
Tikhomirov, the development of the intellectual abilities of a preschooler. Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children. Other books on similar topics


Member of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

1. Tikhomirova Larisa Fedorovna. May 8, 1956, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Grodekovsky district, pos. Grodekovo. Graduated from the Yaroslavl State Medical Institute, years of study 1973-1979, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head. Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after I.I. K.D. Ushinsky.

3. Monographs.

L.F. Tikhomirova, A.V. Basov Healthy lifestyle and health. Yaroslavl. Upper Volga publishing house, 1989.-160s.

L.F. Tikhomirov. Development logical thinking children (textbook). Yaroslavl: LLP "Gringo", 1995.- 240p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. Exercises for every day. Health lessons for children 5-8 years old (a guide for parents and teachers). Federal program of book publishing in Russia. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.- 144p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. "Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy". Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2004.-240s.

L.F. Tikhomirov. How to form a student healthy lifestyle life (textbook). Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.-192p.

L.F. Tikhomirova, V.A. Margazin et al. Guide to sports medicine (training manual with the stamp of the ministry). S.-Pb.: Spetslit, 2011.-500s.

L.F. Tikhomirov. “School is a territory of health”. Yaroslavl: YaGPU Publishing House, 2011.-136p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. "Prerequisites for health-saving pedagogy". Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2012.-160p.

4. Ph.D. thesis defended in 1989. "Socio-hygienic study of health status and morbidity medical workers in connection with their working and living conditions.

Doctoral dissertation defended in 2004 "Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy."

5. AWARDED: In 1993 - with the badge "Excellence in Education".

In 2000 - Badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education".

In 2006 - a diploma of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky.

In 2004, the winner of the award of the Governor of the Yaroslavl region "For merits in the field of education."

In 2006 - Diploma of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Yaroslavl Region.

In 2010 - the Diploma of the Laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of education as part of a team of authors for the scientific and practical development "An integrated approach to the formation of a health-saving environment in a special (correctional) boarding school No. 82."

Editor-in-Chief of the regional magazine Our Children: Education, Upbringing, Development, Health, published since 2003.

Scientific publications:

1. The prevalence of bad habits among doctors (article) Printed Actual problems drunkenness and alcoholism. - Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1985.-S.27-29 3s. -

2. Features of morbidity with temporary disability of medical workers (article) Printed Public Health of the Russian Federation. - 1986. -

No. 2. - S.26-28 3s. -

3. Influence of alcohol consumption on morbidity with temporary disability (article) Printed medical examination of the entire population of the RSFSR. - Moscow, 1986. - S.175-176 2s. -

4. Issues of organizing and improving the quality of provision medical care healthcare workers (article) Printed Public Health of the Russian Federation. - 1987. -

No. 8. - P.10-12 3s. -

5. Some issues of lifestyle and attitude of medical workers to their health (article) Printed Health and medical care of the population of the Non-Chernozem region. - Yaroslavl, YaGMI, 1987. - S. 32-35.

6. On the possibilities of labor intensification in health care through the introduction operational methods risk assessment of morbidity (article) Manuscript Deposited at VNIIMI No. 12885 3.03.87.- Yaroslavl, 1987.-8p. 8s./ 6s. Basov A.V.

7. On the issue of studying the complex influence of socio-hygienic factors on the incidence of health workers (article) Printed Problems of postgraduate education of health care managers. - Kazan, 1987. -S.162-164 3s./2s. Basov A.V.,

Kamenshchikova A.N.

8. Predicting the risk of alcoholization of students of medical universities (article) Printed Comprehensive socio-hygienic research. - Moscow, 1988. - S.192-196. 5s/3s Basov A.V.

Zaporozhchenko V.G.

9. Some issues of studying the lifestyle of medical workers (article) Printed Public Health of the Russian Federation. - 1988. -

No. 2.- S.28-30 3s. -

10. Socio-hygienic study of the state of health and morbidity of medical workers in connection with the conditions of their work and life (abstract) Printed Abstract dis. cand. honey. Sciences. - Moscow, 1988. -24s. 24s. -

11. Socio-hygienic study of the state of health and morbidity of medical workers in connection with the conditions of their work and life (dissertation) Manuscript Dis. cand. honey. Sciences. - Yaroslavl, 1988. - 400s. 400s. -

12. Some methodological issues of studying the lifestyle of medical students (article) youth assistance in various regions of the country. - Moscow, 1988. - P. 103-104 2s. / 1s. Basov A.V.

13. Lifestyle and health (monograph) Printed Upper Volga book publishing house. - Yaroslavl, 1989.-128s. 128s./44s. Basov A.V.

Zaporozhchenko V.G.

14. On some results of sociological research among medical workers (article) Printed Public Health of the Russian Federation. - 1989. -

No. 4. - P.11-14 4 p. -

15. Socio-hygienic approach to assessing the risk of morbidity in medical workers (article) Printed Labor and health med. workers. - Moscow, 1989. - S.73-77 5s./4s. Brezgin V.D.

16. Using the anamnestic method to study the state of health of doctors (article) Printed Health and medical care of the population of the Non-Chernozem Region. - Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1989. - S.101-107 7s. -

17. About the bad habits of paramedical workers (article) Printed Nurse. - 1990. –

No. 3. - P.12-14 3s./2s. Basov A.V.

18. Risk factors for major rheumatic diseases at the Yaroslavl tire plant (article) Printed Abstracts for the final conference "Young Health Scientists". - Orenburg, 1990 2s./1s. Ershova O.B.

19. Social pedagogy in the activities of the inspector for the protection of children's rights (article) Printed Protecting the rights of children. - Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1991. - P. 10 1s. / 0.5s. Basov A.V.

20. On some factors contributing to the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents (article) Printed Actual problems of social psychology. - Kostroma, 1992. - Part 2. -S.11-12 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

21. On the question of the methodology of a student-centered approach in working with teaching staff (abstracts) Printed Personally-oriented training in the system of advanced training of educators. - St. Petersburg, Moscow, 1993, Part 2. - P.115-116 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

22. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization and delinquent behavior of vocational school students (abstracts) Printed Problems of the sociology of vocational education of workers. - SPb., 1994. - S.122-125 4 p. / 3 p. Basov A.V.

23. Health of students and health of teachers (article) Printed Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. seminar. -SPb., 1994. - P.35-36 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

24. New approaches to solving the problems of certification and retraining of primary school teachers (article) Printed Primary School. - 1994. - No. 3.-S.22-23 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

25. The concept of the development of the city medical and pedagogical school (scientific development) Printed Yaroslavl, IPK, 1995.-7p. 7s./2s. Basov A.V. and etc.

26. On some results of studying the problems of novice teachers (article) Printed Development of the personality and the formation of individuality - Yaroslavl, 1996. - P.234-236 3p. -

27. The role and place of the valeological service of the school in the prevention of maladjustment during the transition of students to the middle link (article) Printed Problems of ped. valeology.-SPb., 1997.- S. 59-61 3s. -

28. The role and place of the education system in the formation of anti-drug traditions among the youth (theses) Printed Traditions, customs, mores of the peoples of Russia.- St. Petersburg, 1997.-S.69-73 5s./3s. Basov A.V.

29. Valeological knowledge for every teacher (article) Printed Ped. education in modern conditions. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU, 1997. - S.279-281 3s. -

30. On the readiness of students in rural schools to study in the middle link (article) . -1998. - No. 1. - P.107-110 4s./3s. Basov A.V.

31. Valueology as a tool for the mental and physical well-being of participants in the pedagogical process (theses) Printed Society, education, people. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of the YAGPU, 1998.-P.1.-S.125-128 4p. -

32. On uniform requirements for health improvement programs for children studying in educational institutions of the region (article) 3s/2s Basov A.V.

33. Valeological examination of curricula, programs, pedagogical technologies(article). -

34. Activities of educational institutions of the Yaroslavl region, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children (article) Printed Innovative processes for the protection of the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: IPC RO, 1998. - P.29-30 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

35. Valeological approaches to the analysis of the lesson (article) Printed Innovative processes for the protection of the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of IPK RO, 1998. - P.50-53 4p. -

36. The main directions of the work of the kindergarten - the valeological center (article) Printed Innovative processes for protecting the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of IPK RO, 1998. - P. 63-64 2s. / 1s. Bakhanova O.L.

37. Risk factors for somatic morbidity in schoolchildren (article) Printed Psychological well-being of participants in the educational process.- Yaroslavl: Resource Center, 1998.- P.166-168 3p. -

38 Using the method of constructs in the study of attitudes of adolescents and young people regarding the use of alcohol and smoking (article) Printed Vestnik IPK educators. - Yaroslavl, 1999.-S.82-96 15s./10s. Tikhomirova E.A.

39. Health-improving and variable programs in the activities of preschool institutions (article) Printed Vestnik IPK educators. - Yaroslavl, 1999.-S.72-75 4s. -

40. The need for a valeological examination of pedagogical technologies (article) Printed Modern technologies for teaching science and mathematics disciplines in a rural school. Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 2000.-p.22-25 4p. -

41. Ways of development of the system of advanced training of educators (article) Printed Advanced training of ped. personnel.- Yaroslavl: YaIRO, 2000.- P.17-20 4s./3s. Kalistratova N.V.

42. Principles and conditions for the activities of educational institutions for the preservation, strengthening and formation of children's health (article) Printed Professional development of ped. personnel.- Yaroslavl: YaIRO, 2000.- S. 124-129 6s. -

43. On the need for a valeological analysis of new pedagogical technologies (article) Printed Bulletin of the IPK of educators.- Yaroslavl, 2000.-p.99-102 4p. -

44. The quality of medical care provided to rural schoolchildren (article) Printed Development of the personality of a rural schoolchild. - Yaroslavl: YaGPU, 2000. - S. 46-47 2s. -

45. Status and main trends in the health of children and adolescents (article)

No. 1. - S. 4-6. 3s. -

46. ​​About the attitude of children preschool age to your health (article)

47. Physical development- one of the indicators of children's health (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

48. Analysis of the lesson in terms of its impact on the health of students (article)

Printed The health of our children.- 2002.-

No. 1. - P.18-20.

49. Requirements for the programs "Health" of educational institutions (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 1.- P.17-18.

2s/1s Basov A.V.

50. The quality of medical care provided to schoolchildren in educational institutions (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 1. - P.26-27.

2s/1s Basov A.V.

51. Anxious child (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002.-

No. 1. - P.24-25.

2s/1s Basov A.V.

52. The program of classes with parents

on the preservation and promotion of children's health (program) Printed Health of our children.- 2002.-

No. 1. - S. 31. 1s. -

53. Therapeutic pedagogy as a condition for the socialization of children with disabilities (article)

Printed Psychological and pedagogical support of the child. - Yaroslavl: YaGPU, 2002. - S. 142-145.

54. Analysis of the activities of institutions of the Yaroslavl region to preserve the health of children (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 2. - S.17-18.

2s/1s Basov A.V.

children's health (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 2. - S. 22-24.

56. How to conduct an examination of curricula, curricula, pedagogical technologies with

in terms of their impact on children's health (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 2. - S. 12-14.

Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

No. 3. - S. 18-20.

58. Health of teachers

59. Expert approach is the basis of health-saving pedagogy

(article) bulletin. - 2002. - No. 4. -

60. Features of teaching children in a small rural school. Requirements for the choice of pedagogical technologies

(article) Printed The health of our children. - 2002. -

61. Activities of the city center for psychological, medical and social support, diagnosis and counseling of schoolchildren on the formation of health-saving behavior (article)

Printed The health of our children. - 2002.-№4. - P.6-9. 4s./3s. Gogolev Yu.V.

62 Teaching a child to take care of himself

(article) Printed The health of our children. - 2002. - No. 4. - P.23.

63. Variable programs in the activities of preschool educational institutions

Printed The health of our children. - 2003. -№1. - P.6-8.

64. How to prevent flat feet in children (article) Printed Health of our children. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.14 1p. -

65. Health-saving pedagogy

(article) Printed Our children: education, upbringing, development, health.-2003. - No. 1. - S.28-29.

66. Activities of teachers to preserve and improve the health of children (article)

Printed Our children: education, upbringing, development, health. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.26.

1s./0.5s. Basov A.V.

67. Strengthening the health of participants in the educational process

(article) Printed Our children: education, upbringing, development, health. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 23-25.

3s/2s Gogolev Yu.V.

68. Methodological transformations in the school in the framework of the implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy (article)

Printed Our children: education, upbringing, development, health. - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 21-22.

69. Expert approach in the health-saving activities of a teacher (article)

Printed School Technologies.- 2003.-

No. 3.- S. 191-194. 5s. -

70. Healthy teacher - healthy children (article)

Printed People's Education. - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 71-75.

71. Opportunities to preserve the health of students in the conditions of a modern comprehensive school (article) Printed Conceptual

approaches and organizational

methodological foundations

involvement of schoolchildren

to a healthy lifestyle. -

Yaroslavl.-2003.- S.24-34.

12s./10s. Nikolaeva T.N.

72 Existential approach to the organization of health-saving activities of teachers (abstracts) Printed Improvement of educational and

educational work

in the process of modernization

general education. -

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2003.-

pp. 101-104 4s. -

73. An existential approach to the implementation by teachers of the function of preserving the health of children (article) Printed Social contacts of children:

Materials of the international

Symposium / Ed.

M.I. Rozhkov. - Yaroslavl:

Publishing house of YaGPU, 2003.- S.177-183. 6s. -

74. Formation in children and adolescents of a negative attitude towards bad habits (article) Print Public Health

and disease prevention.

2003.-№2.-p.39-44 6p. -

75. Prevention of some forms of deviant behavior of children (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,

health.-2004.-№3.-p.5-6. 2s. -

76 Preparation social educators to the implementation of health-saving activities (article) Printed) Modernization of education:

Experience and Research.-

Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im.

K.D.Ushinsky, 2004.-

pp. 202-206 4s.

77. Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy (Monograph) Printed Monograph / Ed.

M.I. Rozhkova.- Yaroslavl:

YaGPU, 2004.- 240s. 240s. -

78 / Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy (Abstract) Printed Abstract dis. doctor ped.

Sciences. - Yaroslavl, 2004.-44p. 44s. -

79. The home for the child should be safe (article) Printed Our children: learning,

education, development,

health.- 2005.-№4.-S. 23-24 4s. -

80. On the results of the International Scientific Conference "Psychological and socio-pedagogical support for children and youth" (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,

health.- 2005.-№4.-p.13 2p. -

81. On the need for socio-pedagogical and psychological support for the process of forming a value attitude to their health in orphans (article) Printed Psychological

and socio-pedagogical

accompanying children and

youth. materials

international scientific

conferences. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house of YaGPU named after

K.D. Ushinsky, 2005-

pp. 154-155. 4s. -

82. Preparation of students of a pedagogical university for the implementation of the function of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren (article) Printed Psychological and




process. - Yaroslavl, Publishing House

YaGPU, 2005.- S. 167-171 5s. -

83. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of students (concept) Printed concept of educational

activities of YSPU

them. K.D. Ushinsky.-

Yaroslavl, - 2005. - P. 44-45 2s. -

84. Preparation of students of a pedagogical university for the implementation of a health-saving function and

social and pedagogical support (article) Printed The effectiveness of education:

history and modernity.

Materials of the 60th

International scientific


Yaroslavl.-2006.- P.142-147 6s. -

85. We form attitudes towards our health in preschool children (article) Printed Kindergarten from A to Z.-

2006.-№4.-S. 40-48 9s. -

86. Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of minors in the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances, the organization of work with parents (article) Printed Integrated approach to

use prevention

pp. 16-24 9s. -

87. Can parents become active participants in the prevention of substance use in children and adolescents

(article) Printed An integrated approach to

use prevention

psychoactive substances by minors.

Collection of seminar materials. Yaroslavl, 2006.-

pp. 25-35. 11s./9s. Gogolev Yu.V.

88. Expert approach to the implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy in preschool(article) Printed Theoretical and applied

aspects of modern

preschool education.


scientific and practical

conferences. - Yaroslavl,

publishing house YAGPU. 2006.- S.23-26 8s. -

Do parents know how to help their child in case of addiction to psychoactive substances (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,


pp.37-39. 4s./3s. Gogolev Yu.V.

90. Health-saving technologies in the educational process of the gymnasium (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,


pp.39-45. 6s/4s Razumovskaya E.Yu.

91. Health-saving technologies in the activities of educational institutions (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,


pp.28-32. 4s. -

92 The main directions of prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by minors in educational institutions (article) Printed Issues of prevention

offenses: state,

problems, prospects. - Yaroslavl, 2006.-p.83-87 5p. Gogolev Yu.V.

93. Health-saving technologies in the activities of specialized educational institutions (article) Printed Special pedagogical

child development tools



health. materials

conference "Reading

Ushinsky. - Yaroslavl:

Publishing house of YaGPU named after

K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.-

pp. 17-24. 7s. -

94. Health-saving pedagogy (article) Printed Concepts of leading scientists

Institute of Pedagogy and

psychology of YaGPU.-


publishing house YAGPU, 2006.- S.134-145 11s. -

95. Legal general education for parents

(conceptual approaches) (article) Printed Concepts of leading scientists

Institute of Pedagogy and

psychology of YaGPU.-


publishing house YAGPU, 2006.- P.206-214 9s./7s. Gogolev Yu.V.


96. Subjective inclusion of students in the health-saving process (article) Printed Ideas of self-development

personality in additional



Yaroslavl: IRO, 2006.-

pp. 26-34 9s. -

97. The subjective inclusion of students in the process of maintaining and strengthening health is one of the leading requirements of health-saving pedagogy (article) Printed Formation of human success: strategy and tactics:

reading material

K.D. Ushinsky at 2 p.m.

Part 2. Yaroslavl:

Publishing house of YaGPU, 2007.

pp. 265-272. 8s. -

98. Organizational and methodological foundations for working with families in social precarious position, in the municipal area (article) Printed Our children: learning,

education, development,


99. Features of addictive behavior in children with a delay mental development(article) Printed Medico-Psychological

pedagogical work with

children who have

limited opportunities

health - Yaroslavl:

Publishing house of YaGPU named after K.D.

Ushinsky, 2007. -S.76-85 10s.

100. Prevention of addictive behavior of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Pedagogical support

youth work.

Materials of scientific-practical. conf.

Publishing house of YaGPU, 2008.- S.258-260 3s.

101. Integration of children with disabilities in society (article) Printed Actual problems

education and society.

Materials of scientific-practical. conf.

Yaroslavl, 2008.-p.99-102 4p.

102. Attitude towards health in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Special correctional

developing technologies in work with children with

limited opportunities

health.- Ped. reading them.

K. D. Ushinsky.-

Yaroslavl: Izdvo YaGPU.- 2008.-

pp.135-143. 9s.

103. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of future teachers in the process of their education (article) Printed Man as a subject

education in modern

psychological and pedagogical

theory and practice.-

Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU,

2008.- P.280-282 3p.

104. Health-saving technologies in the gymnasium (article) Printed Our children: education,

Education, development,

Zdorovye.-2008.-No. 1.С.24-26 5с. Kartashova G.N.


105. The role of the family in shaping the child's right attitude to health (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,

health.- Yaroslavl, 2008.-

106. The effectiveness of activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for adolescents brought up in orphanages (article) Printed Training of specialists

for work with youth.

Problems and ways to solve them.

Internet materials -

Conf. Yaroslavl: Publishing house

YaGPU, 2009.-S. 156-165. 10s.

107. Implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy in the activities of specialized educational institutions (article) Printed Special education:

problems and prospects.

Conf. Readings

Ushinsky. Yaroslavl:

Publishing house of YaGPU. - 2009.

108. Formation of attitudes towards health in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Teaching children with


health opportunities.

Materials of scientific-practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, Remder, 2009.-

pp. 107-116 10s.

109. Problems of health saving and ways to solve them (article) Printed Problems of the rural school.

Ways to solve them.

Materials scientific - practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, YaGPU Publishing House,

2009.- S. 288-292 5s.

110. Preserving and strengthening the health of students is the main requirement for the choice of technologies for a small rural school (article) Printed Problems of a rural school.

Ways to solve them.

Materials scientific - practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, YaGPU Publishing House,

2009.- S. 325-329 5s.

111. Implementation of the block-modular principle in the program of remote advanced training courses in correctional pedagogy and psychology (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Vestnik.-2009- No. 4.-S. 102-

106 8 Simanovsky A.E.

112. Health-saving technologies in elementary school (article) Printed Our children: education,

Education, development,

Zdorovye.-2009. No. 4.-P.22-24 6 Panicheva O.I.

113 The concept of activity and development of the City Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support (concept) Printed Yarosavl: Publishing House


formation of the mayor's office

Yaroslavl, 2010.-80s. 80s. Gogolev Yu.V. et al.

114 What to do if the child is lazy

(article) Printed Our children: education, upbringing, development, health. - Yaroslavl, -

2010.-№1.-S. 26-28 6s.

115 On the issue of preventing addictive behavior in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (article)

Printed Current Issues


prevention / YAGMA, 2010.-

pp.78-84. 6s. Smirnov V.E.

116. The concept of forming a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren (article)

Printed Current Issues


prevention / YAGMA, 2010.-

pp.105-114. 10 s.

117. Rehabilitation of neglected children in the municipal district (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Vestnik.-2010. No. 3.- S. 93-96 8s. Lebedeva T.S.

118. Domestic violence

(article) Printed Our children: learning,

Education, development,

health.-2010.-№3.-p.17-19 4p. Lebedeva T.S.

119. Building a correctional and developing health-saving environment of a special educational institution (article)

children with disabilities

health opportunities

Text: Proceedings of Conf.

"Readings of Ushinsky".-

Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im.

Ushinsky, 2010.-S.154-164 10s. Makshantseva E.N.

Savateeva A.L.

Tishinova E.N.

120. Improving the process of preparing students to work with children with intellectual disabilities

Printed Improvement Help

children with disabilities

health opportunities

Text: Proceedings of Conf.

"Readings of Ushinsky".-

Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im.

Ushinsky, 2010.-S.S.117-122 6s.

121. Conditions for the formation of a rehabilitation space for neglected children in a municipal district (article)

Printed Training of Personnel in the Conditions of Modernization of Education

Text: Materials

conf. "Readings of Ushinsky"

Part 1.-Yaroslavl: Publishing house

YaGPU, 2010.- S.50-57 8s.

Lebedeva T.S.

122. Formation of schoolchildren's need for sports and a healthy lifestyle (article) Printed Personnel training in the context of education modernization

Text: Materials

conf. "Readings of Ushinsky"

Part 1.-Yaroslavl: Publishing house

YaGPU, 2010.- P.120-126 8s. Glaktionov A.V.,

Kovaleva N.V.

123. Mistakes of family education (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2010.-№4.-p.12-14 6p.

124. Psychological and pedagogical support and identification of a gifted child in a secondary school (article)

Printed Accompanying the Gifted

in the regional



Conf.-Yaroslavl: GOU YAO

IRO.-2011.-S.46-49 6s.

125. The main directions of drug addiction prevention among young people (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.- T 2.- 2011.-№ 1.-

pp. 49-54 7s. Kaikova L.V.

Evstafieva A.V.

126. Analysis of the effectiveness of the formation of a rehabilitation space for neglected children (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.- T 2.- 2011.-№ 1.-

pp. 59-63 6s. Lebedeva T.S.

127. Development of educational and cognitive competencies of younger schoolchildren in project activities (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


pp.104-109. 5s. Burykina N.M.

128. Formation of a health-saving environment of the educational complex "School-Garden" (article)

Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


pp.41-44 6s. Morozova S.B.

129. Socio-psychological prerequisites for student achievement (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


242-247 10s. Kaikova L.V.

Evstafieva A.V.

130. Formation of economic competence of junior schoolchildren (article)

Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


pp.45-48 6s. I.L. Egorova

131. Existential approach to the implementation by teachers of the function of maintaining health

Students (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.-T.2.-2011-No. 4 6s.

132. An integrated approach to the formation of a health-saving environment in a special boarding school (article)

Printed Sat.Improvement

helping children

with limited

health opportunities:

Conf. "Readings

Ushinsky. - Yaroslavl:

Izdvo YaGPU them.

K.D. Ushinsky.-2011.-

133. Correction of self-esteem in younger students with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011-№1.-S. 29-31. 6s. Serova N.V.

134. The effectiveness of the formation of a rehabilitation space for neglected children (article)

Printed Improvement


Activities in the conditions

Transition to new

educational standards

Conf. Readings

Ushinsky.-Part 1.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House.-

2011.-p.50-56 7p. Lebedeva T.S.

135. Formation of a health-saving environment of the educational complex (article)

Printed Improvement


Activities in the conditions

Transition to new

educational standards

Conf. Readings

Ushinsky.-Part 1.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House.-

2011.-S 117-124 8s. Morozova S.B.

136. School - the territory of health (monograph) Printed Yaroslavl, Publishing house of YaGPU,

2011.- 134p. 134 p.

137. What you should know about the mistakes of family education (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.- №2.-

138. Identification and psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children in a secondary school (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-№3.-p.7-10 8p.

139. family education and the formation of a child's right attitude to health (article)

Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-№4.-p.7-12 12p.

140. Family upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-№5.-p.23-26 10p.

141. Organization of remote

Refresher courses in special pedagogy and psychology (article) Printed Materialy VII Mezinarodni vedecko-

prakticka conference “Zpravy

vedecke ideje - 2011”

4c Simanovsky

142. Interaction of specialists in the process of education and upbringing of children with disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-№6 4s.

143. Development of leadership talent of adolescents and high school students in the process of participating in the activities of the club "Horizons of time" (Gymnasium No. 1, Uglich) (article) Printed Development of social

giftedness of children and

youth. materials


scientific and practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, 2011.S.112-116 5s. Razumovskaya E.E.

144. Conceptual approaches to the formation of a health-saving environment of an educational institution (article)

Print Formation and implementation of environmental policy

at the regional level.

Materials of the All-Russian

scientific-practical. conf. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house of YaGPU, 2011.-

145. Maintaining health and promoting a healthy lifestyle among students (article) Printed Realization





education in


located in rural

locality: Collection


scientific and practical

conferences / Ed.

Stepanova T.A.,

Bayborodova L.V.,

Gruzdeva M.V. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house of YaGPU, 2012.-p.123-

146. Management of the process of preserving and strengthening the health of children in correctional schools (article) Printed Yaroslavl ped.

messenger volume 2.

(Psychological and pedagogical sciences) -

2012.-№2.- S. 32-37. 8s. Sukhodolskaya L.V.

147. Socio-pedagogical approach to assessing the risk of morbidity in schoolchildren (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Science. - 2012. - No. 3. 10p.

148. Monitoring the health of students in the system of managing the process of health saving in a correctional school (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Science. - 2012. - No. 4. 8s. Sukhodolskaya

149. The use of information and communication technologies in combination with health saving technologies in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution of a compensatory type

(article) Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Science. - 2012. - No. 4. 10p. Romashkina E.N.

150. Analysis of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in a preschool educational institution (article) Printed Yaroslavl ped. Herald.-

Biological Sciences.-2012.-№4. 8s. Zasukhina O.M.

151. Formation in schoolchildren of the need for sports and a healthy lifestyle (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. Herald.-

Biological Sciences.-2012.-№4. 8s. Kovaleva N.V.

152. Improving the training of oligophrenopedagogues in modern conditions

(article) Collection of scientific papers

Ped. reading Ushinsky. 10s.

153. The results of a study of the readiness of students of defectological specialties and speech pathologists to carry out health-saving and health-forming activities (article)

Printed Materialy VIII miedzynaroodowej

naukowi-praktycznej konferencji

“ Dynamika naukowych

Badan-2012”. 6s. Simanovsky

154. Improving the training of specialists in the social sphere for the implementation of health-saving and health-forming activities (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

(special issue) Psikhologo-ped.

Sciences. 2012.- №5. 10s.

2. Teaching aids

155 The incidence of medical workers with temporary disability and ways to reduce it (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1986.- 9p. 9s./6s. Brezgin V.D.

156. The main directions of the prevention of drunkenness of medical workers (guidelines) Printed Moscow, 1988.- 13p. 13s./10s. Basov A.V. Melnikov V.F. Zaporozhchenko V.G.

157. Socio-hygienic approach to the formation of risk groups using computers among workers in some sectors of the national economy (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1988.- 56p. 56s./15s. Brezgin V.D.

Bekaeva L.V.

Belov A.V. and etc.

158. Lifestyle of healthcare workers (medical, professional activity) (methodical letter) Printed Informational and methodical letter.- Moscow, 1988.- 13p. 13s./10s. Brezgin V.D.

159. Program module "Forecast of the probability of diseases among medical workers" (guidelines) Printed Information sheet No. 9-89r. - Yaroslavl, 1989.-4s. 4s./3s. Brezgin V.D. Bekaeva L.V.

160. Anxiety in schoolchildren (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1991.- 28p. 28s./20s. Basov A.V.

161. Materials for assessing the readiness of students to study in the middle link (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1992.-30s. 30s/20s Basov A.V.

162. The development of logical thinking of students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1993.-62s. 62s./50s. Basov A.V.

163. Development of logical thinking of students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1993.-55p. 55s./45s. Basov A.V.

164. Development of the logical thinking of children (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: LLP "Gringo", 1995.- 240s. 240s./200s Basov A.V.

165. The development of the cognitive abilities of children (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1996.- 240s. 240s. -

166. Development intellectual abilities schoolchild (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1996.- 240p. 240s. -

167. Health and healthy lifestyle (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK PiRRO, 1997.- 73p. 73s./65s. Basov A.V.

168. We form in children right attitude to your health (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK Pirro, 1997.-180 p. 180s. -

169. Exercises for every day: logic for preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.- 240p. 240s. -

170. Selection of students in classes with in-depth study of the humanities (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK PiRRO, 1998.-24p. 24s. -

171. Exercises for every day: logic for younger students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.-210p. 210s. -

172. Monitoring the health of schoolchildren (guidelines) Printed Yaroslavl: GAC, 1998.- 27p. 27s./20s. Selevko G.K.

173. Exercises for every day: the development of attention and imagination of preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1999. - 250p. 250s. -

174. The activities of educational institutions for the protection and promotion of children's health (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 2000. -112p. 112s.

175. Formation and development of the child's intellectual abilities. Preschoolers. (textbook) Printed M.: Rolf, 2000.-144p. 144s.

176. Formation and development of the child's intellectual abilities. Junior students. (textbook) Printed Moscow: Rolf, 2000.-160 p. 160s.

177. Logic. Children 5-7 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.- 160 p. 160s.

178. Memory. Children 5-7 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.- 144 p. 144s.

179. Cognitive abilities. Children 5-7 years old. (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.- 144 p. 144s.

180. Logic. Children 7-10 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.- 150 p. 150s.

181. Formation and development of intellectual abilities. Younger teenagers 10-14 years old. (textbook) Printed Moscow, Rolf, 2001.- 160 p. 160s.

182. We teach children to think logically (textbook) Printed Encyclopedia of development and education of preschool children

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.- 155 - 205p. 50s.

183. Exercises for every day. Health lessons for children 5-8 years old (a guide for parents and teachers).

Printed Federal program of book publishing in Russia. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.- 144p.

184. Schoolchildren about a healthy lifestyle. (tutorial).

Printed Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia. - Yaroslavl: Remder, 2003. - 92p. 92s. -

185. Exercises for every day: The development of cognitive abilities in younger students (a guide for teachers and parents) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004.- 120s. 120s. -

186. Therapeutic pedagogy (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl, 2006.- 48s. 48s. -

187. I open the world. Development of children's cognitive abilities (textbook) Printed Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria.-2006.-240s. 240s. -

188. The development of the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006.- 160s. 160s. -

189. Exercises for every day. Logic for preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.- 144. 144s. -

190. Exercises for every day. Logic for younger students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.- 144. 144p. -

191. How to form a healthy lifestyle for a student (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.-192p. 192s. -

192. Preparation and defense of final qualifying works (educational and methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl, Publishing House of YaGPU, 2008.- 51 p. 51s./ 30s. Makeeva T.V.

193. Psychological aspects physical education and sports (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, - 2008. - 55s. 55s./45s. Margazin V.A. et al.

194. Hygiene programs

education of children and adolescents with disabilities (guidelines)

Printed Education, developmental intervention and social

adaptation of children with


health opportunities.-

Yaroslavl, 2008.- 117-130s. 15s/10s Makshantseva E.N.,

Savateeva A.L.

195. Health-saving technologies in the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups) (guidelines) Printed Education, correction of developmental disorders and social

adaptation of children with


health opportunities.-

Yaroslavl, 2008.- 132-148s. 18s./12s. Makshantseva E.N.,

Savateeva A.L.

196. Pedagogical practice of students in the specialty "Oligophrenopedagogy" (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl, Publishing House of YaGPU, 2009.- 60s. 60s/20s Zavertkina L.V. Burykina N.M.

197. Preparation and defense of the final qualifying work. For students of the specialty "Oligophrenopedagogy". (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl, YAGPU Publishing House.- 2009.-57p. 57s./40s. Zavertkina L.V.

198. Education of people with disabilities: theory and practice of developing a professional development program for teachers in rural schools (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, 2009.-61s. 61s./20s. Simanovsky A.E.

Novotortseva N.V.

199. Final state certification in oligophrenopedagogy (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, 2010.- 35s. 35 s./20s. Kalugin M.A.

200. Deviation as a socio-pedagogical problem. Causes, problems and prevention of deviant behavior (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing house of YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, 2010.- 99s. 99s./40s. Burykina N.M.

201. Health-saving technologies in the activities of special (correctional educational institutions (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House of the YAGPU named after KD Ushinsky, 2010.- 71s. 71s.

202. Organization of independent work of students of advanced training courses conducted in the form of remote streaming seminars

The working program of the course of correctional and developmental classes

"Development of cognitive abilities of students"

for children of primary school age ( 7-11 years old )

Compiled by:

educational psychologist

Minaeva M.S.



1. Explanatory note.

2. Calendar-thematic plan.

3. Program content.

4. Results tracking mechanism (program performance evaluation).

5. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

6. List of references.

7. Application.

1. Explanatory note

Relevance of the problem

The relevance of the problem of mental health of children in last years has increased significantly. The growth of neuropsychiatric and somatic diseases, as well as various functional disorders, correlates with a general decline in academic performance, especially at the initial stages of education. According to various studies, the number of students who are unable to master general education programs elementary school, is from 20 to 30% of students, and about 70 - 80% of them need special forms and teaching methods.

Among the underachieving schoolchildren, a special category was identified - children with a temporary delay in mental development. Mental retardation (MPD) is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, in which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool, play interests. The concept of “delay” emphasizes the temporary discrepancy between the level of development and age and, at the same time, the temporary nature of the lag, which is overcome with age the more successfully the earlier adequate conditions for the education and development of children in this category are created.

The lack of special training for teachers makes his work to overcome the difficulties in teaching children with a time delay ineffective. In most cases, the leader uses traditional way work with low-performing students: conducts additional classes with them, consisting mainly in repetition and additional explanation of educational material. However, it is quite obvious that effective assistance to students can only be provided through a psychological approach to the analysis and elimination of problems that have arisen in the learning process.

The role of psychology in the educational process cannot be overestimated. The ideas about the decisive role of education in the process of child development, embodied in the works of scientists L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leontiev, determine the general ways of improving the system of education and upbringing of children. At present, the curricula do not set and solve, as a special task, the formation of proper psychological processes and mechanisms (for example, the formation of perception, attention, memory, imagination, etc.) to overcome difficulties in teaching students. Meanwhile, psychologists have established that the development of students' abilities proceeds in active labor, mental activity, accompanied by an emotional upsurge, and the development of abilities favorably affects the further improvement of the individual.

New time requires the use of various forms and methods for the development of personal and cognitive spheres. It is at the initial stage of education that the child should be brought up in conditions of constant observance of the principle of pedagogical ecology, the creation of a favorable microclimate, ensuring the child a situation of success and self-realization. Of particular importance in this regard are activities with children aimed at developing cognitive abilities, which are designed to help children cope with learning difficulties.

3. Program structure:

3.1. Introduction (explanatory note)

The program "Development of cognitive abilities of students", aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of elementary school students (students in the educational program 1-3). The program is designed for 2 cycles of 18 lessons (36 in total). Diagnostics is provided at the end of each cycle.

The program is designed both for children with a conditional developmental norm and for children with disabilities (subject to the simplification of tasks and the reduction of performance requirements).

The duration of the program implementation is an academic year (36 lessons). Depending on the success of the child, one lesson can be divided into two or three. In this case, it is necessary to complete homework, as independently, together with parents.

Classes are held once a week for 40-50 minutes. The first and last lesson, as well as the lesson at the end of the first cycle, are devoted to the diagnosis of cognitive processes. These diagnostics allow you to track the dynamics of the child's cognitive processes, compare the results of work, and also allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of this program as a whole.

Program Implementation Stages

The program is implemented in several stages:

Stage 1. Purpose: Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere of the child.

Stage 2. Purpose : Development cognitive activity child in accordance with the identified difficulties.

Stage 3. Purpose: Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere of the child at the end of the first cycle of 18 lessons. For children who continue to study according to the program, this diagnostic becomes intermediate between cycles and is designed to monitor the dynamics of cognitive processes, in accordance with which the balance of difficult and easy tasks is adjusted individually in the next cycle.

Stage 4. Final diagnosis at the end school year(36 lessons), analysis of the results. It can also be used to test the program for effectiveness.

The basic concept of a specialist.

Principles for enrolling children in the program:Classes are shown to children with poorly developed voluntary attention, memory, thinking, and motor skills difficulties.

Low school results, lack of achievements are associated with many external and internal reasons among which an important place is occupied by the underdevelopment of cognitive processes in children. The reason for this can be both diseases (congenital or acquired), and pedagogical neglect of the child. As a result, at a certain stage, the child begins to have difficulties in learning, since the underdevelopment of cognitive processes makes it difficult to assimilate more and more new amounts of information, and slows down the learning process. The development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination at primary school age can give good results for further schooling, improve student performance.

Analysis of the scope of the program implementation:

The sphere of implementation of this program is the primary classes of the general education school. It can also be conducted on the basis of other institutions with children with learning difficulties caused by a lack of attention, difficulties in remembering material or with undeveloped thinking.

Predicted results:classes under this program should lead to the development of children's cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills)

At the same time, it is planned not only to achieve a separate result (development of individual “sinking” functions), but also to train preserved functions to create conditions for improving the developmental opportunities of the child as a whole; which in turn should lead to increased academic performance, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

Theoretical justification

Many scientists have noted the importance of the environment for the development of the child, but L.S. Vygotsky was the first to make the transition to the interpretation of the social environment not as a "factor", but as a "source" of personality development. L.S. Vygotsky considered internalization.

The concept developed by L.S. Vygotsky and his school (Leontiev, Luria, etc.) states that the operation of using a sign, which is at the beginning of the development of each of the Higher mental functions, at first always has the form of external activity, i.e. changes from interpsychic to intrapsychic.

This transformation goes through several stages. The initial one is related to the fact that another person (an adult) controls the child's behavior with the help of a certain means, directing the implementation of some kind of "natural", involuntary function. At the second stage, the child himself becomes the subject and, using this psychological tool, directs the behavior of another (assuming him to be an object). At the next stage, the child begins to apply to himself (as an object) those methods of controlling behavior that others applied to him, and he - to them. Thus, Vygotsky writes, each mental function appears on the stage twice - first as a collective, social activity, and then as the child's internal way of thinking. Between these two "outputs" lies the process of internalization, "rotation" of the function inside.

Being internalized, "natural" mental functions are transformed and "collapsed", acquire automation, awareness and arbitrariness. Then, thanks to the developed algorithms of internal transformations, the reverse process of internalization becomes possible - the process of exteriorization - bringing out the results of mental activity, carried out first as an intention in the internal plan.

The learning process is interpreted as a collective activity, and the development of the internal, individual properties of the child's personality has the closest source of his cooperation with other people.

Thus, if a child has a delay in the development of higher mental functions, he needs the help of an adult who would direct the implementation of any involuntary function of the child in the process. joint activities, going from the external to the internal and using auxiliary means: pictures, signs, key words, manipulations with objects.

The main goal of this program: .

From scientific works L.S. Vygotsky follows that memory in childhood is one of the central, basic psychological functions. The child's thinking is largely determined by memory and develops in direct dependence on memory. Attention also plays a significant role, especially when the volume of information received by the child increases at the primary school age and there is a need to actively navigate it. Developing memory and attention in childhood, we teach the child to think. And the construction of a child's personality is directly related to the development of thinking.

Thus, if a child conducts classes aimed at developing memory, attention and thinking, it is possible to develop not only these individual functions, but also creative and cognitive activity, which will lead to the harmonious formation of the child's personality.

Therefore, the main goal this programwill be to increase the level of general development of students, by correcting deviations in the development of the cognitive sphere.

Tasks :

  • Creating a positive emotional mood in the group
  • Development of attention
  • Memory development
  • Development of thinking.

Conditions under which the implementation of the tasks is possible:

Classes are held once a week and include games, outdoor exercises, and discussion of the results with the child.

Those tasks that will be solved by the child in the classroom require mandatory consolidation and reflection together with the parents, thus, a common interest in the family will be formed.

3.2 Main directions and content of activities:

Voynov V.B. notes in his article that, according to V.D. Sonkin, the age period of 6-11 years bears the features of one of the most important in relation to the formation of the psychosomatic essence of an adult. At this time, the maturation of brain structures occurs, which is finally completed by the age of 11. At this time, you can help the child, push his development using developmental methods and help him overcome difficulties before the maturation of brain structures is completed. Based on this, it would be advisable to use developing methods in the work.

main form The implementation of the program is individual lessons, subject to the obligatory completion of homework at home with parents.


1. Methods for the development of the cognitive sphere:

Educational games

Exercises for training and consolidating skills

Individual work in a group with cards.

Solving logic problems

Analytical conversation

2. Methods for developing self-control and self-esteem:

Discussion with the child of classes and homework, with the child's assessment of the difficulty or ease of this or that task for him.

Lesson structure:

1 greeting

2. Warm-up 3. Analysis of the children's homework: what worked, what didn't, where difficulties arose.

4. Training and development of mental mechanisms underlying cognitive abilities - memory, attention, imagination, thinking.

5. Farewell

All classes are built according to a concentric system, each time returning to the topics covered at a higher level, which contributes to the repetition and consolidation of the material already covered.

The effectiveness of classes increases with the observance of the following principles :

Principle from simple to complex;

The principle of accessibility and visibility;

Feedback principle.

3.3 Conditions for the implementation of the program:

Classes with a child are conducted by a teacher-psychologist individually, once a week.

At the same time, a necessary condition is the systematic completion of homework by the child together with the parents and the development of the skills acquired in the classroom at home.

In this regard, it is planneddiscussing with the parent the successes and difficulties of the child and discussing the homework with the parents. Parents are expected to do homework with their child and help as needed.

For classes, you need a room with a table for working on drawings, performing graphic dictations, and working with educational aids. You also need free space to perform exercises on the development of large motor skills. Need a place to store children's work.

For classes, you will need materials for children's creativity: pens, simple pencils, colored pencils, paints, plasticine.

You will also needworkbooks for the development of attention, memory, thinking:

Gavrilova S.E., Kutyavina N.L.,Toporkova I.G. etc. “We develop attention”, “We develop memory”, “We develop thinking”, “Games and exercises for attention and thinking” - M., 2005;

Tikhomirova L.F. Development of cognitive abilities in younger students: A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl, 2004

3.4 Mechanisms for evaluating the results obtained:

3.4.1. Program effectiveness criteria:

For the initial study of the child's attention are taken:

Correction test A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky.

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered 4 or more points received by the child.

The "House" technique can be used if children cannot cope with the "correction test" technique.

It often happens that, despite detailed instructions, children of this age, and especially children with disabilities, are not able to correctly complete the task on the correction test: in the middle of the task, they forget the instructions, go astray and, instead of looking through the lines one by one, begin to cross out the letters from the end or middle pages. In this case, much more accurate results can be given by the "House" method, designed for more younger age, but which, nevertheless, reveals in children of the KRO class difficulties with voluntary attention.

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered from 1 to 0 points scored by the child.

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered to be the overall indicator of switching and distribution of attention in the corridor from 0.75 to 1

For the initial study of the child's memory are taken:

Method "10 words".

The program is recommended for children who memorized 4 or less words. After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered 5 or more words memorized and reproduced by the child. However, the level of memorization from 6 to 7 words and above should be considered optimal.

Pictogram technique.

The program is recommended for children who memorized 4 or less words. After attending classes, 6 or more words memorized by the child can be considered a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes. Although the level of memorization of 7-8 words and above should be considered optimal.

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered that the child remembered and reproduced 7 or more words.

For the initial study of the child's thinking are taken:

Methods "extra subject",

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered that the child not only immediately correctly names the extra object out of five, but can confidently and correctly justify his choice.

- Identification of regularities.

The program is recommended for children who find it difficult to fill a gap in a chain of five items built on the basis of a certain pattern, as well as when the gap is filled incorrectly. If a child finds it difficult to fill in (or fills in incorrectly) an empty cell in a table (3x3 cells), where 3 symbols are located so that a certain pattern is based on their location, then classes in this group are also recommended for him.

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered that the child, having looked at a chain of objects built on the basis of some pattern, can fill in the gap in it and continue this chain, and can also see a pattern in the arrangement of symbols in table (3x3 cells) and correctly fill in the gap in accordance with this pattern.

- "study of the flexibility of thinking"

After attending classes, a satisfactory result, indicating the effectiveness of classes, can be considered that the child scores from 16 points and above on the scale of the level of flexibility of thinking.

The work of the program should be considered effectiveif, after completing the classes, the child scores 4 or more points according to the “correction test” method A.G. Ivanov - Smolensky and / or (in case of difficulty in performing a correction test) scores 1 or 0 points according to the "House" method; if his general indicator of switching and distribution of attention is in the corridor from 0.75 to 1; if the child remembers and reproduces 5 or more words from the first time (out of ten read), and according to the “pictogram” method, reproduces 7-8 words and more; if the child not only immediately correctly names an extra object out of five, but can confidently and correctly justify his choice by looking at a chain of objects built on the basis of some regularity, he can fill in the gap in it and continue this chain, and also can see pattern in the arrangement of symbols in the table (3x3 cells) and correctly fill in the gap in accordance with this pattern, the child scores from 16 points and above on the scale of the level of flexibility of thinking.

3.4.2. Results can also be measured by student performance, which can be obtained from interviews with teachers and parents prior to the start of the program, during classes, and at the end of the program. Thus, the evolution of cognitive activity in younger students is monitored.

Calendar-thematic planning

FULL NAME. teacher Minaeva Maria Sergeevna.

Full name of the program"Development of cognitive abilities of students".

Total number of hours 36 (18+18)

Just 1 hour a week.

The form of training is individual.

Specialist signature

No. p / p

Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Section 1. Diagnosis

Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere

Section 2

Development of concentration and stability of attention

Development of thinking

Search for patterns.

Attention training. Development of thinking

Auditory memory training. Development of thinking

Workout visual memory. Development of thinking

Search for patterns.

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking. Improving mental operations

The development of concentration. Development of thinking

Attention training. Development of thinking

Interim diagnostics

Auditory memory training. Development of thinking


Visual memory training. Development of thinking

Search for patterns.

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking

The development of concentration. Development of thinking

Attention training. Development of thinking

Visual memory training. Development of thinking

Search for patterns.

Auditory memory training. Visual memory training. Development of thinking

Search for patterns.

Improvement of the imagination.

Section 4 Final diagnostics

Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere at the end of the academic year.

Total: 36

Specialist signature

Section 1. Diagnosis

Lesson number 1 Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere

1. Diagnosis of attention.

Correction test

Methodology "house"

Method for diagnosing switching and distribution of attention R.S. Nemov

2. Memory diagnostics:

Method "10 words"

Methodology "Pictograms"

- "Classification of objects"

- "fourth extra"

- "Identification of patterns"

Section 2 Development of the cognitive sphere of students

Lesson #2 Development of concentration and stability of attention.

Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Find the Differences"

The child is asked to compare two pictures and find the differences.

Paired pictures:

Children's room

On the kitchen

Children have lunch

2. Exercise "Find an extra figure" (goal: development of attention and analysis)

The child is offered 4 squares. There are 11 figures in each, except for one, in which there are 10 of them. The child must find the missing figure and name it.

3. Exercise: "Find and circle" (goal: develop attention and recognition)

Two identical butterflies (out of six)

- “hidden” objects in the drawing, where the contours of these objects are superimposed on each other.

In the picture, find and circle objects that occur once.

Homework The child is asked to find and circle

Two identical snowmen (out of eight)

- in two pictures, find and color in the objects that are shown in the frame on the left.

Discussion of the current lesson

  • What did we do today?


Lesson #3 Attention training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Labyrinth"

The child must go through the maze. The path can be drawn with a pencil

In the second part of the task, you need to go through a voluminous labyrinth.

2. Game exercise "Yes and no" do not say "

The child answers the questions of the facilitator. At the same time, he is forbidden to say the words "yes" and "no", as well as to name the colors: blue, green, yellow, red. For each correct answer 1 point, for an incorrect answer a point is deducted.

3. The game "Pass the object" (recognition of the signs of the object)

The child takes an object from the table and, in turn, with the adult, names its signs. Who repeated calls 2 signs.

The game continues until the signs "run out". At the end of the game - analysis: have all the possible signs of the subject been named.

4. Exercise "Find an extra item"

Find an extra item in a row: bus, plane, truck, car, trolleybus

(repeat several times with a different set of items)


Name as many different features of objects as possible (jacket, pan, bicycle).

Finish what is missing in the drawings (a cat and a fish without tails, a stool with three legs, a teapot without a handle, a hare without ears.)

Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson number 4 Auditory memory training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Game exercise "Familiar sound"

The child is invited to close his eyes and listen to 6 different sounds, for example, knocking on glass, on a board, opening a door, knocking on an iron object, the sound of running water, the squeak of a toy, etc.

Then they are again allowed to listen to the sounds, among which you need to try to identify those that the child has already heard. As soon as he hears a familiar sound, he should immediately raise his hand.

2. "10 words"

The child is dictated 10 words, and he must reproduce them immediately and after 10 minutes

3 A conversation about differences

To compare means to be able to find similarities and differences. How do you understand these words?

- ...

Today in class we are going to learn about differences.

The facilitator reads a piece of text

“One day Alfie came home and said to her older sister:

Kati, we will have a competition to see who can distinguish better. Do you know anything about the differences?..

I know the history, she says. - Maybe it's about differences.

Tell me her, - asked Alfie.

You are welcome.

Okay. Once upon a time there were two twins, you understand? Their names were Tweedledum and Tweedledum. They looked exactly the same.

Oh I know! Holly screamed. - The problem is how to distinguish them. And the answer is: by name!

Shut up, Alfie! Let me finish the story, Kathy interrupted. - For their birthday, their parents gave Tweedledum a big red pony and Tweedledum a little green duck. But the twins could not distinguish between the animals. So they tied a blue ribbon around the pony's neck and a green ribbon around the duckling's neck. After that, they were able to distinguish them perfectly.

Katy! Holly screamed. What a stupid story! How can she teach me how to discern well?

Maybe she will teach you what it means to be blind?

Holly shook her head.

Katy, if you tie a blue ribbon for Tweedledum and a green one for Tweedledum? - that would be in a good way distinguish them. Is not it? But why is this not suitable for distinguishing between a pony and a duck? .. "

Alfie's question is forwarded by the adult to the child. As experience shows, sometimes after reading a story, children remain at a loss, not understanding what is required of them. In this case, you can read the story again and focus on the question: “Why is this method not suitable for distinguishing between a pony and a duck?” (Additional question: in what cases is it necessary to resort to methods of distinguishing objects and why is this needed?)

Often, in order to better highlight the features, this object is compared with others.

4. Finding differences (you can use the training album described by the psychologist T.V. Egorova.)

On all even (left) pages of the album, the same drawing is drawn, for example, a cherry. On the odd (right) pages there are also drawings of cherries, but differing from the sample in some one sign. For example, on the first right page is drawn: a blue cherry (a sign of difference - color), on the next right page - a square cherry (a sign of difference - shape), then a giant or tiny cherry (a sign of size), a stone cherry (a sign of substance), etc. d.

If desired, the Host can make and show several pages of the album himself.

Rice. one

The facilitator emphasizes that this album serves to teach the selection of features of young children, so the drawings differ only in one feature. In reality, objects differ from each other in many ways.

The host demonstrates an object, and the child receives two objects (or their names) that differ as much as possible from this one.

Assignment: Write down the characteristics in which the original object differs from the pair of objects to the child.

For example: the original item is a plastic cube. Comparison items: soap, glass, paper, apple, nail, typewriter, sock, etc. Signs of difference: no foam, no change in volume, no slip, opaque, no breakage, retains its shape, inedible, hollow inside, not sharp, motionless, homogeneous, not self-made, etc. When summarizing the results, the child and the adult jointly identify the signs of the original object.


Draw the child's attention to the fact that differences can be found not only in dissimilar objects, but in those that at first glance seem to be exactly the same. Ask him at home to find and write down the differences between the following pairs of objects.

  • two hands of one person;
  • two identical textbooks;
  • two windows;
  • two halves of the board; and etc.

Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson number 5 Visual memory training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Draw a picture from memory."

The child is shown a picture with a geometric pattern for 10 seconds. He must reproduce it. The exercise is repeated 5 times with different pictures.

2. The child is shown cards (9 pieces), each with a row of three geometric shapes. The child must reproduce the sequence.

3. Exercise "Find a common"

The host names 3-4 pairs of words, it is necessary to find common features of these concepts. You can specify the number of features, for example, at least seven.

Word pair examples:

  • zucchini and cucumber;
  • snake and crocodile;
  • a book and a notebook;
  • wardrobe and bedside table;
  • examples "7 - 2" and "9 - 4";
  • addition and multiplication;
  • nouns and adjectives;
  • rain and snow;
  • kindness and courage;
  • cinema and television;
  • school and kindergarten.

After that, the reverse task: the leader names the general features of concepts, and the child must name these concepts. If the task turns out to be difficult, then you can additionally indicate the signs of difference.

Examples of signs of similarity and concepts:

  • birds, live in the city, do not fly away for the winter (sparrow and crow);
  • coniferous trees growing in the European part (spruce and pine);
  • domestic animals, eat grass, give milk (goat and cow);
  • drawing supplies, bring to class (ruler and triangle).

4. Homework

1. Determine the season

early spring and late fall have a lot in common: there is no grass, the trees are bare, the sun is low, there are no swallows, passers-by in jackets and coats ... We distinguish these two seasons, because we know that spring begins after winter, and after summer - autumn ... But Imagine a fantastic situation: aliens have arrived on Earth. Would they be able to tell by any signs what time of year it was? Moreover, their stay is limited to a few days, they don’t want to ask people or find out from the calendar ...

2. "Walk in pictures"

While walking on the street, parents should pay the child's attention to road signs, billboards, shop windows. Upon returning home, ask the child to draw what he remembered.

3. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #6 Search for patterns.

The purpose of the lesson is to search for patterns


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Continue the row"

The child is given 5 rows, at the beginning of each, objects are drawn, arranged in accordance with some pattern. The child must continue the row so that the pattern is not broken.

2. Exercise "Insert the missing item"

The child is given a row of flowers: the first has 4 petals, the second has 3 petals, the third is missing, the fourth has 1 petal.

The following tasks will be built according to the same principle (4-5)

3. Exercise "Find an extra figure"

The child is shown a series of pictures. It is necessary to find the pattern underlying the selection of pictures in this row and find the one that does not fit into the row (4 rows)


1. Try to build a series of pictures yourself like the one in the lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson number 7 Improving the imagination.

The purpose of the lesson is the development of imagination


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise: "Unfinished drawings."

The child is asked to complete 6 pictures, in which the simplest geometric shapes and curved lines do not form a distinct shape.

Tell the child about his drawings, come up with short stories about them or one big story.

2. The game "Guess who I am?"

The child is asked to show some object with gestures or sounds. Question of the psychologist: “What is this object? How did you guess?"

Options: locomotive, kettle, samovar, dog, cat

Then the psychologist and the child change places.

3. Exercise: "Decorate the word" (goal: develop the child's imagination and speech)

The child is asked to pick up as many definitions as possible for each word:

Autumn (what is it?)

House (what is it?)

Winter (what is it?)

Summer (what is it?)

Grandmother (what is she?)

Flower (What is it?)

Mom (what is she?)

Game (what is it?)


1. The child is asked to draw something unusual at home.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #8 Development of logical thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Causal chain exercise

Having arisen, any event, in turn, gives rise to the next event, which may be the cause for the next one, and so on. Thus, a chain of causes and effects is obtained.

On the board (or card) there is a situation with missing links in the causal chain according to the scheme: "Cause - ... - ... - effect."

for instance

They lit a candle - ... - ... - the stand was covered with paraffin.

Restore missing links.

for instance

They lit a candle - the fire melts the paraffin - the paraffin flows down - the stand is covered with paraffin.

Situation examples

  • they began to inflate the balloon - ... - it burst;
  • began to heat the kettle - ... - water droplets appeared on the walls;
  • kindled a fire - ... - coals appeared.

2. Exercise
Find a connection between two seemingly unrelated events.

for instance

"The squirrel dropped a cone from a tree... the truck didn't come to its destination."

Story variant

A squirrel, sitting on a tree, missed a bump. The cone, falling, frightened off a hare sitting under a tree. The hare jumped into the road. The truck driver saw the hare, stopped the car and ran after it. The hare rushed into the forest, the driver behind him. The driver got lost in the forest, and the car with the load did not arrive on time.

Event Examples

  • The janitor took the broom... Mom pricked her finger with a needle.
  • The dog chased the cat... The children wrote a dictation.
  • The milk boiled away... The plane made an emergency landing.
  • The rain washed away all traces... A hammer was placed on the bed.
  • The fire went out long ago... The balcony was painted green.
  • The woodpecker stuck his head out of the hollow... A ship floated along the river.

Performance check: reading the received stories and commenting on them.


1. Homework - “Make an elephant out of a fly”: come up with your own chain, the first link of which will be some small, ordinary event, and the last one will be something global that is important not for one person, but for the whole city or country, maybe even the globe...

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #9 The development of concentration. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Attention game "Forbidden movement"

The leader shows various movements with his hands, the child must repeat them quickly and clearly. At the same time, there is a restriction: if the leader lowers his hands down, this movement does not need to be repeated (the hands remain in the same position they were in before this command).

2. Game exercise: "Numbers"

3. Exercise "Find an extra item"

Find an extra item among the following (pants, jacket, skirt, vest, boot). Explain why it is redundant.

Repeat the exercise with a different set of objects.


1. "Collect a vase." The child must write on the broken pieces of the vase the numbers of its fragments.

2. "Assemble the bike" The child must use the arrows to "put all parts of the bike in place"

3 . Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #10 Attention training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Game for attention "Repeat - excel"

The leader shows various movements. If the movement is accompanied by an appropriate command (for example: “Hands up!”), Then it must be repeated. If the movement follows without a command, it is not necessary to repeat it, but you need to “distinguish yourself”: show another movement.

2. Game exercise: "Alphabet"

The child and the adult distribute the vowels and consonants of the alphabet among themselves. The facilitator dictates a phrase, and together with the child, as if on a typewriter, “prints out” this phrase. The typing of each letter is indicated by clapping the hands of the participant to whom the group of this letter is assigned (vowel-consonant).

3. Exercise: "Make a row"

The child is shown a number of objects on the cards: a flag, a ball, a pyramid. It is necessary to place them so that the pyramid is to the left of the ball, but to the right of the flag.

The same can be repeated with another set of pictures.

4. Exercise "What is missing in the picture"

The child is shown two pictures on one sheet as a sample: a Christmas tree and spruce branch(or ship and wave)

By the same principle, children must complete the second picture on a sheet with a tree (second option: by plane).

The task is repeated on another material


1. The child is offeredarrange 3 snowflakes, 3 suns and 3 stars in the cells of a 3x3 square so that each row and each column has one of them.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #11 Auditory memory training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Game exercise "Grandma was packing her suitcase."

The host starts the game with the phrase: "Grandma was packing her suitcase and put it in ...", then he names any object. The child repeats the phrase and the name of the subject spoken by the first leader, and then adds his own subject, the word again passes to the leader, etc.

The game takes turns. It is very important that the items that the child calls are repeated in the same sequence in which they were called in the game.

2. Exercise "Memorize numbers"

The child is read 12 two-digit numbers, and he must reproduce them.

3. Exercise "Remember a couple"

Pairs of words (10 pieces) are read to the child, then only the first words in a pair. He must repeat the second word.

4. Exercise "Find a concept"

The child is offered 4 groups of different items. Each group has 4 subjects. It is necessary to understand what is common between groups and guess what concept was meant.

5. Exercise "Color the figures"

The child is offered pieces various shapes. It should color only those that can form a triangle


1 . The child is offeredarrange 3 sad faces, 3 neutral faces and 3 funny faces in the cells of a 3x3 square so that there is one of them in each row and in each column.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №12 Training of visual memory. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Find the shapes"

The child is shown a table of 3x3 cells, where abstract figures (9 pieces) are depicted. The child is asked to carefully look at these figures and try to remember them. Take 30 seconds to memorize nine figures, after which the table is removed and the child is shown another 5x5 table, where, in addition to 9 figures from the previous table, there are others (25 in total). All figures are numbered. The child is invited to indicate the numbers of the figures that had to be remembered.

Pay attention to the child that 3 minutes are allotted to find the correct shapes. After the time is up, invite the child to take a pencil of a different color and check the correctness of the assignment. Let the child independently calculate how many points they scored in this game. For each correctly remembered figure - 1 point

2. Exercise "Remember and draw."

The child is invited to look at the table, 2x10 in which figures and their signs are drawn in pairs.The child needs to carefully look at the figures and signs and remember everything that is drawn. 3 minutes to memorize. The game starts on command and ends with the word: "Stop!"

Then the child is given a form with a 2x10 table, where the figures that he memorized are drawn in the left column.. He is asked to draw for each figure its sign, in the empty cells of the right column.(Focus the child's attention on where to draw signs for the figures.)

The child is asked to draw as many signs as he can remember. Runtime - 5 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the task is checked. The child checks his work by referring to the table. For each correctly drawn figure, 1 point is awarded, then the total score is calculated.

3. Exercise "Remember the picture"

The child is shown a picture on which 10 objects are drawn. When the picture is removed, he is asked to remember what was drawn on it.

4. Exercise "Color the towers"

The child is given a picture with 4 towers of different heights and is given instructions:

"Paint the highest tower yellow, the lowest - in brown, the tower that is higher than all but yellow - in blue, the tower that is lower than all but brown - in red.

5. Exercise "What is missing?"

The child is shown cards divided in half: on the first cat and fish, on the second, a cup and a spoon. Then the child is given other cards, in which one half is free. On the other half of the dog (or plate), the child must, by analogy with the first cards, complete the missing item.


1. The child is given a square of 2x2 cells, one of the cells of which is empty. It is necessary to choose from the squares with icons drawn next to the one that is suitable for filling an empty cell (+ a similar task with other signs).

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #13 Search for patterns.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Find the sequence"

The child is given a set of randomly alternating HBO letters (4 lines), and is given the task to find a combination of OVN in these lines and circle it.

2. Exercise "String beads"

The child is asked to draw a straight line in a notebook. This is a line. Beads are strung on it. The adult dictates the first 3: flower, mushroom, apple. Then the child must continue on his own so that a certain pattern is obtained, based on a certain pattern. (The exercise is repeated several times)

3. Exercise: "Fill in the row"

The child is shown a 4x4 square of cells, the upper rows of which are filled with icons of an alarm clock, a ball, a star, a bucket, arranged in a certain pattern.

The child is asked to choose necessary items from the list (alarm clock, month, ball, cloud, pyramid, star, bucket) fill in the bottom row, following the pattern.

4. The child is given a 3x3 square, in the cells of which domino checkers are located: 4 dots, 2.3 and 5 dots. One cell is empty. Children must guess what is in the empty cell.


1. The child is given a picture with beads. Beads of three colors. We need to find the pattern of their location.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson #14 Improvement of the imagination.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise: “Unfinished drawings” (goal: develop imagination and holistic perception)

The child is asked to finish 9 pictures (3 options, 3 pictures each), on which the contours of objects are outlined (1 option: star, ship, hammer, 2 option: car, flower, watering can, 3 option: plane, key, jug). However, these contours are either not completed, or there are gaps in them. The child must understand what should be shown in the picture and complete the contour to the full image.

Children's stories about their drawings.

2. The game "Magic Transformations"

The host invites the player to portray some animal or object. And guess who or what it is. Then the child guesses who / what the adult depicted.

3. Exercise "Using objects." (goal: develop imagination, fantasy, thinking)

The child is asked to list all possible uses of the named object (newspaper, pencil, brush, paper, chair, table, book)


1 . As a continuation of the last exercise, the child is asked to think and list all possible cases of using the following items: cans, hats, scarves, stools, cars, balls.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №15 Development of logical thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise: build logical chains based on next material:

First you need to find the obvious, that is, the most logical answers (you can connect them with an arrow with a question), and then prove that any of the other answers can also be the cause of this event.

2. Exercise "Composing a story"

The child is asked to arrange the pictures so that one event follows logically from the other and make up a coherent story from the pictures.

3. Solving logical problems for ordering

The facilitator reads the text of the problem, the child answers.

Task examples

  • Petya is older than Masha, and Masha is older than Kolya. Who is the oldest? (Peter.)
  • Serezha is taller than Natasha, and Olya is taller than Serezha. Who is the tallest? (Olya.)
  • Vanya is thinner than Misha, but fatter than Andrey. Who is the skinniest? (Andrey.)
  • Katya iaee than Liza. Lisa is eaee than Lena. Who eaee all? (Katia.)
  • Ps is more fun than Lvd. Prs is sadder than Xn. Who is the funniest? (Xn.)
  • Vshf klmnee than Dvt. Zhkn klmnee than Vshf. Who is the smartest of all? (Zhkn.)
  • A horse is lower than a fly. The horse is taller than the giraffe. Who is the tallest?(?)

When solving "mysterious" problems (with incomprehensible words), children often first try to find out, decipher what these words mean. The facilitator shows that this is not necessary to find the answer.

The last task is a "trap": in it, logical conclusions come into conflict with reality. When solving such problems, two answers should be given: one is formally logical, arising from the condition; and the second, showing the fallacy of the first answer from the standpoint of common sense. When solving ordering problems, it is recommended to write conditions with the signs "" or use schemes. At the same time, the “>” sign denotes any superior sign: older, taller, fatter, more fun, etc.

Vanya is older than Petya. Dima is younger than Kolya. Petya is older than Kolya. Vanya is younger than Yura. Who is the oldest?

Solution algorithm option

  1. Write the condition using the signs: V> P, DK, V
  2. Bring all records to a single form: B> P, K> D, P> K, Yu> B;
  3. Arrange in order: Yu>V, V>P, P>K, K>D, or Yu>V>P>K>D;
  4. Answer the question of the problem: Yura is the oldest.

The resulting algorithm is proposed to be used for an independent solution of a more complex ordering problem.

6 trees grow near the post office: pine, birch, linden, poplar, spruce and maple. Which of the trees is the tallest and which is the lowest, if it is known that birch is lower than poplar, linden is higher than maple, pine is lower than spruce, linden is lower than birch, pine is higher than poplar?

(Spruce is the tallest tree, maple is the shortest.)


1. Independently solve the problem: There are 6 people in the family: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter. Who in the family cooks dinner best of all, if it is known that mother does it worse than grandmother, grandfather better daughter, dad is worse than son, grandfather is worse than mom, dad is better than grandmother?

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №16 Development of concentration of attention. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Hands and feet attention game

At one clap of the psychologist, the child raises his hands up (or lowers them if they were raised); two claps - gets up (or sits down if standing). The pace and sequence of claps change.

2. Game for attention "Day, night"

When an adult says "Day!", The child can perform any movement when "Night!" - should freeze (sleep). The adult calls the teams in random order.

3. The game of attention "On the contrary"

The adult shows any movements, and the child must do everything the other way around. If the leader raises his hands, the child should lower them, if the leader crouches, then the child jumps.

4. Exercise "Pick up the missing piece for each cube"

The child is given a piece of paper with 4 painted cubes. A piece is cut from each different shapes. Task: find the missing piece for each cube and color the cube and the piece in the same color.

5. Exercise "Arrange the objects"

The child is asked to arrange 3 pyramids, 3 apples, 3 balls in a 3x3 grid so that there is only one of them in each row and in each column.


1. The child is given a picture where a ball, a mushroom and a flower are shown in a row. Task: Arrange the pictures different ways(As many as they can find.)

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №17 Attention training. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Attention game "Dwarfs and Giants"

At the command "Giants!" you need to raise your hands up, at the command "Dwarfs!" - sit down. If the combined word sounds - “Dwarfs!” or "Great!" - you need to sit down and raise your hands. The game is played at a fast pace.

2. Exercise "The most attentive"

Toys of approximately the same size are displayed on the table. The child must remember the order of the toys. Then he turns away. At this time, the toys change places. The child must say who stood where.

Modifications: One or more of the toys is removed or added. The child must say what was missing / appeared.

It is better to start with four or five toys, gradually increasing their number to 10.

3. Exercise "Artist"

At the psychologist's clap, the child begins to sing a well-known song. When an adult claps twice, the child continues to sing mentally, "to himself" when one clap is out loud.

4. Exercise "What is superfluous?"

The child must find an extra item from those offered to him (you can repeat several times)

5. Exercise "Colorize the figure."

The child is invited, using 4 colors, to color the connected figures so that the figures of the same color do not touch.


1. Color only those figures from the proposed ones, from which you can make a circle.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №18 Intermediate diagnostics.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • Was it difficult to complete the task?

The main content of the lesson

1. Diagnosis of attention: proofreading test, R.S. Nemov, method "Correct mistakes",

2. Memory diagnostics: "10 words", "Pictograms", diagnostics of auditory and visual memory. Diagnostics of semantic memory, combined type of memory

3. Diagnosis of thinking: "classification of objects", "fourth extra"


Lesson №19 Training of auditory memory. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise: "Listen and draw" (the goal is to develop auditory memory and attention)

The child is asked to listen to the story and draw a picture that accurately reflects its content.

Text: On Sunday I made three wonderful snowmen. Blinded them from lumps of snow. One turned out big, the other - smaller, and the third is very tiny. The hands of the first and second are snowballs, and the third is made of knots. On the heads of the first and third - hair from branches, the second - an old bucket. Instead of a nose, carrots are inserted. Coal eyes.

2. Exercise "Retelling"

Listen to an excerpt from the story "Swallow" by K.D. Ushinsky, answer the questions:

- who is it talking about?

What did the swallow do?

What did the swallow build its nest from?

Why didn't the swallow know peace?

- where will the children of the swallow fly?

3. Exercise "Retelling"

Listen to an excerpt from the story "Woodpecker" by K.D. Ushinsky, answer the questions:

- Who is it talking about?

What did the woodpecker look like?

-What did the woodpecker do?

Who got scared of the woodpecker and hid?

4. Exercise: "Squares and circles"

It is necessary to circle all the squares on the proposed form with a blue pencil, circles with red, and small figures with blue.

5. Connect objects with opposite properties with lines (objects: a cup of tea, a refrigerator, a weight, the sun, a mouse, a feather, ice cream, a stove, a month, an elephant)


1. Divide objects into 2 groups according to some criteria: fork, scissors, weight, fence, pencil, bench, barrel, ruler, pan, button, needle. Justify the division.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №20 Training of visual memory. Development of thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "Points"

The child is shown a field of 4x4 cells. There are dots in 6 cells. The child must remember the location of the points and reproduce them on a 4x4 open field (the task is repeated 6 times with different sample cards)

2. Exercise "Remember Color"

Same as with dots, but instead of dots, the cells are colored in different colors. The child must memorize and reproduce

3. Exercise "Remember the picture."

The child is shown a picture, and then they ask questions about it:

How many trees are in the picture?

- how many animals?

- who is sitting on the stump?

How many mushrooms are in the picture?

What grows to the right of the birch?

How many stumps are in the picture?

This exercise is repeated several times with different pictures.

4. Exercise "What should be in the cells"

The child is offered 3 grids 3x3, each has a free cell. It is necessary to understand by what principle the symbols are arranged in the cells and to finish the missing one.


1 . Put the cards in order, reflecting the construction of a house from cubes, so that the correct sequence of events is obtained.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №21 Search for patterns.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise "What is extra in each row?"

2 rows of 4 squares containing geometric shapes are given. It is necessary to find an extra square in each row.

2. Exercise "Continue the row"

4 rows are given, at the beginning of each 4 characters are drawn. It is necessary to continue the series in such a way that the pattern laid down in the first four is not violated.

3. Exercise "Draw the figure"

4 squares are given, in 3 there are figures that imply a certain pattern. It is necessary to finish the fourth, so that the pattern is not violated.

4. Exercise "Color the rug"

It is necessary to find a pattern from the colored fragment and color the rug.

All exercises are repeated several times.


1. Find the hatching pattern of the first figure in the pattern consisting of a chain of similar figures and continue hatching the pattern without violating the pattern.

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №22 Improving the imagination.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1. Exercise: "Find similar objects" (goal: to teach to distinguish different properties in an object and operate with each of them)

. The child is asked within 10 minutes to write as many words as possible denoting objects that are similar in some properties to the named object: shower, dragonfly, fan, airplane, lamp, watermelon.

2. Exercise: "Find common properties of objects" (goal: to teach the child to find connections between objects, to clarify the idea of ​​essential and non-essential features of objects)

The child is asked to write in 10 minutes as many common features and properties of the named objects as possible:

- cup and can

-chalk and flour

- matryoshka and designer

3. Exercise "Imagine if ...".

The child is asked to imagine and depict:

how to thread a needle

How do you blow out candles on a birthday cake?

- a clock with a pendulum that strikes



- a hairdresser who does hair

- fisherman


1. Write as many general properties of the following items as possible:

- wood and notebook

- dish and boat

-pencil and charcoal

2. Complete a series of tasks for the development of the cognitive sphere from the site

Discussion of the current lesson.

  • What did we do today?
  • How was work today? What hindered? What helped?
  • How do I end the lesson? Draw a mood.


Lesson №23 Development of logical thinking.


Homework discussion

  • what worked and what didn't
  • was it difficult to complete the task

The main content of the lesson

1 Logic problem solving: family relationships

Task examples

  • The father of one person is called Nikolai Petrovich, and the son is Alexei Vladimirovich. What is the name of this person? (Vladimir Nikolaevich.)
  • Two fathers, two sons and a grandfather and grandson were walking down the street. They see they sell ice cream. How many servings do they need to buy so that each has one? (Options are from 3 to 6 servings.)
  • Ivan Petrovich is Nina Ivanovna's father, and Katya is Nina Ivanovna's daughter. Who is Katya Ivan Petrovich? (Granddaughter.)
  • Is such a sentence possible: “You are my son, but I am not your father.” (Yes, if the mother says it.)
  • There are several children in the family. One child says that he has a brother and a sister. Another child says he doesn't have a sister. How many children are in the family? How many boys and how many girls? (Three: two boys and a girl.)
  • Ivanov was asked who is depicted in the portrait in his room. Ivanov replied: "The father of the person depicted in the picture is the only son of the one who says this." Whose portrait is this? (Grandson.)

2. Using an algorithm to solve problems of finding a match by features (5-6 min)

The task is written on the board: “In the running competition, Serezha, Grisha and Kolya took the first three places. What place did everyone take if it is known that Grisha did not take second or third place, and Seryozha did not take third?

- It is more convenient to solve such problems using a table.

(The adult is on the board, and the children in the notebook draw and fill in the table in sequence.)

- In the lines it is written about whom or what the task is about, in the columns - what you need to know.

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

1st place

2nd place

3rd place







- Then the remaining cells are sequentially filled after the analysis of the data obtained: if two of the three cells contain a minus sign, then a plus sign must be put in an empty cell; if in one cell there is a “+”, then in all other cells of the same line and column you need to put “-”.




- After all the cells of the table are filled, you can answer the question of the problem: Grisha took the first place, Seryozha - the second, and Kolya - the third.

It is advisable to verbally compose a brief algorithm for solving the problem.

Step 1.Build a table.

Step 2Designate with signs "+" and "-", which is known by condition.

Step 3Fill in the remaining cells.

Step 4Conclusion - problem solving

3. Exercise to solve problems using the algorithm.

Task examples

(several groups get the same):

  • Three friends are talking: Stepanov, Ivanov, Petrov. Vanya told Stepanov: "It's curious, one of us is Ivan, the other is Peter, the third is Stepan, but none of us have a first name that matches the last name." What was the name of each friend? (Stepanov Petya, Ivanov Stepan, Petrov Vanya.)
  • Sveta, Marina, Andrey, Kirill and Yura keep pets. Everyone either has a cat, or a dog, or a parrot. Girls don't keep dogs, and boys don't keep parrots. Sveta doesn't have a cat. Sveta and Marina have different animals. Marina and Andrei are the same. Andrei and Cyril are different. Cyril and Yura are the same. What animals does everyone have? (Sveta has a parrot, Marina has a cat, Andrei has a cat, Kirill has a dog, Yura has a dog.)
  • The bottle, glass, jug and jar contain milk, lemonade, kvass and water. It is known that water and milk are not bottled. Lemonade stands between a jug and kvass. There is no lemonade or water in the jar. The glass stands between the jar and the milk. Which vessel contains each of the liquids? (Milk in a jug, lemonade in a bottle, kvass in a jar, water in a glass.)

1. Determine the mass of the gearbox:

where ρ is the density of cast iron, 7.4 10 3 kg / m 3;

φ - fill factor, 8.6 fig. 12.3;

d 1, d 2 - pitch diameters, see table. 4.3;

2. Determine the technical level of the gearbox:

where T 2 - torque, see table. 2.2


then. according to the table 12.1 we determine that the technical level of the gearbox is average, in most cases the production is not economically justified


1. Chernavsky S.A., Bokov K.N., Chernin M.I. et al. /Course design of machine parts./, 3rd ed. - M.: "Alliance", - 2005. - 416 p.

2. Chernilevsky DV, / Machine parts. Design of drives for technological equipment./, 3rd ed. - M .: "Engineering", - 2004. - 560 p.

3. Sheinblit A. E., /Course design of machine parts./, 2nd ed. revised and additional – Kaliningrad: “Amber. tale" - 2002. - 254 p.

Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children.

A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 192 p., ill.

The development of the cognitive, or intellectual, abilities of the child should be the constant concern of parents, educators, and teachers.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

I8ВN 5-7797-0004-4 © design, "Academy of Development", 1996 © Tikhomirova L. F. „ 1996 © Artists Dusiv M., Kurov V., 1996

I. Development of cognitive processes in preschool children

1. Perception

Features of the perception of preschool children

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children

Diagnosis of the level of perception in preschool children

Features of the memory of preschool children

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of memory in preschool children

Diagnosis of memory in preschool children

3. Attention

Features of attention in preschool children

Games and exercises aimed at developing attention in preschool children

Diagnostics of the level of attention of preschool children

Conclusion to Part I


II. The development of cognitive processes in children of primary school age

1. Perception

Features of the perception of children of primary school age

Exercises for the development of perception in children of primary school age

Game training for the development of perception and observation in elementary school students

Diagnosis of perception in children of primary school age

Features of the memory of children of primary school age

Tasks and exercises for the development of memory of younger students

Game training for the development of memory in elementary school students

Diagnostics of the memory of younger students

3. Attention

Features of the attention of children of primary school age

Games and exercises for developing the attention of children of primary school age

Game training to develop the attention of younger students

Methods for diagnosing the features of attention of younger students

Conclusion to Part II


The previous book, The Development of Logical Thinking in Children, was devoted to the formation of such an important process of human consciousness, or the psyche, as thinking in children of preschool and primary school age. In this book, we talk about the development of such mental processes as perception, attention, memory, without which it is also impossible to successfully teach a child at school. The chapters of the book contain detailed information about what perception, attention, memory are, what are the features of these mental processes in children of preschool and primary school age, how to assess the level of formation of cognitive abilities in children and what games, activities, exercises can be used to develop them.

Tikhomirova Larisa Fedorovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.

In 1979 she graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Yaroslavl State Medical University with a degree in treatment and prevention. In 1989 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. From 1990 to 1998 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology and Medical Problems in Education of the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educational Workers.

In 1993, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor in this department. From 1998 to 2000, she worked as vice-rector for scientific and methodological work of the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators. From 1999 to 2000, she underwent professional retraining at the State Educational Institution of the Yaroslavl Region, the Institute for Advanced Training of Educational Workers in Social Pedagogy - Family Psychology. In 2001 she entered the doctoral program at the Department of Social Management of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after I.I. K.D. Ushinsky, at the same time conducted classes with students, working at the department social pedagogy as an assistant professor.

In 2004, L.F. Tikhomirova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Elected by competition for the position of professor of the department of social pedagogy of the YSPU. K.D. Ushinsky. Tikhomirova L.F. has over 100 published scientific papers.

Books (5)

Logics. Children 5-7 years old

The tasks, exercises and games presented in this manual will help develop the thinking of older preschool children, teach them to highlight essential features objects, compare according to essential and non-essential features, generalize and classify objects.

The manual is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers, parents. Will provide significant assistance in preparing children for school.

Mathematics in elementary school. Educational games, tasks, exercises

An elementary school teacher faces an important task: not only to familiarize children with the basics of science, but also to instill interest in academic subjects, to develop the cognitive abilities of young students. This fully applies to mathematics.

This manual contains exercises and didactic games, contributing to a more conscious and deep assimilation of programmatic mathematical materials, the development of thinking, memory, attention in younger students.

The development of the intellectual abilities of the student

The manual contains materials on the diagnosis of the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren, as well as tasks and exercises for their development. The use of trainings and games will make this process more emotionally enjoyable, and, consequently, more effective.

A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 192 p., ill.

The development of the cognitive, or intellectual, abilities of the child should be the constant concern of parents, educators, and teachers.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

I8ВN 5-7797-0004-4 © design, "Academy of Development", 1996 © Tikhomirova L. F. „ 1996 © Artists Dusiv M., Kurov V., 1996

I. Development of cognitive processes in preschool children

1. Perception

Features of the perception of preschool children

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children

Diagnosis of the level of perception in preschool children

Features of the memory of preschool children

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of memory in preschool children

Diagnosis of memory in preschool children

3. Attention

Features of attention in preschool children

Games and exercises aimed at developing attention in preschool children

Diagnostics of the level of attention of preschool children

Conclusion to Part I


II. The development of cognitive processes in children of primary school age

1. Perception

Features of the perception of children of primary school age

Exercises for the development of perception in children of primary school age

Game training for the development of perception and observation in elementary school students

Diagnosis of perception in children of primary school age

Features of the memory of children of primary school age

Tasks and exercises for the development of memory of younger students

Game training for the development of memory in elementary school students

Diagnostics of the memory of younger students

3. Attention

Features of the attention of children of primary school age

Games and exercises for developing the attention of children of primary school age

Game training to develop the attention of younger students

Methods for diagnosing the features of attention of younger students

Conclusion to Part II


The previous book, The Development of Logical Thinking in Children, was devoted to the formation of such an important process of human consciousness, or the psyche, as thinking in children of preschool and primary school age. In this book, we talk about the development of such mental processes as perception, attention, memory, without which it is also impossible to successfully teach a child at school. The chapters of the book contain detailed information about what perception, attention, memory are, what are the features of these mental processes in children of preschool and primary school age, how to assess the level of formation of cognitive abilities in children and what games, activities, exercises can be used to develop them.

All tasks, exercises, games are arranged in such a way that their degree of complexity increases. Therefore, we recommend that parents, teachers involved with children, adhere to a certain sequence when conducting classes.

We remind you that the duration of classes with preschool children should not exceed 20 minutes, the duration of classes with students of the first grade - 30 minutes, the second-fourth grades - 40 minutes.