
Psychologists' advice: how to choose a private kindergarten. How to choose a private kindergarten? Which kindergarten is better


After the birth of a baby, it becomes necessary to record it in Kindergarten... It is very often impossible to get a place in a kindergarten right away due to a lack of places.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

In order for the baby to have the opportunity to attend kindergarten, you still need to wait for the free space in the queue.

  • mother's or father's passport;
  • birth certificate of the child.

The institution's staff will help the parents complete the application. If there are documents confirming the possibility of enrolling a child on a preferential basis, they must also be taken with you. This will help the child get a place in kindergarten out of the general queue.

You can also submit an application on the State Services website after a simple registration procedure:

  1. In such a situation, the application is filled out via the Internet.
  2. Parents will need to enter information from the above documents in special forms, as well as select up to three preferred preschool institutions, briefly describe the child's health status and indicate the date when the parents plan to take the child to the kindergarten for the first time.
  3. In order for government agencies to be able to inform parents about the progress of the queue, it is necessary to provide a contact phone number and e-mail address.
  4. To sign the application, parents will only need to enter the code that will come in the message to the contact phone number.

As soon as the application is put in the queue, the parents will be informed about this in their personal account on the State Services website, where you can also see its registration number, which will be needed in the future.

It is worth noting that the earlier you enter the queue, the more likely it is that by the date specified in the application for the child there will be a place in the institution.

If you need to change the data

If it becomes necessary to change the data specified when applying for a queue to a kindergarten, then this can be done in several ways:

  • by phone;
  • in the MFC or OSIP;
  • through the Internet.

Regardless of the reason for the change in the data, it is sufficient to have the application number or the number of the child's birth certificate and his surname.

Only parents or official representatives of the child can make changes to the application, therefore, when contacting the Multifunctional Center, you need to take your passport with you.

How to change a kindergarten in the electronic queue?

Most often, modern parents have a need to change the preschool institution indicated in the application. This can be done in just a few minutes via the Internet, by phone or at the regional MFC, but when changing the kindergarten in the application, certain problems may arise.

It happens that it does not take long to wait until a place is vacated, but when choosing another kindergarten, the application will be moved to the end of the queue for admission to the chosen institution.

In such a situation, you will have to wait in line again, and in case of a significant shortage of places, the process of enrolling a child can be significantly delayed.

When moving

More often, parents are interested in how to change the kindergarten in electronic queue in case of a change of residence. As mentioned earlier, children who do not belong to the chosen kindergarten in the place of residence are included in the additional list.

In such a situation, getting a place will be possible only in a situation if, after the enrollment of all children from the main list, there are free places.

It is advisable to change the data on the kindergarten when moving, because even if the previous kindergarten will completely suit the parents, the chances of getting a place in the kindergarten at the new place of residence will be significantly greater.

Through State Services

Significantly simplifies the procedure for enrolling a child in kindergarten. Registered users of this resource have access to a wide range of online administrative services.

On the site, you can both submit an application and make changes to it or. We will consider the process of making changes in more detail later.


If the kid in some kindergarten didn't like it right away, draw your own conclusions. A child, unlike adults, often immediately feels the general mood of a particular group. But keep in mind, if a child has an initial attitude “I don’t want to go to kindergarten” - he will reject any kindergarten, even the best one ...

One mother arranged for her daughter in a kindergarten, and began, of course, with an institution that was reputed to be exemplary in the area. There, they say, and active development, and swimming, and delicious food ... The manager greeted the visitors not very friendly. Nothing surprising - the head of the kindergarten, as a rule, is a busy person. But the tone was not very hospitable ... And most importantly - walking in the hallway, waiting, the girl looked into the group and saw the following picture: the kids are sitting decorously on chairs along the walls, hands on their knees. This is the most active period of the day! The child frankly grimaced, and when they were nevertheless invited into the office and began to hint that it would not be easy to get into this institution, the three-year-old girl, without excessive diplomacy, declared: "Mom, let's go to another kindergarten!" And pulled mom to the door. (Please note - we will not go home at all, but we will look for another kindergarten!)

As a result, the girl "chose" an ordinary ordinary kindergarten, unremarkable, but when she first visited it, the mother and daughter saw a different picture: the teacher was carrying lunch to the group, and then two children proudly paced in white caps and aprons: one was carrying bread on a tray, and the other is napkins. And one more thing: while, as usual, they were waiting for an audience with the manager (who in the most benevolent tone asked them to wait a little), not a single educational voice from the group was heard in any raised tone. The fact that children in this kindergarten are raised quite actively, without suppressing their personalities, was liked by both mother and daughter. By the way, the kindergarten, in general, did not disappoint their expectations.

Decide what is important to you

For other adults, a good kindergarten is one where, in addition to general development, they will give a three-year-old baby a bunch of additional items, load him to the limit (for a lot of parents' money), and as a result, sometimes it turns out that the child will not receive general development. Will get tired. And as a result, he will fall out of love with the kindergarten, and classes, and communication.

To some, the garden closer to home seems to be the most attractive. Many people make a choice based on the external and internal "decoration" of the kindergarten - they say, are there carpets, are there many toys, have they been renovated ...

Well, your right to use any criteria. But remember: not you, but the child will go to the kindergarten. So maybe being close to home is justified in some way (if you don't have a car). After all little child it is difficult to do a long journey at first on foot or in public transport. But in all other respects, take a closer look at the general mood of the team, at the spirit that hovers in this garden.

Meet the head of the kindergarten

A lot in the kindergarten depends on the head (more precisely, on the head, since the overwhelming majority of women work in this position). Your child will feel good in a kindergarten led by a supervisor who combines the qualities of a teacher and administrator equally. I will warn you right away: a balanced combination of these qualities is quite rare, often there is a frank bias in one direction or another.

Here is one option: at the head of the kindergarten - excellent teacher, loves children, respects educators. But at the same time, she completely lacks any administrative skills. And therefore it is difficult for her to control the recruitment of personnel and the quality of their work in the field. In one of these kindergartens, the headmistress conquered at first sight: young, friendly, second education - child psychologist, loves children and, as they say, feels ... But upon closer acquaintance with the kindergarten, the parents discovered that in the group their child had an openly mediocre teacher and an alcoholic nanny. No matter how sad it was, I had to part with the kindergarten.

Second option: manager - born administrator(this is just the very representative institution that we talked about above). The staff is well-trained, the selection of personnel is tough, the supply and maintenance of the kindergarten is at the highest level (and this, too, must be able to organize ...) But at the same time - a rather cool attitude towards both children and educators. That is why the educators themselves, with all their professionalism, often fell out with the children (and so that there were no complaints in their work, they simply forced the children to sit on the chairs - you don’t want to be pointed out mistakes, it’s better not to do anything ...) As a result, communication with the children is exemplary - the indicative support was quite formal, which was clearly not good for the children. And the kindergarten actually attracted parents more, and then for the time being.

The third option is happy combination administrator and teacher. This is the kindergarten chosen by a three-year-old girl, whom her mother "attached" to a children's institution. Yes, here the manager most likely did not seek to make her garden exemplary, but most likely because she understood that this would not benefit the children and staff. But you can avoid unnecessary checks and allow educators not to formalize work with children, but, on the contrary, to make it active and close to the children themselves. On the other hand, the organization of work in the kindergarten did not suffer: there were no drunken nannies, no educators yelling at the children; children's theaters periodically came to the kindergarten, various holidays were organized throughout the year, New Year- an indispensable Christmas tree ... All of this was not over the edge, but it was felt - the work in the kindergarten was organized primarily with love for children.

What to do if, upon entering the kindergarten, you are actively asked to pay some kind of bribe

Often this is framed with the words: "Well, how can you help our kindergarten?" Usually, a list of expensive purchases that parents need to make in order for their offspring to enter the garden are offered. Many parents agree to this - they say, there is nothing to do ... And others ask - to pay or not to pay? There is only one answer - do not pay if you get a job in an ordinary municipal garden, in which you are simply obliged to take for free, if, moreover, your "turn" has come up for this.

Remember the well-known "law of bribery" - where they once extorted money from you, they will extort money twice and three times, and why not? You paid once, and then prove that it was your long-term savings and you don’t have that kind of money anymore!

In general, in any case, when you are offered to pay, ask - for what? If you hope that after your bribe your child will be treated better in the kindergarten - most likely, all the children there entered the kindergarten on the same grounds, and your child will not be an exception ...

Of course, we are talking again about the most ordinary kindergarten. If you yourself decide to arrange a child in a private or specialized paid kindergarten, the fees for admission are agreed upon initially. But this is no longer a bribe, but the cost of a place. There, this fee is of a completely different nature, and you make the decision about this fee yourself. At least you know what you are paying for, and at the same time you get the right to demand the provision of paid services. And in the case of unauthorized "help to the kindergarten" from the pocket of the parents - what can you demand?

It is clear that our municipal gardens are in a very deplorable state, and sometimes they are forced to take such measures. But help to the kindergarten may well be not only financial!

In many kindergartens, parents themselves glue and wash the windows, bring flowers from home, as far as possible, food for birds and fish; dads fix lockers and children's furniture. And one mother frankly had no time to glue the windows, but having a computer and a printer at home, she typed and printed the documentation necessary for the kindergarten (since there was no such "luxury" in the kindergarten itself) ... This kind of help is quite natural, especially if to her do not coerce with force with threats to recoup the child.

Meet the educators

So, if you have chosen a kindergarten at the manager's level, get acquainted with those who work in the group that your child will attend.

Yes, given the level of salary that an employee of an ordinary kindergarten now receives, somehow the language does not dare to demand special zeal in work - although to the credit of educators I must say that most of them are still fanatics in an amicable way. Although there are also outspoken psychological sadists who are ready to work practically for free, but as compensation to be able to suppress people subordinate to them, even small ones.

When meeting educators, not only appreciate their character and desire to work with children, but also try not to stress them yourself. After all, the key to a successful visit to a kindergarten by a child is the contact of parents and educators, the ability and desire to mutually cooperate.

Naritsyn Nikolay Nikolaevich, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst

The most important thing in kindergarten is the people who lead educational process... “Educators, teaching staff and, in particular, the director should be focused on the individual psychological characteristics of children and build on the individuality of each specific child,” says child psychologist Aleksey Kravchenko.

Child and family psychologist Alina Aleksanyants recommends starting with a conversation with the management of the kindergarten. “To paraphrase the well-known proverb about fish, the garden“ blooms ”with the head. This person is often the head, soul and heart of the organization, ”argues Aleksanyants. Parents in a conversation with the head must find a response and understanding, and the meanings and values ​​that are broadcast by the management of the garden must coincide with their expectations, the psychologist emphasizes.

According to Kravchenko, narrow specialists should also work in the kindergarten: a child psychologist, a speech therapist and a defectologist. “A psychologist can diagnose a child, understand the features of his development and identify the presence of medical problems associated with the psyche - it is desirable that the specialist has a qualification in clinical psychology,” the expert explains. A defectologist can implement a program prescribed by a psychologist. And a speech therapist will be able to give a child a good speech, which is necessary for the development of his personality and thinking, concludes Kravchenko.

Observe how caregivers and children interact

Alina Aleksanyants advises to see how the kids spend their time in the classroom and for a walk, what adults and children talk about with each other. “The noise outside the group doors means the kids are relaxed. Laughter, talking, having fun are important indicators of what is good for children, ”she explains.

Parents should pay attention to how strictly the institution adheres to sanitary standards: how often the group is ventilated, how many times a day the children go for a walk, what is their daily routine, how much and in what conditions they rest. The health of babies depends on this and, accordingly, the opportunities for growth, development and education, says Alina Aleksanyants.

She also recommends exploring what activities are included in the private kindergarten services - how varied, interesting, what is offered for an additional fee. “It's great if there is a free choice of activities: often a lot of activities are built into the grid, not all of which are really needed by the child. It is important not to overload the children and leave free time for games and walks, ”the expert notes.

Consider how the kindergarten goals match your expectations.

“If in the kindergarten they say that they are preparing a child from the very childhood for entering a university, then they will focus on educational moments. And there is a possibility that this will take place not through play and free activity, but in the form of training sessions, ”cites Alina Aleksanyants as an example. Parents who want their child to develop in a natural rhythm, the psychologist advises to pay attention to those preschool institutions where more time is spent exactly play activities.

Alexey Kravchenko still recommends not forgetting about preparing children for school. “An ideal kindergarten prepares a child for school in advance, both intellectually and personally - according to the criteria that are used in diagnostics by educational psychologists before children enter first grade,” he says. The task of the kindergarten, in particular, is that parents do not have to run a year before the first grade and look for courses to quickly prepare their children for the educational process.

Pay attention to the equipment that is in the arsenal of the kindergarten

Alina Aleksanyants advises to see how the playgrounds are equipped, what toys are in the groups, what materials the teachers use in the classroom. “A lot of interesting and useful things can be used for the development of children - this applies to both play and educational activities,” says the psychologist. As an example, she cites classes on the world around her: a teacher can connect a globe or interactive maps to textbooks.

Alexey Kravchenko recommends paying special attention to the sports equipment of the kindergarten. “The development of a preschooler is not only intellect and personality, but also in many respects fine and gross motor skills. The more sports opportunities there are in the kindergarten, the better, ”he explains. It's good if the kindergarten is equipped sports grounds for basketball or football, a corner, a Swedish wall, a hall for practicing rhythm. It's great if you can find a garden with your own pool, says Kravchenko.

Also, in a good kindergarten, the child will have opportunities for creativity, he says. It is important that such activities are up-to-date and can interest children. “To captivate, of course, you can do anything. But it is better if these are not Soviet types of creativity like beading, but modern techniques development of creative activity ", - said the psychologist.

Listen to your intuition

“You go to the garden, walk along the site, enter the group - how do you feel while doing this? If you like the atmosphere (or, at least, it does not disgust or reject you), then this is an important marker that you can opt for this kindergarten, "says Alina Aleksanyants.

If you have enough light and space at home, and in the garden, compared to your apartment, it is cramped and dark, then it is better to look for other options, she advises. “It is important for the child to feel in the garden not as in a government institution, but at home,” agrees Aleksey Kravchenko. Experts advise paying attention to the group setting, furniture and lighting. “A child in the garden should be comfortable, familiar and pleasant,” says Aleksanyants.

It should be borne in mind that mothers often react to kindergarten from their own experience - and things that cause them unpleasant sensations or memories can be perceived by the child in a completely different way, notes Alina Aleksanyants.

The psychologist recommends taking a walk with the child in the kindergarten or next to him, going to the playground or in the group, getting to know the educators and, if possible, with other children. “Ask the kid how he is in this place, how he feels here, he would like to come here again,” says Aleksanyants. According to her, when making the final choice of a garden, one should pay attention to both "adult" questions and the feelings of the child himself.

Aleksanyants advises considering all of the above criteria together. According to the psychologist, finding a completely ideal place is difficult, and you should determine your priorities when choosing a preschool. And you can already look at other things more calmly. “Remember that we do not choose school and kindergarten for life. If it turns out that something doesn’t suit you or your child, you can always find a new place, ”sums up the psychologist.

If you are not too happy about the prospect of placing your child in the first kindergarten you come across, just to get a place somewhere, then this information is just for you. We will not only tell you how to choose a kindergarten for a child according to all the rules, but also show you what to do if, for various reasons, your child is not accepted to a preschool institution.

Which kindergarten to choose: municipal, departmental, private

Most parents immediately send their children to the municipal kindergarten at the place of registration. And in the case when a child has some problems, conflicts, quarrels with the head or educators in the kindergarten, then moms and dads often just have to put up with the circumstances so as not to lose their place in the institution.

But few people think that in addition to this kindergarten, there are probably many others in the city: both state and private, and even departmental - which means you have the opportunity to choose! That's right: you can send your child to another municipal kindergarten, even if it does not match your place of registration, for example, if you rent an apartment in a completely different area or city.

In this case, there are several loopholes, and the first of them is to obtain temporary registration at the place of actual residence for at least one of the parents. The owner of the house / apartment you are renting can provide you with temporary registration, but, unfortunately, not everyone agrees to go to the meeting. Then there is a second way - to use a lease agreement that confirms your current de facto place of residence. If you, like many, rent an apartment unofficially, then the last option remains - to personally talk with the head of the kindergarten. If there are free places in one of them, then you can be taken to another state kindergarten.

Of course, in this scenario, you may face another problem - corruption in preschool institutions. The topic deserves a separate article, but in short the situation is as follows: they will tell you that there are no places, but if you make a certain monetary contribution, buy for the institution, for example, a TV or a printer, then your child will be taken to kindergarten without waiting in line. To agree to such conditions or not - each parent will have to independently choose.

But in addition to municipal kindergartens, there are private and departmental kindergartens. All children are taken to private kindergartens for a fixed monthly fee: they will probably cost more than a bribe to a municipal kindergarten, but the conditions there will be at the appropriate level + without additional monetary levies in the future. Departmental preschool institutions are intended for the children of employees of any organization under which this kindergarten functions, for example, at some factory or other enterprise. You can get there not only for the children of employees - however, it will cost more, but, perhaps, you will like the conditions there more.

Regardless of what type of kindergarten you want to choose, you must pay attention to the following selection criteria:

How many children are in the group

The first criterion for choosing a kindergarten for a child is the size of the group. In different kindergartens there are also different quotas for the number of children, so you need to clarify this issue every time.

Which group should you prefer? In fact, both small and large groups in preschool educational institutions have their own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, many tend to choose a smaller number of children in the group, since it is easier to keep track of them, and the teacher will be able to pay attention to everyone, provide more effective training, and find time to communicate with difficult children. In large groups of 15 people, children are often left unattended, conflicts often occur there. But practice shows that children in such groups socialize much better and faster, show greater independence and cohesion. In addition, it also happens that large groups of children are divided into subgroups, when it is necessary to conduct any specialized lesson, so the educational aspect does not suffer here.

Teaching staff and educators

Do you send your child to kindergarten just to have someone look after him while you are at work, or do you expect him to receive a decent preschool education? Then be sure to take an interest in those who will be engaged not only in education, but also in teaching kids.

As a rule, preschool institutions with weak funding hire universal teachers, who not only teach children all academic disciplines at once, but also play the role of an educator. Imagine what a burden such a methodologist bears! It is not surprising that the quality of such education is not always satisfactory. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those preschool educational institutions (often they are just private), where there is funds to finance a whole team of teachers who teach certain disciplines, as well as educators who look after children outside of classroom: take them for a walk outside, take them to lunch , put to bed, arrange various activities and monitor the babies until their parents pick them up.

Of course, get acquainted with the head of the preschool educational institution - a lot depends on this employee in each specific institution. It is important that this person combines not only the qualities of an administrator, but also an experienced and attentive teacher who knows how to find an approach to children and adequately communicates with their parents.

In addition, in order to choose the right kindergarten, it is worth inquiring about the presence of various circles in the kindergarten, where the baby can acquire additional skills in addition to the mandatory ones provided by the program. preschool education and this institution. Don't forget to find out what additional activities and entertainment can be expected here for your child. For example, do the kids go to the puppet theater or on excursions to the museum, do they participate in the preparation of matinees for the New Year, International women's day, the beginning school year etc. Do not underestimate this factor of how to choose a kindergarten. After all, a child should visit an institution with joy, interest and anticipation, and not go there as to hard labor.

Daily routine and health measures

The third important criterion for choosing a kindergarten for a child is to study the daily routine in the institution, and, if possible, compare it with the daily routine in other preschool institutions in order to make the right choice.

In different kindergartens, the duration of the working regime, the order of events and regime moments may differ slightly, but on average, the day should start at 7 a.m. and end at 7 p.m. In the morning, the children are met and received by educators, followed by exercises and breakfast, and then training sessions. After graduation educational activities children are taken for a walk, then for lunch and a quiet hour. After sleep, the babies are fed an afternoon snack, continue the remaining studies, and then take them out for dinner and a walk, if the weather allows it. Children walk or play under the supervision of educators, and their parents slowly take them away.

So, if there are no regime and educational points, or the daily routine, on the contrary, is overloaded, you will find out about this in advance and can look for another preschool institution.

In addition to the daily routine, it is important to choose a kindergarten taking into account the health care measures that are taken in each particular kindergarten. Everyone knows that leaving the house and getting into children's team, the child is more likely to be various diseases... Therefore, be sure to find out how often children are examined by health workers, whether any strengthening and preventive health procedures are carried out, whether the premises are hygienic, whether the territory of the kindergarten is cleaned regularly, what menu is offered to children, and what measures are taken by employees in case of accidents and other situations, threatening the health and life of children.

Child's opinion

Naturally, you can choose a kindergarten as you like, guided by the above criteria or your own feelings and beliefs, but if your child does not personally like it, then all efforts will go down the drain. Be sure to make a joint trial visit to the kindergarten with your child, walk through the living and play areas, classrooms, attend classes and get the opportunity to observe other children, teachers and educators. Thus, you will also understand what the microclimate in this preschool educational institution is, and the child will be imbued with the atmosphere of a new institution for him and decide whether he likes it here or not.

By the way, you can learn more about how to get to kindergarten, especially without registration at the place of actual residence, and how queues for places at preschool institutions work, from this video:

Whether the child will go to kindergarten or not is a question that must be decided by each parent individually. To answer it, you need to seriously think about what it will give my child, will it benefit him and not harm him? To understand this, you need to learn about all the advantages and pitfalls of modern preschool education.

What does kindergarten give a child?

There is an opinion that if a child did not go to kindergarten, then he will not be able to learn to find mutual language with peers and in the future he will have problems with communication and communication. In fact, if a child contacts children while walking on the playground or visiting sections, then this already provides the necessary base and he should not have problems with communication. The main thing is to bring the little one into the light more often, do not sit at home. And in kindergarten, despite all the possibilities of communication, the baby has a risk of running into aggression from peers, which can negatively affect the delicate child's psyche and really create problems.

And you shouldn't think that this kind of "school of life" is completely harmless, it's good if the child copes with the stress that has piled on him, but if not?

With constant conflicts in the kindergarten, the child can withdraw into himself. In this case, it is important that the educator resolves the problem in time, otherwise there is a risk that the child will develop self-doubt and fear of communication itself. In addition, there are cases of gross incompetence of the educators themselves. If a child is systematically exposed to unfair reproaches from adult staff, then he may develop a notion that this is the norm of behavior, and that force gives the right to humiliate people weaker than himself.

Many parents believe that they will not be able to develop their child and prepare him for school as they will in kindergarten. But no one will be able to convey new information to the child the way parents would, and he will not listen to anyone as much as his relatives. And most importantly, in case of difficulties with the study of the material, mom and dad will always help, and the baby will not be afraid to learn new things, he will be confident in his abilities and strive forward. With the right approach of parents to upbringing and development, the baby can achieve much greater success than in kindergarten. Read the literature on education, be interested in teaching methods, and the result will not be long in coming.

Another reason for kindergarten - if a child does not go to kindergarten, then he will not learn discipline and self-organization. In reality, things are not so simple. After all, at home it is also possible, but in fact even necessary, to introduce a daily routine. Organize your baby's day so that everyone is comfortable, diversify it with all kinds of activities and games, let's interesting tasks, let him be a little on his own.

If your child is attending kindergarten, carefully monitor his behavior. It should be alerted if the baby began to withdraw into himself, became indifferent to his previously favorite games, cries before going to the kindergarten, is nervous without apparent reasons and periodically comes with bruises and scratches. Talk to the baby, discuss this issue with the teacher, if there is a problem, then it must be solved.

But you shouldn't think that sending a child to kindergarten is under no circumstances. Sadik kindergarten strife, with the right choice educational institution, a kindergarten can become a second home for a child and will bring exclusively benefit and joy. And if you decide to send your child to kindergarten, you need to approach the choice very responsibly.

A good kindergarten should have free access to information about the work of the kindergarten, its staff, regime, nutrition; the menu should take into account the characteristics of a particular child; small groups, no more than 12 people. Be sure to talk with the teacher, let him tell you about his method of teaching children, you can attend one lesson. Talk to the parents of classmates, whether they are happy, whether their child is willing to go to this kindergarten.

Also, you can consider not only state kindergartens, but also private, or home kindergartens, the latter are listed as "child care centers." Choose the most suitable option for your child.

So, the example of North Carolina. I think it is clear that a kindergarten that meets the minimum requirements gets 1 star. On the one hand, it is not enough, but in fact it is already good - after all, there is some kind of verification and evaluation. To get additional stars, you need to earn points on many components over the past year: staff education, the availability of paid leave or other additional payments from them, the process of teaching children, the standards and approaches used, not to mention the required number of teachers, toys and free areas for games and recreation. Here are just some of the points that are taken into account when putting down the so-called rating " environment"Or the atmosphere in kindergarten:

  • The ratio of the number of staff and children in the institution;
  • Is the room large enough for the children and is everything safe and organized;
  • Condition and availability of materials for games;
  • Compliance with the rules for changing diapers / clothes, washing hands;
  • The relationship between caregivers and children, etc.
These are just a few of the requirements from a long list, so it is easy to imagine that waiting lists for vacancies in a 5-star kindergarten can drag on for years, although the price there is clearly very high. At the same time, 3 stars is already a very good result. Considering that kindergarten If you have to post your points for each item in a prominent place, it is very easy to figure out why in one institution there is a little less, and in another more.

In my opinion, such an assessment is a perfectly reasonable decision - at least from the point of view of the parents. They have the ability to immediately imagine what they are paying for. For example, kindergartens in Canada are very expensive. Prices vary a lot, ranging from 500 Canadian dollars to (I'm afraid to assume) 1,500 per month. Imagine when you need to give such an amount in a month, then at least you want to be confident in this institution. Moreover, if we are talking about a home kindergarten, where a mother, having her children, takes other babies and looks after them. It is not always possible to determine by eye why one kindergarten costs twice as much as another, so the presence of an official system of affixing stars for specific and generally available requirements attracted me.

I don’t know how good this system really is, but we can definitely say that the quality of childcare in kindergarten does not always depend on the number of stars, so it’s definitely impossible to rely on points alone. What are your thoughts on this?

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Lara mama 22.04 13:53

My sister screaming went to the kindergarten. All neighboring houses heard howling screams! I didn't like it, horror! Now she says that the nanny called her "a microelement". Now she understands that this is not some kind of matyuknya, but a statement of fact. She is small in stature (now she is 30 and 1m49cm :)). Memories are not good. But she gave her daughter to the garden. Only not at 1.5 years, as they gave her, but almost at three.
There are always "two sides of the coin." We brought our nephew to the teacher and said: "You need an eye and an eye for a child. She can run away from the playground. Be careful, please."
I believe that a kindergarten is needed. In general, it has a positive effect, but a lot depends on the educators.
Good luck to all!!!

Rinatka Akhmetova 22.04 13:54

I went to kindergarten for about a year, and then flatly refused. She said that I would sit at home alone, but I would not go there. And she was sitting! Until my father came home from work (he worked in shifts) I sat alone at home under the table, but did not go to kindergarten! And what I didn’t like there, I don’t remember ...
Of course, kindergartens are all different. One woman from Australia sent me a description of their kindergarten and what they give children in terms of upbringing, getting skills, so we read the whole family more than once. My Julia and part of that can’t be more youngest child already knows how there! I'll ask permission and maybe post an excerpt later. That's what I understand kindergarten! The child does not want to leave him, can you imagine ...
And our educators are hungry, they went there out of desolation, those that are still few from God ...
Children are often shouted at, forced to sit on pots for an hour, etc. horror films. Often, the children of educators are simply afraid, they crush them psychologically, ruining the personality and aligning everyone with the same brush.
Of course there is a lot of good and most importantly communication and team. This is very necessary in life.
I, too, solve the problem of how to give good development, love and at the same time a team to the child. While I came to the idea of ​​creating a kindergarten myself
And you have a lot of all kinds of kindergartens in Moscow, commercial, elite, etc. Where there is one teacher for 5 people, who knows English and all known methods, etc ... Maybe look for something like a development center? Or is it insanely expensive?
We have one such kindergarten in Omsk. There is a daytime group and classes (they call themselves montessori). There is a queue for several years in advance and a crazy payment.
No, why not business !? People are ready to pay for education, for good attitude to your child. There is demand and no supply. Something is wrong ... the market does not allow it.
And yet I am somewhat restrained from kindergarten by the fact that most of the kindergarten children of my acquaintances have very frequent acute respiratory infections. Well, they will practically only be discharged to kindergarten, again to sick leave. I would not want to ruin the child's health. Although there is an opinion that the child should be in all kinds of infections, this trains the immune system. But my heart cannot agree with this in any way ...