
Budget wedding - how to hold a wedding inexpensively and unusually? How to make a cheap wedding Original ideas for an inexpensive wedding


Registration, a banquet, competitions from the toastmaster, throwing a bouquet into a crowd of unmarried friends are indispensable attributes of almost every traditional wedding. Of course, there is nothing wrong with all this, because customs are customs, and the holiday consists of them. However, some of those who have visited the weddings of acquaintances and friends many times are wondering: why not do everything completely differently on your own holiday? Or at least get away from the most established clichés. How to do this, we will tell in this article.

There are many opponents to this well-known tradition, firmly rooted in Russian realities, although it is popular among many girls. After all, according to the sign, the one who caught the bouquet will be the next to marry.

It happens that girls take this too seriously, and, unaesthetically wrapping the hems of evening dresses, rush into battle for the coveted trophy, not disdaining to push and overturn rivals. Not surprisingly, many brides do not want to see such a performance on their wedding day. own wedding. But, since unmarried guests are really looking forward to this fun, it can be replaced with a more humane competition.

Option one: the bride takes as many ribbons in her hand as unmarried bridesmaids are ready to compete for the bouquet. Only one ribbon is tied to the bouquet, but the rest do not see it. Girlfriends choose a ribbon for themselves, and pull it by the opposite end: the one who chose the ribbon associated with the bouquet wins. Beautiful, decent, safe!

Also a good solution is a round dance. The bride is blindfolded, her friends stand around her in a round dance. To the music, the round dance rotates in one direction, and the bride spins in the other direction. When the music ends, the bride passes the bouquet to a blind random girl.

You can lock the bouquet in a special box, and invite each girlfriend to pull out a key. All but one should not approach the box - the lucky one who pulled out the right key will be the next bride.

A quiz drawing in which the winner is determined by luck is always a good decision. There certainly will do without excessive rivalry, because luck is luck.

Also, many will like a special bouquet, which, when thrown, breaks up into several small ones: for example, none of the girlfriends will leave without a consolation prize. A "winning" small bouquet can be specially marked with white tape.

A veil is an indispensable attribute of a wedding look. There are a huge variety of types of veils, and for each girl there is one that is ideal for her outfit. If you want to move away from this headdress, there are many interesting options that will be a highlight, a non-standard addition to the traditional white dress. Moreover, today choosing an original headdress for the bride is an absolute trend in wedding fashion.

To add a little celebration to the holiday will help the crown crowning the head of the bride. It can be a simple but exquisite diadem, or a full-fledged and high-quality imitation of a medieval royal crown, or a funny tiny piece of jewelry that crowns a magnificent hairstyle. To make such a stately headdress look appropriate, use this solution only when the wedding is designed in a suitable style.

One of the most original and stylish trends in modern wedding fashion is the replacement of the veil with the so-called bridal cap, which looks like a veil wrapped in the manner of a hat. If you want to create a vintage look, this option is perfect for you. In addition, bridal caps are good because they allow thousands of the most fantastic variations, and allow you to decorate your hair with almost any accessory.

You can replace the veil with a refined and elegant veil. This item will perfectly complement the outfit of the bride who chose a sheath dress for her wedding.

Alternative to the first dance of the newlyweds

Not everyone feels confident in such an element as dancing. Some people don't know how to dance or don't like to dance, but wedding traditions steadily tell the bride and groom to at least wrap their arms around each other and spin around for one song under the watchful eye of fifty guests.

But is this obligatory number, with which the newlyweds open the dance part of the evening, so important? We don't think so. And the symbolically important first dance of the newlyweds can be replaced by both a joint song and the reading of poems addressed to the guests.

Also, newlyweds can prepare original clip or a video backstory of the wedding, which will be shown to guests instead of dancing. The main thing to remember is that this holiday was created for the sake of two people, and their comfort comes first.

The symbolic meaning of the first dance is to demonstrate the coherence and unity of the new married couple, so it makes sense to choose what you are good at. And let it be pair juggling, or whatever.

Today there are many people who absolutely, absolutely do not want these screams at their wedding. And even if the tradition has been for many years, this is just an excuse to replace it with something more fresh and original. It is enough to explain this to the guests at the beginning of the evening, or ask the wedding host to warn about this from the stage.

The first alternative that we will offer is to give guests small and ringing bells, simply by making them part of the table setting. Their ringing is sometimes much more melodious than shouts, and will definitely appeal to both guests and newlyweds with sensitive hearing.

You can also offer guests a pair of bamboo sticks, which, when hit against each other, give a pleasant booming sound. By the way, these items will be good souvenirs for all your guests.

For those newlyweds who do not want to kiss in public, a special sign with any pattern or inscription that can cover each other's faces during a kiss will be an excellent solution.

It is a widespread tradition to leave a special book at the entrance in which guests write down their wishes and parting words to the newly acquired husband and wife. Of course, the album is functional and convenient, but something more original can be conceived.

Here it is worth listening to the theme and overall style of your wedding. So, for example, for a wedding that is sustained in nautical style, inscriptions on small flat stones, or scrolls of artificially aged paper, are perfect.

An artificial or natural tree in a pot will look very beautiful and elegant, the leaves for which will be small postcards of the appropriate shape. Such a decoration can be placed in the house of the newlyweds - it will be nice to re-read this or that postcard every now and then, months and years later. However, the wish tree can be made more compact by simply drawing it on the canvas. Later, the drawing, along with wish leaves, can be put into a beautiful frame and hung on the wall.

There are many creative options for how to make wishes festive garland. Almost everything we did kindergarten"chains" using strips of colored paper: for a wedding on such links, guests write their words to the young. And for summer wedding in a rustic or rustic style, leaflets attached to a clothesline with ordinary clothespins are perfect: it looks fresh and cute.

Why limit yourself to a wish book when you can make an entire wall? This option is especially good for those who invited to the wedding. a large number of guests. Instead of pencils and felt-tip pens, you can use such rather unusual tools as, for example, lipsticks of various shades, soft crayons, or even watercolors. A wide and high creatively designed stand can become a real family heirloom.

If you are interested in making an object instead of a book that will later become part of your home interior, you can also use a wishing vase: a beautiful transparent vessel is filled with multi-colored pieces of paper wrapped in small scrolls. Such a vase will look organic in almost any interior and delight the eye for many years after the wedding.

By the way, the wishes written down with colored markers on vinyl records are also an interesting solution that will surely please newlyweds-music lovers. If you organize a very wide approach to the site for wishes, you can give the guests "to be torn apart" by one of your favorite items of your home, leaving them to express themselves in writing on their favorite wooden table, musical instrument, or a large suitcase that you will take on your honeymoon trip .

At modern weddings, many are increasingly choosing other options instead of a bulky wedding cake.

Confectioneries are happy to offer a convenient and quite spectacular option: cap-cakes and mini-cakes. Small beautiful cakes in individual packages can be easily ordered in the right quantity according to the number of guests, and you don’t have to cut and divide the monumental sweet mountain for a long time.

An extremely interesting option is a chocolate fountain. You can be sure that guests will appreciate it, because it is difficult to find people who do not like chocolate, especially served in such an exquisite way. Dishes with various fruits are placed next to the fountain, and guests are invited to make their own sweets by dipping a piece of kiwi or banana in a stream of warm chocolate mass.

You can also make a bizarre pyramid of the most various kinds sweets - cakes, candied fruit, marmalade, lollipops, donuts and macaroons.

The whole table, decorated as a real candy kingdom, will not only delight guests with goodies throughout the banquet, but also look like an original detail of the wedding interior.

Alternative to wedding contests

wedding contests, especially the most famous, today not everyone loves. And if many people still agree to leave the harmless “dance train” in the program of the evening, then few people like the outdated extreme with erotic overtones. However, you can’t do without outdoor games at a wedding: the guests will get bored, so you should look for another solution.

Because in last years As the European wedding format is gaining more and more (and well-deserved) popularity, it would be logical and consistent to abandon the contests that were once popular in Russia in favor of popular foreign games.

If your wedding is taking place in nature during the warm season, guests will love simple outdoor games. It is important that such games are not too active, since hardly anyone wants to sweat in evening dress or suit.

For example, croquet is a favorite pastime of the English aristocracy and, in combination, a pleasant pastime. With the help of special hammers, players must roll the ball through the rings along the desired trajectory.

Other options that are similar in load - throwing rings and good old "towns" should definitely please your guests. Badminton and darts can also be included in the list of suitable games - the latter usually pleases the male half of the guests very much, charging them with a considerable portion of healthy excitement.

The famous limbo competition will be a great chance to dance and be flexible, while giving the party a little warm Hawaiian vibe along the way.

When two loving friend friend of a person have already decided to tie their lives in marriage and have submitted an application to the registry office, then they face the urgent question of how to make the wedding better. Of course, a professional host who knows how to hold your celebration must be present at the wedding. But this is if your financial situation allows. But what to do if you are limited in funds, but want the wedding ceremony to be remembered not only by you, but also by the guests? Below are interesting wedding ideas among which it will not be difficult for you to choose the best one.

15 interesting ideas for an unforgettable wedding:

  1. wedding image

Every girl wants to look irresistible on her wedding day, and the good news is that in our time it is not difficult to do so. To your appearance remember, try to pay special attention to accessories - veil, jewelry, bridal bouquet. For the groom, this may be a non-standard type of tie or bow tie, or it may be shoes in retro style.

  1. The moment of the meeting

Yes exactly. But meeting on your wedding day, when you just see each other before painting. Ask to capture this moment in a photo, it will turn out very romantic.

In whatever color you would choose interior decoration for celebrating a wedding, you can decorate the room with wall newspapers with interesting wishes, your photos in which you are still small children, your joint photos after you met. The invitees will be interested in getting to know you better.

  1. Rings for memory

It's no secret that a professional wedding photographer takes very beautiful photographs. Have him take a picture of your wedding rings. Flowers, fruits, beautiful boxes and much more are usually used as a background. Ask to take a picture of your rings with some gadgets in the background, for example, mobile phone or tablet. Such a photo will look unusual, and the meaning of such a decor is that time has no power over your feelings.

  1. Money cozy house

V Lately Increasingly, it is customary to give money as a gift for a wedding or birthday. So make a cozy house for them. Try to make it together, it is also considered a good omen. A house with a lit light inside will look cool, symbolizing the family hearth.

  1. Two outfits in one

The next advice for the bride is not to skimp on a transforming dress, it will not only become comfortable on such a significant day, but will also impress the guests. Just imagine, you will be in a magnificent dress at the ceremony, and at the banquet you will appear in a tight-fitting outfit.

  1. Together forever

You can, in the American manner, prepare confessions for each other that you will utter in front of everyone. It will look very touching. Whatever oath of love and fidelity you compose, it must be sincere and come from the heart.

  1. Heaven is closer

You can use special flying lanterns that you will launch into the sky at the end of the holiday.

  1. interactive messages

A great idea at the wedding would be a selection of specially filmed videos in the form of interviews with the invitees. Humorous or sincere wishes, comical memories, experienced advice. All this will fit perfectly into the video from the day of the wedding. You will be reviewing more than once.

  1. Gratitude

In response to gifts addressed to you, prepare reciprocal souvenirs that will remind each of the guests of your celebration.

  1. funny car

The usual limousine, which is mainly ordered for a wedding celebration, can be replaced by a car painted with wishes for the newlyweds. Some hire a tram, trolley bus, motor ship and other means of transport. Of course, they won’t let you color it, but it’s quite possible to decorate it with balloons and posters in the salon.

  1. First dance

Particular attention is drawn to the dance of the young. You can take a few lessons from a professional choreographer a month before the ceremony. And it is better to choose a rhythmic dance, rather than a boring slow one. This will set in a cheerful mood not only you, but also the guests.

  1. Dream come true

Since childhood, you want to ride a horse or take off into the sky on hot-air balloon, try to do it on your wedding day, so to speak, doubly rejoice.

  1. Redemption quest

The traditional bride price can turn into an exciting adventure not only for the bride and groom, but also for those invited as guests. You just need to write a script in advance that you like best.

  1. You are the only one...

Now it has become fashionable to arrange an outdoor wedding. A big plus is that there will be no strangers, well, the bride herself will not have “competitors” in the immediate field of view.

All girls want to play a magnificent, chic wedding. But a limited budget always dictates its own conditions. Is it worth getting into debt and taking out loans for a few days of fun? What can be painlessly saved, and what is better to spare money? How to spend unforgettable holiday, which will not hit the pocket? In this article, we have collected the most interesting ideas How to host a budget wedding...

Here are the main benefits:

Possibility to invite a large number of guests. Friends, close and distant relatives, acquaintances will be among those invited to a chic celebration. All the people whom the newlyweds would like to dedicate to their joy will have the opportunity to attend the wedding and witness the first minutes of the family's existence.

Gorgeous bridal outfit. A wedding dress is the dream of many girls since childhood. Sometimes even an adult self-sufficient woman, deep down, dreams of wearing a princess dress, airy and fabulously beautiful. You can choose it in accordance with the latest trends in the world of wedding fashion or order an author's outfit in an eminent salon.

Wedding procession will consist of high-class car models equipped with everything necessary for the convenience and comfort of passengers.

Professional photo and video shooting. An unlimited budget makes it possible to use the services of a professional photographer and cameraman. Therefore, looking through the finished footage, it will hardly be possible to see the annoying “blunders” of newcomers: blurry photos, bad angles, low-quality frames. A wedding photographer who knows his business is often quite expensive. But the filmed love story of the newlyweds will not disappoint them.

Lots of gifts. If invited to the wedding big number guests, which means that a considerable amount of money will be presented or many gifts will be presented that will definitely come in handy in future family life.

Banquet. A chic wedding means lavish and generous festive table, beautiful restaurant.

Exit ceremony. With a sufficient budget, many newlyweds choose an outdoor ceremony for marriage. You can sign on a boat rented in advance, in a palace or a historic mansion, on exotic islands or in other romantic places around the globe.

Here are the main disadvantages:

Guests. With a large number of guests, many of them are little known, and sometimes they never met at all. Sometimes tipsy guests can say incorrect things, share intimate memories of young people, and even start a fight. There is also the option that among the invitees there will be strangers who in no way relate to the family or circle of friends of the newlyweds.

Useless dress. Any wedding dress, even the most fashionable and fabulously beautiful, the bride puts on only once in her life for marriage registration. Is it worth paying fabulous money for a wedding dress in order to put it in the closet forever in two days? This is another serious argument in favor of a simple wedding.

Unnecessary rubbish. Among the gifts can be both useful and absolutely unnecessary things. Many people rely on the number of invitees and present outright rubbish or don’t give anything at all, taking advantage of the fact that gifts will be lost in the total number.

Force Majeure. Often a large number of guests is difficult to control. Therefore, holding a magnificent outdoor ceremony can easily turn into an excess. Someone accidentally touches an antique in the rented hall of the palace. How much it will cost you - only God knows. Or he can get lost in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country, turning the holiday into an exciting search with the involvement of the police.

Savings for a modest wedding

Wedding dress of the bride and groom.

Bride's dress. New price wedding dress ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles, or even more. The cost depends on the celebrity of the salon, collection, brand promotion.

Savings options:

  1. Sewing a dress in the atelier. Not necessarily a wedding dress from an eminent fashion designer will sit on the figure better than know-name - modest, but sewn from quality materials and by the standards of the bride. The cost of the services of an atelier or a seamstress is from 10,000 rubles. Material - about 10,000 rubles. Sewing a dress will cost from 20,000 rubles. Savings up to 80,000 rubles.
  2. last year's collections. Buying a dress at a discount is a good way to save money. The full cost can be reduced to 40-70% and, given the discounted price, it is realistic to pay for a dress from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. Savings up to 50,000 rubles.
  3. Dress rental. The approximate cost of rent is from 5,000 rubles. plus a deposit. Given that the value of the deposit will be returned if the dress is returned to the salon in its original form, you can save two-thirds of the cost of a new dress.
  4. Used dress. The cost of a "used" outfit is half the price of a new one. Thus, the savings can be from 10,000 rubles. up to 50 000 rubles

The cost of a men's classic suit is from 5,000 rubles. up to 50 000 rub.

Savings options:

  1. Studio services. The work of the master - from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles The fabric will cost about 20,000 rubles. Having paid the seamstress 30,000 rubles. for all work, you can save up to 20,000 rubles.
  2. Suit rental- about 10,000 rubles, the savings will be up to 40,000 rubles.
  3. Used groom suit costs from 3,000 to 30,000 depending on its quality and condition. But, even having bought the most expensive suit "from hand", it is really possible to save from 20,000 rubles.

In addition, you can simply borrow an outfit for the groom from friends or use the usual business suit. If the groom’s wardrobe does not have such clothes, then one of his friends will surely have one. Therefore, such an option as using a business suit, if the dress code is observed at work, will not cost the newlyweds anything.

Beautiful wedding procession

Honeymoon cars will cost up to 24,000 rubles per hour, rental of transport for guests - up to 7,000 rubles per hour.

Savings options:

  1. Instead of a limousine, another luxury car provided by specialized offices, you can use Rent a Car services: Rent a Mercedes. One of the groom's friends will be the driver. The cost of such a service is about 10,000 rubles. and the savings will be up to 14,000 rubles / hour.
  2. Minibus for guests - up to 2000 r / hour. The amount of savings - up to 5000 r / hour.

If among the invitees there are those who have their own cars, you can ask them to pick up guests on foot.

How to organize a banquet: simple and tasteful

Depending on the location of the restaurant, the price of the banquet (hall rental, banquet menu, alcohol, additional percentage for service and additional rent after the agreed time) will increase. Approximate cost from 1500 rubles / person.

  1. Less pathos. A good option save money - choose a less pretentious institution. The price of a banquet in such a restaurant can be from 500 rubles per person. Savings from 1000 rubles / person.
  2. Your own alcohol, drinks, water. If you agree with the administration of the institution the opportunity to bring your drinks and alcohol to the banquet, you can really save from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Snack for guests. As a rule, these are sandwiches, canapes. The cost of a small buffet will result in an amount of about 5,000 rubles - 15,000 rubles. By preparing a snack at home (for example, small pies), you can significantly reduce this expense item - up to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Hall decoration. Decorating a banquet hall in some popular style for professionals can cost up to 50,000 rubles. You can save a lot by asking friends to help with decorating a restaurant or a room where the celebration will take place. By this, the costs can really be reduced to 10,000-15,000 rubles.

From this video you will learn how the right organization of a banquet will help save tens of thousands of rubles:

Organizational costs: we take the celebration into our own hands

Toastmaster services. The cost of the host's services at the wedding is from 10,000 rubles. Up to 20000 r. But sometimes those present at the wedding feel uncomfortable in the company of a stranger. Moreover, if the atmosphere of the holiday is sincere, then the celebration will do without a host. Guests can take over the organization of the entertainment program. Savings - up to 20000r.

wedding planner- up to 15000 r. Its functions are useful, they free the newlyweds from many troubles. But to do without the manager is real. You can properly plan and organize a holiday on your own in just a month. To do this, it is necessary to distribute responsibilities, roles for everyone and do everything in advance and draw up a clear scenario for the celebration in advance. Savings - 15000r.

Live music- from 5000 to 20000 rubles. You can do without it too. Surely one of the guests knows how to make a playlist and turn on the music on the desired tracks. The savings will be up to 20000r.

Mandatory Must Have: what you can’t save on

There is 3 things you shouldn't skimp on at the wedding: the appearance of the bride, rings and a photographer (videographer).

If a dress and shoes can be bought from hands / rented, then it is better to do makeup and hair in the salon with the skillful hand of a professional.

Rings- this is what will accompany the rest of your life. It is also better not to save on them, especially not a very good tradition to change wedding rings after the wedding.

Photos or videos- a memory for life. Unprofessional photo or video shooting is fraught with blurry frames, spoiled photos, bad angles. A person who knows his business will turn wedding pictures into a fabulous love story.

Who should be invited to a budget wedding

The more modest the wedding budget is planned, the less crowded the event promises to be. But having invited a minimum of guests, the holiday will not lose its significance: the newlyweds will share their joy with the closest and dearest people. A narrow circle of guests will provide a cozy, intimate, family atmosphere. Who should be invited:

  • parents;
  • siblings (with family);
  • God-parents;
  • grandmother, grandfather;
  • closest friends (usually 2-3 best friends / girlfriends).

You do not need to call classmates, neighbors, colleagues. For example, to invite one of the work team means to offend everyone else. Therefore, on budget option weddings should be limited to the closest and dearest people.

The best places to celebrate an inexpensive wedding

In sauna. This original version celebrating a wedding combines relaxation and fun. All you need is to book a sauna in advance and get the necessary bath accessories. The only drawback is that it is better not to drink alcohol and solid foods in the sauna. But in most cases, relaxation complexes, in addition to the bath or sauna itself, are also equipped with an entertainment room where you can eat, play billiards or sing karaoke.

Sauna is a great place where you can hold not only a wedding, but also a bachelorette party. About that, you will learn from our article.

Picnic in nature. A trip to nature to a pond or forest is a great opportunity to celebrate a wedding in a small circle of friends and family. Barbecue, high-quality alcohol, songs near the fire - this option for holding a holiday has a special warm, sincere atmosphere.

Houses. Most inexpensive option weddings - arrange it at home. In this case, the celebration will not be tedious even for the smallest guests - tired children can be put to rest in the next room.

In the country. A wedding in a budget option can be celebrated in the summer at a country house outside the city. As a rule, this implies an outing into nature with the possibility of using the benefits of civilization in a country house, if necessary. You can also spend the night here, continuing the fun the next day. Even if you don’t have a dacha, then, for sure, one of your friends has one. A very unusual way to celebrate a wedding.

In club. If invited a small amount of guests, an option to celebrate with taste significant event in club - good idea. Music, cheerful atmosphere, light alcoholic drinks, snacks are the components of a wedding celebration. The only negative is that the older generation will most likely not be able to participate in noisy fun for a long time.

How to find time for a wedding among working days, schedules and schedules? We studied the labor code in detail in search of an answer to the question: "How to take a vacation for a wedding." You can find it in a separate article.

In order to hold a celebration at the scheduled time, you must first submit an application to the registry office. How long before the wedding should I apply? How much will it be considered? Answers to these and other questions.

You can also have a fun bachelorette party at home. To do this, you need to carefully consider the menu, pick up accessories and make a good entertainment program. You can read about how to do it right in

Hello, dear readers, this is Lena Zhabinskaya. Today we will talk about a magical day that happens once in a lifetime (well, ideally, that's it). Needless to say, future newlyweds dream of this day going like clockwork.

And this is more than real if you know in advance how to organize a wedding on your own in stages. It's easy if you have a clear plan of action. And you will have it if you carefully read the article. I will tell you how to do this, based on my own successful experience.

Pick up a calendar and decide when it will be. Whatever one may say, it is more pleasant to marry in the warm season: you can show off plenty of beautiful dress on the street and the bride, and girlfriends, photos with the sun and greenery themselves look more colorful.

Usually, Saturday is chosen for the celebration, when most people do not work. You will celebrate this date for the rest of your life, so choose the numbers that you like. For example, we chose July 18, deciding for ourselves that 8, as a symbol of infinity, promises us a long and happy family life.

Step 2: budget.

Decide how much you are willing to spend on the celebration. It is on the basis of this amount that you will choose the components: place, photo, video, etc.

Step 3: number of people.

Make a list of guests who you would like to invite to the wedding from both sides: both the groom and the bride.

It is more convenient to write a list by importance of people. That is, first those who are invited one hundred percent. And at the end of those who are in question. So it will be much easier later to delete someone if the number of people has to be reduced.

Step 4: Location.

For 6 months.

Good places are booked in advance. Otherwise, you will have to choose from what is left. Choose a place based on the number of people you plan to invite. A hall for 30 people is different from a hall for 100 people.

Immediately check with the institution the average check per guest and the possibility of purchasing your own alcohol, since this is a very expensive part of the banquet, and a bottle of any strong alcohol or standard champagne in a restaurant can cost ten times more than in a hypermarket. And considering how much it will be needed for the event, buying it in a restaurant can cost a pretty penny.

Therefore, if you want to hold a banquet as inexpensively as possible, you should look for a place where you are allowed to bring your own alcohol to the banquet, either in whole or in part.

By multiplying the average check by the number of people, you will immediately decide on the main cost part of the celebration - a banquet.

The cost of alcohol is calculated as follows: 1 bottle of wine per person and 1 bottle of spirits per man.

Step 5: host.

For 5 months.

Good hosts, like rooms, quickly run out, and a lot depends on this person at your wedding to choose him from what remains.

First, decide who you want: a 50-something toastmaster woman with competitions from a pioneer camp, a respectable man who unobtrusively finds an approach to every guest, or a cheerful guy who will not let anyone get bored.

For example, we immediately decided that we only need a man. No matter how many weddings I attend, in my opinion, it is the strong half of humanity who are better at holding events.

Discuss with your significant other what type of host you're looking for, and surf the net for who you want, as well as reviews and videos of examples of their work.

After that, make a list of 5-6 leaders who are trustworthy, judging by the reviews.

Call them and find out if they are free on the desired date, as well as what is the cost of their services.

With those 3-4 who match the dates and prices, set up a personal meeting where you ask to see video examples and the program of the event.

Based on the results of a personal meeting, make a choice.

Step 6: Photographer and videographer.

For 4 months.

A good photographer is something that you should never skimp on. A fabulous day will pass, and the memory of it will freeze for life in photographs in which you will remain young, cheerful and carefree.

Therefore, choose a photographer, meticulously studying all his photographs. After reviewing several options, you are sure to find someone whose work will fascinate you.

A good videographer is desirable, but not essential, if you want to run an event at a minimal cost. Just understand that in ten years it will be a piece of history, and watching the video together with your soul mate or among friends is insanely interesting and reverent.

Step 7: image of the bride.

For 3 months.

At this stage, you need to decide whether you entrust your hair, makeup, manicure and pedicure to professionals, or do it yourself.

Do not underestimate this point, because on X-day all eyes will be on you, and you will remain in the created image for decades in photos and videos.

Look for masters also by reviews, carefully studying their work. After that, call up, communicate and book a specialist for the selected date.

Naturally, manicure and pedicure should be done not on the wedding day, but 2-3 days in advance.

Step 8: transport.

For 3 months.

Here you can already draw up the program of the event: what time will the registration be, what will you do after it, whether you will go riding with friends and take pictures, how long it will take.

Based on this, you can imagine what kind of transport you will need and for how long. Limousine, minibuses, bigger buses - there is something to think about.

Also decide whether you need to ensure the transport of guests after the banquet (if, for example, it will be held in nature outside the city), or if the guests themselves will get by taxi (if in the city).

Step 9: Submitting an application to the registry office.

For 2 months.

According to the current legislation, the application is submitted 2 months before the required date.

Please note that if you have already booked everything and are planning a solemn registration on your wedding day, it is better to queue at the registry office in advance. For example, we arrived in line at 3 am, were the third in a row. In the morning, a line of 50 people gathered near the state agency. Needless to say, there were not enough places for all.

In order not to stand in queues, now you can apply through the public services portal.

Or sign at any convenient time, and on the day of the wedding, conduct an exit solemn registration. Of course, in this case, it will not be the registry office employee who will paint you, but the invited presenter.

Step 10: Clothes for the bride and groom.

For 2 months.

The wedding dress and the groom's suit are something you will definitely not forget. In addition, you need jewelry for the bride. It should be noted here that inexpensive jewelry shines brighter and more expensive than real diamonds.

Do not forget about the garter - a lace accessory that is worn on the bride's leg and symbolizes her purity. Usually the groom takes it off and throws it to single friends. By analogy with the bride's bouquet, the one who caught the garter should soon get married.

Step 11: rings.

To find the right one, you may need to go around more than one salon. Some stores jewelry position themselves as salons wedding rings. Perhaps visiting them can save you time.

Step 12: wedding invitations.

For 2 months.

Nowadays, they are whatever. And in the form of classic postcards, and video invitations. Everything that your imagination is capable of.

It should be noted here that this waste is more a whim of the young than a necessity. An impressive part of the budget is spent on invitations, since they are not cheap.

However, be prepared for the fact that in the pre-wedding turmoil you will forget to give some invitations at all. And the remaining guests will be thrown out immediately after the ceremony.

Therefore, it is not mandatory, but a possible part of the cost of the wedding.

Step 13: decorating the hall and cars.

For 2 months.

Decide for yourself if you need it. The cost of decorating the hall varies depending on what they decorate with (the most inexpensive option is balls, decorating with fresh flowers will cost much more).

This also includes covers for tables and chairs. It happens that the restaurant itself provides them for rent for an additional fee.

Personally, we did not decorate the hall, because, firstly, to our taste, the hall itself was quite elegant, and secondly, we did not want to spend money on it.

Decoration of cars on the day of the ceremony is often provided by transport companies for free.

Step 14: Wedding Night.

For 1 month.

On this day, you want something special. Of course, it is tempting when the newlyweds immediately after the wedding go on a honeymoon trip.

But if that's not your option, then worthy alternative– booking a room for the newlyweds in some good hotel. This will prolong the feeling of a holiday and a fairy tale.

Step 15: hosting guests.

For 1 month.

If you have people from other cities on your guest list, it's time to think about where you'll place them. If you need to book a hotel or hostel for this, this is the time to do it.

It will be right to look for options without prepayment, so as not to lose money in the event of a sudden refusal of one of the guests.

Step 16: wedding cake and loaf.

For 3 weeks.

A wedding cake is the main delicacy at a banquet and the culmination of the celebration. Decide in advance what style it will be in by collecting a few pictures you like.

After that, they can be sent to several bakeries and pastry shops and find out the cost of a similar one, as well as the delivery conditions for a banquet. If there is no such service in the chosen bakery, you need to decide in advance which of the guests will be able to pick up and take the finished cake to the event.

According to tradition, the loaf is brought by the mother-in-law. If you have a good relationship with the groom’s mother and she is not averse to helping, you can ask her to take on the responsibility of ordering, buying and delivering a loaf to a banquet. In the end, one less hassle is great.

And the mother-in-law will feel involved in the holiday - many will be pleased.

Step 17: show program.

For 3 weeks.

At some weddings, all kinds of artists are invited to perform: dance groups, magicians, gypsies. Personally, I am against this, I think it is superfluous and inappropriate. Are we at a wedding or at the circus?

Much more logical, in my opinion, are dance breaks and competitions held by the host. Contests do an excellent job of entertaining, and at the same time allow everyone to get to know each other and establish contact and a warm atmosphere.

The only thing that has the right to be at a wedding is fireworks or air lanterns, which are launched by young and all couples in love. This symbolizes the end of the event and puts a beautiful end to the festive program.

Step 18: wedding dance.

In 2 weeks.

This is a beautiful tradition that should never be ignored. Another thing is that you can learn some simple dance on your own, without resorting to the help of a choreographer.

This is done simply. You review several videos, choose the one you like, or combine from several, trim if necessary and rehearse. That's all science. But the guests will be delighted to see how you dance the first dance of the young, not just marking time, but staged and spectacular.

Step 19: Bride's bouquet and groom's boutonniere.

During the week.

The main bouquets of the bride are of 2 types: round and tear-shaped (as in my photo). You should decide which one you want, from what colors, what shades, if possible, print photos of the ones you like and visit several flower shops in advance.

In your favorite order a bouquet to the selected date and time.

Based personal experience, I will say that a drop-shaped bouquet (as in my photo) is undoubtedly very effective, but impractical. By the end of the event, he may only be half alive.

Although on the other hand, if you like just that - do not listen and take it. After all, this is your wedding, and everything should be exactly the way you like it.

Step 20: Snacks and drinks for the walk and photo shoot.

During the week.

It's time to decide what guests will drink and snack during the walk and photo shoot (if you have them).

Usually it is champagne, mineral water and some kind of strong drink.

From food, fruits, canapes, small pies, sandwiches, sweets are suitable. All this should be cut in advance, packaged and packed in food containers.

That's all! Now everything is ready, and it remains only to wait and have no doubt that everything will go perfectly after such careful planning. And you, acting step by step, did not forget anything. Love each other, Lena Zhabinskaya was with you, bye bye!

A wedding is a memorable and bright celebration. Newlyweds dream of making the holiday unforgettable. How to make a wedding better and not miss anything?

Celebration concept

The first thing to do is to decide on the wedding concept. What will the wedding be like? Today the most popular styles are:

Wedding in one color

Young people need to choose what color their wedding will be. To the most trendy colors this year include:

  • Shades of red (in particular - fiesta);
  • Marsala;
  • Rose quartz;
  • Juicy greens;
  • Coffee with milk;
  • Grey-blue;
  • Sunny yellow

A wedding expressed in the color of your favorite shade looks stylish and sophisticated.


In second place in popularity is a rustic wedding - a rustic wedding: a buffet table in nature, unpretentious outfits, wild flowers, natural colors, decor made from natural materials.


Ethnic wedding: a wedding in the style of any nation (Indian wedding, Scottish wedding, etc.) with appropriate decoration.

By movie

A wedding inspired by a movie or a literary work - a wedding based on a favorite work will make a lasting impression on both the young and their guests (for example, a wedding in the style of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", a wedding in the style of "Harry Potter", etc.)


A Provence style wedding is a seasonal wedding initiating the French Mediterranean: lavender fields, Fresh air, bed shades.


Wedding in retro style - vintage suits, gilding, everything is decorous and noble.

There are a lot of wedding styles, it all depends on the imagination, taste and budget of the newlyweds.

wedding image

The wedding image that the bride and groom will choose for themselves must certainly fit into the overall concept of the celebration. If a dress code is planned for guests, then they must be notified in advance. To make the appearance of the newlyweds memorable, you should pay attention to accessories: for the bride, these are jewelry, a veil, a bouquet, for the groom - a bow tie or tie, watches, shoes.

Wedding decorations

Decorations should also match the wedding concept. The bride's bouquet, wedding floristry, wedding cortege, cake, hall decoration - everything should fit into the wedding theme. For example, for a Rustic wedding, wild flowers, wooden decorations, horse-drawn carriages, instead of a motorcade, are suitable. All decor should be thought out in advance. If the newlyweds doubt their abilities, they should contact the agencies that organize weddings from and to. Professionals will do everything to make the wedding go well.

Do you need a toastmaster?

The question of the need to hire a toastmaster is puzzled by many newlyweds. Some prefer to save money and hold a wedding on their own, with the help of friends. But often the guests are dominated by people with a passive attitude, who do not want to dance or participate in competitions. Whatever wedding style the young people have in mind, a good toastmaster will be able to pick up a script for it and stir up inactive guests.

Venue of the celebration

In order for guests to remember the wedding as the best, it is worth taking care of their comfort and right choice places to celebrate a wedding. The bride and groom must decide where they want to celebrate the wedding: in a restaurant, in a country hotel, on the coast, in the house. For a comfortable wedding, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Is the chosen place suitable for the wedding concept;
  • Location. It is worth taking care of convenient transportation of guests, delivery of wedding dishes and everything necessary for celebrating a wedding to the venue of the celebration;
  • conditions for a wedding. Many institutions offer their musicians and animators. It is also worth finding out if the wedding venue can be decorated;
  • Can I bring my own food and alcohol?
  • If a wedding is planned outside the city, are there verandas, gazebos where you can hide in case of bad weather.
  • In the case of celebrating a wedding in nature, consider options for evening coverage of a wedding celebration.

End of the wedding day

The last wedding chord should be bright and memorable. Young people should decide, in accordance with the theme they have chosen, whether it will be the traditional end of the evening - a young dance and lighting a candle, or something romantic, for example, launching lanterns, or the ending will be bright and enchanting: fireworks, fire or light show. What will be the departure of the young? Instead of the usual departure by car, you can go on horseback, rush off into the distance with bikers, sail on a boat, fly away in a balloon, leave on a tram.