
Love stories are short to tears. Sad stories and teen love stories


My friend Olya and I often walked in the park or along the alleys of our city after classes at the university. The days of October were warm, the sun was still pleasing with its warmth. One day we sit on a bench and chat. Nearby a young man, obviously not of Russian appearance, sneezes. My girlfriend says to him: "Be healthy!". "Thanks. What is your name? (Thank you. What is your name?)" - the young man replies. Since I studied German, and my friend studied English, Olya translates their conversation for me. Young man name is Said, and he came to our city as part of a football team. Soon there will be a match with our football team. Watching the acquaintance, I see that they really like each other, and Olya suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, remembered so many English words. But the words are only a background, the main thing is they look into each other's eyes, and their love story begins. Said needs to go to training soon, and they agree to meet in the evening. In the evening, my girlfriend and I and a few other people from the university went to a nightclub and met Said and his friends there. It was immediately clear that Olga and Said wanted to talk to each other, so after a while they simply disappeared. We walked along the seashore and constantly talked. In the morning, a friend came to the university happy and completely sleepy. They are a very beautiful couple - he has dark skin, black eyes and a slightly aquiline nose, and she is like a cloud - a slender girl with blond hair.

Today Said's team is playing with the team of our city, Olga and I, of course, will go to football. We tried to get seats on the podium, which was behind Said's team. His entire team waved at us and cheered. Football was interesting and productive 3:2. The Syrian team lost, but it seems that our Syrian friend is not upset at all, because in the evening he meets Olya. Only tomorrow Said will leave - football is played, which means that the team has nothing to do here. Last days they spend together, my girlfriend doesn't even come to university. And the last night before departure, they seem to be unable to talk enough and kiss before parting. She escorts him to the plane and leaves her phone number and email address. “Well, how can you fall in love with a person you've known for a couple of days?” I ask a friend who seems to be just flying somewhere in the sky. "And suddenly, this is fate!" she answers me.

They constantly call up, although international calls are very expensive. If in the morning a friend comes like the sun, shining, then her Syrian friend either called or wrote a letter. Several times he sent letters by mail, then parcels with gifts. Olya waits for each visit, and those few days while he is here disappears from the university and spends only with him. Somehow Olga comes all mysterious and says that Said is calling her to marry and offers to move. But everything ended after one incident. Said called and said that he had delivered his letter with a friend who was coming to our city on business. This friend studied in our city and knew Russian quite well. The next day, Olga did not come to school and did not answer her calls, so I came to her house myself. She opens the door to me all in tears and tells me what she learned - it turns out that Said is married. If suddenly, she marries him, she will become the third wife. He must have concealed it on purpose so that she would not immediately be frightened. Everything would have become clear later - after the wedding, and then nothing could be done - she would have ended up in a foreign country. Olga stops communicating with Said and does not answer his calls. Just don't tell your heart. She does not communicate with anyone for a long time and avoids meeting black, tall guys of non-Slavic appearance, fearing that this sad story repeat.

A real story about love from life is not always cheerful, optimistic and with a happy ending, as many people think, but often sad to tears. It can be filled with regrets about what did not come true, about what cannot be returned.

Nature pleased the last warm autumn days. I sat on a park bench, smoked cigarette after cigarette, and sadly looked into the distance. When you are almost 50, you no longer want no noisy companies, no alcohol, no dubious decorated girls who look only into your wallet. I want simple human warmth, love, care ... But I myself missed my happiness.

I was brought out of my far from gloomy thoughts by a bright blue ball that fell near my feet. Looking up, I saw its owner - a blue-eyed girl of about 6 years old, who ran up to get the toy, smiled at me and, after a little hesitation, said: "Uncle, please give me a ball ...". I handed the toy to the child and caught myself thinking that the look of those sincere sky-colored eyes was so similar to the eyes of the one I once loved.

Lena... Lena, my dear, what an idiot I was. I ruined your life and ruined mine. All these thoughts flashed through my head in a split second. The girl said "thank you" and ran to the man and woman, who were holding hands and talking cheerfully. Probably her parent, I thought. And the woman looked so much like Elena ... But Lenochka and I could have had the same baby, - I sighed aloud, and a bitter tear rolled down my long unshaven cheek.

For the first time I saw Lena in Yalta on the seashore, when I came to the Crimea to take a break from worries and have fun on my 35th birthday. Then I decided to wake up early and still meet the dawn, since soon I had to leave home, to dusty and stuffy Moscow. For all two weeks of my stay in the Crimea, I did not succeed. After sitting in a bar in the company of beauties, I returned to the hotel room after three in the morning and often not alone. What a dawn...

So, when I came to an almost deserted beach, sleepy and yawning, she attracted my attention - a girl of about 20 with golden hair sparkling in the light rising sun, slender, in a light blue sea-colored dress and a snow-white hat. She sat by the water's edge with an album in her hands and made a sketch of the seascape. , there was so much simplicity and naivety in her movements that I involuntarily stared at this drawing angel. She was the exact opposite of those young ladies with whom I used to spend time, brightly painted girls with magnificent forms and cheeky manners. All I wanted from them was sex, often I didn't even remember their names.

And her face, breathing simplicity and attractiveness, fascinated me for a few minutes and turned my head. I don’t know if I would have met her myself, but the opportunity just turned up. Suddenly the wind blew, tore off the girl's hat and carried it to the sea. She gasped, but didn't catch up. Apparently, she was afraid of strong waves or did not know how to swim at all. I rushed into the water, quickly took out a hat and handed it to the owner. The girl smiled, thanked me, and our conversation from a few phrases turned into a long conversation about everything in the world.

We came to our senses only when the sun began to mercilessly give us its hot rays. It was time to hide in the shadows. We exchanged phone numbers and decided to take a walk in the evening, meet the sunset together. We spent the rest of my vacation walking by the sea, riding a boat, eating ice cream, hugging and kissing. I haven't had a romance like this in a long time.

Fortunately, she also lived in Moscow. Although, rather, unfortunately. After all, if we went to different cities, then our relationship in the stream of an endless routine would most likely be forgotten or would be perceived as just a summer memory filled with happiness. However, when we returned to Moscow, our meetings continued. Lena was not like all the other girls. Kind, soft, open, sincere, she was like a sip fresh air for me. But even at 35, I was not ready for long and serious relationship. Overdressed beauties spoiled me and blackened my soul with lust and depravity. If I ever had her. Unlikely.

And when one cold dank autumn day Lenochka came to me, excited, confused and with trembling lips told me that she was pregnant from me, I was seriously scared and offered to give her money for an abortion. I assured that we will always be together, but I'm not ready for a child. When she heard this, her sky-blue eyes turned cloudy gray with tears, and she flew through the barely closed door like a bird with clipped wings. For the first time, I got mad at her and didn't catch up. "Here's a fool" - I thought, "Well, well, he'll come back, where will he go."

And she didn't come back. Not that day, not the next. I tried to call her, but the phone was switched off. The doors of her small apartment on the outskirts of the capital greeted me with a closed lock and cold aloofness.

After grieving a little, I began to forget my blue-eyed miracle. Work, friends, random young ladies filled my life again. Everything returned to normal. And I remembered Lena only occasionally and immediately drove thoughts of her away from me.

Days, months, years passed. Once I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of a friend who died in a car accident. Passing by the monuments, I saw a face with painfully familiar features, painted on a granite slab. It was her, Lena. I froze in place. Sometimes when I thought about her, I thought that she must be married and happy with someone. Having recovered a little, I began to look at the date of death and realized with horror that about 8 months had passed since our last meeting, when she ran away from me with tears ...

I started making inquiries about her. Fortunately, connections and acquaintances allowed. Turns out she died in childbirth. The child did not survive either.

Elena, Lena, Lenochka... you could become the meaning of my life, my happiness. But I lost everything. Fool, what a fool I am!

This fleeting meeting with a girl in the park awakened in me all the emotions and feelings that were so hard to muffle. I realized that I had lived my life in vain, wasting precious days on dubious pleasure and entertainment.

After sitting a little more on the bench, looking after the friendly and happy family I wandered home. In an empty apartment in the center of the capital, where no one is waiting for me, and never will be.

If you have your own interesting story write to me about love from the life of your friends, I will definitely publish it.

A story from the Internet ... I cried when I read it, in some ways it reminded me of my life ...

Here read!!! At the age of 25, I began to live in a “civil marriage” with Alexei, he is 5 years older than me. Everything was fine, the "civil husband" loved me. I got pregnant at the age of 28, and at the 7th month I found out that the “husband” has a mistress, seven years younger than me. I read a text message on his phone: “Sweetie, why wait for you today?” And he left, saying that business, business, and all sorts of excuses, he came in the morning ... To save my marriage, I didn’t show that I knew about her, washed it for him, cooked five different dishes a day, cleanliness at home, everything is ironed, starched. And there is no one to complain to, cry, I myself am from the orphanage. When I was in the hospital, he brought her to our house, a neighbor came in the evening, he, not ashamed, opened the door, his mistress came out of the bath in my dressing gown ... Well, these are all trifles. My daughter was born restless, she cried at night, he, referring to the fact that he could not sleep (we had a one-room apartment), allegedly went to a friend, to spend the night with his brother. I endured everything, because I wanted the child to have a father, I tried in every possible way to save our marriage. He often insulted me that I was stupid, ugly, fat (I gained 10 kg after giving birth), that the wives of his friends always look good, are well dressed, and I am a redneck from the orphanage. He began to raise his hand to me: she cooked it wrong, put it wrong, the child was yelling, shut him up. I began to kick him out of the house, but I have nowhere to go, I cry, on my knees I beg him not to kick us out into the street. I was on maternity leave, I received a penny, my milk was gone, he stopped giving money for groceries. I didn’t eat at home myself, I only slept sometimes, washed, changed clothes and left. Often he began to beat me, just like that, for no reason, for the fact that his life was broken, that I live in his apartment, that I gave birth to him and not she ... This went on for five months. And then one “beautiful” day he appears on the threshold of our house with her, with her mistress Irina, and says that I have half an hour to pack my things and leave ... (only his apartment was). I cried and begged not to kick us out, I knelt down and said that we had nowhere to go, to which I got a kick in the stomach ... He shouted: “Look at you, fat creature, look at Irina (Irina is beautiful, slender, in expensive clothes, with hair) how can I live with you. So, on a frosty winter evening, I left the apartment with a five-month-old baby in my arms and went out into the street ... I remember that day well. It’s dark outside, seven o’clock in the evening, it’s snowing lightly, the lights are shining ... I’m standing in an autumn trigger, in autumn boots in one hand a small bag with things ... in the other an envelope with a baby, I didn’t even have a pram. He did not give me his mobile phone, because he bought it ... Where to go? I had only 18 rubles in my pocket. I was going nowhere, I no longer cried, I had nothing to cry with and could neither speak nor cry. I had nowhere to go, my “husband” kept everyone away from me, there were only family friends, his friends. Before the decree, I worked as a nurse in a hospital, I went there. I tearfully asked our doctor on duty to let me spend the night in the hospital. I was allowed, but for one night. In the morning I went to a pawnshop and pawned gold earrings and a chain, which was valued at 7,000 rubles. On the same day, I rented a room in a wooden house from an old woman, for 4 thousand a month. I had no bed linen, towels, nothing. Marya Sergeevna, the mistress of the house, was then 62 years old, she was very ill, she could hardly walk. After listening to my story, she said that she would help me with the child, she would sit, that I had to look for a job, she had no children of her own, her son had died. It was difficult to find a job, there is no higher education, I did not finish my studies for one year. And then another blow, the “husband” drove up to me on the street and said that he would no longer pay the loan for the car. (The loan was issued to me, and the car to the “husband”) ... He threatened that if I applied for alimony, he would deprive me parental rights since I don't have a home and I don't have a steady income. I got a job as a cleaner in a fish shop, for 4 thousand rubles, in the evening I ran a dishwasher in a cafe for 3 thousand rubles, on foot for 7 km. But there was not enough money for a loan, you have to pay 8800 rubles. a month for two years ... and even pay for the room. At night I knitted socks and mittens and sold them in the market, in the cold I stood in a bologna jacket and autumn boots. In the evenings I went to the market for a part-time job sorting out rotten vegetables and fruits, in the cold, with icy hands, those that were unusable, cut off and brought home to my daughter. I went to work as a janitor from 5 am to 7 am. I looked at women passing in expensive cars, they were all beautiful, well-groomed, and for some reason then I thought about them, they were lucky, they have winter clothes, and they are warm, and they are not hungry ... Many thanks to Marya Sergeevna for sitting with my daughter. I came home at one in the morning, washed my children's things, went to bed at two to get up at 4.30 for work. I didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat up, often got sick and steadily fainted. My eyesight fell, I lost 18 kg. My hands were trembling, I was of blue color. Money was sorely lacking. I didn’t buy things for myself for 2 years, I began to look like a homeless woman. I didn’t have the strength, but I didn’t give up, I worked through my teeth, because I didn’t want my child to be taken to an orphanage, I myself know what it is from there. I cleaned the apartments, washed the entrances, earned as much as I could. I lived like this for 4 years. I will not describe in detail all the horror through which I had to go. Having gone through humiliation, pain, hunger, tears, a loan for a car that my ex drives around, I paid off everything myself, with my own hands, with my health, with my tears. Life began to change rapidly. The Lord sent me a woman - the owner of an elite apartment, which I cleaned, she took pity on me and offered to work for her as a secretary, the salary was 15 thousand, I was shocked ... She gave me an advance on clothes, helped to arrange a child in the garden. Everything started to improve. I went to computer courses, graduated from the institute as a lawyer. Two years later, I was promoted, I became a manager, then a commercial director in a large company, with a large salary I mortgaged a 3-room apartment, bought a car, made a chic home renovation, recently went on vacation with my daughter to Italy, France. My daughter goes to a private school and does not need anything. She calls Marya Sergeevna grandmother, we help her and go to visit. A man is looking after me, a very good one, the director of a construction company ... And here is fate! I am buying a country house on the ad - a summer house with a bathhouse with a house. The hostess said on the phone that she urgently sells the cottage, because. big debts and some problems and urgently need money. We drive up to the dacha, me, girlfriend and daughter. Sellers of the house come out, who do you think ?! My former roommate and his mistress! I am in shock, they are in shock ... I look at them and all these years flew before my eyes ... the same winter evening when a light snow falls and the lanterns are lit, I am with a five-month-old envelope ... and 18 rubles in my pocket ... , who kicked me in the stomach when I begged not to kick us out, and she is a fat woman of 100 kilograms ... So we stood for about ten minutes in silence ... Do you know what I did? I went up to him and spat in his face, with all my urine, with all my dope. He didn't even move... Never despair, never, do you hear me? Never! Life will change and everything will be with you! Learn, work, strive for the best! Remembering what I had to go through and what has become of me now, I repeat: never give up and do not let yourself be humiliated!

One fine June evening, I had to meet with cousin and his friends, among whom was he, my young man. It never occurred to me then that an adult (he is 4 years older than me) and a rather attractive guy could pay attention to me, an inconspicuous girl.

Although we had known each other before, we did not communicate, let alone be friends. It all started from that evening. He began to walk me home, pick me up, give me small gifts that certainly made me smile. Gradually, I began to get used to him, and a quarrel with a friend brought us even closer. He became indispensable.

I could tell him everything: what I think about, what I feel, what is going on in my life, he, in turn, consulted with me in everything, defended me. We spent more and more time together. This was followed by an offer to meet. I left for a week, he patiently waited for my answer. On August 1, he heard the long-awaited "I'm your girl." It was an unforgettable summer. We were madly in love with each other.

The first problems began to appear already by autumn, since he had to leave (we live in different cities). We rarely saw each other, we didn't talk often. So let's say, pride did not allow me to call first, and he took revenge on me in his own way for my stupid principles. Now I understand how stupid I was and would have done everything, if only to return everything, but alas .. They swore often, were offended, they could not talk for a month, but they always reconciled, and everything started anew: kisses, hugs, promises to be always there. So two whole years passed. There were big plans for the future. He was looking forward to my 18. Dreamed of a son, wanted to get married ..

I've always been terribly jealous of him. No, it was not even jealousy, but the fear of losing a loved one, because life without him made no sense. She knew that she was walking, but she forgave everything, often pretended not to know. Girlfriends offered to leave, but this was out of the question, because he meant a lot to me, was a support, and most importantly, I loved him. And now I love, I will not hide.

But this spring something happened that destroyed my life, destroyed me from the inside. We didn't see each other for about a month. As usual, we had a fight, even with my studies there were problems, and he transferred to shift work. I've heard rumors about his tricks. But what my friend told me broke my heart into small pieces.

Our mutual friend is pregnant .. From him .. He will have a child, and I will not give birth to him .. The world around was empty, it darkened in my eyes, it is impossible to describe the pain that I felt at that moment. 3 days I lived on some sedatives, I did not dare to call him. It seemed to me that everyone already knew about it, that everyone was poking a finger at me. God, what a shame.. After a week, I managed to convince myself that these are just rumors, and I definitely need to talk to him. This simply could not be, because he swore that he loved, because we dreamed of a son, of our son ..

Here they are, long awaited the May holidays they should have explained everything. We had not seen each other for more than a month, how I missed him .. Dreams, where he and I, where we are insanely happy, tormented me every night. I didn’t want to wake up, because in fact something happened in my life that you probably wouldn’t wish on your enemy. Here it is, the long-awaited meeting, how much I wanted to hug him, but pride, of course, did not allow, I was just afraid that I would look pathetic in the eyes of the one I love very much, I was madly afraid that he stopped loving me. Throughout the conversation, I sat with a stone face and silently listened to him. He swore that this was not his child, said that he loved her deeply, but it made no sense.

He betrayed me. My knees trembled, I so wanted to burst into tears, but there seemed to be no tears. For the first time in 3 years, I didn't believe him. I did not believe, but I forgave. Probably not even because she loved, but because she was afraid to change her life like this, in one moment.

A couple of days later we got into a fight again. He was offended that I went to a friend without warning him. This was the last straw, my patience snapped. How could he reproach me for such a trifle, while I forgave him for betrayal.

Really it was impossible to show a little patience and understanding .. And of course, all this remained inside me, I just turned around and left. I was waiting for a call, an apology. But he didn’t call the next day, not a week, not a month .. I found out through a friend that he is still offended by me, and believes that I behaved wrong and, in turn, is waiting for my call.

It's been 3 months since we haven't spoken. It was the most painful time in my life. Everything that I do not undertake, collapses before my eyes. As they say, trouble does not come alone. The other day, a friend gave birth to a daughter. More and more often I see him drunk. Relatives complain that he became nervous and drinks constantly.

If only they knew how I feel now. Everything inside me freezes when I hear his name. Everything is torn apart when I see another next to him. How unbearable all this is. I just want to come up and hug you very, very hard, and never let go for a second, never .. But I understand very well that you can’t do this, because people don’t change and this thought just kills me ..

Maybe it's for the best that it ended like this. After all, nothing terrible actually happened. Just one less loved person in my life. After all, it happens...

I should probably be glad that I didn’t end up in the place of a poor girl, because I’m not ready to raise a baby alone. (every day I console myself in this way. Although I know very well that this would not have happened to me ... you can’t even imagine how painful it was for me to write all this. As if I experienced it all from the beginning.

“All this happened almost three years ago…. We submitted an application to the registry office. We are me and Arsen (the best guy in the whole world!). We decided to take note of this. We gathered a group of friends and went to the forest for a picnic. We were so happy in those seconds that intuition chose to remain silent about the tragic outcome of this whole story (so as not to upset us and not spoil this “fairy tale melody”).

I hate intuition! I hate! Her tips would save the life of my beloved….. We drove, sang songs, smiled, cried with happiness…. An hour later everything was broken .... I woke up in a hospital room. The doctor looked at me. His gaze was frightened and confused. Apparently, he did not expect that I would be able to come to my senses. Five minutes later, I began to remember .... We were hit by a truck... While I remember the details .... My voice diligently whispered the name of the groom .... I asked about his whereabouts, but everyone (without exception) was silent. It was as if they were keeping some nasty secret. Thoughts that something happened to my kitten, I did not let me close to me, so as not to go crazy.

He died….. Only one piece of news saved me from insanity: I am pregnant and the child survived! I'm sure it's a gift from God. I will never forget my beloved!

Second love story

“How long has it been…. What a romantic banality! We were introduced to the Internet. He introduced, but reality separated. He gave me a ring, they were going to get married .... And then he left me. Threw without regret! How unfair and cruel! For two and a half years I lived with a dream that everything would come back…. But fate stubbornly resisted this.

I dated men to erase my beloved from my memory. One of my boyfriends met me in the same city where my precious ex lived. I never thought that I would meet him in this crowded metropolis. But what always happens is what we least expect .... We walked with my young man, holding hands. We stopped at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. And he stood on reverse side roads…. Next to him was his new passion!

Pain and trembling pierced my entire body. Pierced through! Our eyes met, carefully pretending that we were total strangers. However, this look did not escape my boyfriend. Naturally, he bombarded me with questions and questions when we returned home (we lived with him). I told everything. Petya packed my bags and sent me home by train. I understand him…. And he probably understands me too. But only in your own way. Thanks to him for sending me home without scandals and bruises "as a keepsake."

There were two and a half hours left before the train left. I found the number of my beloved and called him. He immediately recognized me, but did not hang up the pipe (I thought that would be the case). He arrived. We met at the station cafe. Then they walked around the square. My suitcase was waiting for me alone at the station. I even forgot to take it to the storage room!

My ex and I sat down on a bench by the fountain and talked for a long time. I didn’t want to look at the clock, I didn’t want to hear the sound of the rails .... He kissed me! Yes! Kissed! Many times, passionately, greedily and tenderly…. I dreamed that this fairy tale would never end.

When my train was announced.... He took my hands and said the most bitter words: “Forgive me! You're very good! You are the best! But we can't be together.... I'm getting married in two months.... Sorry it's not for you! My fiancee is pregnant. And I can never leave her. Forgive me again!" Tears spilled out of their eyes. It seemed as if my heart was crying uncontrollably.

I don't remember how I ended up in the car. I don't remember how I arrived... It seemed to me that I no longer live .... And the ring, presented to them, treacherously shone on the finger .... Its brilliance was very similar to the tears that I shed during those days ....

A year has passed. I could not stand it and looked at his Vkontakte page. He was already married... They already called him dad.

"Daddy" and "happy husband" was and remains my best memory and best stranger .... And his kisses burn my lips so far. Do I want to repeat the moments of a fairy tale? Now there is no. I won't let the best person become a traitor! I will enjoy the fact that he was once in my life.

The third story about the sad, about Love from life

"Hello! It all started so great, so romantic…. I found him on the Internet, met him, fell in love with each other .... Cinema, right? Only, perhaps, without a happy ending.

We hardly met. Somehow quickly began to live together. I liked living together. Everything was perfect, like in paradise. And the engagement came to an end. Only a few months left before the wedding... And the beloved has changed. He started yelling at me, calling me names, insulting me. He had never allowed himself to do this before. I can't believe it's him.... The dear one apologized, of course, but his apologies are very few for me. It would be enough if it didn't happen again! But something “found” something on the beloved, and the whole story was repeated again and again. You have no idea how much pain I'm in right now! I love him to utter madness! I love so much that I hate myself for the power of love. I am at a strange crossroads.... One path leads me to a breakup. Another (despite everything) - in the registry office. What naivete! I understand that people don't change. This means that my “ideal man” will not change either. But how to live without him, if he is my whole life? ..

Recently I told him: "my love, you devote very little time to me, for some reason." He did not let me agree. He started freaking out and yelling at me loudly. It somehow alienated us even more. No, I'm not imagining any tragedy here! It's just that I deserve attention, but he does not let go of the laptop. He parted with his “toy” only when something intimate “pecks” between us. But I don't want our relationship to be exclusively about sex!

I live, but I feel like my soul is dying. The native (most native) person does not notice this to me. I will not think that he does not want to notice, otherwise bitter tears will be shed. Wasted tears that can’t help me in any way….».

Sad love stories are taken from real life. . .

Continuation. . .