
How to break in leather gloves. Changing the size of leather gloves. Washing suede gloves


Often there are situations when, after acquiring a thing, its repeated fitting ends in disappointment. Gloves may seem small or, conversely, large. Do not despair ahead of time, there is a way out of any situation. If you need to stretch a leather product, you can resort to little tricks. Let's consider them in order.

How to change the size of leather gloves

  1. Do not forget that leather is a fairly elastic material. Therefore, gloves can be increased or decreased by 1 size. Remember that things made of natural material are undesirable to be washed or soaked.
  2. The skin loses its original structure. In some cases, this feature can save the situation. When wet, the natural material becomes pliable. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the gloves can be stretched.
  3. Remember an important feature of the skin - when it dries, the material coarsens and shrinks. Natural fibers are not very friendly with moisture. In this case, water can be used as a stretching agent.

Ways to stretch the skin

To start manipulation, you can resort to several methods. For this you will need baby cream with a high percentage of fat content, alcohol-based cologne, a specialized product of targeted action or a damp towel.

Fat cream

  1. If you use a simple fat cream, you can achieve good results and stretch the leather product. Such a composition gently affects the structure of the material without damaging it.
  2. Treat the leather product liberally with cream. Wait 2-3 minutes. In the allotted time, the composition will impregnate the material and soften it. The skin becomes more supple and elastic.
  3. After the manipulation, carefully put gloves on the brushes. Wait 10-15 minutes. Next, the excess fatty composition must be removed. Remove the product and put it away for further storage. An alternative may be glycerin, but the effect will be less effective, the composition is poorly absorbed into the skin.

Alcohol based cologne

  1. Use an inexpensive alcohol-containing product for such purposes. May be suitable for the procedure. Eau de Toilette or old perfume.
  2. Treat the leather product with the composition. Put gloves on your hands and wait for it to dry completely. The procedure can take up to half an hour.
  3. After the set time has elapsed, remove the natural material product and place it in a suitable storage place.

wet towel

  1. The method is very popular. In this case, you can easily achieve the desired result. Leather products can be stretched when wet.
  2. Use a clean terry towel. Wet the cloth liberally and wring it out well. The towel must have sufficient moisture.
  3. Lay out the leather attribute on a towel. Wrap your gloves in a damp cloth. Leave the product in this form for 2-3 hours. After softening the skin, gloves should be put on and wait for complete drying. Next, store the attribute.

Means of directed action

  1. If you do not want to take risks, but are trying to achieve the desired result without unnecessary actions and consequences, you can resort to the help of special tools.
  2. The compositions can be purchased at any shoe store. The remedy is most often offered in the form of a spray. Gloves can be increased by 1 size.
  3. Distribute the composition on the inside of the product. Put gloves on your hands and wait a quarter of an hour. Then follow the instructions above.
  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is important to know a few important facts about the natural material. To leather gloves have not lost quality and pristine appearance They can only be stretched 1 size.
  2. If you decide to stretch the product more, the skin will lose its elasticity and presentable appearance. In most cases, the attribute starts to come apart at the seams.
  3. Keep in mind that the skin is stretched only in width, in length such manipulations are useless. If the product is new, do not rush and try to stretch the gloves by various means. Try putting them on and wearing them for a while.
  4. Always try on gloves before buying, and in the future you will not have to resort to such procedures. If you feel uncomfortable, this is not your model. Don't hope for the best.

The skin can be stretched by yourself at home. If the product was purchased a long time ago, the above methods will greatly help you. Otherwise, you should always carefully select the model and size. Consider physiological features hands Try to purchase products in good stores, so you can get a guarantee on the product and the ability to issue a return within a certain time.

Video: how to break leather gloves

Leather gloves are beautiful, elegant and have a long service life. By purchasing such an accessory, you can see that they are a little tight. However, you can correct the situation at home, avoiding the return or replacement of goods. How to do this, now I'll tell you.

Change the size of the gloves yourself

Leather is a very elastic material that can both stretch and shrink. Everyone knows that Leather Products washing and soaking in water is undesirable - the material changes its structure. But in this case, you can use this feature.

When wet, leather products become pliable and easily stretched, however, when dried, shrinkage and coarsening are inevitable, so this factor must be taken into account.

How to stretch the skin?

To stretch a leather product, you may need:

  • fat cream (regular baby cream is suitable);
  • cologne (toilet water and any alcohol-containing agent);
  • wet towel;
  • special cosmetics for the care of leather products.

In the table, I described in detail the methods that will help increase the size of the gloves.

A photo Instruction

Method 1: use fat cream

Stretching leather gloves is not difficult if you have a rich nourishing cream on hand. For these purposes, children's or any other cream for winter care is perfect:

  • lubricate the skin on gloves with plenty of cream and leave for a couple of minutes: during this time, the skin will soften and become more elastic;
  • carefully put the products on your hands and leave for a while;
  • then remove the excess cream and put it away for storage.

    Glycerin can be used in place of a heavy cream, but since it does not absorb well into the skin, the effect will be less significant.

Method 2: stretching with cologne or toilet water

Even the most inexpensive perfumes or eau de toilette residues can be used for such purposes. Need:

  • treat the leather surface with cologne;
  • put on gloves;
  • leave for 15-20 minutes until dry;
  • remove and store.

Method 3: wet towel

A fairly simple and affordable way to stretch genuine leather gloves:

  • a clean terry towel should be wetted and squeezed out so that it remains wet;
  • wrap gloves in a towel and leave for a couple of hours;
  • when the skin softens, the accessory is put on the hands and left to dry completely.

Method 4: special means

You can find them in shoe stores or in the skin care department.

Such products are usually in the form of a spray and allow you to slightly increase the size of shoes or gloves:

  • the agent is sprayed on the inside of the product;
  • gloves are put on for 10-15 minutes.

How to shrink skin?

Another thing is if leather gloves are stretched out and they somehow need to be returned to their previous state. Fortunately, this is quite fixable. Again, water will help.

Reducing the size of the gloves:

A photo Instruction

Method 1

Place the gloves in the soapy solution and squeeze lightly.

It is important not to leave them in water for a long time, and even more so not to soak them overnight. It is enough to make the skin wet and softened.

Method 2

Wet the leather item and, when the gloves are almost dry, lubricate them with a mixture of castor oil and ammonia.

Drying the skin in this case is worth it natural way without resorting to the help of a hair dryer and other heating devices.

Method 3

Soak the accessory in hot water (for a maximum of 30 minutes), and after drying, generously grease with cream or glycerin.

Method 4:

If your favorite accessory has become very large, you should think about how to sew in leather gloves.

You can turn to the services of an atelier, or you can take measurements from your hand and fit the glove exactly to size.

Any manipulations will bring an effect only if the products are made of genuine leather. If a substitute was used when sewing, then it will not be possible to change the size on your own - the accessory will deteriorate from such manipulations.


Gloves can be returned to a comfortable state with your own hands, even if they are stretched or, conversely, become small. The main thing is to be extremely careful, otherwise the product will have to be thrown away, and the price of high-quality leather gloves hits the pocket.

Using the recommendations above, it becomes possible to change the size of your favorite product both up and down, while none of the methods requires significant financial costs or you can do without them at all.

The video in this article details the features of changing the size of leather products - look! And if you have any questions, I'm waiting for them in the comments.

Purchases are not always successful, and after trying on at home, you can see that the item is either small or, on the contrary, large. But every problem has its solution. Therefore, if you find that the leather gloves you have purchased are difficult to put on, then you should try to stretch them.

Before proceeding with various manipulations, it is worth trying to carefully pull on the gloves. If you succeeded, then you can be like this ( leather clothes has the property to take the shape of the body). In the case when leather gloves cannot be pulled on, it is necessary to wet them slightly. To do this, take a small waffle towel, moisten it with the most ordinary water and wrap gloves in it for half an hour. Then put it on and let it dry completely.

How to stretch gloves with cream?

For this purpose, it is necessary to smear the surface of the gloves with a small layer of greasy cream (you can take a regular children's cream). After the cream has been applied to leather gloves, you must immediately put them on - the product becomes soft and easily stretched in a matter of seconds.

Also, instead of a cream, you can use glycerin, but this remedy is less effective - the product stretches quite a bit. This is due to the fact that glycerin is slightly less absorbed into the skin than a cream.

Stretch gloves with eau de toilette

One of the more popular ways to stretch gloves to required size called toilet water. It can be safely replaced with the usual (cheapest) cologne. A small amount of such an alcohol-containing agent is poured into the gloves, and then they are carefully pulled over the hands.

It is enough to walk in leather gloves for a few minutes (at least 15) so that they can completely take the shape of your hand. After this procedure, the next time you can put them on without difficulty.

How to stretch leather gloves using a special tool?

Today, in any store that sells leather shoes, you can purchase a special tool with which you can slightly stretch new shoes, boots or boots. As in the previous case, it is necessary to apply a little product inside the gloves (if it is a spray, then a couple of sprays will be enough). After that, immediately put on gloves for 5-10 minutes.

Using such a tool, it is important not to overdo it, its composition effectively softens the skin and allows it to stretch up to the right sizes. The procedure must be carried out carefully so that the product does not lose its original appearance.

These methods are also relevant in situations where leather gloves have become smaller in size over the summer. This happens if the room (or the place where they lay) is too dry air. In such conditions, the skin dries up and shrinks.

Do not forget that all of the above recommendations can only be used to stretch leather gloves. Even if your gloves are made from a high-quality substitute, no methods and means will bring the desired result.

Purchases are not always successful, and after trying on at home, you can see that the item is either small or, on the contrary, large. But every problem has its solution. Therefore, if you find that the leather gloves you have purchased are difficult to put on, then you should try to stretch them.

Before proceeding with various manipulations, it is worth trying to carefully pull on the gloves. If you succeeded, then you can walk like this (leather clothing has the ability to take the shape of the body). In the case when leather gloves cannot be pulled on, it is necessary to wet them slightly. To do this, take a small waffle towel, moisten it with the most ordinary water and wrap gloves in it for half an hour. Then put it on and let it dry completely.

How to stretch gloves with cream?

For this purpose, it is necessary to smear the surface of the gloves with a small layer of greasy cream (you can take a regular children's cream). After the cream has been applied to leather gloves, you must immediately put them on - the product becomes soft and easily stretched in a matter of seconds.

Also, instead of a cream, you can use glycerin, but this remedy is less effective - the product stretches quite a bit. This is due to the fact that glycerin is slightly less absorbed into the skin than a cream.

Stretch gloves with eau de toilette

One of the most popular ways to stretch gloves to the required size is called eau de toilette. It can be safely replaced with the usual (cheapest) cologne. A small amount of such an alcohol-containing agent is poured into the gloves, and then they are carefully pulled over the hands.

It is enough to walk in leather gloves for a few minutes (at least 15) so that they can completely take the shape of your hand. After this procedure, the next time you can put them on without difficulty.

How to stretch leather gloves using a special tool?

Today, in any store that sells leather shoes, you can buy a special tool with which you can slightly stretch new shoes, boots or boots. As in the previous case, it is necessary to apply a little product inside the gloves (if it is a spray, then a couple of sprays will be enough). After that, immediately put on gloves for 5-10 minutes.

Using such a tool, it is important not to overdo it, its composition effectively softens the skin and allows it to stretch to the desired size. The procedure must be carried out carefully so that the product does not lose its original appearance.

These methods are also relevant in situations where leather gloves have become smaller in size over the summer. This happens if the room (or the place where they lay) is too dry air. In such conditions, the skin dries up and shrinks.

Do not forget that all of the above recommendations can only be used to stretch leather gloves. Even if your gloves are made from a high-quality substitute, no methods and means will bring the desired result.

Features of stretching gloves

You can stretch gloves made of genuine leather or suede without losing the quality of the material no more than one size. In this case, the skin can only be stretched in width, and not in length. Before stretching the gloves, first try to pull the products over your hands and wear them like that for several hours every day. The accessory can stretch on its own without the use of additional funds.

For stretching, leather products must not be completely wetted, otherwise they will shrink even more! Gloves with a lining or with fur cannot be processed inside with fat-containing products. At the same time, keep in mind that only products made from natural materials can be stretched. Leatherette does not stretch either in length or in width.

Five Ways to Stretch Gloves

  1. The use of water is the most safe way. In this case, you need to soak a terry or waffle towel in water and wrap gloves in it. Leave the products for several hours, then pull in different directions. After that, put on your hands and wear until completely dry. When interacting with moisture, the skin stretches;

  2. Baby cream or cream with a high fat content will make the skin soft, supple and pliable, causing it to begin to stretch. To do this, generously lubricate the inside of the product with the product and put it on your hands. But remember that the fur lining cannot be lubricated with a greasy composition !;
  3. Instead of a cream, take glycerin and lubricate the inside too. But the skin absorbs this product worse, so the method will have to be applied for several days in a row. Glycerin is also not used for fur trim or lining. But at the same time, it not only stretches, but also renews the skin. If you lubricate the outer part with a product, the products will acquire shine and an attractive appearance;
  4. To stretch leather and suede gloves, take alcohol, cologne or vodka and spray the inside. Put on your hands and wear until the material dries. As a result, genuine leather or suede will stretch;
  5. You can use a special professional stretcher, which is sold in the shoe department, salon or store. It is a stretching spray or aerosol for leather or suede that is applied to the inside of the product. The gloves are then put on the hands and worn for about twenty minutes. By the way, such aerosols and sprays will also help stretch or break shoes.

Caring for suede gloves

In order for the products to retain their original appearance, color and quality for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for the material. Suede is the most capricious, as it begins to shine over time, and scuffs appear on the surface.

You can return an attractive appearance with a solution of warm milk and baking soda. To prepare the mixture, take a glass of warm milk and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir and wipe the shiny or chafed areas with a cotton pad.

Instead of a soda solution, you can take 50 ml of ammonia and mix with a glass of water. After processing, the suede is washed with clean water and the result is fixed with an vinegar solution. Wash suede gloves quickly without soaking, wringing or twisting. For washing, take a warm soapy solution or a special detergent for suede, put products on hands and wash. Suede can be washed at a temperature of 35-45 degrees.

After washing, gloves are rinsed in cool water and wrapped in a terry towel to absorb excess moisture. Do not twist or wring out the material! The gloves are left to dry at room temperature away from the battery, heater and electrical appliances, sun rays to avoid streaks and maintain color.

By the way, it is better to dry gloves on special stands that resemble the shape of hands. If there is no such device, take medical gloves, put inside suede, inflate and tie. During drying, periodically blot the material with a dry towel or soft cloth. If suede has lost its attractive appearance, the tips from this article will help to update the material.

How to care for leather gloves

Wash leather gloves in warm water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees using a soapy solution. If present, pull the lining out and wash separately. Wash the products by putting them on your hands and rinse in cool water. Then, just like suede gloves, wrap the leather gloves in a terry towel.

Shake and inflate the dried products, put the lining inside. Leave the gloves to dry away from batteries, electronic devices, open flames and sunlight. To prevent the leather from wrinkling and becoming stiff over time, periodically wipe the material castor oil or vaseline. The tool will soften products, restore shine and attractive appearance.

Clean or wash and dry leather or suede gloves before extended seasonal storage. For dry cleaning, you can take a hard brush. Products outside are treated with a special cream, spray or polish designed for this type of material. Such funds are also sold in shoe stores.

Dried and processed gloves are wrapped in paper and placed in a box with a tight-fitting lid. In addition, products can be put in a paper or canvas bag or bag. If your gloves have a natural wool lining, put them in a box or bag to keep moths out.

Store gloves in a closet, in a dark and dry place. Do not store products damp and dirty, store in a room with high humidity and clean in ordinary plastic bags! For more information on how and where to properly store things, read the link

Primary defect diagnosis

Before trying to stretch the skin, determine the type of task.

  1. If the product is too narrow for you in the width of the brush, you can start stretching at home.
  2. If the gloves are small in length, for example, your fingers are short, any manipulations will not be successful. Do not waste time, the skin does not stretch along the length, immediately present the product to your younger sister.

For lined or fur-lined leather items, not all stretching agents that we will describe are suitable. Remember that any fat-containing substances lining and fur inside will inevitably spoil. Keep this in mind when cleaning leather gloves.

So, have you made sure that your accessory is made of genuine leather? So you can start the stretching procedure.

The most common methods

The easiest way is to go to a shoe store and buy a shoe stretcher. Such products are produced in the form of spray cans - aerosols. Your task is only to use them correctly. The acquisition of a stretching aerosol is beneficial, because it will always be used in the house. Can be used to stretch new shoes and gloves with or without lining. Read the instructions and use.

In addition to industrial aerosols at home, you can do the following:

  • drop a little alcohol-containing agent inside the product. It can be cologne, perfume, toilet water and other alcohol-based solutions. They can also clean suede gloves.
  • if the gloves do not have fur or lining, lubricate them with hand cream or baby moisturizer. Put on your hands and do not remove until the cream is completely absorbed. The method is good for thin demi-season leather items.
  • universal method - moisturizing. Moisten the leather accessory with water or wrap it in a wet towel. Surely you noticed that after you got very wet, leather things stretched a little? A wet towel works the same way. If you hold the skin in it for 3-4 hours, and then dry it by putting it on your hands, the size will increase.
  • glycerin renews and stretches gloves well. Lubricate the skin on the outside, let it absorb well.

You should not ask your husband to vilify your thing in order to stretch it. Firstly, the product does not increase by more than one size, and secondly, after someone else's hand, genuine leather will not sit perfectly on yours. And it’s not surprising to tear a little thing at the seams if you try too hard to pull it on big hand.

Before you put away your leather accessories for the summer, do not forget to lubricate them with castor oil. Wait until the oil is well absorbed, wipe off the residue with a cotton cloth. Do not put leather items in plastic bags for storage - they lose their appearance without air access. Does not like skin and direct sunlight, so do not dry things in the open sun.

And most importantly - when buying, try on gloves well. Do not buy them in a hurry, sophistication and style do not tolerate haste. Things chosen correctly will not have to be increased or decreased.

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If you are faced with such a problem as the small size of gloves, then do not rush to throw them away. They can be given a second life. In the review, we will analyze how to stretch leather gloves.

Alcohol and water

Leather is an expensive material and it can be a pity to throw out products from it. If the gloves are too small, then water or alcohol will help to change their size. The easiest recipe:

  • wet the towel with water;
  • wrap gloves;
  • leave for a few hours.

During this time, the skin will be saturated with moisture. Then put them on your hands and wear them until they are completely dry.

It is not recommended to wet gloves completely under the tap. So they can sit even more.

If you have alcohol or regular cologne at your disposal, you can try the following:

  • spray the inner lining;
  • put on your hands and wear until the liquid evaporates.

This recipe can be used for suede.

baby cream

To stretch the material, first you need to make it soft and more elastic. For this, baby cream is ideal. If this is not available, you can use the usual, but with a high fat content.

You need to do the following:

  • smear the entire inner side with cream;
  • put them on your hands.

Already in the first seconds you will feel how the material begins to stretch a little.

Instead of cream, you can use glycerin. But the effect is achieved much worse, since it is poorly absorbed into the skin.

This method also has a contraindication. If the inside is made of fur, then after treatment with cream or oil, the presentation will disappear and the entire finish will deteriorate.

magazine stretcher

Such a tool can be purchased at any shoe store. A similar stretcher is a regular spray. They need to process the inside of the gloves and put them on immediately for 15-20 minutes. Only two sprays are enough to achieve the result.

Most importantly, when using special means do not overdo it. The spray allows you to greatly stretch the skin. And of course, use it with care so that the products do not lose their appearance.

Take note

  1. You can stretch the material without loss of quality only by one size.
  2. If you start stretching the products on a large hand, then they can lose their shape and disperse at the seams.
  3. Remember, you can only stretch the skin in width. Long term it is useless.
  4. Before you start stretching the products at home, try just putting them on your hand and vilifying for a few evenings just like that. The skin tends to stretch on its own.
  5. Measure before buying so you don't have to stretch them.

Using the above methods, you will definitely be able to stretch the gloves to the required size. But still it is better to choose them correctly in the store.