
The Portuguese are cheerful lovers of bullfighting. Portuguese men, what are they? Portuguese appearance

breast cancer

Many girls in the post-Soviet space dream of marrying abroad. They imagine life as in a fairy tale, a prince on a white horse, a villa by the sea and no worries. Let's film for a moment pink glasses”and assess the situation with marriage with a sober look.

The people here are the same as ours. There are no bad or good nations, there are just people. I will not say good or bad Portuguese in this article. Let's just talk about the difference in mentality. I’ll make it clear right away - I personally didn’t have relations with the Portuguese - I judge by the relations of my friends or just observation from the outside.

Here, 10-15 years ago, women wore floor-length skirts, without makeup and without heels. Then the migration of Russians, Ukrainians, Brazilians to Portugal began. And, naturally, cultures began to mix. Today's youth already have a broader outlook, with a desire to learn and with the desire to achieve something in life.

Let's talk about men and women who are over 30. Just suitable age to create a family. What does a man expect from a woman and what is he ready to give in return.

A woman should be a good housewife

It is normal for the Portuguese to do the cleaning on Saturday. You might be wondering what's so special about it? Everyone is cleaning. But no! On Saturday - I mean the whole Saturday, and not 2-3 hours, as we used to do. They really can devote a whole day to this. And, not before some holidays, but every Saturday!

And men take it for granted that on Saturday they go with friends to a cafe, and a woman “washes the house”. And, of course, you will have to learn how to cook Portuguese dishes if you want to marry a Portuguese - the likelihood that he will like borscht or dumplings tends to zero.

Woman does not need physical help

In the villages, you can still see elderly women with a gas cylinder on their heads or with a basket of potatoes. Men are sincerely surprised by women's inability to drag 20 kg of food home.

A woman should be able to wait

Normal Portuguese relationships before marriage can last 7 years or more. There are cases, and quite frequent, when a man of 50 years old lives with his parents, and "meets" on the weekends with his "girlfriend" about his age. True, they are trying to drag our women to the registry office as soon as possible. I don't know many Portuguese, but I know one thing for sure: a Portuguese who had a relationship with our woman no longer wants a relationship with a Portuguese woman - that's a fact.

They often get married because it is necessary, well, or to pay off a housing loan together. And then everyone lives their own lives. Here our women are no exception.

The woman pays for herself

It’s normal for them if everyone pays for themselves, or they take turns paying for two. Of course, there are exceptions. But in principle,for them it's normal. And they can also order one piece of cake for two - it's not out of greed, it's quite normal for them.

A woman does not need flowers and gifts.

Nothing to even explain. But they can talk and write beautifully about love. And look with "calf" eyes. You can often see couples - he is young and handsome, and she is 10 years older, 30 kilograms heavier ... And he looks at her like a goddess! He holds his hand and does not let go - he is afraid that they will take him away!

Wedding in Portugal...

One more positive moment married to a Portuguese - a residence permit and Portuguese citizenship. If the cost of a residence for ordinary people costs about 270 euros, then for marriage (both for a Portuguese wife and a Portuguese husband) it is only 15 euros. And after 3 years of marriage, the foreign spouse is eligible for Portuguese citizenship. Regardless of whether he has a job or not, he knows the Portuguese language and history or not (for obtaining citizenship in the usual way, these are necessary conditions).

There are also Portuguese "domestic production". These are our men (and women) who have received Portuguese citizenship. As for the documents, they have all the rights, like the native Portuguese (this also applies to marriage). As for the mentality, they are a little different from those who stayed at home. But again, it all depends on everyone. specific person. Someone lived here and learned the best from the local culture, and someone vice versa.

You can marry a Portuguese in Portugal or at home. I will not write the order of marriage in my homeland, I will write what is needed here from a foreign bride:

Passport, residence, certificado de matrimonio. Certificado de matrimonio is a document that confirms that you are not married in your homeland, and there are no reasons preventing marriage (issued at your consulate).

Certificado de matrimonio might look like this

If on a tourist visa, for example, then a residence is not needed. If there is no visa or residence, then the Conservatorio de registo civil (registry office) submits a request to the SEF (service working with foreign emigrants) - what position are you in the country, and then you need to wait for an answer. A month or more, and then you might get married. The human factor often works here - in Portugal this happens often - how lucky. Depending on what kind of person you get, someone starts to put spokes in the wheels, and someone makes concessions and tries to help. Marriage on weekdays and work time in the registry office costs 120 euros. On weekends, outdoor ceremony - from 250 euros.

Who has experience with the Portuguese opposite sex - !

The men are's hard to generalize.

They are really different depending on

social status. Moreover, the difference is huge!

I'll try to make an average image.

Medium height, (a tall man is a rarity)

swarthy, hairy, black-eyed and black-browed.

He loves himself very much, to some extent depends on

the opinions of his surroundings. Carefully monitor that

they will say about it. Likes to dress fashionably, neat.

And at 45 he calls himself a young man.

Workers love earring and tattoos, not

depending on age. Take care of your health a little

that - run to the doctor.

attitude towards women. adore beautiful

women do not hide their admiration. But not

take the trouble to win a woman.

Usually - on the contrary. About food and football

talk for hours. Every man considers himself

macho, regardless of age, height, appearance ..

They even have such a word "machism", but for me it's

pure chauvinism towards women.

This is especially true for the older generation.

The youth are already more democratic and


They are very artistic, they can play a drama like that..

The theater is resting! Jealous! They can do everything

women are not. Not all of course.

Smart men tend to have their own

business, work hard so that the family does not

needed. They value their family very much and adore

their children. They worship their parents and help them.

A lot of people say that sometimes you just want

go deaf.)) Jokers and jokers.

These are real men from Leiria, already preparing for


Damn, I wrote and I think, well, almost right

ideal... no, they also depend on us women,

in some situations. Need magic

pendele, attention and affection, like all men in

the world.

Well, there are more handsome men among them than among

women. Here former employee Nuno with sonorous

surname Captain, 28 years old, unmarried. Mod up

ugliness, here he dyed his hair again. :)

Sometimes they marry pretty Brazilians

Chinese and Slavic women.

Once at the airport I met a man from

Kiev and got into a conversation with one middle-aged

Portuguese. He was waiting for his Ukrainian

wife. He said that we (Slavs) do not know ourselves

the price that he values ​​​​his Mila very much, that is

Ludmila for short.

I can not say that they are greedy, rather

rational. Flowers are rarely given and gifts in

mostly practical: clothes, bag, phone...

Emotional, not shy to cry

occasion. Well, Latinos!)) In general, they are positive.

They love their national cuisine, many

well prepared. They like to work in banks

pharmacies, accounting departments, where we are usually used to

see women. If you can get away from work,

they will definitely do it. Rest is sacred!

I have never seen drunk people on the street, but they drink at home.

From the newspapers I know that mainly in the villages,

beat their wives. They even have allowances

for victims of domestic violence. Personally not


The social status of a woman is very important to them.

Families in Portugal are large, this includes

cousins, second cousins ​​... connections always


I can’t compare with anyone, all nationalities

have their own characteristics.

And I want everyone to be masculine, regardless of

nationalities were Men. That's all.


When you meet a Portuguese, you can't help but notice his hot temperament and romantic nature. Portuguese men are amorous, passionate and generous with emotions. In general, men from Portugal are strong, courageous and reliable. The attitude of men from Portugal towards girls is very respectful, for them the beloved woman comes first.

Home and family hearth for the Portuguese is more important than all material wealth. Family life with the Portuguese will always be shrouded in love, passion and romance, regardless of the age of the spouses. Portuguese men, even in adulthood, are charming, groom themselves, and dress elegantly and tastefully.

Portuguese men are often regulars on international dating sites and are looking for Russian girls, as they are attracted to their femininity and focus on creating a family. That is why it is not very difficult for a Slavic woman to marry a Portuguese and go to Portugal.

About Portugal

Portugal is the westernmost country in continental Europe. The country is located in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula, borders Spain, and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its relatively small area, Portugal is one of the most prosperous and richest countries in the world.

Portugal is a country of warm sun and romance. That is why many women registered on dating sites want to meet men from Portugal.

The Portuguese are the indigenous population of Portugal. The state is located in the southwestern part of Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula. He also owns the Azores and Madeira. The political system is a parliamentary republic. The Portuguese made a great contribution to the development of navigation and the development of South America and Africa in the Middle Ages.


Total number Portuguese in the world - 31,200,000 people. Of these, 10,200,000 live in Portugal, where they make up 99% of the population. A small part of the inhabitants are emigrants from Angola, Mozambique. These are former colonies of Portugal.

Where live

The Portuguese settled throughout Europe, leaving for neighboring countries in search of work. France hosts a decent number of citizens. There are almost 800,000 people there. The distribution in other European countries is as follows:

  • UK: 500,000;
  • Switzerland: 190,000;
  • Germany: 114,000;
  • Spain: 126,000;
  • Luxembourg: 54,000.

The Portuguese are also emigrating to other continents. Mostly these are former colonial lands. Most ethnic Portuguese live in Brazil - 5,000,000. There they assimilated with the locals. Mozambique and Angola host 54,000 and 30,000 respectively. A small amount of is present in African states, in Goa, in Macau. Quite a few Portuguese are in the USA (1,500,000 people), Canada (500,000).

City of Porto


Portuguese belongs to the Romance language group. Most of all, it is close to Spanish and Galician and is the second in the number of its speakers. The inhabitants of Portugal understand the Spaniards well. And ethnic Portuguese living in Brazil communicate easily with locals who speak Spanish. The entire Portuguese-speaking population of the world is united by the term "lusophonia", which comes from the name of the Roman province of Lusitania. It was located in what is now Portugal.
Portuguese is the official language not only in Portugal, but in countries such as:

  1. Brazil
  2. Angola
  3. Mozambique
  4. Cape Verde
  5. Guinea-Bissau
  6. Sao Tome and Principe
  7. East Timor
  8. Macau


In ancient times, the territory of Portugal was inhabited by the Lusitanians - the indigenous people of this country. Then these lands were under the influence of the Roman Empire. Then the Iberian Peninsula was repeatedly attacked by Germanic tribes, Arabs. In the 11th century, Arab troops were forced out of this territory. 1143 became the year of the proclamation of the state of Portugal. The 15th century was marked by sea expeditions to other continents. Science and culture began to develop rapidly. Seafarers found their way to Africa, and the slave trade began to flourish.

Shipbuilding, maritime trade became the main industries that received a lot of attention. A sea route was laid to India, to the South American continent. The Portuguese seized colonies around the world, actively mixing with the local population. In the 19th century, Portugal came under British rule. The result was numerous coups, civil wars. They continued until recently. Currently, Portugal is an economically developed country with a high standard of living.


The country has declared freedom and inviolability of any religious beliefs. The vast majority of residents are Catholics (up to 90%). They adopted Christianity in the 2nd century. The remaining 10% are occupied by Muslims, Jews, Buddhists.


The term "Portuguese" in ancient times called the people living in the settlement of Portus Cale. It was located on the coast of the Duero River in the Iberian Peninsula. The name was given by the Romans, who captured it in the 2nd century BC. Then the Germanic tribes transformed it into Portucale. In the Middle Ages, it took the form of Portugal. Literally, Portus Cale is translated from ancient Celtic as "warm port".


The Portuguese belong to the Caucasoid type. Both men and women are quite attractive, with a striking appearance. They have delicate features big eyes, Oval face. Most have olive skin Brown eyes. The girls have thick black hair that they wear loose. Representatives of this people have a good physique. Girls can brag magnificent forms, and men - dense, stocky figures. The Portuguese are short. This does not detract from the beauty of the girls, and the males are still quite interesting due to their innate charisma. The average height of a Portuguese man is 1.70-1.75.

The Portuguese dress quite simply, naturalness and naturalness are in fashion. Young people wear jeans and T-shirts. Middle-aged people prefer pastel shades in clothes. Girls almost never use makeup. Their bright appearance allows you to do without it. In old age, many Portuguese look solid and personable.


National clothes Portuguese is replete with bright colors. The basis of the women's costume is:

  1. A white blouse.
  2. color long skirt.
  3. Apron.
  4. Vest.
  5. Handkerchief.
  6. Shoes with low heels.

A white blouse with puffy sleeves is embroidered with blue and red patterns. It is complemented by a colorful pleated skirt that gathers at the bottom with beautiful waves. In some areas, many petticoats are worn under the overskirt to make it airier. Skirts can be red, black, green, while flowers and floral ornaments are embroidered on them. On top of the blouse, they wear a short vest of bright colors that is waist-length. The image is complemented by a long or short apron in a contrasting shade. Sometimes a thin fringed scarf is thrown over the top, the ends of which are fixed at the waist.

For the holiday, women put on fishnet white stockings. Shoes are low-heeled shoes without a back. Top part decorated with patterns. A bright yellow or red shawl is tied around the head. The festive look is completed by massive earrings, long monistos hanging down to the waist.

Men's suit consists of skinny black trousers, a white shirt, a black sleeveless jacket. The waist is tied with a wide red fringed scarf. The headdress is a wide-brimmed hat. On foot - leather shoes or shoes. In cool weather, a shortened raincoat with an ornament is put on top.


The houses of the northern and southern territories of Portugal differ. In the north, the farm type of settlement prevails, in the south - villages uniting dozens of houses. There are two types of traditional dwellings: stone buildings with two floors and one-story adobe buildings. The first are typical for the northern regions. The rich built houses with balconies, patios, which housed outbuildings. The peasants had simple dwellings made of wicker walls plastered with clay or boards.
On the coast, triangular-shaped bungalow houses are common, with roofs down to the ground. The roof is covered with several layers of thatch, which are re-tiled every few years. The walls are painted White color, windows and doors - in blue and red shades. The first floor is divided into two rooms, the summer kitchen is located in the yard. Under the roof is an attic where supplies are stored. Such buildings look very unusual and exotic. Flowers, small decorative bushes are planted from the side of the street.

In Portugal, there is a unique village of Monsanto, in which huge boulders form part of the dwellings, and some houses are located between giant stones. The story tells that the ancient tribes attached houses to stone blocks scattered on the slopes of the mountains. The houses are built of cobblestones with tiled roofs. At the top of the mountain there is an ancient castle, and the slopes are densely built up with stone dwellings. The narrow streets are curved in different directions, and huge stones are heaped everywhere on them.


The geographical location of the country determines the features of the national cuisine of Portugal. The mountainous terrain and the proximity of the sea influenced the presence a large number seafood in the diet. Meat is consumed little, mainly lamb, pork and chicken. They are cooked with spices, rice and sauces. The main food of the Portuguese is fish. It is boiled, baked, fried, marinated. They also eat shellfish, mussels, squid, octopuses. Garnish for fish is potatoes, beans, rice. Nuts, dried fruits, figs are used as sweets. Apples baked in dough are popular. From drinks prefer mineral water, coffee. Traditionally, white and red wines are served for dinner.


The Portuguese are very musical people. They sing and dance in the streets during national holidays. In Portugal, there is a special musical genre - fado. The word is translated as "fate, fatality." The predominant emotion in the performance of fado is a melancholy mood about an unfortunate fate. The singer talks about unrequited love, wanderings, bitter life. The part is performed solo, with a guitar. Fado is often performed in restaurants, theaters, and in private homes. This genre has many fans.

Another characteristic phenomenon of Portugal is bullfighting (torada). This is a very spectacular action, gathering a lot of spectators. Torada differs from Spanish bullfighting in that it is forbidden to kill a bull. The exciting action begins with a small parade. The performance includes several stages: foot and horse battles with a bull, during which people try to catch the bull by the horns without getting hurt. Torada is a national treasure of Portugal. Everyone goes to shows local population including small children.

Portugal is rich in medieval architecture. It has many castles and monasteries. In the south of the country, the ruins of Roman buildings have been preserved. Popular attractions of the state, collecting many tourists:

  1. The castle of Torre de Belem.
  2. Pena Palace.
  3. Monastery of Alcobas.
  4. Castle of the Templars Convento de Cristo.
  5. Castle of Saint George.
  6. Church of Saint Francis.

Templar Castle Convento de Cristo

A life

It is not customary for the Portuguese to show wealth. They live in small houses, furnished only necessary things. There are no luxury villas like in America. The population is concentrated in villages and small towns. The people of Portugal are very devoted to the family. Parents give birth to 3-4 children who are loved and pampered. Marriages are made mainly among locals. Portuguese women rarely marry foreigners.
An interesting feature is that the head of the family is often a woman. A man is not henpecked, but it is the wife who makes the decisions. Relations between the sexes are often expressed quite violently. Family scenes are often witnessed by people around. Portuguese women are jealous, like most ladies of southern nationalities.
Portuguese men smoke a lot. However, in in public places If you don't do it, you can get a high fine. The attitude towards soft drugs in the country is loyal. Buy this product is often offered right on the street. There are many nightclubs in large cities. The population loves entertainment, fun pastime.


The Portuguese are very hospitable. They are glad to any person who looked to visit them. The hostess prepares a variety of dishes for the arrival of guests; sandwiches will not be served on the table for hastily. These people have a cheerful, friendly disposition. They joke a lot and smile. Another distinguishing feature of the Portuguese is the lack of haste. A carefree attitude to problems is taken by many Europeans as optional. In fact, they just don't get hung up on the little things. Before embarking on any business, the Portuguese will first think it over well.

Men can be gallant, flirt with strangers. However, giving flowers, gifts is not accepted. Even in the capital there are almost no flower shops. After a few compliments, a man can move on to decisive action. They switch to “you” quite quickly, and if the interlocutor shows reciprocal feelings, they begin to actively approach each other.

Foreign women should not see this behavior as more than just flirting. You need to communicate with the Portuguese at ease and easily, while having fun.

In the title - the search phrase for which someone looked into the blog. Well, we asked - we will answer. I caught the imprudently arrived daughter and let's untwist her in an interview: "Well, answer me, otherwise the people are interested!"
Backed up against the wall, the child began to remember from his own and other people's experience, and I began to write. So:

Portuguese guys don't meet girls on the streets. And not because they don’t want to, it’s just indecent and disrespectful towards the girl. Therefore, if you are pestered on the street, then:
a) This is not a Portuguese, but a Brazilian.
b) Sadly, but you may have been mistaken for a girl of easy virtue.
c) This is a Portuguese who lived abroad for a long time.

He will come across you on the road on the way to work, blush and look into your eyes, smile, perhaps even whisper softly "Ola!" (hello), but come and meet? No no and one more time no. How is it possible?! This is not appropriate. Dot. Of course, he can come up if he is very self-confident, but it’s not a fact that then the girl will not consider him an ill-mannered impudent. Such is the trap.

In order to get acquainted according to the rules, as with a decent girl, he will look for a person among his acquaintances (friend, girlfriend, relative - it doesn’t matter), who already knows you and can introduce him.

Therefore, most often they get acquainted in a circle of friends. Moreover, in this way you can first look at the girl enough long time get to know her better and decide whether she suits you or not.

But, finally, it happened. The object of passion is chosen. Followed by an invitation to coffee. And in this case, this is precisely an invitation to a cafe, and not to a "glass of tea." It is not customary to invite to the cinema on a first date. Yes, and the cafe is invited at lunchtime or in the afternoon, and not late in the evening. Therefore, sex on the first date is hardly possible. Oh yes, and one more thing - the costs in the cafe are divided by two (there are exceptions to this rule, it all depends on the upbringing of the guy).

After exchanging phone numbers or msn, the guy will not necessarily call first. Rather, on the contrary, he will wait for the initiative from the girl - a call with a proposal to meet and clarify the day when she is free. In general, Portuguese men are not very creative and are happy to give the initiative to women.

Another feature of a Portuguese man is that he can only move a chair, open a car door or help put on a coat if there is a romantic relationship between you, and even then not always. If the guy and the girl are just friends, then the situation is quite possible when she drags, for example, a heavy package, and an empty-handed friend walks by.

They rarely give compliments, even less often give flowers. They almost never do "crazy" things. Inscriptions on the pavement or serenades under the window are possible at twelve, but not at twenty. Manifestations of love are more likely to be expressed simply by SMS. They are calm and predictable. This is not "macho" in the full sense of the word. They do not believe that only a man should take the initiative, on the contrary, they are indignant: "Why are we always? If she shows interest, I will also be pleased!" But at the same time, they don’t like it when a girl runs after a guy, and this happens quite often, because the Portuguese nation has one strange feature: guys are often much prettier girls(of course, this is purely our subjective opinion, which we will not insist on, because the taste and color ...)

They are for equality always and in everything. They don’t pay for a girl in a movie or cafe, or rather, this is possible, but the situation is also considered quite normal when, for example, a guy lives with a girl and she pays for an apartment.

The longer the preliminary friendly acquaintance, the greater the chance that the relationship will then last for a long time. Usually couples meet here for 5-6 years before marriage, and this period is considered quite normal. The option "we met for a couple of years, lived together in rented housing for a couple of years, then got married" is also common. Marrying two months after meeting is not accepted and it looks ... well, you already understood, "indecent" :)
They are correct (of course, not all, here are rather generalized tendencies). They prefer the slogan "they don't look for good from good" and if a guy already has a girlfriend, he is unlikely to run around five more skirts.

Yet. When young people start dating, it is very rare that they have different friends, they usually become common and companies usually consist of couples. There is a hidden minus in this, because in the event of a break in relations, one of the couple also loses friends, because it is psychologically difficult to meet every day in the company of the former, who, moreover, often comes accompanied by a new passion.

Here, as nowhere else, much depends on geography. Relations in the province are serious and patriarchal. In Lisbon, sex after the first meeting at a disco is not yet a reason for dating.

P.S. I repeat once again: the above is not the ultimate truth, but a subjective opinion :)