. Make a simple washbasin with your child.

For this you need to take plastic bottle, on its side surface about 5 cm from the bottom, make a hole with an awl or nail. The work is finished, the washbasin is ready. Plug the hole made with your finger, pour water to the top and close the lid. Slightly unscrewing it, you will get a trickle of water, screwing it up, you will "turn off the faucet" of your washbasin.

Where did the ink go? transformations

Drop ink or ink into a bottle of water to make the solution a pale blue. There also put a tablet of crushed activated carbon. Close the mouth with your finger and shake the mixture.

She brightens up before her eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs dye molecules with its surface and it is no longer visible.

Making a cloud

Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on top of the jar. The air inside the jar, rising up, will cool. The water vapor it contains will condense to form a cloud.

This experiment simulates the formation of clouds when warm air cools. And where does the rain come from? It turns out that the drops, heated up on the ground, rise up. It gets cold there, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they increase, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

I don't believe my hands

Prepare three bowls of water: one with cold water, another with room water, and a third with hot water. Have the child dip one hand into a bowl of cold water and the other hand into a bowl of hot water. After a few minutes, have him submerge both hands in water at room temperature. Ask if she seems hot or cold to him. Why is there a difference in hand feel? Can you always trust your hands?

water suction

Put the flower in water, tinted with any paint. Watch how the color of the flower changes. Explain that the stem has ducts that carry water up to the flower and color it. This phenomenon of water absorption is called osmosis.

Vaults and tunnels

Glue a thin paper tube slightly larger in diameter than a pencil. Insert a pencil into it. Then carefully fill the tube with the pencil with sand so that the ends of the tube come out. Pull out the pencil - and you will see that the tube is not crumpled. Sand grains form protective vaults. Insects caught in the sand come out from under the thick layer unharmed.

All equally

Take an ordinary hanger, two identical containers (these can also be large or medium disposable cups and even aluminum cans for drinks, however, you need to cut off the top of the cans). In the upper part of the container on the side, opposite each other, make two holes, insert any rope into them and attach it to a hanger, which you hang, for example, on the back of a chair. Balance containers. And now, pour either berries, or sweets, or cookies into such impromptu scales, and then the children will not argue who got more goodies.

"Good boy and roly-poly". Obedient and naughty egg

First, try placing a whole raw egg on the blunt or pointed end. Then start experimenting.

Poke two holes the size of a match head at the ends of the egg and blow out the contents. Rinse the inside thoroughly. Let the shell dry well from the inside for one to two days. After that, close up the hole with plaster, glue with chalk or whitewash so that it becomes invisible.

Fill the shell with clean and dry sand about one quarter. Seal the second hole in the same way as the first. Obedient egg is ready. Now, in order to put it in any position, just shake the egg slightly, holding it in the position that it should take. The grains of sand will move and the placed egg will keep its balance.

To make a "roly-poly" (tumbler), you need to throw 30-40 pieces of the smallest pellets and pieces of stearin from a candle into the egg instead of sand. Then put the egg on one end and heat it up. The stearin will melt, and when it hardens, it will stick the pellets together and stick them to the shell. Cover the holes in the shell.

The tumbler will be impossible to put down. An obedient egg will stand on the table, and on the edge of the glass, and on the knife handle.

If your child wants to, have them paint both eggs or make funny faces on them.

Boiled or raw?

If there are two eggs on the table, one of which is raw and the other is boiled, how can you determine this? Of course, every housewife will do it with ease, but show this experience to a child - he will be interested.

Of course, he is unlikely to connect this phenomenon with the center of gravity. Explain to him that in a boiled egg the center of gravity is constant, so it spins. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass is like a brake, so a raw egg cannot spin.

"Stop, hands up!"

Take a small plastic jar for medicines, vitamins, etc. Pour some water into it, put any effervescent tablet and close it with a lid (non-screw).

Put it on the table, turning it upside down, and wait. The gas released during the chemical reaction of the tablet and water will push the bottle out, there will be a "roar" and the bottle will be thrown up.

"Magic Mirrors" or 1? 3? 5?

Place two mirrors at an angle greater than 90°. Put one apple in the corner.

This is where it begins, but only begins, a real miracle. There are three apples. And if you gradually reduce the angle between the mirrors, then the number of apples begins to increase.

In other words, the smaller the angle of approach of the mirrors, the more objects will be reflected.

Ask your child if it is possible to make 3, 5, 7 from one apple without using cutting objects. What will he answer you? Now put the above experience.

How to wipe the knee green from the grass?

Take fresh leaves of any green plant, be sure to put them in a thin-walled glass and pour a small amount vodka. Place the glass in a saucepan of hot water (in a water bath), but not directly on the bottom, but on some kind of wooden circle. When the water in the saucepan has cooled, remove the leaves from the glass with tweezers. They will discolor, and the vodka will turn emerald green, as chlorophyll, the green dye of plants, has been released from the leaves. It helps plants "eat" solar energy.

This experience will be useful in life. For example, if a child accidentally stains his knees or hands with grass, then you can wipe them off with alcohol or cologne.

Where did the smell go?

Take corn sticks, put them in a jar that has been dripped with cologne, and close it with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, when you open the lid, you will not feel the smell: it was absorbed by the porous substance of the corn sticks. This absorption of color or odor is called adsorption.

What is elasticity?

Take a small rubber ball in one hand, and a plasticine ball of the same size in the other. Drop them to the floor from the same height.

How did the ball and the ball behave, what changes happened to them after the fall? Why does the plasticine not bounce, but the ball bounces, perhaps because it is round, or because it is red, or because it is rubber?

Invite your child to be the ball. Touch the baby's head with your hand, and let him sit down a little, bending his knees, and when you remove your hand, let the child straighten his legs and jump. Let the baby jump like a ball. Then explain to the child that the same thing happens with the ball as with him: he bends his knees, and the ball is pressed a little when it hits the floor, he straightens his knees and bounces, and what is pressed in the ball straightens. The ball is elastic.

A plasticine or wooden ball is not elastic. Tell the child: "I will touch your head with my hand, but don't bend your knees, don't be elastic."

Touch the child's head, and let him not bounce like a wooden ball. If you do not bend your knees, then it is impossible to jump. You can't straighten your knees that haven't been bent. A wooden ball, when it hits the floor, is not pressed in, which means it does not straighten out, so it does not bounce. He's not resilient.

The concept of electric charges

Blow up a small balloon. Rub the ball on wool or fur, and even better on your hair, and you will see how the ball will begin to stick to literally all objects in the room: to the closet, to the wall, and most importantly, to the child.

This is because all objects have a certain electrical charge. As a result of contact between two different materials, electrical discharges are separated.

dancing foil

Cut aluminum foil (shiny chocolate or candy wrappers) into very narrow, long strips. Run the comb through your hair, and then bring it close to the sections.

The stripes will begin to dance. This attracts to each other positive and negative electric charges.

Hanging on the head, or is it possible to hang on the head?

Make a light top out of cardboard by putting it on a thin stick. Sharpen the lower end of the stick, and stick a tailor's pin (with a metal, not a plastic head) deeper into the upper end so that only the head is visible.

Let the top "dance" on the table, and bring a magnet to it from above. The spinning top will jump and the pin head will stick to the magnet, but, interestingly, it will not stop, but will rotate, "hanging on the head."

Secret letter

Let the child make a drawing or inscription on a blank sheet of white paper with milk, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat up a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without open flame) and you will see how the invisible turns into the visible. The impromptu ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter will be readable.

Descendants of Sherlock Holmes, or In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes

Mix the soot from the stove with talc. Let the child breathe on a finger and press it against a piece of white paper. Sprinkle this place with the prepared black mixture. Shake the sheet of paper so that the mixture covers well the area where the finger was applied. Pour the rest of the powder back into the jar. There will be a clear fingerprint on the sheet.

This is explained by the fact that we always have a little fat from the subcutaneous glands on our skin. Everything we touch leaves an indelible mark. And the mixture we made sticks well to fat. Thanks to the black soot, it makes the print visible.

Together is more fun

Cut out a circle from thick cardboard, circling the rim of the teacup. On one side, in the left half of the circle, draw a boy figure, and on the other side, a girl figure, which should be located upside down in relation to the boy. Make a small hole on the left and right of the cardboard, insert the elastic bands with loops.

Now stretch the elastic bands in different directions. The cardboard circle will spin quickly, the pictures from different sides will be combined, and you will see two figures standing side by side.

The secret thief of jam. Or maybe it's Carlson?

Grind the pencil lead with a knife. Let the child rub his finger with the prepared powder. Now you need to press your finger to a piece of adhesive tape, and stick the adhesive tape to a white sheet of paper - your baby's fingerprint pattern will be visible on it. Now we will find out whose prints were left on the jar of jam. Or maybe it was Carloson who flew in?

Unusual drawing

Give your child a piece of clean, light-colored cloth (white, blue, pink, light green).

Pick the petals off different colors: yellow, orange, red, blue, blue, as well as green leaves of different shades. Just remember that some plants are poisonous, such as aconite.

Spread this mixture onto a cloth placed on a cutting board. You can both involuntarily pour petals and leaves, and build a conceived composition. Cover it with plastic wrap, fasten it on the sides with buttons and roll it all out with a rolling pin or tap on the fabric with a hammer. Shake off the used "paints", stretch the fabric over thin plywood and insert it into the frame. The masterpiece of young talent is ready!

It made a great gift for mom and grandma.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

"Games and experiments as a means of ecological education of children of senior preschool age"

Master Class

Prepared by: Kovtun Alla Alexandrovna

The purpose of the master class: to increase the level of professional skills of teachers, in the development of cognitive activity of children of senior preschool age through games and experimentation with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.


    Show how games can be used in experimental activities children.

    To develop a cognitive interest in the environment, the ability to share the acquired experience with other people.

    To increase the level of professional competence of the participants of the master class in the education of preschoolers through search and research activities.

    To present to the participants of the master class one of the forms of conducting experimental activities with children of senior preschool age.

    To form the motivation for the participants of the master class to use games in educational - educational process experimental - experimental activities of preschoolers.

Practical significance: This master class may be of interest to teachers working on the topic of experimentation and search activities of children. A teacher who uses experimentation in his work will find something new for himself, and a non-working teacher will understand how interesting and exciting this activity is.

The master class is held for preschool teachers.

Number of hours – 35 minutes


1 day

Conduct form:

7 minutes - business card

10 minutes - consultation

15 minutes – practical activity

3 minutes - reflection

Final result: increasing the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in the environmental education of preschoolers, namely the acquisition of knowledge,through games and experimentation with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Thematic plan


Contents of the master class

Number of theoretical hours


Entry into the topic

General information;

The game "Imaginary Journey".

7 min.


Consultation: "Game and experiments as a means of environmental education of preschool children."

10 minutes.


Practical activities

A fairy tale in the form of a game "Journey of a duckling, or the world behind the fence of the poultry yard."

15 minutes.



3 min.

Equipment: small insect, 3-liter jar, cling film, adhesive tape, 2 basins, paper lotus flowers, boat, 2 half-liter jars, 1-liter jar, salt, spoon, tray, plates, matches, cocktail tubes, gouache, album sheets, music by Y. Antonov, soap bubbles.



The purpose and objectives of self-education on the topic: "Game and experiments as a means of environmental education of preschool children"

Target: study of the game and cognitive research activities as a means of environmental education of a preschooler.


To study the features of cognitive activity through gaming activity, namely ecological games;

To develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships based on an elementary experiment;

Raise environmental awareness in preschoolers.

Development stages:

    Preparatory (collection of information on the problem).



The main questions outlined for study.

1. Reveal the features of the ecological game and experiment.

2. Consider the methodology for organizing some ecological games and


3. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

4. Develop a program for circle work in preparatory group"Young Ecologists".

5. Develop a methodological bank (environmental games, experiences and experiments.

Literature on the topic:

    Gorkova L. G. Scenarios of classes on environmental education of preschoolers. - M. : VAKO, 2012 - 240 p.

    Zhuravleva L. S. Solar path. Classes in ecology and familiarization with the surrounding world. To work with children 5-7 years old. - M. : Mosaic-Sintez, 2013. - 144 p.

    Mashkova S. V. Cognitive and research activities with children aged 5-7 years on the ecological path. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 185 p.

    Nishcheva NV Project method in the organization of cognitive research activities. – St. P. : Detstvo-Press, 2013. - 300s.

Whose experience is expected to study on this topic:

1. Poddyakov N. N. "Research activity of the child."

2. Nikolaeva S. N. “How to implement environmental education preschoolers in kindergarten.


Monitoring of children's achievements on the topic "Games and experiments as a means of environmental education of preschoolers" is carried out according to the following criteria and indicators:


show cognitive activity;

show interest in natural phenomena (living and inanimate);

compare, classify, reflect the results in speech;

are able to establish logical connections and dependencies of objects and actions;

take an active part in experimenting with various

objects: they perceive the goal, perform all actions sequentially, evaluate the result.

Master class progress

1 part - Imaginary Journey.

Colleagues, I suggest you become children for a while.

(the game develops imagination, allows you to harmonize your state, helps children overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness).

- We are going on a journey. I will describe the place where we will find ourselves, and you must imagine it, see it mentally and do what your imagination tells you.

Take imaginary backpacks from the chairs, put them on, go to the middle of the room. In front of you is a forest clearing full of wildflowers and berries. Pick flowers for bouquets. Gather berries. But first determine for yourself what kind of flower or berry it is, because I can ask you: "What is it?" Please note that all berries grow in the grass, which means that they can not be seen immediately, so the grass must be carefully moved apart with your hands. Now we go further along the road to the forest. A stream flows here, through which a board is thrown. Walk along the plank (bridge). We entered the forest, where there are a lot of mushrooms, berries - look around. Now we will rest and have a snack. Take out the breakfasts that your mother gave you on the road from your backpacks and have a snack. And I'll guess what you "eat".

Part 2 of the master class Consultation

Dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to the master class on the topic "Game and experiments as a means of environmental education of preschool children."

Environmental education is taking an increasingly wide place in the development and upbringing of preschool children. The goal of environmental education for preschoolers is to form the beginnings of ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude to nature in all its diversity, to people who protect it, an attitude towards oneself as part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the environment.

“Ecological education presupposes, first of all, the formation in a child of an emotional, caring attitude to wildlife, the ability to see its beauty, and not a detailed knowledge of the characteristics of each type of animal” (N. Ryzhova).

The 21st century requires humanity to be universal in various spheres of life. To explore, to discover, to study means to take steps into the unknown and the unknown. And childhood is a time of searching and answering a variety of questions. Research, search activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned in to the knowledge of the world around him, he wants to know: he tears the paper and sees what happens; conducts experiments with various objects; measures the depth of the snow cover on the site, the volume of water, etc. All of these are objects of study.

The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child will receive, the faster and more fully his development is going on.

It is known that acquaintance with any object or phenomenon gives the most optimal result if it is effective. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to "act" with the studied objects of the world around them.

A Chinese proverb says "Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand." It reflects the whole essence of the surrounding world.

But in practice, sometimes you come across the intellectual passivity of children, the reasons for which lie in the limited impressions and interests of the child. Sometimes unable to cope with the simplest task, they quickly complete it if it is translated into practice or play. And, it is children's experimentation that claims to be the leading activity at preschool age.

Positive emotions, according to psychologists, are powerful motivators of human activity. Such an activity at preschool age, as is known, is a game, which we consider as an important means of shaping the ecological orientation of a child's personality.

The game contributes to the in-depth experience of children, expanding their understanding of the world. Great opportunities in the education of ecological and aesthetic feelings in relation to the surrounding world are laid in games, primarily in didactic ones. Reflecting the impressions of life phenomena in the images of the game, children experience aesthetic and moral feelings.

Assimilation of knowledge about nature with the help of a game that causes children's feelings cannot influence the formation of a careful and attentive attitude towards the objects of the plant world. A confirmation is the study by L.A. Abrahamyan, which showed that through the game a positive attitude towards people around is easily established, new positive emotions and feelings are formed. A joint study by S.N. Nikolaeva and I.A. Komarova showed that the optimal form of introducing a role-playing game in the process of environmental education is game learning situations (ITS).

Thus, the problems of environmental education are topical problems of our time. This encourages the search for effective ways to solve it. Given that the game is the leading activity of preschoolers, it seems possible to distinguish three classes of games.

The first class is games that arise on the initiative of the children themselves. They are a kind of practical form of reflection of the child about the natural and social reality surrounding him. These include games - experimentation, plot independent games. The second class is games that arise on the initiative of an adult. These are educational and leisure games. They come to children from adults, but after mastering them, children can play them on their own, which contributes to the enrichment of first-class games. The third class is traditional and folk games coming from the depths of the ethnic group.

Among the games of the first group, games with natural objects, animals and people stand out. These games allow you to understand the relationship in nature, to feel your attitude to living things, they are of great cognitive interest: “Sinking - not sinking”, “Who will rather collect in a basket”, “Run to me”, “Who is dressed like that”, “What is soft, which is tough, etc.

Plot - descriptive and role-playing games arise at the initiative of children and are creative in nature. For example: "Cannery", "Zoo", "Veterinary Clinic". They allow to deepen the knowledge that children have, a correct, humane attitude towards the animal world is formed. Giving himself a role in the game, the child is emotionally imbued with the awareness of the need to respect animals and plants. Another subspecies of ecological games are theatrical games. These are “Kolobok travels”, “Rest on the river”, “Tops, roots”, etc.

Outdoor games are also filled with ecological content. They consolidate knowledge about wildlife, its inhabitants in a relaxed playful way. "Animals, Birds, Fish", "Fruit Salad", "Birdcatcher", "Four Elements", "Flower Shop".

Musical games allow you to activate the environmental education of children through auditory receptors. Games filled with music impress the child, thereby fixing the learned material in the minds of children, for example, games such as “Seasons”, “What day is it today?”, Allow you to indicate and explain natural phenomena. These can be games: “What kind of bird has flown in?”; "Which sea?" other.

Intellectual games include: "Ecological cubes", "Magic transformations", "Prepare medicine", "The whole earth". They allow you to develop cognitive interest, form knowledge about the unity of nature.

The next type of games can be called fun and entertainment games. These include quizzes, auction competitions, marathon competitions. KVN, "Field of Miracles" and others. Expand the horizons of children, teach to exchange information with each other, give great pleasure.

Festive carnival games are also ecological in nature. In them, children express their attitude to these objects and natural phenomena, deepen their ideas about them "Harvesting", "New Year's Carnival", "Golden Autumn" and others.

Cult games are based on historical traditions. These games are also reflected in the process of environmental education of preschoolers. They play games with children with the meeting of Maslenitsa, call the lark, see off the winter. And so on. Through the origins of history, children learn in a new way to love and respect nature, learn to be connoisseurs and protectors of beauty. Sensory games help to teach children the necessary knowledge about the world around them through sensory sensations. They allow you to develop thinking, observation, be attentive to objects living nearby and natural phenomena. You can name such games: “Rainbow”, “What is yellow?”, “What flowers are red”, “Soft, prickly”.

The creation and use of game learning situations allows us to solve not only specific environmental problems, but also to carry out environmental education in general. Since it is easier for children to master the knowledge about the dependencies that exist in nature, about the attitude towards living beings.

Compiled a card file of games - experiments. In experimental activities, she used various materials with children, discussing and observing safety rules when conducting experiments and experiments. At the same time, an adult should not be a teacher - a mentor, but an equal partner, an accomplice of activity - this allows children to show their own cognitive activity.

To maintain interest in experimenting tasks for children, problem situations are given on behalf of little fairy-tale characters - Karkusha, Duckling, Hare. They are small, and the younger one can pass on their experience and feel their importance, which strengthens the position of the “Adult” in the child.


The sequence of children's experimentation.

On the slide, teachers are presented with the words: hypothesizing, testing an assumption, goal setting, problem situation, formulation of a conclusion, new hypothesis

Task: build a sequence of children's experimentation.

Next slide with correct answer:

Problematic situation.

Goal setting.

Putting forward hypotheses.

Checking the assumption.

If the assumption was confirmed: the formulation of conclusions (how it happened)

If the assumption was not confirmed: the emergence of a new hypothesis, its implementation in action, the confirmation of a new hypothesis, the formulation of the conclusion (how it turned out), the formulation of the conclusions (how it turned out).

During the experiment, the child needs to answer the following questions:

    How do I do it?

    Why do I do it this way and not otherwise?

    Why am I doing this, that I want to know what happened as a result?

From all of the above, we can conclude that for preschool children, experimentation, along with play, is the leading activity.

Thus, everything is acquired firmly only when the child hears, sees and does it himself.

Today we will hear everything, see and do it ourselves.

Part 3 of the master class Practical

Today, in a playful way based on a fairy tale, I will present to you and together we will try some types of experimentation with different materials. Each group of participants in the master class will participate in the experiments, discuss the results and justify their conclusions.

Fairy tale "Journey of a duckling, or the world behind the fence of the poultry yard."

In the village, in the poultry yard, there lived a very curious duckling. His brothers and sisters were very obedient, and he poked his nose everywhere. Once he wanted to know what was there behind the fence of the poultry yard, and he went to discover the world. Having gone beyond the fence, he went along the path and suddenly he noticed a small ant on the ground. He wanted to take a closer look. How can this be done?

Experience number 1.

Plant the insect in a three-liter jar. From above, tighten the neck with cling film, but do not pull it, but on the contrary, push it so that a small container forms. Now tie the film with a rope or elastic band, and pour water into the recess. What do you see? Why did this happen?

Conclusion: if you look at the water through the cling film, we get the effect of a magnifying glass. The same effect will be obtained if you look at an object through a jar of water, fixing it on the back of the jar with transparent tape.

Nearby he saw a small lake, many mysterious flowers floated in it, these were water lilies. The duckling thought how to get to them? On the shore of the lake, he noticed a small boat rocking on the waves. He really wanted to get to the water lilies, but he was afraid that the boat would sink. your assumptions. Why doesn't the boat sink?

Experience #2

Take 2 jars: two half-liter and one liter. Fill one jar with clean water and dip a raw egg into it. It will drown.

Pour a strong solution of table salt into the second jar (2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of water). Dip the second egg there - it will float.

Conclusion: This is because salt water is heavier, so it is easier to swim in the sea than in a river. And the boat doesn't sink.

The duckling watched the flowers so carefully that he did not notice how it began to rain. A little time passed, and the rain stopped, the sun came out again. The duckling decided to draw a little on the shore.


The song by Y. Antonov "Sea, sea ..."

The mood is great -

Don't want to be bored.

I am funny pictures

I suggest drawing.

Blots are different ...

What do they represent?

Children use cocktail tubes and gouache of different colors to blow blots different forms on paper, and then tell in turn what the blot looks like.

The duckling decided to travel further.The sun was already high when, having reached the middle of the lake by boat, the duckling saw these beautiful flowers bloom. Why is this happening?

Experience number 3.

Cut flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, twist the petals towards the center. Now lower the water lilies into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, the flower petals will begin to bloom.

Conclusion: this is because the paper gets wet, becomes gradually heavier and the petals open.

Then he saw what was written on the lotus petals: "A star will lead you forward!" Guys, do you see a star somewhere? And I don't see any stars! Where can we look for her? After all, the stars have always shown the way to travelers. Or maybe you need to do it yourself?

Experience No. 4

Look at the items on the table. (On the table in several plates there are 5 matches broken at a right angle) what can a star be made of? If you put a few drops of water on the folds of matches, they straighten up and form a star.

Conclusion: Wood fibers absorb water, “get fat” and cannot bend – they straighten up.

The duckling watched the stars so intently that he did not notice how he fell asleep. Thus ended the journey of the curious duckling.The duckling really liked to walk and learn about this huge and interesting world around. And now he knew the answers to many questions:

1. Why is it possible to see an object through a jar of water?

2. Why doesn't the boat sink?

3. Why are water lilies blooming?

4. How can I make a star?

Conclusion: cognitive activity is understood not only as a process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, but mainly as a search for knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge independently or under the tactful guidance of an adult. Knowledge obtained independently is always conscious and more durable. As a result of the organization of children's experimentation through games in children:

cognitive activity develops

There is an interest in search and research activities;

The horizons are expanding, in particular, knowledge about wildlife, about the relationships that take place in it, is enriched; about objects of inanimate nature (water, air, sun, etc.) and their properties; about properties various materials(rubber, iron, paper, glass, etc.), about their use by a person in his activities.

There are skills in planning one's activities, the ability to put forward hypotheses and confirm assumptions, and draw conclusions.

Personal qualities develop: independence, initiative, creativity, cognitive activity and purposefulness.


“People who have learned ... observations and experiments acquire the ability to raise questions themselves and receive actual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not gone through such a school” K. E. Timiryazev.

Part 4 - Reflection based on the results of joint activities.

Dear colleagues! I ask you to express your opinion about what you saw and heard today the master class.

    What are your impressions, what new things have you learned that you will probably apply in your work with preschoolers?

    Did you understand everything in the content of the master class?

    Was the master class information useful to you?

    If you have an interest in children's experimentation. And the desire to apply it in your work, I ask you to blow bubbles.

We blow bubbles, they fly in the air.

Now the secret has been revealed to us

How to organize an experiment for children.

Thank you for your attention and participation in the master class.