
What does best friend mean. What is a best friend? Excellent long-term memory


Every person is sure that he has friends. At least most of them do. But here's an interesting point: how many people can accurately define what friends are? By what criteria are they chosen? And what do they mean to us?

After all, you can’t just wake up in the morning and say: “Oh, today is a beautiful day, which means it’s time to make a new friend.” No, there are special conditions that must be met in order for two people to be able to truly make friends. Interested to know about it? Then welcome to the unknown world of friendship.

Who are friends?

So, the answer to the main question: "What is friendship?" First of all, it is a feeling that unites two people. It is based on trust and respect, if these two components are not present, then such an alliance will quickly fall apart. Or one person will simply use the second until he gets tired of it or his limit of trust is exhausted.

Now let's move on to who friends are. As can be understood from the above, friends are people who are able to trust each other. Often times, this feeling doesn't just happen. For this, a push is needed, for example, a certain life situation that managed to show them the dignity of each other.

Friends are like relatives, only instead of blood ties they are connected by mutual respect and trust.

What are the principles of friendship?

But trust alone is not enough to turn an ordinary acquaintance into something more. Therefore, in order to understand who friends are, we need to consider the main components of friendship. Namely:

  • Openness in communication. It's hard to be friends with someone you can't fully understand. Therefore, it is very important to be extremely sincere when communicating with friends - this will help build strong relationships.
  • Unselfishness. Friendship is not a business relationship, much less a trade union. All actions should be done without any intention, because what's the point of being friends with someone who comes to the rescue only when it is beneficial for him?
  • Participation. Friends do not forget about each other both in moments of joy and in troubled times. good friend regularly asks: “How are you doing? Are you all right? When will it be possible to meet and just talk about life?

Why was it so easy to make new friends as a child?

Children always easily make new acquaintances and in a few minutes they can call the first person they meet a friend. And it's not even that they do not fully realize who friends are. No, the truth is that children are the most selfless creatures on earth.

Each person, looking into his past, can easily remember what interested him most in childhood: sweets and fun. Everything else was completely unimportant. That is why it was so easy to make new friends, because almost all children have similar interests. In addition, at this age, we still do not suspect that people are capable of betraying us or hypocrisy in order to achieve their hidden goals.

In time we all grow up

It's much harder to make friends when you're older. After all, now the world does not seem so friendly and kind as before. Behind every action we try to find hidden intentions, and, what is the saddest thing, often they really are.

It is quite difficult to open up to strangers, which is why real friends so rarely appear in our lives. More often, a person just makes comrades with whom you can have fun, but certainly not go to "intelligence".

And yet, even during this period of life, we meet those whom we have the right to consider friends. Even though this does not happen so often, but this only increases their significance. Having met such a person, you need to strive with all your might to develop your friendship so that it ultimately bears fruit.

Who is the best friend?

Among all our comrades, there are always those whom we value much more than others. Their friendship is more important to us than anything else, because they are what we call best friends. But why is it so? What makes us make such a choice? And who is the best friend?

Best friends are those people who can be unconditionally trusted with any secret. You can always rely on them, no matter what difficulties you have to endure. They will not betray, they will not be cunning, and they will direct you to the path of truth, if there is such a need.

Quite often, people become best friends after going through a series of life situations. Some of them can be sad, others, on the contrary, are pleasant to remember in the evenings. But they are the link that connects people for many years.

Five simple rules of friendship

Summing up, I want to talk a little more about how to be a friend. After all, you can not demand from others what you yourself are not capable of. So five simple rules friendship:

  1. Always keep your word, otherwise you will not be able to achieve trust. If you doubt your abilities, it is better not to promise anything at all.
  2. Learn to listen to people. Sometimes it’s enough just to delve into the problem of a friend and just sit silently nearby.
  3. Help in difficult times. Do not wait for a request for help, try to come yourself at the right time.
  4. Be selfless. But at the same time, you should not poke all the whims, because real friends will never disturb each other over trifles.
  5. Respect your friends. Remember: their opinion and words should be important to you, because you are in an equal position.

The most important conditions for friendship are trust and respect. These feelings arise gradually and grow stronger over the years of honest relationships. People become friends against the background of common interests, but not every friendly acquaintance turns into a warm and bright relationship.

Friends in a person's life

It's nice to have a person in your life who will always support and help. A friend is one whose authority becomes equal to his own. In other words, relationships between people develop on complete trust and perception of an essentially alien person, it becomes respectful, as to oneself. Such harmony is achieved only many years after testing for responsiveness and assistance in certain situations.

Loneliness in modern world does not bring positive results. A person without friends becomes a hermit and it is difficult for him to take his place in a developed society. Even the most closed introvert will be unbearable if there is no one to talk heart to heart with, explain himself and hear banal words of support and understanding from the outside.

What is a real friend?

According to modern psychologists, the strongest friendly relations originate in childhood and adolescence. But, growing up, a person loses hope that you can trust someone other than yourself, and in some cases even yourself. Most often, such speculation arises after betrayal by a friend. There are still good people left, and if one betrayed you, it does not mean that the other will betray you.

After disappointment, it becomes difficult to understand who can be called a true friend. Now people are used to communicating remotely, not opening up to people and keeping all the most intimate in themselves. Such relationships are more like friendships, partnerships or in the spirit of acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues. For some, this style makes life easier, for others it complicates. Remember that some buddies or colleagues can become best friends, it's just a matter of time.

How to become a friend?

There are no barriers to true friendship. Those people who know what a friend is confirm this expression with burning eyes. Becoming such a person is not easy, it will only work if a person begins to experience sincere good feelings and sympathy. Friends should think for two, worry, sympathize and help in any situation.

Given all the subtleties and understanding what qualities a friend should have, you should not forget about the other side of the coin. Close people are not only help in a difficult situation, but also sincere joy for a friend with his luck. As many scientists say, it is much easier to survive grief and support in trouble than not to envy your friend in moments of true happiness.

10 qualities of a friend

Long life path It's not easy to overcome alone. Even the strongest and most self-confident people need support. Those who claim that they live perfectly and without friends are deeply mistaken, because, perhaps, they have not yet felt that real and true friendship. Psychologists say that there are qualities of a true friend by which one can unravel the true intentions of a person.

Negative traits of a friend

The worst quality in friendship is envy. It is with her that a person will never be able to understand who a friend is. Such people love only to sympathize and empathize, but sincerely rejoice, they will not succeed. The bad qualities of a friend are also arrogance and irascibility, selfishness and hypocrisy, and most importantly, cruelty, cowardice and indifference.

How to be a good friend?

For quality friendship, you do not need any great knowledge. Sincerity and support at any time are the best qualities in life. take care strong friendship from youth, because people who have been tested by time are practically incapable of betrayal. Find out for yourself who the best friend is, and then you will not have to make mistakes in people. The main thing, remember, in friendship is not only to receive, but also to give.

Friendship is a broad concept. As children, we consider everyone with whom we communicate as friends. When we get older, then there are fewer and fewer friends, only the most proven, real ones remain. Best friend what is he? This problem worries those who so want to have real friends, but do not know if they have any.

Who can be considered a friend

  • True friendship is tested over the years, you are unlikely to be able to understand whether a real friend is next to you or just a friend until life teaches you a couple or three valuable lessons. Only difficulties, troubles, illnesses and even misfortunes show how a person really treats you. If your friend is next to you only in moments of joy, at holidays and feasts, and if something happens, he is always not up to you, then these relations can hardly be called friendly.
  • Friendship usually begins at school or at the institute, when we are still open, we crave communication, and later it is much more difficult to find a real understanding person. We do not choose parents and relatives, so the relationship between them is not always ideal. But we are free to choose friends, people close to us in spirit, with whom it is easy and pleasant for us, whom we love and appreciate.
  • Usually friends have common interests, hobbies, they always have something to talk about, and even if they don’t feel like talking, then a pause in communication is not a burden.
  • What is a best friend? This is a person with whom you always have fun, he can cheer you up, support when you are sad, entertain when you are bored. But if trouble suddenly knocks on your door, then a friend will certainly help you. He will lend you money, take care of your child, give you shelter if you suddenly have nowhere to live.
  • But friendship is not only about taking, it is also important to be able to give. Only if you yourself are disinterested and honest, do not demand anything in return, your friendship will be whole and unshakable. Take care of your friend's feelings, help him, and he will reciprocate.

That's what a close friend is. Always remember this, and be grateful to fate if you have at least one such person.

And friendship. A huge number of people expressed their opinion on this matter. At the same time, someone believes that it exists, while someone believes that friendship is a relative concept and it passes with time. So is there really true friendship, and are best friends a myth or reality? Here we will try to figure it out.

In order to somehow answer this question, I had to find out the information and structure it into a separate storage base. So, having collected everything you need, I had to identify three main questions that give the alleged portrait of the best friend. So, let's begin.

To begin with, it was still necessary to understand, so what is friendship? Friendship is a stable and long-term relationship between people, which should be based not only on mutual understanding, mutual assistance, experience, selflessness and much more. But that's not all. Friends in life must follow common goals, views, interests, intentions and ideals. The best friend will always understand you in the best possible way and can always come to peace.

Friends and pals, what's the difference?

Friendship should not depend on personal communication, because my best friend, no matter where he is, will always remain the best friend. If we talk about friendly relations, then they just depend on constant communication. It turns out that if there is no communication, then there is no friend. Although most of all we communicate with friends.

Qualities of true friends

  • Spiritual closeness. The closeness of souls in friendship is of paramount importance. After all, no common interests can unite people for a long time. The best friend will always find and be able to empathize with her.
  • Support. We need friends for this. But at the same time, support should not be limited to something - it should be in everything. True friends are known not only in joy, but also in trouble. A friend's success will never be the envy of a best friend. Rather, the best friend will also rejoice with you. This is how true friendship is tested or not.
  • Honesty. Even if there is an unpleasant situation, a friend must remain honest. If there is no frankness in your friendship, and one of you is hiding something, then this friendship can no longer be called real.
  • Reliability. This is one of the most important qualities present in true friendship. If you have a best friend, and you can cry into his vest from time to time and tell him about your problems, without being afraid that others will find out about it, then you are very lucky.
  • Devotion. Remember: a loyal friend is a true friend.
  • Care. Friends always care, no matter the circumstances.
  • Confidence. If you have confidence that a friend will always come to the rescue and will never leave you in trouble, and will also be a reliable support, then this is true friendship.
  • Unselfishness. Taking the initiative in your own hands, even if you don't ask at all, is the sign of a true friend.

If at least one of these qualities is absent, or is not fully manifested, then this is not friendship, such relations are called friendly.

The difference between male and female friendship

In order to better understand this difference, I will give an anecdote as an example.

Imagine a situation where the wife did not return home after a party. The husband calls ten of her girlfriends and they all answer his question about whether they know where his wife is, they answer that they do not. The same situation, only with her husband. The wife calls ten friends, 7 of whom report that the husband spent the night at their place, and three claim that the husband is still with them, just sleeping.

Many people think that the best friend is a man. Judging by the anecdote, these conclusions are not made out of thin air.

So, let's sum up. The best friend can be called a person who is not only aware of your past, but also fully confident that you have a great future, and in the present accepts you for who you are.