
What cosmetic creams contain hyaluronic acid. Cream with hyaluronic acid: which one to choose. Useful properties of hyaluronic acid for the skin


Beauty, youth and freshness of the skin of the face is difficult to maintain without the use of special caring cosmetics. However, finding a truly effective product from a huge range of creams is not an easy task. Cosmetologists advise women to pay attention to a cream containing hyaluronic acid.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance consisting of high molecular weight polysaccharides and polymers. It is found in the body of every person. The acid is produced by the cells of the dermis (fibroblasts), and is destroyed under the influence of certain factors. For example:

  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays;
  • malnutrition;
  • age-related changes;
  • action of pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result, the hyaluronic substance begins to be synthesized more slowly, and to break down faster. With an insufficient amount, water leaves the body, so the skin loses its elasticity, firmness, becomes overdried, flabby, wrinkles appear. It is on these properties that specialists focus in the production of anti-aging creams. The hyaluronic substance perfectly retains fluid molecules in the deep layers of the epidermis, making the skin look soft, smooth and moisturized.

Can be used as low molecular weight acid(stimulates natural collagen production) and macromolecular(covers the face with a thin film that protects the skin from external influences and moisture loss). Despite the fact that most of these creams are made for mature skin, some brands of the product are still suitable for young people. Hyaluronic acid promotes skin regeneration and quickly relieves inflammation.

Useful properties of cream with hyaluronic acid for facial skin

Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronan) is a colorless jelly-like substance. Creams based on it began to be released relatively recently, but they have already managed to prove themselves well. The benefits of hyaluronan-based cosmetics are as follows:

  • Deeply moisturizes the skin, prevents moisture loss, relieves the feeling of tightness, dryness, and eliminates peeling.
  • Maintains the elasticity of the fibers, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, and old wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Improves collagen production and enhances regenerative capacity.
  • The resulting film prevents the evaporation of moisture, but does not disturb gas exchange.

The action of a high-quality cream can be felt almost instantly: it is most often suitable for all skin types, it is well absorbed without clogging the pores, after which the skin becomes toned and elastic.

All manufactured products today differ only in the presence of additional components in the composition and cost.

Contraindications for use

The substance is perceived by the body as a natural hyaluron. Rejection and the occurrence of an allergic reaction are extremely rare, side effects from the use of creams based on it does not happen. The substance is miraculously absorbed, and its excess is excreted naturally. Despite this, some contraindications still exist. So, you can not use products based on hyaluronic acid in the following cases:

  • disruption of the normal functioning of the autoimmune system;
  • malfunction of the homeostatic mechanism;
  • childbearing or lactation;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • severe mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, burns, peeling).

Also, do not exclude the possibility of individual intolerance to the individual components of the agent.

Recommendations for using hyaluronic acid face cream

To make the skin beautiful and not harm it, you need to be able to properly use creams with hyaluronate. Beauticians are advised to adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

  • The cream is applied only to pre-moistened skin (acid has the ability to draw moisture from the outside).
  • It is advisable to apply the cream at night, before rest.
  • It is best to do a trial test on another area of ​​the body before applying the composition to the face (usually using the elbow).
  • Hyaluronate can crystallize at low temperatures, so apply the cream in winter or autumn only in a warm room.
  • The percentage of acid content should be looked at on the package. This is important information!
  • The very low cost of the product should alert (most likely it is a fake).

Experts do not recommend using hyaluronic creams for women under 30 years of age. The fact is that at this age, the acid in the body is able to fully produce on its own, and the use of such drugs can lead to a reverse reaction. Typical problems will appear much earlier.

Brands of creams with hyaluronic acid

Choose perfect cream for the skin of the face is very difficult, but still possible. Here are the most popular products from hyaluronic acid domestic and foreign production: Librederm, Merz, Eveline, Kora, Doliva. Let's consider each tool in more detail.


Librederm is a Russian-made cream. Due to its light texture, it is instantly absorbed into the skin, it is intended for the face and the area around the eyes, it does not contain parabens. In addition to hyaluron, it contains camelina oil. The cream is suitable for daily use, perfectly removes inflammation, softens the skin, improves its elasticity. The price does not rise above 450 rubles.

Merz Spezial

Cream-mousse Merz Spezial is advised to apply at night or 50 minutes before going outside. The composition contains components such as aloe vera, Japanese seaweed, glucosamine. The main purpose of the product is to moisturize the skin, retain moisture, and nourish with B vitamins. The cost varies between 700–900 rubles.


Eveline is a Polish-made cream, the most a budget option(the price for it is no more than 200 rubles). A stunning effect of rejuvenation cannot be achieved, but with regular use, the skin will really look fresher and more toned. A product is made for different age categories: 30, 40, 50, 60 years.


Russia boasts another effective cosmetic product - Kora cream. It contains additional ingredients such as seaweed, lactic and succinic acid, serine, betaine, oat germ, soybean oil. The tool plays the role of light peeling, helps to even out the tone of the face, tones, nourishes and moisturizes the tissues. Experts advise using Kora cream several times a week. The price fluctuates in the average range of 500-600 rubles.


Manufacturer - Germany. The product has a light substance and a pleasant smell. In addition to the main active ingredient, it also contains olive oil, urea, shea butter. Doliva is a universal cream for all ages and for any skin type, it perfectly copes with shallow wrinkles, improves tissue elasticity. The price ranges from 550-700 rubles.

Video about different face creams with hyaluronic acid

A really high-quality cream containing hyaluronic acid is an excellent assistant in the care of delicate facial skin. He is able to make her healthy and attractive. In addition, a properly selected product, taking into account the age category, type of facial skin and its individual characteristics, will noticeably rejuvenate your skin.

Pharmacy products with hyaluronic acid for the face are the basis of medical and cosmetic preparations. Ointments, gels, creams, serums will correct many problems, restore youth and freshness to the skin.

To maintain youth, various cosmetic assistants are required. The easiest way to find the right drug of excellent quality is to choose a product offered by a pharmacy. Specialists will give advice, select the necessary women according to the descriptions of the testimony. The pharmacy has all the necessary documents confirming the quality of medicinal products.

The main element of pharmacy assistants against aging is hyaluronic acid. It is part of the human body, is constantly updated, is responsible for maintaining life, an attractive appearance. Other ingredients pharmaceutical products create unique compounds that solve specific problems.

When choosing a cosmetic product and looking for a face cream that can delay aging, you should study what elements it consists of.

New wrinkles will not appear quickly, the elasticity and freshness of the appearance will return.

  1. Get acquainted with the feedback of women on the results of use;
  2. To study contraindications and recommendations for use;
  3. Check for the presence of hyaluronic acid in the preparation. To do this, you need to check what is contained inside the medicine. The list should include the substance itself, not its derivatives. You need to find hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid), if sodium hyaluronate (salts) is listed instead, then it is better to refuse to buy, look for another, better one;
  4. There should be no smell. Any compositions from perfumery additives change the effect of the therapeutic drug;
  5. For a greater effect of the action of hyaluronic acid, used as a day, the composition should contain a UV filter. If it is not there, the sun's rays will nullify the effect of the cream;
  6. To obtain a rejuvenation effect, you should choose those that contain vitamin E or C. Preferably the presence of glycolic and lactic acids, green tea;
  7. The composition of the night should contain retinol;
  8. We must not forget to check the expiration date of the purchased goods.

For a complete check of the choice, it is recommended to look at the place of the drug in the ranking, where pharmacy offers are distributed in places. The choice of the majority of women will show in what places are those who decide to purchase. The place in the rating will tell a lot, it will help you orient yourself.

Characteristics of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the pharmacy offers

In cosmetology, the acid has the form of a white powder. It dissolves in water, transforming into a gel-like mass. The color of the gel does not change when combined with water, remains white, milky. An important property of retaining and bonding moisture with acid is used by cosmetologists. The effect of the application is the preservation of elasticity, preventing the formation of wrinkled folds on the face and body. A feature of the substance is that it is natural and safe for humans. The body consists of 80% water.

Hyaluronic acid finds application for its properties in all human body fluids. As soon as there is not enough acid, the body does not produce the norm of the desired substance, the aging process begins, age-related changes in the structure of the skin, deterioration in appearance. Pharmaceutical preparations with hyaluron have practically no side effects.

Pharmacy offers

You can buy pure hyaluronic acid through the pharmacy network of trade organizations.

It is produced and offered for sale in different consistencies:

  • Dry (powder);
  • In liquid (ampoules).

Hyaluronic acid is added to the ointments used by a woman, the result of the application will be higher than the same drugs in their pure form. There are also ready-made cosmetic mixtures in the pharmacy. Very often, a useful substance is part of an ointment or spray to protect against sunlight and burns. They protect and restore the skin in the summer, while relaxing and being in bright sunlight.

There are quite a few offers of moisturizing gels. Such compositions help in winter, when the face becomes dry and tight from cold air and wind. However, it must be remembered that in winter, funds with HA must be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. Special blends are designed for the delicate skin around the eyes. They relieve fatigue and prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles, called "crow's feet". Gels also help oily skin. They create the right balance of water content. Another use of cosmetic mixtures is the fight against cellulite and stretch marks on the body. Penetrating deep into the subcutaneous layers, the substance activates the organs, and the defects gradually disappear.

Popular choice of women

Among the pharmacy offers there are pronounced sales leaders, and those that help with individual facial features.

  1. Acido Hialuronico. The cream moisturizes and nourishes. The skin becomes velvety, tender. When applied, there is no unnatural shine, the pores do not tighten, interfering with breathing and oxygenation.
  2. Moisturizing Lotion. Moisturizes the skin with the highest degree of manifestation of dryness, removes peeling, the appearance of a noticeable crust.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. As part of the drug from the pharmacy a large number of extracts of various medicinal plants. They, together with acid, gently acting on the skin, carry out a noticeable rejuvenation. In addition, the skin acquires the necessary hydration and freshness.
  4. Blefarogel 1. The preparation contains aloe vera extract. The gel eliminates and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. The product soothes, moisturizes the skin of the face, relieves irritation and inflammation of the eyelids. Regular use helps in the treatment of acne, removes scars and stretch marks.
  5. Curiosin. The composition, along with acid, contains zinc chloride, which activates the action of vitamin A. The use of the gel is recommended by cosmetic clinics as a medicine that eliminates any type of facial wrinkles without harm to health. The action of the gel can be enhanced by adding an oil solution of vitamin A to the composition, thoroughly cleaning the face before applying the gel, and applying a cosmetic product in the morning. This time is considered the highest point of hyaluron metabolism.
  6. Liqiuskin. Innovative technology, offers the development of a wrinkle corrector. The result becomes noticeable after the first application. The gel contains centella extract, almond and avocado oil. All ingredients act in combination, prevent premature age-related changes in the face;
  7. Pectilift. The gel differs from medical analogues in that the compositions vary depending on the age of the patient. You can find a cream recommended up to 35 and after 35. The entire composition is purely natural. It contains the right amount of elements and compounds of anti-aging application. The lifting effect gives an excellent result. The peptide included in the content is of protein origin. It penetrates to the level of the location of nerve endings, reduces their activity, slows down the formation of wrinkles;
  8. Lifting cream expert. It is used by cosmetologists in professional activity. The tool fights the appearance of wrinkles, slows down the aging process of the face;
  9. Serum-activator. It is easily absorbed, retaining the right moisture, the skin of the face looks fresh and beautiful throughout the day, gives a good result for the treatment of the integument around the eyes.

It is unique and is a real salvation for fading facial skin. In a matter of moments, it will fill the skin with moisture, smooth out fine wrinkles, and refresh the face. In order to achieve this effect, you do not need to go to expensive salons and inject, it is enough to purchase a cream with hyaluronic acid. In pharmacies of large cities, an extensive range of such products is presented.

Composition of creams containing hyaluronic acid

Products with the addition have a powerful moisturizing effect and therefore are able to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. They must be used according to the age indicated on the package. When buying cosmetic products, you should pay attention to the type of hyaluronic acid used in the cream. Low molecular weight has the smallest particles that easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and provide hydration to the skin from the inside.

The high molecular weight indicates large sizes molecules. Such a substance is unable to penetrate deeply and therefore remains on the surface, forming a film. The coating prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface layers of the skin and attracts it from the outside. Doesn't clog pores. Maximally moisturizes the epidermis.

However, the quality of hyaluronic acid depends not only on the size of the granules, but also on the source, production technology. So, it is taken out:

  • from the comb of a rooster;
  • human umbilical cord;
  • eyeball of cattle;
  • bacterial cultures.

In cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is used, obtained as a result of the biosynthesis of bacterial cultures. It is best absorbed by the skin and is completely safe for health.

A cream with hyaluronic acid is sold in pharmacies, because it is there that it is most difficult to run into a fake. It is distinguished from the rest by the lightness of the texture and the effective composition, which begins to smooth small wrinkles and moisturize the epidermis after the first application. Stimulates cell regeneration processes, reduces discoloration of the skin, increases collagen production, eliminates bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Properties of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is found in most body fluids. These are saliva, joints, etc. The lack of this element in the body makes the skin dry, wrinkled, and the joints less elastic. With age, the production of hyaluronic acid slows down, resulting in a deficiency of this component, which can be filled not only with the help of cosmetic procedures, but also with the use of certain foods and a complex of vitamins.

Hyaluronic acid is the best moisturizer. It is this property that has contributed to the fact that it has become widely used in cosmetology for moisturizing and softening the skin.

Cons of using hyaluronic acid

It should be noted that the skin with regular use of products containing hyaluronic acid quickly ceases to produce it itself. The skin becomes wrinkled and flabby as soon as a woman stops using a hyaluronic acid cream. In pharmacies, you can buy creams with the lowest content of this component, or even without it for daily use. It is enough to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin from time to time to use products containing this element. For example, a course of injections with hyaluronic acid or facial capsules designed for a certain period of time.

with hyaluronic acid

Formulated with hyaluronic acid, it has a light, almost weightless texture that absorbs in seconds. Effectively affects the epidermis, penetrating into its deep layers. It has no contraindications, exceptions may be cases of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to one or another component in the composition of the product. Cream with hyaluronic acid in pharmacies can be bought at a very affordable price, and wide range of products like this just never ceases to amaze me.

Against the background of this diversity, the funds of the following brands stand out:

  • Cream with hyaluronic acid "Libriderm".
  • Lift Activ Retinol HA with hyaluronic acid from Vichy.
  • Cream-mask "Bark" with hyaluronic acid.
  • Hyaluronic cream D'Oliva.
  • Means "Laura" with hyaluronic acid.
  • Cream "Evelyn" with hyaluronic acid.
  • Cream "Merz" with hyaluronic acid.
  • Aquanti from Novosvit with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Each of these tools is unique, someone likes one, and someone gives their preference to another. Below is more detailed description hyaluronic products.

Hyaluronic cream "Evelyn"

With hyaluronic acid, "Evelyn" has earned a lot of rave reviews. Its undoubted advantages are the 4D effect and low price. The composition of the product includes hyaluronic acid, stem cells, vitamin E, kelp algae extract, calcium and other elements that are equally beneficial for the skin.

The product has a dense texture that is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. Well tightens and refreshes the skin of the face, the result will be noticeable after the first application. Can serve as a base for make-up.

The cost varies from 150 to 240 rubles.

Cream-mousse with hyaluronic acid from the company "Merz"

It is a weightless foam that, when applied, causes a sensation of bursting bubbles. Easily and evenly distributed over the skin, leaving behind a subtle shine. Experts advise applying the product at night or an hour before going outside. Designed for combination and sensitive skin.

Gives complete hydration to the epidermis, stimulates the regenerative properties of the skin, stops the action of enzymes that contribute to its destruction.

The main components of the cream are low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, seaweed extracts and marine glucosamines. The product penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and stimulates the production of collagen particles. Prevents premature loss of moisture, protects against the negative effects of external factors.

The price ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles.

Hyaluronic face cream D'Oliva

Cream D'Oliva has a liquid, delicate texture and a light, pleasant smell. When applied, it is not absorbed immediately, but after five minutes. Gradually, tightness disappears, the complexion evens out, the skin is moisturized. Indicated for any type of skin, and on oily leaves a barely noticeable shine. Has a rejuvenating effect. Eliminates fine wrinkles.

Contains hyaluronic acid, urea, and olives. Suitable for both day and night use. It costs about 600 rubles. Produced in Germany.

Vichy Cream from the Liftaktiv Retinol line

Vichy - worldwide famous brand. The Liftaktiv Retinol series includes three products. These are day, night and eye creams. The products have a thick texture. Easy to apply and spread over the surface of the skin. Economically spent. Delicately remove the first wrinkles and effectively fight against the withering of the dermis. They have a pronounced lifting effect. Recommended for women over thirty.

The composition includes which not only deeply moisturizes, but also synthesizes the production of collagen and elastin, retinol, which prevents free radicals from penetrating into the skin, retains moisture in the layers of the epidermis and restores the disturbed cell structure.

A 30 ml jar costs around 2000 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream "Libriderm"

Cream with hyaluronic acid "Libriderm" is produced in Russia. It has a light, airy texture, which is quickly absorbed when applied to the skin. Free of synthetic fragrances and parabens. Keeps the effect of skin hydration for 24 hours. Recommended for especially sensitive facial skin.

The product is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which, due to its properties, promotes deep skin hydration and active collagen synthesis. It also contains camelina oil, which includes 60% It nourishes, saturates with all the necessary nutrients, softens and eliminates inflammatory processes on the face, increases turgor, slows down the aging process of cells.

Cream with hyaluronic acid "Libriderm" has a convenient dispenser that allows you to squeeze out the product only for a single use. It costs about 400 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream "Laura" from "Evalar"

Russian cream "Lora" has a light texture of the color of milk and has a subtle smell of linden. Absorbs quickly and leaves no residue behind. It is used on the sensitive skin of the eyelids, face and neck.

Contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, protecting the epidermis from free radicals. in combination with unsaturated fatty acids, it provides good hydration, restores and improves the structure of the skin. Wild yam extract is a source of youth that has a positive effect on the production of somatotropic hormone and proteins. Improves complexion. Vitamins A and E, linolenic acid, plant-derived phospholipids naturally accelerate collagen synthesis, normalize acid-base balance, and moisturize the epidermis.

Cream "Laura" with hyaluronic acid is packaged in a small plastic jar weighing 15 ml and costs about 250 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream-mask "Bark"

Cream "Bark" with hyaluronic acid has a delicate texture, reminiscent of a cream. Easy to apply, absorbs quickly without leaving behind greasy traces. Eliminates the feeling of tightness of the skin, removes irritation, tones the skin, refreshes it and smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Saturates the skin with moisture.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, its composition also includes such acids as lactic and succinic. Contains seaweed extract, a number of amino acids important for the skin, oat and wheat germ extracts, soybean oil.

Suitable for all skin types. A jar of 100 ml costs about 450-550 rubles.

Aquanti by Novosvit with collagen and hyaluronic acid

Another tool that never ceases to delight women with its amazing effect on the skin is Aquanti from Novosvit (cream). Collagen and hyaluronic acid are its active ingredients. Has an antioxidant effect. It has a light, melting texture. The Aquanty complex in the composition of the product moisturizes the skin as much as possible and is able to retain the amount of moisture in the skin cells thousands of times its weight.

Ideal for the summer period, as it protects the epidermis from dehydration. Relieves inflammation, has a calming effect, protects against the influence of free radical particles. Prevents wilting and smoothes fine wrinkles.

It is sold only in a pharmacy and costs about 200 rubles.

Creams with hyaluronic acid are the best assistants in maintaining youthful beauty of the skin, and they should not be discounted.

Cosmetics and injections with hyaluron have become very popular, a wide range of face creams with this substance is on the market. To get the best possible result, you need to know how the main component works, as well as choose the product according to skin type and age. Choice good remedy guarantees a positive result.

The effect of hyaluronic acid on the skin

Hyaluronic acid It is a mucopolysaccharide that is distributed throughout the tissues of the body. The proportion of intercellular substance varies in different parts of the human body. The minimum amount is found in tooth enamel and blood plasma, the maximum amount is in cartilage and nervous tissue, as well as in the vitreous body of the eye.

The need for hyaluronic acid for youthful skin was discussed in the thirties of the last century. In 1934, two American scientists Carl Meyer and John Polymer were able to obtain a mucopolysaccharide for the first time.

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Since then, they began to actively study the beneficial properties of the substance, finding their application in various fields. For several decades in a row, hyaluronic acids have been obtained from rooster combs, bull horns, fish eyes, etc. this moment scientists have learned how to generate a component artificially, which made it possible to use it in various cosmetic products and procedures.

Application area Hyaluronic acid is different, it can be divided into two types:

  • Cosmetology (creams, serums, injections, etc.);
  • Not cosmetic. Medical products with hyaluron are used in pediatrics, traumatology, gerontology, ophthalmology, etc.

The molecules of the substance themselves are divided into three groups, depending on the size and molecular weight. There is something called:

  • Fine fraction (total weight up to 30 kDalton);
  • Middle fraction (from 30 to 100 kDalton);
  • Large fraction (over 100 kDalton).

Depending on the fraction, the purpose of hyaluronic acid is determined, since each includes its own set of characteristics.

Low molecular weight fine fraction substances have excellent antiseptic and healing properties. Therefore, they are used for burns, trophic ulcers, herpetic eruptions, psoriasis. Substances with a small molecular size are also included in creams, namely sodium hyaluronate is used. It is able to penetrate deep through the upper layers of the dermis.

Medium molecular weight substances prevent the reproduction and migration of cells, which makes them indispensable in medicines in the treatment of eye diseases and arthritis.

Macromolecular compounds large fractions perfectly stimulate cellular processes and retain moisture around them. These properties made it possible to use hyaluronic acid in cosmetology, as well as surgery and ophthalmology.

Hyaluronic acid is broken down and synthesized every day. With age, starting from about 30 years, the synthesis of the substance slows down. Therefore, tissues lose elasticity, moisture and the aging process starts.

The disappearance of hyaluronic acid in the body is not the only cause of wrinkles. However, this is one of the losses that we can make up for with the help of cosmetics.

When hyaluron enters the dermis, wrinkles, folds and cracks are filled. The acid speeds up the regeneration process and also keeps the skin hydrated. It is known that one molecule of a substance is capable of accumulating up to a thousand molecules of water.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid creams

Various components are used in anti-aging cosmetics: extracts of medicinal plants, collagen, antioxidants, and even nanocomplexes.

Creams with hyaluronic acid act on the skin in the following ways: moisturizing, wrinkle filling, antioxidant properties. However, cosmetic products with this substance have several advantages before other means:

  • Fast pronounced effect;
  • Does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • The cream forms a thin invisible layer on the skin that protects the dermis from negative factors;
  • Saturates cells with moisture without disturbing other metabolic processes;
  • Eliminates peeling, a feeling of dryness, which is typical for owners of dry skin;
  • Promotes wound healing, accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Suitable for problematic skin, reduces acne.

Anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid has no contraindications and is recommended even for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.

How to choose a cream?

The choice of cream must be approached very seriously. After all, it is this cosmetic product that you will apply to your face in the next couple of months, whether or not you get the expected result.

When choosing a product, pay attention to composition, age of the consumer and acid concentration, depending on skin type.

A good cosmetic should contain the following substances:

  • The cream should contain hyaluronic acid, and not salts based on it. If the package is not clearly clear what is the main active ingredient, then it is better not to take such a product;
  • Retinol or its derivatives. This substance is useful for nourishing and moisturizing the upper layer of the skin;
  • Oils. They are an excellent way to nourish dry skin, and also create a protective layer on the face;
  • Vitamin complexes. The lack of vitamins and minerals in the body leads to dryness, aging and other skin problems. Vitamin A, B, C, E, P and others will make the skin healthier and more radiant;
  • The presence of an SPF factor. This indicator ensures that your skin is protected from harmful UV rays. It is advisable to give preference to creams whose SPF textures start at 15.

It is at this age that the aging process begins. Although the changes are imperceptible at first, now the skin needs more intense hydration than before 25. It is recommended to use creams from high molecular weight substances that will create a thin invisible film on the surface of the dermis and retain moisture.

After 30 years, you need to choose products with a wider chemical composition. It is recommended to use creams with the addition of fatty acids. Anti-aging cosmetics (after 40) includes a whole range of useful anti-aging agents: various fruit acids, elastin, retinol, collagen, etc.

Often we wonder about the difference in the cost of products. The price of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid is affected by whether it contains high-molecular or low-molecular substances.

Much more expensive than a cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Its feature is that the component is able to penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis, nourishing the tissues not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Rating of the best creams with hyaluronic acid

In order for you to get only positive impressions from using a cream with hyaluronic acid, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer when choosing a product. It is better not to save on funds and opt for well-known manufacturers who have good feedback and reputation. Both domestic creams with hyaluronic acid and foreign ones are presented on the cosmetic market.

It is difficult to choose from a rather extensive list of products, so the following is a rating of creams with the best value for money.

L'ERBOLARIO ACIDO IALURONICO is an Italian-made product designed for normal to dry skin.

Active ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic acid with low, medium and high molecular weight;
  • Stem cells from alpine rhododendron leaves;
  • Hibiscus seed oil, babassu oil, olive and essential oil ylang-ylang;
  • Vitamin E derived from soybeans.

An excellent moisturizer that will be especially useful in winter period when skin care is especially important. Thanks to the molecular different size, hyaluronic acid nourishes both the outer and lower layers of the dermis. The tool visibly evens out the tone of the face and smoothes fine wrinkles.

  • apply to cleansed face every day, morning and evening;
  • use after 25 years.

Alpine rhododendron extract as part of a moisturizing cream “trains” tissue cells to adapt to ultraviolet rays, wind and cold.

Face cream Holy land cosmetics VITALISE Moisturizing cream. Day face cream from the Israeli company Holy Land is designed for any skin type. It is the ideal daytime remedy for nourishing and protecting the skin.

Active ingredients:

  • Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid;
  • Green tea extract, centella asiatica;
  • retinol palmitate;
  • Salicylic and lactic acids;
  • Vitamin E.

A cream based on hyaluronic acid, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins and acids creates an invisible film that forms a barrier between harmful external factors and the upper layer of the dermis.

  • apply to cleansed face in the morning or during the day;
  • suitable as a base for make-up.

With regular use, the product has an anti-aging effect: eliminates dryness, smoothes mimic wrinkles, compensates for the lack of nutrients during beriberi.

Cream with lifting effect tete hyaluronic lifting cream. Excellent cream with hyaluronic acid from a Swiss company Tete.

Designed for all skin types as it does not clog pores. Thanks to the content of three-dimensional hyaluronic acid, the product acts on both the upper and inner layers of the dermis. Provides maximum hydration, restores tissue, tightens, nourishes and restores skin elasticity.

Active ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Vine flower extract;
  • Sesame, wheat germ oil and shea butter.

The unique composition of the lifting cream restores the skin after stress, skin diseases, pregnancy, beriberi, etc. The active ingredients of the product are encapsulated in liposomes, which guarantees a faster and more effective effect.

  • Apply daily to cleansed skin in the morning or evening;
  • The light texture of the cream allows the use around the eyes;
  • For skin after 30 years.

Before applying the cream, you should use the TETe Cosmeceutical MediCell serum, which will make the rejuvenation process more intense and faster.

domestic hyaluronic moisturizer LIBRE DERMuniversal remedy to fight the first signs of aging. The product is suitable for all skin types, intended for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Cream Benefits:

  • The composition of the product includes low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which penetrates deep into the dermis and moisturizes it from the inside;
  • There are no fragrances, synthetic products and parabens that can cause an allergic reaction.

The weightless texture of the cream makes it easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Pleased with the presence of a dispenser, which eliminates the possibility of dust on the product.

Active ingredients:

  • Camelina oil;
  • Hyaluronic acid.

Gooseberry oil contains a large amount of fatty acids that nourish and restore dry skin, improve turgor, and prevent wrinkles.

  • Apply to cleansed face in the morning or evening on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Suitable as a base for make-up, masks signs of fatigue.

The result of this cream will frown only with regular use.

The French company Matis specializes in professional care. The company's specialists are constantly improving and creating innovative products, striving to combine the best achievements of science and nature. Cream MATIS HYALURONIC PERFORMANCE with hyaluronic acid acts in three directions: moisturizing, restoring and smoothing wrinkles.

Active ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Special component M2R+;
  • Vitamin B5.

The complex of the main active substances of the product gives a noticeable effect in a short time. Matis Hyaluronic Performance activates the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the skin, promotes increased hydration of dry skin. Panthenol nourishes the skin, giving it a velvety texture and a healthy appearance.

The cream has a light pleasant smell, which quickly disappears after application to the skin. After applying the product, the skin is slightly tightened and corrected.

  • Apply to clean face, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • Use 2 times a week;
  • Recommended after 30 years.

Some women note that after applying the cream, a light film forms on the face, which does not give a greasy sheen.

With regular use, the skin is saturated with moisture, facial muscles relax, and the processes of skin recovery are accelerated.

Face cream La Roche-Posay HYALU B5 with hyaluronic acid moisturizes skin and also retains moisture in the deep layers.

Active substances:

  • Low molecular weight and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • Dimethicone, glycerin;
  • Vitamin B5;
  • Madecassoids.

Thanks to hyaluron of two fractions, the product nourishes and moisturizes both the lower and upper layers of the skin. Vitamin B5 helps to soothe irritations on the skin and accelerate intercellular metabolism and regeneration.

  • Apply morning and evening to cleansed skin.

After application, the skin instantly becomes firmer and more elastic, wrinkles become less pronounced.

Cream Hyaluron is an inexpensive product of the company Alpika, which can only be purchased at a pharmacy. The product is ideal for daily skin hydration and combating the first signs of aging.

Active substances:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Argan oil, jojoba, shea;
  • Essential oil of geranium, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, lavender;
  • Aloe extract;
  • Vitamin E.

Hyaluronic acid eliminates fine wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity, restores damaged areas of the skin, and helps retain moisture in the skin. Aloe Barbados extract in the composition has antibacterial and healing properties. Therefore, the product is suitable for problem skin. Vitamin E plays the role of an antioxidant in the skin and prevents the appearance of fine lines.

  • Use after 25 years;
  • Suitable for any skin type;
  • Apply morning or evening on a clean face with light massage movements.

After regular use, the skin looks more even, healthy and well-groomed.

How to apply hyaluronic acid cream correctly?

In order for the effect of the cosmetic product to come in as soon as possible, you need to use it correctly. There are a few simple rules to follow before and after applying a hyaluronic acid cream.

  1. Wash your face with a tonic;
  2. Moisturize the face with thermal water, which will allow the cream with hyaluronic acid to penetrate deeper into the dermis tissue;
  3. Before applying the cream on the face, hold it for a few seconds on your fingertips (warm cream is more easily absorbed);
  4. Apply the product on the face with massaging patting movements. Around the eyes, apply the product correctly with clear circular movements.

Do not use the same tool all the time. The course with one cream should last a month and a half, then take a break. Apply the product one hour before going outside.