
“My daughter does not appreciate my efforts. Maternal Trauma: Daughter's Double Messages What to Tell Your Daughter If She Doesn't Appreciate


Every Orthodox believer strives to live his life in righteousness, without sinful deeds. But even the most godly people sometimes commit sins, and it is important to fully repent and pray for forgiveness.

Through the prayers of Orthodox people turn to the Lord and all the saints asking for support and help. Prayer services help Christians to get closer to God, fill their lives with joy and heal their souls from sinful deeds. There are several strong prayers that will help Orthodox people cleanse their inner world from anger, sins and filth.

Prayer to the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ

Very effective prayer is that which is directed directly to the Son of God. She not only helps heal a sinful soul, having received the forgiveness of Christ, but also to strengthen the faith, continuing his earthly path with a clear conscience and a good heart.

“Oh, our Lord Jesus Christ! I turn my prayer to You and pray for the remission of my sins. Forgive me a sinner for unworthy deeds and thoughts. Heal my soul from self-interest and envy and do not leave, do not leave me alone. Grant me blessings and joy. Cleanse my soul and heart and strengthen my faith so that I continue to carry my cross along the path of a righteous life. May I praise You, O God, forever. Yes, I thank You, Jesus, son of the Lord. May it be Your will. Amen".

This prayer is very powerful. It should be read early in the morning and late in the evening before going to bed throughout the week, so that its action is most effective. Throughout these days, your heart and soul will be filled with more and more love and faith in the Lord, which will give prayer the most powerful effect and help get rid of sin and enlist the support of higher powers.

Prayer to the Lord

Of course, one of the most effective and powerful prayers is the one that is addressed to the Lord himself. He will always support and forgive sins if prayers are raised to Him from the very heart and from the purest motives. Prayer of repentance to God:

“O merciful Father! Our Father! I offer you a prayer for forgiveness for my sinful deeds! I beg you, let me repent of my mistakes and unrighteous deeds. Give me Your forgiveness, let me cleanse my soul of sins and fill my heart with only love for You and sincere faith. I pray, forgive me, Thy servant, for I repent. May I praise You to the heavens, my Lord. In the name of heaven and all saints. Amen".

These words of prayer are suitable for reading in difficult times, when the support of the Lord is especially needed. When the devil tempts your soul, when it is necessary to repent for sins in difficult moments, having received God's blessing and help.

Prayers of the Mother of God

The Mother of God is the intercessor of all Orthodox believers, who not only comes to the rescue in the most difficult moments of life, but also forgives sins for those who sincerely repent of their deeds. Prayers can be offered to the Virgin Mary to receive Her support and fix your life, driving away all problems, and find your true path to faith.

“O Mother of God! Protector of all believers! Before You, I kneel and beg, grant me forgiveness and repentance for sinful deeds and unclean intentions. I beg you, give Your blessing, for I repent. Forgive me, servant of the Lord, for all sinful thoughts and evil deeds. Guide me on the path of righteousness, strengthen my faith in Christ and do not leave sorrow and sin alone on the path. Lead me to the true faith and pray for me before our Lord in Heaven. May I praise You immaculate virgin May I forever thank You. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

There is another prayer to the Virgin Mary that can heal a sinful soul and help in difficult situations :

“O Blessed Virgin Mary! I beg you, immaculate, for the forgiveness of my sins! Do not turn away from me in difficult moments, do not leave my sinful soul! Help and cleanse my soul, strengthen my faith. Let me enter the Kingdom of Heaven clean and undefiled, without the deeds of sinners. Pray for me before Christ and our Lord. Yes, I will never stop praying before You, pure Virgin. May I glorify Your Name, Mother of God! Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

remember, that any prayer must be read from the heart and with a clear conscience. Thank the saints for everything they have done for you, and try not to repeat your sinful deeds. We wish you to live in peace and harmony. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

How and for what do they ask for forgiveness from God? What prayers do they have for God to forgive sins.

Even the most believing and church-going person commits small or rather large deeds of sinful content every day during his life. The world around us is unfair, greedy, built on selfishness, lies, money and lust. Under such conditions, it is difficult to remain righteous in thoughts and deeds. But God is merciful, and he grants forgiveness to his children. But what is the right way to ask? What to do and say?

How to ask and beg for forgiveness from God?

The Bible says, “There is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Perhaps this is true. A person, especially an unbeliever, is weak. He succumbs to temptation and allows, if not sinful deeds, then thoughts.

But in God there is salvation, and even for the worst deeds and thoughts, he can forgive us.

The matter, it would seem, remains small - to ask for forgiveness. But is it so easy to receive God's forgiveness?

We rise from the fall through the sacrament of repentance (confession). But rarely does anyone go to confession weekly, and one does not always want to wait to relieve one's soul.

You can ask God for forgiveness anytime, anywhere. The main thing is to believe that he is merciful and gracious.

Important steps to the forgiveness of sins are awareness and repentance.

IMPORTANT: The first and most important step to receiving forgiveness from God is the realization of your sinful deeds. It can be very difficult for us to admit that we are wrong. We long and hard prove to ourselves and others that we did everything right, or circumstances left us no choice. Admitting your mistakes to yourself, God, and others is a powerful, generous act.

If a person, without repentance, simply reads a prayer “for show”, intends in this way to buy himself an indulgence, he will not succeed.
God does not listen to insincere requests.

The next step to forgiveness is be able to forgive yourself.
In the most famous, short, but such a capacious prayer "Our Father" there are amazing words: "... and leave us our debts, I leave our skin to our debtors ...".
We can count on being forgiven by God only when we do not hold a grudge against our offenders, we forgive them, even if they themselves do not ask us about it.

IMPORTANT: The Savior said, “Forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37).

  • Praying for forgiveness, we must know what specific sins we have committed, and ask God to forgive them specifically.
  • Yes, the Lord is all-seeing. But the phrase "I sin in everything" is unacceptable both in confession and during prayer.
  • Specifying the action, inaction or thought of sinful content, we do work on bugs: Yes, this is wrong, bad, I repent, I will not allow this again.

But there is no need to choose a place and time to pray. Of course, it is better to ask for forgiveness in the church or in front of the icons in the red corner.

But God will hear everywhere.

Asking for forgiveness from God is possible not only in church.

IMPORTANT: At confession, the priest plays the role of an intermediary between the believer and the Lord. Praying for forgiveness, anywhere, independently, a person cries out to Christ, which means that he believes in him, accepts him and relies on his will. But it was Jesus Christ who gave his life on the cross in order to atone before the Lord for the sins of all mankind.

The Church gives the opportunity to repent of their sins at confession.
  • Forgiveness of sins cannot be bought or earned.
  • But redeem yourself perhaps by alms and donations, that is, help to those who need more than we do.
  • About why charity considered one of the greatest virtues, how it contributes to the expiation of sins can be read in the works of St. John Chrysostom.

Charity is the path to forgiveness.

VIDEO: On the forgiveness of sins

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins to the Lord God

You can turn to the Lord God with a prayer for forgiveness in the temple and at home, at any time of the day or before going to bed.

There are some powerful prayers.

Prayer "Our Father":

"Our Father".

Daily prayer for forgiveness:

Daily prayer to God for forgiveness.

Another daily prayer that you can read before going to bed:

Prayer to the Lord for forgiveness, intercession and help:

You can pray to God for the forgiveness of sins at home in front of the icons.

To strengthen the effect of prayer for forgiveness, you need to:

  1. Before asking for the forgiveness of sins, fast for a week or three days.
  2. Come to an Orthodox church and attend the service.
  3. Give alms in front of the temple.
  4. After the service, order to leave a note for a prayer service about your health and your loved ones.
  5. Put candles in front of the icons of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  6. Buy home one church candle.
  7. Upon returning from the temple, retire near the corner with icons, light a church candle.
  8. Think carefully about the sins for which God has simple forgiveness, it is advisable to repent of them out loud.
  9. Sign yourself with the sign of the cross.
  10. Read the Our Father and the Trisagion three times.
  11. Read prayers to the Lord three times for forgiveness, intercession and help.
  12. Again overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.


Prayer for forgiveness, intercession and help (option 2).

Prayer for forgiveness, intercession and help (option 3).

IMPORTANT: Immediately after praying for the forgiveness of sins, a person begins to feel differently. Some speak of lightness in the soul, while others feel the weight of sins on themselves. In the second case, there is no need to panic: the relief and mercy of the Lord will have to wait a little.

How to ask God for forgiveness for lying?

Lies, lies or deceit- whatever you call this action, word or thought, it means a distortion of reality and is one of the grave, very common, so to speak, universal sins.

  • People lie as children, youth and old age. They lie in the family and at work, they lie for evil and for good.
  • tricked people create a reality other than God's.

IMPORTANT: Leviticus 19:11, 12: “Do not steal, do not lie, and do not deceive one another. Do not swear a lie by my name, and do not dishonor the name of your God. I am the Lord."

Since there is probably not a single person on Earth who would tell only the truth, God is often asked for forgiveness for lying.

You can ask God to forgive lies by reading the prayer for the forgiveness of sins of St. Barsanuphius the Great.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins of the Monk Barsanuphius the Great.

A kind of lie - perjury, is one of the deadly sins. The following prayer is read about his non-admission:

Prayer to prevent perjury.

How to ask forgiveness from God for masturbation?

Masturbation (malakia or, scientifically, masturbation) is a fornication sin, which consists in the self-satisfaction of one's sexual desires.
The reality is that society no longer condemns men and women for masturbation. On the contrary, such acts are considered normal and even necessary (according to some doctors). At Orthodox Church views have not changed, and masturbation still remains unnatural and sinful.

IMPORTANT: According to the Church, masturbation lowers a person to the level of a mindless animal. This sin dishonors both himself and God. He must be punished both by the Church and by God.

You can ask God for forgiveness for masturbation in confession or by reading one of the above prayers. We must not forget to specify this sin.
There are also very strong prayer from lust (fornication, debauchery, masturbation).

Will God forgive you if you ask him for forgiveness?

The Lord God loves all his children, he is merciful, he is ready to grant forgiveness for all sins.
We also need:

  • Trust in God
  • confess your sin
  • repent of it
  • pray for forgiveness
  • make every effort not to sin in the future

A merciful God is ready to forgive people for their sins.

VIDEO: Prayer for forgiveness of sins

I'm raising a 10 year old daughter, I work two jobs, ex-husband Does not help. We go to the cinema together, go to a horse farm, relax by the sea, read books. But the child does not seem to appreciate what he has: either he will smear new shorts in paint, or he will stain the whole apartment in flour. How not to turn into an ever-screaming mother?

Julia, 34 years old

It is still important to understand here: does the girl “harm” on purpose, soiling her clothes and apartment? If so, then you should contact child psychologist. But children, even at the age of 10, still cannot control themselves well enough to wash their hands perfectly and not spoil their clothes. The child only enters the wonderful world of neat things and small spots. Most likely, the daughter already knows how money appears in your house. And it is unlikely that she is pleased to see that her mother is upset because of the damaged clothes.

And just imagine: to cook food, you need to control how water flows, where you put the bag with flour, how tightly you close it, how you pour out the flour, how you start rolling the dough with a rolling pin ... This is difficult for an adult, not every person can cook accurately and clean up after yourself. Remember: in what circumstances do incidents occur?

Most likely, for the daughter, these are moments of creativity. If you know exactly what she will draw, then you should not dress her up in a ball gown - choose a skirt or shorts that you don’t mind getting paint on. So you will help her learn to be neat faster. It seems that it is difficult for you to cope with all the affairs alone, you get tired at two jobs, you do everything to be an ideal mother. Is it possible to neglect something? Try to take care of yourself. What helps you rest and recover? Maybe it's a walk in the park or a hot bath. Take time out for yourself for at least half an hour a day. Your daughter will definitely understand.

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Many people do not realize that the root problem in gaining the power of the feminine is mother trauma.

Very often, there are difficulties in the relationship between mother and daughter, but this is not said openly. Because of the taboo on openly talking about the pain associated with the mother, the mother's trauma remains in the background, out of sight and only aggravated.

What is maternal trauma?

Maternal trauma is the pain of being a woman that is passed down from generation to generation of women in a patriarchal culture. And it includes dysfunctional coping mechanisms that are used to deal with that pain.

Maternal trauma includes pain from:

  • comparisons - feelings that you are not good enough
  • shame - a persistent background feeling that something is wrong with you
  • suppression - feelings that you need to stay small to be loved
  • a persistent feeling of guilt for wanting more than you already have

Maternal trauma can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • you don't show up fully because you don't want to scare others
  • you are very tolerant of mistreatment by others
  • emotional care
  • perception of other women as rivals
  • self-sabotage
  • excessive rigidity and dominance
  • conditions such as eating disorders, depression or addictions

In our male-dominated patriarchal culture, women are conditioned to think of themselves as "inferior" and unworthy. This feeling of "inferiority" is internalized and passed on by countless generations of women.

The atmosphere of suppression of women in the culture leads to "double binds" for daughters.

Simply put, if the daughter internalizes the mother's unconscious beliefs (which are some subtle form of the belief that "I'm not good enough"), then she gets the mother's approval, but in some way betrays herself and her potential.

However, if rather than accepting her mother's unconscious beliefs, the daughter asserts her own strength and potential rather than accepting them, then she may become aware that her mother subconsciously perceives this as a personal rejection.

Daughter doesn't want to risk losing maternal love and approval, so accepting these limiting unconscious beliefs is a form of loyalty and emotional survival for her.

Realizing her potential to the fullest may seem dangerous to a woman, because in this she runs the risk of being rejected by her mother.

The reason for this is that the daughter unconsciously feels that her empowerment may trigger the expression of her mother's sadness or anger at the fact that she herself had to give up parts of herself. Then, out of compassion for her mother, a desire to please her, and a fear of conflict, the daughter may begin to convince herself that it is safer to shrink back and stay small.

A typical refusal to face this pain goes like this: "Let the past stay in the past." And yet, we can never truly “run away” from our past and bury it. It manifests itself in the present in the form of all sorts of obstacles and problems that we face every day. By avoiding the pain associated with some of the most important, fundamental relationships in life, we are missing out on a key opportunity to discover the truth of who we are and to live it truly and joyfully.

Stereotypes that perpetuate mother trauma:

Look how much your mother has done for you! (from others)

My mother sacrificed so much for me. It would be selfish of me to do what she couldn't. I don't want her to feel bad because of me.

I have to be devoted to my mother no matter what. If I upset her, she'll think I don't appreciate her.

A daughter may be afraid to reach her potential out of fear of being better than her mother. She may be afraid to scare her mother with her dreams and ambitions. She may be afraid to feel envy or anger from her mother. This is more and more often deeply unconscious and is not recognized, not discussed openly.

We have all felt the pain our mothers carry. And we all blame ourselves to some extent for this pain. This is our guilt. This makes sense given the limited cognitive development of the child who sees himself as the cause of everything. If you do not address this unconscious belief from the position of an adult, then you can stay with it, which as a result will be a significant limiting factor.

The truth is that no child can save his mother.

Whatever a daughter sacrifices, she will never be able to make up for the high price her mother paid, or the loss and deprivation she endured in her life, just being a woman and a mother in this culture. And yes, this is what many women do for their mothers from childhood: they subconsciously decide not to leave or betray their mother, and therefore avoid becoming too “successful”, “smart” or “daring”. This decision comes out of love, fidelity, and a true need for the mother's approval and emotional support.

Many of us identify devotion to our mother with devotion to our own trauma, thus contributing to the suppression of ourselves.

These programs are deeply unconscious and work continuously. They can be present in even the most healthy, supportive mother-daughter relationship, to some extent simply by virtue of being women in this society. As for daughters whose mothers have serious problems (addictions, mental disorders, etc.), the impact of this trauma on them can be especially destructive and insidious.

The mother must take responsibility and mourn her losses.

Being a mother in our society is incredibly difficult. I've heard many women say, "No one ever told you how hard it is" or "There's no warning about what happens when you get home with a baby and realize what's required of you." Our society, especially in the US, is merciless to mothers, they are given very little support, and many women raise their children themselves.

The following unspoken messages from mothers are common in our society:

  • If motherhood is difficult for you, then you yourself are to blame.
  • It's a shame not to be superhuman.
  • There are mothers from God to whom this is easy. If you are not one of them, something is wrong with you.
  • You are supposed to be able to do everything with ease: have obedient children, be sexually attractive, have a successful career and a secure marriage.

Mothers who have sacrificed so much to bear and raise children in our culture sometimes feel rejected when a child expresses and manifests their unfulfilled dreams. A mother may feel that she belongs to her children, or a need for appreciation from her children.

This is a very subtle manipulation on her part. This trend leads subsequent generations of daughters to belittle themselves so that their mothers will continue to feel the value of their mothering role, for which they have sacrificed so much, but received so little support and recognition in return.

Mothers can unconsciously and very subtly project deep anger onto their children. However, this anger is not really aimed at the child.. It targets a patriarchal society in which a woman often has to sacrifice herself, her own life, to raise a child.

For a child who needs a mother, to sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the pain of the mother, is often an unconscious decision taken in early age. In the later life of the child, this solution may lie at the root of deep problems, and this is revealed already in adulthood.

Maternal trauma exists for two reasons: because mothers do not have a safe space to work out the anger directed at society and its demands on the mother; and because daughters feel an unconscious fear of rejection for choosing not to make the same sacrifices as women in previous generations.

Our society does not provide a safe place for mothers to express their anger. So often these feelings unconsciously splash out on the child. The daughter is a very attractive target for a mother's anger also because the daughter has not yet had to give up her individuality for the sake of motherhood.

A young daughter can remind her mother of her unexpressed potential. And if a daughter values ​​herself enough to reject those patriarchal demands that her mother once had to swallow, she can easily arouse subconscious rage in her mother.

Of course, most mothers want the best for their daughters. However, if the mother hasn't dealt with her own pain or come to terms with the sacrifices she's made, her support for her daughter can read subtle messages of shame, guilt, or obligation between the lines. They can slip in the most innocent situations, more often in some form of criticism or exaltation of the role of the mother. Most often, the essence is not even in the spoken words, but in the hidden resentment contained in them.

A mother can redirect her subconscious anger from her daughter and prevent her trauma from being passed on to her by allowing herself to live through her grief and mourn her loss. In addition, the mother should make sure that she does not view her daughter as the main source of emotional support.

Mothers need to mourn what they had to give up, what they wanted but never got, what their children could never give them, and all the injustice of this state of affairs. However, as unfair and dishonest as it may be, the daughter should not compensate for the loss of the mother or feel compelled to sacrifice oneself in the same way. This requires incredible strength and integrity from mothers. And in this healing process, mothers need support.

A mother frees her daughter when she consciously works through her own pain rather than making it her daughter's problem. In this way, the mother allows her daughter to fulfill her dreams without guilt, shame or duty.

When mothers unconsciously make their daughters feel responsible for their losses and share their pain with them, this creates a dysfunctional connection reinforcing the daughter's belief that she is unworthy of her dreams. And this supports the daughter's belief that somehow she is the cause of the mother's pain. This can really destroy her.

Daughters who grow up in a patriarchal culture often have to choose between their own strength and the love of others.

Most daughters choose the love of others over gaining power. They are afraid that their self-realization and gaining strength will lead to the loss of love from important people, in particular, mothers. Therefore, women remain small and unsatisfied, unconsciously passing on maternal trauma from generation to generation.

A woman is overcome by a vague but strong feeling that gaining power can destroy her relationship. And women are taught to value relationships more than anything else. We cling to the ruins of relationships while the soul yearns to fulfill its potential. But the truth is, relationships alone can never fully satisfy our hunger for a fulfilling life.

The balance of power in the mother-daughter relationship is a taboo topic and the root of maternal trauma.

Much of the above remains unmanifested due to taboo and stereotypes about motherhood in our culture:

    Mothers are always supportive and loving

    Mothers should never be angry or resentful of their daughters.

    Mothers and daughters should be best friends

Stereotype "All mothers should be loving all the time" deprives a woman of the right to be an ordinary person. Because women are denied the right to be just human beings with all human weaknesses, it is also justified in society not to give mothers due respect, support and not provide them with the necessary resources.

The truth is that mothers are people first and foremost. Every mother can have moments of non-love. And indeed, there are mothers who often simply do not show love, perhaps because of their addictions, mental disorders or other difficulties. And until we come face to face with these uncomfortable realities, maternal trauma will remain in the shadows and will be passed down from generation to generation.

We are all patriarchal to some extent. We had to internalize this in order to survive in our society. When we can face it in ourselves, we can confront it in others, even in our mothers. This will probably be one of the most agonizing moments we will have to face. But until we are ready to go into it, to touch this trauma, we pay a very high price for the illusion of peace and strength.

What does maternal trauma cost us?

By living with this trauma and not healing it, you fill your life with:

    A vague but persistent feeling of "something is wrong with me"

    Refusal to fulfill one's potential due to fear of failure or stigmatization

    You have weak personal boundaries and lack clarity about who you are

    You don't feel worthy or capable of creating what you really want

    You don't feel safe enough to have your own space and speak your truth.

    You build your life on the principle of "the main thing is not to risk"

    You self-sabotage when you're close to a breakthrough

    You unconsciously wait for permission or approval from your mother to start living your life.

What is the relationship between maternal trauma and the divine feminine?

Now many people are talking about "embodying the divine feminine essence" and being an "awakened woman." But it is impossible to contain this power of the divine feminine while we still have the feeling that we are expelled from the Feminine.

Let's face it: the mother is the very first manifestation of the Goddess for us, and meeting with our mother is the first meeting with the Goddess. First you need to muster up the courage and break the taboo, face your pain experienced in your relationship with your mother. Otherwise, divine femininity will remain just another fairy tale, a fantasy that we are saved by a mother who will never come. It only leads to spiritual immaturity. It is necessary to separate the mother as a person from the mother archetype in order to become conductors of this energy. You need to dismantle the false structures in your mind before building new ones. Otherwise, we run the risk of getting stuck in a kind of limbo, where our integrity is short-lived, and it seems that we can only blame ourselves for this.

Without acknowledging the influence of mother's pain on our lives, we in some way remain children.

To gain and unleash your full power and potential, you need to look at your relationship with your mother and dare to separate your personal beliefs, values, thoughts from her. To do this, you need to allow yourself to feel grief from the fact that you have witnessed mother pain. You need to work through your own pain from it. It is very difficult, but this is the first step to true freedom. It is worth living through this pain, as its energy is transformed and ceases to create obstacles in life.

So what happens when a woman heals her mother's trauma?

Healing the mother's trauma causes the power dynamics to change because women no longer need to hinder each other's growth in order to ease their pain. The pain of life in a patriarchal system is no longer a taboo. No need to pretend and hide your pain under the guise of lightness and ease. Take a look: this pain is not causal, accept it, live it and integrate it, thus transforming it into wisdom and strength.

How more women works through this trauma, the more likely it is to create a safe space where women can express all their inner pain and receive the support they need. Mothers and daughters will be able to communicate with each other without fear that their true feelings will destroy the relationship. There will no longer be a need to push the pain into the shadows, where it manifests itself as manipulation, competition or self-blame. We can pour out our pain in tears, mourn it, and then it will be cleansed and become love. Love will manifest as strong support for each other and deep acceptance of yourself, the freedom to be yourself to the fullest, to be creative and fulfilled.

After the mother's trauma is healed, there is an understanding of the incredible power of the mother's influence on the well-being of her child, especially in early childhood, when mother and child are still inseparable. Mother forms the foundation of our personality: our beliefs begin with her beliefs, our habits with her habits. Much of this is so unconscious and basic that it is hardly noticeable.

Maternal trauma is ultimately not so much about the relationship with the mother, but about accepting yourself and your abilities without shame.

We turn to mother trauma because it is an extremely important part of self-realization. It's like saying "Yes!" her ability to be the strong and fulfilled woman that each of us is called to become. Ultimately, healing the trauma of motherhood is about recognizing and honoring the foundation that our mothers laid for us. They did this so that we could build our own unique lives knowing what we want and what we are capable of.

Benefits of healing mother trauma:

    The ability to freely manage your emotions, to see them as a source of wisdom and information.

    Healthy boundaries that keep the best version of you up to date.

    The development of a strong "inner mother" that provides unconditional love, support and care for the inner child.

    Competence. Feeling that everything is possible, openness to miracles and all that is good.

    Connecting with your inner goodness and the ability to bring it to everything you do

    Deep compassion for yourself and others

    The ability to not take things too seriously. There is no need for external confirmation to feel good. There is no need to prove anything about yourself to others.

    Trust in life that it brings everything you need

    Security and freedom to be yourself

    Much more…

Getting involved in this healing process, we gradually remove the thick fog of our projections, acquire clarity and gratitude to ourselves, love for ourselves. We no longer carry our mother's pain and belittle ourselves because of it.

We have the strength to confidently manifest in life, to create what we want without a sense of shame or guilt, but with passion, strength, joy, confidence and love.

For every person, the first trauma in the heart is connected with the mother, with the feminine. And in the process of healing this trauma, our hearts open from a state of compromise, protection and fear to a new level of love and power that connects us to divine love and Life itself. From this moment on, we are connected to the archetypal, collective heart that beats in all living things.

We bring to the world the true compassion and love that the world needs right now. Thus maternal trauma opens up the possibility of initiation into the divine feminine. That is why it is so important for a woman to heal her. Your personal healing and reconnection to the heart of life, the path of the feminine, will affect the whole and support the process of our evolution. published

© Bettany Webster ( Bethany Webster

Translation Anna Petrosyan

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet