
Oil brush massage. How to do a dry brush massage for cellulite? The fight against cellulite - methods for solving the problem - video


Every woman wants to stay beautiful for as long as possible. After all, what could be nicer than a healthy toned body, clear skin and radiant appearance until old age? But not everything is so simple. In many women, with age, the so-called “orange peel” or cellulite begins to appear. For many years, different specialists have used different methods to deal with this problem. How many scrub recipes are there, how many folk remedies! And among all this variety of ways to fight, dry brush massage from cellulite can be noted as the most affordable and simple.

How brushing works on cellulite

Before you figure out how to do a dry massage with a special cellulite brush, you should figure out what kind of condition it is and what is happening in the body at that moment.

Cellulite is a change in subcutaneous fat. stagnation of fluid is considered, which is formed due to impaired circulation in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Due to such a violation, various toxins and decay products are not fully removed from the body. All this primarily accumulates in adipose tissue, which is due to its structure. In this case, an increase in cells in volume occurs, then inflammation of the tissues, and as a result we get an “orange peel”.

In order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation and, which will lead to a decrease in body fat. A massage made with a dry brush against cellulite will have the necessary effect and help not only remove this phenomenon, but also improve overall health. If carried out regularly, then soon you will notice the following changes in your condition:

  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the manifestations of acne will decrease.
  • The metabolic processes in the body will accelerate, which will help tighten and make the skin more elastic.
  • The number of dead cells will decrease, the skin color will become healthier.
  • Tissue swelling will decrease.
  • Decrease or disappear pain and muscle fatigue.
  • Sleep and the work of the digestive system are normalized, the functioning of the brain will improve.

What to look for when buying a brush

You can buy a brush for anti-cellulite massage in almost any store specializing in cosmetics and household chemicals. But not all the brushes presented there are able to help in the fight against cellulite. When buying, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The base of the brush for dry massage should be wooden. Such a tool will be more durable, and it will be more convenient to use it. The shape of the base does not matter much, here you should just see how it will be more convenient for you. Oval, with a long handle, with or without a strap - the choice is large enough for every woman to find the option that suits her. However, if the brush is on a long handle, then it will be more convenient for her to massage the back and back of the thighs.
  2. The bristles should be such that they do not contribute to the appearance of allergies. And it does not matter - natural or artificial, because allergic reactions can be on various things. The thickness of the beams should not be less than 0.04 cm, and optimal length bristles are about 2 cm. Too stiff bristles can injure the skin, and too soft bristles will be of little use. Therefore, it is necessary to select the average stiffness, but at the same time remember that everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity. Ideally, a dry brush for cellulite should cause a rush of blood to the massaged area after about 5 slides, but without scratching the skin. Instead of bristles, there may be wooden or plastic protrusions - “pimples”. They also do an excellent job with anti-cellulite rubbing.

The most optimal is a double-sided brush with a wooden base. It has boar bristles on one side and wooden projections on the other. In this case, it will be possible to rub both sides, depending on individual preferences.

Women with sensitive skin can choose a silicone brush. It is considered softer, and its protrusions practically do not injure delicate skin. But the effect of such a tool may not be so noticeable.

Basic rules for rubbing

How to do a dry massage with a cellulite brush to get rid of this scourge?

  • The first and most important rule is that you should not experience discomfort from the procedure. Slightly reddened skin from rubbing is an indicator that everything went as it should. If the color is bright red, and the body just feels like it's on fire, then you should choose a softer brush, and reduce the intensity of exposure.
  • Massage should be done in a circular motion or a single stroke from top to bottom. It is unacceptable to make many movements on the principle of back and forth.
  • Hand massage should start from the wrist, moving towards the shoulders.
  • At first, smooth and light movements should be made, gradually increasing the intensity when the skin begins to get used to the gentle procedure.
  • Dry massage against cellulite is an invigorating procedure that is best done in the morning. If such a schedule does not suit you, then you need to massage at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not try to speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite by rubbing harder. This can only lead to unnecessary injury to the skin.
  • It is necessary to use the brush with caution - papillomas, warts, moles and various skin lesions must be avoided during massage.
  • Anti-cellulite dry massage and tanning are incompatible.
  • Try to clean your brush at least once a week to keep it from getting an unpleasant odor. Wash it with soap and water and dry thoroughly.
  • In order not to stain the bathroom with dead skin particles that can fly around during a dry massage, try to perform the procedure, fenced off with a curtain or shower door.
  • Do not massage on particularly sensitive areas of the body - the groin, armpits, under the knees and on the inside of the thighs.

What types of brush massage exist

To get rid of cellulite, you can do both wet and dry massage. Of these, dry is considered more effective in the fight against "orange peel". But do not expect miracles from him. The first noticeable results will appear only after a couple of weeks. A full course of both wet and dry should be at least several months.

Wet massage

The procedure should be carried out while taking a shower or bath. 15 minutes before the start of the procedure, put the brush you plan to use in hot water to make the bristles softer. Soap or shower gel is applied to the skin to improve gliding. With sliding circular motions, it is necessary to drive the brush over the body, gradually rising from the soles of the feet. For each problem area of ​​the skin, you need to spend 5 minutes, or maybe a little more - the skin should begin to tingle.

To speed up the desired result, you can take a short break after the procedure and then brush over the body again. After all the manipulations, you should take a cool shower and lubricate the body with an anti-cellulite agent.

Dry massage

Dry massage will have a deeper effect on the body: it affects both connective and muscle tissues, which means that the effect of it will be more noticeable.

And how to do dry massage with a brush from cellulite? It is necessary to carry out the procedure before taking a shower or bath. After that, you will need to remove all dead cells from the surface of the skin. With each procedure, it is necessary to gradually increase the pressure on the brush and the intensity of rubbing, as well as the duration of the massage.

You should also start rubbing from the feet, then rising higher and higher along the body. Move the brush in a circular motion or from top to bottom. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen and back, slightly loosen the pressure on the brush. The greatest attention should be paid to those places where cellulite is especially noticeable.

Finish the procedure by taking a shower, while on the skin you should feel a slight tingling. After that, you should wipe yourself dry and lubricate the body with a special anti-cellulite agent or just a moisturizer.

First, you should carry out the procedure every day for about 10 minutes. Then, as a positive result appears, it will be possible to reduce the number of procedures to 2 per week.


Since dry massage with a brush primarily affects the skin, the main contraindications are associated with their condition. Rubbing should not be carried out at the site of cuts, abrasions, moles, varicose veins and other problem areas.

Do not perform the procedure if you have a fever or have any rashes on your body.

Dry massage with a brush allows you to get rid of cellulite, if carried out correctly and systematically. The main thing is not to stop in the middle of the way, when it seems that this tedious procedure is of no use. But already after 1-2 weeks you will notice the first weak results, which will give you the desire to move further in the same direction. To speed up getting rid of the “orange peel”, you can start following a special anti-cellulite diet.

The article was checked and approved by Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna, a practicing family doctor - see below.

Cellulite is the formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue. The cause of its occurrence is the action of female sex hormones (estrogens). Getting rid of cellulite is quite difficult. One of effective means helping to cope with the problem is a massage brush.

Rubbing with a massage brush at first will not seem like a very pleasant procedure. Within 2 weeks, the skin will adapt, and cellulite will begin to recede.

Mechanism of action

The cause of cellulite is a violation of blood and lymph circulation. Stagnation of fluid leads to the fact that toxins are not excreted from the body.

All this accumulates in fat cells, which increase in volume, provoking the appearance of an "orange peel".

Using a massage brush, you can break up fat deposits, improving lymph flow and blood circulation. The bristles also affect the nerve endings, improving the functioning of the whole organism.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cellulite massage brushhas the following advantages:

  • accelerates the circulation of blood and lymph, as a result of which toxins are removed from the body faster, and the supply of oxygen to the tissues increases;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, which helps to get rid of the rash in the buttocks;
  • stimulates metabolism, which positively affects the condition of the skin. The skin becomes toned, elastic, its tone evens out;
  • reduces tissue swelling, allows fluid to be removed from the body faster, which helps to reduce the volume of the hips and the appearance of orange peel;
  • cleanses the skin of dead cells, which helps to accelerate its regeneration and prolong youth;
  • restores the body's defenses;
  • eliminates pain and fatigue in the muscles.

With the help of anti-cellulite massage, you can quickly get rid of the "orange peel".

The disadvantage of this method is that if you choose the wrong brush, there is a possibility of skin injury or insufficient effectiveness of the procedure.


  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, psoriasis, acne);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage (cuts, abrasions, bruises, purulent wounds);
  • the presence on the skin of a large number of moles, warts.

Video: An effective method

Rules for choosing a massage brush against cellulite

When choosing a massage brush against cellulite, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • to choose the right one, you need to focus on your feelings. The touch of the bristles on the skin should be palpable, but at the same time not cause irritation and the desire to withdraw the instrument. In order to choose the perfect brush, you need to pass it over the skin several times. A rush of blood should cause 5 active movements;
  • the brush should be on a natural basis, in this case preference should be given to wood, it is durable, safe and practically does not cause allergies;
  • bristle fibers can be selected both natural and artificial, the main thing is that they do not cause allergies. The length of the pile must be at least 2 cm, and the thickness of the bristle bundles must not be 4 mm. You can also choose brushes with pimples made of plastic or wood, they also help well in the fight against cellulite;
  • the brush should not be too hard, in which case it will scratch the skin. But you should not get too soft a copy, because it will not give the desired effect. If the purchased brush is too hard, it should be soaked in warm water for 4 hours and then dried. This will help soften the bristles;
  • the shape of the brush can be arbitrary, but it should not have sharp edges in order to avoid injury to the skin;
  • special attention should be paid to the handle. For self-massage of the whole body, you should choose a brush with a long handle that does not slip in your hand and allows you to easily reach the back of the legs and back. If the massage will be carried out only in the thigh area, then in this case you can choose a brush with a loop for the hand;
  • One of the most rigid and effective brushes for anti-cellulite massage is a tool with wooden teeth and boar bristles. Rubbing can be done on both sides;
  • silicone one-sided brush allows you to eliminate cellulite, while its teeth are more delicate, rounded, located in different directions. They do not damage the skin during dry massage. This brush is suitable for owners of thin sensitive skin;
  • plastic brushes with rotating rollers, when pressed, massage the skin and improve the metabolism in the subcutaneous fat. They do not scratch the skin and are suitable for women with sensitive skin.

How to use

In order to get rid of cellulite, it is necessary to properly carry out the massage procedure with a brush.

Dry skin cleaning

The procedure is carried out with a dry brush before the start of water procedures. The massage is carried out as follows:

  • the skin must be dry;
  • movements should be directed from the bottom up. Massage should begin with the feet. Movements should be circular counterclockwise or straight from bottom to top;
  • massage should not cause discomfort. Particular attention should be paid to the thighs, buttocks;
  • in the abdomen and sides, the pressure of the brush should be slightly loosened and massage these areas clockwise;
  • the back is massaged without pressing the brush with long movements coming from the lower back;
  • at the last stage, a hand massage is performed, with long movements starting from the wrist to the elbows. Then from the elbows rise to the shoulders;
  • areas with obvious signs of cellulite should be given special attention and massaged a little longer;
  • after the end of the massage you need to take a shower or bath.

Wet skin cleaning

The procedure must be performed daily during water procedures:

  • 15 minutes before the massage, the brush must be soaked in hot water so that the bristles become softer and do not injure the steamed skin;
  • first you need to stand under streams of warm water for at least 5 minutes, then apply shower gel to the skin and lather it;
  • massage should begin with the feet. Movements should be circular, intense and rise up;
  • problem areas such as thighs and buttocks should be given at least 5 minutes;
  • in the abdominal area, movements should be less intense, and the exposure period should be shortened;
  • hands need to be massaged, starting from the wrists, with movements from the bottom up;
  • in order to speed up the result, after a short rest, the massage can be repeated.

What to do after the procedure

In order for the procedure to be more effective after a massage with a brush, perform the following steps:

  • take a contrast shower, which will improve skin tone and strengthen blood vessels. The best option would be to send a strong jet of cool water to the area with cellulite;
  • the next step is to apply generously on the skin cosmetic oil(apricot or grape seeds, olive, corn, linseed) and leave it until completely absorbed;
  • if the skin is too oily can be used baby cream, with anti-inflammatory additives;
  • After the massage, stretch mark cream can be applied to problem areas. Its composition includes a large number of ceramides that allow you to quickly restore the skin;

Duration and course

In order to get rid of cellulite, dry massage is carried out for 10-15 minutes.

The course of treatment is 1-2 months, depending on the condition of the skin.

Initially, the procedure should be performed daily, in the future, two sessions per week will be enough to maintain the result.

Massage with a wet brush is carried out for 15 - 20 minutes once a day. The procedure is repeated once a day for 2 to 8 weeks. Then, in order to maintain the result, massage is carried out 2-3 times a week.

Adverse reactions

When using a massage brush, adverse reactions from the skin may occur:

  • burning sensation or pain, appear if the brush is too hard or the pressure on it is very strong. In this case, skin damage may occur;
  • redness. With a properly performed massage, it improves blood circulation and the skin becomes pink, but if it becomes red, then the intensity of exposure should be reduced;
  • scratches. They can occur if the brush is not chosen correctly, or the impact on it is maximum;
  • the appearance of spider veins. Indicates fragility of capillaries or the onset of varicose veins. In this case, the massage should be stopped and consult a doctor;
  • bruising and bruising. They can appear if a person makes maximum efforts during massage or incorrectly performs brush movements. If even with a weak massage, traces remain on the skin, it is worth refusing to use it and consult a hematologist;
  • rash, itching, swelling. It can occur if a person is allergic to the material from which the brush is made or the product used after the massage;
  • peeling of the skin, may occur after dry massage, as a result of the death of skin cells. In order to eliminate it, it is necessary to use moisturizers after the procedure;
  • inflammatory processes can occur as a result of injury to the skin with a bristle and the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into microcracks. In order to prevent this, the brush must be washed regularly and stored properly.

Rules for using a massage brush:

  • the patient should not experience any discomfort while using the brush. After the procedure, it should be pink. If it becomes too red and burns, then the massage brush is not chosen correctly or excessive force is applied when using it;
  • brush massage is quite an invigorating procedure, so it should be performed in the morning. If this is not possible, then the procedure is carried out no earlier than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • you can not rub and crush the skin, this will not only worsen the condition of the skin, but also cause pain;
  • during the massage, you need to make circular movements or straight lines from the bottom up. It is not recommended to drive the brush back and forth, this can cause damage to the skin and the appearance of spider veins;
  • it is necessary to avoid areas where large moles, warts or papillomas are located, as their damage can cause the development of cancer;
  • during the massage, you need to bypass the groin, inner thighs, armpits and the area under the knees. The skin in these areas is too delicate and can be easily damaged;
  • dry cleaning contributes to the peeling of the skin, so you need to carry it out in the shower or in the bathroom behind the curtain;
  • during the course of anti-cellulite massage, it is necessary to refuse to visit the solarium;
  • to prevent the development of some side effects The brush needs to be taken care of. It must be periodically washed with warm water and soap and dried in the air. Keep the brush in a closed case.

Price overview and where to buy

You can buy an anti-cellulite massage brush in body care stores, pharmacies or online stores.

Massageeffective method fighting sagging skin and orange peel. Dry brush massage is especially popular. A big plus is that this type of massage does not require any skill, skill or expensive cosmetics. For him, you only need a brush and about 20 minutes of free time.

Regular dry brushing:

  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow
  • exfoliates dead cells
  • improves skin tone
  • removes excess fluid
  • strengthens blood vessels
  • is the prevention of varicose veins
  • prepares the skin for the application of cosmetic products (cream, gel or oil).

Other positive properties of dry brush massage are also noted. There is an improvement in the functioning of the digestive system, an increase in immunity, normalization hormonal background and the work of the sebaceous glands, strengthening the nervous system.

Since dry brushing is intense on the skin, it is important to take precautions.

1. Do not brush abrasions, cuts, bruises and other injuries, as well as areas that are inflamed and affected by varicose veins, psoriasis or eczema.

2. Do not massage when the body temperature is elevated.

3. Do not combine the procedure with a tan.

4. Try not to touch papillomas and moles.

The massage technique is not so complicated, but it is very important to pay attention to a number of nuances.

1. Massage requires a brush made of natural materials. It can be cactus fibers, palm trees or boar bristles. You need to decide on the type of material and the level of rigidity.

2. Massage with a dry brush should be done before taking a shower.

3. All massage movements should be directed towards the heart and from the bottom up (this is how the lymph moves). Start massaging the feet, then the fingers, ankles and shins, thighs, then the back, stomach, chest. It is better to massage the abdomen and buttocks in a circular motion, clockwise.

Important! Bypass places with lymph nodes (armpits, groin, popliteal fossae). Don't massage your inner thighs.

4. The main rule is no discomfort! If, after a dry massage, the body burns with fire, and the skin color resembles the color of boiled cancer, then you used a too hard brush. After a proper massage, the skin should become slightly ruddy. Do not try to speed up the result by pressing harder or rubbing the skin for longer. This will only lead to pain. Your goal is not to scratch yourself half to death)

5. Start with 3 minutes, gradually increasing the massage time to 7-10. Don't rush, be careful. The more thoroughly you begin to massage each area of ​​your body, the more time you will need. Massage is desirable to do every day. For best results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day. Beginners can start with 2 times a week and gradually increase the amount.

6. After the massage, you should immediately take a shower. It is advised to fix the result with a contrast shower. After showering, apply cream, lotion, or oil to your skin. I personally advocate that, after this procedure, apply products with a natural composition to the skin. For example, Coconut oil or shea butter perfectly nourish, and gels with aloe or bamboo extract moisturize the skin well.

7. After the massage, I advise you to drink a glass of water (you can add lemon) or weak green tea to restore the water-salt balance.

8. Take care of your brush. Be sure to thoroughly wash the brush with soapy water and dry well.

The skin after massage with a brush becomes incredibly smooth and velvety, bumps and minor cosmetic defects are slightly smoothed out.

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Sign up for a home workout program with the trainers of the program and start the real fight for the perfect body. Believe: you can do it!

To massage at home, there are many various techniques. But the modern beauty industry also does not stand still, and a large number of various devices have been created to increase the efficiency of the process. If we talk about dry skin, then massaging it with a brush with natural bristles is the most the best way. Today you will learn how a massage brush for the body will help get rid of annoying cellulite once and for all, make your skin supple and smooth, and the time will be spent on this no more than 10 minutes a day.

What to expect from a brush massage?

Let's first list the main positive effects of dry massage that will help your skin shine again with health:

* Exfoliation. In cosmetic terminology, this process is called exfoliation or peeling. When the skin comes into contact with a dry brush, keratinized particles and dead cells disappear from the skin surface. At the same time, the living do not experience damage, the skin is renewed, acquires the necessary elasticity and smoothness.

* Massage with a brush perfectly stimulates blood circulation, as well as lymph flow. Together with the lymph, toxins and wastes leave our body, excess fluid is removed, which allows you to remove swelling. This effect is called detox. The result is a toned and rejuvenated body.

* Such a procedure has a beneficial effect on digestion, because during the massage, metabolic processes are adjusted and activated.

* Massage significantly increases muscle tone.

* Anti-cellulite effect - one of the most desirable for women. Thanks to increased blood circulation, excess fat is removed from fat cells called adipocytes. If you combine massage and appropriate anti-cellulite cosmetics, the result will be

* With the help of a dry brush massage, you can fight unwanted stretch marks, which is facilitated by cellular regeneration and an increase in overall tone.

* You feel much more alert and energetic.

* Thanks to this massage, imperfections can be corrected skin, in particular, to fight acne, since blood circulation is stimulated, and toxins are actively removed from the body. We are cleansed from the inside - and become more beautiful on the outside.

* Massage prevents ingrown hairs. The dead cell layer is removed, the skin surface gets rid of unnecessary barriers, and new hairs grow freely.

Thus, dry brush massage is very useful procedure, which stimulates the regenerative processes of the whole organism and favorably affects your appearance.

Rules for choosing a brush for dry massage

In order to choose the right device for massage, we recommend following simple rules:

* The best option This is a brush with natural bristles. The fact is that each bristle of such a brush narrows towards the end and acquires maximum subtlety, which means that during the massage you will not be scratched and will not get irritated.

* Be sure to pay attention to the degree of stiffness of the bristles. It can be different, so if your skin is particularly sensitive, then for the first time, opt for the softest option.

* Quality is also an important criterion. This applies to all parts of the brush. Glue smudges or a strong smell are completely unacceptable. In addition, cheap items break down very quickly, so it’s better not to save on your own health.

* The massage brush must be comfortable. Take your time, rotate it before you buy: you should feel comfortable holding it, and it should fit exactly in your palm. Otherwise, you will not be able to effectively massage, because the brush will simply fall out of your hand.

Thus, a natural dry massage brush that meets the above requirements will really benefit and give the desired result.

Types of brushes

Types of brushes may differ in shape, the presence or absence of a handle, its length and other parameters. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following classification:

* Brushes may have oval shape or round. If there is a special strap on their outer side that fixes the brush, then this is most convenient.

* There are brushes with a long handle. These are more suitable for massaging hard-to-reach areas of the back, but if the handle can be removed, then it becomes universal.

* Brushes in the form of a mitten. They are soft, put on, as is clear from the form, on the hand, and they are good for massaging those parts of the case where strong pressure is useless: the neck, stomach or chest.

* Electric brushes. You will have to look for high-quality goods of this variety, but you will not need to make additional efforts during the massage.

* Japanese brushes. The traditional tawashi served as a model for them, characterized in that the bristles are palm fiber, held on a steel wire, and there is no handle. The classic massage brushes of this variety have a handle.

So, pay attention not only to the shape and quality, but also to the compliance of the purchased brush with your expectations from the massage. For supporters of online shopping, we advise you to contact Ozone, and you can also use Lookfantastic sites,

Amazon or Feelunique. Very good feedback also has an iherb dry massage brush.

Correct massage algorithm

In order for the massage to be especially effective, it is important to do it in the right sequence:

*Start with the feet and slowly work your way up.

* Then move on to the hands, and massage the skin in the same progressive manner, starting with the fingers and hands and ending with the shoulder area. It is better to rub the inside of the hand first, and then move on to the outside.

* Now the back and also from the bottom up: from the lumbar towards the cervical.

* The thoracic and cervical regions are the massage end zones, which have the thinnest and most sensitive skin, so the movements should be as delicate as possible.

However, in addition to the general rules, each massage has its own nuances. They are here too.

Pay attention to the following important points:

*Massage exceptionally dry skin.

* Try to alternate types of movements, combine longitudinal and circular short ones, do not forget that the general direction is from below and up, towards the heart, and along the path of the lymph flow. This way you can avoid swelling.

* Massage problem areas especially carefully.

* Do not ignore in addition to the feet and hands also the knees and elbows.

* Pay special attention to the armpits and popliteal areas, because the lymph nodes are located there, and they need to be massaged well, which will help get rid of harmful substances faster. But do in these places extremely delicate massage.

* Massage the body evenly: if you have made a certain number of movements on the right leg, then do the same on the left.

* It is necessary to continue the massage until the skin turns slightly pink. A change in color will be a signal of increased blood flow. The usual duration of the procedure is from 7 to 10 minutes.

* Try to take a shower at the end of the massage and then apply cream to the skin. It can be a regular moisturizer or anti-stretch marks and cellulite. Special oils are also suitable. Apply the products to the still damp surface of the skin.

* A good addition to the procedure would be a glass of plain water or water with lemon. Drinking immediately after a massage will help you restore balance faster and speed up the removal of toxic substances.

*Sometimes after the procedure, you may feel a slight itching or tingling sensation. Do not be alarmed: this only means that in the next session you need to put a little less pressure on the brush.

* If your skin is damaged, then massage should not be performed.

* Wash the massage brush with soap and warm water at least once a week.

We figured out the nuances that rubbing with a dry brush has, but when is it best to do it?

When is the best time for a massage?

Since dry rubbing has a powerful tonic effect, it is most logical to do it in the morning before going to the shower. It happens, of course, that the morning is too busy with business. Then massage in the evening. More important here is not the time, but the regular procedure, but preferably not more than once a day, so as not to deplete the skin.

Brush massage has long been known as effective way fight against orange peel. It has several undeniable advantages: it helps to quickly get rid of cellulite, has a healing effect on the entire body and practically does not require costs. The massage brush is quite inexpensive, and you can easily carry out the procedure at home. You can rub the body while taking a shower. Such a massage will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of cellulite and make the skin smooth. If the tubercles on the thighs and buttocks are clearly expressed, it is worth giving preference to rubbing with a dry brush. This type of massage is more painful, but it will be much faster to defeat cellulite.

    Show all

    Types of massage brushes

    Now there are many different brushes for anti-cellulite massage. To choose the right one, you need to take into account several criteria: the material of the brush and bristles, the length of the handle and the principle of operation.

    It is advisable to choose brushes made of wood. They will last longer. In addition, the effectiveness of procedures using wooden brushes is higher. Usually they are used for dry rubbing.

    Wooden massage brush

    Silicone brushes are more often used for wet massage. They cost less, but they also wear out faster.

    Silicone massage mitt

    The bristles are made from natural or artificial pile. In addition, the working surface is sometimes represented by cloves. The main thing is that the material is hypoallergenic. It is necessary to take into account the stiffness of the bristles. The choice will depend on the sensitivity of the skin in the problem area. Too stiff bristles will scratch the skin, and too soft bristles will be ineffective in the fight against cellulite.

    Some brushes come with a long handle that makes it easy to reach your back, hamstrings, and other remote areas.

    Long handle massager

    Other massagers do not have a handle at all and fit in the palm of your hand. You need to choose a brush according to this criterion based on your own preferences.

    Massager without handle

    The brush can be manual and roller. The massage roller is a small device with rotating teeth made of silicone or other material. When moving, such a roller glides over the skin, kneading lumps of fat. It can be used for both dry and wet massage.

    massage roller

    Now in stores you can find electric massage brushes. They are much more expensive, but for many it is more convenient to use them due to the presence of several modes.

    Electric massager

    When choosing a massage brush for cellulite, you need to pay attention to its quality. The villi should not come out and stick out, and the brush body itself should be strong.

    Application methods

    The brush can be used for different types anti-cellulite massage:

    1. 1. Dry. In this case, it is recommended to use a wooden brush with natural bristles. You need to rub the body before taking a shower or bath. In the process, it is important not to overdo it and not damage the skin.
    2. 2. Wet. It involves the treatment of problem areas directly in the shower or bath. Can be used after shower vacuum Massager for the body, but only on days when brushing is not performed.

    Injury and soreness of wet massage is lower than dry rubbing. But the effectiveness of the second in the fight against cellulite is higher.

    The brush cannot be used if the body has manifestations of varicose veins and fresh scars. Small wounds should be carefully skipped during the massage.

    Massage technique

    Massage with a brush from cellulite can be done at home. This will require almost no additional funds.

    The massage technique will differ depending on the type - dry or wet rubbing. In any case, the procedure will take no more than 15-25 minutes.


    Massage with a brush during the shower is called wet. It is advised to use it as a prevention of the appearance of cellulite, as it acts quite gently.

    Procedure steps:

    1. 1. 10-15 minutes before the massage, it is advisable to soak the brush in hot water. This will make the bristles softer.
    2. 2. Before starting rubbing, you need to take a shower to steam out the skin. Then the body should be smeared with shower gel to ensure glide during the massage.
    3. 3. After that, you can take a massager and start rubbing. Movements must be confident and thoughtful. You should start with the feet, gradually rising up the legs to the buttocks, back and arms. You can brush your legs only from the bottom up. The ass can be massaged in a circular motion. The abdomen and back are kneaded with softer movements. Hands are processed from the wrists to the shoulders.
    4. 4. Each problem area should be massaged for 5-10 minutes. You can spend less time on other areas.
    5. 5. After completing the massage, you need to take a shower. Then pat your body dry with a towel and apply a moisturizer. You can use anti-cellulite cream.

    Movement directions

    It is worth carrying out such procedures 2-3 times a week. If you do a cellulite massage every day, you can erase the protective layer of the skin.

    Rubbing contributes to a surge of strength and vigor. Therefore, they are carried out in the morning. If this is not possible, then sleep should be at least 3 hours.


    Most efficient view cellulite massage - dry rubbing. Feelings in the process can be unpleasant, but it is worth a little patience. Gradually the skin will get used to it. If the discomfort is severe, it is necessary to stop the procedure and choose a brush with softer bristles.

    The technique of performing dry massage is practically no different from wet massage. Movements must be carried out in the same order and in the same directions.

    The only difference is that it is carried out before taking a shower or bath. You need to rub until a slight tingling of the skin. If it starts to burn and turns scarlet, it is worth reducing the pressure.

    After the procedure, you need to take a shower to wash off the keratinized layer of the skin. Then you should apply anti-cellulite cream and put on warm pants. You can drink a cup of herbal tea and lie under the covers for 10-15 minutes.

    After such a session, you can not sunbathe for 2 days. Otherwise, you can get sunburn due to increased skin sensitivity.


    The massage brush is an effective tool in the fight against cellulite. In addition, rubbing is useful for the following reasons:

    • contribute to a surge of strength, relieve fatigue, improve mood;
    • reduce muscle pain;
    • improve brain activity and the work of the digestive tract;
    • accelerate blood circulation and metabolism;
    • make the skin smooth and silky, promote its renewal;
    • effective for weight loss.

    The result of anti-cellulite massage can be seen in a couple of weeks, but only with regular procedures in accordance with all the rules. If you alternate it with massage with vacuum cups, the effect will be even better.