
How to remove powder stains. How to remove stains from powder - effective methods for removing stains How to remove stains from powder


Stains found late on clothes make it almost impossible to wash them off. And here the washing machine, numerous washings and powder will not help. In this case, one has to resort to the most radical methods. After all, you don’t want to throw away your favorite dress or jeans.

We recommend that you do not rush to get rid of your favorite clothes. The situation can be corrected. In order to remove stubborn stains, you will have to resort to a special treatment of clothes, and without the intervention of dry cleaning, following the tips that will be indicated in this article below.

Good old stain removal tip – use a stain remover

To date, there is a large selection of stain removers on the market, some of which cope very well with their tasks, while others are not able to remove even the simplest stains of various origins, starting from simple stains from coffee or tea.

You should be aware that some stain removers are quite aggressive, so they are not suitable for certain types of fabrics. They are allowed to be used only in small ones in order to remove complex contaminants.

How to choose the right stain remover in a particular case? Let's try to understand this issue. It is allowed to use only highly specialized tools.

Do not believe the tricks of advertisers who claim that there are universal cleaners that are ideal for all types of fabrics. It is a myth. They are either not able to remove stubborn stains, or they are categorically not suitable for washing such delicate fabrics as, for example, silk.

How to remove stubborn stains using one or another type of stain remover? The main thing is to carefully read the instructions before starting to remove contaminated areas.

If you make a mistake in the proportions, then you can not only get rid of the stain on jeans or any other clothes, but also spoil the natural color of the thing. This is unlikely to come as a pleasant surprise to you.

Therefore, you should be extremely careful when you are trying to wash white or colored things from old stains at home.

Of course, without having the appropriate education, it is quite difficult to understand the composition of stain removers, but, after all, you have the Internet. There you can see how certain components affect, how they can be dangerous, etc.

But it is worth noting that sometimes stubborn stains cannot be removed with a stain remover, even the most expensive one. We have to resort to the most faithful and effective ways- folk.

Many housewives are sure that they are more effective than those sold in stores. household chemicals.

We use improvised means to remove difficult stains from clothes

Folk remedies are used not only to treat various ailments, but also to remove stains of various origins from clothes.

An active fight against contaminated areas on white or colored clothes should be started, armed with a small piece of laundry soap, no matter how strange it may sound.

Before you abandon this method, first, try it. After all, soap is much cheaper than expensive stain removers and other specialized cleaning products.

In addition, soap will not ruin your clothes, no matter what material they are made of, unlike chemicals. To remove a stubborn stain, you need to soak it in cold water, and then rub it on both sides with soap.

Wait a while, and then wash the dirty thing at home in the usual way.

Aspirin and hydrogen peroxide

An excellent remedy is a mixture of medicines that can be bought for a penny at a regular pharmacy - Aspirin and hydrogen peroxide. How to prepare the necessary mixture?

To do this, you need to grind Aspirin and mix with peroxide, and then treat the contaminated area with the mixture. With this solution, you can easily, berries, etc.

Hydrogen peroxide mixed with soda is a great help during. This will require 2 packs of peroxide and a tablespoon of soda. The prepared solution is applied to the stain for several hours and then washed by hand or in a typewriter, everything will depend on the type of fabric.

Salt and soda

Other excellent home stain removers are ingredients such as soap, salt and soda, from which a special solution is prepared. To prepare it, we need 4 tablespoons of soda, the same amount of salt, and 2 tablespoons of soap.

This mixture must also be applied to the contaminated area and allowed to soak for several hours, and then washed thoroughly. This composition will perfectly cope with stains on a white shirt and other clothes, especially if the item is made of cotton fabric.

table vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar not only perfectly removes stains, but also restores the former brightness of colors to clothes, and also helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. To do this, 70% vinegar will need to be mixed with water and poured over the stain.

But you should be extremely careful, because if you overexpose this composition on clothes, then the thing will be damaged. A few minutes is enough. This tool is suitable not only for colored things, but also for white clothes.

One of the most difficult stains to remove is a coffee stain accidentally spilled on clothing. To remove it, you can use:

  • salt and glycerin mixed in equal proportions and applied to the contaminated area for 15 minutes. The dirt will literally dissolve before our eyes;
  • ammonia mixed with water. 1 tablespoon of alcohol is dissolved in a glass of water and applied to the stain, and then the clothes are washed in soapy water;
  • powder mixed with vinegar and water. These components need to be mixed to a thick paste and treated with traces of coffee, wait 5 minutes, and then wash jeans or any other clothes;
  • alcohol with water. This product is great for coffee stains on synthetic fabrics. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of alcohol in 500 ml of water. In the resulting composition, you need to wash clothes, and then rinse in cold water.

Ordinary grass is also very difficult to wash off. Especially often such spots appear after various hikes and picnics. Excellent means in this case are:

  • hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to rub the stain with this tool, but this method is not suitable for white clothes, so be extremely careful;
  • ammonia. They need to moisten the stain that arose on the clothes from the grass, and wash in warm water.

Resin also refers to stubborn stains, which will help to cope with:

  • butter. This food product does an excellent job with resin frozen on jeans, a shirt or other clothes. With its help, the dirt softens and is easier to wash;
  • petrolideal remedy to get rid of fresh resin stains.

Ammonia, diluted in a ratio of 1:6 with water, does an excellent job with rust. The resulting solution should rub the stain.

Lemon juice is also excellent at removing rust. With fresh greasy stains, turpentine will help to cope, with which the contaminated area is treated and left for several hours. After that, it is necessary to iron the clothes warm through absorbent paper.

Dyes are a common cause of stains on clothes. And this is true not only for artists or children. To get rid of traces of paint, you can put a dry cloth on the stain and moisten it with turpentine, wait a bit and wash the item. Sunflower oil is also great for dealing with paint stains.

And these are not all the ways that will help you deal with difficult stains that accidentally appear on your clothes, but some of the most basic and effective. Therefore, if you have soiled your favorite clothes, you should not grab your head and throw things in the trash, you can try one of these methods to make sure they work.

Do not be afraid of difficult and stubborn stains on clothes, do not give up, but start actively fighting them in all available ways. Good luck washing white and colored things!

Washing powder is designed to wash different kind dirt from the fabric. But sometimes it happens that he himself becomes the culprit for the appearance of white marks on clothes after washing them, which undoubtedly should be removed.


Before removing powder stains, we advise you to read the tips below and choose the one that suits you best. An excellent result from the first time is guaranteed to you, since more than one hostess has tested their effectiveness on their own experience.

How to remove traces of powder?

In order to easily and effectively remove marks on clothes after washing, prepare the following products:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • detergent;
  • cotton swab.

How to remove powder stains?

Apply one of the options below and you will definitely get rid of unsightly stains that have arisen after washing.

Method 1

In order to restore cleanliness to your products and remove stains from them from washing powder, do it like this:

  1. Pour warm water into the basin.
  2. Add to it laundry soap and add some vinegar.
  3. Place the product with stains in the resulting solution.
  4. Wash.
  5. Remove the item and rinse it in clean water several times.

Important! If necessary, vinegar can be replaced with baking soda. Only in this case, dissolve it well before washing the item.

Method 2

In the event that powder stains appear on colored clothing, remove them as follows:

  1. Get a fabric softener.
  2. Add it to water.
  3. Rinse the thing in the resulting solution.
  4. Take it out and rinse it several times in clean water.

Important! If you often experience such problems, think about whether you are using the detergent correctly.

Method 3

Before removing powder stains from clothes, prepare the following solution:

  1. Take 1 tsp. citric or oxalic acid.
  2. Dilute it in a glass of hot water.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the solution.
  5. Rub the contaminated area with a swab.

Method 4

From light and white clothes, remove this kind of pollution as follows:

  1. Pour 0.5 cups of water.
  2. Add 1 tsp to it. ammonia.
  3. Stir the resulting solution thoroughly.
  4. Soak cotton in it.
  5. Treat the stained area.
  6. Repeat this procedure repeatedly.

Method 5

Use hydrogen peroxide and you will get rid of unwanted stains after washing. To use it effectively, do this:

  1. Pour in a third of a glass of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Moisten the place of contamination with the resulting solution.
  5. Wait 10 minutes.
  6. Rinse the treated area with clean water.

Method 6

If you rinsed your clothes badly and unsightly marks appeared on it, get rid of them in this way:

  1. Put the item in the washing machine.
  2. Add detergent to it.
  3. Turn on the double rinse.
  4. Take out and dry the item.

Important! In the event that you wash by hand, place the product for 30 minutes in a basin of water, after dissolving the powder well, then rinse the product thoroughly in clean water.

How to avoid powder stains?

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to puzzle over how to solve it later. Therefore, henceforth, in order not to ask any more questions about how to remove powder stains from clothes after washing, follow these recommendations:

  • Use a lower dosage of the product - perhaps you add too much of it and it is not completely washed out when rinsing.
  • Fill the drum of the machine not completely, but a maximum of ⅔ - this will make it possible to rinse the item better.
  • Turn on the extra rinse if you use the machine.
  • Rinse 2-3 times in warm water, then a couple of times in cold water if you are hand washing.
  • Instead of powder, use liquid products, gels or capsules - they dissolve well at the beginning of the procedure and are washed out faster.
  • Wash clothes at temperatures above 30 degrees, as the powder granules eat into the fabric to remove dirt, and begin to wash out only at this temperature. In this case, of course, consider the possibility of using a higher temperature, focusing on the composition and quality of the fabric. If recommended exclusively delicate wash- Skip this item.
  • Choose the appropriate product for washing clothes, based on the type, structure and color of the fabric.


Surely, after applying our advice, you were satisfied and your things again shine with cleanliness. Be sure to follow the recommendations for the prevention of stains from detergent on the fabric, so as not to solve the problem in the future, how to remove stains from the powder.

Not a single person who manages the household can do without washing powder, which has firmly entered everyday life and allows you to put things in order, effectively getting rid of any kind of pollution. But today, every consumer is not immune from mistakes, because in the variety of products he can easily get confused when choosing the right product. And even experienced housewives are faced with the problem of traces left as a result of a poorly rinsed product. The stains remaining on the fabric make you puzzle over how to remove powder stains on clothes. spoiled appearance products upsets the owners, because favorite wardrobe items often become unsuitable for further use. The advice of experts will help to revive things affected by a widely used detergent.

Try to prevent, not think, how to wash powder from clothes

In order not to puzzle over the question of how to remove stains from the powder, it is worth considering the washing process prudently, because it is always better to prevent than to remove stains later. For this you need:

  1. Use only a product intended for this type of fabric, exactly following the manufacturer's recommendations in the instructions on the package. Such measures will help to avoid stains and other problems arising from the wrong choice of clothing products.
  2. Do not use products containing multi-colored granules for white products, but give preference to liquid formulations. Then the question of how to remove stains from laundry detergent granules from snow-white products will not bother.
  3. Rinse product thoroughly. If washing is done in a washing machine, then it is necessary to set the intensive rinse mode.
  4. Use rinse conditioners that reduce water hardness, which helps remove detergents from fabric fibers.

What is the best way to remove powder stains?

Users reading these lines most likely encountered a problem and hope to remove a stain from an unsuccessfully selected or incorrectly applied powder, therefore, measures must be taken to save the product.

  1. Experts on inquiries on how to remove stains from washing powder recommend using enhanced rinsing as an initial measure. It doesn’t matter whether you do this procedure manually or trust the washing machine, but you should rinse in clean water without adding detergents. When loading clothes into the drum, you should not use one rinse cycle, but two or three.
  2. Soaking is also considered an effective method. The clothes affected by the powder are immersed in a container with warm water for half an hour, after which the product must be rinsed in several waters.
  3. If it was not possible to remove the stains, then you will have to use an air conditioner that will help soften the water, which will help get rid of light dirt that has appeared from the powder. When the air conditioner was not at hand, then a couple of teaspoons of soda should be added to the rinse water for every 2 liters of water.
  4. For half an hour, the product is placed in a container with warm clean water. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly. If this does not help to get rid of the stain, it is recommended to wash the item with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
  5. As effective remedy an acid solution is applied to stains. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of oxalic or citric acid in 200 ml of hot water and moistened with the stain composition. A quarter of an hour after treatment, the mixture is removed with clean water.

How to remove blue stains from the powder

Indigo carmine, some aniline dyes or Parisian blue, which are part of the universal powders, leave marks on the fabric that are difficult to remove. Often, after pre-soaking the laundry or after washing, greenish or bluish stains are found, and in some places small “stars” of blue color. The resulting pollution is the result of the point impact of colored granules containing blue in their composition. For many housewives, this becomes a problem. Puzzled by the question of how to remove the blue stain from the powder, they are looking for suitable methods through trial and error. You don't have to go straight to the dry cleaners. If you do not miss the time, then at home you can solve the problem yourself. How to remove blue stains from the powder? You can eliminate the effect of bluing crystals in the following ways:

  1. Rinse immediately with conditioner or clean water, avoiding the product with blue spots from the granules to dry out.
  2. Colored items can be washed at a temperature of 40-50 degrees without resorting to detergents.
  3. Hand washing of clothes dyed in some places is recommended with the addition of laundry soap and vinegar. This will help get rid of the green or blue areola on the fabric. But after a thorough rinsing is necessary.
  4. If the fabric is able to withstand high temperatures, then boiling water is gently poured onto a fresh stain, which allows the blue speck to dissolve. But you can't this method apply on chronic pollution, because this will only exacerbate the problem.

Whichever option you choose, you should pay attention to the composition of the fabric, colors and recommendations for caring for the product.

How to remove powder stain on white

The methods discussed earlier are relevant for colored products, but how to remove blue stains from powder on a snow-white fabric? Light-colored wardrobe items that are resistant to bleach are worth a try to bring to the proper look with the help of products from supermarket shelves, where a number of stain removers of various prices are presented. Today it is not a problem to eliminate pollution, and when asked how to remove blue stains from powder on white clothes, the developed chemical industry makes it possible to choose the right product from a huge variety of options. You just need to strictly follow the instructions for use. If it is not possible to use progressive household chemicals, then when asked how to remove powder stains on clothes at home, experts answer:

  1. It is necessary to add a teaspoon of ammonia to half a glass of water and treat the stain with the resulting mixture in several stages until it disappears completely.
  2. If you don’t know how to remove blue stains from powder on white things, then try diluting a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 70 ml. With this solution, it is worth treating the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, leaving the mixture for 10 minutes, after which you need to gently rinse with clean water.
  3. If you are at a loss how to remove stains from the powder after soaking on a white cloth, then try the spot effect of bleach on the formed "stars".

With a variety of products on store shelves and expert recommendations, the question of how to remove powder stains is easily solved. Using the advice, the housewives will be able to restore the former cleanliness and freshness of clothes. A careful attitude to detergents and strict adherence to the instructions will eliminate the need to select the right way to wash the pollution.

  • 1 Deodorant stains
    • 1.1 Vinegar
    • 1.2 Salt
    • 1.3 Lemon
    • 1.4 Vodka or alcohol
    • 1.5 liquid agent for dish washing
    • 1.6 Peroxide + soda + dishwashing detergent
    • 1.7 Dry ammonia
  • 2 How to remove stubborn sweat stains
  • 3 White stains from the powder
    • 3.1 First way
    • 3.2 Second method

Deodorant Stains Vinegar If antiperspirant stains appear on colored clothing, vinegar is used to remove them. To do this, you just need to moisten the problem area with it and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the thing as it should be. Salt The second way to remove white stains from deodorant on fabrics is to use plain table salt. To do this, wash the clothes, rub the problem area with salt, leave it overnight, and wash and rinse again in the morning.

How to remove powder stains

It is necessary to remove stains from washing powder on light-colored clothes immediately, while the washed item has not had time to dry. If washing was not done by hand, but with the help of washing machine, then the damaged items are loaded back into the drum and an additional rinse mode is turned on. To enhance the effect, you can rinse the thing twice: once with a good fabric softener, the second - just in clean water.

Stains on colored linen are removed with an additional wash with a water temperature slightly higher than the recommended one - 40-50 degrees and without the use of detergents. In the case of hand washing, light-colored linen should be soaked in clean water for a while, then rinsed thoroughly several times with the addition of laundry soap shavings and vinegar to the water. If after the first rinse the stains from the washing powder have not disappeared, then the procedure is repeated several more times.

How to remove white powder stains from black clothes?

  • Pour warm water into the basin.
  • Add laundry soap to it and pour in a little vinegar.
  • Place the product with stains in the resulting solution.
  • Wash.
  • Remove the item and rinse it in clean water several times.
  • Important! If necessary, vinegar can be replaced with baking soda. Only in this case, dissolve it well before washing the item. Method 2 In the event that powder stains appear on colored clothes, remove them as follows:
  1. Get a fabric softener.
  2. Add it to water.
  3. Rinse the thing in the resulting solution.
  4. Take it out and rinse it several times in clean water.

Important! If you often experience such problems, think about whether you are using the detergent correctly.

How to remove laundry detergent stains

Poor quality laundry detergent granules are sometimes poorly soluble in water, and instead of removing dirt, the detergent itself causes stains and streaks. To avoid this, you need to follow the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and use proven brands. However, even if the washed clothes do not look perfect, there are several simple ways remove powder stains with improvised means.
1. Make a warm soapy solution, add a tablespoon of table 9% vinegar to it (about 5 liters of water, but the proportions are not strict), hand wash the affected product in this composition, rinse. Vinegar can be replaced with the same amount of soda. 2. Dissolve the rinse aid for colored items in water (see the proportions on the label) and rinse the clothes “stained” with the powder. 3. Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water.

Divorces after washing: how to remove

It is worth noting that this method will remove even old stains from deodorant. Lemon Deodorant stains are removed with lemon juice. It needs to be applied to white spots for a couple of minutes. After that, rinse the T-shirt or blouse in warm water.


But this method is only suitable for removing fresh dirt from antiperspirant. And instead of lemon juice, white spots can be blotted with ammonia. Vodka or alcohol Vodka will help remove stains that appear under the arms, on dark and black fabrics.

So, you can deal with the problem in just a few minutes. Take some vodka and pour it on the soiled part of your clothes. After a few minutes, these marks should disappear. But if you still have small stains, then you should leave the T-shirt soaked in vodka for half an hour and then wash it.

Instead of vodka, you can take denatured alcohol.

How to remove a blue stain from laundry detergent on light-colored clothes

Method 6 If you rinsed your clothes poorly and unsightly marks appeared on it, get rid of them in this way:

  1. Put the item in the washing machine.
  2. Add detergent to it.
  3. Turn on the double rinse.
  4. Take out and dry the item.

Important! In the event that you wash by hand, place the product for 30 minutes in a basin of water, after dissolving the powder well, then rinse the product thoroughly in clean water. back to contents How to avoid powder stains? It is always easier to prevent a problem than to puzzle over how to solve it later.

How to remove powder stains that remain on clothes after washing.

The appearance of stains on washed clothes is an unpleasant surprise that every housewife has had to deal with at least once. Getting rid of white spots is sometimes more difficult than it seems. They do not go away either after repeated washing or after several rinses.
First of all, it should be noted that such “behavior” is not typical for all types of fabrics and things. Divorces usually appear on outerwear: down jackets, jackets, sports trousers, sometimes on dark blouses and pullovers. Causes of Divorces Divorces appear due to:

  • use of low-quality powder;
  • incorrectly selected washing mode;
  • violation of the instructions for washing and drying.

For those types of fabrics that are “prone” to the appearance of streaks, you need to use liquid detergents. Some housewives have adapted to those recommended for washing baby clothes.

Removing white stains from deodorant and powder

This makes sense, since such products have not only a “gentle”, but also an anti-allergenic composition, they dissolve well in water. Oddly enough, but as a means for a “problem-free” washing, you can use dishwashing gel (without bleach) or ordinary shampoo. They do not leave stains, besides they give a gentle smell.

Dry things in a horizontal position, after making sure that they are well wrung out. The washing mode should be selected based on the manufacturer's recommendations. "Daily wash" - a mode that is often used to clean down jackets, is not always effective, since the powder does not normally dissolve in cold water. As a result, whitish spots and stains appear. How to get rid of If the stains still appear, then you need to rinse the item again, preferably using an air conditioner.

Removing stains after washing

To do this, you need to pour a little peroxide on the wet material, and after a couple of seconds, wash the thing in the usual way.

  1. Pour in a third of a glass of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Moisten the place of contamination with the resulting solution.
  5. Wait 10 minutes.
  6. Rinse the treated area with clean water.

Important! This option is more suitable for white fabrics, as colored ones can change their color. For the future, figure out once and for all with how to wash clothes from different fabrics.

laundry specialist

How to remove blue powder stains

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When washing dirt of various origins, you may notice whitish or bluish traces of unknown origin on the fabric. Most likely, the reason why they arose is simple - the cleaning agent used was not completely washed out of the fibers. Colored things suffer the most. To prevent such problems, follow the recommendations for wet cleaning. However, the resulting traces also need to be dealt with. Today's publication will tell you how to remove powder stains on clothes and how to prevent their occurrence.

Preventive measures

First, let's give a few tips, applying which you can avoid an unpleasant situation in principle. First, when washing clothes, use only the powder that can certainly be used for a particular material. In order for the washing to be successful, you must strictly follow the information that is placed on the packaging of the cleaning agent look at this website. The problem may be that you put too much a large number of powder. Try wet cleaning with a lower dosage - perhaps the issue will be resolved by itself. We also recommend putting less laundry in the load (about a third or half of the drum) in order to rinse more efficiently.

For best results, go for a double rinse. Additional washing of colored items is best done at a low temperature (30 degrees) without the use of detergent. A simple solution will also help - replace the washing powder with liquid detergent. In order for particles of the cleaning composition to be more effectively washed out of the fibers, it is better to soften hard water. Use a conditioner suitable for the specific material. If necessary, the conditioner can be prepared independently - just add to the water baking soda(1 tsp per 2 l). The best solution would be to install a special filter that softens the water and, accordingly, simplifies the wet cleaning procedure.

We remove the consequences of improper washing

Now let's talk about how to remove powder stains if they have already appeared. The first remedy is to pour warm water into the basin, add a small amount of laundry soap and table vinegar and rinse the laundry. Usually two or three rinses are enough, after which the traces will disappear from the fabric. To clear colored fabric, use a suitable rinse aid. We breed it in a basin, rinse the soiled wardrobe item, then rinse again using clean water. Usually the cleaning agent particles dissolve at 30 degrees. If a colored item is washed at low temperatures and streaks remain, try washing it (without adding a cleaning agent) at a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

Remember: preventing a problem is an easier path than solving it. Try not to neglect the recommendations and carry out wet cleaning of linen correctly. Put fewer clothes in the drum, and when hand washing, try to thoroughly dissolve the cleaning compound. We advise you to rinse things more than once. To finally get rid of particles of the substance, three rinses in high temperature water and two in cool water are enough. Sometimes you have to spend on rinsing, but such efforts are fully justified: there are no hateful marks left on the fabric.

Effective folk remedies that will help in solving the problem

To return cleanliness and natural color to linen, citric or oxalic acid in the form of a solution (1 tsp per glass) helps well. Apply a hot solution to the contaminated area and rinse. We clean bright things with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp per 100-150 ml of liquid). We soak a cotton pad in the resulting product and apply it to the pollution, repeat the manipulation a couple of times. Effective method– use of hydrogen peroxide. A small amount of(1 tablespoon) dissolve in water (100 ml) and apply to the stained area. After 10 minutes, we thoroughly rinse the matter: most likely, the pollution will disappear completely.

Often, pre-soaking and subsequent washing leave traces of blue or greenish color on the fabric. Usually this situation occurs when there is blue in the composition of the detergent. The bluing agent may be contained in the form of ultramarine, aniline dyes, indigo carmine or French blue, which are not well dissolved in the liquid. It is important to know how to remove blue powder stains. Thoroughly rinse the soiled laundry, and next time make sure that all the particles have dissolved properly. White fabrics are cleaned with bleaches, colored fabrics with chlorine-free stain removers. Delicate fabrics are best left to dry cleaners.