
How to choose a good winter footwear firm. How to choose winter shoes. How to choose shoes for a man


Autumn pleases us with the last days and already reminds us of the upcoming winter cold. Winter frosts can come unexpectedly, so it’s worth preparing for them now. Not for nothing they say "Prepare the sleigh in the summer ...". The same can be said about winter shoes. So that snow and ice do not take you by surprise, think carefully about purchasing winter shoes today.

The shoe market offers us a lot of options for winter boots for every taste and color. However, the choice is not always successful. Very often, colds and viral diseases occur due to freezing, including lower extremities. So that your legs are always warm and comfortable, and winter frosts did not frighten you with their severity, listen to our advice on choosing reliable and warm winter shoes.

Any fashionista knows that you need to keep up with fashion at any time of the year and winter cannot be an obstacle to elegant high-heeled shoes. However, listen to your logic and think about what is more important for you - health or the ephemeral concept of fashion. Warm waterproof boots can also be beautiful and emphasize your dignity. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the quality and good quality of winter shoes.

So, first of all, let's dwell on the material from which the shoes are made.


Of course, there can be no better material than genuine leather. Leather is perfect for winter slush and frost. The skin perfectly conforms to the shape of the foot, so in leather shoes you will be, first of all, comfortable and convenient. Being a natural material, leather is practically impervious to moisture, so you can be sure that your feet will not get wet. A very important plus is that the skin perfectly retains heat.

With all the above benefits, leather shoes will not only keep you warm and protect your feet from moisture, but will also serve you faithfully for several seasons.

The cost of winter shoes made of genuine leather can be quite high, however, by paying once, you will give your feet comfort and warmth for several seasons.

Natural suede

Natural suede is an excellent material for sewing shoes, including winter ones. Outwardly very attractive, pleasant to the touch, it makes any shoe model more refined and airy. Compared to natural leather, suede is not as practical to wear. In wet weather and slush, traces of salt or just dirt may remain on it. Suede, in fact, being leather turned inside out, also protects well from moisture, but moisture definitely does not benefit it. But at the same time, suede shoes can also be warm and quite comfortable.

Today, footwear manufacturers offer special protection products for suede boots - moisture protection, stain remover, tint sprays and many others. With these products, you can easily care for your suede shoes and keep them in good condition.


Leatherette is a good alternative to genuine leather, but not in the case of winter shoes. Leatherette can pass moisture, and this is fraught with wet feet and a cold. Such shoes will quickly crack in the cold, and in places of folds they can even break completely. As for warmth, leatherette shoes are unlikely to warm your feet. The only advantage of faux leather shoes is their price. However, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to pay, albeit less, for shoes that will serve you for only one season ..?

How not to make a mistake

Modern artificial leather is very similar to natural. Sometimes even professional retailers can't tell the difference between leatherette and genuine leather. At first glance, they are very similar, both in appearance and to the touch. However, there are a number of ways that, in 80% of cases, will help you distinguish leather boots from leatherette shoes.

When you put your hand on the shoes, you will feel warm - this is genuine leather. Leatherette is always cooler to the touch.

One of better ways identify fake is to check slices. Pay attention to the places where back side material. Genuine leather has a slightly hairy underside, while leatherette usually has a fabric backing.

The smell test probably won't work - today high quality leatherette can smell like genuine leather due to fragrances.

Another sure way to check the skin for naturalness is to use a needle. At the puncture site, genuine leather will spring a little, while artificial leather will leave a mark in the form of a hole.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to insure yourself against a fake. Therefore, to buy a new pair of winter shoes, go to a specialized store or shoe salon. The market assortment in most cases turns out to be an outright fake. And who wants to be deceived ..?

Winter shoes should have a warm lining and fur. Therefore, do not listen to the seller who convincingly tells that the modern artificial fur warms better than natural. Natural fur will allow your feet to "breathe" and protect you from freezing, while artificial fur is more likely to cause increased sweating on your feet. Faux fur will “knock off” faster and only a thin lining will remain of it. In a word, natural fur has an undeniable advantage over artificial fur. How to check fur? Spread it with your fingers: if it is on a fleecy basis - natural fur, on fabric - artificial.

Today, many manufacturers use the technology of "combined fur". In this case, the fur on the top is artificial, and on the foot is natural. Also, fashionistas know the “European” model - the shaft is lined with fabric, the foot is natural fur. This variation makes it possible to wear a winter boot that fits the leg to the top, while not making it very voluminous. Such tailoring techniques have their advantages, but for cold weather it is still better to stock up on high boots with natural fur along the entire height of the boot.

As for winter shoes for men, men's high boots are extremely rare. They are usually chosen by dudes and fashionistas, and in them, as well as in women's "Europeans", natural fur is only on the foot. The most popular model of men's winter shoes - boots just above the ankle, with natural fur.


The sole is an important component of reliable winter footwear. Pay attention to the material from which it is made (rubber, polyurethane, PVC - they are all waterproof and quite wear-resistant), as well as the thickness. According to the standard, the thickness of the sole should be at least 1 centimeter. A thin sole will freeze through and is unlikely to protect you in frosty weather.

It is worth paying attention to the relief of the sole. The more bulges, recesses and embossed patterns on the sole, the easier it will be for you to stand in ice. If you pay attention to professional sports winter shoes, you will notice that a embossed sole with an individual pattern is a hallmark of any well-known manufacturer.

It is easier for men both in summer and in winter. Men's fashion does not require wedges, heels or platforms. Women are not shy about high heels and platforms in winter period.

Modern winter footwear pleases with its diversity. If you are used to walking in high heels, no problem. Just take a closer look at the heel - it must be stable and reliable, and in no case can it be plastic. Give your boots a little test - put the shoes on a flat surface and press down on the instep. If the heel "moves" back - do not buy these boots, otherwise you will not have problems with slips and falls.
As for the platform or wedge, it should be tightly glued, there should be no glue residue at the joints, and threads should not stick out of the seams.

In any case, the choice is yours. However, remember that in ice it is still better not to wear high-heeled shoes and protect yourself from falls and fractures.


Do not buy shoes without trying them on, especially winter ones! Remember that no two pairs of shoes are the same. Shoes from different manufacturers can differ significantly in size, therefore, when ordering boots of your 38th size online, you can actually get a Chinese 36th.

Try on both boots or shoes, walk around the store, sit in shoes. You should immediately feel comfortable. Do not listen to a consultant who persuades you to take shoes "back to back" with the understanding that "the fur will sit down and the skin will stretch." This is the biggest misconception. You should not be cramped in shoes, thumb should not rest against the toe, and the bootleg should not squeeze the leg.

It is also a mistake to choose shoes that are one size larger. When worn, your feet will not only be uncomfortable. Boots that are too big for you can deform your feet and cause you to fall. When choosing winter shoes, put on a warm sock for trying on, because in winter you will surely warm your feet.


Having tried on the models you like, and having decided on the choice, carefully inspect the boots again. Compare the right and left boot, check the strength of the seams, the absence of cracks and folds. Try to unzip / fasten the zipper several times - it should be unfastened easily and not "jam". Also pay attention to accessories - fasteners, buttons, buttons, chains should be well fixed. Feel free to ask the seller what material they are made of. Very often, decorative elements are overwritten or darken too quickly, which in turn gives an untidy look even new shoes.

Where could I buy?

So, what should you choose? Order winter boots in the online store or buy on the market? Or maybe sew shoes to order ..?

If you want to purchase a pair of reliable and warm winter boots, head to a shoe store. First of all, you will be able to try on the shoes you like in a comfortable environment, walk around the store and feel whether you are comfortable.
The help of consultants can sometimes be too intrusive, but sometimes it helps to make right choice.

Many stores are direct suppliers of factory-made shoes, so they give a guarantee on it, which, you see, is very nice. If the manufacturer guarantees the quality of products and confirms this with warranty service, then you have every reason to trust the quality of this product. Moreover, by keeping the receipt, you can always return the goods within a certain time if for some reason it did not suit you or you changed your mind.

Many consumers mistakenly believe that shoes on the market are much cheaper than those sold in stores. Sometimes it can be even higher. But with regard to quality and reliability, it is better to think about it. When buying shoes on the market, you do not have the opportunity to complain in the future if the sole suddenly peels off during the first snow or the fur is erased after a week of wear.

Moreover, think about whether you can normally try on shoes when there are a few more customers crowding around you? You won’t walk around the market in trying on shoes, and after taking a couple of steps, you are unlikely to determine whether you are comfortable.

Also, when buying shoes on the market, you run the risk of becoming a victim of fraud. In the turmoil of the market, you may be sold a low-quality product or, which sometimes happens, just a replacement.

Do you want to be different from others? Or do you just have a custom shoe size? Then you need a shoe designer!

Now it is becoming very popular to sew shoes to order, both summer and winter. First of all, custom-made shoes are a unique thing. You will definitely not meet the twin of your winter boots and, of course, you will feel like a million. By the way, about a million. Such pleasure is not cheap, so you have to fork out!

Owners of a non-standard shoe size or foot shape can also contact a shoe tailoring studio. If you want a regular pair of winter boots in your size, and not a piece of shoe art, this purchase will cost you less than the previous case, but you still have to shell out a little.


So, the purchase is made, your wonderful warm boots are waiting for you on the shelf, which not only delight your feet, but also your eyes. Now it remains just to maintain them in proper condition, care for and, if necessary, repair.

Having bought a pair of boots, be sure to purchase a set to care for them. If you always keep your shoes clean, freshen them regularly and replace worn-out heels in time, your shoes will serve you faithfully for more than one winter.

Now there is a huge amount of shoe care products - creams, paints, water-repellent sprays, gloss sponges, etc. Remember that leather and suede shoes require completely different care and, accordingly, different products.

Replace your pads on time! In winter, shoes are most susceptible to mechanical stress, so do not be surprised if heels or socks wear out quickly - this is absolutely normal. Just bring your shoes to the repair shop on time, and this will save you from changing your shoes frequently.

We hope that our advice will help you enter a new winter season shod in reliable, high-quality and warm shoes that will not let you down in the harsh winter cold!

We wish you a good choice!

With the advent of winter, many people think that it would be time to update the wardrobe. And if buying a fur coat or down jacket does not take much time, then sometimes problems arise with the purchase of shoes. What to buy - shoes or boots, or maybe felt boots? How to choose winter shoes? Read about all this below.

How women choose shoes

Shopping for any girl is more of a holiday than a routine. Many women consider shopping to be relaxation. Therefore, for the fair sex, the question of how to choose winter shoes is rarely relevant. Girls know stores that sell expensive branded boots, and also in their head there is information about stores with affordable prices. But after all, the cost of a product is not yet an indicator of its quality, at least for girls. What then do fashionistas pay attention to?

Well, of course, first of all, girls pay attention to the design of boots or boots. Today, suede shoes with wide steady heels are in fashion. It is these models that orthopedists advise women to purchase. But some girls still can't let go of the illusion that they have to wear heels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore, for them, the height of the heel is of greater importance. And some girls, on the contrary, prefer not to part with their favorite sneakers even in winter. Yes, today you can find models made of genuine leather and with fur lining. But such shoes do not protect from the wind, not only the shin, even the ankle.

How to choose shoes for a man

If women have at least some criteria as to which boots to take, then men generally rarely pay attention to their winter boots. Although in our country there are more and more guys who are starting to follow fashion and what things they buy. But it's still rare. Most men do not wonder how to choose winter shoes. They go to the store with their wife or girlfriend. If, in general, they go, and do not order shoes on the Internet. If a guy still decides to choose winter men's shoes, how does he do it? He comes to the store, chooses the model that he likes best, tries it on, and if it fits in size, then he will go with this pair to the checkout. It is unlikely that he will visit more than two outlets. Most often, men find what they are looking for already in the first store.

To buy high-quality boots or boots, you need to know what criteria to evaluate them. Here is a list of tips for choosing winter shoes.

  • It is better to make purchases in the afternoon. In the morning, a person’s leg is narrower and, as it were, smaller. By evening, the foot swells and expands. It is in this state that you need to try on shoes. After all, otherwise a situation may arise when it is convenient to walk in boots in the morning, and in the evening they begin to reap.
  • You should not buy shoes with a narrow toe. This is fraught with the fact that the toes will be deformed, move to the center. The nails will begin to grow into the skin, and surgery will be required.
  • It makes no sense to take shoes a size smaller with the hope that they will stretch. Yes, genuine leather really has the ability to take the shape of a leg. But it is worth taking into account that in winter people wear boots with warm socks. But for 1.5 sizes, the skin will definitely not stretch.
  • To check whether genuine leather or not, you need to break the boot. If the folds quickly disperse and the shoes take their normal state in 5-10 seconds, then in front of you quality thing. If this did not happen, the creases did not completely straighten out, then most likely it is a fake.
  • It is best to check the naturalness of the skin on the cut. You need to look at the edge: if the skin has a fleecy inside, then these boots are worth taking. And if the wrong side is rag, then you have leatherette.
  • To check whether natural fur or not, you need to bend it. If the surface is fleecy, it means natural, and if it is woven, it means artificial.
  • Be sure to check if the shoes are dyed before buying. To do this, you need to wet the fur a little, and with strong pressure, run your palm over it.

How to choose shoes for a child

It's one thing when parents choose boots for themselves, and another thing when a child. Children grow up very quickly and shoes need to be changed frequently. But you can’t save on your child, you need to take good quality boots. How to choose winter shoes for a child?

  • Some mothers buy leatherette boots, arguing that this is enough for the season, and in next year the leg will still grow. But artificial leather gets wet very quickly, which means that in such boots the child's feet will be wet all the time. And this is fraught with frequent illnesses.
  • Thin soles are another sign of poor quality shoes. The child spends a lot of time on the street, and if his legs constantly freeze from below, he will often get sick.
  • The presence of a heel is a must for any shoe. Some boys might say, "Ugh, am I a girl?!" - and mom will buy another, more "male" model. But this is stupid. In order for the weight to be distributed correctly, the sole must have a heel.

Fashion models of women's shoes

As mentioned above, suede shoes are in trend this year. Boots made of this material are beautiful in themselves, and you do not need to choose models where rhinestones are used as decor. It is better to give preference to boots, the design of which combines several materials, for example, two types of leather - shiny and matte - and suede. Such models look interesting and are at the peak of popularity.

How to choose winter shoes, and even stylish ones? Boots should be preferred. This year, these boots are again at the top of the fashion pedestal. Moreover, you can choose them in any color: both in the usual black, gray or beige, and in extravagant green or burgundy.

How to choose winter shoes for a child, we wrote above, but what models are the most trendy for little fashionistas? They must be miniature copies. adult shoes. But, of course, not the one that is on a 10-centimeter heel.

Fashion models of men's shoes

This year, stylists advise the strong half of humanity to turn their attention to shoes with a rough, embossed sole. Such shoes look stylish, and in winter it is a pleasure to walk on ice in them.

How to choose the right winter shoes so that they remain in trend from year to year? It is worth giving preference to the classics. When choosing winter oxford shoes, you can be sure that they will not go out of style next year. It is worth paying attention to the timberlands that have already become classics. If you have a strict dress code at work, take a model made in black, and if you are free to wear what you want, you should give preference to the classic sand color.

How to choose winter men's shoes for a young guy? It is worth paying attention to high boots with lacing. They look like classic berets, but only in a modern interpretation.

Choosing shoes according to your needs

You should not buy winter boots just because they are at the peak of popularity. After all, if you don’t like the shoes, and even more so if you are uncomfortable in them, then the purchase will obviously not bring pleasure. If you play sports, and generally lead an active lifestyle, you are unlikely to need two pairs of classic boots. Naturally, it is worth buying sneakers. But if you don’t do morning jogging, and you don’t go out into the forest in the winter, you simply don’t need to buy sports winter shoes just in case. You quite once in 5 years will be able to go to nature and in long boots.

How to choose the size of winter shoes? It seems, yes, what is difficult here, all people know the length of their foot. But not everything is so simple. Winter shoes can be tricky. Especially suede. It has the ability to stretch and deform. So that suede boots worth a buy. But leather shoes need to be taken half a size larger. It also stretches, but not as much as suede. If you take shoes back to back, you will not be able to wear warm socks.

We select shoes for outerwear

Boots need to be bought not only with an eye on where you wear them. You also need to take into account the model of outerwear. And not only the coat or fur coat in which you came to the store, but also those items of outerwear that hang in the closet at home. How to choose the right winter shoes to match your jacket? It is worth giving preference to sneakers, winter boots or boots without a heel. The jacket is sportswear. High boots with heels or flats are best suited for coats. Get an elegant business look. To the down jacket you can choose both sports and classic shoes. After all, such outerwear preferred mainly by young people who like to experiment, mixing all sorts of styles.

Does price always equal quality?

No not always. Many branded stores are jacking up prices. Therefore, high-quality boots can be bought for 15 thousand rubles, and for 200 thousand rubles. It all depends on the size of the budget and the social class to which you belong.

Of course you can find winter boots even for 2000-3000 rubles, but it will be such shoes in which it is difficult to leave not only one season, but one month. It will freeze in the cold and get wet. Still, if you decide to save money, get good, but not branded leather boots or shoes. Don't go cheap.

Things to think about before buying

How to choose winter boots so that they last more than one season, what should be considered before going to the checkout with a new thing?

  • If you live in a small town and travel mainly by your own car, then you can safely buy shoes made using European technologies. But if you use public transport and spend a lot of time on the street, on frosty days, eurofur will not save your feet from the cold.
  • The sole of the shoe must be thicker than one centimeter and must be made of rubber or polyurethane.
  • Be sure to check that there is a bar inside the boot that closes the lock. Otherwise, in the cold, the lightning will cool, and the leg will freeze.
  • If you choose a lace-up model, remember that the closer it is to the toe of the boot or boot, the easier it will be for you to put on and take off your shoes.

It is said that a person's health is in his hands. This is true, because very often because of fashion and beauty, we expose ourselves to serious problems. To be healthy, you do not need to make a lot of effort, you just need to dress for the weather and eat right.

For example, on the eve of winter, you need to have time to warm up and buy warm clothes, shoes, scarves. All these purchases will be necessary and will give you the treasured comfort.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right winter shoes for each family member, talk about what products should be and what points it is important to pay attention to. We will separately consider the rules for buying this type of footwear for children and adults. Initially, let's start talking about the general aspects of buying products for this season.

How to choose winter shoes?

First of all, you should remember the most important thing: winter shoes are a rather specific product that must have a number of important, key qualities. Boots and boots for winter should always be warm. You can’t be led by unscrupulous manufacturers and buy shoes without natural fur. Any, even the most beautiful, product will not be able to warm you if non-natural materials were used for production.

It is strictly forbidden to take the model that fits perfectly in size. In the cold season, you will need to wear warm socks, so it is better to take shoes with extra space inside. But, the main thing here is not to overdo it, because shoes two sizes larger will simply be uncomfortable. It is good at the time of purchase to measure boots on a toe, so you will get rid of discomfort and subsequent problems. There is one very important advice- it is better to purchase products made of genuine leather, because it will retain heat and will always look perfect.

How to choose winter shoes for a child

How to choose winter shoes for a child?

1. When choosing children's models of winter shoes, it is very necessary to focus on quality. You can check it directly on the spot (unless, of course, you buy goods in an online store). Look at the seams, they should be as even as possible; the sole should bend well. It will be very nice if the sole relief has different patterns, so you can choose a product that will not slide well.

2. Color is very important for a child, so it is not necessary to take only black shoes. Let the baby be a child, buy warm and bright, modern shoes.

3. The material of the product itself is important, it is best if both the base of the shoe and the outer part are made of special harmless materials.

How to choose men's winter shoes?

When you buy shoes for a child, men and women, you should be guided by similar aspects. Only, if you are looking for a product for an adult, fashion becomes more important. Modern products from leading manufacturers will be a cost-effective purchase for every man. Based on personal requirements, all men's shoes are similar, so there will be no problems regarding the style. It can be boots or winter sneakers. Other alternatives are less popular today. For representatives of the male article, the price is very important, so it is better to find affordable shoes at the best price. Customer reviews and brand awareness for men are extremely significant, this should not be forgotten either.

How to choose women's winter shoes?

Women are considered demanding customers. Often, they are looking for beautiful, warm, unique products, so it is more difficult for them to buy winter shoes. But this does not become a reason for sadness. Of course, high-heeled products are not practical for winter, so it’s better to look for a model that is stable. Not relevant for winter and short boots, it's good when they are high enough. The ideal model for every woman is inexpensive, stable, warm and beautiful models, which can fit both under a skirt and under trousers.

The editors of the site advise to rationally approach the choice of shoes and give preference to quality.
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Winter is in full swing, however, I suspect that someone is just going to buy winter shoes. It is not difficult to find something suitable if you are only interested in warm feet. However, a consumer like me, who is also concerned about the aesthetic side of the issue, will have to work hard to find the right and stylish pair of men's winter boots.

So what are we paying attention to? What you need to remember if you want not only not to freeze, but also to observe a certain style, which is not at all easy in the conditions of our harsh Russian realities?

First of all, I will give a few basic, for someone obvious, tips on how how to choose winter boots for men. Well, then I will show several main categories or types, to which this or that pair can conditionally be attributed. men's shoes. Well, the final choice, of course, will be yours.

  1. So, if you haven't put away your cloth converse or light brogues in your closet before spring, do it now. And change into normal winter shoes. By the way, I noticed that women, despite the fact that they are women, are more prudent in this regard.
  1. Men's winter boots should be at least ankle high.
  1. Durable quality material - take shoes only from leather or nubuck.
  1. If you don't want to fall and walk like you're on skates, boots should have thick, grooved soles with enough indentations to provide reliable traction. Don't skimp here, just as you don't skimp on good winter tires. This is a matter of your safety. Well, the thickness of the sole directly affects the preservation of foot heat. The sole material should not be leather - it slips.
  1. The size of winter boots should be slightly different from the size of your regular shoes in a big way. There are days when you have to wear warm ones. In addition, with some types of men's shoes, for example, the so-called "work boots" look exactly like a thick sock.
  1. Alternate at least two pairs of boots. This will extend their service life.
  1. As for, this is a topic for a separate article. I will only say that it is necessary to treat a new pair before the first use with an animal-based oil and a water repellent (if the manufacturer recommends it). Leave a new pair on overnight, the skin takes time to absorb.

So, how to choose men's winter boots using the examples below? First of all, rely on your taste and intuition. And also common sense. Based on your lifestyle and the actual weather conditions in your area.

Work boots (worker boots)

Here I would first of all include the famous yellow Timberland boots. Yes, a lot of people go to them now. And age doesn't matter. This is a versatile winter shoe with a long history. I won’t say that they can be worn with a suit, but with the majority - no doubt. These are quality warm winter men's boots made of nubuck. Nubuck requires special care, but it is softer. Thanks to the anti-shock technology used by Timberland, the foot hardly gets tired. Approximate price 9-10 tr. A fake will cost much less. Be careful. By the way, they look great with.

Less well-known among us are American-made Red Wing work boots (redwings). This company has an even longer history and makes its products strictly in the United States, unlike the same Timberlands that are sewn in China (I'm not saying that this is bad). They are distinguished by good durable leather and excellent workmanship. A characteristic feature of classic redwings is a stitched toe, a high thick sole. Perfectly combined with any warm winter jacket. They may seem uncomfortable at the first fitting - you have to break them in, but it's worth it. I can't say that they are suitable for very low temperatures, like Timberland - just put on a woolen sock. The price is around 13-14 tr.

Duck boots

The peculiarity of this type of boots is the combination of a rubber bottom that resembles duck paws and a leather upper. Indispensable in mud and slush, as they are easy to wash and do not get wet. Most models are not distinguished by sophistication, but their main function is completely different. If you try, you can find an acceptable stylish pair.

Sorel "Cheyanne" (about 4000 rubles on Amazon)

Ted Baker «Iopena» (7500 rubles)


Although it sounds strange, sneakers can also be winter. I would definitely recommend at least one model for purchase this winter. These are Winter Converses on natural fur. Price 5 tr. for the original. They come in three colors: red (as in the photo), brown and gray.

Traditional high laced boots

A more formal winter shoe might look like this:

Topman "Loake" Burford brogue boots (about 6000 rubles)

Oliver Sweeny "Spartan" (14000 rub.)

All these options can be worn with jeans or with more formal wear. Will be appropriate with or a pea jacket. To choose between, read the corresponding article.

I hope I made your task a bit easier - how to choose men's winter boots.

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

It's already getting colder, although it's not winter yet, but it's time to think about warm clothes, for example, winter shoes. Every season we go to the market or shop, choose boots, it seemed that we do it so often, but few people know how to choose good and high-quality shoes.

All about winter shoes

The purchase of winter shoes should be approached with the same requirements as any other. Attractive design is the first thing we pay attention to. But do not forget that the workmanship and comfort are more important points for the things we wear every day.

The design of all shoes can be divided into two parts - the lower (sole) and the upper. The sole of winter shoes is traditionally higher and mostly flat. Even if it is present, it is much smaller than on summer shoes. The pattern on the outsole is designed to resist slipping, so the more different lugs, the more confident you will feel. Although this issue is quite problematic when buying elegant women's boots.

The sole material can be anything: rubber, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride - they are all waterproof and worn for a long time. The main advantage of rubber soles is better grip quality, winter shoes with such soles slip less. Whatever material the sole of winter shoes is made of, it will be comfortable to walk only in those boots and boots that bend easily. Just do not, as some people like to do, bend the shoes literally in half to check. It is enough that the soles of winter shoes have a soft ride up to a fold at a right angle.

Be sure to check the quality of the attachment of the sole to the upper part. Winter shoes can be molded, put on glue or sewn with threads. What is important here and how to make sure of the quality? Good way check - bend along the entire connection line upper part if the shoes are stitched, then the threads should tightly pull together an even seam along the entire length. If an adhesive joint is used, then there should be no adhesive streaks anywhere.

What you need to know about the material of shoes

In the production of winter shoes, both natural leather and leather substitutes are used. Without any doubts, the best material at all times it was considered natural leather. It takes the shape of the foot very well, breathes well, it is much warmer in leather shoes. Winter shoes made of leatherette appearance not inferior to genuine leather, but wrinkles appear relatively quickly at the folds, or, even worse, it can crack in severe frosts.

It happens that the toe and the back of the boot are made of leatherette, and the rest of the boot is made of natural leather. Sellers do not always warn about this, you can distinguish artificial leather - it is colder to the touch.

In the interior, both natural materials (sheepskin, fur) and artificial ones are also used. Naturally, in winter shoes lined with natural materials, your feet will be warmer. Faux fur can be distinguished by its characteristic luster, while natural fur does not shine very much. But if faux fur is slightly worse than natural, then synthetic fur is not recommended at all.

But, even having bought high-quality winter shoes, you will refuse it if the size is incorrectly chosen. AT tight shoes legs will get tired and freeze quickly. In addition, with a tight-fitting leg, the fur lining will wear out quickly. In winter shoes, there should be a small space between the foot and the material. Therefore, it is often recommended to buy shoes one size larger, but here you can overdo it. Shoes that are too loose will soon be trampled on.

And, of course, in high-quality shoes, the seams should not be felt, otherwise you will simply rub your feet imperceptibly. It is also advisable to inspect the surface under the insole - there should not be any folds, and even more so, protruding nails.

And be sure to try on shoes before buying. Sometimes there are bugs like different length individual elements on the right or left boot.

Men's winter shoes

For men, most often there is a problem with finding shoes suitable for the size of the foot. In the collections of men's winter shoes made in Europe, as a rule, a narrow last is used. Therefore, such shoes are not suitable for those whose feet are wider than usual. In such cases, it can be recommended to buy winter shoes one size larger and add another insole.

If possible, look under the insole. A well-secured heel is only one that is held on by at least one screw and five nails.

How high the shoes will cover the foot, the choice depends on your climatic conditions. The design is dominated by winter shoes with a blunt rounded toe. But, if you try, you can find something suitable with a sharper toe.

Women's winter shoes

Traditionally the most fashionable women's shoes boots count. It is important that they are not tight, especially in the area of ​​​​the lower leg and the fold of the foot. Therefore, it is recommended to buy women's boots with lacing. If you like the model with a zipper, then you should check how well it works, if the fur lining does not get into it.

Another subtlety regarding model winter shoes is heels. Besides that high heel adversely affects the foot itself, in such winter shoes there are more chances of slipping in winter. And even more so, you should not buy winter boots with stilettos. First of all, it is not recommended to purchase winter shoes with plastic heels. When buying, check how securely the heel is fixed. Press on the instep, if this moves the heel back, then refuse to buy.

Winter shoes for children

Children's shoes, both winter and summer, must first of all be safe. Although the sole on winter shoes is made thick, it should still be soft. When trying on, you can ask your child to roll from heel to toe and see how easy it is for him. For the proper development of the legs for children, shoes are bought for growth, which sit freely, but do not hang out.

Remember that winter shoes will make you happy long service only in the case of proper and regular care for her. So get it now special means for care. Following all the recommendations, you can choose the most best boots. Happy shopping!