
How to store a mink coat in summer. How to properly store a mink coat. Winter coat care


In the article, we will tell how to store mink coat summer, because this thing is not cheap, and if you just hang it in a closet, it will quickly fade and lose its shape. And there will be nothing left but to throw it away.

In principle, everything is clear with the care of a mink in winter, any seller of fur products will tell you about this when buying. After all, it is important for them that the fur coat does not fade over the winter and that you do not come demanding a refund for a poor-quality product. There are not many recommendations here. Ventilate in severe frost, immediately clean from dirt, do not wet much. But about that how to store a mink coat in the summer you will have to find out on your own.

Before finally removing the fur coat and dressing up in lighter things, you should carefully examine it for dirt and stains. If you find something serious that you are not able to wash off with a damp sponge, you should immediately carry your beloved mink for dry cleaning, in no case do not try to use cleaning products to remove dirt, and even more so do not leave stains until next winter - ruin the product completely.

Before storing the fur coat in the closet, go over it with a wide-toothed comb or a natural bristle brush. This will remove loose hairs from the wool and prevent the fur from falling off over the summer.

If the fur coat gets wet before storage, in no case do not dry it in the open sun, and even more so near the battery. It should dry at room temperature, and only then go to summer storage. The sun in general can cause a light-colored mink to fade and deteriorate.

This coat should be hung in the closet only on a wide hanger with thick shoulders. It is advisable to use a wooden hanger. This will prevent deformation.

In no case should your fur clothes hang tight. So the fur will not be able to breathe in the summer and may deteriorate and lose its luster. Also, never wrap clothing in polyethylene or special plastic bags for clothes. Fur should always be in a place with good air circulation.

If you are afraid of moths, wrap outerwear in gauze soaked in a weak blue solution and dried beforehand. It will protect not only from insects, but also allow your pet to breathe well. Also, in no case does not use naphthalene against moths. He can hurt delicate skin. Use natural defenses like dried orange peels or tobacco leaves.

And following this simple advice about how to store a mink coat in the summer, you will provide your mink with a long service life, and it will delight you for more than one season. And it does not matter if a certain cut goes out of fashion. You can always quite inexpensively change your favorite clothes to new design trends and be fashionable and irresistible again in the cold winter season.


A mink coat is a sign of luxury. It goes to all women, just to find a good style, it is warm and comfortable.

However, such a thing costs a lot, so you need to know how to store it so that it pleases its owner for many years.

In winter, special conditions for storing fur products do not need to be created. It is enough to properly care for them, do not wear them in rain and snow, dry and ventilate.

Cold affects the fur favorably, and frost kills insect larvae. But in the summer, favorable conditions for storage will have to be created independently.

Most of us know that in the summer, the main task when storing natural fur products is to protect them from moths. However, if you simply fill the pockets of a mink coat with mothballs, stuff it into a bag and put it away, it will not end well.

Even if the moth does not start, the fur will be damaged, creases will appear on the fur coat and it will look extremely unaesthetic.

This can be avoided if the product is not only properly stored in the summer, but properly prepared for storage.

This process includes several steps:

  1. Drying.

Natural fur does not tolerate moisture, therefore, before storing a fur coat, it should be dried well. To do this, it must be hung for several days in a well-ventilated, dry and cool room. Nearby there should be no heating devices of any type, central heating radiators. It is also impossible to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer and other equipment. Moreover, from sun rays fur also needs to be protected. The sun and heat are no less enemies of natural fur than moisture.

  1. Repair.

If the lining of a fur coat is torn or a hook has come off and you haven't had time to fix it yet, it's time to do it when preparing it for summer storage.

  1. Cleaning.

Inspect the product to ensure that there are no contaminants on it that need to be removed. If there are any, it is best to take it to the dry cleaners. In extreme cases, you can try to get rid of pollution on your own. A mixture of vodka and vinegar (1:1) helps to get rid of greasy stains if you rub the mink with it against the growth of fur, and then dry it.

Potato starch will help refresh the color. They are sprinkled with fur, then the fur coat is shaken well. However, in this case, the risk that the fur coat will become more attractive to moths increases.

  1. Carding.

Combing the fur too often is not recommended, but occasionally it is even necessary. It is impossible to put away a fur coat for storage without combing the fur. Comb it with a special brush or a metal comb with rare teeth. First, they scratch along the pile, then against it, then smooth the pile in the direction of its growth.

  1. Selection of coat hangers and means against moths.

Not all coat hangers are suitable for storage. It can not be hung on a thin wire hanger to avoid deformation. Shoulders should be strong and wide. Their size should match the size of the fur coat. Most often, the product is sold already with such a hanger, and it is worth keeping.

To protect against moths, naphthalene used to be used, and today it is considered quite reliable and at the same time cheap remedy. But there are other similar products on sale that are not inferior to it in quality and are safer for humans. It is also necessary to prepare a cover. It is desirable that it be made of natural fabric, be sure to be breathable.

  1. Immediate preparation for storage.

Hang a fur coat on a coat hanger, fasten all the buttons. Remove brooches, other jewelry and accessories.

Now it remains to cover and put in the closet. At the same time, make sure that the fur coat is not crowded in it: the distance from it to other things should be at least 10 cm. A number of other restrictions must be observed during storage.

How not to store a fur coat

When preparing a mink product for storage in the summer, you should remember what actions with natural fur products are prohibited:

  • fold (creases will appear, the fur will wrinkle and look old and ugly);
  • hang close to other things, in a cramped closet (otherwise the consequences can be almost the same as when folding);
  • treat with aerosols from moths (this spoils the fur);
  • hang out in an open place, without a closet (natural fur is afraid of light and dust);
  • ironing and steaming, as well as washing (this will sign the “death sentence” for the fur coat).

Knowing which storage conditions are unacceptable for natural fur products, you can create an ideal environment for a fur coat. However, is it feasible at home?

In what conditions is it better to store a mink coat in summer

Ideal conditions for storing fur coats are created in special refrigerators, where the optimum temperature is maintained, good air circulation, and there is a freezing mode for killing moths and their larvae. If you cannot use the services of a fur storage company in such a refrigerator, try to store it properly at home.

Where to store: closet, balcony, camera?

More often, three options for storing a fur coat are considered: a balcony, a closet, a freezer. The first option disappears in the summer, since it is warm outside at this time of the year, and the fur does not like heat. The most favorable temperature regime for fur is in the freezer. However, in order to put a fur coat in it, it will have to be rolled up. It is impossible to deal with a fur coat in this way, so you still have to refuse the freezer. The only option left is a closet.

Try to choose the coolest and most spacious. You can even take a separate locker for a fur coat, setting it in the coolest and darkest corner of the apartment.

A wardrobe with transparent doors will not work, as the fur is afraid of light. The place for storing a fur coat should be dark - this is also a prerequisite.

What to store: case or bag?

There are two options: a case or a vacuum bag. The second option seems ideal, as it saves a lot of space. However, actually using a vacuum bag to store a fur coat is a bad idea. She will be rumpled in it - this is one time, condensate that is detrimental to fur is formed in it - this is two. Simple plastic bags for storing fur will have to be abandoned for the same reasons. There is only one option - a cover. It must meet the following requirements:

  • be not narrower than a fur coat, but exceed it in length by at least 10 cm;
  • be breathable;
  • have a side insert;
  • have a long zipper so that it is convenient to put the fur coat in the bag.

When storing several fur coats, it is advisable to purchase several covers.

An additional requirement is regular airing of the fur coat. This should be done every 30-60 days. You need to hang a fur coat in the shade, in a cool and dark place.

The video tells how to properly care for the fur and prepare it for storage.

Why is it important to follow the rules

Failure to comply with the rules for storing a mink coat can lead to negative consequences. In particular, fur can lose its appeal. An even more serious threat is moth. If you do not notice its appearance, the larvae will quickly "cut" your fur coat, making it unsuitable for further use.

Folk remedies against moths

In order to prevent the appearance of moths, you can use not only purchased, but proven for centuries completely safe folk remedies. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

  • Orange peels.

Moths don't like the smell of citrus, so the peel of oranges or other citrus fruits will scare them away from your fur coat. Peels can be laid out on the cabinet floor.

  • Lavender.

For home use, aromatic sachets filled with dried lavender flowers are suitable, and essential oil obtained from this plant. If sachets are used, then they must be put in a fur coat pocket. If preference is given to oil, then an open bottle with it is placed on the floor of the cabinet, it is not put in clothes.

  • Geranium.

Geranium oil can be used in the same way as lavender oil. Another option is to grow indoor geraniums at home. She is unpretentious and will delight with cute flowers. The moth will fly around your house side.

  • Tobacco.

If you grow a houseplant at home - fragrant tobacco, then it will scare away moth butterflies. Smoking tobacco is laid out in fabric bags and distributed in pockets. However, this is not the best way to save a non-smoking lady's fur coat from moths, since the tobacco aroma emanating from her can ruin her image.

Moth does not like the smell of cloves, eucalyptus, so their esters can also be used to protect clothes from this insect.

With proper storage, the mink product will last a long time. First of all, at the end of the winter season, the fur product must be prepared for long-term storage, then sheathed and put away in a closet. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to protect the fur from clothes moths. For this, proven folk remedies that are affordable and safe are suitable.

How to clean and maintain them at its best? Now there are many advanced dry cleaning technologies, there are various means for self-care of fur products, but sometimes the old time-tested methods, which will be discussed here, can come in handy.

Before storing your favorite fur coat or hat, you need to clean them well. Do not use for cleaning fur, as well as woolen and silk products synthetic detergents with enzymes (they break down these materials). Contaminated places are wiped with a sponge, wetting it in cold water, to which a little washing powder(without enzymes). Then the fur is wiped with clean cold water and dried. Very good way purges were invented by our grandmothers. The fur was evenly sprinkled with wheat bran, slightly heated, and wiped with a clean white cotton cloth - in the direction of the pile and against it until the fur became clean. Then the bran can be shaken off, and the fur knocked out, then combed. Bran can be replaced with coarse cornmeal.

Grease spots from collars, hats and other small fur products, remove with a soft, clean cloth soaked in gasoline. The pile is rubbed “over the wool” if the stain is fresh and the pile itself is long, and “against the wool” if the stain is old and the pile is short.
The fur coat should hang freely in the closet, otherwise the pile will take.

So that natural fur on collars, hats and fur coats does not wrinkle due to proper storage it needs to be brushed regularly. It is better not to brush products made of expensive natural fur. They should be well shaken and combed hairthen put in storage, carefully wrapped in a white cotton cloth. The material you use for storage should be clean, without foreign odors, as the fur easily absorbs these odors.

Moth is the main enemy of both fur and wool. First of all, it attacks polluted places, especially fatty spots. Therefore, you need to keep things cleaned. It is good to ventilate them before storing them without the sun, somewhere in a draft, then beat them out and fold them.

Previously, they kept it by putting naphthalene in the pockets of fur things (it is impossible to pour things with naphthalene). Sometimes camphor was also used. Now, in addition to the old "grandmother's" means, there are many others that reliably protect things from moths. Many of them are based on herbal remedies such as lavender. You can use simply dried lavender flowers - and the smell is pleasant, and the fur is under reliable protection. It protects very well from moths a leaf of a walnut, tobacco, leaves and flowers of St. John's wort, as well as geraniums. If the first may not be for everyone, then geranium, everyone's favorite plant, is for many. A very good way to store, especially hats, is with the help of newspapers. Printing ink contains precisely those substances that repel these insects. Hats are filled with crumpled newspapers, this helps to keep the shape and protect from moths.

During the entire storage period, it is necessary to occasionally look at things: shake the cap, blow on the fur, comb it, replace the old moth protection with new ones.

In ancient times, vinegar was used to kill moths. How did they do it before? That's how. Where the moth wound up, they put a basin, heated the brick as much as possible, and lowered it into the basin. And then the brick was doused with a solution of vinegar - vinegar vapor destroys insects and their larvae. But it is better not to use this method. I think that it is too cruel, of course not for moths, but for our own health, especially if your upper respiratory organs are weak in health. It is best to thoroughly ventilate and keep your apartment and your belongings clean and therefore prevent the occurrence of insects. And for reliability, use the means that are most accessible to you and harmless to your health.

27.10.2016 2 2 846 views

If you have become a happy owner of a luxurious fur product, then sooner or later you will face the question of how to store a mink coat in the summer at home. Mink is a capricious and expensive "animal", and its maintenance is not easy.

But with proper care, the fur will keep you warm for up to 7–10 years, remaining as thick, soft and shiny as it was at that joyful moment when you put on a new mink coat for the first time. To do this, it is important to properly clean, dry valuable fur and follow the rules for the care and storage of the product.

Features of caring for a fur coat in winter

The season for wearing fur coats is the cold season, it can be not only winter, but also late fall, early spring, if the climate is harsh and requires residents to warm up. The pampered mink does not tolerate crowds, close queues, crushes in public transport during rush hour, such conditions can quickly render it unusable and deprive the compacted fur of gloss.

How to store a mink coat in winter? You can't just take it off and hang it on a hanger. The product needs space, no things should crumple and constrain the delicate fur.

It should be borne in mind that not any weather is suitable for walking fur products, no matter how much you want to show off in your luxurious fur coat. Heavy snowfall and rain cause the mink fur to get wet and lose its beauty.

To prevent this, avoid such weather conditions or carry an umbrella with you to help keep your fur coat from getting too wet. But dry frosty air (it is desirable that the day is not too sunny) will go natural fur to the benefit.

When the winter turned out to be warm and the fur coat has to be lonely bored in the closet, let her take a sip fresh air on the balcony. Ventilation is useful for fur products. If the balcony is glazed, this will save the fur coat from pollution and the attack of crows, which can damage the exquisite thing by tattering and staining it.

How to dry fur?

If snow or rain came as a complete surprise and the mink coat still got wet, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly, following the following algorithm:

  1. Shake the product gently to remove excess moisture.
  2. Hang on a wide hanger that matches the size of the item.
  3. Walk along the outside of the product with a special brush - in one direction, along the pile.
  4. Wet the surface soft cloth.
  5. Leave to dry naturally, without the use of a hair dryer, away from radiators, space heaters, kitchen appliances and similar heat sources.

All this is necessary so that the fur and the mezra under it dry well in order to avoid deformation of the valuable product.

Preparing fur for summer

But now the season of socks is over, the fur coat played a role in ensuring that the hostess did not freeze and looked great in the cold. It is time to repay your mink treasure with kindness and provide him with proper care in the warm months of the year.

The first step in preparing a fur coat for the summer is to inspect it for dirt and damage. If the product has a long hem, it could suffer from aggressive chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets during ice. Do not try to eliminate such consequences and clean the fur coat from dirt or residue. cosmetics independently, it is better to transfer this important matter under the responsibility of dry cleaning workers.

Before sending the fur coat for storage, it is necessary to air it in a cool and dark place, smooth the fur with a special brush and fasten the buttons on the thing hung on the coat hanger.

How to store a mink coat in summer?

The best way not to lose the original beauty of the fur is to give it for seasonal storage in special refrigerators that dry cleaners have.

In such refrigeration units, conditions and conditions suitable for fur products are maintained, under which damage to their surface is excluded.

The ideal temperature for a capricious luxury item is no higher than 15 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is no more than 50%. Agree that it is not easy to provide your favorite fur coat with such comfort at home.

How to store a fur coat at home?

If it is not possible to give the thing for storage to a special service for various reasons, you will have to carefully consider all the nuances of storing a mink coat at home.

The advantage of such a solution is that a valuable product will always remain under your supervision and you will not have to part with it, the downside is the complexity and troublesome care for silky fur. You need to pay attention to the following fundamental points:

  • room;
  • hanger;
  • care with a brush;
  • ventilation.

It is best if the room chosen for storing mink splendor is rather dry, cool and dark. Sunlight is detrimental to a fur coat, it leads to color fading and overdrying of the product.

When stored at home, a fur coat must be hung on a suitable hanger, quite wide and covered with fabric. Usually such hangers are attached to the product upon purchase. If they are not there or they are lost, then on the eve of the summer period, such an item must be urgently purchased.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the size of the hanger must exactly match the width of the shoulders of the fur coat, so as not to stretch the sleeves and not distort the geometry of the product. From the pockets it is worth getting all the little things, jewelry, any foreign objects.

Soft and delicate fur must be carefully and carefully combed with a special brush, which is best purchased at the same time as buying a fur coat. Approximately once every 3 months, the fur coat should be removed from storage in order to check its condition and air it.

Video: how to store a mink coat in the summer?

Other nuances

About the shoulder bag

Pay attention to whether there are any marks on the top of the fur coat from wearing a bag on the shoulder.

If they are still invisible, it's time to forget about this habit that is harmful to the fur, which sooner or later will lead to rubbing and the appearance of bald spots.

Oh moth

Another important point, which cannot be bypassed when storing a mink coat in the summer - protecting it from the voracious and ubiquitous moth. This insect is especially attracted to dirty fur, so it is important not to neglect the services of dry cleaning on the eve of warm days. If you want to keep the product intact, avoid using naphthalene and special aerosols, such products can stain valuable fur and ruin a fur coat.

To protect against moths, special tableted products are suitable, which can be laid out both in the pockets of a fur coat and on shelves in a closet near it. Good homemade alternatives to pills are bags of lavender, dried orange peels, and other similar recipes that have proven themselves in pest control. Timely (every few months) replace the exhausted bags.

How much space do you need to store a fur coat in your closet?

Mink coats cannot stand collectivism; they need space that does not constrain their capricious fur. If the product is stored in a closet, then almost half of its internal space must be allocated for a fur coat.

This condition is observed so that the fur does not have contact with other clothes and does not shrink, does not spoil its appearance and properties.

About the case

In what case should a mink coat be stored in summer? It would seem that everything is simple: to help. But do not rush! For proper storage of fur products, plastic bags are not at all suitable, the fur coat must breathe.

And she will breathe in a cover made of cotton or linen. Such a case can be sewn independently or purchased on sale. The fabric frame of the beautiful content will not allow it to become dusty, it will provide air flow and circulation, which are so important for preserving the beauty of the fur coat. Make sure that the cover does not stain the villi of the fur, for this it must be of high quality and match the color of the product (for light fur coats, for example, blue covers are suitable).

Now the mink coat will hang in its specially designated place until the onset of cold weather. Do not forget to periodically take it out to make sure that everything is in order, nothing threatens the safety of a valuable piece of clothing.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to provide acceptable conditions for storing a mink coat in the summer, it is enough to know and follow the necessary rules, as well as take into account some of the nuances. And then the exquisite fur coat will serve you for a long time, warming you up. winter cold, delighting with iridescence, silkiness and softness of luxurious fur.

This fur retains all its qualities, including a luxurious look and gloss for at least ten years, if you know how to store a fur coat.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Even if you wear it every day, it is necessary to create conditions for the fur coat to “rest”.

Here are some simple secrets on how to store a fur coat at home:

1. In no case should a fur product be hung near heating appliances. - this will dry out the inner leather side of the fur. The sun is also contraindicated for such products - the fur simply burns out.

2. Mink has excellent water-repellent properties, and yet you don’t need to take risks and wear it under wet snow. If the fur is still wet, you need to gently shake the product, if necessary, wet the wet places with a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well and, hanging it on a coat hanger, let it dry completely natural way away from heaters. And then comb the fur with a soft brush.

3. In no case should you store fur coats in a closet packed with things - they need their own space. By the way, it protects the fur itself from the appearance of creases and bruises.

4.Wide comfortable hanger - a must-have addition to such models, even if you hang it in the closet for two or three days, you need to carefully straighten the coat on the hanger and fasten all the buttons or hooks, this will prevent the hem from deforming.

5. Fur perfectly absorbs any foreign odors, so it is best to hang products from it in a well-ventilated area or in a tightly closed closet. And of course, you should avoid getting any liquids with a smell on the fur: perfumes, toilet water or antistatic sprays - alcohol-containing liquids spoil the fur.

6. Professional furriers say that when storing mink coats, the fur should breathe. And this means that if you do not wear a fur product every day, it must be aired. Once every two or three months, it is enough to hang it on a balcony or loggia for several hours. If you follow these simple rules and storage conditions for a mink coat, it will look like new for more than one season.

How to prepare a fur coat for summer storage

Before sending a fur coat for summer storage, you need to put it in order and carefully examine it. And not only from the outside, but also from the inside, a special danger for elongated models is street dirt and reagents that treat snow.

You can get rid of minor traces of dust yourself by cleaning the product with a clothes brush along and across the growth of the pile.

But if you notice more serious pollution, they should never be removed at home. You can get rid of them only in dry cleaning.

It is necessary to prepare a fur coat for storage as carefully as possible. Comb the fur, paying special attention to the cuffs, sleeves at the bend of the elbow, pockets and places where it came into contact. But, it is absolutely useful to evaluate the condition of the lining, which during the winter season could get dirty or simply be brought in.

This is especially important for light linings. You can also clean them in dry cleaning, at home you can harm the fur itself. By the way, it is recommended to change the lining from time to time, it is better to do it immediately after the end of the season - such services are provided in any atelier working with fur.

The best place to store fur coats in the summer are special "fur refrigerators", this service is provided by large dry cleaners. In a room with optimal temperature parameters (not higher than 10 degrees) and humidity (not lower than 50 percent), the fur will be perfectly preserved. But, unfortunately, such refrigerators are not available everywhere, and their services are quite expensive.

Mink coat storage: how to protect fur from moths

To begin with, the fur and lining should be carefully inspected and eliminate possible contamination. Comb the fur thoroughly, and thoroughly ventilate the product itself. To create ideal conditions, you will need a protective cover that will protect the fur from dust. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric from which it is sewn.

When buying in a store, they often give out covers from artificial materials, in which the storage of a fur coat at home, especially for a long time, is simply not recommended. Artificial cases are good for transporting the product, and for storage the best materials cotton or linen will become, if desired, such a cover can be sewn with your own hands in just half an hour.

One of the main conditions for storing fur coats is the need to protect them from “raids” of moths. Even if it is not found in your home, preventive measures will not be superfluous.

Let's immediately exclude aerosols designed to fight moths - they will spoil the surface of the fur, and at the same time naphthalene - its smell is perfectly absorbed and very poorly weathered.

To prevent the appearance of moths and other side effects, you can use old folk remedies that are absolutely safe for fur:

1. Dried lavender, geranium, or the peel of any citrus fruit will do the trick. You can make several small sachets with these products, put them in your pockets and in a closet.

2. Straighten your fur coat on the shoulders, fasten the clasp, lay out the moth products, put on the cover and hang it in a closet or dressing room, separating it from other things. With such organization of storage, it will survive the summer months perfectly, and by the winter it will look like new.