
Knitted bookmarks. Floral bookmarks for books. Cheerful bookmark for books crocheted in the shape of a caterpillar

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Do you think that amigurumi are only voluminous toys for kids? But no, in this technique, the necessary useful things are also knitted, for example, bookmarks for books. Like this original bookmark in the form of a mouse, the author of the blog offers to connect us. If among your friends there is a person who cannot live without jokes, he will appreciate such a gift. But most of all knitted mouse Little book lovers will like it, because reading with such a bookmark is much more fun. And we can repeat such a thing thanks to the translation of the scheme from German Ignatieva Maria.

Mouse bookmark crochet
Knitting pattern and description

Nose color yarn
1) 6 sc in the amigurumi ring
2) (sc, inc) x3 = 9
3) (sbn, ub)x3=6
Change the thread color to gray
4) (sc, inc)x3=9
5) (2 sc, inc) x3 = 12
6) (3 sc, inc) x3 = 15
7) (6 sc, inc) x2, sc = 17
8) (7 sc, inc) x2, sc = 19
9) (8 sc, inc) x2, sc = 21
10) (9 sc, inc) x2, sc = 23
11 - 15) straight (23 sc in each row)
16) (6 sc, dec) x2, 8 sc = 20
17) (3 sc, dec) x 4 = 16
Stuff your head
18) Squeeze the head and knit for both loops 8 sc
(front paws can be done in this row or knitted later after completing the entire bookmark)
19) inc, 6 sc, inc = 10
20) inc, 8, inc = 12
21) inc, 10, inc = 14
Next, we knit in a straight line (back and forth) the required length of the bookmark

Decrease on the tail:
1) dec, 10, dec = 12
2) dec, 8, dec = 10
3) dec, 6, dec = 8
Fasten the thread, cut off.

Paws front and rear - 4 pcs:
We fasten the front paws between 19 and 20 rows, the hind legs - between 2 and 3 near the end
All four paws are performed in the same way:
dial with the color of the mouse ch 12 Knit sc throughout the cast chain 11 sc.

Fingers - dial with a thread of the color of the nose 4 ch:
Knit on the chain back 3 ss,
dial 4 ch again, again knit 3 sl-st back in the chain.
Repeat for 4 fingers on each paw.
After knitting 4 fingers, perform a kill of 4 sc on all 4 fingers.

nose color
Dial 35 ch. Knit back along the chain 34 sc

Eyes - 2 pcs:
white yarn
1) In the amigurumi ring 5 sc
2) inc x 5 times = 10

Ears - 2 pcs:
nose color yarn
1) in the amigurumi ring 5 sc
2) prx5=10
3) (sc, inc) x5 = 15
change color to gray
4) (2 sc, inc) x5 = 20

Sew on the ears and eyes of the mouse. Fill eyes before sewing.
In the middle of each eye, sew a black bead or make a knot with a black thread
The bookmark mouse is ready.

Such an accessory for books as knitted bookmarks can be seen infrequently, but this is not only beautiful thing but practical to any lover of reading. And thanks to this master class, you will be able to create such a gift yourself. We will tell you in detail how to crochet a bookmark, what yarn and hook it is better to use for these purposes. The process will be of interest to both novice craftswomen and experienced needlewomen.

A step-by-step crochet bookmark tutorial will help you learn new knitting skills or effectively consolidate existing ones. Illustrations will help you control the process of work, avoid mistakes. Take your time, trying to finish the bookmarks as quickly as possible - this small job will not take you more than a day. Are you ready to get started? Let's see if you're all set.

What you need: a list of supplies

To start creating a crochet bookmark, prepare:
- thin cotton threads.
For MK I took Yarn Art Lily 50m/225m bright blue. You can use threads of similar thickness or thinner ones. Using a larger yarn will allow you to create very delicate, thin crochet bookmarks that will not leave creases between the pages of the book.
- a hook that matches the number of your chosen yarn.
I took number 2 - the smaller of the recommended ones, in order to get an even, dense canvas. However, keep in mind that the thinner the yarn and the smaller the hook number, the narrower the crocheted bookmark will turn out.
- scissors for trimming the thread. A sharply sharpened tool will not jam or fray the tip.

Crochet bookmark: sizes

Now let's talk about what our crochet bookmark for books will represent.
The pattern repeat is 15 stitches wide and 7 rows high. Above, I explained how to choose the optimal bookmark width, while its length will depend only on the number of repetitions of the rapport in height.
What concepts will we use? This will help you determine whether crocheting a bookmark for you personally will be difficult or easy. If you do not know how to perform this or that element, we advise you to first acquire these skills, and then start knitting the whole bookmark.
PP - lifting loops;
ST - column, in this master class single crochet (stbn), with 1 and 2 crochets (st1n and st2n, respectively) are used;
BU - side pattern (this abbreviation is used only in this description in order to shorten the description of knitting identical sections of the fabric).

Crochet bookmark: knitting rapport

Dial 15 air loops.
1 row start with 3 p. Lift. In the 15th loop of the initial row, knit st1n, ch 2, 2 st1n. In the 1st row, the lifting loops replace 1 column with 2 crochets, but we will knit it starting from the second row. This side pattern (BU) is repeated on the left and right. After completing the side pattern, we knit the middle pattern. To do this, we knit after stsn 4 ch, in the 10th loop - stbn, 6 ch, in the 6th loop of the initial row we knit stbn, 4 ch and in last loop we knit BU (2 st1n, 2 ch, 2 st1n).

2nd row: 4 p. lifts, BU into the arch of 2 ch, which we knitted between pairs of st1n BU in 1 row. Then ch 1, in the central arch of the 1st row (from 6 ch), knit a fan of 9 st2n, 1 ch, BU (as at the beginning of this row and then the same way), 1 st2n in 3rd loop of lifting the bottom row.

3 row: lifting loops (4), BU, transition from ch 3, over the fan we perform 4 stbn (in the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th st2n), knitting 3 in between them .P. You should get 5 stbn with 4 gaps between them. Then we knit a chain of 3 ch, BU, st2n in the last lifting loop (as in the 2nd row).

4 row: we start a series of 4 ch, then we perform a BU, then 3 ch, stbn in the central loops of 4 intervals of tying a fan. There are also 3 ch between the columns. Total 4 stbn, 3 gaps. Then we knit 3 ch, BU, st2n at the end.

5 row: 4 lifting loops, BU, 4 ch, stbn in every second ch. gap, between the columns - arches of 3 v.p. In total, we have 3 stbn with 2 arches. Next, we finish row 4 ch, BU, st2n in the 3rd paragraph.

6 row: the beginning is knitted similarly to the 5th row, only instead of 4 ch we knit 5 ch here. We also form 2 stbn with an interval of 3 ch. Next, ch 5, BU, the end of the row is with a column with 2 crochets.

7 row: 4 sts, BU, 8 ch, 1 stbn in 2 loop of the arch of the bottom row (between stbn). Again a chain of 8 ch, knit a BU, in the 3rd ch. transition - st2n.

Repeat the rapport in height, starting from the 1st row, 3 more times. In the 8th row, we knit the bn columns into the 5th and 4th loops of eight-loop arches, respectively.

Pattern completion

We complete the crochet bookmark on rows 28-31. The rounded shape of the top is obtained by reducing the loops of the pattern between the side elements of the ornament.
28 row knit as the 7th.
29 row: 4ch, BU, ch 3, BU, st2n in the 3rd lifting loop of the bottom row.
30 row: 4 pp, BU, 1 ch, BU, st2n
31 row: 4 pp, BU, BU, st2n.

Edge binding

In 18 loops of the initial row we knit 18 stbn. In each arc, which is formed by the side loops of the transition from row to row, as well as columns with 2 crochets that replace them, we knit 2 stbn, pico from 3 ch, 2 stbn.

Having tied the bookmark around and returning to the 1st row, under st1n BU we knit 3 stbn and connect the pattern into a ring.
Congratulations! The original bookmark for books, crocheted by you personally, is completed and ready to lie between the pages of your favorite work!


Today I want to show you crocheted bookmarks for books. At the same time, you will find in the article several crochet flower patterns that you can decorate not only bookmarks.

All bookmarks are crocheted from the threads "Iris" (Kirov Combine) crochet No. 1.15. A needle with a large eye will also come in handy.

Bookmark number 1crocheted

Flower scheme 1 (click - the picture will enlarge)

We collect 36 air loops (VP) and knit like this:

* 3 lifting VP, 1 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n in the second loop, 1 st.s / n, 3 VP, connection. in the 3rd loop * (rep. from * to * 6 times),

* connection st., 4 VP lifting, 1 st.s / 2n, 2 st.s / 2n in the second loop, 1 st.s / 2n, 4 ​​VP, connection st in the 3rd loop * (repeated from * up to * 6 times).

(where the connection is a connecting column, st.s / n is a double crochet, st.s / 2n is a double crochet).

It turns out such a "snake":

We begin to twist it from the end, where the petals are smaller. In the process of twisting, we sew each turn.

The result is a rose like this:

We knit the leaves according to this pattern:

I knitted 3 leaves (4 VPs between them), and then a chain of VPs. Make it a little longer, because. when knitting the next row, it will be reduced.

In the next row, we alternate 6 columns without a crochet and a pico of 4 VPs.

Sew a flower crocheted to the braid,

and the first bookmark is ready.

Crochet Bookmark No. 2

The knitting of this rosette is similar to the first flower, only there are fewer petals.

We twist the rose and sew it at the base.

But the braid for the second crochet bookmark is already more interesting. We knit according to this scheme:

Petals are a pico of 5 VPs. Turn the knit at the beginning of each shamrock.

Here is my second crochet bookmark:

You can tie a flower bookmark in just half an hour, including assembly. To do this, you need yarn of several colors - green for foliage and stem and any other for the core and petals. Such crochet bookmarks in the form of flowers can become original - and most importantly, desirable! - a gift to a person who truly loves reading, and has not yet completely switched to reading from electronic gadgets.

To crochet bookmarks, I needed:

yarn of white, pink, green, yellow, cream colors YarnArt Violet (100% cotton) - the choice of colors depends on the flower that you decide to knit;

sewing threads to match the main colors of the yarn;

hook No. 0.95-1.5 (at the request and convenience of the craftswoman);

sewing needle;

Crochet bookmarks in the form of flowers: job description

Stem with leaves

I have the same stem with leaves for all bookmarks. We start knitting from green yarn with a chain of air loops. We knit a chain of the desired length - because. I make bookmarks for notebooks for a child at school, then I have this length of a notebook plus a little more.

We turn to knitting leaves. It is enough to make 2-3 small leaves for a complete resemblance to a flower. Some people want to make them bigger, but I preferred to make miniature leaves. To do this, she knitted 8 air loops, on which she then knitted 2 single crochets, 3 single crochet stitches and then 2 more single crochet stitches.

Again - 8 air loops and in the same way we knit the second petal. Knit 4-5 more chain stitches to move on to knitting the sepals.

To do this, we knit a chain of 4 air loops and close it in a ring.

We tie the resulting ring with 6 single crochets so that our stem moves to the center. Pay attention to the reverse side: top part The sepal will be sewn onto the corolla of the flower, so let this be the wrong side.

Now we knit 3 air loops (2 air loops + 1 loop for a turn), and on them - 2 single crochets.

You can sew any whisk you want to knit into this sepal. It can be (at the link you will find detailed master class how to make it).

Or maybe chamomile.

Knitted chamomile (bookmark)

We will tie the chamomile like this. For the corolla of chamomile, I needed yellow and white color, moreover, the white one is the same as the one with which I knitted the stem (YarnArt Violet), and on the core I knitted yarn a little thicker - YarnArt Etamin. However, this is not a fundamental point, and if you have yarn of the same quality, everything will turn out even better.

So, for the core of the chamomile, we take yellow yarn and tie the amigurumi ring with 6 single crochets.

Next row - 2 single crochet in each loop of the previous row. You will get 12 loops. We cut the thread, thread it.

We take white yarn. From the yellow circle we knit 10 air loops, on which we knit 9 single crochets. This is our petal.

We tie it with a single crochet into the same loop of the yellow circle from which it came out. In the same way we knit the rest of the petals. From each loop of the yellow circle, you can knit from 1 to 3 petals, depending on the desired shaggy flower. I got it like this.

We sew or glue the corolla to the sepals - and the crocheted bookmark in the form of a delicate chamomile is ready.

The opposite, unshaped ponytail can be decorated with a brush or sewn to a notebook (I chose the last option).


This flower is more difficult to knit, because. his petals are arranged in two rows, and the knitting pattern for each layer is different. But let's get started.

We give a scheme, you can knit according to it, or you can focus on the description with the photo below.

First, we knit the upper (two-color) row of 3 petals.

Around the amigurumi ring with white yarn we knit 12 single crochets; close the ring with a blind loop.

The entire subsequent row, which we continue to knit with white yarn, we knit, grabbing only the front wall of the loop of the columns of the previous row with a hook.

In the next single crochet of the previous row, we knit 1 single crochet and 2 single crochets.

In the next loop - 3 columns with 2 crochets. In the next loop - 3 columns with 3 yarn. In the next loop of the previous row - 3 columns with 2 crochets. Then in the next loop - 2 columns with 1 crochet and a single crochet.

We pass into the next loop with a half-column. * We start knitting in the next loop of the previous row (all 4 columns - in one loop of the previous row): a single crochet, 2 columns with 1 crochet, a column with 2 crochets.

In the next loop of the previous row, we knit such four columns: a column with 2 crochets, 2 columns with one crochet, a single crochet. *

The next loop is a blind loop. Repeat from * to * to knit another petal. We end the row with a blind loop.

We fix the white thread, cut it off. We turn to knitting with pink yarn. We start knitting from a blind loop, with which we finished the previous row.

We tie a large petal: a single crochet, a double crochet, 2 double crochets in one loop of the previous row; in the next three loops of the previous row we knit 2 columns with 2 crochets in each.

In the next three loops of the previous row, we knit 3 columns with 3 crochets.

In the next three loops of the previous row, we knit 2 columns with 2 crochets in each.

Then two columns with one crochet in one loop of the previous row; double crochet; single crochet; blind loop. The blind loop of this petal should match the blind loop separating the petals in the previous row.

*Then - a single crochet and a double crochet in one loop of the previous row; 2 double crochets in one loop, 2 double crochets in one loop, 3 double crochets in one loop, again 3 double crochets in one loop, 2 double crochets in one loop, 2 double crochets in one loop in one loop, double crochet and single crochet; blind loop. The blind loop must also match the blind loop in the previous row *.

Repeat from * to *, completing the row of tying in pink. We fasten the thread, cut it.

The second layer of petals is knitted with pink yarn. These large petals are under the small petals of the top row.

When knitting the first row, we only crochet the back wall of the loop of the previous row.

We begin to knit behind the first of the small petals, bending the petals of the first layer forward.

3 lifting air loops, 2 columns with 1 crochet in the same loop. Then - 3 columns with 1 crochet in the next two loops of the previous row.

Two lifting air loops, knitting unfold.

Second row: double crochet in the same loop where the lifting loops come from; 2 columns with 2 crochets in each loop of the previous row, except for the last one. In the last loop of the previous row we knit two columns with 1 crochet. One lifting air loop, unfold knitting.

Single crochet in the same loop from which the lifting loop came out; 2 columns with 1 crochet; then - 2 columns with 2 crochets in each loop of the previous row, except for the last three loops. We knit the last three loops like this: 2 columns with 1 crochet, single crochet, fasten the thread. cut.

We also knit a petal of the second order under the second small petal.

Attach the corolla to the sepal. I closed the middle with an amigurumi ring tied with six single crochets.

crochet bookmarks are ready.

Eva Casio specially for the site

Have you ever wanted to crochet a bookmark for a book? Surprisingly, even many needlewomen have not heard anything about this direction of knitting. It is more common in Europe. Today we will consider a product that can change your attitude to knitting bookmarks, which we have already mentioned in.

The original bookmark "Mouse"

Look at the original bookmark "Mouse", crocheted. Looks very unusual. On one side, a muzzle sticks out of the book, on the other, paws and a tail. Such a bookmark will delight not only a child, but also an adult who has forgotten how to enjoy simple things. The product is linked to amigurumi technique and accessible even for a beginner.

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Description (master class)

We will knit the bookmark "Mouse" in a spiral. This means that the beginning of each row must be marked with a contrasting thread or a special marker. Lifting loops are not required.

Muzzle and body

1 row: 6 sc in an amigurumi ring.

2 row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop

3 row: *1 sc, knit 2 loops together sc* - repeat 3 times (total 6 loops).

Change the thread color to gray (main).

4 row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 3 times (total 9 loops).

5 row: *2 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 3 times (total 12 loops).

6 row: *3 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 3 times (total 15 loops).

7 row: *6 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 2 times (total 17 loops).

8 row: *7 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 2 times (total 19 loops).

9 row: *8 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 2 times (total 21 loops).

10 row: *9 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 2 times (total 23 loops).

11-15 row: Knit sc in each loop.

16 row: *6 sc, knit 2 loops together sc* - repeat 2 times, 8 sc (20 loops in total).

17 row: *3 sc, knit 2 loops together sc* - repeat 4 times (total 16 loops).

For the toy, start stuffing the piece.

18 row: fold the edge of the part in half, knit opposite loops together. Only 8 sc.

Tie a muzzle
stuff detail

Fold in half and start casting off
Total 8 loops

19 row: 2 sc in one loop, 6 sc, 2 sc in one loop (10 loops in total).

20 row: 2 sc in one loop, 8 sc, 2 sc in one loop (12 loops in total).

21 row: 2 sc in one loop, 10 sc, 2 sc in one loop (14 loops in total).

Continue knitting straight (in turning rows). Knit until the desired length of the bookmark is obtained. Do not cut the thread.


Continue knitting with a gray thread.

1 row: 2 loops knit together RLS, 10 RLS, 2 loops knit together RLS (12 loops in total).

2 row: 2 loops knit together RLS, 8 RLS, 2 loops knit together RLS (10 loops in total).

3 row: 2 loops knit together RLS, 6 RLS, 2 loops knit together RLS (total 8 loops).

Finish knitting. Fasten the thread and cut.

Knit with light pink yarn.

Dial 35 VP. Knit a row of sc, starting with the second loop from the hook (total 34 loops). Sew on a ponytail.


The front and back legs of the mouse are knitted the same way. The front legs are attached in the 19-20th row, the hind legs - in the 2nd-3rd row, counting from the tail.

Knit with gray thread.

Dial 12 VP. Knit a row of sc, starting from the second loop from the hook (11 loops in total).

Knit with light pink yarn.

*Dial 5 VP, knit 4 SS in the opposite direction* - repeat 4 times. Pull the loops between the fingers (see photo), knit all 4 loops together.

Having connected the first finger, dial the air loops again
Knit 4 sl-st back

Run four fingers
Pull loops between fingers

Only four loops
knit them together

Similarly, tie three more details.


Knit with white thread.

1 row: 5 sc in an amigurumi ring.

2 row: *2 sc in one loop

3 row: 10 sc.

Finish knitting, fasten the thread and cut. Similarly, tie another detail.

Run pupils. You can embroider them with black thread or decorate them with beads.


Knit with light pink yarn.

1 row: 5 sc in an amigurumi ring.

2 row: *2 sc in one loop* - repeat 5 times (total 10 loops).

3 row: *1 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 5 times (total 15 loops).

Change the thread color to grey.

4 row: *2 sc, 2 sc in one loop* - repeat 5 times (20 loops in total).

Assemble the bookmark by sewing on all the details (according to the photo). Bookmark "Mouse" is ready!

Video tutorial

The description of knitting bookmark-mouse is quite detailed. But elements such as toes may raise questions, despite the photos posted in the article. To understand everything for sure, we advise you to look detailed video. In less than half an hour, you will be shown the process of knitting bookmarks from start to finish.