
Application on a winter theme in the preparatory group. The theme of the week is “Winter fun. Puff applications for the New Year


"Winter fun" in the technique of applique. Master class with step by step photos

Rozhkova Maria, 10 years old, student of the 2nd grade "Paper Fantasies" MKOUDO "Spas-Demenskaya Children's Art School", Spas-Demensk, Kaluga Region
Supervisor: Tsukanova Tatyana Petrovna, teacher of the class "Paper fantasies", MKOUDO "Spas-Demenskaya Children's Art School", Spas-Demensk, Kaluga region

Description: panel "Winter fun" - the work is made in the technique of flat appliqué with the addition of decorative elements, designed for interior decoration, for an exhibition.
Purpose: Our master class is designed for younger children school age, teachers primary school, teachers of additional education, creative parents. It may be of interest to kindergarten teachers for classes with children of the preparatory group. It will be interesting for people who are fond of applique technique.
Target: production of panels in the technique of applique.
- to teach the consistent production of panels using the technique of flat paper application;
- learn how to prepare templates for large and small parts on your own, translate into colored paper, cut and combine them, stick;
- develop fine motor skills of fingers, accuracy of hand movements, eye;
- develop memory, attention, creative imagination;
- develop constructive abilities, compositional skills;
- develop imagination and encourage creative initiative;
- to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, independence;
- Raise interest in arts and crafts.
In this master class, we propose to make a panel "Winter Fun" using the flat appliqué technique using additional decor.
As if everyone is familiar with the flat appliqué technique, but I had difficulty translating the details of the templates onto colored paper until I remembered two simple rules:
– Apply the template with the right side to the paper, which lies on the table with the colored side. We must see the wrong side of the template and paper, then everything will turn out without errors.
-First, glue the large parts, and then the small ones.

To improve the skills and abilities of working in the application technique, I chose a picture with a Snow Maiden on skates from the coloring pages. It is mine favourite hobby in winter!

The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we run.
Materials and tools:
colored paper, dyed on one side - blue, purple, yellow, silver or foil, white;
for background - White paper for watercolor;
plastic eyes, red ribbon about 20 centimeters;
pencil, glue, scissors.

You have to be careful with scissors!
When cutting, open the scissors wide and hold them with the ends away from you.
Be careful not to injure the fingers of your left hand.
Pass the scissors only when closed, rings first.
When working, do not hold the scissors with the ends up.
Do not leave them open.
Do not use loose scissors.
Use scissors only at your workplace.
Handle glue carefully!
- close the lid tightly when finished working with glue
- if the glue gets on the skin, it must be wiped with a damp cloth
- Wash hands with soap at the end of work.
Working process:
I chose a picture, imagined how it would look in finished form. I decided that the background will be white as snow! I marked the colors of the parts with felt-tip pens, cut them into parts - templates.

According to the rules, I laid out the templates on colored paper, cut out all the large fragments.

I attached the picture to white watercolor paper, with a pencil, pressing hard, marked the location of the fur coat, turned the picture away, arranged the details (face and fur coat) and checked for light (on the window glass).

I cut the hair a little more to hide the hair under the crown. Translated onto colored paper on window glass! I liked this way of translating small details. Also, checking for light, she arranged her hair, a pigtail, and glued the crown on top. I arranged and glued the boots, and then the stockings.

I glued on the skates. Fur trim and sleeves

I glued the edge on the boots. She put her eyes, mouth, bow, and clapped her hands for joy to see my Snow Maiden!

I glued the eyes and mouth, made snowflakes with the help of a figured hole punch and decorated the fur coat.

Decorating the crown is the most interesting activity! But the foil paper does not shine through, so I had to cut out the decorations on the crown, outline each detail separately, cut it out. I glued it so that the edges of the purple paper were visible.

Decorated the crown with silver snowflakes, traces of skates painted with a felt-tip pen. I painted on glass again!

I drew a chin, nose and eyelashes with a black felt-tip pen

All carved, lace -
Light fluff
They flew to us from the sky
White ... (snowflakes)
Blue paper snowflakes dance with my Snow Maiden.

She tied a bow from a red ribbon, Tatyana Petrovna burned the edges. The bow was glued to the pigtail. I drew a pigtail with a felt-tip pen.

With its tender beauty
She charms everyone
After all, with her arrival in the house
Children's laughter is heard!
In an elegant blue dress
And in boots with heels
She is with Santa Claus
Knock on every house
Here the Snow Maiden turns on
Round dance around the Christmas tree,
With her we are fun and friendly
Let's meet this New Year!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I wish health and happiness to everyone.

Municipal Administrative Preschool Educational institution

Centre Early Development Kindergarten №43

Development of a summary of the lesson on the implementation of applications from paper

"Zimushka - winter"


Ryndia Olga Petrovna



Lesson topic: "Zimushka - winter."

1. The purpose of the lesson: To form the ability to create a winter landscape using the broken appliqué technique.

2. Tasks:

1. Expand children's understanding of winter, the signs of winter;

2. Continue to teach children how to stick ready-made paper forms on the base, to form the ability to make snowflakes using the broken appliqué technique;

3. Develop fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, attention, imagination, creativity;

4. Develop the ability to answer questions, promote the activation of children's speech;

5. Cultivate love for the winter season, for nature, for beauty.

3. Type of lesson: complex.

4. Form of occupation: frontal, group, individual.

5. Duration: 20 minutes.

6. Participants: children of the middle group.

7. Age of students: 4-5 years.

8. Equipment and materials: CD- a player with a recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky's melody "The Seasons" "January", ready-made parts for appliqué (trees), a sheet of white paper for snow, a dark-colored appliqué base, a glue stick (for each child), an appliqué sample, reproductions of the painting "Winter" by I. Shishkin, illustrations depicting winter natural phenomena, magnetic board.

9. Preliminary preparation: looking at illustrations depicting winter landscapes, getting to know poetry, proverbs, riddles about winter, reading G.Kh. Andersen's fairy tale " The Snow Queen”, on a walk, modeling various figures from snow, observing and examining snowflakes, preparing details for appliqué.

10. Methods and techniques for working with children:

Verbal (story, questions,conversation, explanation) visual (demonstration of a reproduction of the painting by I. Shishkin "Winter", illustrations depicting winter natural phenomena),corrective (physical minute, finger gymnastics),game (riddles about winter, about winter natural phenomena).

11. The structure of the lesson:

Main part (Motivational-orienting stage)

Guessing riddles about winter, talking about winter, guessing riddles about winter natural phenomena, physical education “We will build a snowball”, looking at a reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Winter”, talking about the picture, finger gymnastics “Snowballs”, performing a broken application

16 min.

End of the lesson (Reflective-evaluative stage)

Exhibition of children's work, switching children to another activity

3 min.

12. The course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

(The teacher and the children gather on the carpet in a circle.)

A minute of entry into the day "Circle of Joy".

Educator: Good morning, children! Snowy and cold weather this morning! I didn't want to get out of my warm, cozy home. But I so wanted to meet you and I am very glad about it!

Let's join hands and greet each other in unison:

With Good morning with good light!

With kind word and hello!

Children: (Repeat greetings.)

2. Motivation-indicative stage.

Educator: Guys, guess riddles:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

Children: Winter!

Educator: Well done! Next riddle:

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,

The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Children: In winter!

Teacher: All right! Who among you loves this time of year and why?

Children: You can build a snowman, sledding, skating, playing snowballs.

Educator: Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Many phenomena are associated with it in nature. Guess what winter natural phenomena I will tell you about.(Each time the riddle is guessed, the teacher attaches an illustration depicting the answer to the board.)

From the sky - a star,

On the palm of your hand - water.(Snow.)

The children sat on the ledge

And they keep growing up and down.(Icicles.)

Transparent as glass

Don't put it in the window.(Ice.)

Not snow and not ice

And silver will remove all the trees.(Frost.)

Educator: Well done! All the riddles have been guessed, and now let's have a rest:

Physical education minute "We will build a snowball"

We went out into the street(Marching)

It's snowing! (Hands up and to the sides)

Here we take the shovels,(work with shovels)

Yes, we will shovel all the snow.(work with shovels)

We stomp the path(stomp their feet)

To the very threshold(stomp their feet)

Making round snowballs(They make snowballs)

And huge lumps(Show big ball)

We'll build a snow house(Marching)

We will live together in it.(clap)

Teacher: Did you rest?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Guys, lookhow the artist I. Shishkin saw and depicted winter(showing a reproduction of the painting by I. Shishkin "Winter") .

What is shown in the picture?

Children: Winter, forest, snow all around.

Educator: What can you say about snow? What is he?

Children: White, silver, cold, fluffy.

Educator: Name the snow affectionately?

Children: Snowball.

Educator: Look how the snow covered the whole earth and trees, how it sparkles, shines beautifully in the sun. Let's try to depict a snow-covered forest. Please take your seats.

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics"Snowballs".

We'll take some snow

We make snowballs in our palms.

They rushed together -

Our hands stretched.

And now it's time to create -

Snow-covered forest "sculpt".

Educator: On the sheets of paper lying in front of you, first we paste the trees, depicting a forest.

Children:(Perform task.)

Educator: This is what a wonderful forest we have turned out to be, but the snow has not yet fallen. And here comes the snowfall. But snow flakes, we will in an unusual way: from white paper, cutting it off with your hands.

(The teacher shows how to make appliqué details using paper tearing.)

Educator: Now we need to think about how to stick the resulting "flakes" on our landscape. Think about how to do it so that it turns out beautifully, like a real artist.

Children: Snow, when it falls, falls on the branches of trees, spins in the air.

Educator: Then you glue your "flakes" on the branches of trees, on the Christmas tree. And some snowflakes, maybe, will spin in the air?

(In the course of the explanation, the teacher shows the techniques for gluing parts.)

Educator: I wonder what kind of winter forest you will get?

(Children perform the task to the musical accompaniment of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "January".)

3. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Educator: Guys, now we will arrange an exhibition, place your work on the board.

(Children carry their work and hang it on the board.) (Appendix 1)

Educator: What beautiful pictures winter forest we got it, which picture did you like the most?

Children: This one, there is a beautiful snowfall on it.

Children: And on this one the trees are interesting.

Children: And the neatest work, this one.

Educator: What application or what kind of "winter" drawing would you like to draw?

13. Literature:

1. Amokov A.B. Application art. Book. For classes with young and middle-aged children. M., 2002.

2. Komarova T.S. Classes for visual activity in kindergarten. M., 1991

3. Malik O.A. Application classes: we develop the independence of preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010. - 96 p.

4. Novikova I.V. Working with non-traditional materials in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: LLC "Academy of Development", 2012. - 112 p.

5. Svetlova I. We develop fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. "Eksmo", M., 2005.

Appendix 1

Spending time with kids is always exciting and interesting. Sometimes you can hear such pearls from their lips that you involuntarily understand: life is beautiful. Their spontaneity and positiveness can ignite anyone, and a sincere smile can awaken a spark of kindness even in the most callous heart.

Because of their qualities, we want to spend more and more time with the kids, especially since in the winter you can come up with a lot of entertainment for any child. On the street, you can play snowballs and go sledding, build a snowman or just take a walk in the snow-covered park. But at home all those emotions from fun games will help to realize the application on the theme "Winter".

In fact, there are a lot of options for such crafts. In this article, we will look at the most interesting ideas different levels of complexity and try to bring them to life together with the baby.

Craft "Christmas wreath"

Making your own is always fun. Application "Winter" should be not only beautiful, but also useful - often we make such a requirement for our creation. Such a wreath can not only be made with pleasure, but also hung on the door as an interesting element of the interior at the time of the New Year holidays.

1. Cut out round shape from foam with a hole inside, cover the base silver paint from a balloon.

2. At this point, your child can cut into thin strips of white and light cream fabric, which will serve as decoration.

3. We fasten the edge of the fabric to the glue gun and gradually wrap the foam, securing each turn with a small drop of glue. Do this carefully, as the glue at high temperature can simply burn this base.

4. The application on the theme "Winter" is almost ready, it remains only to attach small elements for the final decor. It can be foam balls, snowflakes, bells, imitation of mistletoe twigs and many other elements that are suitable for our craft.

"Christmas mittens"

No more complicated is the following application "Winter". middle group kindergarten can easily cope with such a simple and beautiful handicraft. It can be hung on a Christmas tree or decorate a wall.

1. We draw a mitten by hand on the back of the cardboard or translate its outline using a pattern, carefully cut it out.

2. With an awl, we evenly make holes in six places of the mittens.

3. We fix the thread on the back of the cardboard, insert it one by one into each hole and thereby create a binding in the form of a snowflake.

4. We attach cotton wool to the glue at the very "base" of the snowflake, let it dry. If desired, you can fasten the mittens together on the wrong side and hang both at once in the place you need.

"Polar Bear"

There is another interesting option with which you can constantly fantasize and invent - this is an eternal occupation. Application "Winter" or "Polar Bear" will definitely cheer you up and your child.

1. Cut out an even white circle from cardboard for the muzzle and two small semicircles for the ears.

2. Cut out a lot of small squares from crepe paper.

3. We attach a small one to the superglue a plastic cup just below the middle of the circle, fasten the eyes. For the eyes, you can buy special blanks for toys or simply cut out two small circles from cardboard and fix
at an equal distance above the nose of the future bear.

4. We begin to fasten the workpieces. With reverse side in the middle of the square we drip glue, fix it on the base. We fasten each next piece tightly to the previous one so as not to leave gaps.

5. If desired, you can attach a hook and hang your creation on the wall.

"Ice Tale"

Any kind of creativity, including the application, will help to express all your feelings and emotions. "Winter has come" - just two words, but how many memories and pleasant moments immediately come to mind! Fans of sports recreation and skating should definitely do something like this!

1. We smear blue cardboard with glue in a stick, sprinkle with sparkles until it is high.

2. We cut out heroes from magazines or ordinary coloring books, on this craft it is a girl on skates and two Christmas trees. It is advisable to cut out the figures with a small allowance, for which we will attach them to the cardboard.

3. Lubricate the remaining distance after the drawing with glue, attach it to the cardboard.

4. For fidelity, you can make the characters more resistant - attach a piece of cotton wool on the back side, as if it were an ordinary snowdrift. So that it is not too conspicuous, we also glue the edging of the cardboard with cotton wool.

"Winter forest"

There is another wonderful application "Winter". Senior group who will perform this task must be assiduous and attentive. It is under these conditions that the craft will turn out beautiful and give a lot of positive emotions.

1. We put a lot of white dots on the blue cardboard that will imitate snowfall.

2. We draw the contour of a snowdrift with a smooth line, paint over it with white gouache.

3. Cut out three brown rectangles, glue them on the "snowdrift".

Such an application on the theme "Winter" will help you have fun and forget about everyday affairs.

What else is the benefit of creating crafts?

In addition to the aesthetic and entertainment purpose of creating crafts, there are many other useful factors.

1. During such creativity develops fine motor skills hands

2. Application on the theme "Winter" requires a lot of attention and develops perseverance.

3. Discussion of options and the process of creating crafts contributes to the development creativity child.

4. Thanks to the initiative of the parents, the baby will master many needlework techniques from childhood, which will definitely come in handy in life.

5. Creativity is a great way to have fun and spend time together with your family.

6. Thanks to crafts, you can perfectly decorate the interior without involving designers and without investing a lot of money.

7. After many years, your child, who has already matured, will definitely remember those times with tenderness, looking at his children's creativity.

Thus, crafts are best idea for those who still doubt how to spend time, but various techniques and working together will only make this process more fun and enjoyable!

Application for preschoolers from colored paper. Winter

Application "Winter night"

The picture is made in the technique of torn appliqué. Pieces of paper are torn from the sheet by hand and a landscape is laid out from them, like from a mosaic. The technique is good because at any time the craft can be corrected or supplemented by simply sticking pieces of paper on top with a new layer.

colored paper

Step by step workflow:

1. On cardboard with a pencil, we outline the contours of the Christmas tree, the month

2. Lubricate the selected plot area with glue and fill it with pieces of paper, forming the desired contours.

3. The contour of the month can be painted with gouache for brightness.

4. Draw snowflakes with thick paint using a cotton swab.

Finished work

Application for children "Winter lace"

Required materials and tools:

colored paper


Step by step workflow

1. On a blue sheet of cardboard, outline the outlines of the plot. Cut out tree trunks and glue them. With a felt-tip pen, lightly tint the white trunks.

2. Cut out snowflakes of arbitrary shape from thin white paper. Combining snowflakes different size and parts of snowflakes, we form the crowns of snow-covered trees.

3. We revive the craft with cotton wool snow and sparkling snowfall from finely chopped foil.

The picture uses traditional white paper snowflakes. We fold the paper circle in half three times, cut the teeth along the edges and in the center, make cutouts inside and unfold the snowflake.

Finished work

Do-it-yourself paper application on the theme: "Winter-winter". Master class with step by step photo.

Laikam Olga Vasilievna-educator, MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 121, Kaliningrad
Target: Creating an application from paper on a winter theme.
-To teach children to create a picture with a three-dimensional application using the method of trimming, cutting out relief figures, objects;
- Strengthen the skills of folding paper in half in children, improve skills in working with scissors;
-Develop artistic and aesthetic taste;
To instill in children the desire to bring joy to themselves and others with crafts made by themselves.
-Educate accuracy when working with glue.
The work will be interesting for primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, teachers of additional education, as well as for creative parents.
O. Fokina
Deep snow all around
Where I don't look.
A blizzard sweeps and swirls.
Do you recognize winter?
The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
Frozen motionless,
Snowdrifts burn with silver,
Do you recognize winter?

For MK we need materials:

- colored paper;
-White paper;
- a white napkin;
- a disposable plate of blue color;
-PVA glue;
brush for glue;
- rod from a ballpoint pen;
- a ruler and a simple pencil.

We start making blanks for future trees, a roof and a window for a house. To do this, cut out squares, rectangles from a sheet of white paper (you choose the size yourself, depending on the volume of the plate you have prepared).

The next step is to carefully fold our blanks in half.

Now, on folded leaves, we draw trees, a spruce, a window, a roof of a house. Pay attention when you do this with a child, explain that you need to draw a half of the tree from the side of the fold of the sheet.

This is what we should get when you carefully cut out these shapes.

From a sheet of green paper, I cut out a base square for our house (the size depends on the diameter of the plate).

It remains to prepare small squares for voluminous "snow", which we will lay out by trimming. To do this, we take a napkin and cut it, first into strips 1 cm wide, and then we cut these strips into squares 1x1 cm in size.

And now, when all the blanks are cut out, we proceed to the most important work, gluing all the figures onto the plate. First, we glue the house (green square).

then, I paste the roof. My roof turned out to be already snowy, fluffy.

Now trees have "grown" near our house. You can arrange the trees at your discretion. We glue a window on the house, add a pipe with smoke on the roof.

We start laying out the "snow". To do this, we thickly smear the plate with glue and begin to twist the napkin squares. We take the square, insert the rod from the handle into the middle and scroll the napkin without removing it from the rod with glue onto the plate. And so one by one, we glue the entire bottom of the plate.

I got these little snowdrifts. But something is missing in our picture, a little more snow.

Let's add snow, for this I took white gouache and shaded it a little over the house, trees, to give our picture a winter landscape.

To give an even more fabulous picture, you can add finely chopped silver tinsel.
Our work is finished, now it can be arranged in a craft corner, attached to children's corner. I think that you will find a place for her. Creative success to you!