
Sodium hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate: similarities and differences


Hyaluronic acid as popular moisturizing ingredient as. And many legends have been created around it. Then it is declared almost a panacea for skin aging, and then it turns out that it was a joke, the molecules do not penetrate beyond the stratum corneum and the moisturizing effect is only a temporary phenomenon. Then, that all the power is in injections. And finally, they suggest taking hyaluronic acid as an additive, they say, so it definitely gets inside, hold on, skin! We decided to figure out what's what and draw our own conclusions.

1. Hyaluronic acid is not only a cosmetic ingredient

Hyaluronic acid, a linear polysaccharide of animal origin, is part of the connective and epithelial tissue, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, vitreous body of the eyes. For the skin, hyaluronic acid acts as a moisture regulator, maintaining a normal level of water balance in cells, making it elastic and dense to the touch.

If, for some reason, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the basal layer of the epidermis decreases, the healing processes are disrupted, elasticity decreases, the skin becomes dry, irritated and sensitive.

2. Hyaluronic acid can be obtained in different ways

More precisely, two, from animal raw materials (cockscombs, ocular vitreous body of cattle) or synthesized by biotechnological methods. V natural cosmetics hyaluronic acid of animal origin is not used.

3. Here is such a width, here is such a height

Hyaluronic acid is of two types: consisting of small and large molecules. Large molecules (actually hyaluronic acid) are most often used for subcutaneous injections, while small molecules are used as moisturizing and restoring components in cosmetic products.

For a long time, it was believed that the use of small molecules in creams is meaningless, because, unlike large molecules, they do not have a pronounced moisturizing effect. However, it later became clear that, firstly, small molecules are still capable of attracting moisture, especially if there are enough of them. And secondly, due to their small size, they can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, acting on the receptors of fibroblasts (cells that synthesize components of the intercellular substance), stimulating them to start the process of producing new hyaluronic acid.

The sodium salt of hyaluronic acid - sodium hyaluronate (Sodium Hyaluronate) is used as a "small" molecule in cosmetics. By the way, the rule "the more the better" in the case of hyaluronic acid does not work. Unlike most dietary supplements, it exhibits its beneficial properties at very low concentrations (0.01–0.1%), so don't be discouraged if you see it at the end of the ingredient list.

4. Moisturize when dry?

Hyaluronic acid is used in cosmetics as a moisturizing component, however, few people know that it works - having the ability to attract and hold a large number of water molecules, at low air humidity, hyaluronic acid can dry out the upper layers of the epidermis, creating a feeling of tightness in the skin. To avoid this, you need to either use hyaluronic acid products in humid climates (for example, at sea), or apply a moisturizer or emulsion on top to prevent the tightening effect of the skin.

5. And the sun ...

It used to be that the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases with age, and this is one of the reasons for the loss of skin elasticity. Now there is an opinion that the most important factor leading to a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the skin is ... the sun. More precisely, damage to the skin by rays of the UV-B range, due to which the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by fibroblasts decreases, and at the same time the processes of its decay are enhanced. In this case, decay products accumulate in the skin and are removed from it rather slowly.

6. Darling, you need to beat!

Hyaluronic acid is used as a filler (injection) in anti-aging therapy and to moisturize the skin. In general, there is an opinion that hyaluronic acid in creams is not absorbed and the only way, increase the moisture content of the skin, this is to undergo a course of mesotherapy. Moreover, some cosmetologists suggest starting to do injections from the age of 25, so to speak "for future use." Here is what the cosmetologist Tiina Orasmäe-Meder thinks about this:

“It is important for practicing specialists to understand that the quality of the drug always determines the nature of the effect of the procedure, but at the same time side effects and complications are possible even with the use of the highest quality and proven drugs. Hyaluronic acid is present in connective tissue, dermis and epidermis, and the regulation of its amount is determined by natural mechanisms.

Any introduction of HA from the outside activates the regulatory mechanisms, therefore, contouring, etc., cannot be considered a completely controlled process: after the drug enters the skin, the rate of its degradation and possible tissue changes will be determined by the state of health and the individual characteristics of the organism as a whole.

The effect of external rejuvenation, reducing the severity of wrinkles and increasing skin tone can last for different periods. It is important to understand that any administration of significant amounts of HA locally leads to the activation of the synthesis of metalloproteinases, which also include collagenases and elastases, the synthesis of which is closely related to the synthesis of hyaluronidases. Therefore, the degradation of the injected hyaluronic acid can proceed with a simultaneous increase in the degradation of its own collagen and elastin, which does not contribute to the preservation of skin elasticity.

In general, I would like to once again warn specialists against excessive enthusiasm for injecting HA, primarily against too frequent use of this method. Local administration of HA preparations in order to compensate for the deficiency of its own HA has a therapeutic and aesthetic effect, but the use of HA for "prophylactic injections" is highly controversial. "

7. Shouldn't we slap a glass?

In addition to creams and injections, hyaluronic acid can be consumed internally in the truest sense of the word - in the form of tablets and drinks. There are especially many such food additives on the Asian market. Manufacturers promise to increase the moisture content of the skin, which means to make it firmer and smoother, and everything from the inside is not like these dubious creams, which are known to remain on the surface of the skin ...

What can you answer here? Unfortunately, so far there are no independent studies that would confirm that regular intake of hyaluronic acid can increase the moisture-holding properties of the skin. All data and figures are given by the manufacturing companies themselves, which casts doubt on their objectivity.

Many ladies who have taken dietary supplements with hyaluronic acid note that the work of the joints improves - they stop squeaking, and pain in osteoporosis decreases. That is, the hyaluronic acid that enters the body is used to maintain the connective tissues. Whether something remains "for the skin" is unknown. In any case, these additives are considered harmless, unless you should not blame them on their appearance.

"Hyaluronic acid", Tiina Orasmäe-Meder
"Cosmetic chemistry", T. Puchkova

In addition to the vasoconstrictor component, the TIZIN ® Expert nasal spray contains hyaluronic acid. It is thanks to this unique organic compound that the drug has additional properties. It not only reduces the feeling of nasal congestion and the symptoms of the common cold, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane.


Hyaluronic acid is an essential component of all tissues. Most of all it is in the skin and mucous membranes. In addition to hyaluronic acid itself, its derivatives (potassium and sodium hyaluronate) are found in the human body, which have properties similar to it. Modern biotechnology makes it possible to synthesize these compounds. The sodium hyaluronate obtained in this way differs little from a natural compound in its effect.

Hyaluronic acid and its derivatives are massive polysaccharide biopolymers composed of repeating simple disaccharide units. In a complex molecule of hyaluronic acid, acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid alternate. But sodium hyaluronate instead of glucuronic acid contains glucuronate.

Chains of sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid fill the intercellular spaces. They are quite long and have a high specific gravity, therefore they bind many water molecules and impart viscosity to extracellular fluids. This provides the tissues with firmness, hydration and elasticity, allows you to remove toxins and maintain moisture balance.

On the surface of the mucous membranes, hyaluronic acid forms a thin, semi-permeable protective layer, covering the nerve endings and preventing irritation. It also stimulates the formation of collagen, creates a favorable environment for the regeneration of the surface layers of the skin and mucous membranes, has a moderate antiviral and bactericidal effect.

Application in medicine

Hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate improve the condition of all tissues and are used in various industries:

  • in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine - to increase skin elasticity and correct aging processes;
  • as part of external agents - for moisturizing the skin, enhancing the processes of regeneration and healing of injuries;
  • as part of nasal sprays - to moisturize and soften the nasal mucosa. In combination with xylometazoline, an active substance with a vasoconstrictor effect, hyaluronic acid helps to eliminate dryness.

Reasons for successful use

Hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate are not alien substances for the body. Therefore, preparations containing these compounds are hypoallergenic and have good compatibility with all tissues. When using hyaluronic acid, the skin and mucous membranes are effectively moisturized and additional protection... Comfortable conditions are created for cells, natural processes of restoration of damaged and inflamed tissues are stimulated.

For a long time, scientists did not fully know what role sodium hyaluronate plays in cells. To date, the secret has been revealed, the substance is used with great success for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Sodium hyaluronate: general information

For the first time, the name of a substance isolated from the eye was given in 1934. The polymer sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan), absolutely identical to the human polysaccharide, consists of identical chains that are connected by glycosidic bridges (β-1,4 and β-1,3). It is a structural neutral component of the skin that retains moisture. In addition, hyaluronate is found in the nervous and connective tissue, biological fluids and cartilage.

The properties of sodium hyaluronate began to be studied in the 50s of the last century. The interest of scientists was caused by the change in the content of the substance during the development of various diseases(especially joints). The norms of concentration in the blood of a healthy person and with the onset of pathology were established. The defining signal for the development of the inflammatory process was an increase in the content of hyaluronate not only in the focus of the disease, but also in the circulatory system.

Areas of use

Hyaluronic acid is used in medical practice to treat tissues that contain a similar substance. In the field of ophthalmology, it is used during the diagnosis of retinal diseases, operations, and in the treatment of dry eye syndrome, sodium hyaluronate has proven itself well. Preparations based on it quickly eliminate discomfort, and the positive result of therapy lasts for a long time.

Due to the content of sodium hyaluronate in the synovial fluid, its artificially derived analogue is used to restore the motor functions of joints in degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. The substance took a special place in plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care. Most of the aesthetic problems on the face are solved with the help of subcutaneous administration of drugs that contain sodium hyaluronate. Reviews of various means and procedural methods are only positive.


The effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate injections has been actively studied since the end of the last century. The results were very vague, and the scientists concluded that the treatment was not much different from the placebo. This result did not satisfy the researchers, and the research continued. Already in 2006, a new conclusion was presented to the public, according to which positive results of therapy and confirmation of a reduction in pain syndrome were recorded. Recent studies in 2012 have shown that reverse side the introduction of hyaluronic acid: complete lack of improvement (more than 5000 patients), insignificant effect (1149 people) and the risk of deterioration and side effects (about 4000). Unambiguous conclusions have not been made, because the studies used different shape sodium hyaluronate, and some participants (patients) did not complete therapy.

Joint treatment

In connection with the aging of the body, the synovial fluid gradually loses its special viscoelastic property, the substance covering the cartilage becomes thinner. Over time, an inflammatory process develops in the joints, swelling appears and pain syndrome... As a result motor functions are violated, and a person may even become incapacitated. Thanks to scientific discoveries, sodium hyaluronate has become a real salvation for the joints: it not only relieves pain, but also stimulates its own production of a substance, thereby slowing down the development of arthrosis and osteoarthritis of the joints.

The therapeutic effect consists in restoring the required concentration of long molecules with the help of injections. The course of therapy (usually 2 weeks) is carried out as an alternative method when the patient is contraindicated for drugs of the NVPV group or corticosteroids. The action of hyaluronic acid is not long in coming, and the patient soon feels relief from symptoms. The cushioning functions of the cartilage are restored and the pain subsides. Depending on the severity of the disease, the next procedure for the introduction of the substance can be prescribed after 6 or 12 months.

Hyaluronic acid preparations

Intra-articular administration of drugs based on sodium hyaluronate is preferable and more effective than oral administration of drugs in the form of tablets. In addition, there is no effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common drugs based on sodium hyaluronate are:

  • Ostenil (Germany).
  • Istil (sodium hyaluronate for eyes in the form of drops, Italy).
  • Fermatron (Great Britain).
  • "Sinokrom" (Germany).
  • “Adant (Japan).
  • Suplazin (Ireland).
  • "Gialgan Fidia" (Italy).
  • "Viscosil" (Germany).

The cost of drugs varies widely and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the active ingredient.

"Ostenil" for the treatment of osteoarthritis

The well-proven drug "Ostenil" contains sodium hyaluronate (1% or 2%), which is produced by fermentation of Streptococcus equi bacteria. Due to the absence of animal protein, the development of an allergic reaction is excluded. Available in 10 and 20 mg disposable syringes. Price - about 3500 rubles.

"Ostenil" suppresses the inflammatory process in the synovial membrane and increases its viscosity, which contributes to the restoration of functioning. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to give an injection (1 dose) at intervals of 7 days. The course of therapy is 3-5 weeks. Most patients noted a decrease in pain in the joints for a period of 5-8 months, after which it was necessary to carry out the next injection of the drug.

"Synokrom" to help joints

The implant contains a highly purified active ingredient - sodium hyaluronate. The 2% version of the release is suitable for the treatment of large joints, for example, the hip. A lower dosage is used for areas of smaller lesion. For a shortened rate, it is convenient to use the release form with a prolonged action - "Synokrom Forte", which is involved in metabolic processes. The tool is intended for the treatment and removal of symptoms of osteoarthritis of various localization. The effect of the therapy lasts much longer compared to similar drugs.

"Sinokrom" passed clinical trials, during which its medicinal properties were confirmed. Side effects and allergic reactions were extremely rare. Most of the patients retained the effect after 12 months.

special instructions

To carry out the procedure for the administration of drugs based on sodium hyaluronate, it is necessary to provide appropriate sterile conditions. Particular attention is paid to the packaging and the syringe itself - it must be tightly closed. The drug remaining after the injection cannot be stored. To save money, you need to purchase the correct dosage according to your doctor's instructions.

The drugs are prohibited for use by children under 18 years of age and women during pregnancy. In rare cases, side effects may occur: pain at the injection site, redness, slight swelling, allergic rash. If the manifestation of such symptoms does not stop, the remedy is replaced with another. To save medicinal properties hyaluronic acid is stored at a temperature of 0-10 ° C, in a dark place. The syringe with the needle is not subject to further use, it must be disposed of.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

After 25 years, the amount of hyaluronate produced in the epidermis decreases, and the skin loses its freshness, shine, natural attractiveness, the first wrinkles appear, and women begin to turn to moisturizers for help. Not all of them provide the necessary level of hydration and get rid of the first signs of aging.

Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology is used as a rejuvenating agent, or, as it is also called, "the elixir of youth." Unlike other substances, "hyaluronic acid" gives a quick and, most importantly, a positive result. Salons offer the introduction of drugs directly into the "problem areas". The result of such a procedure will be visible after the first session. The action of hyaluronic acid is as follows:

  • Reduces the rate of evaporation of water from the epidermis.
  • Retains moisture in the skin.
  • Creates a protective film that resists aggressive environmental influences.
  • Leaves dry and flaky skin as hydrated as possible.
  • Fills in depressions in wrinkle areas.
  • Returns elasticity.
  • Promotes the wound healing process.

For cosmetic purposes, sodium hyaluronate is used, low molecular weight (able to penetrate deep into the skin) and high molecular weight (creates a protective film on the surface). Both types are used in creams, lotions, tonics, masks.

Salon "beauty injections"

Today, subcutaneous injection is in demand to change the contours of the face and smooth out wrinkles. The method is safe and has no side effects, thanks to a preliminary test for sensitivity to the drug (filler). It should be borne in mind that the frequent use of such procedures helps to reduce the production of its own (natural) hyaluronan. Therefore, it is important to select the correct dosage and maintain the prescribed interval between injections.

The following procedures with "hyaluron" are in demand in the salons:

  • Mesotherapy- carried out if necessary to remove puffiness and circles under the eyes, to hide defects in and other indications. The gel injected subcutaneously fills the voids and thereby restores the former volume in the problem area. The cost of the procedure depends on the chosen filler.
  • Biorevitalization- differs from the previous version in that practically pure sodium hyaluronate is used for injection. In cosmetology, this method is gaining momentum thanks to the amazing results after the first rejuvenation session. From the financial point of view, this option is somewhat more expensive than mesotherapy.
  • Hyaluronic plastic (contour)- a method of changing the contours (shape) of the face and individual parts, lip augmentation. You can apply vector bio-reinforcement (creating a framework that will retain the shape of the face after resorption of sodium hyaluronate), bolus correction (injecting drugs into the deep layers of the skin).

A qualified specialist will help you to choose the right procedure.

How to use hyaluronic acid at home?

It is not always possible to attend expensive procedures in beauty salons. Therefore, many women use home recipe skin rejuvenation with sodium hyaluronate. To do this, you need to purchase the active ingredient in powder or in the form of sodium salt at a pharmacy or online store. We dilute the "hyaluron" in 30 ml of purified warm water (enough at the tip of a teaspoon). Mix and leave for 20 minutes until a gel forms. Then we collect the resulting mass into a syringe and store in the refrigerator.

The gel is applied to cleansed skin or individual areas that require adjustment. A thin layer at first resembles a film, but after a while it is completely absorbed. After that, you need to moisturize your face well with a cream.

  • Clinical pharmacology

    Pharmacological action - analogue of human synovial fluid.

    Sodium hyaluronate (gilan, a biological analogue of hyaluronan) is a polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetylglycosamine and sodium glucuronate. Has a high molecular weight. 1% sodium hyaluronate solution is a hydrated gel.

    Sodium hyaluronate for intra-articular injection (ostenil, synvisc, fermatron):

    Sodium hyaluronate is used as a sterile viscoelastic implant for intra-articular injection into the synovial space in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. It is used to treat the knee or any other synovial joints.

    In fact, it is analogous to human synovial fluid. Based on this, the introduction of sodium hyaluronate into the affected joint breaks the key link in the development of arthrosis, it is the cause of the progression of arthrosis that is affected.

    The therapeutic effect of sodium hyaluronate is associated with "viscosity replenishment", thereby improving the physiological and rheological status of the tissues of the affected joint. In addition, the action of sodium hyaluronate is based on the "trigger" effect - it directly restores the ability of the joint to produce endogenous hyaluronan and, thus, returns it to a state of homeostasis, which lasts for several months.

    As the accumulated clinical materials show, when using sodium hyaluronate, the following points take place:

    • Restores synovial balance: increases the viscosity of the synovial fluid, restoring its lubricating, shock-absorbing and filtering properties.
    • Protects the articular cartilage from mechanical and chemical damage: restores the protective coating on the inner surface of the joint and increases the binding of free radicals.
    • The inflammation of the synovial membrane decreases and its protective functions are restored. Slowing down the destruction of the articular cartilage in combination with the processes of restoring the homeostasis of the synovial fluid leads to the rapid removal of pain symptoms and regression of the phenomena of limited mobility in the joint.

    The beneficial effect of sodium hyaluronate appears gradually during the course and lasts for several months. After completing the full course of 5 injections, symptoms are usually relieved for 6 to 12 months.

    Sodium hyaluronate for intraocular injection (chealon):

    Sodium hyaluronate - a product for use in eye surgery. It is a natural substance that is present in the extracellular connective tissue matrix in both animals and humans. Provides expansion of the anterior chamber of the eye, facilitates the separation of eye tissues. Sodium hyaluronate reduces the risk of traumatic damage to the endothelium of the cornea and other tissues of the eye, provides transparency of the visual fields.

  • Indications for use
      • For pain and limited mobility caused by degenerative-dystrophic and traumatic changes in the knee, hip and other synovial joints.
      • For temporary replacement and replenishment of synovial fluid.
      • When treating patients who lead an active lifestyle and regularly load the affected joint.
    • For intraocular injection (eye surgery)
      • Expansion of the anterior chamber or separation of tissues, etc. (during operations on the anterior and posterior segments of the eye).
      • Retinal examination during and after surgery.
      • Carrying out laser therapy (auxiliary tool).
  • Contraindications
    • Are common
      • Hypersensitivity to sodium hyaluronate.
    • For intra-articular injections
      • The presence of infected wounds, abrasions in the joint area.
      • An infected or severely inflamed joint.
      • Venous or lymphatic stasis on the side of the affected joint.
      • Sodium hyaluronate is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as by patients suffering from inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. It is not recommended to administer it before stopping the symptoms of synovitis due to dilution of the drug with synovial fluid and a possible decrease in the therapeutic effect.
  • Side effects
    • For intra-articular injections

      Sodium hyaluronate is excellently tolerated. Clinical studies have shown the complete absence of toxic and mutagenic reactions. Thanks to the form of release - a syringe-pen - the possibility of introducing a secondary infection during injection is minimized.

      Possible side reactions (usually disappear without a trace within a few days):

      • Local secondary phenomena such as pain, warmth, redness and swelling can be observed on the joint into which the drug is injected (applying ice to the joint for five to ten minutes will remove all such phenomena).
      • The appearance of intra-articular exudation (in some cases, exudation can be significant and cause a more prolonged pain syndrome). In these cases, it is necessary to puncture the joint and remove the exudate, followed by microscopy in order to exclude infection and microcrystalline arthropathy (gout).
      • Extremely rare - allergic reactions.
    • For intraocular injection
      • Transient increase in intraocular pressure in the postoperative period (4-8 hours after the operation) due to mechanical blockage of the trabecular network by the remains of the solution.
      • Rarely - allergic reactions.
  • Method of administration and dosage
    • For intra-articular injections

      Depending on the size of the joint, inject up to 2 ml of 1% sodium hyaluronate solution into the joint cavity once a week for 3 to 5 consecutive weeks. Several joints can be treated at the same time.

      Clinical trials show a pronounced effect after the 3rd injection. The maximum recommended dose is six injections.

      The positive qualities of the drug include a persistent therapeutic effect - 6 months. and more after the last injection.

      Repeated treatment cycles can be performed on demand. The interval between courses is at least 4 weeks.

    • For intraocular injection

      The dose of sodium hyaluronate depends on the characteristics of the surgical intervention in a particular patient.

      Sodium hyaluronate is injected into the eyeball through a thin catheter. Since some of the drug is washed out of the eye during surgery, repeated injections may be necessary.

      The total volume of the drug required for repeated intraocular injections during operations on the anterior segment usually does not exceed 1 ml; in operations on the posterior segment, 2-4 ml are usually required.

  • Interaction
    • For intra-articular injections

      To date, there is no information regarding the incompatibility of sodium hyaluronate with other solutions for intra-articular use. To alleviate the condition, the patient may take oral analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs during the first few days of the procedure.

    • For intraocular injection

      Sodium hyaluronate is incompatible with cationic solutions (opalescence appears when mixed).

  • Precautionary measures
    • For intra-articular injections

      Sodium hyaluronate injections should be made exclusively in hospitals officially certified for intra-articular injections by certified and certified doctors of the appropriate profile.

      Some of the sodium hyaluronate preparations contain a small amount of chicken protein, therefore, care should be taken when treating patients with appropriate hypersensitivity. Particular attention is needed for patients suffering from drug hypersensitivity.

      Sodium hyaluronate should not be administered in the presence of significant intra-articular effusion.

      General precautions for intra-articular injection must be followed. When treating the skin before injection, do not use disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium salts.

      Before administration, the solution must be warmed to room temperature.

      Sodium hyaluronate should be gently injected into the joint cavity. Cannot be administered extra-articularly, including into synovial tissues or joint capsule. In this case, local side reactions may occur. Do not allow the drug to enter the blood vessels!

      As with any other invasive joint procedure, after the injection of sodium hyaluronate, the patient is advised to follow a gentle regimen and avoid excessive stress on the joint for several days.

      Do not use this medicine if the pre-filled syringe or sterile packaging is damaged.

      The effectiveness of a course of treatment containing fewer than three injections has not been established.

      The efficacy and safety of sodium hyaluronate when used for indications other than osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis has not been established.

      Sodium hyaluronate has not been used to treat pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

      During the course of treatment with sodium hyaluronate, it is not allowed to inject anesthetics or other pharmacological drugs into the cavity of the affected joint.

    • For intraocular injection

      To prevent an increase in intraocular pressure in the postoperative period, the solution should be completely removed from the eye at the end of the operation. Careful monitoring of intraocular pressure is required, especially in cases where sodium hyaluronate needs to be left in the eyeball cavity to create a mechanical effect after surgery. If there is a significant increase in intraocular pressure, appropriate therapy should be prescribed. Sodium hyaluronate remaining inside the eyeball is subsequently excreted mainly through the trabecular meshwork.

      In vitro studies noted the opalescence of sodium hyaluronate solution when mixed with solutions containing some cations (including with solutions of certain drugs and detergents), therefore, sodium hyaluronate should not be administered simultaneously or after any other substances.

      Sodium hyaluronate contained in Healon is isolated from the tissues of birds and, despite the high quality of purification, the presence of minor protein impurities in the preparation cannot be ruled out. Given this, it is necessary to bear in mind the potential risk associated with the injection (especially repeated) of any biological material. In clinical studies, no signs of the drug's immunogenicity were found.