
Burdock oil for nails: properties and applications. Burdock oil for hair: benefits, applications, recipes


Everyone knows perfectly well what burdock is, everyone has repeatedly seen it growing on the street. But did you know that burdock oil is obtained from its roots? The roots insist on various oils ( olive, sesame), such a tool can be bought in stores or. Oil was used back in distant, distant times, but even now it is quite relevant.

The benefits of burdock oil

Modern women, in order to look beautiful, use a variety of cosmetic products - creams, balms. But no mask or shampoo can compare with burdock oil. It contains a storehouse of useful substances , such as vitamins A , B , C , E , calcium , chromium , iron , useful trace elements , palmitic and stearic acids .

Thanks to these substances, the oil affects many organs and promotes beneficial actions. If you use it for hair and scalp, hair growth will soon increase, baldness will stop, dryness and itching of the skin, dandruff will disappear, blood circulation will increase and hair and hair follicles will be strengthened. If you use burdock oil for, they will begin to grow faster , become stronger , become long , fluffy and well - groomed . It can also be used for nails - the oil does an excellent job of strengthening the nail plate and softens the cuticle.

Burdock oil: application

Burdock oil has found its place in many areas. Its main action is directed to the hair. Burdock oil is used both in its pure form, to strengthen and grow hair, and in addition with other components (masks, scrubs, baths). Burdock oil is also added to a variety of shampoos, balms, and masks. The oil is intended for both oily and dry hair.

Masks with burdock oil or using it in its pure form help get rid of acne and various skin diseases. It is used even for small children, applying the remedy to irritated areas of the skin.
The oil is used by women who want to have beautiful, thick and long eyelashes, and strong and well-groomed nails. However, burdock oil is also great for dry skin on the elbows, heels and knees. And if you add a few drops to the bath, it will not only nourish the skin, but also give it a tone.

And, of course, burdock oil is used for facial skin - it helps to clean around the eyes, get rid of oily sheen, nourish.

Burdock face oil

With the help of burdock oil, you can nourish your skin with the necessary vitamins and useful substances, cure acne, inflammation, cleanse pores, remove unnecessary wrinkles, improve the condition of the sebaceous glands. The easiest way to use oil is to warm it up a little and spread it on your face.

For growth and density, you can use pure burdock oil. Taking an old brush from under the mascara, dip it in oil and apply to the cilia, removing excess oil with a napkin. By repeating this procedure constantly, you can achieve an incredible effect.

To remove makeup, you can combine burdock oil and chamomile oil in equal amounts. This oil composition perfectly and gently removes make-up and restores skin cells.

Against pimples and acne - you need to very carefully and pointwise apply oil to problem areas of the skin. For greater benefit, burdock oil (a couple of drops) should be added to your favorite product: milk, lotion, tonic.
To rejuvenate and tone the face, finely chopped parsley can be mixed with 5 drops of burdock oil and 7 ml of aloe juice. Spread this composition with gentle massaging movements on the skin of the face, holding for half an hour.

For the war against acne, a lotion is also popular, consisting of a couple of spoons of burdock oil, essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus (drop by drop) and rose water (60 ml). This tonic cleanses, destroys pimples and prevent them appearance .

For oily skin, burdock oil baths can help. You just need to steam the chamomile, and combine the composition with a spoonful of burdock oil. Covered with a towel, soar the skin over this infusion.

To moisturize dry skin, a mask made from a spoonful of warmed honey, a spoonful of burdock oil and one yolk is perfect. After applying to the face, keep at least 15 minutes.

Soak a small amount of brewer's yeast in warm milk and leave for half an hour. Then add a spoonful of warmed honey, burdock oil, sour cream and lemon juice. Gently beat and apply a mask on the face for a quarter of an hour.

For any skin type, you can use burdock oilby mixing it with flour (rice, wheat). Apply in a thick layer. Or you can beat a spoonful of fatty cottage cheese, natural burdock oil and warm milk. And wear this whole mixture on your face for 25 minutes.

Burdock oil for nails

Burdock oil has a very effective effect on the nails: it strengthens the nail plate, nourishes the nails with useful vitamins, improves their growth, helps soften and remove the cuticle. To make your nails strong and healthy, rub burdock oil into your nails every day before going to bed. It is also useful to make oil daily, for 7 days. To do this, you need to mix a spoonful of any vegetable oil with burdock oil, warm it up and hold your fingertips there for 10-15 minutes. Put on next cotton gloves for 10 minutes. During a manicure, the cuticle can be lubricated with a heated oil composition of burdock and castor oil. Also, for marigolds, you can make oil, with the addition of salts. For example, add a spoonful of sea salt and a few drops of burdock oil to warm water, dip the handles in it for 20 minutes. After rinsing, rinse your hands and spread them with cream.

Hair masks with burdock oil

In order for the hair to become stronger, grow faster and better, you need to apply slightly warmed burdock oil to wet hair (can be clean or dirty), to the roots and along the entire length, put a bag or cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. Hold for an hour, then wash your hair a couple of times with shampoo and balm.

For dry hair, the ideal mask is a mask containing one spoonful of burdock oil, chamomile and wheat germ. Rub the oil composition into the scalp and hair roots an hour before washing them. Or take a couple of spoons of burdock oil and add 5 drops of chamomile and ylang-ylang oils to it. Just rub into the scalp for half an hour before washing. It is very useful to add a couple of yolks and a spoonful of calendula decoction to burdock oil.
For oily hair - beat a large spoonful of burdock oil with a small spoonful of grape seed oil, 10 drops of lemon oil and grapefruit pulp. Rub the resulting slurry into the scalp, leaving for half an hour. Or take Shea butter and burdock oil in equal proportions, squeeze grapefruit juice and drip 10 drops of orange essential oil. Keep on hair for 20 minutes.

A mask of burdock oil, honey, a couple of yolks and onion juice will help from hair loss. All take in equal portions, mix between yourself and impose on the roots hair on the 20 minutes. For acceleration growth hair cover costs use butter burdock with tincture burning pepper, Ingredients in equal proportions mixed up and rubbed in skin heads on the 10 15 minutes.

The skin of the hands and especially the nail plates are highly susceptible to the aggressive influence of environmental factors. Even ordinary life or work involves daily contact with irritating substances. As a result, the nails become brittle, crack, and the surrounding skin becomes thinner and sometimes bleeds. You can solve the problem with the help of a dermatologist, but most people often do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor.

To strengthen the nails, give them a healthy look, sometimes a simple oil is enough. For example, it is very useful to use . Or burdock - this product has a powerful reparative effect on the nail plates.

Is it possible to smear nails with burdock oil?

Burdock root, from which the remedy is made, has a set of powerful natural components that can intensively restore damaged areas of the nail plates. This includes the following active substances:

  • natural antioxidants;
  • vitamin set;
  • phytosteroids;
  • the most important trace elements;
  • vegetable glycosides.

The method of manufacturing burdock oil involves the extraction of active components in industrial or domestic conditions. They are mixed with peach (at home - with olive) oil, which creates a favorable environment for a powerful increase in the effectiveness of all the natural ingredients that make up burdock root. The result is a strong natural remedy that has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the nails and skin of the hands.

Does burdock oil help nails?

To preserve female beauty, it is not only useful to use hair growth, but also for hand care.

Burdock oil can help in the following ways:

  • moisturize and soften cuticles and nail plate;
  • reduce the growth of fungi;
  • saturate with vitamins;
  • accelerate the repair of small cracks;
  • enhance the intensity of nail growth;
  • activate local immune defense.

As a result, nails become beautiful, brittleness and cracks disappear, and appearance hands are rejuvenated. Like, burdock does not cause allergies, except in rare cases of individual intolerance, so it is useful for most people who have problems with the condition of the nail plates.

How to use burdock oil for nails?

Burdock oil for strengthening nails can be used in pure form or as part of combined cosmetic masks. Initially, it is better to use the first option, since in this case it is easier to assess individual sensitivity to the components of burdock oil. A factory-made product made from a peach base is more effective than a homemade product, since olive or sunflower oil reduces reparative capabilities.

The easiest way to use burdock oil for nails is regular baths. rules effective use the following:

  • optimize the temperature of the product - better up to 36-37 degrees;
  • pour the required amount into a suitable container, taking into account that the nails are completely covered with the product;
  • immediately place all processed nail plates in the prepared oil;
  • application time - at least 10 minutes;
  • after completion, carefully remove the remaining oil with a cotton pad;
  • it is advisable to use twice a day for at least 21 days in a row.

It should be remembered that burdock oil is a vegetable product, therefore, as in the case of c, the effect develops only after at least a three-week period of time. In the presence of a fungal infection, the oil should be combined with the appropriate pharmacological or herbal remedies in the form of masks.

Masks for nails with burdock oil

Below are the most popular masks to enhance the effect on the nail plate.

  1. Burdock oil and lemon juice. A very effective combination in the presence of not only cracks in the nail, but also a skin infection. The mask is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply only fresh for 15 minutes with a cotton swab.
  2. Burdock oil with dimexide. A simple way to enhance the diffusion of all active ingredients of the product. The mask is prepared at the rate of 3 parts of oil and 1 part of dimexide. Exposure time - at least 25 minutes.
  3. Burdock oil and sea buckthorn. A very powerful tool for accelerating reparative processes. In addition to a powerful vitamin effect, the healing of cuticle wounds and cracks in the nail plate is also accelerated. The mask is prepared from a 1:1 ratio. Exposure time - 15 minutes. Can be done twice a day.

Any method of using burdock oil will quickly and effectively help eliminate problems with the nail plates. If you have doubts about the effectiveness and expediency of the chosen method of helping nails, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Burdock oil is an excellent affordable tool for improving growth, strengthening, nutrition, and also combating fragility of the nail plates. From our article you will learn about the most popular ways to use this product at home. By regularly applying burdock oil, after three to five procedures you will be able to see the first positive results, which will be fixed with further care.

Burdock oil: effective recipes for nails.

Classic mask.

One of the most simple ways nail care is the usual rubbing into the nails steamed in hot water and the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir growth a little burdock oil heated in a water bath. It is recommended to apply the oil three to five times, then wait fifteen minutes and remove the rest of the product with a cotton pad or a small piece of cotton wool.

Vitamin mask.

To prepare the next mask for the growth and strengthening of nails, you need to heat a little burdock oil in a water bath (about one teaspoon). Now you should add two drops of ylang-ylang and fir essential oils to it. The finished mixture is used in the same way as described above.

Mask against delamination of the nail plates.

To prepare this homemade mask, you need the following ingredients: burdock oil, citrus essential oil, castor oil ( Castor oil. So, mix all the listed components in a clean container in equal proportions. Now put the container with the finished mixture in a bowl of hot water and cover with a lid. After about five minutes, dip your nails into the mask and hold them there for at least ten minutes. At the end of the procedure, dry the nails with a dry natural cloth or a cotton pad to remove makeup.

Mask for daily care.

The following home remedy for strengthening the nail plates can (and should!) be used every day. To prepare it, you need to mix burdock oil in equal proportions (heat for a couple), grape oil and sour cream. Before using the mask, be sure to soak your fingertips in a weak infusion of chamomile. Apply the mass in a generous layer on the nails and their growth zone and wait fifteen minutes. At the end of this time, it is necessary to remove the mask with cotton wool and the remaining chamomile infusion. The infusion is prepared based on the proportions of one teaspoon of raw materials to two glasses of water.

Thanks to healing properties, burdock oil has long been used in cosmetology. Meanwhile, many of the fair sex often resort to the help of expensive salon procedures, whereas folk remedies help just as well. These include universal burdock oil, which can be used not only to prepare masks for hands, face and hair, but also to treat nails with skin.

The composition of the natural drug

Cosmetic burdock oil

Burdock oil is a cosmetic product obtained by pressing the rhizomes of burdock (burdock). A quality drug can be purchased at any pharmacy. Often, classic oil is combined with other natural products such as red pepper, vitamins, nettle. The composition of burdock oil includes a whole range of useful elements and vitamins. The chemical formula of the oily liquid includes:

  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • minerals (chromium, calcium, iron);
  • stearic, palmitic fatty acids;
  • tannin elements;
  • protein.

The rich and saturated composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on organs and tissues, enhancing local immunity, regenerating the skin layers and restoring the structure of the nail plates.

Useful properties of a natural remedy

The active components of burdock oil strengthen eyelashes, nails, eyebrows and hair. The oil normalizes metabolic microprocesses in the hair follicles, preventing their loss. Baths with nourishing burdock oil restore the damaged nail plate, make nails stronger and healthier. Regular use of the product for nail growth is an effective cosmetic procedure that does not require a specific approach. In addition, this effective remedy preventing splitting and brittle nails.

Burdock oil for hands and nails

Applying cuticle oil

When applied to the skin of the hands and the nail plate, the oil solution creates a thin invisible film with protective properties. Even after washing hands, it remains on the skin, protecting it from drying and negative impact household and chemicals. In the care of the nail plate, a variety of essential oils are used, which are perfectly combined with a natural product from the rhizome of burdock. They need to be rubbed into the skin near the nails. Thus, the cuticle is softened, the nail plate is nourished and strengthened, tissue is regenerated and the growth of nails is stimulated.

Application features

Burdock oil for nails is effective only when used on a regular basis. After all, a product so rich in vitamins and microelements cannot be useless. If its application does not bring tangible results, then the following mistakes were made:

  • Wrong recipe. You can not change the technology, quantity and proportions of the ingredients that make up the nourishing or firming mask.
  • Applying oil on extended nails or varnished. Useful material they simply cannot penetrate the nail plate due to a thick layer of varnish or artificial material.
  • Irregular application. A positive result will be visible after 1-2 weeks of continuous use. The minimum recovery course takes at least a week.

If the nails are affected by a fungal disease, burdock oil will remove irritation, nourish them with moisture and contribute to a faster cure.

Masks for nails with burdock oil

Daily Nail Mask

There are many recipes traditional medicine which help eliminate a variety of health problems. A worthy place in the first-aid kit will be occupied by burdock oil for nails, the use of which does not involve the investment of finances, complex technologies and a large time limit.

  • Classic mask. This is a simple but effective procedure that helps to care for the nails and skin of the hands. On the pre-steamed skin of the hands and nails, you need to apply a burdock extraction heated in a water bath. Nutritional composition applied at least three times, after which the solution is left for 15 minutes and the residue is removed with cotton wool or a napkin.
  • Burdock oil for nail growth. Combine 30 ml of oil with the essential components of rosemary and lemon (20 drops each). Then the oil mixture is gently applied to the cuticle and rubbed with smooth movements over the nail plates. Then the hands are dipped in water at room temperature, poured into a previously prepared container. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After this time, the nails are thoroughly wiped with a cloth or cotton pad. The remaining solution should be stored in a closed container in a dry and dark place.
  • Anti-peeling mask. The main ingredients used are burdock oil, ordinary castor oil, essential citrus oil. All components are selected in equal proportions, after which they are mixed in an enameled container. Next, the dishes are placed in a water bath and covered with a lid. After 5 minutes, the fingers are dipped into the nutrient mixture and left in this state for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion cosmetic procedure wipe the nails and skin of the hands with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Daily mask. The use of this composition will strengthen the plate, soften the cuticle and accelerate the growth of nails. In a special container, burdock oil, sour cream and grape oil are mixed in equal proportions. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to steam your fingers in a weak chamomile infusion. Next, the oil composition is applied to the cuticle, nails and skin of the fingertips. The mask is left for 5 minutes. The remains of the solution are removed with cotton swabs.
  • Vitamin blend. Due to the high concentration of minerals and a complex of vitamins, the mask accelerates the growth of nails, makes their structure more durable. A teaspoon of oil should be heated in a water bath, add two drops to the solution essential oil ylang-ylang and the same amount of fir ether. Finished product should be applied to the nails and their growth zone, hold for 15 minutes and remove with a dry cloth.

Warm cosmetic baths

Firming bath

Burdock oil for nails - effective and affordable cosmetic product. However, it can also be used to soften the cuticle before a manicure, as well as to improve the skin of the hands. Here are some options for nutritional baths:

  • Universal. In a container, mix 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and a small amount of heated water. The fingers are dipped into the solution and left for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, nails and cuticles are smeared with any nourishing cream.
  • Firming bath. To the burdock mixture (200 ml) heated in a water bath, add 1 tbsp. l. natural honey. Immerse your fingertips in the prepared solution for about 20 minutes. Then the nails are smeared with a nourishing cream.

In addition to therapeutic, strengthening and wellness baths, massage rubbing is used. To do this, the burdock mixture is rubbed into the cuticle, nail plate and nail growth zone for 20-30 seconds. After that, the composition is left on hand for one hour. Massage rubbing must be done daily. Only in this way, it will be possible to achieve an impressive result.


Before using burdock oil, it is necessary to check the skin for sensitivity to the ingredients that make up the mixture. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. The absence of peeling, itching and redness is a good sign. This means that burdock oil can be used to treat nails and prevent skin pathologies.

Due to its healing properties, burdock oil has long been used in cosmetology. Meanwhile, many of the fair sex often resort to expensive salon procedures, while folk remedies help just as well. These include universal burdock oil, which can be used not only to prepare masks for hands, face and hair, but also to treat nails with skin.

Burdock oil is a cosmetic product obtained by pressing the rhizomes of burdock (burdock). A quality drug can be purchased at any pharmacy. Often, classic oil is combined with other natural products such as red pepper, vitamins, nettle. The composition of burdock oil includes a whole range of useful elements and vitamins. The chemical formula of the oily liquid includes:

  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • minerals (chromium, calcium, iron);
  • stearic, palmitic fatty acids;
  • tannin elements;
  • protein.

The rich and saturated composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on organs and tissues, enhancing local immunity, regenerating the skin layers and restoring the structure of the nail plates.

Useful properties of a natural remedy

The active components of burdock oil strengthen eyelashes, nails, eyebrows and hair. The oil normalizes metabolic microprocesses in the hair follicles, preventing their loss. Baths with nourishing burdock oil restore the damaged nail plate, make nails stronger and healthier. Regular use of the product for nail growth is an effective cosmetic procedure that does not require a specific approach. In addition, it is an effective tool that prevents delamination and brittle nails.

Burdock oil for hands and nails

When applied to the skin of the hands and the nail plate, the oil solution creates a thin invisible film with protective properties. Even after washing hands, it remains on the skin, protecting it from drying and the negative effects of household and chemical products. In the care of the nail plate, a variety of essential oils are used, which are perfectly combined with a natural product from the rhizome of burdock. They need to be rubbed into the skin near the nails. Thus, the cuticle is softened, the nail plate is nourished and strengthened, tissue is regenerated and the growth of nails is stimulated.

Application features

Burdock oil for nails is effective only when used on a regular basis. After all, a product so rich in vitamins and microelements cannot be useless. If its application does not bring tangible results, then the following mistakes were made:

  • Wrong recipe. You can not change the technology, quantity and proportions of the ingredients that make up the nourishing or firming mask.
  • Applying oil on extended nails or varnished. Useful substances simply cannot penetrate the nail plate, due to a thick layer of varnish or artificial material.
  • Irregular application. A positive result will be visible after 1-2 weeks of continuous use. The minimum recovery course takes at least a week.

If the nails are affected by a fungal disease, burdock oil will remove irritation, nourish them with moisture and contribute to a faster cure.

Masks for nails with burdock oil

There are many traditional medicine recipes that help eliminate a variety of health problems. A worthy place in the first-aid kit will be occupied by burdock oil for nails, the use of which does not involve the investment of finances, complex technologies and a large time limit.

  • Classic mask. This is a simple but effective procedure that helps to care for the nails and skin of the hands. On the pre-steamed skin of the hands and nails, you need to apply a burdock extraction heated in a water bath. The nutrient composition is applied at least three times, after which the solution is left for 15 minutes and the remnants are removed with cotton wool or a napkin.
  • Burdock oil for nail growth. Combine 30 ml of oil with the essential components of rosemary and lemon (20 drops each). Then the oil mixture is gently applied to the cuticle and rubbed with smooth movements over the nail plates. Then the hands are dipped in water at room temperature, poured into a previously prepared container. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After this time, the nails are thoroughly wiped with a cloth or cotton pad. The remaining solution should be stored in a closed container in a dry and dark place.
  • Anti-peeling mask. The main ingredients used are burdock oil, ordinary castor oil, essential citrus oil. All components are selected in equal proportions, after which they are mixed in an enameled container. Next, the dishes are placed in a water bath and covered with a lid. After 5 minutes, the fingers are dipped into the nutrient mixture and left in this state for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, the nails and skin of the hands are wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Daily mask. The use of this composition will strengthen the plate, soften the cuticle and accelerate the growth of nails. In a special container, burdock oil, sour cream and grape oil are mixed in equal proportions. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to steam your fingers in a weak chamomile infusion. Next, the oil composition is applied to the cuticle, nails and skin of the fingertips. The mask is left for 5 minutes. The remains of the solution are removed with cotton swabs.
  • Vitamin blend. Due to the high concentration of minerals and a complex of vitamins, the mask accelerates the growth of nails, makes their structure more durable. A teaspoon of oil should be heated in a water bath, add two drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and the same amount of fir ether to the solution. The finished product should be applied to the nails and their growth zone, left for 15 minutes and removed with a dry cloth.

Warm cosmetic baths

Burdock oil for nails is an effective and affordable cosmetic product. However, it can also be used to soften the cuticle before a manicure, as well as to improve the skin of the hands. Here are some options for nutritional baths:

  • Universal. In a container, mix 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and a small amount of warm water. The fingers are dipped into the solution and left for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, nails and cuticles are smeared with any nourishing cream.
  • Firming bath. To the burdock mixture (200 ml) heated in a water bath, add 1 tbsp. l. natural honey. Immerse your fingertips in the prepared solution for about 20 minutes. Then the nails are smeared with a nourishing cream.

In addition to therapeutic, strengthening and wellness baths, massage rubbing is used. To do this, the burdock mixture is rubbed into the cuticle, nail plate and nail growth zone for 20-30 seconds. After that, the composition is left on hand for one hour. Massage rubbing must be done daily. Only in this way, it will be possible to achieve an impressive result.


Before using burdock oil, it is necessary to check the skin for sensitivity to the ingredients that make up the mixture. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. The absence of peeling, itching and redness is a good sign. This means that burdock oil can be used to treat nails and prevent skin pathologies.