
How a mother can help her child speak: practical advice. How a mother can help a child to speak: practical advice Developing speech hearing (Games like "bring the ball" to speak softly, with different intonations.


I am spreading a brief overview of the book, from which it is clear WHAT SHOULD BE DONE for the baby to speak.

1) Development of emotional communication with an adult (Games like "Over the bumps, over the bumps")

2) Development of general imitation (Games like "We'll stomp with our feet, we'll clap our hands")

3 ) Business communication development (Teaching the child to express their thoughts in any way available to him). To do this, use methods of encouraging conversation: offer to choose from several options, ask leading questions, support the baby's initiative)

it is useful to use natural common gestures in speech:

on the(proposal) - stretch out an open palm;

give(request) - clench the fingers of the open palm into a fist (you can repeat the movement several times);

Yes(agreement) - head nod from top to bottom (you can repeat the movement several times);

No(negation) - shaking the head (you can repeat the movement several times) or movements with a straight palm from side to side;

there(direction indication) - wave of the hand in the direction of the object to which they want to point;

here(indication of a nearby object) - point to an object with a straight index finger;

here(beckoning) - wave of the palm towards you;

Okay(approval) - clench the fingers of the hand into a fist, raised up thumb;

well done(approval, praise) - pat on the head;

Ah ah ah(censure) - the index finger is straightened, the rest of the fingers of the palm are clenched into a fist, oscillatory motion hand up and down;

quiet(call for silence, silence) - press the straight index finger to our closed lips;

byu-bye(it's time to sleep) - we close straight palms together and put them under the cheek, tilt our head a little;

Hey(say hello) - we take by the hand, shake, shake a little, or (at a distance) wave our hand from side to side;

bye(we say goodbye) - wave our hand (movements with the palm up and down);

big(size designation) - spread your arms to the sides (or simultaneously up and to the sides);

little(size designation) - bring straight palms (or index and thumb of one hand) closer to each other;

one(designation of quantity) - show the index finger.

These gestures are used in various games and activities described in our book.

Remember that when teaching gestures to kids, the following conditions must be observed: you can use only natural common (understandable to all representatives of this culture) gestures; you should not invent new gestures, replacing them with the development of the child's active speech. Remember that normally gestures are an auxiliary means of communication between people, they are used limitedly (sign speech is the main means of communication for hearing impaired people).

4) Development of non-verbal hearing (to draw the child's attention to the sounds of nature (foliage, rain), animals, household items (vacuum cleaner, oil in a frying pan). Then play games "guess what is this?"

5) Development of speech hearing (Games like "bring the ball" to speak softly, with different intonations. Games like "say one thing, do another")

6) Development of physiological respiration (Blow the candle games)

Remember the parameters of the correct oral expiration:

exhalation is preceded by a strong inhalation through the nose or mouth - "we gain a full chest of air";

exhalation occurs smoothly, and not in jerks;

during exhalation, the lips are folded into a tube, you should not tighten your lips, puff out your cheeks;

during exhalation, air comes out through the mouth, it is impossible to allow air to escape through the nose (if the child exhales through the nose, you can pinch his nostrils so that he feels how the air should come out);

exhale until the air runs out;

while singing or talking, you can not get air with frequent short breaths.

When playing games aimed at developing breathing in a child, it must be borne in mind that breathing exercises quickly tire the child, even cause dizziness. Therefore, such games must be limited in time (you can use hourglass) and be sure to alternate with other exercises.

7) Development of speech breathing (We sing vowels, hiss like a snake, imitate the sounds of various animals (Ko-ko, Ha-ha)

8) Development of hand motor skills (The author advises to pay more attention to teaching the child to serve himself - to eat, dress, wash)

9) Development of understanding of speech

9.1) Creation of a speech environment (Constant conversation with a child in everyday life)



Let's go wash. Let's turn on the tap. No, not this way, the other. Like this. Where is the soap? Here's the soap. Take soap and soap your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Let me help you. Three hands well. Now let's wash off the soap. Put your hands under the water - like this. Now let's wash our face - like this. Put some water in your palms and rub your face. Turn off the tap. Now let's shake the water off the pens - like this. Where is the towel? Take a towel, dry your face and hands. Well done! Look how clean he is.

Fees for a walk

All the necessary things are laid out on the chair.

Now you and I will go for a walk. Find where our pants are. Here they are. Let's put on our pants - like this. First on one leg, then on the other leg. Now let's fasten the button. Show me where the button is. Bring the sweater. Oh, what a beautiful, warm blouse. What's that on the jacket? Pocket. Find where the bear hid on the jacket. That's right, here it is. Where is the flower? Here. Let's put on a blouse.

On a walk

Look at the weather today. Yes, it's raining. Put on your hood. I'll open my umbrella. Like this. Now you can walk. What's on the track? It's a puddle. There's some water in a puddle. The rain dripped, dripped - and it turned out to be a puddle. Let's go further. Here is a tree. See what it is under the tree? These are the leaves that have fallen. Here is a yellow leaf. What color is this leaf? Red leaf. Many leaves. Show how many leaves there are. Etc.

Cooking lunch<

Be careful when preparing food together, insure the child.

I'm making soup. Will you help me? Here's a saucepan. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove. Let's cook the soup. Here are the potatoes. And this is a knife. It's sharp, you can't touch it. I cut the potatoes, look, they turned out into pieces. Throw the potato pieces into the pot. Caution, the stove is hot! And what's that? Carrots and onions. Throw in the pot. Now let's get in the way. How are you going to mix the soup? (Offer your child a choice of a fork, spoon, spatula, ladle, stick.) Now salt the soup. Like this.

Let's build a house

A set of wooden or plastic cubes is used.

Look what cubes we have. Show me where the red cube is. That's right, here it is. Where is yellow? Where is the cube of blue color? Right here. Let's build a house out of bricks. Will the house be large or small? Show me. Big? Okay. So I put the cubes. Now you bet. Put it here ...

So, the child constantly hears the speech of an adult and thus learns many new words and expressions. And since speech accompanies a situation that is significant for the child, semantic meanings words and their combinations are better remembered, more firmly deposited in the mind of the child

9.2) Accumulation of passive vocabulary. (At first, we just call things (table, bed, legs) and then complicate things (what do we eat for? What do we sleep on? What does Sonny walk on?)

10) The development of a child's active speech through imitation.

Imitation of adult speech goes through several stages.:

I) Repetition of individual sounds , carrying a semantic load, in the game.

II) Repetition of amorphous words ... These are onomatopoeia words, syllable words that carry their own semantic "stuffing". These words include imitations of the voices of animals - mu, av-av, meow, etc .; imitation of the sounds of musical toys - bom-bom, doo-doo, ding-ding, etc .; imitation of traffic noises - bbc, tu-tu, etc., as well as other amorphous words: the baby can replace them with any words that he cannot yet pronounce.

III) Word repetition ... At first they are simple short words- mom, dad, give, na, kitty, duck, etc. At this stage, it is possible to use "lightweight" variants of words: not "cat", but "kitty", not "duck", but "duck", etc. n. As speech develops, the child learns to pronounce two- or three-syllable words, reproducing the intonational-rhythmic pattern of words. Moreover, during early age the child can reproduce the sound composition of words approximately. The child's speech comprehension and active vocabulary increases rapidly during this period. Particular attention should be paid to the child's assimilation of verbs (words-actions), since they play a key role in the development of children's speech: the more words-names of actions in the child's speech, the higher the level of his development!

IV) Repetition of short phrases. This is the stage of combining several words in one sentence (at the initial stage - 2-3 words). For example: Where is mom? There is a ball. Here is a spoon. Gradually, the number of words in the phrase pronounced by the child increases, and the child learns inflection and grammatical the right combination words in a sentence. For example: Here is a bunny. Give me a bunny. Vanya is a good boy. Masha is a good girl.

11) Using rhythm in the development of speech (using poetry)

Little bird

The bird sat on the window.<

“Sit with us a little!

Sit down, don't fly away!

Flew away: Ay! "


Rain, rain, drip and drop!

Wet paths.

We can't go for a walk

We'll get your feet wet

From the author

This book describes the initial stage of working with non-speaking children 1.5-3 years old. The main goal of the book is to describe games and exercises, as well as special methods of work, with the help of which it is possible to "talk" the child, to give impetus to the further development of active speech.
The book examines in detail the specifics of working with young children who are lagging behind in speech development. Such work requires from a speech therapist certain skills and a special approach to learning, since the methodology for teaching children is fundamentally different from classes with preschool children. A wide variety of books and manuals are now available for speech therapy classes with preschoolers, but the description of practical experience with children is much less common.
It is known that it is at an early age (up to 3-4 years) the best way many mental functions develop. The topic of early childhood development is very popular, and the problem of speech development continues to be the most urgent and requires the most serious attitude. Time dictates its conditions: now, by the age of six, a child must not only speak cleanly, have a fairly rich vocabulary, be able to clearly express his thoughts, but also read and write in block letters, be able to produce sound-letter analysis of words. Therefore, the earlier you start classes with your child, the more success you can achieve in your work. Especially close attention is required if the child lags behind in speech development.
The book has a practical focus, all theoretical aspects problems are deliberately omitted. We describe exclusively practical experience work with speechless children of early age. We advise you to remember that for an adequate perception of the proposed material, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms, patterns and stages of speech development both in normal conditions and in the case of speech disorders.
The material presented to your attention is selected according to the level of effectiveness: we have chosen for the book only the most interesting games that children love, which give excellent results. In addition to efficiency, we have taken care of simplicity and convenience: the material in the book is strictly systematized, games and activities with children are described clearly and in detail, texts and the course of the game are quickly remembered.
The described stages of work follow from one another, but it is also possible to selectively use certain types of games, taking into account the level of development of a particular child and the goals of classes. Games and activities can be used both in individual and group work. Individual games can form the basis of a whole lesson or part of it.
We sincerely hope that this book will be useful for both professionals and parents.

Speech therapy classes with young children

The need for speech therapy classes with non-speaking young children

In a situation where a 1.5-2.5-year-old child does not have active speech, the question arises before parents and teachers: is it necessary to immediately start special speech therapy classes or is it worth the wait?
Parents usually compare their child's speech to the level of speech development of his peers. And, of course, they are beginning to worry about the fact that the child is lagging behind in speech development. However, at the everyday level, there are ideas that “boys generally start talking later” or “it happens that they are silent, are silent, and then they will speak,” etc.
Often, speech therapists in the clinic are advised to wait a bit. This can be explained by the fact that classes with kids require a special approach, not every specialist has the necessary knowledge, experience, and also the desire to work with young children. It is much easier to conduct classes with a 4.5–5 year old child, whose behavior is already quite arbitrary.
In our opinion, in the absence of active speech in a 1.5-3 year old baby, it is necessary to organize a consultation with competent specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist, neuropsychiatrist, otorhinolaryngologist (ENT), to conduct a number of medical studies (encephalogram and echogram of the brain, audiogram, etc.) ... Observations of specialists and objective data of medical research allow us to clarify the nature of the violation and the degree of its complexity, to suggest possible reasons the occurrence of a violation. As a result of such an examination, it becomes possible to organize adequate assistance to the child.
At an early age, various developmental disorders in their external manifestations are not yet differentiated, often have similar manifestations. But a violation of the development of speech to one degree or another accompanies any defect. The organization of observation of the child and correctional activities will help to differentiate speech impairment from other impairments (delay mental development, mental retardation, hearing impairment, autism), to make a more accurate diagnosis.
Usually, in consultation with a speech therapist or in the process of speech therapy classes with young children, parents want to get a forecast of the child's speech development in the short and long term. How accurate is it possible to make a forecast? Since in early and junior before school age in children with speech impairments of varying degrees of complexity, the level of general and speech development may look approximately the same, assumptions about the further development of a child's speech can only be made taking into account the dynamics of speech development in the course of teaching speech therapy.
When conducting systematic speech therapy classes, a part of children who have similar speech disorders in early and early preschool age can completely overcome their speech defect, catch up with their peers in terms of speech development, and in the future successfully study in a mass school. Another part of children, even in the course of systematic classes, is not able to completely overcome their speech impairment, at school age they have problems with the acquisition of written language (dysgraphia, dyslexia). In the first case, we can talk about delayed speech development (RRD), in the second case, about general speech underdevelopment (OHP).

Features of classes with young children

Working with young children requires a special approach. Classes with young children differ from classes with preschoolers not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in specific methods of conducting classes. In order to build the work in the best possible way, the speech therapist must also have a good idea of ​​the psychological characteristics of an early age: the peculiarities of the development of perception, attention and memory, speech, thinking, activity, etc.
So, when working with young children, the following points should be taken into account:

A child learns the world with the help of an adult through imitation

Kids with interest explore the sensory properties of surrounding objects: they open and close, throw, touch, smell, taste. But only with the help of an adult, the child learns the functional purpose of the objects of our everyday life - that they eat soup with a spoon, dig sand with a spatula, read a book, and draw with a pencil.
An adult acquaints the kid with new games when he teaches to lull a doll, build from blocks, roll a machine by a string, etc. Observing the adult and repeating his movements, actions, words, the child learns new skills, learns to speak, serve himself, becomes more independent.
Conclusion: lessons with kids are based on imitation of an adult, his movements, actions and words, and not on explanation, conversation, suggestion.

In the joint activities of a child and an adult, it is necessary to combine elements of play and learning

Young children are active, mobile and inquisitive. Children's spontaneity is the basis of knowledge of the world around and communication with people. The kids have not yet formed concepts: what is good and what is bad, how you can behave, and how you can not, and others. Teaching kids is possible only when the child's positive emotions are affected. This emotional uplift can only be achieved through play. Conscious attitude to study will appear later - in the senior preschool age. In the meantime ... if the kid is not interested, he will simply turn away or leave.
Conclusion: learning elements must be introduced into specially organized games.

Repetition is necessary for a new skill to take hold.

Toddlers love to repeat the same action (or movement, word, etc.) over and over. This is a learning mechanism: in order for a skill to gain a foothold, it is necessary a large number of repetitions, and the more difficult the skill, the more time and number of repetitions it will take.
The assumption that it is necessary to constantly diversify a child's play and activities is correct for older children. And kids feel more comfortable in a familiar situation, act more confidently in the course of familiar favorite games.
Conclusion: in order for new knowledge, skills and abilities to gain a foothold, it is necessary to repeat what has been passed many times.

The content of the material should be consistent with children's experience

Materials for games and activities with young children must be selected in such a way that its content matches the children's experience. Use situations that are familiar to your baby. For example, playing with a typewriter - children saw cars on the street; game "Kitty, kitty - scatter!" - the children saw and stroked the cat.
If it is proposed new material, then it is first necessary to give the child new ideas. For example, the game "Hen with Chickens". Little city kids often don't have a real idea of ​​poultry, so show your child toys - a chicken and chickens - or pictures, talk a little about these poultry, and then start playing.
The main topics of the classes are human life, animals and birds, plants, seasonal changes and the weather, etc. The same plots are fixed, specified, expanded in different classes. Reusing familiar stories with young children is both worthwhile and rewarding.
Conclusion: the content of the material for classes with kids requires a serious and thoughtful selection (you can take the program section as a basis kindergarten"Acquaintance with the outside world").

It is necessary to control the level of complexity of the proposed material

The level of complexity of the material for classes with young children should be age-appropriate. Work experience shows the following tendency: teachers tend to overestimate the level of complexity of the material and the requirements for children. This can be explained by the fact that it is very difficult for an adult to take the position of a small child. But what is obvious and simple for an older child, and even more so for an adult, is a serious task for babies.
It should also be remembered that if a child is faced with an unbearable task for him, he will certainly find himself in a situation of failure. The kid will try to complete the task, but he will not succeed, and he will quickly lose interest. In this case, both the child and the adult will be disappointed, and next time the child may refuse to try to complete a difficult task.
Conclusion: the material should be available for a small child, the complication of the same task occurs gradually, from lesson to lesson (implementation of the principle "from simple to complex").

It is necessary to control the duration of the lesson

It should be borne in mind that the attention of young children is involuntary and short-lived. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the lesson in advance in such a way as to avoid overworking the child and losing interest in the lesson. Each game lasts from 5-10 to 15-20 minutes. In this case, you should take into account the specific situation and behavior of children in class: you can quickly curtail the game if you see that the children are tired, or continue and expand it if the kids have the mood and strength to continue.
Conclusion: in classes with young children, you should not plan long games. Also, during the lesson, it is necessary to flexibly vary the duration of the games, depending on the situation, the capabilities of the children and their behavior.

A clear structure of the lesson is required

In order for the information to be better absorbed by the kids, a clear structure of the lesson is needed: each lesson, each game within the lesson has a beginning, continuation and end. Wherein Start and the end the games are very short in time (introductory and concluding remarks of the teacher). The continuation of the game includes the main content of the proposed material. By varying the duration of the game, we are manipulating this particular part of the game. For both short and long versions of the game, do not forget about the opening and closing lines that mark the beginning and end of each game.
Consider as an example the game "Hen and Chickens" already mentioned above. Options for starting the game - “Here come a hen and chickens”, or “Now we’ll play“ Chicken and chickens ”, etc. Options for the end of the game -“ The hen and the chickens went home ”(the hen and the chickens leave),“ The hen and the chickens say goodbye - goodbye! "and so on. But the continuation can be of any content and duration, depending on the tasks.
Conclusion: the game must have a beginning, a continuation and an end.

Change of activities required

Changing activities, when the lesson consists of several different games, allows you to keep the attention of the little ones longer, to increase the duration and effectiveness of the lesson. It is important that outdoor games are combined with calm activities. By the way, changing types of activities (for example, mental and physical) helps to increase performance in older children and adults.
Conclusion: each lesson should include several diverse games, replacing one another.


The activities described should be selected and used taking into account the age of the children, their capabilities and interests. React sensitively to the attitude of children, catch their responses. In some cases, you should learn from the children themselves, who offer interesting options for the development of the game, its plot.
Conclusion: it is necessary to combine clear planning of the lesson with the flexibility of its implementation - individual parts of the lesson can be shortened or expanded, something can be postponed until the next lesson, or a new, previously unplanned element can be introduced.

Knowledge transfer

It is necessary to take special care that the knowledge and skills that children acquired during classes are actively used by them both in other classes and in Everyday life... To do this, you need to keep loved ones informed about the events - they need to know about the new achievements of the child. Since kids are sometimes lazy, sometimes shy, and sometimes they just forget about what they have learned, and in a familiar situation act in a familiar way, encourage, encourage, and sometimes demand that the child act in a new way. Only in this case, a useful skill will gain a foothold faster.
Conclusion: in order for skills and knowledge to be consolidated, it is necessary to constantly use them in a variety of situations.

Kids need a positive assessment of their performance.

During the period of training, emotional support from an adult, a positive assessment of achievements is necessary for kids. Therefore, try to celebrate any, even the most modest, achievements and successes. If you fail, don't focus on it. Say, for example: “Then we will try again”, “Next time it will definitely work out”, “You tried, - well done!”.
Conclusion: to make babies develop faster and more confidently, praise them more often.

Features of speech therapy classes with young children

Speech therapy classes with young children also have a number of features:

Emotional contact between the teacher and the child

Much will depend on how interestingly the games are organized, how the child is emotionally involved. The speech therapist needs to inspire confidence in the child and achieve positive motivation of the child in relation to classes. It is necessary to take the position of a child, learn to play, be emotional, direct and benevolent in communication with the baby. In addition, it is important to encourage any manifestation of the child's activity, to praise, to encourage new attempts to speak. This will help to avoid accompanying speech impairments. psychological problems- unwillingness to speak, fear of speech.

The need for a preparatory stage

Before starting work on the actual development of speech, you need to prepare the child. First of all - games for the development of imitation. It is in such games that the child learns to receive important information from another person. Also, work is underway to develop the baby's auditory perception and breathing, attention and memory, without the proper level of development of which the formation of speech will also be inhibited.

Features of speech accompaniment of the lesson

The lack of active speech in children does not allow them to build classes on the basis of verbal communication. An adult takes an active role: he leads the child - explains and shows, asks questions and answers them himself, offers the child several answers to choose from. In this case, multiple repetition of verbal material is necessary in order to make it easier for children to assimilate and memorize it.
A number of requirements are also imposed on the speech of an adult: speak in simple words and phrases; speech should be pure, without violations, an adult gives only samples of correct speech (it is unacceptable for a child to repeat substitute words); articulation should be clear, children should see the movements of the lips of an adult.

Organization of special games

A child 2-3 years old can be productive only when he is really interested. In addition, the activation of children's speech requires clarity and should be closely related to the practical situation. All this can be achieved in the game.
In addition to an interesting game plot based on the child's practical experience, speech therapy games use special methods of work: pauses in the teacher's speech, the use of gestures, the child's concluding words and phrases, etc.
In addition to the above, some features of children with speech impairments should be taken into account: increased fatigue, inattention, etc. are possible.

Development of communication and cooperation with an adult

Developing emotional communication with an adult

Before starting the actual speech development classes, it is necessary to establish emotional contact with the child. In the case when a child of 1.5–3 years old uses only a few amorphous words in active speech, the issue of establishing contact can become problematic: often only very close people can make out the pronunciation of these words, understand their meaning. In this case, games for the little ones help the teacher to achieve the child's trust - emotional games.
From the point of view of child psychology, the first form of communication for a baby is emotional communication with an adult. And only later, other types of interaction with people appear - business and personal, communication with peers.
Typically, small, non-speaking children respond vividly to emotional games in which an adult takes the initiative. This can be explained by the fact that such games are often familiar to children, easy to perform and loved by children. In addition, in an emotional game, a child is not required to show activity, all the more the task is not set to say something, repeat after an adult. And if we consider that very often babies who are lagging in speech development are tormented by the demands of “Say!”, “Repeat!”, The child perceives such an unobtrusive form of interaction with gratitude and gladly responds to the offer to play.
Carrying out such games should not be viewed as a step backward in the child's development. Indeed, in this case, the goal of the game is not the development and education of the child, but emotional communication, establishing contact between the child and the adult.
When carrying out emotional games, one should observe gradualness: one should not use bodily contact in games ("Swing", "Along an even path") already at the first acquaintance with a child. The options for games described below are given in the following sequence:
games with toys and objects;
hand contact;
physical contact.
In addition, games aimed at forming communication require compliance with several conditions:
Firstly, the adult shows a great interest in the game, actively organizes interaction with the child, makes efforts to captivate the child with play;
Secondly, an adult accompanies game actions with comments describing in words all stages of the game; speech is emotionally rich, clear, laconic, an adult speaks in a calm or cheerful voice of normal volume. Many games use poems and nursery rhymes. At the same time, one should choose poetic texts that are small in volume with simple, clear and specific, but interesting child early age content;
Thirdly, an adult does everything to create a comfortable, warm atmosphere during the game: behaves kindly, smiles, supports the child's manifestations of initiative, encourages;
Fourth, an adult closely monitors the progress of the game, controlling its beginning, continuation and end: the game starts when the child is rested, in good mood, continues as long as the child is interested, and ends at the first signs of fatigue and loss of interest on his part;
Fifth, emotional games aimed at developing communication with an adult and establishing contact with him, carried out individually(one adult - one child).
Many of the games below are very simple, but kids like to repeat them over and over. To improve the child's mood, make him smile, you can start a speech therapy lesson with one of these games, even if the child's contact with the teacher has already been established. Such a game will help you tune in to active communication.

Baby bonding games

Give me a pen!

Game progress: The teacher comes up to the child and holds out his hand.
- Let's say hello. Give me a pen!
In order not to scare the baby, you should not show excessive assertiveness: do not get too close, pronounce the words of the address to the child in a low, calm voice. To communicate correctly, squat down or high chair- it is better for an adult and a child to be on the same level, to be able to face each other.

Hey! Till!

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher approaches the child and waves his hand, greeting.
Hey! Hey!
Then he invites the child to answer the greeting.
Let's say hello. Wave your pen! Hey!
When parting, the game is repeated - the teacher waves his hand.
Till! Till!
Then he invites the baby to say goodbye.
Wave goodbye Till!
This goodbye ritual should be repeated regularly at the beginning and end of the session. Gradually, the child will begin to show more initiative, learn to greet the teacher when meeting and saying goodbye on their own. This game is useful because it teaches the rules of behavior between people.

Clap our hands!

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher claps his hands with the words:
- I'll clap my hands, I'll be good,
Clap our hands, we will be good!
Then he invites the baby to clap his hands with him:
- Let's clap our hands together.
If the kid does not repeat the actions of the teacher, but only looks, you can try to take his palms in yours and clap them. But if the child resists, you should not insist, perhaps next time he will show more initiative.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; development of attention.
Equipment: Parsley doll (in a mortar).
Game progress: The teacher shows the kid a toy (Petrushka hid himself).
Ouch! Who is hiding there? Who's there?
Then Parsley is shown with the words:
Ku-ku! It's me, Petrushka! Hey!
Parsley bows, turns in different directions, then hides again. The game can be repeated several times.

Catch the ball!

Equipment: small rubber ball or plastic ball.
Game progress: The teacher picks up a ball, invites the child to play with it. It is better to organize the game on the floor: the teacher and the child sit opposite each other, legs wide apart so that the ball does not roll past.
- Let's play ball. Catch the ball!
The teacher rolls the ball towards the baby. Then he encourages him to roll the ball in the opposite direction, catches the ball, emotionally comments on the course of the game.
- Kati the ball! Oops! I caught the ball!
The game is played for some time, the game should be stopped at the first sign of fatigue or loss of interest on the part of the child.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: doll Parsley (bi-ba-bo).
Game progress: Unbeknownst to the child, the teacher puts a toy on his hand, then begins the game. Parsley comes up to the baby, bows.
I am Parsley - a funny toy! Hi Hi!
Then Petrushka invites the kid to say hello, takes his hand in hers.
- Let's say hello! Give me a pen!
After that, Petrushka performs various actions: claps his hands, dances and sings, inviting the child to repeat these actions.
- Let's clap your hands - clap-clap-clap! And now I'll sing a song: la-la-la! La-la-la!
Then Parsley hides and reappears. The game ends with the toy saying goodbye and leaving.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: soft toy kitten.
Game progress: The teacher shows the child a toy kitten and offers to pet it.
- Look, what kind of kitten came to us - small, fluffy.
Let's pet the kitten like this.
The action is accompanied by a poem:

Kitty, kitty, kisulya! -
I called the kitten Julia.
Don't rush home, wait! -
And she stroked her hand.

You can continue the game with the kitten: give it milk, show how the kitten can jump, wave its tail.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: small plastic ball (which can fit in the palm of your hand).
Game progress: The teacher shows the child a ball and offers to play.
- Look, what a beautiful ball. Let's play: I will hide the ball, and you guess which hand it is in.
After that, the teacher puts his hands behind his back and hides the ball in his fist. Then he puts both hands, clenched into fists, forward and invites the child to guess and show which hand the ball is in. Then he turns his hand over and opens his palm.
- In which hand the ball is - guess! You guessed correctly - here it is, the ball, look! Let's hide the balloon one more time!
Children love this game, so, most likely, the game action will have to be repeated many times.

Sunny bunny

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: small framed mirror (no sharp edges).
Game progress: Prepare the mirror in advance. Having chosen the moment when the sun looks through the window, the teacher takes a mirror and catches Sunray... At the same time, by means of a commentary, he draws the child's attention to how the sunny "bunny" jumps on the wall, on the ceiling, from the wall to the sofa, etc.
- Look at the wall sunny bunny! How he jumps - jump-jump!
You can invite your child to touch the light spot. Then slowly move the beam away, inviting the child to catch the sunbeam.
- Touch the bunny - like this. Ouch! Look: the sunny bunny is running away - catch the bunny! What a nimble bunny, how far it jumps. And now it's on the ceiling - you can't get it!
If the child liked the game, you can invite him to switch roles - give him a mirror, show him how to catch the beam, how to control the movements of the "bunny". During the game, do not forget to comment on all actions.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: large bright silk scarf (it is desirable that the scarf is not electrified).
Game progress: Before starting the game, prepare a scarf: it is desirable that it be pleasant to the touch, beautiful colors. It is permissible to first use a translucent scarf (in this case, the child can observe from under it what is happening around and will not be afraid of sudden darkness and loss of visibility). In the future, you can use opaque scarves. It is convenient to play this game sitting on the couch or sitting on the carpet.
Invite your baby to play with the handkerchief. Put a scarf over your head with the words:
- Now I will hide. Come on, find me!
The child will be happy to pull the scarf off your head. After that, offer to hide the baby - put a scarf over his head.
- Where is our Vanya? Vanya, where are you? Hey!
After these words, pull off the scarf from the child's head, hug him, rejoice at meeting with him. The game can be repeated many times.

Hide and seek

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Equipment: a large blanket or blanket.
Game progress: Similar to playing with a handkerchief, you can organize a game of hide and seek using a blanket or blanket. In this case, a child or an adult, hiding, can freely move around the room, choosing a suitable secluded place.
Unlike the kerchief game, this is a longer game. The driving adult can deliberately slowly walk around the room, looking into the most unexpected places - under the table, in cabinets, etc. - with the words:
- Where is our boy hiding? Misha, ay! I'm going to look!
When a child expects to be found, he experiences intense emotions - tension and possibly fear. At the end of the game, such tension is necessarily resolved - the child is found, stroked on the head, hugged, and praised.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher shows his palms and invites the child to pat them.

Baby knows how to clap
He does not spare his pens.
Like this, like this, like that,
He does not spare his pens!

Scratching claws

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; teaching the alternation of hand movements in accordance with the speech instruction.
Game progress: First, the teacher reads a poem and depicts a kitten. Saying the first two lines of the poem, he strokes with one hand with the other.

White kitten
Soft Paws.

On the third and fourth lines, it squeezes and then unclenches its fingers - the kitten "releases" claws-scratches.

But on every foot
Scratching claws!

Then he invites the child to portray a kitten. After the child learns to portray a kitten, you can offer a game in pairs: the teacher first strokes the child's hand, then pretends to scratch it with "claws" (at this moment the child can quickly remove his hands). Then the teacher and the child change roles: the child first strokes the teacher's hand, then “releases its claws” and tries to scratch lightly.

Kisa, Kisa! Scatter!

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; learning the ability to switch from one game action to another.
Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play kitty. To do this, an adult explains and shows how the cat is stroked, with the words "Kitty, kitty!" like chasing a cat away, with the word "Scatter!"... At the same time, at first, an adult gently strokes the child's palms extended forward, and then tries to lightly hit them - while the baby must quickly hide his hands behind his back.
- Let's play kitty! When the kitty is stroked - “Kitty! Kitty! " - keep your palms. And when they say "Bris!" - quickly hide your palms behind your back. Like this. Kitty, kitty! Scatter!
Many children are not immediately involved in this game, as it requires more active participation, contains an element of risk. Perhaps, at the first acquaintance with this game, you will have to invite someone close to the child to participate in adults whom the child trusts. Or, for a start, just show how you can play, involving another participant - a child or an adult, so that the kid gets the opportunity to observe the game from the side.
When the child learns to play this game, you can offer to switch roles. Moreover, if the child does not yet use active speech, the adult can comment on the course of the game, even if the child gets an active role.

Tritatushki - three-ta-ta!

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: An adult sits the child on his knees, facing him, holds the child by the belt. Then he performs rhythmic body shaking (left-right, up-down), accompanying the movements by repeatedly pronouncing the words:
- Tritatushki - three-ta-ta! Tritatushki - three-ta-ta!

On a flat path!

Target: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher puts the child on his lap, then begins to throw him rhythmically, accompanying the movements with a nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, the teacher pretends to drop the child.

On a flat path
On a flat path
Over bumps, over bumps,
Over the bumps, over the bumps,
Straight into the hole -


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher puts the child on his lap, then begins to rhythmically toss the child up, accompanying the movements with a nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, the teacher pretends to drop the child.

We sat down on the pillows.
Girlfriends came
Pushed off the pillow -


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play a swing.
- Do you like swinging on a swing? Let's play swing!
The teacher sits on a sofa or comfortable chair, sits the child on his lap, face to face. Then he takes the child's hands in his and places them to the sides, after which he imitates the rhythmic movements of a swing - swaying from side to side, dragging the child along with him.
- Swing swing: swing, swing! Kach-kach!
You can play while standing. An adult and a child stand opposite each other, legs spread wide, they hold hands and spread them to the sides. With words "Kach-kach" the movements of the swing are imitated - together the adult and the child swing from side to side, alternately tearing off the right and then the left legs from the floor.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: At the beginning of the game, the teacher draws the child's attention to the wall clock, then offers to play the clock.
- Look at the clock on the wall. The clock is ticking: "tick tock!" - Let's play the clock!
The teacher sits on the floor, sits the child on his knees face to face, takes the child's hands in his (arms bent at the elbows) and begins to imitate the clock - performs rhythmic movements back and forth, dragging the child along with him.
- The clock is ticking: “tick-tock! Tick ​​tock! "
The same game can be played, alternately changing the rhythm - the clock can tick slowly and quickly.

Catch up, catch up!

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; development of movements.
Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play catch-up.
- Let's play catch-up: you run away, and I will catch up with you! Catch up, catch up!
The child runs away, and the adult catches up with him. At the same time, do not rush - give the baby the opportunity to run, to feel fast and dexterous. Then the teacher catches the child - hugs him, bothers him.
It should be noted that this game is emotionally stressful, contains an element of risk for the child. In addition, close bodily contact arises during the game. Therefore, you can offer the kid such a game when there is already a certain degree of trust between him and the adult. And if the baby is frightened, you do not need to insist - try another time.


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher invites the child to listen to the nursery rhyme and clap his hands. The teacher claps his hands together with the child. On the last lines, wave your hands like wings, then gently lower your palms onto the baby's head.
- Let's clap our hands - like this.

Okay, okay!
- Where were you?
By Grandma!
What did you eat?
- Koshka!
What did you drink?
We ate porridge,
We drank the brew!
Sh-u-u-u, flew,
They sat on the head!


Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher takes the child's hand in his hand and begins to read the nursery rhyme, accompanying the text with movements. The teacher leads the child with his finger in a circular motion on his palm - "interferes with the porridge." At the words "she gave it", bend the child's fingers one by one, starting with the little finger. At the words “but I didn't give it”, turn the child's thumb and tickle his palm.

I cooked porridge,
The children were fed:
To this I gave, to this I gave,
To this I gave, to this I gave,
But she did not give this:
You, son, are small
Didn't help us,
We won't give you porridge.

Horned goat

Target: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.
Game progress: The teacher pronounces the text of the nursery rhyme, accompanying it with movements. Squeeze the fingers of your right hand, putting only your index finger and little finger forward - you get a "goat" with horns. When pronouncing, then bring it closer, then remove the "goat". At the words "butt", "bother" the child.

There is a horned goat,
There is a butted goat,
Top-top legs!
Eyes clap-clap:
"Who does not eat porridge,
Who does not drink milk
I butt
Gore, gore! "

Development of general imitation

Imitation is one of the main ways a young child assimilates social experience. By imitation, he masters everyday and play skills, masters speech. So, the child repeats the movements or actions of an adult taking place before his eyes, tries to reproduce the speech heard from his mouth. With repeated repetition, movements and words are gradually fixed in the child's mind and turn into skills - now these are his own actions, gestures, and speech. Over time, the need for direct observation before imitation disappears - the child remembers the modes of action, gestures and facial expressions of an adult, the manner of speaking, gradually they become part of his own personality. This is in a simplified form imitation mechanism.
The mechanism of imitation explains many features of the development of the child's personality, the formation of his character. Indeed, it often happens that, despite the explanations and admonitions of relatives, the child behaves "exactly the opposite": his actions and deeds do not correspond to the wishes of those close to him, the style of upbringing. However, this can often be explained by the unconscious mechanism of imitation: copying the behavior of an adult who is significant for a child at a subconscious level turns out to be much stronger than educational conversations directed to consciousness.
Here are some examples. If an adult repeatedly explains to a child that it is possible to cross the street only when the traffic light is green, and he himself, nevertheless, crosses the road at a red light (in front of the child, or together with him), the child will do the same. Or if an adult often and soulfully talks with a child about the dangers of smoking, but smokes himself, it is highly likely that the child will also become a smoker, perhaps even in young age... In the same way, you can explain many of the behavioral features of children and the character traits that they copy from their parents.
These examples are typical for older children, and we will return to young children and the problem of speech development. Given the imitation mechanism, it is very important to provide the child with the correct speech environment: if Small child, who begins to speak, communicates closely with an adult who has speech impairments, then these impairments can gain a foothold in the child's speech, even though the baby himself has all the prerequisites for the correct development of speech.
However, the imitation mechanism can work not only on a subconscious level. Educators and psychologists quite deliberately use it as the basis of education. So, if an adult wants to consolidate a skill in a child, then he repeatedly shows the action or says a word, a phrase, and the baby repeats it.
Under the concept general imitation we understand imitation of movements and actions, as well as facial expressions, gestures, demeanor, etc. (speech imitation will be described in the section "Development of speech"). First of all, imitation of movements and actions should be purposefully developed.
A toddler's ability to imitate the movements and actions of an adult develops gradually. In the case when a child has a lag in the development of speech, imitation requires a special teaching influence on the part of an adult. This is necessary for carrying out special correctional classes, so at the initial stage of speech therapy work, it is the principle of imitation that forms the basis of a child's education.
We offer the following sequence of development of general imitation:
You should start with individual simple movements... For example, in the Do Exercise game, kids repeat the following movements: raise our hands up, stomp our feet, run, run etc.
Then you can teach children to do several movements... For example, in the game "Birds" children simultaneously wave their "wings" and run.
The next stage in the development of general imitation is fulfillment actions with objects and toys, that is, a series of movements that follow logically from each other. In such actions, not only certain movements are important, but also the child's comprehension of the social significance of the action. For example, in playing with a doll, we teach the child to first rock the doll, then put it in the crib and cover it with a blanket, etc.
Imitation of movements or actions can be developed in different games. The games described below are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. We advise you to pay special attention to the development of imitation of the movements of the hands (games "Ladoshki", "Vodichka", "Cabbage", "Flowers", etc.). The games listed below are based on the following classification of games for the development of general imitation:
Games with poetic texts... These are games in which the text of the poem is gradually accompanied by certain actions corresponding to the plot.
Outdoor games... Games using a variety of movements. Usually conducted in a group with clear instructions. This also includes games on the playground - teaching children the ability to swing on different types swing, slide down a slide, use sports equipment (climb stairs, hang on the crossbar, etc.). In parallel, the problem of the development of the motor sphere of children is being solved.
Playing with toys and objects... In these games, an adult teaches a child to perform certain, socially assigned to objects and toys, actions - play (dolls, balls, cubes), actions with tools (spatula, spoon, net), etc.
When playing with children, observe speech rules... First, verbal instructions should be clear and understandable for children. Secondly, the poems that are used in the game should not be too long (it is better if an adult learns them by heart), their content should be specific, understandable and interesting for young children, without excessive imagery. Thirdly, the teacher's speech should become a role model: emotionally rich, clear, laconic, an adult speaks in a calm energetic voice of normal volume.
Games aimed at developing general imitation in children can be conducted both individually and in small groups (3-5 children). It is better to introduce the child to a new game during an individual lesson, and to consolidate and expand skills in a group lesson. It should be noted that when playing in a group, children imitate not only an adult, but also each other. If there are positive leaders in the group, from whom one can take an example, imitation of peers becomes an additional incentive for the development of general imitation.
In addition to the tasks of the child's development and learning, games for the development of general imitation carry an emotionally positive charge, give the opportunity to move, give children pleasure and joy.

Games with poetic texts


Game progress: Invite the children to play kittens. Comment on your actions with the words:
- Now we will turn into kittens. Do as I do.

Meow meow, I wash my face

(motions of washing)

I smile to everyone in the world!


Teddy bear

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Offer the children a teddy bear game.
- Let's play club-footed bear. I will read the rhyme, and you repeat the movements after me!

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest.

(waddling walking)

He collects cones, sings a song.

(we make movements, as if we are picking up cones from the ground)

Suddenly a lump fell, right on the bear's forehead!

(lightly hit the forehead with your palm)

The bear got angry and kicked - top!

(make an angry expression and stamp our foot)


Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Encourage the children to play bunnies.
- Let's play funny bunnies. I will read the rhyme, and you repeat the movements after me!

On the forest lawn
Bunnies scattered.

(easy running)

These are the bunnies
Runaway bunnies.

The bunnies sat in a circle

(sat down)

Dig a spine with a paw.

(hand movement)

These are the bunnies
Runaway bunnies.

(we raise our palms to the head - we show the "ears")


Target: development of imitation of adult hand movements; learning the ability to quickly switch from one movement to another; development of understanding of speech; development of the hands.
Game progress: This game is played while sitting at a table. To make it possible to carry out a sequence of movements, you first need to teach the child to perform individual movements: at the same time put your palms on the table, palms down, palms up, put your palms on the edge, clamp your palms in a fist. When children master these movements and can easily reproduce them, you can play "Ladoshki".
- Let's play with our palms. I will recite the rhyme and show the movements, and you repeat after me!

Hands up!

(we put our hands on the table, palms up)

Hands down!

(turn over palms)

And now they are on the side!

(we put our palms on the edge)

And squeezed into a fist!

(we clench our palms into fists).
The series of movements should be performed slowly at the beginning, as it is difficult for children to quickly switch from one movement to another. When the children master the movements well, their sequence, it is possible to offer the game without showing from the side of an adult, but only on a verbal command.


Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress
- I will tell the rhyme and show the movements, and you repeat after me!

Water, water!

(fingering from top to bottom)

Wash my face!

(we imitate movements - “wash”)

To make your eyes shine

(point fingers at the eyes)

To make your cheeks turn red

(touching the cheeks)

So that the mouth laughs,


So that the tooth bites!

(with our fingers we depict a bite )
- That's how we washed ourselves. Became clean and rosy!


Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech. Game progress: Children stand in a row, the teacher stands opposite.
- I will say a rhyme and show the movements, and you repeat after me!

Oh, frets, frets, frets!

(show our hands or clap our hands)

We are not afraid of water!

(shake our head)

We wash ourselves often

(We “wash” with smooth movements of the hands, without touching the face)

Mom(dad, babe) smile!

(we smile, we spread our arms to the sides).


Game progress: Before starting the game, it is necessary to clarify the ideas of children about what sauerkraut is, how and from what it is prepared. It is good to show the children sauerkraut right there and then and give it a try.
- Who loves sauerkraut? It is very tasty and healthy. Now we will cook sauerkraut: I will say a rhyme and show the movements, and you repeat after me!

We chop the cabbage, chop it!

(arms bent at the elbows, palms with a "shoulder blade", movements in front of you up and down - if the left hand is up, the right hand is down)

We salt the cabbage, salt!

(hands are bent at the elbows straight in front of us, fingers - thumb, index and middle - we collect in a pinch, move our fingers as if we are salt)

We are three cabbage, three!

(hands in front of you, bent at the elbows, we fold our fingers into a fist, three fists against each other)

We press cabbage, we press!

(hands in front of you, bent at the elbows, alternately we spread our fingers to the sides, then we collect into a fist)
- That's what great fellows we are - we cooked cabbage!


Target: development of imitation of adult hand movements; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Invite the children to play flowers. Comment on your actions with the words:
- Imagine that this is a clearing. And they grow in the clearing beautiful flowers... Come on, we will be flowers. Listen and repeat after me!

Our red flowers

(we connect the arms bent at the elbows and raise them in front of us, fold our palms with a ladle)

Dissolve the petals.

(spread fingers to the sides)

The breeze breathes a little
The petals are swaying.

(wiggle our fingers)

Our red flowers
Close the petals.

(again we connect the fingers into a "bud")

They shake their heads

(swing from side to side with hands joined together)

And they fall asleep quietly.

(put the joined hands under the head).


Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Invite the children to play with the trees. Comment on your actions with the words:
- Now we will turn into trees. Listen and repeat after me!

The wind blows in our face

(we wave our hands, fanning our face)

The little tree swayed!

(we swing from side to side with the whole body)

The breeze is quieter, quieter

(swing slower, then stop)

The tree is getting higher, higher!

(we raise our hands, we reach up).

Miracle flower

Target: development of imitation of adult hand movements; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Offer the children this game.
(arms bent at the elbows, fold our arms crosswise and clasp our palms with our thumbs, wiggle our fingers).

Move by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to pick a flower
But the flower suddenly flew away.

(we separate the thumbs, we spread our hands to the sides).
- Have you guessed what kind of “flower” it was?(butterfly).

We're kicking top-top-top!

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Suggest to kids new game.

We're kicking top-top-top!

(we stomp, raising our legs high)

And clap-clap-clap your hands!

(clap our hands)

Oh yes kids!
Ah yes, strong guys!

(hands on the belt, spinning).

This is how we are!

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Offer the children a new game.
- Well, let's show what we can do! Repeat after me!

We're kicking top, top, top!


We clap, clap, clap our hands!


Twist your head, twist, twist!

(turn our head from side to side)

We'll hit ourselves in the chest!

(we straighten our shoulders, lightly hit ourselves in the chest)

Stroke their tummies!

(stroking the stomach in a circular motion)

Mouths smiled!

(stretch the corners of the mouth with index fingers)
That's what great fellows we are!

Yellow boots

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Offer the little ones a game of boots.
Imagine you have nice yellow boots. Let's put on our boots!
(show how you can imitate the movements of putting on boots)
Everyone put on their boots - well, stomp! Now listen carefully and repeat the movements after me.

We ran along the path
Yellow boots.
Yellow boots
Babies have legs.

(easy running)

Our legs are tired
We ran along the path.
Let's stroke our feet

(light stroking of the feet with the palms)

And let's rest a little.

(calmly lie on your back and rest).


Target: development of imitation of adult hand movements; learning the ability to quickly switch from one movement to another; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Offer the little ones a new game. Starting position - sitting on your knees on the floor.

Clap once!

(clap your hands on the word "clap", blow your palms on the knees for the word "one")


(clap your hands on the word "more", blow your palms on the knees for the word "one")

We'll clap now!

(clap our hands)

And then hurry, hurry
Spank, spank more fun!

(rhythmic beating of palms on the floor).

Outdoor games

Let's do some exercises!

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of movements; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Children line up, at a sufficient distance from each other. The adult stands in front of the children. He offers to play: he performs certain actions, commenting on them with the following words:
- Let's do some exercises! I will show, and you repeat after me!
Hands up!
Hands to the side!
Now let's go - top-top-top!
Hands forward!
Let's clap our hands!
Hands on your belt!
Have a seat!
We stand!
Let's jump - jump-jump!
In order to maintain interest in the game, in the future, when the children remember the proposed movements, you can choose a leader from among the children.
If the game is played individually with the child, you can invite him to switch roles:
- Now let's change - you show, and I will repeat.
The game can be complicated and expanded by adding new movements.

Dance with Me!

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of movements; movement to the rhythm of music.
Game progress: Children stand in a circle, at a sufficient distance from each other. The teacher stands in the center of the circle. Music turns on - you can use dance melodies, children's songs. The teacher invites you to dance with him, shows and at the same time names the main dance moves. The movements can be performed at different rates depending on the nature of the music.
- Let's dance to the music! I will show, and you repeat after me!
Let's clap our hands!
(hands in front of you)
Claps over your head!
(with straight arms with a big swing)
(quick stomping steps in place)
Let's drown with the right leg!
(one foot taps)
Let's drown with our left leg!
(taps with the other foot)
We catch mosquitoes!
(resounding claps to the right, left of the body, above and below)
(jumping on both legs)
Making plates!
(sliding claps: one hand swings from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top)
(squats, legs do not come off the floor)
(crossing arms overhead)
Let's circle!
(turns around its own axis, or spinning in pairs, holding hands)
In addition to performing individual movements to the music, it is recommended to learn simple dances, round dances, etc.

Guess who I am!

Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of movements.
Game progress: The teacher depicts characteristic movements and invites children to guess which animal he is depicting, and then repeat the same movements.
- Now I'm going to portray an animal. Guess who I am! Of course, I'm a club-footed bear! Let's waddle like a bear - like this!
The teacher waddles with the children, arms outstretched. Similarly, the movements of the following animals and birds are depicted:
Fox - smooth unhurried walking, alternately put forward hands - "paws".
Hare - we put the arms-"paws" bent at the elbows to the chest, we jump on both legs.
Bird - running around the room with simultaneous flaps of straight arms - "wings".
Frog - we squat, jumping forward, straightening and again bending our legs at the knees.
Horse - running with alternate throwing of the right / left leg forward.

Repeat after me!

Target: development of imitation of the actions of an adult.
Game progress: The teacher depicts various actions and invites the children to guess what he is doing, and then repeat the actions with him. Actions are performed without using real objects, but if children find it difficult to answer what an adult is doing, you can use objects during the show. For example, the teacher pretends to take a plate and a spoon, apply food, take food with a spoon, blow to cool, put it in his mouth, chew and swallow.
- Now I will show something interesting, and you try to guess what I am doing ... Of course, I eat! Show how you can eat! I wonder who eats what? I ate porridge. And you, Vanya, what are you eating? Soup, I guess?
Since children do not yet use active speech, the teacher can offer answer options after questions, and the children choose the option that they liked and express their consent in the way they can - with a nod of the head, sounds.
Similarly, the following actions are depicted:
I read- "open the book, flip through the pages."
Drink- "take a cup, bring it to your mouth, drink, wipe your mouth with a napkin."
Driving by car- "move around the room, turn the steering wheel and honk".
Airplane- "spread out straight arms," ​​wings ", walk or run around the room."
Playing snowballs- "bend over, scoop up snow with your hands, make a snowball, throw a snowball."
Draw- "draw paint on a brush, move the brush over the easel, hang a picture on the wall."
My floors- "lower the mop into a bucket of water, then drive the mop across the floor."


Target: development of imitation of the movements of an adult; development of understanding of speech.
Game progress: Invite the children to play birds. Comment on your actions with the words:
- Do as I do. Let's fly like birds! We flap our wings up and down!
Running around the room, we flap our arms like wings. If one of the kids does not perform the movement, raise his hands, help him perform the movement.
We squat down and knock on the floor with our hand.
- Now the birds have sat down on the ground to rest, and began to peck grains - like this!
Offer the children different rates of movement — the birds can fly fast or slow.
- We flew again! We slowly flap our wings ... And now we flew quickly!
The game can be varied, come up with new movements for the birds.

Sun and rain

Target: development of imitation of the movements and actions of an adult, teaching the skill to listen carefully to verbal instructions.
Game progress: Agree with the kids where you will have a house. It can be a carpet lying on the floor - a common house for everyone. At other times, each child may have his own house - a hoop lying on the floor, a skipping rope or a chair folded in the shape of a circle. When playing outside, you can draw houses with chalk on the asphalt.
This is our house(or our houses) - we will live in a house. Now the weather outside is good - the sun is shining. Go for a walk!
Leave the house outside and walk around the room. You can jump, dance - children repeat the movements behind the teacher.
- Suddenly a cloud came, covered the sun - now the rain will begin! Let's run home soon, hide from the rain!
After sitting a little in the "house", invite the kids to "look out the window."
- Look at the weather outside. Is it raining? Then we'll stay at home. Is the sun shining? Go for a walk!
The game continues. Make sure that there is enough space for play so that children do not push when rushing to the houses.

Playing with toys and objects

Dice games

Target: development of imitation of the actions of an adult; development of game actions; design.
Equipment: plastic or wooden cubes different colors and other figures from children's building sets.
Game progress: Offer the children colorful cubes (use large plastic cubes first, then smaller cubes; other shapes can be used later). Show and explain what you can build with bricks. It is better to teach different games with blocks in stages: first, children learn to build turrets, then paths, houses, etc. Teaching such simple games is useful, as it expands the children's ideas and their capabilities.


Place large cubes at a short distance from each other - these are chairs. Place small toys on chairs (it is convenient to use rubber toys with a stable base).
- We played our toys and were very tired. Let's put chairs for them - let them sit and rest. Here is a bunny chair, and this chair is for a bear. We sat down, rested - and ran on to play.


Place the cubes in a row on the floor. The path can be long or short, of the same color and with alternating different colors. Dolls and other toys can walk along the path, cars can drive.
- Let's make a path of cubes! We put a cube, next to another cube - like this! Let's make a long track! What a wonderful road we got! There is a doll on the road - top-top-top!


We put one cube on top of another until you get a tall tower. It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that the cubes should be placed neatly on top of each other, otherwise the tower will be unstable and quickly collapse. The tower can be multi-colored or of the same color, low or high. You can build two towers side by side with different heights and different colors. A chrysalis can climb the tower. You can try to hit the turret with a ball.

End of free trial snippet.

The book by Elena Yanushko, a recognized specialist in the development of speech in babies, is devoted to a topical topic - the speech development of a young child (from 1 to 3 years old). The author introduces the reader to the peculiarities of speech development in young children and describes the initial stage of work on the development of speech in babies, suggesting speech games, exercises and special techniques, with the help of which it is possible to "talk" the child, to give impetus to the further development of active speech. Book lessons are perfect for all children aged from one to three years, both lagging in speech development and normally developing - in this case, the book helps in the best way to realize the child's developmental potential.
The book is intended for parents, kindergarten teachers, early childhood educators and anyone interested in the topic of speech development of babies.

Development of speech as one of the directions of early development.
The TOPIC of early development of children (1-3 years) is currently very popular, because scientists have proven that many mental functions develop in the best way at an early age. The issues of the development of children's speech continue to remain relevant for many years and require the most serious attitude towards themselves. Time dictates its conditions: now, by the age of six, a child should not only speak cleanly, have a fairly rich vocabulary, be able to clearly express his thoughts, but also read, write in block letters, and be able to perform sound-letter analysis of words. Therefore, the earlier you start classes with your child, the more success you can achieve. Speech development requires especially close attention if the child lags behind in speech development.

A child's literate, clear, clean and rhythmic speech is not a gift, it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents and other people, in whose environment the child grows and develops. If a child lives in a developing language environment, he begins to speak fluently by the age of three, regardless of the level of general intelligence.

Speech and its functions
Speech as a means of communication
Speech as a means of thinking
Speech as a means of control
The development of a child's speech from birth to 3 years
Development of speech as one of the directions of early development
Development of speech in infancy (pre-verbal period)
The phenomenon of autonomous children's speech
First words
First phrases
Dynamics of the formation of a child's speech
Features of the development of speech in boys and girls
What is babysitting language?
Signs of poor speech development
Causes of delayed speech development at an early age
Child speech diagnosis
Diagnosis "Delayed speech development" - ZRR
Diagnosis "General speech underdevelopment" - OHP
Other speech therapy and neurological diagnoses
Underdevelopment of speech as a secondary disorder
Secondary disorders resulting from problems in speech development
Speech negativism
Delay in mental development baby
Difficulty communicating with other people
Deformation of personality traits
General neuroticization of the child
Meet the speech therapist
What if the baby is silent? Wait or help?
Parents' opinions
Opinions of speech therapists
Diagnosis of speech disorders at an early age
PMPK - psychological, medical and pedagogical commission
Speech therapist consultation and other types of examinations
Attitude of those close to the child's diagnosis
Forecast of the development of the child's speech
Types of speech therapy assistance to a young child
Speech therapy classes
Help from loved ones
Speech therapy classes with young children
Features of developmental activities with young children
Features of speech therapy classes with young children
Interaction between the speech therapist and the child's parents
Organization of speech therapy assistance in our country
Features of communication with a non-speaking child in the family
How to talk to a child correctly
How to help your baby in everyday communication
Development of business communication between an adult and a child
Development of general and speech activity of the child
Options for helping with verbal communication with your child
Organization speech lessons at home
How to study according to the book "Help the baby talk"
Features of the developmental situation of a child with a lag in speech development in the family
Features of the organization of classes
Planning correctional work
Evaluation of results
Development of understanding of speech
Creation of a speech environment
Passive vocabulary content
Accumulation of passive vocabulary
Development of active speech
Expression of the child's activity
Development of speech imitation
Using rhythm in the development of speech
Development of the verb dictionary
Development of speech in object games
Conversations from pictures
Special techniques for the development of active speech of the baby
Acquaintance with the outside world as the basis for the development of a child's speech
Continuing work on the development of the child's speech at preschool age
Development of imitation
Hearing development
Development of non-verbal hearing
Development of speech hearing
Respiration development
Development of physiological respiration
Development of speech breathing
Development of fine motor skills
Hand massage
Object games
Finger games
Home psychotherapy
The need for psychotherapeutic work
Water games
Sand games
Snow games
Cereal games
Pebble games
Object games
Early development - enthusiasm and controversy
Speech therapy problems and ways to solve them
Kid and foreign language
Child and book
A child in the world of information.

Help your baby talk!

The book is devoted to a relevant topic - the speech development of a child 1.5 - 3 years old.

To speak, the child needs the help of an adult. The initial stage of speech development consists of classes that help to establish communication with an adult, develop imitation, auditory attention baby, breathing and fine motor skills... The main section of the book - "Speech Development" - aims to "talk" the child and describes speech classes and special techniques of speech therapy, taking into account the peculiarities of working with small non-speaking children. The presented material will help create a speech environment for development, accumulate a passive vocabulary. The development of the child's active speech (exactly what relatives are looking forward to with such impatience!) Is achieved through the development of speech imitation in the child, the use of rhythm, etc.

The book is a practical guide. The material is presented concisely, in a popular and convenient form, includes descriptions of activities in the form of entertaining games, as well as useful illustrations. The book is suitable for lessons both with babies who are lagging behind in speech development and with normally developing children. Book "Help your baby talk!" will be useful to both speech therapists and educators, and parents.

You can purchase this edition of the book "Help the baby talk" (if you wish - with the signature of the author)

Dear friends!

I am glad to tell you great news: a series of practical books on the development of the speech of babies “Baby, let's talk!” Has been published. This series is based on the methodology described in the popular book for parents and educators, Help Your Kid Talk! The aim of this series is to provide a convenient and effective material for speech activities with toddlers. Based on the books of the series "Baby, let's talk!" you can do it at home - the material is systematized and implemented in an optimal way, you can do it without preliminary training and special skills on the part of an adult.

BABY LET'S TALK! - a unique, unparalleled project dedicated to actual problem speech development in children 1-3 years old. The project includes a series of books aimed at developing active speech and the accumulation of a child's passive vocabulary (understanding of speech).

Books in the series BABY, LET'S TALK! offer extensive material for lessons with a child: pictures and specially adapted texts, speech games and exercises, special methods of work to develop the speech of babies. Practicing this technique, you can "get the baby talk", give an impetus to the further development of speech. For the series, the most interesting and effective material was selected: entertaining stories about the Bunny and interesting stories about animals, a special method of concluding words in rhymes, the kids' favorite mobile and finger games, and much more. Studying with books is simple and convenient: the tasks are presented in a coherent system, they are understandable, do not require preparation and special skills, and at the same time they give excellent results! Our books will be useful to all children - both those who have already said their first words, and those who are delayed in speech development. Of course, the child's lessons from books are possible only together with adults: we invite you to talk with the child as close to the child - parents, grandparents, and specialists - teachers and speech therapists.

On the this moment in the project "Baby, let's talk!" books presented:


My favorite animals (pets) 1+

Who is hiding under the Christmas tree? (forest animals) 1+

Come to the zoo! (exotic animals) 1+

Who is in the water and who is in the grass? (marine animals and insects) 1+


Little teddy bear stories - in the woods 1+

Little frog stories - on the pond 1+

Little kitten stories - in the village 1+

Little sparrow stories - in the city 1+

Subseries WHO DOES WHAT? First verbs

About Bunny (movements and emotions) 2+

What can Bunny do? (self-service skills) 2+

Bunny and his friends (games and activities) 2+

Bunny and his family (work and rest) 2+


One rhyme, two rhyme! (nursery rhymes for toddlers) 2+

Goodies-palms (nursery rhymes and finger games) 2+

Riddles and answers (in verses and pictures) 2+

Let's talk together! (picture conversations) 2+

Attention! You can study books with children from 1 to 3 years old!

I hope that the result of the lessons will delight you and inspire you to new achievements!

Currently (September 2016) a re-release of the series "Baby, let's talk!" with new illustrations.

In March 2015 In the project's boundaries " New baby"a new edition of the best-selling book" Help the baby talk! "has been published. interesting materials- you can find out about this.

Elena Yanushko

Help your baby talk! Development of speech in children 1.5-3 years old

This book describes the initial stage of working with non-speaking children 1.5-3 years old. The main goal of the book is to describe games and exercises, as well as special methods of work, with the help of which it is possible to "talk" the child, to give impetus to the further development of active speech.

The book examines in detail the specifics of working with young children who are lagging behind in speech development. Such work requires from a speech therapist certain skills and a special approach to learning, since the methodology for teaching children is fundamentally different from classes with preschool children. Currently, a wide selection of books and manuals for speech therapy classes with preschoolers is offered, but the description of practical experience with babies is much less common.

It is known that it is at an early age (up to 3-4 years) that many mental functions develop in the best way. The topic of early childhood development is very popular, and the problem of speech development continues to be the most urgent and requires the most serious attitude. Time dictates its conditions: now, by the age of six, a child should not only speak cleanly, have a fairly rich vocabulary, be able to clearly express his thoughts, but also read, write in block letters, and be able to perform sound-letter analysis of words. Therefore, the earlier you start classes with your child, the more success you can achieve in your work. Especially close attention is required if the child lags behind in speech development.

The book has a practical focus, all theoretical aspects of the problem are deliberately omitted. We describe purely hands-on experience with young speechless children. We advise you to remember that for an adequate perception of the proposed material, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms, patterns and stages of speech development both in normal conditions and in the case of speech disorders.

The material presented to your attention is selected according to the level of effectiveness: we have chosen for the book only the most interesting games that children love, which give excellent results. In addition to efficiency, we have taken care of simplicity and convenience: the material in the book is strictly systematized, games and activities with children are described clearly and in detail, texts and the course of the game are quickly remembered.

The described stages of work follow from one another, but it is also possible to selectively use certain types of games, taking into account the level of development of a particular child and the goals of classes. Games and activities can be used both in individual and group work. Individual games can form the basis of a whole lesson or part of it.

We sincerely hope that this book will be useful for both professionals and parents.

Speech therapy classes with young children

The need for speech therapy classes with non-speaking young children

In a situation where a 1.5-2.5-year-old child does not have active speech, the question arises before parents and teachers: is it necessary to immediately start special speech therapy classes or is it worth the wait?

Parents usually compare their child's speech to the level of speech development of his peers. And, of course, they are beginning to worry about the fact that the child is lagging behind in speech development. However, at the everyday level, there are ideas that “boys generally start talking later” or “it happens that they are silent, are silent, and then they will speak,” etc.

Often, speech therapists in the clinic are advised to wait a bit. This can be explained by the fact that classes with kids require a special approach, not every specialist has the necessary knowledge, experience, and also the desire to work with young children. It is much easier to conduct classes with a 4.5–5 year old child, whose behavior is already quite arbitrary.

In our opinion, in the absence of active speech in a 1.5-3 year old baby, it is necessary to organize a consultation with competent specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist, neuropsychiatrist, otorhinolaryngologist (ENT), to conduct a number of medical studies (encephalogram and echogram of the brain, audiogram, etc.) ... Observations of specialists and objective data of medical research allow clarifying the nature of the violation and the degree of its complexity, suggesting the possible causes of the occurrence of the violation. As a result of such an examination, it becomes possible to organize adequate assistance to the child.

At an early age, various developmental disorders in their external manifestations are not yet differentiated, often have similar manifestations. But a violation of the development of speech to one degree or another accompanies any defect. Organization of observation of the child and correctional classes will help differentiate speech impairment from other disorders (mental retardation, mental retardation, hearing impairment, autism), and make a more accurate diagnosis.

Usually, in consultation with a speech therapist or in the process of speech therapy classes with young children, parents want to get a forecast of the child's speech development in the short and long term. How accurate is it possible to make a forecast? Since at an early and junior preschool age in children with speech impairments of varying degrees of complexity, the level of general and speech development may look approximately the same, assumptions about the further development of a child's speech can only be made taking into account the dynamics of speech development during the course of teaching speech therapy.

When conducting systematic speech therapy classes, a part of children who have similar speech disorders in early and early preschool age can completely overcome their speech defect, catch up with their peers in terms of speech development, and in the future successfully study in a mass school. Another part of children, even in the course of systematic classes, is not able to completely overcome their speech impairment, at school age they have problems with the acquisition of written language (dysgraphia, dyslexia). In the first case, we can talk about delayed speech development (RRD), in the second case, about general speech underdevelopment (OHP).

Features of classes with young children

Working with young children requires a special approach. Classes with young children differ from classes with preschoolers not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in specific methods of conducting classes. In order to build the work in the best possible way, the speech therapist must also have a good idea of ​​the psychological characteristics of an early age: the peculiarities of the development of perception, attention and memory, speech, thinking, activity, etc.