
Workbook on speech therapy. Methodical development "speech therapy notebook". Homework notebook


Elizaveta Savilova

Compiling authors: teacher-speech therapist Savilova Elizaveta Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist Gorohova Irina Nikolaevna. We bring to your attention from the experience of our speech therapy work several exercises from " Homework notebooks for". Efficiency assignments presented in our notebooks confirmed by many years of practice. Exercises are accessible, entertaining, discipline, accustom the child to their independent implementation. After all, it is important for parents to provide assistance to the child in a timely manner to consolidate the results of the work done by teachers.

Working with parents is the most important link in correctional work.

A major role in the appearance of speech development disorders and neurotic speech disorders children play such negative factors as the passivity of parents, their psychological and pedagogical incompetence. According to M. F. Fomicheva I. V. Rozhdestvenskaya N. S. Zhukova and other authors, parents often do not understand, do not know or underestimate the importance and significance of the development of all parties child's speech, while ... "the skill of the correct speeches, like good habits, are acquired in the family. Systematic, skillful education speeches not only ensures mastering, but also prevents, in most cases, the occurrence of speech shortcomings, and the help of parents working under the guidance of a speech therapist teacher is especially important here.

In working with parents, there are several tasks: to form their readiness for effective pedagogical work with children - to correct the sensorimotor and speech processes of the child, develop fine motor skills, help to master the correct pronunciation of native sounds speeches, work on the lexical and grammatical structure speech and connected speech also prepare the child for literacy, reading and writing. These tasks implemented through various activities.

When getting to know the family, it is necessary to explain the importance of doing practical homework. First, parents are invited to talks, consultations and learn how to work on individual assignments. Attention is drawn to the behavior of parents when performing homework, their features speeches, methods of conducting in at home.

Parents aim at long-term work with the child, which can take place not only at the table, but also on the way home, on a walk, in various home situations.

Homework notebook

for children 6-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech.

Dear parents!

in front of you homework notebook with a child of a speech therapy group.

Dealing with a child you contribute:

His speech development and preparation for school;

The development of his attention, memory, thinking;

Development of the child's visual and auditory attention;

The development of his ability to navigate in space;

Preparing the child's hand for writing;

Replenishment and expansion of the child's vocabulary;

Formation of a coherent his speech, teaching the child to read, write, read;

The development of the child's ability to communicate with peers and adults.

A kindergarten graduate should have an idea about himself and the world around him; able to solve intellectual and personal tasks; manage your behavior; observe the rules of communication and behavior in society; be emotionally responsive, inquisitive, active, and ready for learning activities based on the acquired skills and knowledge.

Each the task it is better to perform in 2-3 doses lasting no more than 15 - 20 minutes in the proposed sequence.

The child should hear only the correct speech in the family. Instilling the right speech skills, emphasizing successes, praising when he deserves it - this will help strengthen your child's self-confidence.

We wish you success!



for children 6-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech.

Topic: "Mushrooms and berries"

1 Learn the rhyme.

I'm carrying a box

There is a fungus in the box,

And blueberries


And cranberries

Stone berry,

And hazelnut -

Run away, don't stop!

2 Game "Explain the Word".

Example. Boletus - grows under the aspen

Boletus ___

Russula ___ Boletus ___

Boletus ___

Fly agaric ___

Butter dish___

Wave ___

Chanterelle ___

3 What is more in the forest? Berries or cranberries?

4 What mushrooms are hidden in the picture? Consider, name the mushrooms, count.

5 Game "The Fourth Extra". What is superfluous? Why?

Cranberry, swamp, lingonberry, blueberry. ___

Raspberries, basket, gooseberries, currants. ___

6 Game "What juice? What jam?

Example. From strawberries - strawberry juice, strawberry jam.

Raspberry - ___

From blueberries - ___

From rowan - ___

From cranberries - ___

Blackberry - ___

Currant - ___

7 Color Carlson and two identical jars of jam. *What kind of jam do you like? **Tell me how to make jam.

*The task

** The task increased complexity

The letter K and the sounds K, Kb.

1 Shade the letter K in the pattern. 2 Find and color the letter K.

What color will you paint? Why?

3 Color the pictures that have the sound K in their names.

4 Type the letters Kk according to the pattern.

5 Read the encrypted word by the first sounds of the words that name the drawn objects.

Topic: "Wintering Birds"

1 Learn the riddle, draw the answer.

I knock on wood, I want to find a worm. Although he disappeared under the bark, He will still be mine.

2 Count from 1 to 10.

One dove, two doves, ___

One crow, two ___

One sparrow, two ___

3 Find the similarities and differences between the crow and the titmouse.

4 Game "Why is it called that?"Explain the meaning of difficult words:

Example. Long-tailed - the bird has a long tail.

Grey-eyed ___

Red-breasted ___

Black-eyed ___

Spotted ___

Industrious ___

Migratory ___

Swiftwing ___

Thermophilic ___ Insectivorous ___

Fleet ___

Razorbeak ___

5 Game "For what?"

Tell me, what is the bird's beak for? ___

Why do birds have wings? ___

Why do birds have feathers? ___

What is a bird's tail for? ___

Why do birds have claws? ___

What are bird eyes for? ___

6 Game "What can birds do?" Name action words.

Birds can fly, ___

Dictionary: fly, arrive, fly away, fly in, sing, chirp, shout, wave, twist, postpone, hatch, nurse, destroy harmful insects.

7 Find and color a magpie, a sparrow, a titmouse.

* Name all the wintering birds of our region.

**What birds come to us in winter? Why?

*The task corresponds to the program content

** The task increased complexity

Letter M and sounds M, M

1 Color the big letter blue, 2 Dot the letter

and the small one is green.

M is a consonant.

3 Connect with the letter M only those objects whose names begin with the sounds M or M.

4 Make the shapes the same.

5 Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

6 Write according to the model.

Topic: "Christmas tree holiday. Winter fun»

1. Learn the poems of S. Ya. Marshak

In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,

Frost paved the night

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first

From home warmth.

Stop crying in the morning

She breathed, she came alive.

Her needles tremble a little,

The branches are on fire,

Like a ladder, a Christmas tree,

The fires fly up.

2. Game "One is Many".

The boy is skating. Boys ___

The boy is skiing. Boys ___

The girl is sledding. Girls ___

The girl is rolling down the hill. Girls ___

3. Please draw the gifts that you want to find under the tree on New Year's Eve.

4. Pick up words-signs.

Christmas tree (which) ___

Celebration (which) ___

Christmas decorations (what kind) ___

Santa Claus (which) ___

Snow Maiden (which) ___

Present (what kind) ___

5. Draw and color the second picture.

* At home you decorate the Christmas tree? What is the Christmas tree decorated with?

** Which Christmas tree is better to decorate Houses for the holiday live or

artificial? Why?

*The task corresponds to the program content

** The task increased complexity

Sound and letter O

1 Color in red 2 Shade. 3 Find and color

remember both letters. the letter O.

Oh is a vowel.

4 Connect with the letter O only those objects whose names begin with the sound O.

5 Write the letter O.

6 Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

7 Write according to the model.


1. Agranovich Z. E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. SPb. : Detvo-Press, 2000.

2. Vasilyeva L. A. Grammar and vocabulary in new poems for children 5-7 years old. SPb. : Karo, 2008.

3. Epifanova O. V. Development speeches. The world. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

4. Karpova S. I., Mamaeva V. V. Development speeches And cognitive abilities preschoolers 6-7 years old. SPb. : Speech 2007.

5. Krupenchuk OI Teach me to speak correctly. SPb. : Litera, 2001.

6. Konovalenko V. V. Frontal speech therapy classes in preparatory group for children with FFN. M. : GNOM i D, 2003.

7. Lopukhina I. S. speech therapy: exercises for development speeches. SPb. : Detstvo-Press, 1997.

8. Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. M. : Mosaic-Sintez, 2004.

9. Teremkova N. E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old. M. : GNOM i D, 2005.

10. Yakimovich O. A. Preschooler's notebook6-7 years old.Speech therapy games and exercises: hometasks.Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Notebooks with speech therapist homework for parents

How to design notebooks for speech therapist homework? Each child should have their own notebook, where the content of speech therapy work is recorded. Parents are explained how to draw up this notebook, examples of homework are given (sketches of objects, sticking decals, writing poems, stories, etc.).

The tasks of the speech therapist for parents include the main sections: Articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises that prepare the articulatory structure for staging missing sounds. In further work, automation exercises are added (the correct pronunciation of the set sounds in syllables, words, phrasal and independent speech of the child). These exercises should be performed at home daily 3 to 5 times a day. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can control himself). It is necessary to achieve a clear, precise, smooth execution of movements.

Task for the development of phonemic perception and education of the basics of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis. A series of lexical and grammatical tasks is aimed at enriching the passive vocabulary, and most importantly, at stimulating and using the acquired knowledge in the active speech of the child, through exercises on word formation, changing by gender, numbers and cases, to harmonize adjectives and numerals with nouns; inflection with the help of prefixes, suffixes, combination of bases; selection of related, generalizing and clarifying words. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: this is the construction of simple and complex common sentences with and without prepositions (according to the scheme); these are stories-descriptions according to plan and scheme; according to a series of plot pictures and one plot picture each, based on subject pictures and on presentation, using key words; retelling and independent creative stories of children; memorization of verses selected for the child. Tasks for development fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing: tracing, drawing elements, hatching in various directions different ways according to the sample; work with stencils and templates; cutting and pasting pictures; drawings, applications, graphic dictations; typing letters, syllables, words and sentences and small connected texts.

Parents on the inside of the first cover are given advice on homework with child. For example: "It is better to perform each task in 2-3 sessions lasting no more than 15 - 20 minutes in the proposed sequence."

Speech therapist's memo to parents (rules for classes with a child at home).

Take care of your child at home every day. Conduct classes in a calm, friendly atmosphere. Time for classes 10-15 minutes. Praise the child for every, even a small achievement. Perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror so that the child can control himself. All tasks (except graphic ones) are performed orally, and the adult enters the child's answer. The child performs graphic tasks independently under the obligatory supervision of an adult. It is very important to monitor the accuracy of the tasks. Do only what is required in the task.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Homework speech therapist for parents

Task for improving lexical and grammatical categories. Designed for home use....

Recommendations for parents on doing speech therapist homework

A complex of articulation gymnastics in a notebook for homework

Presented complex articulatory gymnastics, which is convenient to place in a child's homework notebook ....

Speech therapist's homework file for children and their parents "Sounds of S-S"

The card index is presented in the form of A5 cards. The tasks gradually become more complicated and correspond to the stages of staging and automating these sounds: syllables, words, phrases, tongue-twisters, sentences...

The atmosphere of the GEF school, high requirements at the present time, entry into new team produces an inevitable fracture even in a healthy and prosperous child. Children with speech disorders are frightened by the variety of different loads at school. Not assimilation of the school curriculum leads to the fact that children often lose faith in their own strength, become isolated from classmates. Sometimes this leads to a reluctance to learn, to a loss of cognitive interest.

Preventive work to prevent writing in children with ONR is carried out, as a rule, from the middle preschool age. The work is carried out on the material accessible to preschoolers - drawings. Being convinced that any children's activity, including visual, is very favorable for the development of speech, and especially for children with a systemic disorder. Therefore, speech therapists use drawing in speech therapy impact on children's speech. Another problem is the preparation of the hand for writing.

In the conditions of speech preschool institutions this task becomes more complicated, since in children with OHP, along with general motor insufficiency, immaturity of fine motor skills and insufficient hand-eye coordination are also found. Children have an inability to correctly orient themselves in space and on a plane, i.e. on a sheet of notebook. All this leads to a mixture of optically similar letters.

In everyday work with children with speech disorders. it is necessary to include games and tasks for the development of general and fine motor skills, spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention and sound and visual memory. The work should be carried out systematically and systematically by both a speech therapist and parents and educators.

Then, by the time the children go to school, speech pathologists will have the necessary skills in working with a notebook.

Speech therapists developed speech therapy notebooks in which children work with pencils or felt-tip pens. In the process of learning to work with a speech therapy notebook, speech pathologists learn to listen carefully to the verbal instructions of an adult when drawing a sample, visually remember the order of the stages of work. Learns to make an accurate count of cells in a given figure, alternating in coloring and shading. Speech therapists learn to actively act independently. These classes develop the eye, improve shape and color discrimination, and help clarify spatial representations.

Below are the materials of speech therapists: speech therapy notebooks, projects and programs, as well as links to pages that do not yet have a section.

Speech therapy notebooks, programs, miscellaneous

Distinguish consonants "V-F" Distinguish consonants "B-P"
Distinguish consonants "D-T" Distinguish consonants "G-K"
Distinguish consonants "Z-S" Distinguish between the consonants "Ж-Ш"

Examination of impressive speech in a child - Name and first letter of the child's surname and age (Kirill G. 6 years old)

5 methods

Method 1. Contextual speech

Purpose: revealing the contextual understanding of phrasal speech

10 questions (dialogue) to ask questions over the following principles: Are you 6 years old? And the child answers you either by nodding his head, or somehow letting you know that the speech and your question were understood by him.

We write down for ourselves somewhere% of correct answers and draw a conclusion about this technique

Conclusion: we can assume that the child understood the % of the answer, this is an average / high / low level

Method 2. Understanding the meanings of words

Purpose: identification of a passive vocabulary in a child

You need 60 cards, 30 items are the part of speech of creatures. And 30- glalols

1 group of entities + 1 group of verbs - words from children's speech that do not have symantic and phonetic similarities

Apple, cubes, bucket

Works, jumps, feeds

2gr. Essence + verb - a group of medium frequency with phonetic similarity

Bear, bowl, mouse

Reading, counting

3 gr. beings + verb - words included in one semantic field



Before the child, we put 1 group of existing 10 pieces - and say show where the apple is, where the bucket is ... we write down how many correct cards we took

1 group of verbs 10 pieces - show where he feeds, and we also notice everything for the child

Conclusion: it can be assumed that the child owns%, this is the level of average high, low.

Method 3: Understanding sentences

Purpose: to investigate how well the child understands sentences

Simple plot pictures with an unambiguous interpretation of 5-6 cards

She gave a stupid example: while the picture is where the book is in the package, where the book is on the package, where the package is in the book

We display % of correct answers

Conclusion: we can offer ...

Method 4: Understanding instructions

Purpose: to investigate how well the child can follow instructions

10 instructions that an adult asks a child to follow

The picture on it is mom and daughter (show where the mother's daughter is, where the daughter's mother is)

The correctness of the answers is calculated in%

Conclusion: it can be assumed that the child scored an average level ... understanding all the instructions offered to him

Method 5. Phonetic hearing

Purpose: study of phonetic hearing

All tasks will be directed to 2 sounds, З and Ш

1 sound perception option in a row with maximum contrast

B, k, w, t, r, w, d, w, d

Ba, kA, sha, ta, ra, sha, ha, sha, yeah

Option 2 with low contrast

P, w, x, f, w, k, t, w

Pa, sha, ha, fa, sha, kA, ta, sha

3 option with minimum contrast

S, w, w, w, w, w, x, w, w

SA, sha, zha, sha, for, sha, ha, zha, sha

With sound recognition in words

1 with maximum contrast

House, school, bag, fisherman, hut

2 with low contrast

Sledge, hat, beetle, knife

3 with minimum contrast

Bag, drying, car, snowballs, kettle, brush, cup, bunny

All tasks, so that we do not invent ourselves, she gave someone to scan, they should put them here.

Tasks are anywhere from 86 to 88 for impressive speech.