
Teaching aids for dow according to fgos. Teaching aids Methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions


A lot of attention needs to be paid to the upbringing of a child in preschool age. First of all, this is necessary in order to correct and direct the development of the child in the right direction, which will make the process of personality development harmonious. It is also important that all the practices that are used for preschool education are correct and appropriate and do not harm the baby.

Handbook for kindergarten teachers: why the Internet is not suitable?

Many parents who take their children to kindergarten and educators mistakenly think that in finding the necessary benefits, you can count on the help of the World Wide Web. There is indeed a lot of information on the Internet, but not all sources deserve attention. Many benefits are very unreliable, and, therefore, it is very undesirable to use the methods of education given in such sources. And the very selection of the necessary and worthwhile information will take a lot of time, sometimes it does not even bring the expected result.

Any educator who works with children preschool age, at least once was interested in the possibility of finding really useful literature and manuals. And this is not strange, because no matter how good the teacher is, and no matter how great his experience is, there are no boundaries for self-improvement. And, of course, you need to draw wisdom from books and manuals.

Motivation of children: what is it for and is it necessary at all?

Motivation for activity - Organizing time classes (for older children it can be inside the class). At this stage, a positive attitude of the child to creative activity in the classroom is organized, namely: conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in creative activity (“I want”), a content area (“I can”) is highlighted: good wishes, moral support, motto, riddle, conversation, message.

Everything for the educator or the sequence of development of children's abilities, according to the authors of the manuals

The first part of the lesson is communicative activity. Communication stage. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities. This stage involves preparing children for creative activity: updating knowledge, skills, skills sufficient to perform creative tasks; training of relevant creative operations. Recommendations for conducting: collective polylogue, communicative interaction, conversation, application emotional component: "bright spot", praise.

The second part of the lesson is the stage cognitive activity. Formulation of the problem.

Building a project for getting out of difficulties (“discovery” of new knowledge by children). Tasks are planned for enrichment, updating of creative experience. Recommendations: use motor activity, material and materialized models.

The third part of the lesson is the stage of creative activity.

Primary consolidation of acquired knowledge in creative activity. Children in the form of communicative interaction solve creative problems. Recommendations for conducting: communicative interaction based on verbal and sign fixation, competitions, game situations.

The fourth part of the lesson is the stage of evaluation and control activities. Permanent work in the chosen direction of creativity (drawing, design, music, modeling). At this stage of the lesson, an individual form of interaction is used: older preschoolers independently perform creative tasks to apply a new method of action, independently evaluate their own creative work.

The emotional orientation of the stage is to organize a situation of success, which helps to attract children to further creative activity. After completion, the level of correspondence between the set goal and the results of creative activity is fixed, and the goal of subsequent creative activity is determined.

The use of interactive games (games for interaction) in teaching preschool children increases group creative activity, which is based on identifying each member of the group in a given situation, on encouraging the search for a problem solution.

Authoritative manuals for kindergarten teachers very often provide interesting methods and methods of working with children. Below are the stages of interactive lessons, which are very often found in manuals, and which any teacher can use.

Communication stage. Motivation. Presentation of the topic of the lesson.

The goal is to focus the attention of children on a creative task and arouse interest in it; to ensure that children understand the content of creative activity, that is, what they can achieve in the classroom, what the teacher expects from them. The use of questions short stories, small tasks-problems (up to 3 min.).

Stage of cognitive activity. Getting the information you need

The goal is to give children enough information to carry out a creative task on its basis (updating knowledge). A small survey (up to 5 minutes) is appropriate.

Stage of creative activity

The interactive exercise is the central part of the lesson. The goal is to master creative activities. The sequence of this stage: instruction - familiarization with the purpose and rules of creative activity, the sequence of actions and the amount of time to complete the creative task; determining the need for individual assistance; grouping according to a certain sign (criterion) or distribution of roles performing a creative task (teacher - organizer, leading consultant, is nearby) presentation of work results (up to 12 min.)

Stage of evaluation and control activities.

Purpose: discussion to highlight what has been done creative work, pay attention to the coincidence (or vice versa) of the expected and obtained results. Questions for children: what new things did you learn; how it can be used and the like (up to 3 min.).

The system of tasks offered to children can be conditionally called “What did we learn about? What have we learned? ". Here are options for questions for conversation: what did you learn? What have you learned? How? Where will they be applied? What creative task was the most interesting for you? What discoveries did you make for yourself? What new have you learned? What surprised you? What new games do you like? Remember who helped whom in class? What do you remember the most? Where did the complication occur? What exactly are you proud of after class? What did you not want to do in class? Why? What didn't work for you in class? What are the results of the group? (My own)? Who can be praised? To whom would you like to brag about your success? It is possible to use special signals - colors, signs, scales to indicate the degree of achievement of the goal of the activity.

The principle of dominance: what do manuals say about this?

The principle of dominance in a lesson with children is realized when educators pay attention to some issue, problem, section, that is, the emphasis is placed on only one (any) type of creative activity with children (this type dominates). Other activities act as ancillary. The means of learning include: a cultural creative environment, communication between an adult and a child, specially organized classes.

When defining and formulating the goal, in addition to the priority goal - the development of creative abilities - the educator needs to set the nature of games and exercises, which must necessarily change from lesson to lesson, allowing you to diversify the child's creative activity, preserving and supporting its positive emotions. Any games only give results when children play them with interest, with enthusiasm. Likewise, creativity is always interesting, a hobby.

If any child's business is considered as a kind of game-creativity, then it will develop such important characteristics creativity like:

  • speed of thought - the ability to generate largest number ideas, in fact - the number of ideas, a unit of time elapses;
  • flexibility of thinking - the ability to easily move from phenomena of one class polar in content to another;
  • originality - the ability to formulate new, unexpected ideas that differ from the generally accepted ones;
  • elaboration - the ability to simply generate ideas, but also creatively develop them,
  • courage - the ability to make decisions in situations of uncertainty;
  • curiosity - openness and interest in everything new, the ability to notice the unusual in everything ordinary, to be surprised by it.

Among the ways of developing creativity, cognitive activity, independence, self-realization of children, one should mention the need to use various tasks in working with preschoolers. These can be tasks of an educational, developing, cognitive, intellectual, labor, creative nature.

As you can see, raising children is such a complex and multifaceted process that it will be extremely difficult for even the most experienced teacher to do without special literature. This is the need to choose an authoritative manual for a kindergarten teacher. It is the allowance during educational process will be a kind of guide that will not let you go astray and will allow you to get high results.

What creative tasks for preschool children can be set?

The development of creative abilities in preschool children is one of the priority tasks of the teacher. To achieve maximum results, he needs a special allowance.

Based on the analysis of the pedagogical aspects of psychological and pedagogical creative tasks, as well as taking into account the developmental features of the cognitive activity of a preschool child, scientists have developed a classification of creative tasks. At the same time, the types of activities inherent in preschoolers that provide for the manifestation of creativity (graphic, verbal, musical, mathematical) were taken into account. Thus, authoritative experts have identified the following types of creative tasks (often found in special manuals for teachers and can be used in practice):

  • fine art drawing tasks different materials; various techniques execution of the drawing; the end of the started drawing (when a certain set of lines is set) drawing with eyes closed;
  • musical creative tasks for inventing humoresques;
  • Singing songs in "different voices";
  • compositions of dances to music;
  • pantomimic transmission of images like "unusual dances", playing in a noise orchestra;
  • verbal creative assignments for the selection of rhymes, drawing up the beginning and end of a verse; phonetic difference of sounds and selection of options for their application; tasks in verse-dialogues; riddle tasks
  • logical and mathematical problems of a variable nature with forms, values, numbers;
  • creative tasks of the combined type.
  • for example, to listening to "magic sounds", their further interpretation in movements, verbal or pictorial efficiency.

As the analysis of scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature shows, the development of the creative abilities of preschool children is possible under the following conditions:

  • ensuring the personality-oriented nature of pedagogical interaction;
  • pedagogical stimulation of creative self-realization in the process of gaming activity, creation of an emotionally favorable educational environment;
  • the gradual inclusion of preschoolers in creative activities (interpretation, improvisation); the introduction of elements of the integration of arts into the educational process;
  • observance of the principles of consistency, dominance and variability;
  • application of the developed forms;
  • compliance with the technology of the lesson.


Of course, there are fairy tales in every home, and they are read to children of all ages in the preschool period. Children take a lot of knowledge from fairy tales: the first ideas about time and space, about the connection of man with nature, the objective world. In fairy tales, for the first time, children experience, as it were, courage and steadfastness, good and evil.

However, many fairy tales are cruel and in the very content they carry suppression, violence and other negative aspects. Adults themselves are convinced of this, telling how the fox ate the kolobok, how the sisters mocked Cinderella, how hard life is for Ivan the Fool.

Another problem is that fairy tales are not presented to preschoolers in a variety of ways; this is reading, storytelling, at best a story in faces or dramatization, watching performances, cartoons and movies based on familiar fairy tales. Fairy tales are not fully used for the development of imagination, thinking, speech creativity and education of good feelings.

To solve this problem, a method of working with a fairy tale is proposed. Since fairy tales, as well as many works of art, are not fully used in the family and in the system preschool education for the development of children, I offer you a scheme for working with works of art, which consists of seven sections.

◆ Moral Lesson

◆ Cultivating good feelings

◆ Voice charging

◆ Development of thinking and imagination

◆ Fairy tale and math

◆ Fairy tale and ecology

◆ Fairy tale develops hands

Of course, all seven sections proposed in the scheme are chosen conditionally and do not claim to be fully used in all works. There may be fewer, or there may be more. Teachers can choose from the scheme those tasks that seem to them important, interesting, useful for a particular group of children or a situation. It is not necessary to study every fairy tale in all sections. Do not be embarrassed if in some fairy tale there is no material for the section "ecology" or "mathematics". It is important that the teacher could be transformed by creatively reworking the fairy tale into any direction that is important to him. And this can be a round-the-world trip, and a return to the past, and the education of good feelings, justice, patriotism, etc.

Thus, this scheme is only a model, a sample on which the mechanism of independent creative work of the educator with a fairy tale is worked out, in order to harmonious development child's personality.

Elena Valentinovna Voronina

"We develop by playing"

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, the main place in their life should be occupied by play. IN childhood The child has a need to play. And it needs to be satisfied not because business is time, fun is an hour, but because playing, the child learns and learns about life.

This album contains manuals from non-standard materials for gaming activity children, aimed at mastering sensory standards. Application in the practice of the work of the educator modern materials that meet aesthetic, hygienic and pedagogical requirements is very justified.

Didactic guide"Flower meadow"

For the development of imagination in children, the formation of hand-eye coordination based on actions with objects, a didactic manual "Flower Glade" was made. It attracts attention with brightness, interesting content.

Description of the manual: The manual consists of a board with glued flowers made of self-adhesive film, a hole is pierced in the center of the flower, into which bottle necks are glued different size. Corks are screwed on the necks.

Examples of didactic games, tasks using the "Flower Glade" manual.

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; hand motor development.

"Pick the middle to the flower"

“Wrap the largest center of the flower. The smallest"

“Wrap the red center of the flower. White"

Didactic manual "Finger dry pool"

Dry pool - used for simultaneous active impact on various points of the hands, fingers, palms; sensorimotor development, the formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; education of perseverance and patience in work; removal of emotional stress. It is very simple to make it: we fill the capsules from Kinder Surprise with various fillers (rice, peas, beans, paste over with thermal film for Easter eggs, put them in a small deep plastic container, hide the toys from the kinder surprise at the bottom.

Ask your baby to look in the "dry pool" for various small objects or toys. Plunging as deep as possible into the filler, the child's hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, their movements are coordinated.

This manual can be used in music lessons.

Didactic game"Salt Dough Beads"

Purpose: strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination; the formation of the ability to combine by color; development of concentration of attention; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, a sense of beauty in their work and the work of other children; learning how to model and create your own product.

This allowance can be made by the baby himself, with a little help from an adult. Dough modeling is very helpful in developing a child's motor skills. After all, the baby can change the shape of an object from a balloon different shapes square or triangular. And, picking up a piece of dough, he can feel its weight, heaviness and viscosity.

cook salty dough(mix 1 glass of Extra salt, 1 glass of flour, 0.5 glass of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, make balls, make holes in them with a cocktail tube, leave until completely dry. Beads are ready!

Didactic manual "Spread the testicles into your houses"

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;

to teach to combine a testicle with a cell, to perform correlative actions (a guide by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills fingers.

Description of the manual: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors, cover with varnish. Capsules from Kinder Surprise are tied with the appropriate color.

It turns out a bright and beautiful handout.

Children should arrange the testicles in houses, according to their color.

If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

Didactic manual "Spread the pencils into cups."

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish colors; learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, consistently: from left to right; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Description of the manual: Cut out rectangles and pencil figures from the ceiling tiles. Glue the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film different colors. Paste the pencils with the appropriate colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!

Didactic guide " ladybug find your meadow

Purpose: to distinguish colors and understand the names of colors, to learn to select objects of the same color.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We make ladybugs from disks, pasting them with a self-adhesive film. We cut out flowers from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors. Leave a part of the disc not pasted over, so that if it hits sunbeam they glittered. The manual attracts attention with brightness, interesting content, kids are happy to work with it.

"Sensory footpath"

This is a track made of maple, on which materials of different textures are sewn. A variety of sensations makes walking on the path exciting. Such walking is useful for the development of tactile perception, as well as for coordination of movements and the prevention of flat feet. For a more complete experience, it is recommended to walk barefoot or in thin socks.

Didactic manual "Mosaic"

Putting together a mosaic is very important for mental development child.

The game with the mosaic involves fine motor skills of the hands, develops creative thinking, imagination, the ability to distinguish and correctly name colors is formed. And yet, the mosaic develops the artistic taste of the child, the ability of children to navigate the plane of the playing field, allows him to show his creative activity.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Option number 1: Print large pictures of coloring pages, cut out along the contour, place the template on the mosaic board (fix it with tape for convenience).

Option number 2: Print large color pictures of coloring pages, stick them on wooden planks, drill holes according to the diameter of the mosaic.

children early age it is difficult to create images from a mosaic on your own, but they do an excellent job with working from a template.

Didactic manual "Magic clothespins"

To firmly, easily and firmly hold the pencil ( ballpoint pen) in the hand, the child should have 3 fingers of the right (left) hand developed. The clothespin contributes to the formation and then development of the movement of squeezing and unclenching the fingertips of the right and left hands. To make the game interesting for the child, you can attach clothespins according to the theme (rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog, petals to the flower, ears to the bunny's head)

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Print large color plot pictures, cut them out without any elements, stick them on linoleum. On the reverse side glue the text with the task in poetic form.

When children learn to put on and take off clothespins, you can offer them games - tasks.

"Make branches for a tree"

Using clothespins of the same color

Purpose: to teach children to select the right clothespins of the same color, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, tactile sensations.

"Make thorns for a hedgehog"

Alternating clothespins by color

Purpose: to learn to alternate clothespins of two colors; develop fine motor skills.

"Make the sunshine"

Manifestation of creativity

Purpose: to learn how to use color scheme clothespins of choice, develop Creative skills, fine motor skills of hands.

Didactic manual "Autumn leaves" and "Mushrooms"

Purpose: to distinguish colors and understand the names of colors, to learn to pick up objects of the same color, but of different sizes. Establish identities and differences in the color of homogeneous objects. Learn to understand the words "such", "not such", "different".

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We cut out leaves, mushrooms, baskets from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors. Leaves of various shapes and sizes. This manual can be used in music and physical education classes.

Didactic manual "Dress the doll"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of visual and tactile examination of objects and materials and the ability to analyze their properties and qualities;

Exercise and activate visual functions and fine motor skills;

To teach children in naming an object, its colors; development of speech and exercise in the use of different grammatical forms;

Cultivate a careful attitude to things, provide mutual assistance to each other when dressing.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Tie the details of the clothes in the same color.

Our boys and girls dress up dolls with great pleasure.

Didactic manual "Spread on plates"

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech. To consolidate the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle). Learn to understand the words "such", "not such", "different". Develop fine motor skills.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Disposable plates in 4 basic colors. We cut out geometric shapes from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors.

Didactic manual "Roll the ball through the gate"

Purpose: To teach children to match objects by color; introduce the concept of "round"; form an idea of ​​the size of objects; to consolidate the ability to perform practical and play actions with objects in accordance with their properties (shape).

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Wooden collars and balls of 4 primary colors.

Didactic manual "Reels"

Purpose: to introduce children to threads; talk about their purpose; teach how to wind a thread on a template; develop fine motor skills and the ability to perform actions with both hands at the same time.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Cut out a plexiglass spool template, wind threads of different colors.

Didactic manual "Bus"

Objectives: to teach to distinguish between objects, round and square;

navigate on the plane; to teach to combine forms with an object, to perform correlative actions (landmark by color); develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

to teach the understanding of words and phrases: “bus”, “the bus has wheels, windows”; replenish the child’s dictionary with the words: “car”, “rides”, “stands”.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We cut out bus stencils from plastic, without windows and wheels. We make wheels and windows in the appropriate shape (circle, square). We glue the manuals with self-adhesive film in the appropriate colors.

The period of education of children in kindergarten- one of the most important stages in their life, and in the process of personality formation. For a teacher, the most important thing is to find the right approach to raising children, to win their attention, to interest them.
Despite the fact that in Lately Thanks to the Internet, finding information has become much easier, but finding something really worthwhile and interesting is quite difficult. Yes, and there is a need to share experience and knowledge gained with colleagues, which also plays a very important role. Each teacher tries to find as much auxiliary literature for kindergarten as possible.

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Questions of personality education are of great interest to kindergarten teachers, and this is not surprising. After all, it is at preschool age that the foundations of the future personality are laid, the character and worldview are formed. That is why at this stage it is very important to work with the child in the right direction. You can choose this direction and get acquainted with all the nuances of the work in more detail with the help of methodological literature. After all, it is in it that there is a lot of advice from specialists who have quite a lot of experience working with preschoolers.
It is in kindergarten that the child begins to actively get acquainted with the world around him, he begins to study it in detail. Knowledge of the world does not end only with the activities provided for by the kindergarten program. The child learns new things during various events, holidays. That is why it is very important to properly organize these events. In this, oddly enough, a manual can also help.

The need for methodological literature for kindergarten teachers - myth or reality?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that the availability of methodological literature for a kindergarten teacher is not such an important issue. This is argued primarily by the fact that in raising children it is better to rely on one's own experience and use methods proven in one's own practice. This is partly true, because not all methods are perfect, and not every one of them can be freely implemented into work. However, this issue is resolved by the presence of a list of methodological literature recommended by the relevant authorities. And such methods of education are not only possible, but must be applied. And that's why. Firstly, to get your own methods of working with children, you need a lot of experience, and the teacher should also have enough time. Experimenting with your own methods on preschool children is highly undesirable, because this period in life is very important for the formation of personality. Not every technique is perfect, which means that it cannot help the educator in full. Methods of education must be combined, because this is the only way to cover all aspects of this process. Therefore, in order to identify the most effective among several tens or hundreds of different methods, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is much easier to use ready-made teaching aids for teachers that are already filled with the most effective methods of education. These manuals are filled not only with information about the methods of educating preschoolers, they also have a lot useful tips on the practical application of these upbringing techniques, which also helps a lot in the work.

What literature does a kindergarten teacher need?

It is not enough to use only manuals in the process of raising children, because it is necessary not only to skillfully use the methodology on the whole group, but also to find an approach individually for each child. The information that can be found in the manuals is definitely not enough to do that. But, fortunately, every specialist who is working on the creation of a methodological manual also puts lists of recommended literature in it. Using this literature, the teacher will be able to find an individual approach to each child, and therefore, to convey to him the maximum useful information he can teach him. That is, the teacher now does not need to go through mountains of information, deciding which of the books was more or less useful, and which did not help much. The manual is a source from which the teacher can draw wisdom. Gain knowledge. It is the manual that can suggest a way out of a particular situation that is associated with raising a child.
One of the difficult tasks facing the teacher is the avoidance or suppression of conflicts among children. The teacher should teach children how to behave in conflict situations, and, if necessary, skillfully solve them. And for an inexperienced teacher given task may become too difficult to perform, and here a manual will come to the rescue. It will also help in the education of moral and volitional qualities in children. Trying to educate and educate children, based only on their own experience, few succeed. In any case, third-party literature, advice from experienced and reputable teachers is needed. All this clearly speaks in favor of manuals, once again confirming the need for their use in kindergarten.

How to choose a manual for a kindergarten teacher?

All the fruits of the work of the educator initially depend on the method of raising children chosen by him, and, therefore, on the choice of the methodological manual. In order to choose the right methodology, it is necessary to focus on several criteria. First of all, the choice of training manual depends on the age of the group of children. Features of education for each age group different, which means that different teaching aids are needed. Not a small role in choosing a training manual is played by the goal that the educator sets for himself. This refers to the direction in which he wants to work and, accordingly, the result he is waiting for. And the last, but no less important criterion for choosing a methodological manual is whether it is allowed by the Ministry of Education. Since the training programs in each kindergarten are based on the recommendations of the Ministry, the teaching aids must also comply with them.
As a rule, the place of purchase of methodological literature is either a bookstore or an online store. The second is less common. Also, not a small amount of information, like the manuals themselves, can be found on the Internet. However, this option does not always live up to expectations. Since when choosing, you need to know exactly the author or authors, and the main thing is to have confirmation that the literature is recommended by the ministry. Yes, and it is impossible to be one hundred percent sure of the efficiency of the methods of one or another author. If you prefer to purchase manuals in bookstores or specialized online stores, then the probability of buying materials from a not entirely competent author is zero. Don't limit yourself to just manuals. Even the authors of these manuals strongly recommend using additional literature. Also, do not discard options for searching for information on the Internet. After all, there is much more benefit from the opportunities and sources used to the fullest extent than from a separate part of them.
Everyone knows that a child needs to be developed comprehensively. And that from an early age he needs to instill a love of books and reading. Most of the time the child spends in kindergarten, which means that not only parents, but also the kindergarten teacher himself should provide the child with literature. It is the educator who can advise parents which books the child needs. The choice of books that the child will get acquainted with in kindergarten also depends on the teacher. And to make right choice, it is necessary to rely on all the same methodological manuals that provide detailed information on this topic.

How to choose books for kindergarten?

Experienced teachers, along with psychologists, argue that it is important to instill in a child a love of a book from an early age, but not every book is suitable for these purposes. A book is a kind of teacher for a child, because it is not without her help that he learns the world. It is important to know how to choose the right books for children. And this applies to both classes in kindergarten and beyond. An inexperienced teacher on his own may not make the right choice. Therefore, it is best to focus on the advice of experienced teachers, authors of manuals of manuals, the effectiveness of which is recognized by more than a dozen teachers.
There are several main criteria that influence the choice of a book:
1. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to how much value a book has for the development of a person. After all, a book should not only be interesting, it should also teach something, educate a child. If the book is more entertaining, then its value will be minimal.
2. The age of the child plays one of the key roles in the choice of literature. Since categories of different ages perceive the same literature in completely different ways, it should be different for each of them. First of all, this is due to the fact that different age groups have different levels of development, in addition, they perceive this or that literature in a completely different way at the psycho-emotional level.
3. The book should be interesting to the child himself. No matter how informative and useful the book is for reading, it still will not make the proper impression on the child until he is really interested.
4. Do not narrow the circle of potential candidates for the role of a favorite book for a child with only one type of literature, as we say fairy tales. Although, of course, fairy tales are very important role for moral education child and children in younger age they are well received. For children of an older age group, it would be useful to study not only fairy tales, but also other literature.
A key role in choosing a book for a child, as we can see, is played by his age. However, much more information on this topic can be found in methodological manuals, where authoritative experts advise their methods for selecting literature for children.

What literary materials to choose for kindergarten teachers and parents?

The kindergarten teacher has a lot of tasks that he must complete. And anyone who thinks that kindergarten is purely entertaining and entertaining for a child is very much mistaken. The goal of a teacher in kindergarten is also to educate a child's moral and volitional qualities, as well as his full comprehensive development, and direct preparation for school. The main thing in preparing a child for school life can be called learning to write and read. And in this case, again, it will not be possible to do without methodological literature, because it is in it that you can find all the necessary advice on this issue. Of course, you can try to teach children according to your own methodology, but these do not always give the expected result. But the methods of specialists proven over the years will definitely help in this. In the methodological literature, one can find not only advice for educators, quite often the authors put advice for parents there as well. After all, during the child's education in kindergarten, homework is also necessary. It is this literature that can greatly facilitate the entire process of raising children for parents. After all, if a teacher working in a kindergarten has a special education and skills, then parents in this matter are not so savvy. And this would be very helpful, because properly organized work with a child at home and in the garden would give a double result. Also, very often inexperienced parents do not know how to get out of a particular situation related to the upbringing of their child. Just for these purposes, you can purchase methodological literature. With it, parents will be able to better understand their children. And most importantly, they will know what approach is needed in raising a child of a particular age. They will be able to do their best to form a full-fledged personality.

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The educational sphere today is developing at a very fast pace: new scientific developments appear, new textbooks are written, more modern techniques teaching, etc. And for a good specialist, it is important to be able to track and study book novelties in their field. But some books are hard to find for sale, especially in small towns and villages, so the most convenient option is a proven online store of methodical literature.

"UchMag"- a specialized online store of educational literature published by the publishing house "Uchitel". In the online store "UchMag" the most relevant and high-quality works devoted to various aspects of teaching and learning methods are presented.

The Uchitel publishing house has been publishing literature for educational specialists since 1989, and it is intended primarily for a practicing teacher. Most of the authors of teaching aids are practicing teachers or methodologists of the IPC and educational authorities. There are also many works by representatives of higher education, incl. candidates and doctors of sciences.