
When the carnival takes place in Venice. Guided tour of Venice

Breast cancer

Venice! The most beautiful place where romance reigns, love is in the air, and real happiness is read in the faces of bystanders. Every year this ancient fabulous city invites everyone to immerse themselves in Italian culture and personally take part in breathtaking events unfolding just on the streets! The Venice Carnival will undoubtedly be able to conquer even the hardest heart of a stubborn person.

It is impossible to resist the colorful, enchanting action, a part of which will forever remain with everyone who at least once sees it with their own eyes. Carnival in Venice in 2017 will find its beginning on February 11 and will last for 17 days, ending on February 28.

During the carnival, Venice in the most magical way turns into a huge stage, townspeople and guests dressed in costumes and masks pour out onto the streets and bridges, and a magnificent performance begins. Have you been to the masquerade ball? Have you ever, even for a day, changed so much that you even feel, think differently?

Carnival in Venice gives local residents, as well as its guests, a wonderful opportunity to take part in a masquerade performance and for a while become anyone - a proud queen or a funny jester. The Venice Carnival erases the boundaries and lifts the curtain of adventure for us!

About the history of the carnival

It is possible that the history of the Venetian carnival began much earlier, but the first mention of sim grand event dates back to 1094. Then, and until the XIV century, carnival masks were not worn, but the carnival did not lose much in its popularity.

Traditional folk festivities in the beautiful Piazza San Marco began in 1162 and were timed to coincide with the victory over the Patriarch of Aquileia. There is evidence that since 1162, the Venetian carnival has become an annual, most anticipated event not only for the inhabitants of Venice, but also for its many guests.

The exact date of the celebration was announced by the Senate of the Venetian Republic only in 1296 - the annual carnival in Venice begins with last day before Great Lent. Since each year falls on different days, there is no single date for the celebration of the Venetian carnival. But it is not so difficult to calculate on what days the carnival will be in a given year, knowing the dates of Lent.

The Venetian carnival has changed over the years, they wanted to ban it, it was forbidden and revived again. Since 1979, by the decision of the Italian government, Venice Carnivals have become a mandatory annual event that serves as an excellent method for popularizing the culture of Italy and, in particular, Venice, its history and traditions. Over half a million guests are greeted by the pearl of the Adriatic every year.

Main attribute

Undoubtedly, at the mention of the Venetian carnival, nothing but carnival comes to mind, which is not only an invariable attribute, but also a traditional symbol of the carnival in Venice.

Even centuries ago, masks were worn for six months - from hot August to the very Lent. Girls of easy virtue wore masks always and everywhere, which even served as the reason for the ban on wearing masks by the Council of Ten. In those days, to be more precise, in 1703, the number of brothels, where any interested person could be nibbled by the "night butterflies" of Venice, grew like mushrooms after the rain.

In addition, masks were used not only to hide the face and, thereby, add a certain note of mystery, - masquerade masks began to be used by criminals to commit their atrocities. But the people greeted the ban on masks with discontent. In 1704, the decision of the Council of Ten was canceled and the Venetian carnival again turned into a huge and grandiose masquerade ball.

The main celebrations of the 2017 carnival in Venice

To date, the approximate dates of upcoming events are known, which means that the dates of the festivities may still be adjusted. Despite this, you can get acquainted with the traditional format of the carnival, which has remained unchanged for years.

On February 11, 2017, on the first day of the carnival, residents and guests of the city on the water will be able to take part in the La Festa Veneziana holiday. This evening, many people, both in masquerade and ordinary clothes, will gather in the main Venetian square - San Marco.

The direct participants in the carnival will have a delightful opportunity to see and hear wonderful things: first, a solemn hymn will sound, and then a paper figurine will be released from the towering bell tower of the Venetian Cathedral - the Columbine dove, which will explode with a million sparks, completing its flight. It is popularly believed that a glitter falling on clothes carries great luck, therefore, both tourists and the indigenous inhabitants of Venice diligently catch shiny confetti- a bit of luck won't hurt anyone, right?

A week later, on February 18, 2017, in the same square, you can witness the central event of the Venice Carnival - the Festa delle Marie. The participants of the competition, the beautiful Mary, will walk through the streets of Venice and conclude their procession in Piazza San Marco, where they will be presented to the public. The winner of the competition will receive her share of applause and admiration, and will also be able to participate in the theatrical performance of the Venice Carnival next year.

Carnival theme: CREATUM, or about arts and traditions

The Venice Carnival will begin on Saturday 11 February with a grand opening ceremony on the Cannaregio Canal, and the action will affect not only water, but also air.
Musicians and artists will entertain the audience, and the combination of vibrant sounds and colors will bring joy and delight to participate in these simple but deep traditions.
The program of the carnival includes the flight of the Angel and the Eagle, costume processions and masquerades, the Doge's ball and the Tiepolo's ball, the parade and the holiday of the Mary, holidays and balls in the Venetian palaces, a competition for the most beautiful mask, flight of a lion ... until February 28, the last
carnival day, which traditionally falls on "Fat Tuesday".

February 11 (Saturday)
Carnival opening
The opening ceremony will be held twice: in 18.00 with a repeat at 20.00 on the Canarejo Canal, which will overwhelm a riot of colors, sounds and lights.
18.00 – 18.30 first performance
20.00 – 20.30 repetition of performance
The festivities will continue on February 12th: a motorcade of the Rowers' Associations will pass through the canals, and treats based on typical Venetian dishes will be arranged.

12th of February(Sunday)
"The Festival of Venice on the Water" - a continuation of the grand opening of the Carnival
Startv11:00 onchannelCannaregio
The motorcade of the Voga alla Veneta Rowing Association will once again proceed along the Grand Canal: the cortege will set sail from Punta della Dogana
and will end on the Cannaregio Canal.
carnival sweets (donuts and sweet brushwood) and purely Venetian treats "chiketi".
v 11.00 : the beginning of the animation on the Cannaregio canal embankment
With 12.00 : work of gastronomic stands
With 12.00 : cortege of the Voga-alla-Veneta rowing associations

February 18(Saturday)

Contestants will take to the podium twice, competing in the beauty of their costumes, masks and wigs, and the choice of the winner is up to the public: everyone can vote for their favorite mask and costume. The winners will take part in any of the processions,
which will take place on February 23-25, and in the final parade on February 26. New for this season are two children's parades on February 27th. Participation in the parades is free, but you must first submit an application by e-mail (application).

Mari Festival parade
Start at 14:30
Via Garibaldi street
The traditional Feast of the Mari will begin at the Church of San Pietro di Castello at about 14:30, and the parade will proceed along Via Garibaldi and the Schiavoni promenade and reach the stage in Piazza San Marco at 16:00, where all twelve participants will be officially introduced to the public. At 17.00, the celebration will end with the performance of the traditional collective dance "farandola", during which the audience will pass along the square to the music.

Waiting for Mari
Start at 15:00

St. Mark's Square
From half past three, to the music and entertainment in Piazza San Marco, the expectation of the arrival of the Procession of the Mari will begin.

Feast of Mary
Start at 16:00
St. Mark's Square
This holiday has ancient roots: it is held in memory of the tradition according to which the Doge of Venice once a year generously presented decorations to twelve beautiful but poor brides in order to make them a wedding dowry. The holiday lasts for several days and gives the opportunity to admire traditional Venetian dresses; the celebration ends with the election of Mary Carnival. The festivities will begin on Saturday 7 February with a procession of the previously selected twelve Venetian women, accompanied by historically costumed groups.

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 19 (Sunday)
Waiting for the Angel of Carnival
Start at 11:00
St. Mark's Square

While waiting for the Flight of the Angel, traditional festive events and parades unfold on the stage in Piazza San Marco.
Their participants amaze with the sophistication and richness of costumes, and the action is a riot of colors and sparkling fun.

The breathtaking Flight of the Angel officially kicks off the carnival celebrations in St. Mark's Square. According to the prevailing
Traditions The angel who will fly over the crowded square and sink into the arms of the Doge will be Maria the winner of the 2016 Carnival, Claudia Markiori, in a dress made by Stefano Nicolao's atelier. Then the Doge's cortege will pass.

Competition for the best carnival mask
Starting at 15:00 in Piazza San Marco

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

20 February(Monday)
Competition for the best carnival mask

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 21 (Tuesday)
Competition for the best carnival mask

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 22 (Wednesday)
Competition for the best carnival mask
Start at 12:30 in Piazza San Marco
And at 14:30 in Piazza San Marco
Gallery of Wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 23 (Thursday)
Start at 12:00 in Piazza San Marco
Masquerade ball and "Cutting off the head of a bull"
Starting at 14:00 in Piazza San Marco
Fat Thursday holiday
During the masquerade ball, there will be two festive processions. This holiday reproduces a curious incident that occurred on Fat Thursday 1162, when the Doge Vitale II Michel celebrated the victory over the Patriarch Ulrico of Aquileia and the twelve rebellious feudal lords. In memory of the attempted rebellion, which was literally drowned in blood, the patriarch's successors had to send a bull, 12 loaves of bread and 12 well-fed piglets as compensation to the ruling Doge every year. The bull, symbolizing the Patriarch, and 12 piglets, symbolizing the 12 rebellious vassals, were put on the square for general mockery, then the bull was chopped off, and this spectacle was the culmination of the entire ritual. By the way, this is where the traditional Venetian proverb “Chop off the head of a bull”, meaning “to finish the job once and for all,” came from here. The meat of a slaughtered bull in those ancient times was sent to the kitchen and prepared from it a treat for the nobility, clergy,
common people and prisoners.

Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 14:30 in Piazza San Marco

Vote for me!
Starting at 20:00 in Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista
paid entrance
Musical divertissement-irony on the theme of elections. With the help of musical excerpts from classical composers, interspersed with excerpts from unknown chansonniers, you will be transported into the sparkling world of Parisian cafes, where with the help of music someone is agitating and someone is protesting. Indeed, already Louis XIV and Napoleon well understood how music - and especially folk songs, comic operas and operettas - was an effective weapon in the political struggle. It will be a concert-collage of daring songs, mocking deceitful rhetoric and manipulations in the spirit of the Carnival 2017 theme, which has absorbed the motives of the Vanity Fair. In lively and witty excerpts from Offenbach,Saint-Saëns,Lecocq,Hervé,Bruant,Boissière A red thread runs through the image of France, in which two political candidates are fighting for power.
Lara Neumann soprano (as France)
Ingrid Perruche soprano (as a feminist candidate)
Arnaud Marzorati baritono (as the politician-magician)
Ticket price: EUR 20.00
Gallery of wonders
Starts 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 24 (Friday)
Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 12:30 in Piazza San Marco
Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 25 (Saturday)
Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 12:30 in Piazza San Marco
And at 14:30 in Piazza San Marco
Carnival parade in the Marghera area
Starting at 15:00, Marghera district
A large parade of carnival allegorical carts and a masquerade parade will take place along the central streets of Citta Giardino like this
by route: Bartolomeo Benvenuto street - Avezani street - Concordia square - Mercato square - Cesare Rossarol street - Angelo Toffoli street - Lazzaro square - Giorgio Rizzardi street - Sant'Antonio square and will end again in Mercato square.
In case of bad weather, the parade will be rescheduled on Saturday 4th March.
Gathering at Via Fratelli Bandjeran, opposite the Church of San Michele.
Carnival of the guys from Zelarino

On February 25, at the Polo shopping center, adults and kids will find entertainment and carnival treats. On February 28 at 14:30 on the main street of Zelarino, a parade of carnival allegorical carts and a masquerade parade will take place with the participation of different provinces of the Veneto region. The parade will open with a spectacular performance of the flag-bearers jugglers from Noale. In case of bad weather, the parade will be rescheduled. Of all
carnival treats await those present.

Master class for kids (6-10 years old)
Start at 16:30
Palazzetto Bru Zane Palace

After listening and analyzing several musical excerpts from Saint-Saens, children will be able to themselves using modern methods
arrange and remake this music.

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 26 (Sunday)
Eagle flying
Start at 12:00 in Piazza San Marco
Flight of the Eagle: Another spectacular flight over St. Mark's Square. The performer of the role of the eagle descends the rope from the bell tower to the stage built on the square. A few days before the event, Marco Maccapani, art director of the Venice Carnival, will reveal the secret of who will play the role of the eagle 2017. In 2016, the famous Italian bass player Saturnino Celani played this role.

Donkey flight
Start at 12:00 in Piazza Ferretto in Mestre
This traditional carnival event, taking place in the suburbs of Venice, will be held in a new format in 2017 and will present the audience with several surprises. The donkey flight will open the festive program of the last Sunday of the Carnival in Mestre, and then the celebrations will continue throughout the day in different parts of Venice.

Competition for the best carnival mask
The final!
Start at 14:30 in Piazza San Marco
An expert jury will select two winners in two nominations: the most beautiful mask and the mask that best suits the theme of the Carnival. The final will be attended by all winners of the masks who participated in the parades on February 23rd, 24th and 25th.

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 27 (Monday)
Chocolate in the workshop of Pietro Longhi
Beginning at 16:30 at the Ka 'Vendramin Kalerjee Palace
Participation is paid
This year the celebration will take place in one of the most prestigious palaces of the Grand Canal - Ka'Vendramin Kalerji. Within the walls of this magnificent palace, created by the famous architects of the Venetian Renaissance, you will find the most exciting adventure possible: the search true love!!! In exchange for 100 euros, you will receive a whole lot of surprises and entertainment, exciting shows and a hearty treat. Whoever wishes to stay for the gala dinner, which will be served in the same palace, will have to fork out another 450 euros - a magnificent feast and a cup of excellent chocolate are guaranteed!
Information and reservations:
Atelier Pietro Longhi - Francesco Breeches
Tel: +39 041 714478 Mobile: + 39 328 97 06 572

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

February 28 (Tuesday)
Competition for the best carnival mask
Start at 12:00 in Piazza San Marco
Become the hero of the carnival parade! Take part in the procession in St. Mark's Square.
Competition for the best carnival mask
Start at 14:30 in Piazza San Marco
Attention! Attention! The last chance to become the hero of the carnival parade! Participate in the procession in St. Mark's Square
Carnival of the guys from Zelarino
Starting at 15:00, Zelarino area
On February 28 at 14:30 on the main street of Zelarino, a parade of carnival allegorical carts and a masquerade parade will take place with the participation of different provinces of the Veneto region. The parade will open with a spectacular performance of the flag-bearers jugglers from Noale. In case of bad weather, the parade will be rescheduled. Carnival treats await everyone present.

Waiting for the twelve Mari
Waiting starts at 15:00 in Piazza San Marco
Waiting for the appearance of twelve girls on the stage in St. Mark's Square for the final award and the election of Mary
Carnival 2017. Participants' hairstyles from studio Monika e Umberto - Mercerie San Salvador. Makeup from Francesca Chiozzotto for studio “Monika e Umberto”. Uncombed Maria without makeup is not allowed on stage J

Rewarding Maria Carnival 2017
Start at 16:00 in Piazza San Marco
All those gathered in the square will witness the awarding and coronation of the victorious Mary after the end of the water
cortege, which will depart from the Church of San Giacomo del'Orio. At 4.30 pm, the Doge will solemnly place the crown on the head of the sweetest and most graceful of the twelve young ladies.
Master of Ceremonies and Host Maurice Agosty.
Read more on the website:
Flight of a lion
Start at 17:00 in Piazza San Marco
The carnival is drawing to a close and a farewell pay homage to the winged Lion of St. Mark, the eternal symbol of Venice. Pictured
on a huge red cloth, he will rise to the bell tower, flying over the admiring audience. On the stage in St. Mac's Square, he will be received by twelve beautiful girls - twelve Marys. This spectacular and touching ritual of farewell to Carnival 2017 until the next Carnival 2018, which will be held from January 27 to February 13.

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
PalaceKa 'Vendramin Kalerjee
Participation is paid

Carnival theme: CREATUM, or about arts and traditions
Carnival dates: 11-28 February 2017

The Venice Carnival will begin on Saturday 11 February with a grand opening ceremony on the Cannaregio Canal, and the action will affect not only water, but also air.

Musicians and artists will entertain the audience, and the combination of vibrant sounds and colors will bring joy and delight to participate in these simple but deep traditions.

The program of the carnival includes the flight of the Angel and the Eagle, fancy-dress processions and masquerades, the Doge's ball and the Tiepolo's ball, the parade and the festival of Mary, holidays and balls in the Venetian palaces, the competition for the most beautiful mask, the flight of the lion ... until February 28, the last day of the carnival, which traditionally falls on Fat Tuesday.

February 11 - Saturday. Carnival opening

The opening ceremony will take place twice: at 18.00 with a repeat at 20.00 on the Canarejo Canal, which will overwhelm a riot of colors, sounds and lights.
18.00 - 18.30 first performance
20.00 - 20.30 repetition of the performance

The festivities will continue on February 12th: a motorcade of the Rowers' Associations will pass through the canals, and treats based on typical Venetian dishes will be arranged.
This is how the opening took place in 2016:

February 12 - Sunday. "Festival of Venice on the water"

Continuation of the grand opening of the Carnival
Starting at 11:00 on the Cannaregio Canal

The cortege of the Voga alla Veneta Rowing Association will once again proceed along the Grand Canal: the cortege will sail from Punta della Dogana and end on the Cannaregio Canal.
Upon the arrival of the boats, gastronomic stands will open, where you can taste traditional carnival sweets (donuts and sweet brushwood) and purely Venetian treats "chiketi".

at 11.00: start of animation on the Cannaregio embankment
from 12.00: work of gastronomic stands
from 12.00: motorcade of the Voga alla Veneta rowing associations

February 18 - Saturday

Contestants will take to the podium twice, competing in the beauty of their costumes, masks and wigs, and the choice of the winner is up to the public: everyone can vote for their favorite mask and costume. The winners will take part in any of the processions that will take place on February 23-25, and in the final parade on February 26.

New for this season are two children's parades on February 27th. Participation in the parades is free, but you must first submit an application by e-mail.

Mari Festival parade
Beginning at 14.30, Via Garibaldi street

The traditional Feast of the Mari will begin at the Church of San Pietro di Castello at about 2.30 pm, the parade will proceed along Via Garibaldi and the Schiavoni promenade and reach the stage in Piazza San Marco at 4 pm, where all twelve participants will be officially introduced to the public.

At 17.00, the celebration will end with the performance of the traditional collective dance "farandola", during which the audience will pass along the square to the music.

Waiting for Mari

From half past three, to the music and entertainment in Piazza San Marco, the expectation of the arrival of the Procession of the Mari will begin.

Feast of Mary
Beginning at 16.00, Piazza San Marco

This holiday has ancient roots: it is held in memory of the tradition according to which the Doge of Venice once a year generously presented decorations to twelve beautiful but poor brides in order to make them a wedding dowry.

The holiday lasts for several days and gives the opportunity to admire traditional Venetian dresses; the celebration ends with the election of Mary Carnival. The festivities will begin on Saturday 7 February with a procession of the previously selected twelve Venetian women, accompanied by historically costumed groups.

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00

Participation is paid

February 19 - Sunday

Waiting for the Angel of Carnival
Starting at 11.00, Piazza San Marco
While waiting for the Flight of the Angel, traditional festive events and parades unfold on the stage in Piazza San Marco. Their participants amaze with the sophistication and richness of costumes, and the action is a riot of colors and sparkling fun.

Flight of an Angel
12.00, St. Mark's Square
The breathtaking Flight of the Angel officially kicks off the carnival celebrations in St. Mark's Square.

According to the established tradition, the Angel who will fly over the crowded square and sink into the arms of the Doge will be Maria, the winner of the 2016 Carnival, Claudia Markiori, in a dress made by Stefano Nicolao's atelier. Then the Doge's cortege will pass.

Beginning at 15.00, Piazza San Marco

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 20 - Monday

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 21 - Tuesday

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 22 - Wednesday

Start at 12.30 in Piazza San Marco
And at 14.30 in Piazza San Marco

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 23 - Thursday

Masquerade ball and "Cutting off the head of a bull"
Beginning at 14.00 in Piazza San Marco
Fat Thursday holiday
During the masquerade ball, there will be two festive processions.

This holiday reproduces a curious incident that occurred on Fat Thursday 1162, when the Doge Vitale II Michel celebrated the victory over the Patriarch Ulrico of Aquileia and the twelve rebellious feudal lords.

In memory of the attempted rebellion, which was literally drowned in blood, the patriarch's successors had to send a bull, 12 loaves of bread and 12 well-fed piglets as compensation to the ruling Doge every year.

The bull, symbolizing the Patriarch, and 12 piglets, symbolizing the 12 rebellious vassals, were put on the square for general mockery, then the bull was chopped off, and this spectacle was the culmination of the entire ritual. By the way, this is where the traditional Venetian proverb “Chop off the head of a bull”, meaning “to finish the job once and for all,” came from here.

The meat of a slaughtered bull in those distant times was sent to the kitchen and a treat was prepared from it for the nobility, clergy, common people and prisoners.

Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 14.30 in Piazza San Marco

Musical divertissement-irony on the theme of elections. With the help of musical excerpts from classical composers, interspersed with excerpts from unknown chansonniers, you will be transported into the sparkling world of Parisian cafes, where with the help of music someone is agitating and someone is protesting. Indeed, already Louis XIV and Napoleon well understood how music - and especially folk songs, comic operas and operettas - was an effective weapon in the political struggle.

It will be a concert-collage of daring songs, mocking deceitful rhetoric and manipulations in the spirit of the Carnival 2017 theme, which has absorbed the motives of the Vanity Fair. In lively and witty excerpts from Offenbach, Saint-Saëns, Lecocq, Hervé, Bruant, Boissière, the image of France, in which two political candidates are fighting for power, runs like a red thread.

Lara Neumann soprano (as France)
Ingrid Perruche soprano (as a feminist candidate)
Arnaud Marzorati baritono (as the politician-magician)

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 24 - Friday

Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 12.30 in Piazza San Marco

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 25 - Saturday

Competition for the best carnival mask with the right to participate in the final
Start at 12.30 in Piazza San Marco
And at 14.30 in Piazza San Marco

Carnival parade in the Marghera area
Beginning at 15.00, Marghera district

A large parade of carnival allegorical carts and a masquerade parade will take place along the central streets of Citta Giardino on the following route: Rue Bartolomeo Benvenuto - Rue Avezani - Piazza Concordia - Piazza Mercato - Cesare Rossarol street - Angelo Toffoli street - Lazzaro square - Giorgio Rizzardi street - Piazza Santorini 'Antonio and will end again at Piazza Mercato.
In case of bad weather, the parade will be rescheduled to Saturday 4 March.
Gathering at Via Fratelli Bandiera in front of the Church of San Michele.

Carnival of the guys from Zelarino
Beginning at 15.00, Zelarino area
On February 25, in the shopping center "Polo", adults and kids will find entertainment and carnival treats.

Master class for kids (6-10 years old)
Starting at 16.30
Palazzetto Bru Zane Palace
After listening and analyzing several musical excerpts from Saint-Saens, children will be able to arrange and remake this music themselves using modern methods.

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 26 - Sunday

Eagle flight
Start at 12:00 in Piazza San Marco

Flight of the Eagle: Another spectacular flight over St. Mark's Square. The performer of the role of the eagle descends the rope from the bell tower to the stage built on the square. A few days before the event, Marco Maccapani, art director of the Venice Carnival, will reveal the secret of who will play the role of the eagle 2017.
In 2016, the famous Italian bass player Saturnino Celani played this role.

Donkey flight
Beginning at 12.00 at Ferretto Square in Mestre
This traditional carnival event, taking place in the suburbs of Venice, will be held in a new format in 2017 and will present the audience with several surprises. The donkey flight will open the festive program of the last Sunday of the Carnival in Mestre, and then the celebrations will continue throughout the day in different parts of Venice.

The final!
Start at 14.30 in Piazza San Marco
An expert jury will select two winners in two nominations: the most beautiful mask and the mask that best suits the theme of the Carnival.
The final will be attended by all the owners of the winning masks who participated in the parades on February 23, 24 and 25.

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 27 - Monday

Chocolate in the workshop of Pietro Longhi
Beginning at 16.30 at Ka 'Vendramin Kalerjee Palace
Participation is paid

This year the celebration will take place in one of the most prestigious palaces of the Grand Canal - Ka'Vendramin Kalerji. Within the walls of this magnificent palace, created by the famous architects of the Venetian Renaissance, you will find the most exciting adventure possible: the search for true love!

In exchange for 100 euros, you will receive a whole sea of ​​surprises and entertainment, exciting performances and a hearty treat.
Whoever wishes to stay for the gala dinner, which will be served in the same palace, will have to fork out another 450 euros - a magnificent feast and a cup of excellent chocolate are guaranteed!

Gallery of wonders
Starting at 21.00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

February 28 - Tuesday

Beginning at 12.00 in Piazza San Marco
Become the hero of the carnival parade! Participate in the procession in St. Mark's Square

Start at 14.30 in Piazza San Marco
Attention! Attention! The last chance to become the hero of the carnival parade! Participate in the procession in St. Mark's Square

Carnival of the guys from Zelarino
Beginning at 14.30, Zelarino area
On February 28, along the main street of Zelarino, a parade of carnival allegorical carts and a masquerade parade will take place with the participation of different provinces of the Veneto region. The parade will open with a spectacular performance of the flag-bearers jugglers from Noale. In case of bad weather, the parade will be rescheduled. Carnival treats await everyone present.

Waiting for the twelve Mari
Waiting starts at 15.00 at St. Mark's Square
Waiting for the appearance of twelve girls on the stage in St. Mark's Square for the final award and election of Maria Carnival 2017. Participants' hairstyles from the studio Monika e Umberto - Mercerie San Salvador. Makeup by Francesca Chiozzotto for the studio “Monika e Umberto”. Unkempt Maria without makeup is not allowed on stage 🙂

Rewarding Maria Carnival 2017
Beginning at 16.00 in Piazza San Marco
All those gathered in the square will witness the awarding and coronation of the victorious Mary after the completion of the water cortege, which will leave from the Church of San Giacomo del'Orio. At 4.30 pm, the Doge will solemnly place the crown on the head of the sweetest and most graceful of the twelve young ladies.
Master of Ceremonies and Host Maurice Agosty.

Flight of a lion
Beginning at 17.00 in Piazza San Marco

The carnival is drawing to a close and parting honors the winged Lion of Saint Mark, the eternal symbol of Venice. Depicted on a huge red banner, he will rise to the bell tower, flying over the admiring audience. On the stage in St. Mac's Square, he will be received by twelve beautiful girls - twelve Marys. This spectacular and touching ritual of farewell to Carnival 2017 until the next Carnival 2018, which will be held from January 27 to February 13.
Video of Mary, the winner of the Carnival 2016 and the Flight of the Lion:

Gallery of wonders
Start at 21:00
Ka 'Vendramin Kalerji Palace
Participation is paid

Based on materials from ENIT Mosca news

For any person, good rest is the key to successful and productive activities in the future. And the brighter and more memorable this rest goes, the more strength appears in the reserve of the human body for further and hard work. Of course, most often people go to rest during the period of annual vacations, and for Russians, in this case, the doors open to choose to visit almost any city or country. All those who love noisy festivities, bright outfits, music, dancing and a noisy crowd should visit a real carnival at least once. The most striking of them, by the way, is considered the annual carnival in Venice - the pearl of Italy. But to get to such a long-awaited event, you should initially figure out when the carnival in Venice will take place in 2017.

Historical background

If we talk about exactly when the moment of celebrating the brightest Venetian holiday began, then the first memories of it are mentioned back in 1094. True, only 200 years later, the Senate of the Venetian Republic finally decided to proclaim the exact date of the carnival. Until now, nothing has changed in this regard, and for 800 years the Venice Carnival has been held on the last day before Lent. Unfortunately, there is no exact date for the festivities, since every year it falls at different times.

What is hidden under the very phrase "Carnival of Venice"? Generally speaking, this is a holiday of reincarnation, aligning everyone under one line in the eyes of each other, regardless of social status... With the help of the carnival, you can fully enjoy the "gifts of life". Usually, the carnival takes place 15 days in a row, during which Venice turns into a picturesque and somewhat theatrical place. By the way, the Venice Carnival is considered a great place to not only watch such an action from the outside, but also to become direct participants in the theatrical procession you like. Believe me, after participating in such a bright show, the memories of this event will remain in your memory until the end of your days.

The most popular events of the Venice Carnival in 2017

All masquerades, performances and dances begin from the main square of Venice - San Marco. In the evening, the whole crowd of people moves to the exquisite and festively decorated ancient palaces and castles. It is in such a place that you can truly soak up the spirit of that very Venice Carnival, with costume balls, powdered wigs and masks from precious stones... There will be a lavish dinner with dancing by candlelight and a mandatory ballroom dress code. Another important point during the period of the Venetian carnival is a night ride on a gondola along one of the many canals of the city.

The most striking, colorful and truly unforgettable events of the carnival can rightfully be called the costume contest, "Flight of the Donkey", "Flight of the Angel". "Flight of the Eagle" and the feast of Mary.

As a supplement, the city authorities carry out for tourists a large number of fairs and historical exhibitions, allowing you to plunge more deeply into the holiday itself, and enjoy the sophistication of the Venetian canals at night, accompanied by explosions of fireworks and peals of music.

The main holiday of Mary

The noted show has its roots in the deep past, like the city itself. The celebration began over 200 years ago and until now it has become the main event of the Venice Carnival.

According to an ancient legend, about a thousand years ago, there was a time in the city when everyone tried to help poor brides to collect a worthy dowry. This helped them to get married well in the future. As a result, in our time, the celebrated celebration is considered a parade of all brides. On February 2, 12 brides were immediately blessed by San Piestro di Castello. Each of the newlyweds received gold jewelry from the Doge of Venice.

One night, pirates broke into the city and stole all 12 brides, along with
their dowry. The townspeople were not at a loss and boldly rushed in pursuit to protect their beauties, and yet they returned the girls home. Since that day in Venice, there has been a tradition that all brides go to church in gondolas.

Since the present time, the image of the legendary 12 brides is expressed in the form of 12 "Mary" dressed in the appropriate attire of that era. The main task of the holiday is the need to select the most beautiful girl Venice and crown it at the end of the celebration. For the same, to become a participant in the carnival "Mary", you must go through a special and very tough selection. Believe me, the resulting emotions are much more important than any assessment of the judges.

Dates of the Venice Carnival

It's no secret that the Venice Carnival starts a few days before the start of Lent. Although in the past few years there have been some changes - the authorities of Venice decided to start holding the carnival 7 days earlier. What is it for? Everything is very simple! Thus, tourists from all over the world are attracted to Venice, who are in a hurry to plunge headlong into the romantic atmosphere of that time. If we talk specifically about 2017, then during this period the Venetian festivities should start on February 28. Isn't it time to start intensive training.

To put it simply and clearly, the 2017 Venice Carnival is considered exactly the place where you can simply spend your vacation unforgettably and return home with the best memories of your life. It is worth at least once to try to become a part of this long-awaited event and then the carnivals will become the best of the options for personal pastime.

Italy, Venice

Dates of the main events of the Venice Carnival 2017 (introductory information)

The grand opening of the 2017 Venice Carnival will take place on 11 and 12 February. The main event of these days is the Venetian holiday La Festa Veneziana. Musicians and dancers will entertain the audience. Start:

18:00. Venue: Canaregio area.

The second day of La Festa Veneziana. The main event of the day is the water parade. Colorfully decorated boats will sail along the Grand Canal in the Cannaregio area. Start: 11:00. Entertainment, food and wine will be prepared for the public.

The beginning of the main event of the carnival - the competition for the best carnival costume and the best mask- on the stage of the Gran Teatro in Piazza San Marco.

The beginning of the Festa delle Marie festival. The Maria Festival will begin with a procession of participants. At 14:30, they and their companions will walk from San Piero di Castello along Via Garibaldi and Riva degli Schiavoni to Piazza San Marco. At 16:00, the participants will be introduced to the public.

Flight of the Angel. A girl dressed as an angel will fly over Piazza San Marco. Public events will begin at 10:30 am in the morning. The Flight of the Angel itself will take place at noon. By tradition, the role of the Angel will be played by the winner of the 2016 Maria Festival. In 2017, it will be Claudia Marchiori.

12:00. Competition best costumes from the grand final of the qualifying tournament.

Venue: St. Mark's Square.

14:00 - 17:30. Beheading the Bull view, trimming the head

Venue: St. Mark's Square.

21:00. Gallery of Miracles.

The parade of carnival platforms will take place along the streets of Marghera and Citta Giardino.

Start: 15:00.

12:00. "Flight of the Donkey" (a parody of the flight of an angel in Mestre). Piazza Ferretto in the suburbs of Venice.

12:00. "Flight of the Eagle" in St. Mark's Square. The party starts at 10:30, "Flight of the Eagle" at noon. The performer of the role of the eagle will go down the tightrope from the bell tower to the stage in Piazza San Marco.

Grand final of the competition for the best carnival costume. The awards ceremony will take place on stage in Piazza San Marco. The finalists of the competition will appear before the public. The jury will name 2 winners in two nominations: "Best carnival costume" and "Best Carnival mask". Costumes and masks must match the theme of the Carnival. Start: 14:30.

Venue: St. Mark's Square.

16:30. Pietro Longhi Chocolate.
All participants in this enchanting event will be able to enjoy delicious hot chocolate surrounded by live music, singers, actors and dancers.

Venue: Ca 'Vendramin Calergi Palace.

The 2017 coronation ceremony of Mary will take place on stage in Piazza San Marco. 2017 Maria will be selected from among 12 applicants. The contestants will arrive by boat to Piazza San Marco.

Venue: St. Mark's Square.