
We make shampoo for ourselves, improving the usual shampoo. Deep cleaning shampoo - what kind of animal and who should get it? In which case you need to apply


Improving store-bought shampoo

Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair, but for some reason they simply forget to take care of them. It is good if by nature you have good hair and whatever you do with them, whatever experiments you do, the hair still looks great. But what about those who, for example, after repeated dyeing, hair began to fall out, lost its former shine, and the ends turned into "straw"?

How is it that by carefully caring for yourself, regularly going to the salon and doing perm, coloring, we do not think at all that after all these procedures the hair loses its vitality and beauty. Why is there no hair care routine in daily treatments? Rather, all courtship ends with washing the head, believing that this is quite enough.

But even a simple shampooing can be turned into a pleasant procedure and a healing process at the same time. Hair, like skin, needs nourishment, moisturizing, masks, and peeling. Moreover, it is not necessary to do all these procedures in the salon, you can do all this at home. Even an ordinary shampoo bought in a store can be "improved" at home, and without additional hassle. I propose to "conjure" over store-bought shampoos and make them less aggressive in relation to your hair.

There are four ways to improve your store-bought shampoo, choose whichever works best for you.

1. The milky method is suitable for those who have brittle, dry hair with split ends. Add yogurt, yogurt or kefir to your regular shampoo (1: 1). It has long been known that fermented milk products are capable of creating a thin protective film on the hair, which protects the hair from damage from an alkaline solution and from external factors.

2. The sour method is suitable for any type of hair. Keratin for hair is the main building material. And its destroyer is the hostile (aggressive) alkaline environment of any store shampoo. Can neutralize alkali by adding to shampoo Apple vinegar or lemon juice. After washing with a kind of "sour" shampoo, the hair becomes shiny, due to the fact that keratin scales gently embracing each hair, adhere tightly to each other.

3. The vitamin method allows you to enrich your own ordinary store shampoo with vitamins. Dissolve in shampoo (250 ml) 1 ampoule of liquid vitamins A and E, plus B vitamins (B1, B6, B12). Only 5 ampoules. Vitamin E is sold in the pharmacy under the name "Tocopherol acetate", and vitamin A - "Retinol acetate". And when you buy these vitamins, make an emphasis on the fact that you need vitamins in oil for external, not internal use.
This method will help you have silky, shiny hair and the ends of the hair will not resemble straw. Hair growth is guaranteed.

4. The essential oil method consists in adding essential oils to the finished shampoo and conditioner. By the way, for the first time Hollywood stylists thought of this. A wonderful way, since the oil, enveloping the hair, does not allow it to thin and dry out, while protecting it from the too aggressive effects of the shampoo. Also, the oil "presses" the keratin scales tightly to the hair, which gives the effect of softness and elasticity. And additionally nourishes the scalp, as it contains unsaturated fatty acids in its structure.

Before you add essential oil in shampoo, you need to dissolve 15 drops in 1 tsp of honey, wine (brandy). For long hair you need at least 30 drops. If you don't have alcohol in your home, just add up to ten drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo and have fun.

You can enhance the effect of the shampoo with an essential mask.

The easiest way is to add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil to any hair mask. Ylang Ylang is added to the mask to restore dry damaged hair. Rosemary oil - for hair growth and density, lavender oil can help fight dandruff, and tea tree comes to the rescue if you have oily hair, dandruff and hair loss.

So, at your disposal there are several original, but effective ways hair care. Which one will suit and love your hair, you will determine by sensations.

What nature gave us can be lost very quickly, especially in our time when parabens, preservatives, sulfates, mercury, lead are present in ALL shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes. And to preserve the natural beauty of hair requires little effort. It just takes a little imagination, a little time and the desire to be irresistible.

In the comments, our readers ask me - how to wash your hair if there is no way to cook hair soap? In this article I will try to answer this question.

If you have enough short hair, You can also try . But you will have to use acidified water for rinsing, or a decoction of herbs to make your hair shine. Because I have no time to brew herbs, or specially acidify water, I make such a tincture in advance: I take a bottle of dry white wine, a pack of herbal tea to strengthen my hair, I insist for 10 days in a dark, warm place, shaking it daily. Then I filter it (best through a filter cloth, or non-woven cloth), pour it into the same wine bottle, and add this infusion at the rate of 1 tablespoon to a glass of water, and rinse my hair with this.

But if your hair doesn’t succeed in friendship with soap, don’t be upset. It is quite possible to take an industrial shampoo and enrich it with the ingredients you need exactly for your hair.

How to choose a shampoo.

The ideal option is either a STYX neutral detergent base or another neutral shampoo without any additives. I could not find the Styx "base", tk. I live in a relatively small town, and the pharmacy advised me to take Friderm shampoo by Schering-Plow - pH-balanced, for daily use. Do not use shampoos with additives if you are going to use essential oils. Essential oils have a very high penetrating power, and they can "grab" with them what we do not need in our skin.

What else do you need besides shampoo.

Here I am listing what you can freely buy at the pharmacy. If you buy in online stores for soap makers, the range of additives will be much wider, of course. But even a very, very good product can be made on pharmacy supplements.

So, you can add to the shampoo:

Herbs are the ones that are required for your hair. If you need to dry your hair, take oak bark. Soften - linden flowers. Strengthen hair growth - nettle and burdock root. To relieve irritation - a string, chamomile. Against dandruff - a sprig of rosemary and juniper. There are a lot of options. The main thing is to properly prepare the broth. It should be very thick as well. you can add very little liquid.

Glycerin - to moisturize hair.

If the hair is dry, then you can add base oils - apricot kernel, castor oil and primrose oil are good against dandruff.

Use oil with care on your hair - a great oil for skin care, it can nevertheless leave a greasy residue on your hair.

And of course essential oils. The selection method is the same as with herbs. Those. what problem do you want to solve - you use this essential oil. Especially good for any type of hair, for any problems with them - Bay essential oil. But you are unlikely to find it in pharmacies, only in specialized stores for soap makers.

It is also very good to add to shampoo - clay (for example) or therapeutic mud.

You can add a decoction of henna, or insist henna in base oil (read our article about) - if you have dark hair and you want to spice up the color a little.

What are the proportions of the introduction of additives.

Decoction of herbs - up to 10%
Base oils - up to 5%
Essential oils - up to 2%
Glycerin - up to 2%
Clay, mud - up to 5%
Edible salt - up to 4%

What is salt for? Firstly, oily skin accepts salt very well, it dries and relieves irritation. Sea salt is also very rich in various trace elements. And secondly, when you add oils to the shampoo, a decoction of herbs - the shampoo suddenly liquefies sharply and becomes like water 🙂 And by adding salt, you can achieve the desired density. Although I am a fine liquid soap, but this is not for everybody.

Based on these recommendations, you can safely create for yourself. This is a rough way. There is a huge field for creativity 🙂 Just do a little at first, try it - how will it go? What to add / remove, what proportion to change? By the way, a little hint - it is very convenient to measure liquid additives with a syringe, if you do little - take a 2-g cubic meter, the divisions are more convenient there. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

Every woman dreams of being followed by men. But when the hair is damaged, the woman no longer feels one hundred percent confident. To restore the previous beauty to damaged dry hair, you need to prepare a mask and apply it to your hair.

This article is about a revitalizing shampoo that you can make at home. In this article, we have collected best recipes home remedies for hair restoration.

How to make your own repair shampoo

Making shampoo at home is easy. About what components will be included in the composition this shampoo, its effectiveness will depend.

Castor oil contains carotenides, triterpenes, tocopherol, sterol. Due to these substances, the hair no longer splits and becomes elastic.

Revitalizing shampoos - we prepare at home

Before you the most effective recipes restorative shampoos that help regenerate damaged hair.

Revitalizing shampoo with yolk

This shampoo nourishes the hair well. To prepare it, take a few egg yolks, one hundred milliliters of black leaf tea. Beat egg yolks, add cooled tea to them.

This shampoo can be used as a substitute for regular shampoo. It is applied to wet hair, massaged. Then the shampoo must be washed off with water.

Recipe with fermented baked milk for hair restoration

This recipe is suitable for owners oily hair... Due to the fact that the shampoo contains fermented baked milk, it helps to moisturize and nourish hair. In addition, it prevents the hair from becoming greasy.
We take the crumb of Borodinsky bread - 75 grams, one hundred milliliters of homemade ryazhenka (best of all). Soak the bread, pour fermented baked milk into a container with bread, mix everything. The mixture is left for sixty minutes. Then mix again.
Apply ready-made shampoo as follows: apply to wet hair, leave for ten minutes, rinse with water.

Milk + rye bread for hair restoration

This shampoo recipe helps nourish dry and highly damaged hair. Regenerates hair and accelerates the growth of new follicles.

    We need the following components:
  • rye bread - twenty grams
  • yolk of one egg
  • forty grams of milk
  • 1 small spoonful of mustard
  • six drops of castor oil

What happened is distributed according to wet hair, leave for ten minutes, wash off with warm water. Shampoo is used twice a week.

Modern girls daily applied to curls a large number of styling products - varnishes, foams, fluids, serums. And it is not surprising that after a while there is a feeling of heaviness and overload of the hair, dullness appears. The reason is that our hair absorbs not only dirt and sebum, but also all those products that we use every day. And if you visit the pool, then the chlorine used to process the water. All these substances enter the hair structure, thereby polluting it.

Regular shampoos for our hair wash only surface pollution, while the dirt inside the hair continues to accumulate. Many girls have heard about deep cleansing shampoo, but they have no idea why it is needed and how to use such an invention. It is a kind chemical peeling for the scalp and hair, which is able to penetrate deep into the structure and remove all the accumulation of styling products and harmful substances.

Features of use

Due to the fact that deep cleansing shampoo has an aggressive composition that dries hair, it is recommended to use it as needed. Experts advise using such a tool no more than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of harming the hair. Even if you do not use industrial cosmetics in your care, but at the same time like to make masks from natural oils at home, deep cleansing shampoo is also recommended for you. Oils with regular use clog the scalp, and this, in turn, is fraught with consequences in the form of increased secretion of sebum, which leads to rapid hair pollution.

By the way, some women use deep professional cleaning shampoo as a remover for unsuccessful staining... For example, the Estelle remedy perfectly removes paint, and also contains vitamin B5 useful for hair.

Who is it for?

  • if you use styling and care products containing silicones;
  • if you frequent the pool;
  • if you regularly make hair masks based on natural oils.

When should you apply?

There are no special recommendations and indications for the use of such a cosmetic product. But if you feel constant heaviness in the curls, noticed that they began to get dirty faster and lost their shine, then you need a professional deep cleaning shampoo. And in order to prevent such a condition, the best solution would be to use a beauty product at least once every two weeks - for prevention.

Rating of the best deep cleansing shampoos

Especially for you, we have compiled a small rating of the best deep cleaning shampoos of 2016:

  1. Estel Professional Essex Deep Cleaning.
  2. Concept Deep Cleaning.
  3. Kapous Protein Collagen.
  4. Londa Professional Specialist Intense Cleaner.
  5. Schwarzkopf Supreme Keratin.

It should be noted that all these products are professional and are used in beauty salons. Their use at home should be as careful and correct as possible.

Shampoos in the modern sense of the word appeared not so long ago, only 50 years ago. But somehow the women washed their heads, and somehow their hair remained thick and shiny. Let's slightly open the veil over this mystery.


Washing your hair with baking soda

The most common way to completely substitute natural products is soda instead of shampoo, vinegar instead of rinse aid. Typically use 1 tbsp. soda in a glass of water (and so, how many glasses you need depending on the length of your hair). But if the hair becomes dry, the dose should be reduced. mixes up with water in the same proportions: the fatter your head, the less you need to apply it. Instead of vinegar, lemon juice will also work; it will definitely not make your hair greasy quickly.

Washing your hair with an egg

If you want your hair to be as soft as a child's, wash your hair. egg yolk... It foams well and washes away grease without drying out the scalp. Mix two yolks with 0.5 l of warm water, and wash your hair in transition period, alternating with shampoo, for a month. Instead of a rinse, you can use mint (2 tablespoons) per liter of water to prevent dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Separate the yolk from the film carefully, as it is very difficult to wash it off!

Washing your hair with beer

Even if the smell from it is not the best, but if warm light beer is mixed with herbs (best of all with chamomile, calendula and oak bark), leave for half an hour and wash your hair, then after 3-4 uses your hair will become softer and silky.

Washing hair with bread

Take a crumb of rye or black bread, put it in hot water, wait until the bread turns sour. Stir the mixture until smooth, strain through a sieve and apply on the head for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Photo source: depositphotos

Washing your hair with honey

First, 1 tsp. chamomile, you need to pour 100 g of boiling water and let it brew, and then add a dessert spoon of honey to this infusion. After washing, leave hair for half an hour, and only then rinse thoroughly. Honey shampoo, although very beneficial for hair, is not recommended for use all the time. It is best to alternate it with the above formulations, and only when the hair adapts to them.

Hair washing with mustard

Mustard must be used very carefully. It should only be diluted with warm, not hot water. Washing your hair with mustard is beneficial, because its property of "burning" activates the flow of blood to the hair roots, which in turn stimulates their growth. Rinsing hair after using mustard is recommended with water and lemon juice.

So, everyone who switched to folk remedies, which do not contain chemicals, warn that the first few weeks the hair will grow greasy more than usual. This is because our skin is used to secreting more oil (since traditional shampoos dry out the scalp), and continues to do so out of habit. But when your hair changes, you probably won't want to go back to shampoos. The main thing is to find your ideal remedy.