
What is different from other countries Shrovetide. How Shrovetide is celebrated in different countries. Where and how is Maslenitsa celebrated


Seeing off winter in the traditions of the peoples of the world.

Maslenitsa is the longest and fun party not only in Russia, but all over the world. The tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring has been preserved in different countries and cities. People rejoice that spring takes the place of winter.

In different countries, Maslenitsa lasts differently: from 3 days in Norway to 2 months in Argentina.

If in Russia it is customary to bake pancakes and burn a scarecrow, then in the countries of Western Europe, Maslenitsa smoothly turns into a nationwide carnival, where unbridled laughter, fun and humor reign everywhere during the celebration. The main characters of carnival processions are Kukers, Curents, Zhilli, Straw Bears or Straw Knights; pancake races, bachelors' parade, comic sales... - that's what carnival spring carnivals are!

And in many nations, traditions are in many ways similar to ours. For example, the burning of a straw effigy personifying winter - such a effigy is called differently in different countries: More, Morena, Gnarled Grandfather, Funken, Mazhanna, Bodge, Nubel, Holliki, and burning the symbol of winter everywhere means the approach of spring.

Holly India.

The Indian holiday Holly is the ascension of glory to the fertile land and the future rich harvest. The burning of the effigy of the demoness Hollinka symbolizes the disappearance of dark forces and the triumph of goodness, just as in Russia on the same day the effigy of evil winter (Marena or Shrovetide) is burned.

One of the three legends about the origin of the Holly holiday says that the holiday got its name from Hollika, the sister of the mythical Hiranyakashipu. He was famous for having power over everyone who worshiped him. But his son Parahlad, while still a small child, began to worship the god Vishnu. When Hiranyakashipu found out about this, he ordered his sister to kill Prahlada. Hollika had the ability to walk through fire without being seen. So she took Prahlada and entered the fire with him. Coolness began to pray to the god Vishnu, and he saved him from the fire. Hollika died because she did not know that her skill only works if she enters the fire alone.

Holly's holiday lasts three days. On the first day of Holly - the day of the full moon - family members sprinkle each other with colored powder. On the second day - "Puno" - large bonfires are made, which should symbolize the onset of spring, and the death of all evil spirits after winter, and the image of Hollika is burned. The third day, "Parva", is the most cheerful and joyful, accompanied by violent fun, on this day people sprinkle each other with colored powders and pour colored water over each other.

Funken Austria

The Austrian holiday of seeing off winter and meeting spring is similar to our Maslenitsa - fascism. In the people, it is also known as "crazy" or "fat" days, as at this time they eat a lot of fatty foods. Carnival processions are organized in cities and villages these days. Balls and dance evenings are organized in Vienna.

For fascism, processions of mummers are organized, indispensable participants of which are monsters dressed in black sheepskins, whose faces are hidden under frightening masks with large horns and fangs. The arrival of the mummers is considered a good omen.

The procession lasts all day, and the finale of the holiday is in the dark: mummers with torches go outside the village or city and burn the effigy. The scarecrow is dressed in ordinary clothes. It is unusual that in this symbol of winter they put it on a high woodpile, and its height can be 5-6 meters! Next to the scarecrow at the top of the woodpile is an old Christmas tree. The burning of a scarecrow and spruce from the "funken" - the spark of torches - means the end of winter and the imminent arrival of spring warmth.

Grandfather Winter. Germany.

The German version of Maslenitsa is called Fastnacht. This is a week of plentiful and satisfying food, as well as round dances, songs, dances and games. V traditional way of life it has always been believed that a person who spent the Shrovetide week badly and boringly will be unlucky throughout the year.

Scarecrow of Santa Winter - fun. He was carried around the streets of the city and this scarecrow was used to scare the winter - so that it would leave sooner. At the end of the holiday, the effigy was burned - like in many other nations.

By tradition different peoples In Europe, the ashes and ashes after burning the effigy were scattered across the fields, thus stimulating the fertility of the land and expecting a rich harvest.

English straw knight

In Scotland, instead of pancakes, it was customary to bake the so-called “lenten cakes” instead of pancakes: a handful of oatmeal was poured into hands clasped together with palms up, then it was tightly squeezed in the palms and immersed in cold water, thus obtaining a ball and baked it in the hearth in hot ashes.

In England, pancake races for women have been held for many years. At 11:45 am, as a rule, the "pancake bell" rings, and after this signal, every woman who takes part in the show runs with a hot frying pan and a pancake. The rules of these competitions prescribe that all its participants must be at least 18 years old and must wear an apron and a scarf from items of clothing. And while running, a woman must throw a pancake in a pan at least three times and successfully catch it. The first woman who manages to pass the pancake to the ringer, according to the rules of the competition, becomes the champion of the competition this year, and receives as a reward ... a kiss from the ringer.And at the stake, accelerating the arrival of spring, the British burn an effigy of a straw knight!


In the Polish tradition, Mazhanna is a symbol of winter and death, the personified spirit of a dying and resurrecting deity of plants, she fetters all nature, villages, rivers, the earth itself with severe ice.

Maganna is depicted as a straw doll, dressed in a white linen dress, decorated with white beads and ribbons, and seated on a pole. In some parts of Poland, Mazhanna has a friend Mazhanniak, who is dressed in a tattered men's suit, and a bottle of vodka is put into his hand to take drunkenness from the village with him.

Every peasant wanted Mazhanna to look into his estate and take winter, evil and disease with her. After Mazhanna goes around all the rural estates, they take her out of the village, take off her clothes and scatter them across the field, burn the scarecrow or drown it in water, and then return home without looking back.

Together, Mazhanna is brought into the village, beautifully decorated with sweets and painted eggshell pine branch - Green Nut - a symbol of spring, kindness, youth and health. With a branch to the house, wishing everyone good, health and happiness, fun and dancing meet the arrival of spring. It is believed that this will have mercy on nature and give people a good harvest.

The rite of drowning or burning Mazhanna is carried out either on the day spring equinox, or on the first Sunday after the full moon following the day of the vernal equinox.

JAPAN. Moraine

A large straw effigy of Morena, on the apron of which a huge hieroglyph "winter" flaunts. The scarecrow is installed in the middle of the courtyard, the participants in the masks of buffoons immediately douse the guests with a hail of snowballs. It gets to everyone. Shaking themselves off, the guests themselves begin to “shoot back”. Immediately, Yarilo and the Sun come to their aid, who drive the mummers away with large straw brooms.

After the fervent oil songs have ceased, the youngest of the guests is given the honorable right: to the left of the hieroglyph "winter" to attribute the element "thread": together it turns out the "end" - the end of winter! After a couple of minutes, the flaming effigy collapses, and potatoes fly into the smoldering straw - the first oil treat. And in the houses the tables are already set: guests are treated to fragrant pancakes with berry jelly.

UK and Germany Straw Bear

In Germany, in the city of Heldra, on Ash Wednesday (the day the Great Lent begins, which is celebrated 46 days before Easter), straw stuffed bears roam the streets, dressed up as men.Straw bears walk and roam the streets, but they scare away Winter. Sometimes the costumes of the characters reach 5 meters in height. Yes, Winter has something to be afraid of. There is a similar custom in England. The small town of Wittlesey Whittlessey ), which is located in the east of Cambridgeshire, once a year becomes the center of an old holiday: the Straw Bear Festival ( Straw Bear Festival).

Most historians believe that the basis of the Straw Bear Festivalseveral ancient holidays lay down at once, such as seeing off winter, a harvest and fertility festival, as well as a rite that drives away evil spirits.

From early Saturday morning, a man dressed as a bear is driven around the city. According to an old tradition, the clubfoot costume is made of straw; in the old days, immediately after the harvest, the peasants specially set aside the best straw for the holiday. The bear is accompanied everywhere by a “trainer”, a man dressed in a neat suit and bowler hat. The straw bear goes from house to house, dancing and performing tricks in exchange for food. It is followed by a festive procession, consisting of musicians, dancers, artists and just spectators. And all so that spring comes on time!

Funkenhexe Liechtenstein

On the first Sunday of Lent before Easter in the Principality of Liechtenstein, since pagan times, a holiday has been held to see off winter and welcome spring - Funken und Kuahlisontag ( Funken und Kuachlesonntag).

Processions of torchbearers go through the streets of all cities and villages to drive away the dark forces. According to the assumption of historians, in the Middle Ages ... appearing on the streets with lit torches, the locals ... thus served the message to their neighbors and tried themselves ... how many "living souls" were left after the epidemic ...

Evening at Funkensontag ( Funkensonntag ) on a hill prepared a large fire. It was believed that those who managed to look at the shining fire, people or animals, received relief from illnesses or healing. At the top of the folded pyramid of a fire, a effigy of the Witch, stuffed with straw, was always erected, but in a real dress Funkenhexe - a symbol of dark forces.

After the fire was dying down, the inhabitants of the community gathered for a treat, for which Kuahli was necessarily prepared ( Kuachle ) - rectangular sweet curls fried in boiling oil. A young man who saw off his girlfriend after the end of the celebration received Kuahali as a gift from the parents of his chosen one, could be sure that his " serious intentions» They are accepted by the family and are satisfied with the choice of their daughter.

Alexandrova Alexandra

Contrary to popular belief that Maslenitsa is a purely Slavic holiday, it is also celebrated in many other countries of the world. And let it be called a little differently, even if in each religion some specific rituals and customs are inherent in it, but its essence remains the same - this holiday is dedicated to seeing off winter and precedes the beginning. According to the research data of historians, festivities like the Slavic Maslenitsa have been present since ancient times among peoples who, one way or another, were related to the great druids and the Christian faith.

Where and how is Maslenitsa celebrated

In the French-speaking countries of the world, Mardi Gras or the so-called Fat Tuesday is an analogue of the Russian Shrovetide. On this day, colorful street processions take place, people literally indulge in gluttony, drink a lot, and refusing to celebrate, according to legend, can bring misfortunes and life troubles to the whole family.

The most famous and most visited ritual of seeing off winter takes place in Venice. Every year, more than 3 million tourists come here to see the most amazing sight. Here, on the eve of the beginning of Lent, the most colorful costume party takes place.

In Poland, the end of winter is celebrated on the so-called Fat Thursday. On the eve of the holiday, the Poles bake very fatty donuts in huge quantities, and during the festival itself, an incendiary carnival takes place, in addition, on this day it is customary to gather guests for balls and parties. To receive friends and relatives in your home on this day is very honorable and prestigious.

In Germany, a celebration similar to the Russian Maslenitsa lasts no less than 4 months and is called Fastnacht, which means “the night on the eve of fasting”. V last days Fastnakht, the Germans, like the Russians, burn a scarecrow of winter and walk through the streets in carnival costumes with funny songs and chants.

In Armenia, a lot of pilaf is prepared for Maslenitsa and distributed to those who are poor and cannot afford delicious food. In Spain, sardines are arranged these days, and in the Czech Republic, real mares, goats or bears walk through the streets.

The most unusual and strange Shrovetide rituals and customs

Many nations can boast of unusual, and sometimes even strange and stupid rituals or customs that they have during Maslenitsa. For example, in the taverns of Poland these days you can easily buy a young girl. In the Czech Republic, guys in the form of chimney sweeps can tie a wooden block around the girl’s neck or arm, and if she does not want to wear “decoration”, she must pay off. In the Balkan countries, on Maslenitsa, bachelors are dragged down the street in pig troughs. And among the peoples who profess Buddhism, these days it is customary to carry out cleansing from sins, illnesses and failures - they do this with the help of a small piece of dough, from which they then make a chrysalis and burn it in a ritual fire, accompanying all their actions with prayers.

Finally, the long-awaited week has come, when there are pancakes and many, many other delicacies not only possible, but also necessary. Shrovetide is celebrated by the peoples of the whole world, and each has its own bizarre customs and traditions. Some arrange a grandiose carnival, others demand cakes and many more different fun.

In Western Europe, the celebration of Maslenitsa is a nationwide carnival, during which all disputes and quarrels stop, and everything around is immersed in unbridled fun, laughter and joy.

In France meet spring and see off winter with a magnificent carnival - Mardi Gras. It starts early in the morning with a magnificent procession. Pancakes are baked right on the street, soups and snacks are prepared.

V Germany and Switzerland also arrange a traditional theatrical procession. It starts still dark. People dress up in various costumes and walk along the unlit streets singing and dancing. Traditional Shrovetide dishes are flour soup and pies with cracklings and onions. And the most famous carnival takes place in the Swiss city of Basel.

V Scotland Lenten cakes are baked on Maslenitsa. To cook them, you need to pour a handful of oatmeal in the palm of your hand. Squeeze your hands tightly and lower them into cold water. You will get a flour ball that needs to be baked in the hearth directly in hot water. For the Scots, the preparation of Shrovetide pancakes is a whole ritual. The whole family is involved in the process, and everyone has their own responsibilities. One greases the pan with oil, the second pours the dough, the third turns the pancake over.

V Denmark schoolchildren are especially interested in Maslenitsa days. In addition to organizing theatrical performances and concerts, students also write humorous notes to their friends, which they pass on to addresses, to their friends, incognito. And if the boy received such a letter from the girl and guessed her name, then on Easter she gives him a chocolate bar.

For example, the main characters of the Russian Maslenitsa are newlyweds, while those of Eastern Europe are bachelors. Be very careful, unmarried young people, during Maslenitsa, especially if you find yourself in Poland. Cunning and proud Poles will lull your vigilance with donuts, pancakes, brushwood and vodka. And after the young people are fed and watered, they will definitely be dragged by the hair! On the last day, you can get into the tavern, where the violinist "sells" unmarried girls.

V Czech Republic young guys smear their faces with soot and go around the whole village to the music. With them they carry a wooden block - "klatik". It is hung around the neck or tied to the arm or leg of all girls. To get rid of such a "decoration", a young Czech woman must pay off.

V Iceland It has long been customary to arrange a plentiful feast on these days. But not so long ago, a new tradition has emerged - to cook and eat all day long cakes of a special kind, filled with whipped cream and glazed on the outside. This custom immediately conquered the hearts and stomachs of children. With a new dish appeared and new fun. Children wake up their parents early in the morning with a decorated homemade whip, while they shout out the name of the cakes: “Bollur, bollur!”. How much you have time to shout, so many pieces you will receive. Initially, they had to beat themselves, which, perhaps, goes back to the pagan rite of awakening the forces of nature. After homemade treats, the whole family goes for a walk, and the children are already looking for treats in bakeries. At the same time, they sing songs and recite poems.

Among the peoples who profess Buddhism(Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Mongols and Tibetans), Maslenitsa is celebrated on the 29th lunar day on the eve of the first spring new moon. This is the time of official holidays, fun, gifts and wishes. In the houses they do a general cleaning, sew outfits and scarves from expensive silk, prepare treats for the table. If this countryside, men scratch the mane of the horses, renew the harness and saddle.

After preparations for the holiday, everyone wipes themselves with a piece of dough made from flour and water. Then they mold a symbolic figure out of it and mentally convey to it all their illnesses, hardships and failures. After that, they carry them to the temple and put them in a ritual fire, pray, set fire to them and ask that all bad things go away with the fire. It is believed that thanks to this ritual, a person gets rid of everything bad, gains well-being, happiness and peace.

V England during Maslenitsa, competitions are organized among women in running with pancakes. Exactly at 11.45, the “pancake bell” sounds, and women run with hot pans and pancakes to the goal. According to the rules of the competition, participants must be at least 18 years old and wear an apron and a scarf. Overcoming the distance, the girls must throw the pancake on the pan at least three times and catch it. The first person to pass the pancake to the bell ringer will receive a reward - the bell ringer's kiss.

But in Norway Maslenitsa week lasts only three days. It's Fat Sunday, Fat Monday and Fat Tuesday. All these days you need to eat as much fatty foods as possible.

In Belarus Maslenitsa 2018 is celebrated from 12 to 18 February. The date of the celebration depends on the Orthodox Easter, so the Maslenitsa week always ends before the seven-week Great Lent. Christians devote this week to reconciliation with loved ones, forgiveness of offenses and preparation for Great Lent.

Other names for Maslenitsa: Cheese week, Pancake, Krivosheyka, Obyedukha.

It turns out that Maslenitsa, beloved by the Slavic peoples, has analogues in different cultural traditions. Symbolic farewells to winter are arranged in other countries of the world, although they are accompanied by specific traditions. As Maslenitsa is celebrated in other countries, read further in the material.

In Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. It is no secret that the date of the celebration depends on, since Shrovetide week always ends before the seven-week. In the folk tradition, Shrovetide has other names: Cheese Week, Pancake, Krivosheyka, Obyedukha. We wrote about ours more than once, exactly as we published it.

Great Britain

In the Catholic and Lutheran traditions, the day of incantation for Great Lent is called Fat Tuesday. In the UK, it is called Pancake day, because the British, like the Slavs, adore pancakes and associate them with the beginning of a warm sunny season.

On Fat Tuesday, the old British town of Olney hosts a festive pancake race. Women (and now men and children) in starched aprons and fluffy skirts waiting for the first ringing of the bell from the main town hall - it means that it's time to bake the first perfect pancake. The second blow starts the race itself. Dozens, hundreds of participants try to reach the finish line without dropping a treat, and some even manage to throw a pancake into the air several times. The winner of the pancake race is traditionally treated to champagne, and he receives a kiss (if a woman won) from the bell ringer with wishes of health and well-being, or a strong friendly handshake (if a man won).


In France and other French-speaking countries and regions (such as Canada), as well as in New Orleans, America, Fat Tuesday is called Mardi Gras. This holiday is also accompanied by eating pancakes (which the French call crepes and are made from chestnut flour) and a carnival, but it has a different history.

According to legend, in one small town there lived a beautiful girl Roz, whose location every man dreamed of winning. But her heart belonged to her beloved Gabriel. On the evening of Fat Tuesday, there was a raucous party in that town, and the local boys carried Roses into a dance. Gabrielle was out of work. And then a strange figure approached the beauty from the crowd. The stranger grabbed the girl and began to circle ... clattering hooves. When a flame burst out of his nostrils, everyone understood: this is the Devil himself! Roz was already unconscious, and Satan was waiting for the end of the day: with the last blow of the clock, he could take the soul of this enchantress into his dark kingdom. None of the suitors dared to snatch the girl from the hellish embrace, and only Gabriel could do it. Since then, Mardi Gras has been celebrated this way: the holiday must end before midnight.


In Scotland, lean cakes are baked on Shrove Tuesday. To cook them, you need to pour a handful of oatmeal in the palm of your hand. Squeeze your hands tightly and lower them into cold water. You will get a flour ball that needs to be baked in the hearth directly in hot water. For the Scots, the preparation of Shrovetide pancakes is a whole ritual in which the whole family participates.


Greek Shrovetide is called Apokries (literal translation - "without meat") and is marked by a three-week celebration. As a Slavic holiday, Apokries has pagan roots. V Ancient Greece it was dedicated to the god of winemaking Dionysus - the holiday fell on the season when the peasants ran out of meat. Traditionally, a pig was slaughtered and roasted on a spit. A cross was carved on the belly of the pig, and coals with incense were placed on the limbs. When the coals were set on fire, all the participants of the holiday wished each other health and longevity. The tradition of roasting a pig on a fire has survived to this day, as well as a costumed procession. The theatrical performance is accompanied by loud chants and general merriment - this is how people drove evil spirits out of the city in ancient times. And now they are just rejoicing at the beginning of spring and the birth of a new life.


In Iceland, it is customary to arrange a plentiful feast on Maslenitsa these days. Nowadays, they make a special kind of cakes, filled with whipped cream and glazed on the outside. With a new dish comes a new fun. Children wake up their parents early in the morning with a decorated homemade whip, while they shout the name of the cakes: "Bollur, bollur!". How much you have time to shout, so many pieces you will receive. Initially, they had to beat themselves, which, perhaps, goes back to the pagan rite of awakening the forces of nature. After homemade treats, the whole family goes for a walk, and the children are already looking for treats in bakeries. At the same time, they sing songs and recite poems.


In the Czech Republic, on Maslenitsa, young guys smear their faces with soot and go around the whole village to the music. With them they carry a wooden block - "klatik". It is hung around the neck or tied to the arm or leg of all girls. A young girl must pay off in order to get rid of such a "decoration".


Maslenitsa in Norway lasts only three days. All these days you need to eat as much fatty and tasty food as possible.


In Denmark, Maslenitsa is celebrated very cheerfully: they arrange theatrical performances and concerts, students also write humorous notes to their friends, which they pass on to addresses, to their friends, incognito. And if the boy received such a letter from the girl and guessed her name, then on Easter she gives him a chocolate bar.

Now you know what are the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa in other countries. Also save to congratulate each other on the festive week.

How Shrovetide is celebrated around the world

Target: expanding students' knowledge about the country of the language being studied and the traditions of other countries.


    instill interest in the culture, traditions, sights of English-speaking countries;

    to activate existing knowledge of students.




    multimedia installation for showing a presentation;


Development aspect: purposeful development of mental functions associated with speech activity, such as attention, the ability to analyze and synthesize, logical thinking, the ability to identify linguistic patterns, linguistic guess, visual and auditory memory, phonemic hearing.

Educational aspect: work to master speech activity: speaking, listening.

Educational aspect: increasing interest in learning in English, education of culture of language communication, respectful attitude to each other, the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor.

During the classes

Maslenitsa is common, folk holiday. Everyone from young to old took part in the Maslenitsa fun, and many guests came from all volosts.

Maslenitsa is a favorite holiday for many peoples. Each nation has its own traditions and customs associated with this holiday. Today we will get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating this holiday.

This is the longest and funniest holiday not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring has been preserved in different countries and cities. If in Russia it is customary to bake pancakes and burn a scarecrow, then in the countries of Western Europe Maslenitsa smoothly turns into a nationwide carnival, where unbridled laughter, fun and humor reign everywhere during the celebration.

Shrovetide traditions

Carnival is an analogue of Maslenitsa in many countries. It is believed that Maslenitsa is celebrated today by all peoples who have ever had a Druid religion.
At the heart of the holiday is our pagan past. People rejoice that spring takes the place of winter, life takes the place of death, and abundance takes the place of deprivation. Later Christianity drove folk traditions under yourself. The period of festivities fit into the week before Lent. From this came the word "carnival" - from the Latin carnem levare - "remove the meat."

In the Catholic world, the apotheosis of the holiday falls on Tuesday. In Europe it is called Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday", in the USA - "Pancake Day". In Poland, this day, on the contrary, begins Shrovetide week, so the Poles have a "fat" not Tuesday, but Thursday. On this day, they eat donuts stuffed with rose jam.

And on Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, on this day Catholics literally sprinkle ashes on their heads.


In England, pancake races are held on Shrovetide. Exactly at 11.45 the "pancake bell" rings and each participant runs with a hot frying pan and a pancake. According to the rules, women and men participating in the pancake race must be at least 18 years old, each must be dressed in a headscarf and an apron. The task of the participants during the run is to toss a pancake in a frying pan and catch it at least 3 times. The winner of the pancake race is the one who first passes the pancake to the bell ringer.


If the heroes of the Russian Maslenitsa were newlyweds, then in Eastern Europe they were bachelors. In Poland, single men should be especially careful on this day. Proud Poles, having lulled the vigilance of a bachelor with donuts, pancakes, vodka and brushwood, for dessert will certainly ... drag a man by the hair. On the last day of Maslenitsa in Poland, you can go to a tavern for a joke sale. By tradition, the violinist "sells" unmarried girls.


In Scotland, it is customary to bake lean cakes on Shrove Tuesday. in an unusual way. A handful of oatmeal was poured into the palms folded together, after which the flour was strongly squeezed in the palms and immersed in cold water. The resulting ball was baked in the hearth right in hot ash. The Scots consider baking such peculiar pancakes to be an important act in which all family members take part: one greases the pan with oil, another pours dough on it, and turns the third pancake over.


Maslenitsa is called Masopust in Czech. Men are also the main actors here. Young guys with faces smeared with soot go around the whole village to the music, carrying behind them a decorated wooden block - "klatik". Guys hang this bar on each girl's neck or tie it to a leg or arm. If a girl wants to get rid of a burden, she must pay. The day guys paint their faces with Ash Wednesday soot.


Initially, Maslenitsa in Iceland was celebrated with plentiful feasts. By new tradition, on Maslenitsa they use cakes with whipped cream and glaze. Such fun has become a custom - children woke their parents from early morning with a decorated whip, shouting the name of the cakes. How many times you shout - so many cakes and you get. You can walk down the street with songs, begging for cakes in bakeries.


V Shrovetide days Danish schools hold concerts and theatrical performances. Schoolchildren exchange signs of friendship - they pass comic letters to their friends through acquaintances without indicating a return address and authorship. If a boy receives such a letter from a girl and guesses her name, then on Easter the girl should give him chocolate.

In Germany, Maslenitsa falls on the so-called "fifth season", it starts on November 11 at 11:11:11 and lasts for four months. In front of the pubs all Shrovetide week there are straw stuffed animals - nubbels. They take on "all the hard" German revelers and on the last day of the carnival they are burned at the stake.

The largest carnivals are held in Cologne and Düsseldorf. The festivities here begin on "Baby Thursday" with the Women's Carnival. Dressed up and painted women storm the town hall and cut off the ties of men with scissors.

And the culmination of the holiday falls on "Mad" or "Pink Monday". On this day, the traditional parade of huge dolls takes place, which ridicule politicians and topical issues.

In France almost the same as in Ukraine they burn a straw man and bake pancakes. In the province of Breton, this dish is generally considered almost national. Well, the title of the largest festivities is traditionally held by Nice.

On February 17, a huge papier-mâché doll captured the keys to the city, which until March 4 will be dominated by jesters, parades, dances and flower battles. Up to 100 thousand roses, carnations, violets and mimosas will fall on the heads of tourists. This tradition has been going on for over a century.

In Spain, carnival is a celebration of freedom from all rules. They joke and make fun of the elders, things are jokingly stolen from the neighbors. The most famous Spanish carnival is in Santa Cruz, in the Canary Islands. It may seem to people who have fallen on it that they are in Rio de Janeiro - bright grotesque costumes, exposing the body, dancing and love of freedom.

Farewell to the carnival here is a real tragedy. On the last day they arrange "Burial of the Sardine", a real funeral procession moves through the whole city and buries the sardine in the sea or burns it at the stake.


Most interesting way to celebrate Maslenitsa and meet spring is Venice Carnival, which in its scale and beauty surpasses even the carnival trip to Rio de Janeiro. The inhabitants of Venice put on masks and committed pranks and crimes all week, poor and rich changed places. In modern times, tourists in Venice are greeted by a large statue in the form of a bull, which drives severe frosts out of the city during the holiday.

In which countries is MASLENITSA celebrated?

What customs did you learn about today?

Which country's traditions do you like the most?

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