
The best way to remove armpit hair. How to get rid of armpit hair? Elos epilation under the armpits


Any adult has hair under the armpits. Some people treat this trouble with indifference, while for others it becomes a real problem, especially hair, they grow very quickly. For many, it is enough to shave the armpits once a week, but there are those who have hairs growing by the evening. Such people are interested in the question of how to get rid of armpit hair forever. Especially this question interests the beautiful half of humanity.

Long gone are the days when men did not pay any attention to this feature. Now, as soon as a girl appears in public with at least a small amount of vegetation under her armpits, she will immediately be laughed at. Girls have made a real art out of maintaining their own beauty. Careful self-care, taking special baths and using all kinds of cosmetics have become commonplace in the life of almost any woman.

There are many ways to get rid of vegetation. The most common methods that remove underarm hair are:

  • Depilation. This includes all its types: wax, hot, chemical.
  • Shugaring.
  • Epilation, photo and laser epilation.
  • Easy shave.

Some of these methods will allow you to get rid of underarm hair at home, while others will require special equipment that beauty salons provide.

Depilation as an effective method

Depilation is a procedure in which hair is removed artificially. During depilation, only the superficial part of the hair is removed, while the bulbs remain. Therefore, you should not puzzle over how to remove underarm hair with depilation forever. The answer is simple - it can't be done. In the best case, with the help of depilation, you can get rid of hair for a maximum of 2 weeks. Despite the apparent simplicity, depilation has contraindications:

  1. Low pain threshold in humans.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. The presence of cracks, abrasions and other violations of integrity on the skin.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Herpes in exacerbation.
  7. Allergic reaction to the components present in the depilatory substance.

The procedure begins with covering the skin with a special gel or other depilatory substance designed to soften the skin, which will help make the whole process less painful.

Waxing uses a special type of wax, hot, cold or warm. The wax is heated to a temperature of 60°C. If you use it at home, you need to be extremely careful, as there is a possibility of getting burned. Despite all the risks, this method is the most painless, since hot wax softens the skin and allows you to remove hair quickly and without pain.

Depilation with cold wax is the most painful. It is necessary to rub the wax strip in the palms so that it takes body temperature, and then apply it to the skin area. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to rip off the strip with a sharp movement against hair growth. A person should be prepared for severe pain.

Warm wax is heated to 40°C, after which it must be allowed to harden. You need to remove the wax with a cloth or thick paper according to the principle of cold wax.

Sugaring as a method of getting rid of hair is the most ancient way, since the pharaohs turned to it. After shugaring, the skin becomes very soft and tender. In addition, this method is also considered the safest for any type of skin. To use this method, you need to prepare a sweet toffee. Requires lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. water and 10 tsp. sugar or honey. The components must be placed in a refractory container, then put on fire and stir occasionally. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, it should be rolled into a sticky ball. The ball must be rolled in the opposite direction from hair growth. Here the ball replaces the razor. If the substance is too hard, you can drop hot water into it or soften it with a couple.

Armpit epilation

Epilation is the youngest and most advanced method of getting rid of underarm hair. Such procedures are best carried out in the salon with a professional beautician. There are many types of hair removal, it is worth mentioning the most common:

  1. Electric epilator. This procedure is quite painful. Epilation takes place with the help of special machines.
  2. Photoepilation. This method is safe for all skin types. The method consists in high-pulse light action on the hair follicles.
  3. Laser epilation. Mechanical damage to the follicles occurs, as well as the penetration of the beam into the darkest areas of the hairs.

Armpit shaving

This method is the most commonplace. You can use both conventional machines and electric shavers. It should be noted that this method is extremely traumatic, since it is easy to cut yourself with a blade. Although in stores you can find safety razors.

Women, starting from ancient times, tried to get rid of excess hair on the body, including in the armpit area. From time immemorial, they have tried to make their body smooth and beautiful.

Every girl sooner or later has to face this problem, because the appearance of unwanted vegetation in the armpits indicates puberty. To remove hair from the armpits, modern cosmetology offers different options. You can use both the services of salons and carry out the procedure.

Armpit Hair Removal

salon services

Beauty salons can offer their clients procedures that will make it possible to remove excess hair in problem areas not only for a few weeks or months, but forever.

The list of services includes:

Electrolysis. Painful but pretty effective method, the essence of which is the destruction of the follicles with the help of low voltage pulses passing through a needle inserted into the armpit area. Using this procedure, unwanted hair can be removed quite quickly.

. This safe method makes it possible to permanently remove underarm hair. True, it will take quite a long time to visit the office. The course consists of 10 procedures, which must be carried out once every 3 weeks.

Armpit hair removal with photoepilation

. Like the previous method, it will help get rid of unnecessary vegetation forever. But it is impossible to achieve a good result in one visit. Therefore, you will have to visit a cosmetologist at least 5 times.

Elos epilation. A completely new method that combines the main advantages of all existing ways removal of unnecessary vegetation, which at the same time differs significantly from them. The principle of operation is to use small doses of electric current, combined with light energy, which, when they get on the skin, destroy the follicles. Thus, using this method, you can permanently get rid of unnecessary vegetation. True, to achieve such an effect, it will take more than one month.

Armpit hair removal with elos epilation

How to remove hair yourself

Not every woman can or wants to solve the problem of underarm hair removal by visiting a beauty salon. It is quite possible to remove unwanted hair in such a delicate area at home using simple but effective methods.

Creams or gels, specially designed for depilation - this is the simplest and most painless remedy that almost all women use at home. To get the desired result, it is necessary to apply the composition to the hollow under the arms, leave for 10 minutes, and then remove with a special spatula. The only disadvantage of this method is that the procedure will have to be carried out regularly, as the hair grows back.

Electric epilator. It is used to remove unwanted vegetation along with the root, which slows down the process of its growth by 3-4 weeks. The procedure is quite painful, but the result is impressive.

Electric epilator for body hair removal

Usage . A method that allows you to remove hair from the armpit area at home for several weeks, keeping the skin smooth and clean. True, it is worth recalling that this method is quite painful, and not every woman is able to endure such a procedure.

Using a razor. The simplest and the oldest way, which allows you to deal with unnecessary vegetation in the armpit area. Today, modern machines have appeared on store shelves that do not injure the skin, with special softening strips. After shaving, it is necessary to apply special lotions,. This method is good for those who are in a hurry or do not want to spend extra money on expensive salons and special creams. In this case, the result can be obtained instantly. The main disadvantage of underarm shaving is the need for frequent repetition of the procedure. The result only lasts a day or two.

Hair removal with a razor

Depilation with sugar or. An ancient method that was forgotten at one time, but is now gaining popularity again. lasts for several weeks. The method is completely safe. However, it is quite easy to make it yourself at home. To do this, prepare a sugar ball: cook caramel from sugar, water and lemon juice. When the mixture has cooled, you need to knead it in your hands and form a ball, with which the hair under the arms is removed. You just need to roll it along the lines opposite to hair growth. It should be said right away that the procedure is quite painful, like most methods of mechanical removal of unwanted vegetation.

In order not to injure the skin in the armpit area, it is recommended to follow certain rules after depilation:

  • soothe the skin and relieve irritation with a special gel;
  • do not expose the treated area during the first day after the procedure to water;
  • carry out peeling in the treated area so that ingrown hairs do not appear;

  • use special products that slow down hair growth in order to maintain the result of depilation for as long as possible;
  • carry out depilation in the cold season - once a week, and in summer - much more often, up to 3 times a week.

Most girls face the problem unwanted hair. Almost everyone tries to solve it using common means. Shaving, the use of wax, sugar paste, laser and photoepilation have long been heard.

Salon epilation will remove unwanted hair forever, but the cost of such a procedure is quite high. Hair removal on the whole body is especially noticeable on the budget. In addition, salon methods are not always safe and can cause various skin diseases.

Fortunately, there are available safe methods to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. They are time consuming, but the result is worth it!

How to get rid of hair

sugar mask


2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
2 tsp water


Mix all ingredients in a shallow bowl. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair-covered areas of the skin. Wait for the mixture to dry - this will take about 10 minutes. Rinse your skin with cool water.

Repeat the procedure every day for a month. Lemon acid will not only discolor the hair shaft, but also destroy its structure, preventing the reappearance of hair.

honey mask


2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
2 tbsp. l. honey


In a shallow bowl, mix lemon juice and honey in the amount indicated. If your honey has crystallized, stir it until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Take a cotton pad and apply the hair remover to the skin in the direction of the growing hair. Leave the product for 10-15 minutes until completely dry and rinse with running water.

The procedure can be carried out no more than 2 times a week for a month. If the desired result is not achieved, you can increase the duration of the course by another 2 weeks. Be careful! Such a mask can cause allergies, as its components are very active.

The content of the article:

For many centuries, women do not get tired of improving and always want to look perfect and attractive. Today, thanks to careful care and the use of a variety of cosmetics, you can achieve your goal. But the biggest problem is unwanted vegetation in different parts of the body, which is sometimes very difficult to get rid of. For example, underarm hair does not look aesthetically pleasing and not beautiful. To remove them, a wide variety of methods and methods can be used, so that each girl will be able to choose for herself perfect option.

Armpit hair removal methods

To date, there are quite a few a large number of various methods of underarm hair removal, which include:

  • Shave unwanted vegetation.
  • Depilation - the outer part of the hair is affected (during the procedure, wax or modern chemicals can be used).
  • Different types of hair removal - during the procedure, a special device of mechanical action is used, including photoepilation, electrolysis, eloepilation.
  • Sugaring - removal of unwanted vegetation using caramelized paste.
Due to the wide variety of methods and methods for removing hair in the underarm area, you can choose the ideal option for yourself, taking into account your goals and personal preferences.

Shaving armpit hair

This method helps to get rid of unwanted underarm hair very quickly, but the effect obtained will last only a few days. With a careful shave, irritation can be avoided.

This method has certain disadvantages:

  • A high degree of trauma, because in the absence of stable shaving skills, there is a risk of injuring the skin.
  • After the completion of the procedure, it is impossible to get a perfect smooth skin, fairly noticeable black dots will remain in the shaving area.
  • There is a risk of ingrown hairs in the skin.
  • The result will last only a few days - the hairs in this area have a fairly fast growth rate, so shortly after shaving, a rather stiff bristle appears.
Shaving the armpits should be done at least once every 2-3 days, depending on the rate of hair growth.

To carry out this procedure, aimed at removing unwanted hairs, it is necessary to prepare a razor in advance, and it is recommended to give preference to female models, which have a double or triple blade. These types of razors have been specially designed to provide a quality shave in the areas of depressions and curves.

It is best to stop using low-quality and very cheap disposable machines. It is necessary to periodically change dull blades, otherwise, after shaving, quite severe irritation will appear.

Only perfectly clean and pre-steamed with warm water leather can be processed with a machine. To facilitate shaving, it is recommended to use a softening gel, and after completing the procedure, apply products containing herbal extracts (for example, aloe, calendula, chamomile, etc.) to the treated area.

In the summer, this procedure is recommended to be carried out several times a week, and in winter a little less, but everything is determined strictly on an individual basis. To remove excess vegetation in the armpit area, you can use not only a razor, but also an electric razor.

The depilation procedure is the removal of excess vegetation on the body as a result of exposure to the outer part of the hair. But at the same time, the hair follicles remain intact.

This method gives a temporary effect and unwanted hairs soon reappear in the armpit area. The result can last from several days to three weeks.

The depilation procedure has certain contraindications, which include:

  • the presence of various damages on the surface of the treated skin;
  • herpes, which is in the acute stage;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the product used (severe allergies or irritation may occur);
  • the presence of various cardiovascular or oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus.
Before the depilation procedure is carried out, it is necessary to do an allergy test - a small amount of the composition is applied to the skin on the inside of the elbow or the back of the wrist. If redness, rash, itching and burning do not appear, you can carry out the procedure itself to remove unwanted hair in the armpits.

For depilation, wax will be used, which is preheated to a certain temperature. It is worth considering the fact that this method is quite painful, but it helps to get a lasting effect. This procedure can be carried out not only independently at home, but also in beauty salons.

To date, there are several types of depilation with wax:

  • Cold wax. Special wax strips are taken, which are slightly warmed up in the palms. After the active substance becomes softer, it is applied to the treated area, and after 5-7 minutes the composition completely hardens. Then, with one sharp movement, a strip comes off the skin, on the inside of which all the hairs remain. This procedure is very painful, so it is recommended for the treatment of not too large areas.
  • hot wax. In this case, a special wax composition is used, which is preheated to 60 ° C. All actions must be performed carefully so as not to get burned. Hot wax effectively softens and steams the skin, so that the procedure for removing hair under the arms will cause almost no discomfort.
  • Warm wax. It is necessary to heat the wax to a temperature of 40? C, after which it is applied to the area to be treated, and covered with a strip of thick paper or cloth on top. As soon as the composition has completely cooled, these strips are removed with a sharp movement.
To enhance the effect of these procedures, it is recommended to use special cosmetical tools that help slow hair growth. The treated areas are necessarily moistened with a decoction of medicinal herbs, but a special soothing gel can also be applied. To prevent the problem of ingrown hairs in the future, it is necessary to exfoliate the treated areas once every 7 days.

Chemical depilation

The use of special depilatory creams allows you to quickly get rid of unwanted vegetation in the underarm area. In this case, the skin is pre-cleansed, after which a cream is applied to it and left for a certain period of time specified in the instructions. Then the remnants of the cream are removed with a special spatula, which should come with the cream.

It is worth remembering that the depilatory cream has an effect on the outer part of the hair, while the hair follicles will not be affected. That is why, after a while, the hairs will reappear.

Before using such creams, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test, as they contain aggressive chemical elements that can provoke a severe allergic reaction.


Every day, the method of removing unwanted vegetation in different parts of the body using sugar paste is becoming more and more popular. This procedure is called shugaring and is completely safe and effective. The composition of the paste does not contain harmful chemical components, therefore, the likelihood of allergies is minimized.

To prepare caramelized pasta, you need to use three natural remedies- water, lemon juice, granulated sugar. The resulting composition is applied directly to the skin and left for a while until it cools completely. Then the resulting film is removed with one sharp movement of the hands or using a strip of cloth, which must first be fixed on top of the mixture after it has been applied to the skin.

This epilation method is painful but more gentle than waxing. Among the main advantages this method not only getting a long-term result, but also the absence of the risk of ingrown hairs.

Hair removal methods

Due to the rapid development of modern technologies, today there are a fairly large number of various kinds epilation to help get rid of underarm hair:
  1. Electric epilator. Thanks to the use of this technique, you can get a lasting effect that will last for several weeks, while new hairs will be weaker and thinner. However, this procedure can be quite painful, which is why it is worth choosing modern models electroepilators, which minimize discomfort. Among the main disadvantages of this method is that there is a risk of ingrown hairs.
  2. Electrolysis. During this procedure, a special thin needle is inserted into the pores of the skin, through which an electric current is conducted. The destruction of hair follicles occurs as a result of exposure to a low voltage pulse. This method only processes visible hair, but those that are in the "awakening" stage will remain untreated and will soon begin to grow. That is why several electrolysis procedures are performed.
  3. Photoepilation. As a result of exposure to hair follicles of high-frequency light pulses, unwanted vegetation is removed. During the procedure, special equipment is used. Photoepilation is completely safe and does not cause any pain. Provided that several sessions are carried out in an interval of one month, you can get rid of underarm hair for several years. This procedure has only one drawback - a rather high cost.
  4. Laser epilation. To remove unwanted vegetation in the armpit area, a laser beam is applied to the hair matrix, as a result of which the hair follicles are destroyed and damaged. Already after the first procedure, a positive result will be noticeable, but to obtain a lasting effect, it will take 3-5 sessions. This method has certain contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using it.
Regardless of which method of dealing with unwanted underarm hair will be used, before starting its use, it is worthwhile to study all the available contraindications and side effects.

How to effectively remove underarm hair, see this video:

Unwanted body hair is unattractive and messy, especially in summer when clothes are as open as possible. One of the most problematic places is the armpit area, and it is not easy to process it. But useful information will help you choose the most suitable method of epilation.

Depilation or epilation?

To begin with, it is worth understanding how depilation differs from epilation. Depilation involves the removal of parts of the hairs located above the surface of the skin. Only the rods are removed, so the result is temporary, as the cover begins to grow again, and the procedure has to be repeated.

Epilation is the complete removal of hairs not only from the roots, but also from the hair follicles. The bulb is destroyed, so that the rods do not develop, and the skin remains smooth and clean. Epilation in most cases is carried out in beauty salons, by specialists and using specialized equipment.

All methods of depilation

If you do not know how to remove hair in the armpit area yourself, then consider depilation. But be prepared for the fact that the hair will need to be removed periodically and quite often, and the procedures can be painful.


Shaving is the most popular and affordable way, but not the best. The razor cuts the hairs, which causes them to grow faster and become tougher. As a result, prickly "stumps" appear the very next day, and the procedures must be carried out again and again. In addition, the machine may damage delicate skin armpits and provoke ingrown hairs and inflammation of the follicles.

If you have stopped shaving, then do it correctly to keep your underarm skin healthy and beautiful:

  1. Choose high-quality razors with multiple blades and protective elastic pads on the edges so that the hairs are cut in one stroke without injuring the skin.
  2. Every time after shaving, wash the razor with soap, and even better, treat it with an antiseptic to avoid skin infection. Keep your razor in a closed case.
  3. Move the machine in the direction of hair growth, and not against it, so as not to provoke ingrown.
  4. Do not shave dry skin, apply special shaving foam or at least shower gel to it.
  5. After depilation with a razor, lubricate the armpits with moisturizing and emollient, for example, "Panthenol". Decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, strings will also help.

Gels and creams for depilation

The use of creams and gels is a painless and effective way to remove unwanted hairs. The product is applied in a dense layer to the hairy area, aged for 10-15 minutes, then removed together with the hairs with the included spatula. The rods are destroyed under the influence of the active components of depilatory creams. And the new hairs are much thinner.

Gels may not be suitable for the armpit area. Firstly, aggressive substances in the composition can irritate the delicate skin of this area. Secondly, axillary hairs are stiffer than on the body, which makes their destruction more difficult.

The best creams and gels for effective depilation: Velvet, Veet, Eveline, Oriflame, Tanita, Shary, Cliven, Baptiste, Phytocosmetics.


An epilator is a special cosmetic device that has a rotating head and small tweezers that grab hairs and pull them out by the roots. Usually the device is used to remove hair from the legs or arms, and less suitable for armpits.

Removal with an epilator is very painful, because the skin of the armpits is thin and delicate, but the hairs are stiff, so pulling them out is unpleasant and painful, and this method injures the dermis and leaves traces in the form of redness. But if you get used to it, then the new growing hairs will become thinner, and the discomfort will decrease over time.


Wax has a low melting point, that is, with minimal thermal exposure, it quickly turns into a liquid state, which is what cosmetologists decided to use. Wax is sold in containers or applied to strips. It is convenient to use strips, but they are not suitable for armpits due to the anatomical features and bends of the site. Although short plates can be used. You need to warm them up with your hands, attach to the area, press down and sharply remove, heading against the growth of hairs.

The wax mass is heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath, with a spatula evenly distributed over skin in the direction of the hairline. Next, you need to wait for drying and sharply tear off the layer against growth.

For your information! Waxing causes discomfort and irritation of the underarm skin.


Listing modern methods of depilation, it is worth mentioning shugaring. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the use of wax, but heated sugar paste is taken as the basis, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently. It spreads over the skin and sticks to the hairs, firmly grabbing them. Then the layer of mass is removed with a sharp movement. Another option is to roll on the sugar sticky area, and this method is more suitable for depilation of the armpits, as it allows you to treat the hollows and curves of this area.

It is important to use the right consistency of sugar paste, otherwise the hairs will remain in place. The mass is applied against the growth line for a secure grip on the rods, and removed in the opposite direction to remove the roots.


Epilation is much more expensive, but, as a rule, it is less painful and gives a long lasting effect. Consider the existing hardware methods:

  • Laser hair removal is suitable for the armpit area, since the exposure to the rays is just designed for dark hairs growing on fair skin. The laser destroys the bulbs with follicles, so the results are stored for a month. But for the complete removal of unwanted hairs, three to six sessions will be required, since in one procedure the effect is only on the elements that are in the phase of active growth.
  • Photoepilation involves the action of light waves, which, falling on the hairs, heat the melanin pigment. Heat accumulates in the bulb, and when heated, the follicles are destroyed, and the hairs simply fall out. To achieve lasting results, you need to undergo 8-10 procedures with a frequency of once every three to four weeks. But the option is not suitable for fair-haired and fair-skinned women.
  • Electrolysis involves the effect of a weak current supplied to the hair follicles through the finest needles. There is a destruction of the bulbs and hair loss. But the procedure is very painful, although at the request of the client, the specialist can apply local anesthetics. And for complete removal, several procedures are carried out.
  • ELOS hair removal is a combined modern method that combines the effects of low currents and high-frequency light pulses. As with other methods, you need to go through several sessions.

Important! Each method described above has certain contraindications, so you should consult with a qualified specialist before epilating.

homemade recipes

For depilation can be used folk remedies, such as:

  1. You can make sugar paste at home. Combine 180 g of granulated sugar with three tablespoons of water and the juice of half a lemon. Heat the mixture and cook until the desired density, cool slightly and apply.
  2. Treat the hairs daily with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, that is, potassium permanganate.
  3. Mix 80 ml of alcohol with 15 ml of ammonia, 15 ml castor oil and 4 grams of iodine. The hairs are treated with this mixture twice daily until they fall out.
  4. It is necessary to combine unslaked lime with calcium sulfite purchased at the pharmacy in equal proportions and add water to get the consistency of gruel. Apply the mixture to the problem area and hold for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  5. The usual 3% hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of unwanted "vegetation" in the armpit area. She needs to wipe the area several times a day. Gradually, the hair will become thinner and lighter.

If you need to remove armpit hairs, now you know everything effective methods depilation and epilation. It remains to choose the appropriate one and proceed with the procedures.

Jul 29, 2018 Olga