
Where you can meet a prince 100 to 1. Where you can meet real princes and princesses. Where can you meet your love


Monarchy as a form of government is dying out: today there are only thirty states in the world where there are still kings and emperors: fourteen in Asia, twelve in Europe, three in Africa and one in Oceania.

Of course, in the modern, for the most part democratic world, there is no place for the sole rule of the state, but still, people are not yet ready to completely part with the royal traditions. In the UK, Japan and other monarchical countries, the subjects are proud of the ruling dynasties and treat members of the royal families as real stars or even divine messengers. If in the Arab countries kings and sheikhs actually govern states, and in Asia rulers are treated with great trepidation, then in Europe the period of monarchy has begun with human face. Some European princes and princesses calmly roam the streets without security guards, work in ordinary offices and even take their children to Kindergarten. Today, anyone has a chance to run into a member of the royal family and, if not repeat the fate of Kate Middleton, then at least just take a picture with a member of the royal family as a keepsake. Especially for those who dream of seeing a real blue-blooded person, we have compiled a list of places where they can be found especially often:

1. At the British Royal Races

During the famous royal races in the town of Ascot, you can at least look at the members of the royal families from afar, and if you're lucky, you can even see one of them closer. The concentration of representatives of the most noble dynasties of Europe at the races in Ascot simply rolls over - the presence of them is mandatory for all British aristocrats, and members of other European houses often come to the competitions at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II.

We warn you in advance, attending this event is an expensive pleasure, even the simplest standing tickets for Ascot races cost more than 100 euros, and prices for seats in boxes reach several thousand.

2. In Monaco

In the famous night and yacht clubs, you can stumble upon not only representatives of the princely dynasty of Monaco, but also blue-blooded persons from other countries. In particular, Middle Eastern princes, princesses and their relatives are very fond of relaxing here, but, you know, it is unlikely that you will be able to get closer to them, the guards will not let you in.

Members of royal dynasties and world-class stars annually come to the charity Rose Ball. Alas, it is unlikely that mere mortals will be able to get to the ball itself, they say that the list of guests is personally Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Charlene. But Monaco a few days before and a few days after the event is one of the best places for photohunting celebrities, including royalty.

3. In Scandinavia

As you know, Scandinavians, even the richest, prefer a simple lifestyle and do not really like glamour, and members of the royal families are no exception. Despite their high status and large incomes, Scandinavian royalty strive not to stand out from their fellow citizens, so here you can meet members of royal families just on the street: they walk their dogs, take the crown princes to kindergarten themselves and ride bicycles.

Queen Margaret of Denmark celebrates her 70th birthday with other members of European royal families

It is logical to look for representatives of the Northern European royal families near their places of permanent residence: the Stockholm Royal Palace and Drottningholm Palace in, the royal residence of Amalienborg in Denmark, as well as the royal palace in and the Skaugum residence in Norway.

4. In New York

Young members of European royal families often prefer the New World - and specifically the United States and especially - the Old. In life overseas, they are attracted not only by the opportunity to get rid of the close attention of onlookers and paparazzi chasing them at home, but also by the chance to make a career.

So, for example, the Greek prince Philip lives in Manhattan and works in an American hedge fund, and the Belgian prince Amedeo worked for several years in the office of Deloitte and Touche in. Eugenia, Princess of York, also lived in this city for some time, and the Swedish princess Madeleine married the famous financier Chris O'Neill and moved to the USA permanently.

Where can you meet a man? What obstacles can we face? We will try to answer these questions in the article.

So, in what places are men found, and not all in a row, but which ones do we need? Where can you meet them?

  • Fitness, gym - ie. everything related to active sports. After all, we need an active, fit man.
  • Interest clubs: trainings, seminars, lectures.
  • Clubs and restaurants.
  • Courses of education, advanced training. We are looking for an educated man.
  • Professional conferences.
  • Men's travel. Dating on the plane. The most luxurious option. Here you will find many business, successful men.
  • At work.
  • Away when friends introduce.
  • At public festivals, concerts, fairs.
  • On holiday.
  • Internet, social networks, forums, dating sites, marriage agencies.
  • Speed ​​dating is gaining more and more popularity.

Why is the woman single?

Despite the abundance of places for dating, many women remain single. What are the reasons? The most common ones are:

  • From the age of 30, a woman falls into the extreme "all men are goats", "all men are bastards." To correct the situation, do this exercise for 3-5 days.

Any man passing by you. You look into his eyes and silently (not aloud) say: "I love this man." Eye contact and a smile are required.

  • When everyone around them says: “Well, when will you get married?”, “All your friends have already jumped out to get married, and you?” And gradually the woman begins to think that the problem may be in herself. What to do in this case? See exercise #2.

Any man passing by you. You look into his eyes and silently (not aloud) say: "This man loves me." Eye contact and a smile are required.

  • There are 15 million more women in Russia than men. Of these, 1 million are single mothers.

Girls mistakes on the first date

What mistakes do women / girls make on first dates when meeting a man?

  • Strongly worried. The main thing here is to be yourself.

  • No personal opinion. How are you different from many other women? Be individual, but remember that a woman who is too strong and independent scares away men, just like a weak one. Don't be a "litter" for a man. Express your opinion, if you don’t like something in a partner, find the courage to tell him about it.
  • Talk about the former. Not a single man wants to build a relationship with sh *** oy.
  • Commanding a man, commanding tone. Remember that a man is the head of the family and relationships. You do not need to encroach on his status of supremacy, otherwise you risk losing a partner.
  • Constantly distracted (SMS, phone calls). It seems that this date is indifferent to you, like the man himself.