
Beautiful grandmother with large beautiful breasts foros. Touching poems for our grandmothers. Makeup for mature ladies



Happy child 07.10.2017

Dear readers, we always try to teach children to treat their elders with respect, and especially to their own grandparents. After all, it is the older generation that is for us the bearers of wisdom and knowledge, worldly experience. And they simply love their grandchildren endlessly and are happy to take care of them.

How to make grandma happy? You can simply learn a poem with your child and read it to her. We on the blog offer you a selection of children's poems about grandmother and poems for grandmother. Choose what you like best and learn with pleasure! I give the floor to Anna Kutyavina, the head of the column.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! Regardless of whether families live with the older generation or bring grandchildren to them only on vacation, whether they see each other only on weekends, kids still love grandparents. I even look at my children: the baby is still quite tiny, but she already sees her grandfather, and her mouth immediately spreads to her ears. And the son generally starts the morning with a telephone conversation with the “baba-didi”. In one word he calls them, it sounds funny.

I offer you a selection of funny poems, as well as poems about a grandmother, touching to tears. Choose what you like the most and learn with your child. Give grandma a special mood! You know how happy they will be!

Poems about grandma are short and beautiful

Very young children will easily memorize the following verses.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Hot and lush
With raspberries and cherries
With raspberries and cherries.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Fragrant and delicious
With mushrooms and cabbage
With mushrooms and cabbage.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
With jam, with sour cream,
Like a ruddy grandmother,
Like a ruddy grandmother.

You can perform to the rhythm finger gymnastics or do yoga for the fingers - mudras.

Under the following poem, you can do exercises or arrange a cheerful awakening for the baby in the morning:

Early in the morning ding dong
Son said goodbye to us.
Wake up, darlings
Let's go, let's go to grandma's!
Where are you, grandma?
Where are you, honey?

Oh yeah, okay, okay
We will bring living water:
Who is smiling
Who is hello
Who is in the heart
Who is in the couplet.
Where are you, grandma?
Where are you, honey?

over the bridge,
By the sand
Through the hole
Through the bump
We drove without suffering
Missed you!
Where are you, grandma?
Where are you, honey?

Grandma will come out to meet -
The happiest!
Hello, hello, grandma!
Hello, hello, honey!
Hello grandma! Hello dear!

You can also dance to grandma funny dance to a funny song:

The house smells like buns
Who's going to come? Who are we waiting for?
Grandfathers, grandmothers!
Come quickly
Grandfathers, grandmothers!
Oh, and Andrew loves you,
Let's start the dance -
You can't dance better than us!

Touching and funny poems about grandmother

Two grandmothers on a bench
They sat on the hillside.
Grandmothers said:
We've got fives!

congratulated each other,
shook hands with each other,
Although the exam was passed
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

On Grandma's Boulevard
Grandchildren cradle
Sing patties to the grandchildren,
And the kids are screaming.

Two Olenkas burst into tears,
They are hot in the summer heat
Andrei, naked in a stroller,
Screams like clockwork.

- Okay, okay…-
Oh, grandmothers are tired,
Oh, screamer Irochka
It's not easy to put down.

Well, again to the rescue
Vovka must be called.
- Vovka is a kind soul,
Have fun baby!

He approached the grandmothers,
He stood next to them

Suddenly jumped up and sang:
- All right, all right!

The screamers were silent
So they are surprised:
sings alrights
A boy instead of a grandmother!

Both laughed at once
little deer,
And Andrei does not frown his forehead,
And he laughs, naked.

Vovka dances on the track:
- All right, all right!
- What an assistant we have!
Grandmothers are happy.

They tell him:-
Thank you!
So dance
We couldn't!

(Agniya Barto)

In this topic, it is impossible to do without the classics, who notice the slightest subtleties of characters and relationships between people. Here is another, touching to tears, poem about a grandmother.

Confidante of magical old times,
Friend of fictions playful and sad,
I knew you in the days of my spring,
In the days of joys and initial dreams.

I was waiting you; in the evening silence
You were a cheerful old woman
And she sat above me in a shushun,
In big glasses and with a frisky rattle.

You, rocking the cradle of a child,
My youthful ear captivated me with melodies
And between the sheets she left a flute,
Which she herself enchanted.

Infancy passed like a light dream.
You loved the careless lad,
Among the important muses, he only remembered you,
And you quietly visited him;

But was that your image, your dress?
How cute you are, how quickly you have changed!
With what fire the smile revived!
What fire flashed a welcoming look!

The cover, swirling like a naughty wave,
Slightly overshadowed your half-air camp;
All in curls, entwined with a wreath,
The head of the charms was fragrant;
Chest white under yellow pearls
Blushed and trembled quietly ...

(A.S. Pushkin)

Schoolchildren will surely like the work of a contemporary Tatyana Petukhova:

I will send a letter, a big letter,
Difficult, ordered!
Letter to letter, line to line,
Not even forgotten points

No mistakes, no blots,
There are eight stamps on the envelope!!
... Hello, Grandma Tanyusha,
Your granddaughter Ksyusha is writing to you.

I miss you so much
And I dream about the meeting.
I save you cookies
Come visit us on Sunday

I'm waiting, grandma, with impatience,
Definitely ... with jam !!

Birthday is always fun party. All relatives gather at the table, congratulate the birthday girl. Birthday poems about grandmother are an unforgettable gift from beloved grandchildren and children. Here, for example, happy birthday poems to grandmother from her grandson:

Finally everyone fell asleep
Don't peep my secret
Because for granny
I will draw a bouquet.

Roses, asters, daisies
Flash brightly on a postcard.
I will write to my grandmother
How I love her
What her pancakes
I always praise.

It's good that everyone fell asleep,
Outside the window is already dawn.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Or another work:

I am with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She is in everything
Along with me.

I do not know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her.
But grandmother's hands
I love everything the most.

Oh how many hands these
They do wonderful!
Patching, knitting, marking,
Everyone is making something.

Foams are smeared so thickly,
Poppy is poured so thickly,
So rudely rub the steps,
Caress so gently.

Agile - look
Ready day by day
They dance in the trough,
Sneak around the pantry.

Evening will come - shadows
Weaving on the wall
And fairy tales
They tell me.

To sleep, the night light will light up -
And then they suddenly shut up.
Smarter they are not in the world
And there are no kinder hands.

And here are happy birthday poems for grandmother from granddaughter:

How I love you, grandma
Can't be put into words!
Happy birthday to congratulate
And, of course, wish:

To love the same granddaughter
You have many more years.
Better than my grandma
In the whole world, it just doesn't.

So that the heart does not grow old,
And let the years fly by.
You are mine, that's the point
I love you always.

Take from congratulations granddaughters,
My beloved grandmother
On this day, your birthday,
All words today are for you!

You are smart, beautiful, noble,
Wisdom you do not take
You will always support and help
One can only dream of such a grandma.

I wish you much happiness
Many, many bright warm days,
Good health and good luck,
There is no one for me.

And more poems about a grandmother for children:

Good, gray-haired,
Helps us all
Knitting socks for us
And sits until night

With us by the bed
If we are sick.
Who is she?
Dear grandmother!

Pancakes and pies
He can do everything, everything is handy!
It smells of goodness in her house,
And the flowers don't wither
Craftswoman and knitting,
Sew and embroider.

How many scarves and blouses
For beloved grandchildren
And with leaves, and with a rose ...
You can't even count everything.

Only copper needles flicker
And the ball winds a thread.
And the grandmother is lingering
He sings a song with his granddaughter.

All these poems can be dedicated to your grandmother just like that, or you can solemnly tell them at a birthday or anniversary. Here is another short poem for grandmother on her birthday:

I wish my grandmother
Good and calm days
To please the children -
And these dreams came true.
I will sign congratulations
In short - your granddaughter!

Another poem to grandmother from granddaughter:

I love grandma so much!
I help her.
I buy everything in the store
I sweep the house...

I will weed and garden,
I bring water.
And when the moon rises
The story will come to me.

This fairy tale by the window
Grandma will tell.
I fall asleep and she
Knitting socks for me.

So that in a frosty winter
Feet don't freeze
I, her dear
And beloved baby

Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!

Together we go for a walk
Together we go to sleep
Together we wash the dishes
-True true!
I will not lie!

We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance
- Grandma will clap for me,
Well, and I - spin, stomp!

I try not to be capricious
I do not shed tears, but smile
We are great friends with her.
Because we are FAMILY!

Here are the lines you can devote to your beloved granny:

All children have mothers
Everyone knows this!
But mom has a mom too!
That's what's interesting!

Mother's mother is mine
Dear grandmother!
Grandma loves me
I know exactly that!

I want a long, long time
My grandmother lived.
Didn't get sick, sang songs
And it was fun!

birthday today
My dear grandmother!
Give, dear, hug
And I congratulate you soon!

You are the kindest and best
Always nice to my friends.
I wish you a lot of health
To be enough ... forever!

Empty smile will be more often
And the pressure will run away
Feeling great,
Health will be strong, like granite!

grandma, grandma,
How I love you!
Always be beautiful
Young and cute!

smile more,
Try not to be sad!
I'll grow up when I'm big
You will be proud of me.

Happy Birthday, grandmother dear,
Spring days have flown by
But we always remember with a smile
Your wisdom, your cabbage soup and pies.

Be healthy forever young
Grandma, live without knowing boredom,
Remember, everyone appreciates you
Your children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren!

Your kindness and your kindness
Let them never run out
Our grandmother, dear soul,
You will be the best forever!

On your birthday, we heartily
We warmly congratulate you
Happy and peaceful life to you
We wish you a hundred years!

Dear readers, choose what resonates with you the most and dedicate it to your beloved grandmothers! After all, it is a great happiness when there are loved ones nearby who will always support, help and offer their warm care.

We had a selection of such touching poems on our blog and we collected poems in it. Happiness and prosperity to you and your families!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, website owner fairy world Beautiful and touching poems about school

A woman can be beautiful at any age. The presence of grandchildren or a pension certificate does not prevent ladies from being in excellent shape and living a full life. Today you will see the most beautiful grandmothers in the world and learn their success stories!

Old age is not a joy?

Jacqueline Berrido Pisano will not even understand the meaning of this expression. She is 51 years old and already has two grandchildren with whom she loves to be photographed. The woman did not attract much attention to herself until a couple of years ago she published in social network photo with the caption: "Grandma who loves fashion." A few subscribers asked how old she was, and were shocked by the answer. In the photo, she looks at least 25 years younger, and there is no merit of Photoshop in this. Those who like to criticize and accuse Jacqueline of processing and retouching photos can watch a video in which the grandmother dances in a swimsuit on the beach.

Looking at the glossy pictures, it is impossible to believe that the daughter of this beauty is already 31 years old! The most beautiful grandmother in the world is fluent in five languages ​​and has a tendering company. The business is quite successful, which allowed her, after thirty years, to take care of her appearance and spend money on keeping fit and youthful. In 2016, a tragedy happened in her family - the youngest son was hit by a car on his way to work. He was only 21 years old. Jacqueline survived this blow of fate and continues to delight her grandchildren and subscribers with incredible beauty. For her love of beautiful outfits and impeccable taste, she also deserves the title of "The most fashionable grandmother in the world"!

This charming blonde is already 64 years old! She never hid the secret of her beauty and youth: with early age she became a vegetarian and still adheres to this principle. She is still a successful model and signs contracts with famous designers. She is called the coolest grandmother in the world. How else, if her photo flaunts on the covers of more than five hundred magazines? She managed to be married 4 times and this experience was enough to write and publish a book that became a bestseller. The directors also did not deprive her of attention - she starred in five TV series and films.

Unlike most media personalities, she does not hide the fact that she regularly makes “beauty injections” and thinks about plastic surgery. Slimness and perfect skin This is not the merit of nature. To look like this, Christie goes in for sports every day and does not allow herself to overeat on tasty, but unhealthy food. She does not consider 60 old age, but says that this is the new 30!

crowned granny

Winning a title in a beauty pageant is not easy, even at a young age. Russian women can be proud - their compatriot in 2018 became the "Vice Grandmother of the Universe". Ilya Garipova from Kazan proved that beauty does not disappear with age. Of the hundreds of applicants, she managed to reach the final and surprise everyone with folk dance and song. Ilia's profession is very unusual - she works in the House of Culture, where she teaches fairy tale therapy to children. The woman also shared the secret of her beauty - her family does not eat red meat, and she is engaged in revitonics. Now 45, she is the mother of three and the grandmother of an adorable one-year-old granddaughter.

Petersburg queens

In 2016, several grandchildren at once had the opportunity to say: “My grandmother is the most beautiful in the world!”. The next competition in Sofia gave titles to two Russians at once - Galina Peshkova and Elizaveta Rodina from St. Petersburg. There were twenty contestants in total, but Russian beauties eclipsed everyone! Elizabeth at that moment was only 38 years old, but she was already a grandmother. She got the victory in the competition and the proud title. The charming singer captivated all the members of the jury with her beauty and puffy scarlet dress. Galina became "Mrs. Cosmos" at the age of 56. The woman was well prepared for the fight for the title - she even learned a very difficult cha-cha-cha dance.

Amazing grandma

Carmen Dell'Orefice is already 87 years old, but she still confidently walks the catwalk and gives her beauty to the whole world. Of course, every person thinks: “My grandmother is beautiful”, but look at this old woman! 71 years ago, her photo appeared on the cover of a magazine, and she became the face of many brands. Like most models, she ended her career after 30 years. Moreover, it was her desire, and the agents did not expect that she would decide to leave at the peak of her success. She devoted herself to her family, but did not refuse to be photographed for fashion magazines. At the end of the 70s. Acquaintance with a popular photographer completely turned her life around.

Several shots ended up on the table with the editor-in-chief of the Town & Country publishing house. It turned out that such a person was now in demand. Over the years, Carmen became even brighter and her modeling career continued. She no longer participates in lingerie and swimwear shows, but happily shows off the rest of the items. women's wardrobe. Does not try to hide completely gray hair under wigs and does not dye them. The most beautiful grandmother in the world plans to live to be a hundred years old and is not going to end her modeling career even by her centenary!

Presents a look at 10 incredibly young grandmothers whose age is hard to believe.

Here is Elizabeth Rodina from St. Petersburg, who became a grandmother in October 2015, almost 2 months before her 38th birthday.

Elizabeth (left) and her 20-year-old daughter Anna are singers performing in a duet called the Decameron.

The beautiful contender for the title of "Mrs. Grandmother Universe 2016" gave a reason to show you other amazingly young grandmothers of the world, including among celebrities.

Elena Tveritneva

Became a grandmother at 42

And this is the most beautiful grandmother of the Universe in 2009 - a 47-year-old (at that time) prosecutor from Rostov-on-Don. She assures that she does not sit on diets and is not fond of salon procedures, and fitness gives her energy and youth.

Interestingly, during the entry for the competition, Elena had two grandchildren, and literally on the eve of the final exit to the podium, she found out about the birth of the third, and this added courage to her.

Natalya Knyazkova

Became a grandmother at 29

A resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia herself gave birth to her first child at the age of 15, and her daughter - even a year earlier. In 2015, they became the main characters of tabloids and talk shows, becoming famous throughout Russia as "the youngest grandmother in Russia" and one of the youngest mothers.

Susie Sanchez

Became a grandmother at 37

And how do you like such a beauty? In 2011, the mother of three children not only became a grandmother for the first time, but also fulfilled her old dream - she successfully passed the competitive selection ... for the cheerleaders of the football team ("Oakland Raiders"). Thus, Susie became the only cheerleader grandmother in all of America!

Corrie Rowland

Became a grandmother at 33

Meet one of Britain's youngest grandmothers: Corrie (left) gave birth to a daughter at 16. After 17 years, she gave her a grandson. (Pictured Bethany in her last month of pregnancy).

"I'm not ashamed that we both gave birth in adolescence, after all, a child is always hope and a new beginning, "says a young grandmother. In the photo on the left - 16-year-old Corrie with her daughter, on the right - 33-year-old Corrie with her grandson.

And here are the star grandmothers - maybe not as early in age as the three previous heroines, but certainly young in appearance.

Alena Babenko

Became a grandmother at 43

The press learned about the new status of the Honored Artist of Russia in September 2015 from her colleagues. The 23-year-old son of Alena Nikita became the successor of the family.

Svetlana Bondarchuk

Became a grandmother at 47

On December 28, the Russian model, TV presenter, fashion expert and wife of director Fyodor Bondarchuk celebrated her 50th birthday. But looking at these pictures, it is hard to believe that we are seeing a grandmother with her granddaughters.

Nargiz Zakirova

Became a grandmother at 43

One of the most memorable singers on the Russian stage, the finalist of the show "Voice" could claim the title of "the most extravagant grandmother."

Her grandson Noah was born in America in September 2014, but due to a busy tour schedule, Nargiz first met him when he was already in his fourth month. Next to her daughter Sabina (on the far right in the photo) and her husband, the singer seems like a young inch next to the giants.

Jade Jagger

Became a grandmother at 42

In 2014, the famous daughter of British rock musician Mick Jagger and his model wife Bianca attracted attention by giving birth to a child almost simultaneously with her own 21-year-old daughter (pictured right) and thus becoming a grandmother at once (for the first time), and mother (for the third time).

The question involuntarily arises: who is the youngest grandmother on earth? It seems that the record has not been broken since 2011, but set it ...

Rifka Stanescu

Became a grandmother at 23 25-year-old Rifka with a 2-year-old grandson:

This Romanian gypsy gave birth to a daughter, Maria, at the age of 12, and she, in turn, got a son at 11. However, in the gypsy community, such early marriages and births are even welcomed in a certain sense: young wives and mothers are thus given to their husbands "as a gift" their purity and are "locked" from all other men. By the way, Rifka's grandson got engaged to an 8-year-old bride at the age of 2. If this marriage takes place in the future and children are born in it, then Stanescu has every chance of becoming the youngest great-grandmother in the world.

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Many are concerned about the question - "Is there fashion and style for those over 60?" “Yes, of course!” - the most fashionable old women in the world answer. What is old age? Old age is not the year of birth in your document, but the aging of the appearance, which most of all worries all grandmothers over 50. Can we stop the aging process and remain beautiful and perky, modern and energetic?

modern old ladies

And again we will hear the answer - "Yes!" from our glamorous grandmothers, who these days are increasingly appearing in photographs, blogging, becoming the face of fashion brands, etc.

AT modern world many photographers turned their attention to glamorous grandmothers aged 60 to 80, dressing with style, catchy, interesting, unusual, original, and most importantly modern. The glamorous old woman is not at all the grandmother she used to be: she sat at home with her grandchildren, knitted scarves and socks, baked pies, and wore dressing gowns and shawls. Our fashionable old women work on an equal footing with young people, visit beauty salons, fitness centers and follow the latest in clothes, cosmetics and accessories. Modern grandmothers communicate with their grandchildren in their language and manage the Internet for one, two, three. Glamorous old women do not get everyone with their moralizing and advice, because they have their own personal lives, their own plans and free hours. They chat with friends, travel and take care of their appearance. This does not mean that fashionable old women cannot create comfort, warmth and care for their loved ones, all this is present, but we also need to understand that our grandmothers are not housekeepers and nannies, and that someday we will also be over 60. After all, the older we get, the more you realize, but the soul is young and you want to live for yourself, indulge in something that you didn’t have enough time for in your youth. Since at a young age we are already beautiful and energetic, therefore we devote a minimum of time to ourselves, but in order to become a Glamorous Old Woman, we must try and give our best to be always on top. Keyword: old lady, grandmother

woman in a hat

a trip to the supermarket

beautiful old women

style and age

face shot

be glamorous

young and old

stylish grandmothers

age of women

women's fashion style



not young but beautiful

clothing for the elderly


health and strength

women over 60

modern dressed

female look

women on the board

walk down the street

A grandmother is not always a sweet old woman in a modest headscarf and a floor-length skirt, who nurses her grandchildren from morning till night, bakes pies, pickles cucumbers or knits socks. Modern grandmothers are not only in no hurry to part with work, many of them try to look good, dress fashionably, travel, enjoy their favorite hobby and believe that after retirement, life is just beginning!

1. Grandmother fashionista (USA)

Baddie Winkle is almost 90 and believes she can afford to live without looking back at the opinions of others. She enjoys wearing bright clothes, appears on the beach in pink bikinis and does not mind a joint of marijuana. “Who will tell me what? I am no longer at the age when others can tell me! ”, - declares and continues to enjoy life to the fullest.

2. Oldest female bodybuilder (USA)

Ernestine Shepherd is known on the Web as the oldest female bodybuilder. And she deserves admiration! Even having celebrated her 80th birthday, she is not going to part with the gym. This one is a role model for young people who can't get out of their computers.

3. Grandmother who draws on the walls (Czech Republic)

Even the 80-year-old Anezka Kashparkova herself does not know exactly what this type of creativity is called. This elderly woman from Moravia, she just loves to paint the walls of houses with delicate and cute patterns, and she has been doing this for 30 years. The local authorities even let her paint the church. early XVIII century.

4. Grandmother traveler (Russia)

Grandmother Lena from Krasnoyarsk is 89 years old. She went through the hard times of the Great Patriotic War, raised children and grandchildren. After the war, she worked at a dairy, and as a result of an accident, she was left without a phalanx of her finger. And at 83, armed with a camera and good mood, Baba Lena fulfilled her old dream - she went on a trip. “Poland, Germany twice, five times I was in the Czech Republic and once in Turkey,” says Elena Yerkhova. In addition, Vietnam is in the piggy bank of the tourist, and Israel is in the plans.

Baba Lena saves money for her trips from her pension. She makes trips twice a year, leads an active lifestyle, loves new acquaintances and always tries exotic cuisine. “God seems to send me such good people,” says Baba Lena.

5. Judo grandmother (Japan)

Judoka Keiko Fukuda is not just a well-known figure in judo. She is the first woman to achieve the highest tenth dan black belt and has become the most famous woman in the history of judo. In her youth, while her girlfriends learned the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony and calligraphy, she learned the secrets of the martial art. And at the age of 21, she received an invitation to coach at the world's first Kodokan judo school from the founder of judo, Jigoro Kano.
At first she taught this martial art to other women, and then she opened her own judo school. Keiko Fukuda lived to be 99 years old last days life doing what she loves.

6. Granny prostitute (USA)

Millie Cooper got into the Guinness Book of Records as "The oldest prostitute in the world." Mine seniority she started back during World War II, when she was 27 years old, after her beloved did not return from the front, and she was left alone in a strange Las Vegas. To earn a living, she first became a cabaret dancer, but very soon she began to sell her own body. After some time, Millie Cooper opened her own brothel, but she herself did not stop serving customers. She is now over 95 and still serves two clients a week today. A visit to this experienced lady costs clients $1,200 per session. She claims to have had 3,500 men.

7. Grandmother-sculptor (China)

A 78-year-old Chinese woman named is an unusual grandmother.

Instead of watching TV or hanging out in the yard with other grandmothers, Deng creates amazing woodwork.

8. Grandmother biker (Russia)
Lia Klyuykova from Nizhny Novgorod is 85 years old and has been riding a motorcycle for 63 of them. Local bikers call her “Granny” in a friendly way, and the woman herself, not without pride, claims that there are no more people like her in Russia.

Without Klyuykova, Nizhny Novgorod bikers do not open a single motorcycle season: it is she who leads the movement of a column of motorcyclists every spring. Grey-haired little woman in black leather jacket, red helmet and gloves on a motorcycle in front of a column of young bikers - this spectacular picture is impressive.

9. The strongest grandmother in the world (Russia)

The strongest grandmother in the world - Sakinat Khanapieva - lives in Dagestan. She is almost 80, and only recently she learned that her name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This grandmother easily lifts and throws weights, tears thousands of pages of reference books, oppresses metal objects. And she also has wonderful memory, she reads Gamzatov and Pushkin by heart, and she herself writes poems about her countryman, the famous Avar poet Rasul Gamzatov and about Imam Shamil. She has a large home library, but most of all the woman values ​​the Koran, which was given to her by Sheikh Saido-afandi of Chirkey. Sakinat raised nine children. She is in excellent health and has never been in a hospital. Despite his advanced age, he does all the housework and takes care of the garden.

10. The most beautiful grandmother (Russia)

Elizaveta Rodina, a resident of St. Petersburg, will represent Russia at the international beauty contest Mrs. Grandmother of the Universe. One of the main conditions for participants is the presence of grandchildren or the age of 45 years. A participant from Russia became a grandmother at 38.

“Probably, I would like to show all the grandmothers of the world that life is just beginning with this status. Because for me she sparkled with colors, opened the doors to new world", - said the contender for the crown.

The secret of the youth of a Russian woman is in healthy way life and proper nutrition. Grandma Liza is a vegetarian, she loves animals. Among her favorites, as befits a grandmother, is the homemade mini-pig Napoleon, who loves apples grown by the hostess herself.


And in conclusion - a pleasant musical pause from Japanese grandmothers. . Just BRAVO!