
DIY web of natural material. DIY crafts from natural materials: an interesting, fun and useful hobby for children and adults! Chimney sweeper web


Filchakova Tatiana

Among the branches spider

Made myself a butterfly net.

The cobweb is so light!

Nice spider house.

Why not try it yourself make a cobweb, but you can't put on it spider?

Painting with salt is like a magical experiment. This is really a godsend for children who love to do something unusual. Moreover, unconventional ways of creativity help the child to relax, get pleasure from the process and be surprised at the results. Drawing with salt is very unusual, but simple enough.

To create our picture, we need

Colored cardboard

watercolor or water tinted with food dyes;


PVA glue;

Drawing technique with salt:

1. Using glue, draw a spider web on the cardboard (you can paint with a brush. Children like to squeeze paint directly from the bottle and paint with it). We do not regret the glue. You can first draw with a pencil, then circle with glue.

2. Sprinkle generously with salt. Then gently shake off excess salt.

3. Next to the cobweb in the same way we draw autumn leaves .

4. Now we need paints. We will color autumn leaves... Dip the paintbrush into the paint and gently touch the salt-covered glue line. The paint will flow over it. You can take different colors in different parts of the drawing until the whole image is completely colored.

5. As a result, you should get this beauty!

In the meantime, our work dries up, you can invite children to do spider.

For this we need a chestnut and plasticine.

1. The chestnut has a rounded shape and is just suitable for modeling the body of an insect. All other parts of the body will plasticine.

2. Pinch off plasticine 8 small servings and mash in your hands. These will be the legs of the spider. You also need to take a piece for the head.

3. Attach a ball to the front of the figure, press it down. This will be the spider's head. Attach eyes to a small face.

4. Pull all 8 balls prepared to create the legs into thin threads. Press each ball against the board with your finger and roll it out until you get the part you want. Attach the legs to your torso.

5. That's all. Spider insect plasticine and chestnut ready... Now you need to take a piece plasticine and attach it to the chestnut tree so that we can plant our spider web.

Well, that's all our work is ready! I wish you all creative success!

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As it was already written in the post below, I need to make a model "In the meadow", and for this we need insects, I did not find it in stores (We have.

Sunday, 03 August 2014 10:54 + in the quote pad

Taken from the site

We will make a spider craft from cardboard, wire and black threads. Yarn is just what you need. It will make a cute, shaggy spider.

Choose any thread color, it is in life paku gray, but black. Our spider is fabulous, so it simply has to be positive, joyful, light.

In addition, you need scissors, glue, cardboard, felt-tip pens. Perhaps that's all.

Let's get started!

Cut off a strip of cardboard to the size we need. The larger and wider the strip, the correspondingly larger will be our craft Spider.

We start from the middle of the cardboard to wind the threads.

Next, we insert the pieces of wire into the middle of our wound circle. It's good if the wire is the same color as the spider. If the color is different, then you can wrap the wire with yarn, having previously processed it with glue. We carefully cut off the excess cardboard.

You can do without wire. Then we take the cardboard more tightly. After we have wrapped the spider yarn, cut the cardboard into 3 pieces. So we get 3 legs (or more) on one side and 3 on the other.

It is also advisable to take cardboard in the color of the craft, or then paint the spider's legs with felt-tip pens or paints.

A more economical option for those who do not want to "spoil" the threads: we insert bending tubes into the ball. We remake the tubes themselves into the legs of a spider. instead of eyes we insert decorative pins. At the end of the Harvest Festival, an exhibition of children's crafts, or anything else (where our Spider should participate), we disassemble the structure into its original parts. That's it: the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe)).

We now know how to make Paku. But something is missing, right? Certainly. Cobweb is indispensable, and the composition in the autumn style, Halloween style becomes incomplete.

The web is very easy to draw. It looks impressive against a light background with dark lines.

You can also turn your drawing into a sweet surprise. Take liquid chocolate or colored frosting and randomly apply broken lines and circles to end up with a pretty chocolate spider web.

And the next web is for decorating the house of the group, class) in the style of Halloween. Cut to the pattern. The main material is black garbage bags, but as always, it can and will be even better if you engage not only in creativity, but also include improvisation.

We fold the package diagonally into several parts, apply a template, outline and cut out.

The spider web is attached to the buttons, then it is also easily removed.

And a few more templates on the topic to help us.

Enjoy and magical creativity!

Autumn is a creative time. Autumn gives us a lot of material for crafts. Children are very interested when funny little animals or little people appear from an ordinary cone, nut, acorn, leaf.

Autumn crafts from natural materials. Chestnut spider on a web.

To make such a spider from natural materials, we need 2 chestnuts, black plasticine, a little white plasticine, 4 black wires (these are used for twisting wires)

Wire - bend the legs in half and at the "knees".

We attach the legs to the abdomen with pastilin.

We attach the head to the body with plasticine. We attach the eyes. The chestnut spider is ready.

To make a web for a spider we need a glue gun, 4 sticks, threads, glue, leaves for decoration.

We put one stick on top of the other perpendicularly. Lame the remaining 2 sticks in half and place them first. This is necessary so that there is no thickening in the center.

Fill the middle with silicone from a glue gun and let cool.

Now we tie a thread near the center and begin to weave the web in a circle. After the first circle, go up a couple of turns and weave the next circle, etc. It is better to grease the sticks with PVA glue. I didn’t, but it would be worth it - the threads moved out here and there.

Glue the spider to the center of the web.

Spiders and cobwebs are classics of Halloween decor. If you need to decorate the space for the scariest day of the year, I will show you how to weave a web and make a spider with your own hands in just half an hour.

It seems to me that this is one of the most budgetary and fastest projects that have appeared on this blog. The web can be mounted on a wall, on a small or large frame, or used as a base with wooden sticks. This simple yet stylish decor will perfectly complement the creepy décor on the street, in the house, in the office or in a space where a Halloween party is being planned.

DIY web - materials and tools

Elapsed time: 20 minutes. We will need:

  • black thread for knitting
  • scissors
  • strong double-sided tape.

How to weave a web with your own hands

I worked with ordinary lint-free knitting threads. If you use mohair, the web will be fluffier.

1. Let's start with the basics. Cut off 3 threads of the same size. The longer they are, the larger the web will be.

2. We fix the base to the surface. Depending on the wall finish, the threads can be secured with tailor's pins or double-sided tape. The main thing is not to spoil the coating.

3. Unwind a small ball with a working thread. We tie the tip to the middle where the main threads intersect.

4. We retreat a couple of centimeters from the middle and wrap the main thread of the working one. We transfer the working thread to the adjacent main thread and wrap it again. We continue this way until the web is ready. If the thread runs out, you can tie an additional one to it.

The web is ready. It remains to make a resident for her.

DIY spider - materials and tools

Elapsed time: 10 minutes. We will need:

  • aluminum wire - about 50 cm
  • wire cutters
  • pliers
  • Knitting
  • PVA or hot melt glue.

How to make a spider with your own hands

1. Straighten the aluminum wire with pliers and cut it into 3 parts with pliers.

2. Tie all three pieces of wire with threads in the middle.

3. We wind the pieces of wire together in the middle in a criss-cross pattern.

4. Start wrapping the spider's foot. First from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. To prevent the thread from slipping, you can attach it to the end with glue. Repeat the step with each foot.

5. Now we form the abdomen. To save thread, you can first wrap the middle with masking tape, and on top with knitting threads.

A simple and quick Halloween decor is ready. Have fun and fear nothing :).
