
Better whitens the skin. Tone mask. Lotion of soda


Girls strive to have a perfect appearance, because everyone knows that there is no limit to perfection. Particular attention is paid to facial care. Below we will tell you how you can make your face clean and beautiful.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How to whiten your face

It is in appearance that impressions about a person are most often formed. Well-groomed hair, face and nails always indicate cleanliness and accuracy. But, unfortunately, the complexion often has a grayish or unhealthy tint. This may be due to various diseases, wrong lifestyle, poor diet. It is not surprising that girls are interested in how to quickly return a clean and healthy complexion to their face.

Do not despair if you have a similar problem, your face is very sunburned or you are lucky enough to become the owner of freckles. Everything can be corrected: and remove freckles, and even out complexion and regain natural beauty.

So, there are many problems on the face that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. We will tell you some wonderful ways, some of them in 2 days or even overnight will help eliminate unwanted effects. So if you are very tanned in the summer, do not be sad, everything can be fixed quickly. We will look at some home remedies that will tell you how to get rid of an unhealthy shade or blemishes.

But note that you need to be as careful as possible with bleaching agents, as they can cause allergic reactions. Read the forum, find out the pros and cons of the chosen means or methods. If you are very tanned, then the face can be whitened quickly with the help of various compresses, lotions, whitening masks, lotions, essential oils. We also know how you can forget about pigmentation at 37 years old.

How to whiten your face at home

There are many reasons why women need to quickly whiten their face at home. Complexion is important when creating your own image, but achieving the desired shade is not so easy, especially if it is not in the best condition after tanning.

  1. Compresses. this is the simplest and easy way how to effectively whiten the part of the body you need. You can use different whitening compresses. To do this, you will need a gauze cloth, which must first be moistened, for example, in lemon juice.
  2. Herbal lotions. You can make your own parsley tincture at home. Take those herbs that are available in your case, wipe the problem areas in the morning and evening and enjoy the excellent result!
  3. Gadgets. Many women who are interested in how to quickly whiten their face at home opt for lotions. They are easy to prepare, you can use the above herbs, but the main thing is that the products are fresh.

How to whiten the skin of the face with proven methods

At home, you can also use various tools. It is the masks that have a quick action, instant results and are easy to prepare. Just remember that you need to be very careful with chemical masks. One of these masks can be cottage cheese: mix 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide with 50 g of cottage cheese and egg yolk. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

To make the face take on a natural shade as quickly as possible, you can use a decoction with rice. It is prepared very simply: boil the rice to make it soft, strain and refrigerate. If you want, fill ice molds or other small containers with the decoction, and then simply wipe the skin with this ice. Since you can get dry skin as a result, be sure to use a softening nourishing cream.

How to whiten your face from sunburn

What else can you do to save your face from a dark tan? The most common remedy is soda. You can make an excellent whitening scrub from it, it will prepare the skin for the whitening process itself. Since soda has the ability to remove dead skin cells. Use baking soda if you want to get rid of blackheads, teenage acne and all sorts of pollution.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) can be used. Just wipe the skin by soaking a cotton pad in the solution. But it is not recommended to use peroxide or lemon juice if the skin is dry and too sensitive.

Lovers of soaking up the sun must know how to quickly recover from sunburn. So, you can save yourself from unwanted or uneven tanning with a lemon, or more precisely, with lemon juice.

How to get rid of freckles

Freckles become a problem for many people. Some consider their presence attractive, but more often girls dream of getting rid of them.

A cucumber mask is very helpful in removing acne marks on the face. Peel the cucumber and rub on a fine grater. This will be much more effective than just applying a cucumber cut into circles. Cucumber juice is no less useful if you regularly wipe your face and neck with it. Parsley juice, currant berries, strawberries and even watermelon will also help get rid of spots after acne. But remember that any whitening procedure should take place in the evening so as not to be in direct sunlight for several hours. Otherwise, then you will have to get rid of the redness.

How to whiten your face with lemon

If you do not know how lemon can whiten your face, then the following recipe is for you. Take one fruit, squeeze the juice out of it, drip vinegar, and add some glycerin. This good remedy after sunburn.

If you've decided it's time to get rid of acne, a gray cast on your face, or those freckles you hate, then try lemon. Use different folk methods to find exactly yours, and go for a consultation with a beautician.

What else can you do to whiten your face?

We have already described in detail how to whiten your face with parsley, hydrogen peroxide and cucumber, soda and other folk remedies. Many women are interested in whether toothpaste can give the face the desired color.

Indeed, there are recipes for masks using toothpaste. It can be applied to specific areas of the skin or large freckles. But this method is not the best, as the paste strongly irritates the skin, redness and sometimes burns appear.

Cosmetics using hydroperite or novocaine are also popular for skin whitening. There are many recipes that include the addition of these drugs.

Often, women use zinc paste or blonde to combat freckles and pigmentation. If desired, you can whiten your face with aspirin. The main thing is to always keep the proportions exactly if you are going to use face whitening medications.

What creams whiten the skin of the face

Any beauty salon or store will help you choose the right cream with a whitening effect. The main thing is to carefully read the composition and make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components. Some whitening creams can even be made on your own.

How to use whitening face cream

Be sure to read the instructions for use. Apply the cream not in the morning, but a few hours before rest. The skin should rest and not be exposed to ultraviolet rays. Pay special attention to the release date. Creams are safe for several weeks.

What oil whitens the skin of the face

Among the essential oils, there are many that are used for bleaching purposes. These are oils of lemon, tea tree, sandalwood, rose, carrot and many others. Cosmetic clay is also often used for whitening.

Now you know which cream or herbs will be helpful if you suffer from uneven tanning, hyperpigmentation or freckles. Try to fix the problem yourself, but if nothing worked out or the opposite effect turned out, we recommend that you immediately seek help from specialists.

4 006 0 Hello! In this article, we will tell you about how to whiten your face at home if you are faced with a pigmentation problem. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what means will help to cope with unwanted stains, read below.

Causes of pigmentation

Pigmentation can appear both in adulthood and at a very young age, but most often this problem worries women from 35 to 40 years old. Such a phenomenon can be called a full-fledged defect, since it is not just an accumulation of melanin in one area, causing a slight uneven complexion, but hyperpigmentation, which originates in the deeper layers of the epidermis and forms sloppy, pronounced dark brown spots that attract the attention of others.

There are many reasons for pigmentation. The most frequent of them are:

- heredity;

- hormonal disorders;

- injury to the skin;

- non-observance of the rules for sunbathing.

In spring and summer, it is important to choose a safe time for sunbathing and treat your face and body with special products with a high sun protection factor.

Indications for whitening

Indications for skin whitening:

  • uneven complexion;
  • dark brown spots (hyperpigmentation);
  • slight pigmentation;
  • post-acne;
  • skin irregularities.

Ways to get rid of pigmentation

To cleanse the face of pigmentation, it is necessary first of all to find out the cause of its appearance and determine the method of elimination. The most difficult thing is to get rid of age spots, you need to deal with them globally, since local elimination will not bring results - the spots will appear in new areas of the skin.

In the menopause, the appearance of dark brown age spots is an absolutely normal phenomenon. Here, taking special supportive drugs and professional cosmetic procedures can help. Inaction will lead to the growth of hyperpigmentation.

When in the sun, the skin should be applied special means with an increased level of protection from solar radiation and wear a wide-brimmed hat, otherwise you will have to look for an option on how to whiten your face or urgently get rid of extensive pigmentation.

The best way to get rid of hyperpigmentation:

  1. Laser removal. This procedure is applied to aging skin, because cosmetic creams and the masks are powerless. Side effects from the laser are almost never found.
  2. A set of measures consisting of a laser, mesotherapy and other injection procedures are suitable for women.
  3. Pre-menopause can help cosmetics and vitamins, such as retinoid creams, badyaga ointments, zinc, salicylic ointments, vitamins C and B9, whitening peels, as well as folk remedies.

If it is not possible to eliminate the defect on your own, then cosmetic procedures will help: injections and laser exposure.

Just one laser procedure removes several spots at once, which makes it the most effective way to eliminate hyperpigmentation.

How to quickly whiten the skin of the face at home?

You can make the skin lighter, whiten acne on the face and scars using professional creams, tonics, folk masks from fermented milk products, fruits with acids, berries, parsley, etc. and pharmaceutical preparations. There is a huge amount effective recipes in order to bleach dark spots. The main thing is to choose the right ones for your skin.

Procedures for self-lightening the skin are carried out before going to bed after a good cleansing, because the skin will recover overnight and the likelihood of getting a new portion of age spots will not be so great. During the summerthe next daySun protection must be applied after the procedure.

To get the result, you should conduct a course of whitening procedures. After the skin is put in order, it is worth continuing preventive measures against the appearance of new spots. For this purpose, one procedure per week is enough.

Recipes for lightening facial skin at home

Decoctions with whitening effect

Natural decoctions are one of effective ways combat hyperpigmentation. Such homemade lotions are applied locally or all over the face, or can be applied in the form.

Ingredients and dosages Preparation and application
- parsley, finely chopped - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- hot water - 1 glass.
The broth is prepared for five minutes, then another quarter of an hour is infused. Freeze one part of the resulting lotion in the form cosmetic ice, which is useful to wipe skin covering, and pour the second part into glass bottle to wipe the face with it in the morning and in the evening.
- rice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- water.
Boil the washed rice, drain the liquid and filter - it will be used. Also make cosmetic ice from half of the broth and pour the other half into a separate container. Wipe your face with ice in the morning and lotion in the morning and evening.

Fruit juices for face whitening

Lemon juice

Lemon contains ascorbic acid, which allows it not only to lighten and fight hyperpigmentation, but also act as a powerful antioxidant. At the same time, the skin is nourished with vitamins and cleansed.

Lemon Juice Whitening Recipe

amla juice

Amla, like lemon, contains a large number of vitamin C, therefore, to brighten and improve the condition of the epidermis, this is one of the most suitable means. Thanks to the Indian gooseberry, melanin slows down, which helps stop the formation of new spots. To remove pigmentation, amalac is applied daily to the face and aged for about ten minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

orange juice

papaya juice

Papaya juice eliminates post-acne, whitens the skin, gives it radiance and nourishes beneficial substances and vitamins. It is enough to treat the face daily with a piece of papaya.

Pomegranate juice

To lighten the skin, it is enough to make a three-minute facial massage with juice and let it work for fifteen minutes. Daily use will achieve excellent results.

apple juice

Great for whitening oily skin type apple juice, which contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals. To remove minor pigmentation, just two weeks of daily use is enough. The juice is simply rubbed and aged on the face for about 15 minutes.

watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is a gentle bleaching agent. Its action is very gentle and gradual. It acts on melanin, preventing new formations of pigmentation. It is necessary to massage the face with juice and stand for twenty minutes. Washes off in the usual way.

mango juice

Mango is very suitable, peeling the skin, whitening it and preventing acne from appearing on the face. The epidermis is tightened and returns to tone. The juice is applied and left for ten minutes, washed off.

grape juice

Alpha hydroxy acids in grapes rejuvenate the skin and eliminate defects in the form of hyperpigmentation, brightening spots. Thanks to the use of grape juice, the production of melanin slows down, which prevents the appearance of new spots on the face.

strawberry juice

Strawberry is a strong antioxidant, contains vitamins A, B, C, nourishes the skin, fills it with vitality. If you treat your face with strawberry juice daily, it will noticeably brighten and the spots will disappear in the shortest possible time.

Essential oils for face whitening

Esters are safe, but provided that the recommended dosages are observed and contraindications are taken into account.

IMPORTANT!In its pure form, oils are not used to avoid burns and severe allergy attacks, only in mixtures.

The course of using ester-based formulations is 21 days.

essential oil of lemon

Lemon contains limonene, which brightens the pigment, and lemon acid, contributing to the removal of the upper layer of dead cells, skin renewal.

Essential oil of sandalwood

The ether helps the skin stay young longer, softens, moisturizes it, and also has the property of whitening and smoothing the complexion.

Carrot seed essential oil

The beta-carotene contained in the oil reduces the production of melanin. It is not only a whitening oil for the face, but also a prophylactic.

rosewood essential oil

This ester treats many dermatological diseases, including eczema, and also helps to eliminate defects in the form of scars, scars and post-acne.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Ether with its healing effect successfully affects inflammation, burns, and whitens hyperpigmentation.

Tea tree essential oil

Ether helps to eliminate hyperpigmentation on thin skin.

Essential oils of mint, oregano, patchouli, rosemary are also good bleaches. They are enriched with ready-made formulations to eliminate pigmentation, thereby enhancing the effect. Esters cope with the defect longer than professional cosmetic procedures, but the result is wonderful, most importantly, be patient.


  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • childhood;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, myocardial infarction.

Whitening lotions for the face

Lotions are compresses with different composition of natural components.

Face Whitening Recipes

Soda to lighten unwanted stains: recipes

Soda relieves the skin of pigmentation, exfoliates, cleans the pores, whitens it. More suitable for skin type. For reactive and dry, this component is unnecessarily aggressive. How to whiten your face with soda, you can find out from the recipes below.

Ingredients and dosages Application
- soda - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- warm water - 1 glass;
- freshly squeezed lemon concentrate - 5 tbsp. spoons.
Combine all components and bring to uniformity without the presence of lumps. Treat all existing age spots several times a day.
- soda - 1 pinch;
- - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- hydrogen peroxide - 1 teaspoon.
Combine the listed components, treat the problem areas with a ready-made solution. This mixture is aged for about fifteen minutes, wash your face. Repeat the procedure after a few days.
- soda;
- castor oil - 1 drop.
Treat problem areas with cotton swab. Seal each treated spot with adhesive tape and go to bed. The procedure should not be carried out more than twice a month.
- soda - 1 teaspoon;
- water - 1 teaspoon.
This peeling should treat all problem areas (freckles, age spots), rubbing gently. Wash with water.
- blue clay - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- soda - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- water.
Dilute clay and soda to the consistency of thick sour cream and treat the skin. Fifteen minutes later, wash your face and apply moisturizer.
- soda - a pinch;
- fat-free kefir - 50 grams;
- rice flour - 50 grams.
Combine the listed components and process the entire area of ​​​​the face. After three minutes, the face should be washed and softened with care products.

Hydrogen peroxide for face whitening: recipes

You can whiten your face from freckles and spots with hydrogen peroxide using the following masks.

Ingredients and dosages Application
- - 2 teaspoons;
- dry yeast - 2 teaspoons.
Combine all components and treat with an even layer the entire area of ​​the face, excluding delicate skin and lips. Relax your muscles for fifteen minutes. Remove the mask with warm water. Lubricate the epidermis with a cream with nourishing properties.
- peroxide - 10 drops;
- egg yolk - 1 pc.;
- natural cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
Combine the ingredients and mix until a mushy state. Treat the skin of the face and stand for ten minutes, wash, moisturize with cream.
- peroxide - 2 teaspoons;
- honey - 2 teaspoons;
- fresh aloe juice - 1 teaspoon.
Combine the above ingredients. A cotton pad is suitable for treating the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. The mask should act for 5-7 minutes, after which it is washed off. Treat the epidermis with your favorite cream.

Dairy products for face whitening: recipes

Dairy products contain lactic acid, on the basis of which peels are made. That is why kefir, yogurt, sour cream can brighten the face and remove pigmentation.

Whitening creams at home: recipes

The cream should consist of oil and water phases for nutrition and hydration. Since water and oil do not mix with each other, an emulsifier must be added. You can enrich the cream with essential oils, vitamins and extracts.

Ingredients and dosages Application
- almond oil - 2 teaspoons;
- glycerin - ½ tbsp. spoons;
- chamomile decoction - 1 dessert spoon;
- freshly squeezed lemon concentrate - 1 teaspoon;
- lecithin (emulsifier) ​​or yolk - 5% of the total volume;
- ef. m. tea tree - ½ tsp.
To prepare the cream, combine all the ingredients and heat for a couple. When the consistency becomes homogeneous - the product is ready, it is enough to cool it. The cream is applied with massage movements.
- lanolin - 14 grams;
- grape seed oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- finely chopped - 20 grams.
Melt lanolin and butter, add cucumber and steam with the mixture under the lid. Strain the resulting composition and beat with a mini-mixer. You can add extracts and essential oils to enhance the whitening effect.

Face whitening lotions at home: recipes

Ingredients and dosages Preparation and application
- chopped - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- finely grated cucumber - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- vodka - 100 grams.
Pour the crushed ingredients with vodka. It will take a week to infuse the mixture. When ready, the concentrate is filtered and diluted with clean water. The proportion is as follows: 2:1. The face should be treated in the morning and before going to bed. This lotion is suitable for oily or combination skin types.
- cucumber - ½ tbsp. spoons;
- milk - ½ tbsp. a spoon.
Mix finely chopped cucumber and milk. The face should be treated in the morning and before going to bed. More than two days the lotion is not stored. Suitable for dry and reactive skin.

Scrubs for whitening at home: recipes

Natural whitening facial scrubs help to cleanse the skin and pores of impurities, dead cells, and with the right selection of components, make the skin lighter and more uniform in color.

Ingredients and dosages Preparation and application
- chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- finely ground sea salt - 1 teaspoon.
Combine the ingredients and wait for the juice to stand out from the greens. For about two minutes, massage the skin with rubbing movements with a scrub. Pay more attention to problem areas. Wash your face and saturate with cream. It is quite simple to whiten the face with parsley, which is why it is present as a component in many cosmetic products for skin lightening.
- yogurt without additives - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- liquid honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- freshly squeezed lemon concentrate - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- flour.
Mix the first three ingredients and bring flour to a thick state. Scrub your face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash your face and apply a moisturizing cream.

Whitening face masks: recipes

Ingredients and dosages Preparation and application
- chopped parsley in a blender - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- fresh spinach - 25 grams;
- Hercules brewed in milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- potato - 30 grams;
- kefir - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Mix greens with oatmeal. Dilute starch in kefir. Combine both mixtures together. Treat the face by applying a uniform thin layer of the composition. Hold for half an hour, wash your face. This mask is the answer to the question of many women how to quickly whiten their face. Its action is really quite fast due to the composition.
- cottage cheese is not fatter than 5% - 40 grams;
- chicken yolk - ½ egg;
- hydrogen peroxide - 5 drops.
Combine all ingredients, stir until smooth. Evenly treat the face, leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash up. The mask is suitable for oily and combination skin types. For dry, you can leave the same composition, but add a tablespoon of fat sour cream to the mixture. All whitening faces must contain fatty ingredients to nourish it.
- lemon concentrate - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- milk - 60 ml;
- sugar -25 grams;
- vodka - 20 ml.
Mix sugar with concentrate and combine with the rest of the mask. Apply to face and relax for 20 minutes. Wash and moisturize your face with a special mask, cream. Whitening mask with lemon, in addition to the main action, nourishes the skin with vitamin C, which improves complexion.
- ground hercules - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- warm milk - 60 ml;
- hydrogen peroxide - 6 drops.
Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. The mask should be on the face for no more than 15 minutes.
- chopped cucumber without peel - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- sour cream - 25 ml;
- chopped parsley - 1 whisper.
Combine all ingredients and stir until smooth. Treat the skin by applying an even layer and relax the facial muscles for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. This mask is suitable for dry skin.
- - 2 teaspoons;
- natural yogurt without additives - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Combine the components and apply for half an hour, lie down and relax the muscles of the face. After the time has elapsed, wash with warm water.
- fresh redcurrant puree - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- mashed without peel - 30 grams;
- natural liquid chalk - 2 teaspoons;
- strawberries - 20 grams.
Combine all the components, treat the face, applying the mask in an even layer. Wash your face after 20 minutes.

How to whiten your face in a few minutes?

Skin whitening contraindications

The skin whitening procedure is quite aggressive, so you should be careful if:

  • there is an allergy to the components of the product used;
  • the face is already too light;
  • too dry and reactive skin;
  • there are lesions on the skin;
  • recent cosmetic procedures.

Folk remedies for skin lightening were invented a long time ago and were tested and loved by our ancestors, because nothing can replace the gifts of nature. Therefore, before you run to a beauty clinic, try to get help first. natural remedies. Harmony, beauty and nature always go hand in hand.

Useful articles:

A bright, well-groomed face is the visiting card of a woman who knows her own worth. How many sorrows cause darkening of the skin after a seaside holiday, age spots after illness, freckles. Even the trace of a small pimple can spoil the mood. How to make skin lighter? This question is asked by thousands of women. Beauty salons offer special treatments, but this is not a cheap pleasure. Face whitening at home will allow you to lighten your skin using simple recipes and inexpensive ingredients.

How to whiten age spots on the face at home

If you are going to whiten age spots, do not eliminate the causes that cause them, then cosmetic procedures will not give much effect. What is recommended to do:

  • Clean up the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid foods that cause stains.
  • Add vitamins.
  • Limit exposure sun rays.
  • Cleanse the skin with steam baths.

It is important to choose the right time for face whitening at home. Procedures in the autumn, with less activity of the sun, give the best effect. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Chemical peel. Refreshes the top layer of the skin. Make a slurry of one part borax, five parts water. Apply to skin until dry, then rinse. Perform 5 treatments, one per week.
  2. Illuminating face masks. The composition includes citrus and rosemary oils, hydrogen peroxide, clay. They use natural products: lemon, parsley, cucumber.

Daily maintenance is essential for continued success. Use homemade whitening lotions, parsley and cucumber tonics. Wipe your face ice cubes from decoctions of parsley, rice. All these tools will help you to lighten freckles on your own, get rid of pigmentation. You can put your face in order, make your skin bright, fresh and well-groomed.


It is advisable to apply brightening masks 1 time in 3 days for 15 minutes. Whitening the skin of the face with hydrogen peroxide - the most effective method. To four tablespoons of cottage cheese add 6 drops of the composition, yolk, a teaspoon of honey. Another recipe: mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to do a test to rule out a burn. Use hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3%. Wash off the mask, moisturize the skin.


Whitening face cream for age spots, due to the fact that it is applied at night, has a long-lasting effect on the skin. It is absorbed for a long time, penetrates into its deep layers. Make your own skin whitening cream at home. Base - 3 tablespoons almond oil. Pour 2 tsp. decoction of chamomile, one glycerin, 5 drops of lemon juice, tea tree oil. Warm up in a water bath.

Face whitening from sunburn

Even if you hide under a hat while on vacation, it is possible that the skin will darken or the tan will lie unevenly. How to whiten your face after sunburn? The available remedy is curdled milk. Apply it every evening for twenty minutes. Natural bleach - lemon juice will quickly brighten your skin. Apply, leave to dry, then rinse. Face whitening with lemon gives very fast results.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for face whitening at home. Prepare your lotions. Vodka is their main ingredient. Add to 100 milliliters one and a half tablespoons of juice from fresh cucumbers, one lemon juice. Use daily. There is another option. Chop 3 tablespoons of parsley, put them in a half-liter bottle of vodka. Keep 15 days in the dark. Strain, use morning and evening.

Set up a beauty salon at home using simple recipes for whitening face masks. All of their ingredients are natural, readily available, and cheap. Half a glass of sour milk with a handful of oatmeal will allow you to make not only a mask, but also a soft scrub. Apply the composition with light circular motions, lightly massaging, and hold for 15 minutes.

Good results are achieved using clay masks. Its color does not matter. It does not matter if it is white, green or pink, the main active ingredient in it is kaolin. For a whitening effect, clay is brought to a pasty state by adding components to it:

  • parsley juice, cucumber;
  • rosemary oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • citrus oils.

Special bleaching agents

How to make a face white using special tools? Firms that develop cosmetic products for skin whitening offer serums, ointments and creams. Their use gives good results, but not all components in the formulations are safe. If you are going to use these products, go to a beautician. He will do allergy tests, select drugs that are suitable for your skin.

How to whiten acne marks on face

Women of all ages are troubled by acne spots. Beauty salons offer expensive treatments, but the problem is easy to handle at home. When whitening acne spots, it is important that the composition is applied pointwise to the problem area, kept for 15 minutes, washed off. To make the marks less noticeable, use:

  • whitening masks;
  • aloe juice, parsley;
  • kefir;
  • lemon;
  • clay.

Video: how to quickly whiten your skin at home

Watch the video and you will see that it is very easy to make a whitening face mask at home. Find out how available the ingredients for its manufacture, learn about the effect of each on the skin. Get step by step instructions how to make a mask by mixing the ingredients correctly. You will be guaranteed success from its use, the skin will whiten in a few procedures.

Every time before an important event, the girl thinks about how to guarantee whitening her face at home in one day. Do not spend a lot of money on cosmetic products that promise stunning and instant skin whitening effect. After all, you can whiten your face no less effectively without investing a lot of money. Mixtures and lotions made from natural ingredients gently affect pigmented areas, bringing youth and health.

Miracle Solution

Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective and inexpensive single day whitening treatment. The face miraculously becomes brighter, and the skin becomes clean. To lighten the face, hydrogen peroxide should be used at 3%. A strong concentration of the substance can dry out the skin or leave burns.

A popular way to quickly whiten your face at home using peroxide is the use of the active ingredient in cosmetic masks.

Before the immediate procedure, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, a few drops of the mixture are applied to the elbow. If irritation does not appear, then the composition can be safely applied.

peroxide and yeast

Mix dry yeast and peroxide in equal proportions. Apply the paste for 10 minutes. Then wash off the mask with water, and spread the cream on the face. This composition is ideal for normal to dry skin.

Sour milk savior

Mix in a container:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of high-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply for 15 minutes. Thanks to the content of the yolk in the recipe, the face becomes soft and tender.

Fragrant citrus

If you need to quickly whiten your face, lemon will do it gently and effectively. All women who have blonde hair or annoying pigmentation. For the skin, lemon juice is useful in that it is not only able to whiten the face in one day, but also even out the color, and also reduce the likelihood of acne.

The easiest way to get rid of freckles is to rub your face with lemon

At home, you can use both lemon slices, rubbing the skin, and prepare excellent brightening masks.

honey and lemon

Mix equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Dip a cotton pad in the resulting composition and massage your face with it for a while. Do not rinse for 10 minutes.

Tandem with protein

Beat a few teaspoons of lemon juice with 1 egg white. Apply and wait until it dries completely. Wash off the rest with water.

regular soda

Who would have known that baking soda is considered the most affordable "bleach" in one day. It is in every home, and its application is quite wide.

The easiest way

To instantly whiten the skin of the face at home, you need to do a simple procedure. To do this, a damp cotton pad is dipped in soda and begins to wipe the face with gentle movements. It should be remembered that the component is able to dry out the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is better to use soda for owners of oily skin.

double effect

An effective way to brighten your face in one day is to mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. You need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 4 teaspoons of sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 2-3 drops of peroxide.

Apply for 5 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse your face.

Speed ​​whitening

Sometimes girls, not knowing how to whiten age spots on their faces before an important event in one day, rely on expensive cosmetics. Bringing only disappointment, miraculous jars usually end up in the far corner on the shelf. A worthy and effective replacement at home will be boric acid, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

As an independent product, boric acid powder is not recommended because of its strong effect. But to use as a component of brightening masks is always “for”. Moreover, in addition to the bleaching properties, the powder is also an antiseptic, which allows you to get rid of skin rashes for a long time.

cucumber power

The enhanced formula of this recipe is in the interaction of the strongest bleaching products: boric acid and fresh cucumber. Finely rub a vegetable of small length and pour half a teaspoon of powder. The container in which the mixture is located must be heated in a water bath. Spread a warm gruel on gauze, after which they cover her face. Withstand 15 minutes.

Not just porridge

Oatmeal is always on hand. It is not only boiled for breakfast, but used as effective method how to whiten your face at home in one day. by the most popular recipe whitening is a face mask.

To prepare a brightening mask, you can take an ordinary tomato, after chopping it into puree

Tomato and oatmeal

Mix natural tomato juice with oatmeal to a pasty state. Apply to the face and wash off after the mixture begins to dry.

The composition will not only whiten in one day, but also even out the tone. Oatmeal shows excellent results on tanned skin with uneven convergence of tan.

brightening greens

Parsley was also used by our mothers when they wanted to whiten their face at home in one day. From useful green leaves, gruels, decoctions are prepared, and even freckles are rubbed with frozen parsley juice cubes. Most effective method is a facial tonic.

homemade lotion

Pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley into a glass of hot water. Put the container with the composition on a small fire and simmer for 15 minutes. Once the lotion has cooled, wipe your face along the massage lines.

Compress for whitening

An alternative option for whitening pigmented skin in a day is to use a compress. If the face is covered with freckles, then you can achieve their lightening with the help of an interesting lotion.

50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 2 ml of ammonia are mixed in a container. Cotton pads or a piece of gauze are soaked with the prepared solution, left on the face for 10 minutes. To achieve a high result, it is permissible to apply a similar compress twice a day.

Usage Precautions

Choosing from a variety of ways to whiten facial skin at home in one day, you should know some rules for their use. This will protect the delicate integuments from undesirable consequences.

Taking precautions is the key to excellent results

  1. Lightening masks should not be used during high solar activity. The clarification procedure is best done in autumn or winter.
  2. In order not to overdry the skin, it is necessary to combine "bleach" with natural moisturizers: aloe juice, cucumber, hyaluronic acid.
  3. It is advisable to use special care products with a sunscreen.
  4. Homemade products should not be stored for a long time or leave it for the future. So they are lost beneficial features and, consequently, efficiency.
  5. Sensitive areas must be avoided when applying any formulation.
  6. If you need to whiten your face from age spots for a long time, it is allowed to carry out a course of procedures, which consists in alternating masks of various compositions and brightening lotions.

Looking for another way to whiten your face at home, you should pay attention to the very affordable ingredients that are always at hand. Natural ingredients in the brightening masks will help to gently and safely lighten pigmented skin in one day.

The fashion for tanning is a thing of the past and many girls and women face the problem of how to whiten their face with home remedies. Bright skin like the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Face whitening methods

White smooth skin indicates health, looks well-groomed and aristocratic. The face is like a litmus test, it reflects the way of life, and eating habits, and bad habits of a person. Harmful factors make the skin sluggish, lifeless, dry. For bleaching are used as the most simple means(soda, peroxide), as well as complex cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon.

Causes of bad complexion

The color of the face directly depends on the state of the body. What factors can spoil it:

  • gray color appears in people with diseased kidneys or liver;
  • sunburn from unsuccessful tanning dries out the skin and causes inflammation on it;
  • age-related changes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • mechanical damage;
  • disease internal organs(liver, kidney);
  • weak vessels are reflected by spider veins on the nose and cheeks.

If these symptoms are present, then in parallel with the elimination of the cause of the skin problems, it is necessary to act on it externally in order to speed up the healing process.

Age spots often appear. They are associated with a slowdown in metabolic processes in an aging body or poor functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Pigmentation spoils the skin of the face, manifesting itself as blurry freckles. They cannot be made up, they worsen appearance, and therefore lower the self-esteem of a person.

More often appear:

  • on the face;
  • on the neck;
  • on hands;
  • on the neckline.

If a cosmetic procedure was unsuccessful for you in the salon, the spots from it remain on the skin for a long time. Sometimes these are traces of a salon tan.

Young girls often worry about the scattering of freckles on their nose and cheeks. Although sometimes it looks very nice.

As you can see, the causes of darkening or redness of the skin can be different. But they can be fixed with cosmetic procedures, creams and ointments, or home remedies. Apply decoctions, masks, lotions. Soda helps a lot. However, if the cause is "inside", it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and only then eliminate the cosmetic defect.

Facilities traditional medicine for clarification

To whiten the skin of the face at home is not so difficult. Time-tested simple tools at hand help to quickly remove spots on the face, eliminate inflammation, or simply brighten the overall skin tone. How can you lighten your face at home? For this, soda, peroxide, essential oil, herbs, dairy products. Everyone can choose the most suitable product for their skin type. A few tips on how to brighten your face quickly.

  1. Whitening compresses work well to eliminate traces of excessive sunburn and improve complexion. They are made on curdled milk, infusions of parsley, dandelion, lemon juice. The gauze folded in several layers is moistened in the listed means and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Compresses are applied twice a week. Sometimes soda is used.

If you need to quickly put the skin in order, apply a compress from the juice of viburnum or red currant. The fabric is moistened in it and applied to problem areas of the skin. Currant juice is very acidic and can cause irritation. In this case, dilute the juice with water. The effect will be somewhat weaker, but the skin will not suffer.

Well whitens age spots hot compress with castor oil. The oil is heated in a water bath, soaked with a napkin or gauze and applied to the face for half an hour. Gradually, the compress cools down and does not cause discomfort. The remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth. If the spots are pronounced, apply a cotton swab with castor oil to them at night and fix it with a band-aid.

  1. Herbal formulations. You need to know herbs that have a whitening effect from sunburn. These are licorice, bearberry, yarrow. For a refreshing effect, add a little citrus juice. The face is wiped with a decoction of bleaching herbs, and in the morning you can refresh yourself with an ice cube from such a decoction. This procedure should be limited to 1-2 minutes. Since ancient times, baking soda has been used to lighten the skin.
  2. Tanning lotions based on natural ingredients:
  • Cucumber juice has long been used as a bleaching agent. It can cleanse the skin well. You can treat your face with a slice of cucumber, or apply a cucumber mass in the form of a mask. And you can make cucumber lotion. To do this, rub the cucumber on a coarse grater and pour it with vodka, slightly covering the cucumber gruel. Put the mixture in a glass container and insist in a dark place for 7-10 days. Then you need to strain the resulting tincture and keep it in the refrigerator. Wipe face with lotion after cleansing.
  • Mix horseradish or lemon juice in half with cold water and wipe your face with this lotion. This recipe cleanses the skin like baking soda.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of milk into the floor. lemon or orange juice. Add 20 g of vodka or diluted alcohol and a little sugar.

You can whiten the skin of the face with herbal lotions.

For example, such a lotion. Take equally lemon juice, glycerin and table 9% vinegar. Moisten the composition with a cloth and apply on the face for 15 minutes.

As a local remedy to restore complexion, baking soda is applicable. To do this, a saturated solution is made. Soda (2-3 tablespoons) is dissolved in water, a cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the stain for several minutes. It comes out quickly.

  1. Face whitening with masks. Masks are more effective than decoctions. They are easy to prepare. Here are some recipes:
  • Berry masks. Make redcurrant puree and mix it with an equal amount of honey. Apply the composition evenly with a spatula and hold for a quarter of an hour. Rinse your face with warm water and lubricate with a regular cream
  • Damaged skin from excessive sunburn can be treated and lightened with parsley. Finely chop fresh herb leaves, grind to give juice. Then add to 2 tbsp. l leaves 1 tbsp. honey and some lemon juice. Keep the same amount as the first mask.
  • Fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, have the ability to return White color facial skin. They are added as emollient ingredients to many whitening masks. For example, cottage cheese can be combined with honey or egg white. Parsley, cucumber and sour cream go well together.
  • Wine vinegar + curdled milk + some wheat flour. Such masks should be used as a cleanser and brightener.
  1. Essential oil is rubbed into darkened areas several times a day. It heals sunburned face. Oils soften, nourish the skin, give it vitamins and minerals, make it elastic. Therefore, it is useful to add a few drops to any mask.
  2. Many people use hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair, including on the face. It is also used as a skin bleaching agent. Use a 3% solution. This antiseptic is used once a week, not more often. Peroxide dries out the skin a bit. Therefore, to get involved in this, of course, effective tool, it is forbidden.

You can simply wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, or you can mix it with other ingredients and apply it as a mask. For example, take equal amounts of peroxide and dry yeast. Mixing will result in a thick paste. Apply it on your face and leave for 10 minutes. The mask will dry on the skin. We must try not to violate its integrity. Then wash off the mask with water and lubricate the face with cream.

Another composition of the mask is to mix the yolk of an egg with 1 tbsp. homemade cottage cheese and a few drops of peroxide. For dry skin, emollients are required - kefir, oil, honey.

Do not overdo peroxide-based masks on your face.

  1. Rice cubes are prepared simply and quickly. It is necessary to cook the rice until cooked and drain the water through a sieve. You can freeze it in small portions. Every morning, wipe your face with a rice cube. The decoction whitens and softens the skin.
  2. Grate raw potatoes on a medium grater and apply this mixture on your face. Exposure 1 hour. Apply this mixture every day, in the evening until completely brightened.

If it is not possible to cope with improvised means, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist - cosmetologist. He will spend necessary diagnostics and tell you how to whiten the skin of the face most quickly and effectively.