
Rosehips rejuvenate the skin by deep penetration. How to properly use rosehip oil for wrinkles. Why is rosehip oil useful in cosmetology?


Nowadays, there is a huge selection of caring products for any wallet. But do not think that expensive products can have a magical effect on the condition of your skin. Exists folk recipes that help to cope with many problems of the skin of the face and, unlike the commercial products, they will not contain harmful preservatives, dyes or fragrances. Rosehip is a truly magical plant that can be used not only internally, but also as a remedy for external use.

Medicinal properties and benefits of rose hips

Rosehip contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the state of the human body. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which is famous for its antioxidant properties, which means it helps in the fight against aging like no other. In addition to it, the berries contain vitamins A, E, which are the basis for maintaining the condition of the skin and hair. It also contains B vitamins, potassium, niacin, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

After use, the following positive results can be noted on the skin of the face:

  • elasticity increases;
  • the severity of wrinkles decreases;
  • evens out the tone of the face;
  • small cracks and wounds heal;
  • recover protective functions skin;
  • dryness is eliminated, moisture is retained inside the cells;
  • deep pollution is eliminated;
  • the skin is saturated with vitamins and nutrients;
  • aging processes slow down.

To get the maximum result, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Check your body's reaction to rose hips before use to rule out allergies.
  2. Consider your skin type and choose a recipe that's right for you.
  3. Observe the regularity of using the selected funds, since one-time sessions do not give the desired effect.
  4. Store all prepared mixtures in the refrigerator for no more than two days.
  5. Take courses of masks, take breaks of 1-2 months every three weeks.

Facial beauty recipes

Rosehip decoction

This is the basic recipe on the basis of which various masks and face lotions are made. To prepare it, you will need 3 tablespoons of rose hips. They are placed in a saucepan with one liter of water, brought to a boil and cooked for 15–20 minutes over low heat. The resulting broth is poured into a glass jar, wrapped in several layers with a towel to keep warm and left overnight. After straining, you can use the daily skin cleaner and other recipes.

Ice rubbing

Take a decoction of rose hips prepared in advance and pour it into ice cube trays. For greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of any essential oil of your choice before freezing. The obtained pieces of ice can be used to massage the skin in the morning every day, this will improve blood microcirculation and restore a healthy complexion.

Rosehip oil

Put 3-5 drops of rosehip oil on a cotton pad and wipe your face with it twice a day. You can add a small amount of other oils, such as olive or coconut. It will be especially effective to do massage every day with this tool. The skin will become more elastic, tightened, fine mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the severity of scars will decrease.

Products for the skin around the eyes

Mix a spoonful of rosehip oil with two drops of liquid vitamin A and E. massage movements Apply the product to your eyelids with your fingers. Regular use will help reduce puffiness, bags under the eyes and improve blood circulation.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

For cooking, you will need one spoonful of sour cream or yogurt, a quarter of finely chopped banana and two chopped rose hips. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, you can do this in a blender. The mask is applied to cleansed skin for 20 minutes, and cotton pads with rosehip decoction are placed on the eyes. At the end of the time, wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Means for eliminating oiliness and acne

With this recipe, you can get rid of excess oiliness, remove deep impurities and remove dead skin cells. Take 100 ml of carrot juice, add half a spoonful of rosehip oil and one spoonful of gelatin to it. Stir the ingredients, thicken a little and apply to cleansed face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

For dry and mixed skin types

Take the yolk from one raw chicken egg, add two tablespoons of olive oil and a spoonful of rosehip broth. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply on face for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. If necessary, carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

For a matte finish

This recipe is suitable for oily skin... To prepare it, you will need egg white, two tablespoons of rosehip broth and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed face. Soak for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water. Repeat as needed.

Anti-wrinkle with aloe and vitamins

In a glass container, place a tablespoon of any baby or nutritional cream, ten drops of rosehip oil and vitamin B2 (sold in ampoules), a spoonful of aloe juice and olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply it to cleansed skin for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. You can apply this mask 2 times a week.

Freckle Whitening Lotion

If you want to get rid of age spots on your face, then this recipe is perfect for you. Take 200 g of fresh rosehip flowers, pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Wipe your face with this product in the morning and before bed every day. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.


Despite the naturalness and rare side effects, it is worth studying the list of contraindications:

  • furunculosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • dermal rashes;
  • acne.

Rosehip oil is obtained from the flowers and fruits (seeds) of the wild rose (among the rosehip people). The balanced composition, enriched with vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements, provides medicinal properties rosehip oils, which are used in medicine. In the field of cosmetology, today this tool is used to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Properties and benefits of rosehip oil for the face.
Outwardly, rosehip oil is a yellow-red bitterish liquid with a characteristic aroma. Due to its complex composition, the oil has unique property penetrate deeply into cells, thereby ensuring their full functioning. The product has a highly nourishing, moisturizing (due to the ability to retain moisture), regenerating, restorative effect on the cells and tissues of the epidermis, improving intracellular metabolism. Due to the fatty acids present in it, the oil comes out effective protection skin from external influences.

Sometimes oil can provoke allergic reactions in the presence of individual intolerance. Before using it directly, it is advisable to test it on a small area of ​​the skin.

Ways to use rosehip oil for the face.
Rosehip cosmetic oil is freely available at any pharmacy. In home cosmetology, it can be used undiluted as a cleansing wipe. Just soak a cosmetic disc in hot water, drop a couple of drops of rosehip oil and rub your face along the lines of less stretch of the skin. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, since the oil takes a long time to be absorbed, this can affect the process of applying morning makeup (increase the period of time), which is unacceptable if you are working. The oil can be used as a nourishing night cream, apply a small amount with "hammering" movements, leave for fifteen minutes, and then blot the skin with a cosmetic napkin. Rosehip oil can effectively enrich cosmetics (cream, masks, lotions, etc.) that you use every day, take a couple of drops of oil no more per application. Pure oil can also be used to lubricate flaky spots, soften rough skin on elbows, knees and heels, heal wounds, cracked lips and bumps in the corners of the mouth, and use it as a protective agent in bad weather.

For the treatment of wounds and microcracks, dermatoses, trophic ulcers etc. Appliques with rosehip oil are good, soak a gauze napkin in it and apply to the damaged area for fifteen minutes. This procedure should be carried out three times a day.

Rosehip oil serves as an excellent base for dissolving essential oils to create healing nourishing masks for skin care. For these purposes, it is best to use the essential oils of neroli, chamomile, orange, patchouli, lavender, rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang.

Due to its high regenerative capacity, doctors advise using rosehip oil in the treatment of burns, stretch marks, scars and scars (including post-acne), because it allows not only to speed up the healing processes, but also prevents the formation of keloid scars. Clean oil several times a day should be lubricated with massaging movements of problem areas. The visible effect will come in a month, a significant improvement in 3-6 months.

To combat wrinkles, the oil in an undiluted state should be applied to the wrinkle area (around the eyes, mouth), a similar spot application can be used for owners of oily skin.

Rosehip oil for face is ideal for cilia care, strengthens them, makes them more elastic and thicker. Every day for a month, undiluted oil, or in combination with burdock or sea buckthorn (in equal proportions), apply with a special brush on the eyelashes.

It is good to massage the face with oil, which is important for very dry skin. First, moisten your fingers in warm water, then in oil and lightly hammer it into the skin for fifteen minutes. After that, blot the rest of the product with a paper napkin.

In the care of the delicate and thin area around the eyes, the oil also finds its use, add three drops of vitamins E and A in the oil to a tablespoon. Apply at night.

Rosehip oil face mask recipes.
Immediately, I note that any facial procedures must be carried out on previously prepared, that is, steamed and cleansed skin. Masks should be applied strictly along the massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the temples, from the upper lip to the ears, from the nose to the temples.

Here is the prescription nourishing mask: beat two egg yolk, add a teaspoon of rosehip oil to the resulting composition. Apply for ten minutes, rinse with warm water.

This recipe perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin: brew two tablespoons of oat flakes, pre-crushed, with milk, let them swell. Add a teaspoon of rosehip oil to the resulting mass in a warm form. Keep the mixture on your face for fifteen minutes.

And here is an anti-aging remedy with a rejuvenating effect: combine one tablespoon of rosehip oil and wheat germ, add two drops of patchouli and geranium essential oils. Leave the composition for fifteen minutes. Can be used as a nourishing night cream.

Such a mask perfectly copes with edema and inflammation: add the same amount of nettle infusion to a tablespoon of wheat bran (a tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes) and a teaspoon of rosehip oil. Withstand the mask for fifteen minutes.

Vitamin cocktail for aging skin.
Baby cream, just take 40 g, dilute with a teaspoon of aloe juice, add ten drops of vitamin B2, twenty drops of olive oil and ten drops of rosehip oil. Transfer ready-made product in a clean jar and refrigerate. Use on face at night.

Cooking "rosehip oil" at home.
Put rosehip petals (seeds) in a liter jar, the jar should be a third full, add olive oil. Keep the mixture in a dark and cool place for twenty-five days, then strain and pour into a bottle.

Contraindications for external use.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Dermatic, allergic, acne rash.
  • Furunculosis.

Find the right one cosmetic product it is extremely difficult for the eyes. The skin around them is very sensitive and reacts to all new wrinkles and sagging.

Rosehip oil for the face against wrinkles, according to reviews, provides comprehensive care not only for the eyelids, but also for the skin on the cheeks, cheekbones and forehead. Wild rose product heals wounds, improves complexion, protects against sunburn and eliminates wrinkles, you just need to use it correctly.

Vitamin composition of rosehip oil

This oil product contains many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin, including:

Real rosehip oil is golden-red in color, bitter in taste and with a specific odor.

Effects of oil on the skin

The wild rose oil product is easily absorbed by the skin, so all its elements are absorbed by it in full.

Compositions based on this oil can be used for any of its types. Among its invaluable properties, it is worth noting:

  1. UV protection;
  2. Elimination of wrinkles from dry and mature skin;
  3. Moisturizing the skin, restoring its elasticity and firmness;
  4. Reduction of pigmentation, even if they have arisen against the background of hormonal changes;
  5. Lightening of the skin in areas where friction occurs (in the bikini area or armpits);
  6. Promotes collagen synthesis;
  7. Removes marks after scars and stretch marks;
  8. Eliminates wrinkles around the eyes, even crow's feet.

Application options

The product can be purchased at the pharmacy, but suitable formulations for your skin are selected from those offered on the Internet. Below are the most effective remedies based on this oil, tested by more than one girl. The oil can be used in its pure form, as masks or aromatic mixtures.

Pure use

Rosehip oil for the face against wrinkles around the eyes is best used according to this method: you need to lubricate the cosmetic disc in the morning and evening and wipe the eyelids with it. You can even remove makeup with it, in which case the disc is first moistened in warm water, and then a few drops of the product are added to it.

The result will be noticeable only after regular use of the product.

Also, in its pure form, oil is added to the existing caring cosmetics: lotion or cream, in the ratio: 3 drops of oil per 1 teaspoon of the product.

Application in aromatic mixtures

They are prepared from oils of different action and content. Rosehip oil formulations, which contain an orange oil product, as well as its counterparts derived from rose, chamomile, lavender, patchouli, ylang-ylang or bergamot, are well suited for the skin. The preparation of a fragrant product consists in mixing over a tablespoon l. base oils such as rose hips and wheat germ and the addition of geranium and patchouli essential products.

Use in masks

They can be the most varied of all available products, among them the following are the most popular.

Eyelid Vitamin Blend

It can significantly improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Requires 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of rosehip oil with vitamins A and E, which are bought at the pharmacy, they are taken in three drops. The resulting oil mixture is used constantly in the morning and in the evening.

Mix with oatmeal and milk

Take half a glass of milk and bring it to a boil. In parallel with this process, grind in a coffee grinder oat flakes, from the resulting volume, set aside two tbsp. spoons and pour over them while still hot dairy product. Then cool the mixture and mix with 1 teaspoon of wild rose oil. Leave the product on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water or a specially prepared herbal decoction. Finally, spread a regular nourishing cream on the skin.

Cream for mature skin

Rosehip oil for wrinkles, according to reviews, in this case, does an excellent job even with deep skin folds. The product is prepared from 40 grams of "Baby cream", 10 drops of rosehip oil and the same amount of vitamin B2, as well as 20 drops of olive oil product.

The cream is applied in the evening.

Puffiness Relief Mask

Dining room l. dried nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water to prepare a decoction. After removing from the heat, it is insisted for half an hour, and then filtered. Then the broth must be combined with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bran, add 1 teaspoon of wild rose oil to them. Insist the remedy, apply it on the face and after half an hour rinse it off with a herbal decoction prepared for this or warm milk. After that, apply the cream.

Skin firming agent

Peel the pumpkin and grate it, separate 2 tbsp from the resulting mass. l. and add to it 5 ml of rosehip oil and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. The mask is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour, it must be used daily in the evening for 7 days, then take a break.

By regularly applying the above recipes, you can get rid of unsightly folds of the skin and prevent the formation of new ones. Thinking about how to use rosehip oil for the face against wrinkles, you need to take into account that in parallel with its external use, you must also drink it twice a day, 1 teaspoon, to enhance the effectiveness of the product.

Healing decoctions and miraculous rosehip-based tinctures do not need advertising, and rosehip oil for the face and its colossal potential as a cosmetic product for skin care are not known to everyone.

For a long time, the fruits of the wild rose have been used as the most effective remedy against colds and viral diseases. It is believed that wild rose (as the common people call wild rose berries) improves immunity better than any other remedy. But what opportunities open up rose hips if you use it for skin care at home?

Have you noticed that the skin began to appear fine wrinkles? Is she flabby and inelastic? Is it dry and flaky? On the skin Are there any damaged areas (sunburn, age spots, bruising and peeling)? If the answers are yes, then you should start using rosehip essential oil on your face.

Properties and chemical composition of the oil

The production of oil from wild rose berries has not been so long ago. The production process uses the extraction method and organic solvents. Essential oil is extracted from rosehip seeds using an extractant (a solvent that does not mix with the solution). Extraction is a method that maximizes the preservation of the original beneficial features initial substances, determining their available healing capabilities.

Rosehip oil is an orange-colored liquid, sometimes with a brown or golden hue. It tastes bitter and has a specific smell.

The chemical composition is unique: it includes a variety of substances that easily penetrate the cells of the epidermis, saturating them with nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • Organic acids(saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids).

Fatty acids act as protection against the negative influence of various factors on living skin cells. It is they who retain moisture in the cells, making the skin soft and elastic.

  • Tocopherols.
  • Carotenoids.
  • Vitamins. Vitamin complex restores damaged tissues, regenerates cells frozen in their development, nourishes, moisturizes and saturates them with vitality. Some vitamins have powerful antioxidant properties that slow down the aging and aging process of the skin, on the contrary, increasing the amount of moisture in the cells. So, vitamin C in oil acts as a stimulant for collagen production, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Vitamin E is a source of oxygen, which means it saturates the skin with moisture, freshness and, as a result, youth.
  • Many trace elements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium.

The presence of trace elements in the oil contributes to the improvement of metabolic intracellular processes.

Such a composition helps cells to live and function fully, enriches them with the necessary amount of oxygen.

Based on this, it can be argued that rosehip oil for the face is the leader in cosmetology, if the goal is to rejuvenate, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Despite the colossal cosmetic possibilities, it is important to know and understand that any product requires correct use, which is based on a specific purpose, individual indication and typical skin predisposition.

Effect of application

The use of the product guarantees the following effects:

  • aging processes slow down;
  • the level of skin elasticity increases;
  • microcracks and wounds are healed;
  • the upper layer of the epidermis softens;
  • the indicators of intracellular metabolism improve;
  • the protective barrier of the skin is strengthened;
  • moisture is effectively retained;
  • protection against UV and IR radiation is manifested.

Rosehip oil is not recommended for young skin

Contraindications: what to fear?

The use of rosehip oil is prohibited in the following cases.

  1. The skin is young. The optimal age period, when rosehip extract has an active effect on the skin of the face, is the age of 40+. The use of oil suggests that the skin is dry and dull.
  2. The skin is of an oily or problematic type.
  3. There are rashes on the face (irritation, acne, pimples) or a boil.
  4. There is an individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition of the product.

To exclude the undesirable appearance on the skin of the face of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition of the essential oil, preliminary testing of the rosehip extract should be carried out and its interaction with the epidermis should be checked. Apply a couple of drops on the wrist (it is believed that this area of ​​the skin is most susceptible to reagents) and make sure that there is no individual intolerance. If the result is negative, limit the use of oil.

Rosehip oil: how to apply?

The skin around the eyes and lips is the most suitable area on the face, where the product “demonstrates” its healing and cosmetic properties to the maximum. Indeed, it is in these places that the skin is the most delicate, thin, and, therefore, the most vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles, the manifestation of dryness. This area on the face needs delicate care, which an oily liquid can provide.

The application and use of rosehip oil provides two options.

  1. Pure application
  2. Used as a base for various face masks and compresses.

Rosehip oil as a compress

As a compress, oil is used if the face has: scars, scars, traces of acne, dermatitis and eczema.

If a pure oily liquid is regularly applied to the damaged areas, then after a while you can observe the result - the skin is renewed, its cells are regenerated. The healing effect is achieved through metabolic processes that are stimulated by the active components of the agent. The effect is impressive: scars and abrasions become much smaller, traces of acne become less noticeable, microscars are not expressed.

How to make a compress?

  1. Dampen gauze, bandage, or cosmetic sponge with rosehip oil.
  2. Apply a compress to problematic skin areas.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

On a note

In order for the effectiveness of the application of the compress to be greater, it is necessary to carry out this procedure with a frequency of 2 times a day.

Enhanced hydration and saturation of the skin with natural fat is what the epidermis lacks so much. The problem is solved if you use the product as an additive to your cream, day or night.

  • Add drops of oil to the portion of the cream that you plan to apply on your face afterwards.
  • Apply the cream to the skin around the eyelids.
  • The process of applying the cream should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Rosehip instead of cream

Try to replace cosmetic cream for the face with a natural remedy - rosehip oil. The effect will be better for several reasons.

  1. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.
  2. Does not contain harmful substances and additives, which means it does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Much cheaper than face cream.

Way to use

  1. Cleanse your skin.
  2. Massage the liquid onto the skin.

You will be able to observe how it is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen. It is thanks to this feature that the product can be used as a base for makeup.

If your goal is to moisturize combination skin, then it is advisable to use oil only in those areas that are most dehydrated and dry. Of course, these are the cheeks and lips, as well as the area around the eyes.

Fortified cream

If your skin has entered the active phase of aging and wilting, we recommend preparing a vitamin face cream.

  1. Take an ordinary baby cream(40 grams will be enough).
  2. Add 5 ml of fresh aloe juice to the cream.
  3. Add 10 drops of liquid vitamin B2 from the pharmacy and 20 drops of olive oil to the cream as well.
  4. Add 10 drops of oily rosehip liquid to the mixture.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.

Rosehip and face mask options

Rosehip oil mask for dry skin

  1. Place 10 ml of oil (1 tablespoon) in a separate container.
  2. Separate two egg yolks.
  3. Combine the yolks with the butter, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face.
  5. Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash your face.

Milk-oatmeal mask

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Pour the boiling milk over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  3. Cool the resulting solution.
  4. Add 5 milliliters of rosehip oil.
  5. Treat your face with this mixture.

Do you want your skin to be well-groomed and healthy? Rosehip oil is both a cosmetic and a medicine that will help keep the face in perfect condition by effectively caring for him.

By secret

  • You missed a classmate meeting because you are afraid to hear that you have grown old ...
  • And less and less often you catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • The much-touted skincare products don't refresh the face the way they used to ...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age ...
  • Or you just want to "mothball" your youth for many years ...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today it appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

Healthy and healthy for every woman beautiful skin person has great value, as it is considered the main indicator of grooming. In addition, the face is the hallmark of a person. Over time, under the influence of many negative factors, the skin can lose its original appearance, it becomes dry and flabby. To avoid all this, you need to practice daily cosmetic care, it will help to eliminate the first wrinkles, and the skin will make it elastic and taut. Natural preparations are especially popular in cosmetology, among which rosehip oil deserves special attention. Rosehip oil works well for all skin types.

It moisturizes, enriches with useful microelements, nourishes dry skin, relieves irritation and redness. Most often, this drug is also used for care in the areas around the eyes and lips, the cover in these places is delicate, and therefore requires special care.

The use of rosehip oil for the face in this situation is the right decision, as it moisturizes cells well, protects against the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise using the product both in pure form and combining it with various creams or masks.


Rosehip oil is produced using a low temperature extraction method or a cold pressing method. Thanks to these types of processing, the product retains all the useful and medicinal properties, which makes it indispensable in cosmetology. The benefits of a natural preparation are explained by its unique composition, which is represented by monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated acids. The product also contains linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids, which provide a nourishing and moisturizing effect. All trace elements that make up the main composition natural oil, actively participate in the processes of skin regeneration at the cellular level.

Rosehip oil has also found its place in the production of anti-wrinkle cream, it has not only a rejuvenating effect, but is also rich in vitamin A. Besides this, the cosmetic product well cleanses the skin of impurities and hard water, enriches it with the necessary moisture and oxygen, helps to protect cover from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Rosehip oil also contains such natural antioxidants as vitamin C and vitamin E of "eternal youth". This natural product in cosmetology is valued for the fact that it noticeably improves all metabolic processes in the cells of the skin of the face, helps to replenish the deficiency of such important trace elements as calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, strontium.


Distinguish between cosmetic and essential oil of rosehip. Cosmetic product is often used in daily care for the delicate skin of the eyelids and lips. To prevent the formation of the first wrinkles it is recommended to mix it with basic creams, masks, or simply apply on the face. The drug is characterized by excellent cleansing properties, therefore it can be used to remove makeup including but not the eyelids. In addition to all this, cosmetic m rosehip aslo is a good emollient for aging and dry skin, to get maximum results, this product should be applied daily instead of traditional lotion.

A preparation made from rosehip seeds is also often used to combat scars on the face, since it is characterized by the function of cell regeneration. So vegetable oil rosehip is indispensable for various skin injuries, burns of the face. Oil applications based on it, allow you to eliminate old scars, smoothen skin areas and reduce bright coloration.

Rosehip essential oil is not inferior in its properties, it has successfully proved itself as an active additive for everyday skin care. A natural product not only saturates cells with minerals and important vitamins, but also activates all metabolic processes at the micro level. Therefore, it is considered the main moisturizing base and protective barrier for the face. Essential oil promotes cell regeneration, lifts the face well, smoothes wrinkles and renews the complexion. If you use the product daily, then already for a short time you will notice significant results - the aging process will slow down, the structure and tone of the skin will be renewed, stretch marks, age spots and sagging will disappear.

Rosehip essential oil is characterized by sun protection functions, and this allows it to be used as a reliable protective agent against the harmful effects of the sun. To do this, it is enough to add a few drops of the product to the finished day or night cream. You can also apply the ester component directly to your face.


Due to its unique characteristics and multifunctionality, rosehip oil occupies the main place in the cosmetology market, in particular, it concerns rejuvenation procedures. It is recommended to use the drug for any type of skin, taking into account certain rules and indications.

For example, it is forbidden to perform such anti-aging therapy for young youthful skin.

A natural remedy will have a positive result in the following cases:

  • Tightness, dryness;
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin, wounds, scars on the face, microcracks;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Severe burns;
  • Flabbiness;
  • Consequences of sunburn;
  • Dark spots;
  • Circles under the eyes.

It is advisable to use oil strictly according to the instructions, this concerns the care sensitive skin persons, in the presence of acne and furunculosis, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the elements that make up the drug.

This herbal product is well suited for home use. cosmetic procedures, from it you can easily make healing masks, for this there are many different recipes. The oil is suitable for daily wiping of the face, for the best effect, it is added to regular lotions and creams. For one teaspoon of the product, 4 drops of oil are taken.

In addition to all this, rosehip oil is the basis of most aromatic mixtures, which are indispensable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for skin care. It is a good idea to combine the product with esters of other plants. To obtain a universal composition, it is enough to take one spoonful of germinated wheat germ, mix them with a spoonful of rosehip ether and add geranium oil.

This composition is excellent for massage procedures, for this fingers are soaked with oil and "hammered" into the skin of the face with light movements.

In the event that there are wounds, cracks, use special applications. Small pieces of napkins are moistened in oil, then applied to damaged areas for 15 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure several times daily. In cosmetology, masks prepared on the basis of rosehip esters are also in great demand. The simplest and most affordable yolk mask, it is obtained by mixing two egg yolks with one teaspoon of the drug, it must be kept for at least 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. A mask with oatmeal has proven itself well, 2 tablespoons of flakes are poured with boiling milk, then cooled and thoroughly mixed with one teaspoon of the remedy.

A common problem of the face is aging skin, in order to prevent this, it is recommended to regularly use creams prepared by yourself.

They are based on the simplest cream, then add 20 drops of olive oil, 10 drops of rosehip ether, a teaspoon of aloe juice, 10 drops of vitamin B2. This procedure is also well performed for the eyelid area; in addition, vitamins E and A can also be added to the cream.