
Is it possible to use cosmetics during pregnancy. Cosmetics for pregnant women: safe products and prohibited components. Is it possible to do salon procedures during pregnancy


Customer- a fully capable natural person placing Orders on the website, or indicated as the recipient of the Goods, or using the Goods purchased on the website, solely for personal, family, home and other needs not related to business activities.

Salesman- Territory of Beauty LLC.

Shop online- Internet site owned by the Seller and having an Internet address It presents the Goods offered by the Seller to its Clients for placing Orders, as well as the terms of payment and delivery of these Orders to Clients.


Product- an object of the material world, not withdrawn from civil circulation and presented for sale on the Site.

Order- duly executed request of the Client for delivery to the specified address of the list of Goods selected on the Site. An order can be placed both for the purpose of concluding a retail sale and purchase agreement, and for the exchange or replacement of Goods under a previously concluded agreement in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Cancellation of an Order or Goods- a technical action of the Seller, which does not imply the Seller's refusal to fulfill the contract, which is carried out on the Site and states the fact that some of the Goods in the Order (cancellation of the Goods) or all the Goods in the Order (cancellation of the Order) are not transferred to the Client under the current Order. The Seller is obliged to notify registered Clients of all cases of cancellation, including in cases of refusal of the Goods at the initiative of the Client, by sending an electronic message about the cancellation to the email address specified by the Client during registration (or a message in the section ).

Delivery service- a third party providing, under an agreement with the Seller, services for the delivery of Orders to Clients.

External site- a site on the global Internet, a link to which is posted on the site

  1. General provisions
    1. The site is owned and administered by Territory Krasoty LLC.
    2. By ordering Products through the Online Store, the Client agrees to the Terms of Sale of Products (hereinafter referred to as the Terms) set forth below.
    3. These Terms, with the exception of clause 3.11 "Pre-Order", as well as information about the Goods presented on the Site, are a public offer in accordance with Article 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    4. The relations between the Client and the Seller are subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on retail sale and purchase (§ 2 Chapter 30), as well as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them .
    5. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to these Terms, in connection with which, the Client undertakes to regularly monitor changes in the Terms posted in the section .
    6. The Client agrees to the Terms by clicking the "Place an Order" button at the last stage of placing an Order on the Site or by giving consent to the operator when placing an Order by phone. The performance of these actions is a fact confirming the conclusion of an agreement between the Client and the Seller.
    7. The Terms of Sale contain paragraphs with active hyperlinks to specific thematic sections with more detailed information, which are an integral part of the Terms of Sale. The method of providing access to certain parts of these Terms through active hyperlinks is a generally accepted way of posting information on the Internet.
    8. In the case of promotional events - promotions, in the conditions of promotions posted on the Site, special provisions may be established that regulate the procedure for placing an order and returning goods. At the same time, the conditions of the promotions are an integral part of these Terms of Sale, and are subject to application for persons participating in the promotions. Making a promotional Order and/or fulfilling other conditions for participation in the promotion means the Client's consent to the terms of the relevant promotion.
  2. Registration on the site
    1. To place an Order, the Client must register on the Site.
    2. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during registration.
    3. The Client undertakes not to disclose to third parties the login and password specified during registration. If the Client suspects the security of his login and password or the possibility of their unauthorized use by third parties, the Client undertakes to immediately notify the Seller about this by sending an e-mail to the address [email protected] site.
    4. By registering on the Site, the Client agrees to receive messages of a service nature sent to the e-mail address specified during registration and / or via SMS messages and / or push notifications and / or via messenger applications for smartphones to the phone number specified by the Client when registering and / or placing an order, about the status of the order, about the goods in the Customer's basket and / or added by the Customer to "My wishes". The Client's refusal to receive these messages is impossible for technical reasons.
  3. Registration and terms of the Order
    1. The Client's order can be placed in the following ways: accepted by phone or placed by the Client independently on the Site. The details of placing an order are described .
    2. When placing an Order, the Customer must provide the following information:
      • FULL NAME. the Client or the Recipient of the Order;
      • Order delivery address;
      • Contact number.
    3. After placing the Order with the payment method "Cash on delivery", the Customer is provided with information about the expected date of delivery of the Order. This date means the period in which the Delivery Service will be ready to deliver the Order to the Client. The specified date depends on the availability of the ordered Goods in the Seller's warehouse, the time required to process the Order and the delivery time of the Shipment selected when placing the Order by the Delivery Service. In case of choosing other payment methods, after placing the Order, the Client is provided with information about the approximate date of delivery of the Order. After receipt of funds to the Seller within the time specified in paragraph 5.5. of these Terms, the Client is provided with information about the expected date of delivery of the Order.
    4. If the Customer places an Order for the Goods in a quantity exceeding the availability of the Goods in the Seller's warehouse, and if the Seller does not have the required quantity of the ordered Goods in the warehouse, the Seller informs the Customer about this by sending an e-mail or by phone specified by the Customer when placing the Order. The message is sent to the email address specified during registration. The Client has the right to agree to accept the Goods in the quantity available from the Seller, or to cancel this position of the Goods from the Order. If the Customer does not receive a response within 14 days, the Seller reserves the right to cancel this Product from the Order.
      1. The Seller has the right to cancel the Client's Orders containing the Goods, which the Client has previously refused 2 or more times, indicating reasons not related to the presence of defects in these Goods.
      2. The Seller has the right to refuse to conclude an agreement and place an Order if the Client has already placed and has not received other previously placed Orders, provided that they contain unpaid goods.
    5. The deadlines for the receipt of the Order by the Client depend on the address and region of delivery, the work of a particular Delivery Service, and do not directly depend on the Seller.
    6. All information materials about the Goods presented on the Site are for reference only and cannot fully convey reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the Goods, including colors, sizes and shapes. If the Client has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Goods, including colors, sizes and shapes, before placing the Order, the Client must contact the Seller.
    7. When placing some Orders, the Client may choose the method of forming the Order in one or more shipments.
    8. If, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, it is necessary to check the functionality of the Goods before handing it over to the Client, such a check is carried out at the Seller's warehouse before the Goods are transferred to the Delivery Service.
    9. Features of the sale of a discounted Product
      • The Seller has the right to offer for sale the Goods that have the shortcomings indicated in the description of the Goods on the site.
      • If the Client discovers deficiencies that were not specified by the seller when selling the Goods, the Client has the right to make claims for free elimination of defects, replacement or termination of the contract provided for by law, if he proves that the deficiencies arose before the transfer of the Goods to the Client or for reasons that arose before the transfer.
      • In all other respects, these Terms and Conditions apply to discounted products.
    10. Cancellation of an Order or Goods
    11. Pre-order (Pre-order)
      1. The Seller on the Site may offer for pre-orders Goods that have not yet gone on sale and are not in the Seller's warehouse, the price and date of sale of which are preliminary. Such offers do not constitute an offer.
        The specified Goods are placed in a separate pre-order (hereinafter referred to as the Pre-Order). Making a Pre-Order does not entail the Seller's obligation to transfer the Goods at a preliminary price.
      2. Deadline for the sale of goods in Pre-order
        In relation to the Goods that are available for pre-ordering, the Site indicates the planned date for the Goods to go on sale, which can be changed based on information from the manufacturer or supplier of this Goods.
        In the event of a change in the term for the receipt of the Goods for sale, the Client is sent a notification to the email address specified by him during registration on the Site.
      3. Product price in Pre-order
        1. The price indicated on the Site for the Goods available for Pre-Order is not final. In the event of a price change by the manufacturer or supplier of the Seller, the Seller has the right to change the price, including in already placed Pre-Orders.
        2. In the event of a change in the price of the Goods in the Pre-Order, the Client is sent an offer to purchase the Goods at the new price at the email address specified during registration on the Site. This offer is an offer. The Client has the right to agree with the terms of the Order for the Goods at a new price, or refuse to place the Order. These actions can be performed when the Client contacts the Seller's Customer Service.
        3. If the Client agrees with the new price of the Goods, the Order goes into processing, and the Client is informed about the expected date of transfer of the Order to the delivery service.
        4. If the Client does not confirm his agreement with the new price of the Goods within 5 (five) calendar days in the manner prescribed by clause of the Terms, this is considered the client's refusal to place an Order, and the Pre-Order is automatically canceled.
        5. In the event that the Client refuses to place an Order for the Goods at a new price, provided that the Pre-Order has been paid, the funds, upon a written application of the Client, will be returned in the manner in which the prepayment was originally made, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6.3. of these Terms. If the Pre-order was paid using a bank card, the funds will be returned to the bank card from which the payment was made.
      4. Non-delivery of the Goods in the Pre-order
        If, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Seller, the release of the Goods for sale by the manufacturer is canceled or postponed indefinitely, the Seller unilaterally cancels the Pre-orders. At the same time, the funds transferred by the Client as payment for the Goods in Pre-orders, upon the written application of the Client, will be returned in the manner in which the prepayment was originally made, in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.3. of these Terms. If the Pre-order was paid using a bank card, the funds are returned to the bank card from which the payment was made.
  4. Delivery
    1. The methods of delivery of the Goods are indicated on the Site. The agreed delivery method is the method chosen by the Client from the available delivery methods when placing the Order.
    2. The Seller will make every effort to comply with the delivery times indicated on the Site, however, delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller.
    3. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Client from the moment the Order is transferred to him and the recipient of the Order affixes a signature in the documents confirming the delivery of the Order. In case of non-delivery of the Order, the Seller reimburses the Customer for the cost of the Order prepaid by the Customer and delivery after receiving confirmation of the loss of the Order from the Delivery Service. If the Client chooses Russian Post as the Delivery Service for international postal items, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods lies with the Seller in full until the Goods are transferred to the Delivery Service. After the transfer of the Goods to the specified Delivery Service, the Seller's liability is determined within the limits established by international postal law (Universal Postal Convention of August 12, 2008). If the Client chooses Spring Global Mail international mail as the Delivery Service, as well as other unregistered mail, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods lies with the Seller in full before transfer to the Delivery Service, after the transfer of the Goods to the specified Delivery Services, the risk accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods lies with the Client, since it is impossible to obtain confirmation of the loss of the Goods from the Delivery Service for unregistered shipments. The client has the right to choose other methods of delivery of international postal items without these restrictions.
    4. Cost of delivery of each Order is calculated individually, based on its weight, region and method of delivery, and sometimes the form of payment, and is reported to the Client at the last stage of placing the Order by phone.
    5. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over to the Client or the person indicated as the Recipient of the Order. If it is impossible to receive an Order placed for cash by the above persons, the Order is handed over to a person who is ready to provide information about the Order (consignment number and / or full name of the Recipient), as well as pay the cost of the Order in full to the person delivering the Order.
    6. In order to avoid cases of fraud, as well as to fulfill the obligations assumed in clause 4.5. of the Conditions of Obligations, when handing over a prepaid Order, the person delivering the Order has the right to request an identity document (file “Identity Documents”) of the Recipient. The seller guarantees confidentiality and protection personal information Recipient (clause 9.).
    7. When transferring the Order, the Client, in the presence of the person delivering the Order, must check appearance and packaging of the Order, the number of Goods in the Order, the appearance and packaging of the Goods, completeness, assortment, expiration dates, except for cases when the Order is received through automated terminals for issuing Orders.
    8. The terms allotted by the Seller for the receipt of the Order by the Client are limited and are indicated when placing the Order, at the stage of choosing the appropriate delivery method. For more information, see Selling Rules
    9. Non-receipt of the Order within the terms specified in clause 4.8 of the Conditions is considered the Client's refusal from the sales contract and is the basis for the cancellation of the Order by the Seller. If the unreceived Order was prepaid, the funds are returned to the Client in the manner provided for in clause 3.10.3 of the Terms.
  5. Payment for the Goods
    1. The price of the Goods is indicated on the Site. In case of incorrect indication of the price of the Goods ordered by the Customer, the Seller informs the Customer about it as soon as possible in order to confirm the Order at the corrected price or cancel the Order. If it is impossible to contact the Client, this Order is considered canceled. If the Order has been paid, the Seller returns to the Client the amount paid for the Order to the bank card from which the payment was made.
    2. The price of the Goods indicated on the Site may be changed by the Seller unilaterally. The price of the Goods is valid at the time of clicking the "Place an order" button at the last stage of placing the Order. In this case, the price of the Goods ordered by the Customer is not subject to change.
    3. Payment methods for the Goods are indicated on the Site in the section Payment. The agreed payment method is the method chosen by the Client from the available payment methods when placing the Order.
    4. When prepaid for the Goods, the Order is accepted for processing only after the Client's funds are credited to the Seller's settlement account. At the same time, the Goods under the Order are reserved for a period of 3 working days from the moment the Order is placed (except for Orders with payment methods by postal or bank transfer). After the expiration of the specified period, the reservation is canceled, and the Seller cannot guarantee the availability of the Goods in the Seller's warehouse, as a result of which the Order processing time may increase.
    5. Features of payment for the Goods using bank cards, as well as electronic means of payment linked to bank cards.
      1. In accordance with the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation "On the issue of bank cards and on operations performed using payment cards" dated December 24, 2004 No. 266-P, bank card transactions are performed by the card holder or a person authorized on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the law.
      2. The procedure for paying with bank cards is indicated on the Site in the section "Payment".
      3. Bank card transactions are authorized by the bank. If the bank has reason to believe that the operation is fraudulent, the bank has the right to refuse to carry out this operation. Fraudulent transactions with bank cards are subject to Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fraud is considered to be theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit or breach of trust and is punishable by a fine of up to 120,000 rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 1 year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 360 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to 1 year, or by arrest for a term of up to 4 months, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to 2 years, or by forced labor for a term up to 2 years, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
      4. In order to avoid cases of various kinds of illegal use of bank cards when paying, all Orders placed on the Site and prepaid with a bank card are checked by the Seller. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the Order without giving a reason in case of problems in identifying the payer. The cost of the Order is returned to the owner's bank card.
      5. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the electronic payment provider Intellectmoney, or another provider of electronic payments. The Seller does not process, including the collection and storage of customer bank card data.
    6. The Seller has the right to provide the Customer with discounts on the Goods and establish a bonus program. Types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure and conditions for accrual are indicated on the Site in the relevant thematic blocks sections: "Information", "Discounts and Promotions", "Club Club Beauty mania" and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally.
    7. The Seller has the right to establish discounts in order to promote one or another method of payment or delivery of the Goods. At the same time, the Seller may limit the conditions for the validity of discounts, limit their maximum size, in addition, discounts do not apply to Goods at a special price. Detailed conditions for the provision of commercial discounts are presented and . Discount may be provided on a subsequent Order also for compensation purposes possible increase the cost of the Goods when placing a new Order in case of replacement of the Goods or exchange for a similar one and in other cases when, according to these Terms, it is required to recalculate the cost of the Goods.
    8. When carrying out marketing activities involving the investment of any objects in the Customer's Orders, the delivery of these investments is carried out together with the Customer's Order.
    9. The cost of the Order does not include customs duties. The terms of payment and the amount of customs duties are determined by the customs legislation of the country where the Order is delivered.
  6. Purchase returns
    1. Return of Goods of good quality.
      1. The Client has the right to change the decision to purchase and refuse the ordered Goods at any time before receiving it, and after receiving the Goods - within 7 days, not counting the day the Goods are handed over to the Client. The return of the received Goods of good quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as (if available) a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified Goods are preserved. See the methods and procedure for returning goods. .
      2. The Client is not entitled to refuse the Goods of proper quality, having individually defined properties, if the specified Goods can be used exclusively by the Client acquiring it.
      3. If the Customer refuses the Goods in accordance with clause 6.1.1. of the Conditions, the Seller returns to him the cost of the returned Goods, except for the costs of the seller for the delivery of the returned Goods from the Client, no later than 10 days from the date of receipt by the Seller of the written application of the Client (a copy must be sent by e-mail [email protected] site). The application is recognized as submitted in the proper form if it is made in writing with the Client's own signature. The Client's application for return is transmitted simultaneously with the Goods, which the Client refuses.
      4. Within 7 days from the date of receipt of the Order, not counting the day of transfer of the Goods, the Client has the right to exchange the Goods of good quality for a similar Goods, if the specified Goods did not fit the Client in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration. The Client is not entitled to exchange Goods of good quality, specified in the List of non-food products of good quality, not subject to return or exchange, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 No. 55.
      5. The exchange of the Goods is carried out by returning the Goods to the Seller, the subsequent cancellation of the Order or the Goods, then placing a new Order. At the same time, cancellation is a technical action and does not imply the Seller's refusal to perform the contract. The funds are returned to the Client in the manner prescribed by clause 3.10.3. If the price of the Goods has increased at the time of placing a new Order, before placing the Order, the Client must contact the Customer Service at [email protected] site. Failure to place a new Order for the Goods within 14 working days from the date of cancellation of the Order is the action of the Client, indicating the client's refusal to intend to make an exchange.
      6. If at the time of the Client’s request, a similar Product is not on sale with the Seller, the Client has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand a refund of the amount paid for the specified Product. sum of money. The Seller is obliged to return the amount of money paid for the returned Goods within 3 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Goods returned by the Customer.
      7. The exchange or return of the Goods of good quality is carried out if the specified Goods were not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, etc., etc. are preserved), the Seller reserves the right to refuse to return funds on this basis.
    2. Return of goods of inadequate quality
      1. The Client may return the Goods of inadequate quality to the manufacturer or the Seller and demand the return of the amount paid within the warranty period, the expiration date, or, if such a period is not established, within a reasonable period not exceeding two years. The Client may also require the replacement of the Goods of inadequate quality or the elimination of defects. See the methods and procedures for returning goods. .
      2. In the event that the Client withdraws from the contract and submits a claim for the return of the amount of money paid for the Goods in accordance with clause 6.2.1. of the Terms, the cost of the Goods is subject to return to the Client within 10 days from the date of receipt by the Seller of a written application from the Client (a copy must be sent by e-mail [email protected] site). The application is recognized as submitted in the proper form if it is made in writing with the Client's own signature. The Client's application for return is transmitted simultaneously with the Goods, which the Client refuses. The goods must be handed over together with the originals of the warranty card and conclusion service center(in the presence of).
      3. The replacement of the Goods of inadequate quality with the Goods of good quality is carried out by returning the Goods to the Seller, canceling the Order or the Goods, then placing a new Order. At the same time, cancellation is a technical action and does not imply the Seller's refusal to perform the contract. The funds are returned to the Client in the manner prescribed by clause 3.10.3. If the price of the Goods has increased at the time of placing a new Order, before placing the Order, the Client must contact the Customer Service at [email protected] site. Failure to place a new Order for the Goods within 14 working days from the date of cancellation of the Order is the action of the Client, indicating the client's refusal to intend to replace the Goods.
    3. Refunds
      1. In case of cancellation of the Order or the Goods after its receipt, the funds are refundable, and the method of return is determined depending on the method that was used by the Client when paying for the Goods.
      2. Refunds are made by the Seller in one of the following ways:
        a) in cash at the location of the Seller - only in case of payment in cash;
        b) by postal transfer or bank transfer using the details specified by the Client in the application, which must be sent by e-mail [email protected] website, - in case of payment by postal transfer or bank transfer, as well as in cash;
        c) to the bank card from which the payment was made - in case of payment by bank card;
      3. In case of cancellation of the Order or the Goods before its receipt, the prepaid funds for Orders and Goods paid by a bank card are returned to the card from which the payment was made.
    4. The procedure for actions in case of violation by the seller of the conditions on the assortment (re-sorting).
      1. In the event of the transfer of the Goods in violation of the terms of the assortment, the rules of Art. 468 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
      2. Unless otherwise provided by these Terms, if a Product is found in the Order that does not correspond to the ordered assortment (re-sorting), the Client has the right, when transferring the Order, to refuse this Product and demand a replacement for the Product in the assortment provided for by the Order, or a refund of the money paid for the actually untransferred Product.
      3. The goods transferred to the Client in violation of the terms of the assortment shall be returned to the Seller. If the Client accepts this Goods, the Seller has the right to require the Client to pay for this Goods at the price set by the Seller for this Goods on the Site at the time of the transfer of the Goods (including judicial order). If the actually transferred Goods are not in the Seller's assortment presented on the Site at the time of the transfer of the Goods, this Goods is paid at the price agreed with the Seller.
      4. The replacement of the Goods that do not correspond to the Order according to the assortment is carried out by placing a new Order. If the Goods that do not correspond to the assortment were prepaid by the Client, its cost is returned to the bank card from which the payment was made or, if the prepayment was made in another way, by postal order or bank transfer using the details specified by the Client in the application. If the missing Product has not been paid for by the Client, it is paid for by any available method chosen by the Client or the Seller in agreement with the Client when placing a new Order. If the price of the Goods has increased, before placing a new Order, you must contact the Customer Service at [email protected] site. Failure to place a new Order within 14 days from the date of cancellation of the original Order is the action of the Client, indicating the Client's refusal to intend to make a replacement.
      5. If it is impossible to replace the Goods, the Seller notifies the Client about this by sending a message to the email address specified by the Client during registration, and the funds actually paid for the untransferred Goods are returned in the manner provided for in clause 6.4.6.
      6. The funds paid by the Client for the actually not transferred Goods are returned to the bank card from which the payment was made or, if the prepayment was made in another way, by postal order or bank transfer using the details specified by the Client in the application sent by e-mail [email protected] site, and are subject to return within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Client's application for a refund. The refund of the amount paid for the Goods is carried out in the way in which the payment was made.
    5. Procedure for violation by the Seller of the quantity condition.
      1. Unless otherwise provided by these Conditions, when submitting an Order, the Client is obliged to check the quantity of Goods in the Order. If during the transfer of the Order by the Customer discrepancies in the quantity of the Goods in the Order are found, the Customer is obliged to draw up an Act on the discrepancy in quantity in the presence of a representative of the Seller or the carrier.
      2. If the Seller has handed over to the Customer a smaller quantity of the Goods than specified by the Order (underinvestment), the Client, when transferring the Order, has the right to accept the Goods in the part corresponding to the Order and demand to transfer the missing quantity of the Goods, or, if the missing Goods have been paid, to refuse the Order in the part of the missing Goods and demand a refund for the missing Goods.
      3. If the missing Goods were prepaid by the Client, its cost is returned to the bank card from which the payment was made.
      4. The transfer of the missing Goods is carried out by placing a new Order, provided - unless otherwise provided by these Terms - that the Client provides the Certificate of discrepancy (Act of underinvestment), drawn up in accordance with clause 6.5.1. If the price of the Goods has increased, before placing a new Order, you must contact the Customer Service at [email protected] site. If the missing Product was not previously paid by the Client, or its cost was returned to the bank card, it is paid by any available method when placing a new Order. Failure to place a new Order within 14 days from the date of cancellation of the original Order is the action of the Client, indicating a refusal to intend to receive the missing Goods.
      5. If it is impossible to transfer the missing Goods, the Seller notifies the Client about this by sending a message to the email address specified by the Client during registration, and the funds actually paid for the missing Goods are subject to return within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Client's written application for a refund from by the client's handwritten signature, as well as the Discrepancy Act (Act on underinvestment) by quantity, drawn up in accordance with clause 6.5.1. The refund of the amount paid for the Goods is carried out by the method in accordance with clause 6.3.2. Terms of sale.
      6. In case of violation by the Client of clause 6.5.1 regarding the preparation of the Act, the Seller has the right to refuse to satisfy the Client's claims regarding the quantity of the transferred Goods.
    6. detailed information on the procedure for filing claims for quality and return of the Goods is presented .
  7. Intellectual property
    1. All textual information and graphic images on the Site are the property of the Seller and/or its counterparties.
  8. Warranties and liability
    1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Customer due to improper use of the Goods ordered on the Site.
    2. The Seller is not responsible for the content and operation of the External Sites.
    3. The Seller has the right to assign or otherwise transfer his rights and obligations arising from his relationship with the Client to third parties.
    4. The Customer undertakes not to use the ordered Goods for business purposes.
    5. The Seller is not responsible for losses that the Client may incur as a result of the fact that his login and password became known to a third party, provided that there are no guilty actions of the Seller.
  9. Confidentiality and protection of personal information

    Detailed information about privacy and protection of personal information.

  10. Other conditions
    1. The relationship between the Customer and the Seller is subject to the law Russian Federation.
    2. In case of questions and claims from the Client, he must contact the Seller's Customer Service by phone or at [email protected] site. At the same time, the Seller's responses to the Client's requests are recognized as sent in the proper form if they are sent to the Client's email address specified by him during registration, or in writing to the Client's postal address (if there is an appropriate order). All disputes that arise, the parties will try to resolve through negotiations, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to the judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. Recognition by the court of the invalidity of any provision of these Terms and Conditions does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.

The list of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration

(Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55)
  1. Goods for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, medical tools, instruments and equipment, oral hygiene products, spectacle lenses, child care items), medicines.
  2. Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, combs, hair clips, hair curlers, wigs, hairpieces and other similar products).
  3. Perfumery and cosmetic products.
  4. Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, goods from non-woven materials such as fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others); cable products (wires, cords, cables); construction and Decoration Materials(linoleum, film, carpets, etc.) and other products sold by the meter).
  5. Sewing and knitwear (sewing and knitted underwear, hosiery products).
  6. Products and materials in contact with food, made of polymeric materials, including those for single use (tableware and tableware and kitchen utensils, containers and packaging materials for storing and transporting food products).
  7. Products household chemicals, pesticides and agrochemicals.
  8. Household furniture (furniture sets and sets).
  9. Products from precious metals, With precious stones, made of precious metals with inserts of semi-precious and synthetic stones, faceted precious stones.
  10. Automobiles and motorcycle goods, trailers and numbered units for them; mobile means of small-scale mechanization of agricultural work; pleasure boats and other watercraft for domestic purposes.
  11. Technically sophisticated household goods on which warranty periods(household metal-cutting and woodworking machines; household electrical machines and devices; household radio-electronic equipment; household computing and duplicating equipment; photo and film equipment; telephone sets and facsimile equipment; electric musical instruments; electronic toys, household gas equipment and devices).
  12. Civil weapons, main parts of civil and service firearms, cartridges for them.
  13. Animals and plants.
  14. Non-periodical publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media).

How long ago did you review the cosmetics that you are used to using? With the onset of pregnancy, you will have to do this without fail. Indeed, in a bright jar of lotion or cream, substances that are potentially dangerous for your baby can be hidden. About what ingredients cosmetics represent the greatest danger “in an interesting position”, our expert Victoria Klishko will tell.

Victoria Klishko

cosmetologist, specialist in hardware techniques of the clinic of aesthetic medicine "Premium Aesthetics"

The most important principle of skin care during pregnancy is no experiments. The skin during this period becomes quite sensitive. So wait with the transition to a new line or brand. And if you still decide to change, test the new remedy on the most sensitive areas of the skin (forearm or neck area) and track your reaction.

And now directly about the contents - carefully read the label. If you find one of the ingredients listed below, set aside the cosmetic product until the baby is born.

Vitamin A (retinol)

As well as its derivatives - retinoids, which in the list of ingredients can be indicated as retinol palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapalene. All these substances have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can provoke anomalies in the development of the fetus. Most often, vitamin A and its derivatives can be found in anti-aging cosmetics. Their concentrations can be different, but doctors are adamant in their opinion: even in small amounts, retinol and retinoids can be dangerous for the unborn baby. An exception may be cosmetic products that use retinol from plant extracts. In this case, the package must indicate: "Allowed for use during pregnancy."

This substance belongs to beta-hydroxy acids, therefore, in the list of ingredients, it can be referred to as BHA. It can be part of tonics, cleansers and creams. Often products with salicylic acid are prescribed for people with problem skin, in particular with various forms acne and seborrhea. Doctors' opinions about whether salicylic acid products can be used or not differ. But on this moment it is reliably known that this substance, like vitamin A, can provoke fetal developmental defects.

Of course, you can find an alternative and use products with other acids during pregnancy, in particular with alpha hydroxy acids. These include glycolic and pyruvic (their molecules are small, can penetrate deeper layers of the skin) or lactic and almond (large molecules, work on the surface). With the help of products based on these acids, you can do chemical peels even during pregnancy. But it is important to remember that the concentration of active substances in them should be in the range from 5 to 15%.

These substances are hidden in cosmetics under very long and difficult to pronounce names: imidazolidinyl-urea, DMDM-hydantoin, sodium hydroxymethyl-glycianate. They can be found in shampoos and hair balms, foams and shower gels, face and body lotions, moisturizers, mascaras and nail polishes. Formaldehydes are added to all of the above products as a preservative - they are so active that they can kill almost all known bacteria and fungi. They are introduced into cosmetics not in their pure form, but in the form of certain derivatives, from which formaldehyde molecules are gradually released over time and pass into shampoo or cream. I must say that these substances themselves are very toxic and have a carcinogenic effect, it is no coincidence that the maximum permissible concentration of formaldehydes in cosmetics cannot exceed 0.1%. Moreover, if the manufacturer uses a small amount of these preservatives (no more than 0.05%), he has the right not to indicate them in the list of ingredients at all ...

For reference: the use of formaldehyde for the production of cosmetics is completely prohibited in Japan and Sweden, in the United States they can only be found in products that are washed off the skin (shampoo, hair balms, shower gels). In our country, alas, the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics has not yet been regulated.

Among these substances are those that can harm the unborn baby. Why? Essential oils are powerful volatile organic compounds made up of over 200 compounds. They quickly penetrate into the blood and have therapeutic properties, that is, they act not locally, but on the whole organism as a whole - even if we are talking about a small amount essential oil in cream That is why esters can affect the fetus. It is important to remember this when choosing cosmetics with essential oils. Strictly contraindicated during pregnancy essential oils containing ketones - oils of sage, rosemary, dill, verbena. They have a neurotoxic effect and can cause miscarriage. There are oils that can affect the hormonal system of the woman herself. These include the essential oil of sage, geranium, sacred vitex.

While waiting for the baby, it is better to use brightening cosmetics with other active ingredients, for example, glycosylated hydroquinone, better known as arbutin. In daily care, you can also include creams with herbal ingredients that have a brightening effect. As a rule, each cosmetic company develops its own whitening complex. And be sure to wear SPF when you go out. For autumn-winter period Enough creams with an SPF value of 30.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special time in every woman's life. And you need to take care of yourself like a crystal vase - a classic once rightly noted. Working, playing sports, using cosmetics and visiting beauty salons are not prohibited, but some restrictions should still be taken into account.

How to take care of the face and body while expecting a baby? And what components of cosmetics and salon procedures are contraindicated?

During pregnancy, the level of estrogen in the body of a woman increases, the risk of skin rashes, the appearance of pigmentation, stretch marks and fat deposits increases. Pregnant women often complain of irritation and dryness of the skin of the face, increased sensitivity to cosmetics and the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A woman can use the same remedy for years, but with the appearance of two strips on the test, feel aversion to it or notice an allergic reaction. But this is half the trouble! Cosmetics and procedures that can harm the unborn baby deserve a separate discussion.

And although to date there are no serious studies on which products are safe and which are not, experts advise abandoning the use of a number of components.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(Eng. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, RCOG) urges women not to take risks when it comes to exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy. In 2013, recommendations were issued that recognized the risk of negative effects of cosmetics on the fetus. And although this risk is small, it should not be ignored.

Dr. Michelle Bellingham

While we wait for clues and evidence that cosmetics can harm the fetus (which could take decades), every woman can independently make changes in her lifestyle by reducing the amount of chemicals used.

Experts hold a different point of view Associations of producers of perfumery and cosmetic products(Eng. The Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association, CTPA).

MD, CTPA Director Chris Flower

All cosmetic products are tested for safety before they enter the market. They are evaluated by qualified professionals who understand that cosmetics can be used by women who are pregnant and those who do not yet know about it. If cosmetics are not safe during pregnancy, they will not be released. Everything is simple!

Thus, each woman will have to decide for herself whether changes in cosmetic care are justified or whether everything can be left as it is. What should be considered when making your choice?

The popular opinion that all components of cosmetics can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, enter the bloodstream of a pregnant woman and poison her body - is nothing more than a myth. Most of the active substances in cosmetics work exclusively in the stratum corneum skin. And as you know from the course of school biology, there are no capillaries in it, and therefore, no connection with the woman's circulatory system. In other words, cosmetics cannot affect the developmental process of a child.

Another thing is if the skin of the fair sex has wounds, damage, inflammation and acne. Theoretically, the penetration of hazardous components into a woman's body becomes possible.

What cosmetics should not be trusted?

Retinoids: vitamin A, retinol, retinol esters

Albert Sassoon, MD, an ob/gyn in Manhattan, is convinced that this group of substances should be avoided at all costs. While vitamin A is essential for normal fetal development, high concentrations can cause "serious birth defects and kidney failure in the fetus."

All retinoids have a low molecular weight, which means that they easily overcome the skin barrier and affect the living cells of the body.

Whitening agents: arbutin, hydroquinone, kojic acid

Whitening creams containing aggressive substances - kojic acid, arbutin and hydroquinone are best excluded during pregnancy and breastfeeding even if the woman suffers from hyperpigmentation.

They disrupt the natural production of melanin, which is dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, such a substance as hydroquinone is prohibited in the EU countries due to the risk of melanocyte apoptosis and the appearance of persistent pigmentation, ochronosis. During pregnancy, the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome increases several times.

Essential oils

Due to the low molecular weight, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, affecting the processes occurring in the body. Thus, there is an opinion that esters containing ketones are neurotoxic and can cause abortion. These include essential oils of rosemary, verbena and sage.

Other esters act on the body like phytoestrogens, affecting hormonal background women. These are essential oils of geranium and sacred vitex.

Some oils can cause uterine tonus in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. So, it is better not to use mint ether and cosmetics with it in the composition during this period.

Chemical peels are not recommended during pregnancy. Medium and deep peels are of particular danger, but even superficial procedures can be harmful.

Popular components of salon peeling - salicylic and glycolic acids have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Other types are less dangerous, such as pyruvic acid, because it has a larger molecular weight. And still others are completely harmless - like lactic acid. But in any case, the need to use chemical peels and possible consequences their implementation must be coordinated with a gynecologist and a cosmetologist.


Regulatory organizations in many countries of the world strongly oppose the content of formaldehyde releasers in cosmetics. Formaldehyde is banned from cosmetics and perfumes in Sweden and Japan. In the US and EU countries, they are allowed, but only in those products that do not remain on the skin. In Russia, the use of this group is not legally regulated.

Meanwhile, these are toxic substances that, in high concentrations, cause severe skin irritation, can contribute to the development of bronchial asthma, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes. Whether formaldehydes are carcinogenic is one of the topics of heated debate in the scientific community. But the fact that they are not safe is a fact.

The best choice for the fair sex during the period of bearing a child will be pharmaceutical products, organic cosmetics, as well as special series for expectant mothers. The latter undergo more stringent quality control, which means there are fewer risks of encountering prohibited components in their composition.

Before buying cosmetics, be sure to make sure that the product is hypoallergenic, because the sensitivity of the skin increases during the waiting period for the baby. And don't forget to review the ingredient list - just in case!

Be healthy and beautiful!

During pregnancy, every woman is transformed, and the right cosmetics help maintain and preserve beauty during this magical period. Let's try to figure out what should be safe means and is it possible for expectant mothers to paint.

Caring cosmetics during pregnancy

And skin changes during pregnancy are always very individual. Some women are glad that acne is gone, and the skin has become smooth, others have to deal with increased fat content and pigmentation, it is almost impossible to guess how the body will react. That is why, when deciding which cosmetics to choose for care, you need to start from your own condition. The general rule is simple: the means used future mom should be safe for her and the baby.

The best safe cosmetics are organic, but finding a 100% natural product is difficult, and their effectiveness is not always up to expectations. The main thing is to make sure that the selected product does not include:

    • ⛔ salicylic acid;
    • ⛔ sodium lauryl sulfate;
    • ⛔ parabens and phthalates;
    • ⛔ benzene, dihydroxyacetone;
    • ⛔ hydroquinone and glautathione;
    • ⛔ hormonal connections.

Cosmetics during pregnancy should be of high quality and safe, but you should not rely only on it. To preserve the beauty of the skin and hair, a balanced diet and the intake of vitamins recommended by the doctor are required.

What can and should be used:

. FOR FACE. You need to choose delicate cleansers and tonics that do not dry or irritate the skin, emulsions and face creams that provide skin care in accordance with its changes, season and possible problems. In summer, it is useful to use sunscreen cosmetics with a high SPF and periodically spray mineral water on a cleansed face;

. FOR BODY. The main problem during pregnancy is stretching of the skin and the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks form on the growing belly and chest, and sudden changes in weight can cause them. Dry skin is most prone to stretch marks, so you need to take care of its hydration and maintaining elasticity. good cream for stretch marks contains essential oils, collagen, vitamin E, algae or wheat germ extracts. You can also pick up a nourishing skin care product for the skin of the abdomen and décolleté in the form of an oil;

. FOR HAIR. Hair problems tend to bother the expectant mother closer to childbirth, and during pregnancy, curls usually become thicker and healthier. In general, high-quality cleansing with a hypoallergenic shampoo and periodic application of masks - nourishing and moisturizing - are enough for hair.

Pay attention to changes in appearance - care for 9 months in anticipation of a baby can and should change, taking into account the needs of the body.

Decorative cosmetics for pregnant women

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question: is it possible to paint? Decorative cosmetics for pregnant women does not differ from ordinary ones - they must be of high quality, without “forbidden” components, with a normal expiration date. In this case, she will not do any harm to the woman or her baby.

Refusing makeup during pregnancy is completely pointless, and sometimes inappropriate, but all the products that the expectant mother plans to use must be checked for an allergic reaction. Any products for the face - both decorative and caring - can be pre-applied to the skin at the bend of the elbow. During the day there should be no negative changes such as irritation, redness or rash.

Facial cosmetics: 5 beauty products for the expectant mother

The NYX Professional Makeup collection has a huge selection of quality decorative cosmetics. We have selected 5 makeup products that will surely have a place in the expectant mother's cosmetic bag.

A couple of years ago, I already planned to make a post about what ingredients in cosmetics should be avoided. during pregnancy. But the opinion on this matter differs both among doctors and cosmetologists. Some people think that it is better to forgo active ingredients altogether and use only moisturizing/purifying masks, hyaluronic acid serum and base creams. Someone is of the opinion that cosmetics for home use does not enter the bloodstream in any way, so it cannot bring any harm.

And although I still believe that it is better to ask your doctor about self-care during pregnancy, I understand that even doctors are not always ready to give such advice. Therefore, I looked for what kind of scientific research was conducted on this topic, and what they led to. Further information regarding active ingredients will be based on studies that have studied the degree of penetration of cosmetic ingredients into the layers of the skin and their impact on the health of the unborn child.

Cosmetics with retinoids

Retinyl palmitate, Retinol, Retinaldehyde, Retinoic acid, Tretinoin and other vitamin A derivatives

Cosmetics with retinoids are practically not absorbed into the skin, and studies have not proven the negative effect of retinoids on the condition of the unborn child. However, these studies were conducted on a small number of women, plus there are at least 4 documented cases where the use of tretinoin (the strongest form of vitamin A, which is usually sold by prescription) did lead to birth defects. Therefore, the use of any form of vitamin A is strongly discouraged.


Cosmetics with salicylic acid

What to look for in the ingredient list: salicylic acid, BHA

Salicylic acid is good for removing acne, so it is very often included in the composition of cosmetics for problematic skin. The degree of its penetration into the layers of the skin can be different and depends on the formulation of a particular product. So, when applied to large areas of the body or when used in tandem with components that do not allow the acid to evaporate, up to 25% of this ingredient can penetrate the skin.

Experiments on the use of cosmetics with salicylic acid in pregnant women have not been conducted, but a number of large studies have shown that taking acetylsalicylic acid (i.e. aspirin) in low doses orally does not affect the condition of the unborn child. But given that the effect of salicylic acid on pregnancy has not been studied, and this component can penetrate into the layers of the skin in very large quantities, it should be used during pregnancy to a limited extent. Spot on pimples - apply, but it is better to refuse salicylic peels for a while.

Verdict: during pregnancy it is better to refrain

Cosmetics with glycolic acid

What to look for in the ingredient list:glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is very effective in fighting breakouts, exfoliating the skin and moisturizing. Since it is the AHA that penetrates the skin the most deeply of all AHAs, it is usually the only one that raises concerns about use during pregnancy. Human studies have not been conducted with the use of glycolic acid during pregnancy. But there were studies on rats that showed that glycolic acid in extremely high doses (300 mg / kg and above) has a bad effect on the development of an unborn child. Doses below negative effects were not given.

Considering this, as well as the facts that glycolic acid is used in cosmetics in a relatively small concentration and has a low degree of penetration into skin tissues, it can be used during pregnancy.


Cosmetics with lactic acid

What to look for in the ingredient list:lactic acid

Lactic acid is also an AHA, and does a good job of moisturizing and cleansing pores. Lactic acid has been involved in pregnancy studies, and negative impact did not show.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Cosmetics with vitamin C

What to look for in the ingredient list: vitamin C is represented by a large number of names that you can read about

Vitamin C not only protects against age spots but also provides good antioxidant protection. All forms of vitamin C are completely safe to use during pregnancy and can be combined with vitamin E and ferulic acid for greater effectiveness.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Cosmetics with niacinamide

What to look for in the ingredient list: niacinamide, Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid

Niacinamide not only regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, but also fights skin pigmentation well. It is absolutely safe for use in cosmetics during pregnancy, and can be used in the form of nutritional supplements.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Cosmetics with benzoyl peroxide

What to look for in the ingredient list:benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is widely used to combat rashes, and only 5% of this ingredient is absorbed into the skin tissue, after which it is completely excreted in the urine. Studies on the effect of benzoyl peroxide on the development of an unborn child have not been conducted (or they have not been published). However, due to the fact that this ingredient is completely excreted from the body, it does not cause harm.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Cosmetics with azelaic acid

What to look for in the ingredient list: azelaic acid

Azelaic acid is also effective against breakouts and is considered much safer than benzoyl peroxide. In addition, it well protects the skin from the appearance of age spots, including the appearance of melasma. Studies have not shown the negative impact of this component on the development of the unborn child, so azelaic acid is considered safe.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Whitening cosmetics

What to look for in the ingredient list: hydroquinone

During pregnancy, many notice hyperpigmentation of the skin in the form of chloasma or melasma (it is also called the “mask of pregnancy”). And if cosmetics with hydroquinone are usually the most effective for skin whitening, due to its high degree of penetration into skin tissues (35-45%), it is not recommended to use this component during pregnancy.

There is only one known study of the use of hydroquinone during pregnancy, and it did not show negative results. However, these data are too small to state that hydroquinone does not carry any risks. Therefore, given the high degree of penetration, it is better to refuse its use during pregnancy.

Verdict: not to be used during pregnancy

Cosmetics with antibacterial ingredients

What to look for in the ingredient list: c lindamycin, erythromycin

Antibacterial ingredients are used in cosmetics mainly to treat acne. Studies regarding the use of clindamycin and erythromycin have been conducted on a large number of pregnant women in each of the trimesters, and did not show any negative results.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

sunscreen cosmetics

Despite concerns, neither chemical nor mineral sunscreens (except for filters with nanoparticles, which may possibly enter the bloodstream) do any harm, since they are practically not absorbed into the skin tissue. Moreover, during pregnancy, they help protect against the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy


What to look for in the ingredient list: dihydroxyacetone

To give the skin a tan tone, you can use different components, and the most common of them is dihydroxyacetone. Usually, cosmetics use from 1 to 15% dihydroxyacetone, which practically does not penetrate into the skin tissues (only 0.5% of this component is absorbed), so it is considered safe for pregnant women.

Verdict: can be used during pregnancy

Essential oils

The biggest concern during pregnancy is about the use of essential oils. I did not find any serious work on whether they can be used or not. But I found several studies on whether massage or aromatherapy using essential oils helps to relieve stress in pregnant women (for research, of course, they took only harmless oils). And the results were positive, so using certain essential oils during pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even beneficial. These oils include:

  • lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • petitgrain oil (Citrus aurantium(Fe))
  • bergamot oil (Citrus aurantium L. ssp. Bergamia)
  • peppermint oil

This post mainly covers home care, but if you are interested in learning about how Botox, fillers, laser procedures affect pregnancy, you can read about it in the primary sources at the links below:

  • information from the maternity risk study team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto -
  • information from the International Journal of Women's Dermatology -

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