
Congratulations to the girl on the prom. Congratulations to the girl on the graduation party Congratulations on the graduation to the granddaughter


Graduation from school is one of the most important stages in life. How long are the guys, their parents, teachers and loved ones waiting for this evening. Everyone is preparing for release, and not one day. On stage, the alumni thank all the dear people who helped them reach the cherished moment. But it is very important to congratulate the graduates themselves, because on this day they are the main guests. You can find original and sensitive poems and prose on the site. These words will convey your care, love and sincere joy for the former students. Poems about what kind of adults have become children and what lies ahead for them. Happy words about the old school days and a sentimental note about the transience of time. Present these loving rows to the children, which will become one of the most important words in their life. They will remember this day and all the words spoken, long in the future. Make this day a fabulous one for graduates, because this is what they have dreamed of for so long.

Today you are a graduate!
A beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime and airy,
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some, probably, will glorify
To others, he will set up obstacles!
And it's very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And warmed with personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Native school, we say goodbye to you
Today is the last graduation ball,
Childhood ran unnoticed
It rustled like a New Year's carnival.
You are a graduate today, congratulations
I wish you great success in life,
May your cherished dream come true.
May fate be favorable to you.

School lessons are over
The call rings for the last time
You're a graduate, it's great
You have to make an important choice yourself.

Dressed in a strict, festive suit,
We wish you happiness and great success,
Let luck accompany you for many years.

You quietly, quickly matured,
Solemnly, they are giving you a certificate,
Today is your first prom
Everyone congratulates you with joy and admiration.
May the life of an adult be every turn
New good luck only portends you
Let luck in your studies await you,
And everything that was dreamed of will come true.

School time passed unnoticed
In a smart costume you dance a waltz,
Slightly sad and sad in my soul,
The class got together for the last time.
Everyone calls you a graduate today,
And tirelessly the music plays at the evening,
Jokes, joy and fun all around
I wish you good and joy from the bottom of my heart.

You have grown up already, and we are proud of you,
You have embodied beautiful features in yourself:
Cheerful, energetic and skillful.
Among the weak - kind
And among the strong - brave.
We so want your life to be
Healthy, kind, clean, bright.
And may you be different from everyone
Good luck, happiness and success!

Today is not an easy day for you
Today is your Graduation Day,
Children’s pranks and games are left behind,
And adulthood appeared before you in front of you.
You are standing on a new, unknown threshold of life,
We wish you good luck and a happy journey,
May your wishes and dreams come true
I wish you to become a great person.

It's time to say goodbye to school years,
Now you will only return to memories,
Your crazy, childish time is over,
Adult life has replaced studies.
Happy Graduation Day today, congratulations,
With all our hearts we wish you success ahead,
May they remain in your memory forever
Without worries and difficulties, fun, school years.

Now you have an uncharted path ahead
We wish you not to turn off the right path of life,

All relatives and friends are next to you.
To support you in your endeavors,
Come wish you all the best
On a good journey, the whole school sees you off,
It helps you in life with lessons and advice.

Adult life comes into its own
Saying goodbye to your home school forever today
All the paths of life are open before you,
You can find yourself in this life.
Congratulations, Happy Graduation, our hearts,
May your endless dreams come true
Recently your last lesson ended,
And rang out for you last call.

You will grow up looking around your class,
Will you remember your graduation evening afterwards more than once,
Today you see off your friends on a new path,
And together with them you enter a new life.
School years flew by very quickly
I dreamed of finishing school as soon as three hundred times,
But do not mind today you extend this day,
And go to the class to teach my own lessons.

School time ended unexpectedly,
Today you leave your native walls forever,
Take a bold look at life ahead
After all, new life brings good luck and success.
We wish you to feel the strength and vigor of the rise,
To be "number one" always and in everything,
Today is your first prom
Ahead of a whole hot summer is a day off!

Graduation 2019 is significant event in the life of every graduate, this is the beginning of an important and very responsible stage in life and a farewell to childhood. My sincere congratulations with graduation from parents and teachers in prose and poetry, as well as thanks from graduates - read further in the material.

Each school independently chooses the date - but most schools chose June 22, this is the first Saturday after the end of the UPE. They prepare for the graduation in advance - they select dresses, hairstyles, gifts. Parents and teachers are preparing congratulations in order to say words on this important day that will be remembered for a lifetime.

We have collected sincere and warm congratulations alumni and thanks from alumni to teachers and parents who will make this day unforgettable!

Congratulations on your graduation 2019 in prose

Here came, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads are opening into new life. I wish you always warmly remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to do right choice and embark on a path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, bypass all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you want now, because your future depends on it.

Dear and dear our graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school, on your graduation! We wish everyone smooth roads and a fair wind! May there be a lot of good in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best way, and you will defeat all troubles and overcome all obstacles with perseverance, courage and patience!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose

So the next stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and do not give up, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path. Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life, now depends only on you. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, empathetic. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Human without a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, to cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Now your graduation has come, on which I congratulate. I would like to wish you prudence and strength for your future adult life. May life give pleasant surprises, may your path be easy and sunny. I wish you happy, good days, good health, and also a bright beacon ahead that will help you make the right choice.

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and turned from touching chicks into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. There is a long interesting life and we wish everyone to find their own way. May all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been with you all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

Congratulations on your graduation and wish you with all my heart to boldly set foot on the path of adulthood, taking with you my dream and warm childhood memories. May luck and persistent character, support of loved ones and good mood help you in everything.

Graduation 2019 greetings in prose from teachers and parents

The start in life has already been received, and you have closed the door to childhood forever. So let prom be the starting point for your journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will resonate in your heart and be successfully realized. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and the temptation to turn onto a narrow path does not force you to abandon the correctly chosen goal.

The melodies of the school ball are playing. How wonderful it is! Remember this day, because it will never happen again. I wish you to become good and honest people. Always achieve your goal. Let your life path will start from a high level. Never lower the bar. I would like to wish you to meet a true honest love for life. Take care of your souls and hearts.

Happy prom! As you know, all doors open for young people. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy, and fulfillment. Let what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember your school years with nostalgia.

It is so customary in life that in pleasant moments time flies unnoticed. School years flew by just as quickly, in front of many people are frightened by the unknown. However, you should not be afraid of her, everyone will definitely succeed in life, you just need to make a little effort and boldly overcome difficulties. Most of you will become students and will experience many more wonderful minutes, but the school will remain in your hearts for life. After all, here you were helped from dull first graders to turn into glorious boys and girls. Keep your thirst for life and knowledge and do not be afraid of difficulties!

Dear children, today is your first serious anniversary - your graduation from school. There were some mistakes during these school years, but there were many more successes! Let the number of pleasant moments only increase in the future of your fate, and troubles bypass it. We wish you the embodiment of your cherished desires and a successful choice of profession. Let your life be as bright as this prom!

Congratulations on your graduation 2019 in verse

Forget-me-not a bunch of malias
Zorin on your breasts,
The path is not easy, that clear,
There are good people for you.
All the best from the school take away from life,
І teacher's wisdom, і shanu see friends,
How easy it will be for your share,
Hi, love you and play with you.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in verses

Do not bite "ludin" in your heart,
Carry half of the light of "truth",
Don't be fooled, love Ukraine,
Take care of your honesty.
Falcon krill fireworks,
Prapor "will" let go,
Hai carry the essence of Your arc vіtrila
Lish may, incidentally, three.
Hai happy will be the road,
Kotru Viberesh Ti in the middle of all.
Remember and pray to God,
Hai's soul is not defiled by sin.
Do not forget your friends nikoli,
І intrigues, how the holy will "command",
Sho є mom,
є teacher,
є school,
Kotri viveli you at the lights.

Years at the school, the last time,
Yak uchni. Tomorrow - yak guest.
Make a school in life more than once,
First rock is simple and difficult.
You have seen a lot of things in life,
The stench of everything is from school stitches.
That is important to forget people from
Naypershі schoolyarskі years.

Yak vivchish all sciences are good
I came lito to the native land
Do not forget about the school
Don't forget about the readers.
Do not forget, yak first lesson
Fearing vrance ty miss.
The yak is mired for a break
Usttignuti fizik write off.
Yak at the urotsi of physical culture
Ty smashing it with a ball.
Don't forget, yak usim class
Three lessons were in the movies.
Do not forget the motherboard,
De crying at the dough more than once,
Do not forget to come scholita.
Until quietly, hto love us very well.
Yak vivchish all sciences are good
I came lito to the native land
Do not forget about the school
Don't forget about the readers.

Shanovny vypuskniki! Shall you please
On the season of a new life? ..
First for everything: value dad and mother,
Do not feel sorry for your warmth.
Do not be afraid of any evil or falsehood,
For goodness, aspire to give.
Do not fix the health of Batkivshchyna:
Happiness cannot be recognized in a foreign country.
Do not forget MOV Kalinova,
Remember my mother’s heart.
Guess hochincoli about school:
Here the gold rock has lost.
Do not be fooled by pratsi niyakoi,
Bo is the beauty of people in labor.
Give about the dobrobut of Ukraine:
Hai will be happy on earth.
Hai to be happy to you and to us.
Do not be aware of grief and be.
May your friends last on the road,
With them it is easier to live it.

Poetic congratulations on graduation 2019 from parents and teachers

I will make your way
Hai love stick іde
Keep up with you.
I give you a share of goodness,
Zoryanikh svitankiv,
Success hay usin to you
Low warm ranks ...
From the heat of the dolon batkivsky
Build up your strength
I trim course at light
No nudge, beautiful!
Roztsvitaє high at the heart
The laugh is happy.
Fly the way to the light, birdie,
Playing homily!
Hi, goodness, generosity
With a row of dovolittya,
Yablunka blossom hai pahne
Your generation.
Fill your heart
Muzyka kohannya,
To assign to mriyam svitlim
All my daring!
Pelusts in Trojand
I will make your way
Hai love stick іde
Keep up with you!

Minula charivna time of honor,
Rocky shkilny, mov have passed, missed,
The little birds are coming to the right of the krill,
In the endless sea, life took a nap!
May God bless you, on a good road,
Shcheb led you only up, wide and wide,
Good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck,
On the living way, welcome to all the women!

Thanks to teachers and parents from alumni

Driven by schoolyards,
We have gone through eleven rocks in all lessons,
In that hour, the yaks came as babies,
And now we are vipers.
The school led us along the path of knowledge.
Becoming mіtsnim and amicable is a great circle.
І start a book with us
Our school teacher is a great friend.
Yak wants to walk the corridors
Feel the whisper, override the screech.
Take a couple at the Velikaya Gora
I throw it to the reader until nig.

Parents' thanks from graduates 2019

I remember the day and the hour,
If the first class has pishov,
If at the desk ahead of siv
First of all the line of provisions ...
Yak perche read the word,
Yak writing a letter,
The first students of the word,
Шо хліб - the head of us.
Pook to get lost in me
Children of the world of wasp,
Stezhina in the rossian fields
My first teacher.
I remember that love
This knowledge comes to life.
A friend in a big one,
I often dreamed about it ...
I remember the day and the hour,
If you have skipped the rest of the class.
Shkilny dzvynok at the chest biv,
And I phoned, and I phoned ...
Pook to get lost in me
Yunatski mriya osiayni,
Stezhina in the rossian fields
My first teacher.

Shkilna dynasty dzvonikom angry
Longer life should be repaired.
We were presented with all the testimonies
A permit in the unavoidable maybuttya

Buvalo, bіlya doshki mi nіmіli,
Forgetting the theorem chi virshi.
Thank you, you cooked it well,
Shanovna, dear teachers

That with skin rock singing croc
We passed from you from class to class
For your caress and triviality for us
We loved you

For those. scho vi buli for dad and mother,
Taught to live honestly on earth,
But we didn’t have time to put on two dancers,
Thank you, dear teachers

Lessons were lost too late
We can't fold the examinations anymore
Nine rocks have passed
I want to tell you this year

Let's be honest in life
Create, misliti, yak vi taught us,
This land is boundless and given to love,
Yak to rob the chain, be it from you.

Shanovna (im "I am the first teacher)!
Teacher naypersha, born,
Well, yak, you don’t dyakuvati at a time
For those who are smart, generous, vminnya
All viddavali for us
Create an account -
Yak mi will not be nikoli anyway
We have seen souls and given children knowledge.
Yakimi smіshnymi maliy kolis we appeared at the school
Yakimy smart and smart for a lifetime.

Thanks to teachers from graduates 2019

Shanovna (іm "I am a very cool servant)!
I want to say a word wider -
I don’t know better.
І please happiness to the world
I am a very good keeper.
We didn’t feel good about us
Good, orderly skinny times
І, the words started to work,
People were ordinary for us.
For the love that they gave
Sertsya children played,
For all the miracles to you without a liking,
Thank you for nothing and great!

Have a day of the sum and in the day for happiness generous
Daddy hi will be at my life.
Otozh live, friends, rich and great,
I like our fathers do good.

Incline low to the ground
Let us daddy, they came to us sacredly.
Take the avoidance, shanovny, dear
First find in the world - mom and tato.

The end of the golden years
Cheerful and free
Today this graduation
Summing up the school result
You grew up, learned a lot
About the world and about people
So let life forever
Good luck with you!

Today you are a graduate!
A beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime and airy,
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some, probably, will glorify
To others, he will set up obstacles!
And it's very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And warmed with personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Optimism in life, laughter,
Happiness, joy, success,
Cool life - every moment
I wish graduate!
Have fun, burn it to the fullest
In a new and free life
To spite everyone's troubles,
You are very lucky!

You enter serious life
The ball is noisy graduation
You finally become an adult
This beautiful spring!
At school I solved problems
Pulling the pen in my hands,
Happiness, love and luck
Let them not leave you!

Adult life comes into its own
Saying goodbye to your home school forever today
All the paths of life are open before you,
You can find yourself in this life.
Congratulations, Happy Graduation, our hearts,
May your endless dreams come true
Recently your last lesson ended,
And the last bell rang for you.

Has sounded, rang out
Trill of the last call
Well it's time to say goodbye
With the title of apprentice.
All the roads are open
Before you at this moment
Take your pick! Go for it! Try!
And no fluff, graduate!

Dear graduates!
Today is a very solemn holiday.
All the calls have already rang
All classrooms were emptied.
Today we say goodbye
And we are not waiting for you at your desk in the morning ...
And from this we are very sad -
It's time to leave!
May all your dreams come to life
Everyone in life will find himself
You are always remembered, loved and expected
Your school teachers!

Today Graduation and the team of teachers congratulate you on this wonderful event! I sincerely wish you great success, passing all the entrance examinations, an excellent understanding of what you want to get out of life and the achievement of all your goals!

You guys have a prom ball,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Did you come to grade 1 when
You were all kids!
Well, now it's a completely different matter,
You have matured and you cannot find out
You walk through life firmly, boldly,
And the teachers are happy for you!
Do not forget your native school,
There are many bright years you spent,
Visit us teachers more often,
Good luck on your chosen path!

Today we are happy and glad to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school! There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, businessmen, actors, singers, doctors, and athletes. We kindly ask you not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired at our school. We will always remember you and set an example for growing students. We wish you to find a great job that will bring you joy and satisfaction. Remember our school
and us, come to visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

Graduates, relatives, congratulations,
With the beginning of a new life! On the bright path!
We wish you great success and victories
And let a bright ray shine in souls!
Keep faith and hope in your heart
And the memory of magical school days.
Let everything work out as before,
Never forget, family, us!

Congratulations on this solemn day,
Dear graduates!
We'll be a little sad today
That our paths diverge ...
We tried to give you knowledge,
Feeling of friendship, support, kindness.
Now I need to let you go
And the time has come to say goodbye.
We wish everyone to achieve heights!
May luck help in everything.
Let everyone in his life find
What he sincerely guesses himself!

Our dear, the most talented and intelligent graduates! We are all very happy to congratulate you on such a significant and important day - your graduation! Today you are very joyful, happy and cheerful. So let your whole life be just like that - illuminated by endless joy, cloudless happiness and carefree fun. We wish you to choose exactly the profession that will bring you luck and victory. We wish you to realize all your plans and dreams! We love you very much, we are very proud of you and believe in you very much!

Congratulations sound today
For you guys from the bottom of my heart.
Today you are very big
You are graduates today.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We have traveled this path together.
Even though you say goodbye to school
You will remain children for us.
Do not forget your native school
And come in sometimes,
To tell what you have become
And how are you doing.

The long-awaited evening of graduation!
Like a warm wave of you, friends,
Cover with tender memories:
About lessons at school and dating ...
You are now almost in adulthood.
So go only with a good thought!
Be sure of everything
And don't forget about school, children!

The road opens today
Much wider than the schoolyard.
There will be many plans and decisions -
Before you is life, not a game.
To your love, to success, achievements
Always go forward confidently
And let in your ideas and aspirations
You will be lucky many times!
Today is a solemn day for you
You won't be in class anymore with your notebook.
Other assessments will be made by fate.
She will teach other lessons!
Good luck and great success,
Set new goals and achieve them
Believe in yourself, dream and love
And remember your school more often!

Congratulations on your graduation
You are big children,
From teachers.
School period in life
Ended up with you,
And tomorrow will become an adult
Graduation is your class.
We wish our lessons
V life came in handy,
Excellent for success
You achieved it easily.
So that smooth roads
Creeped underfoot
So that we, teachers,
We were always proud of you.

Our dear graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment the child goes to school for the first time, periodically comes up with the thought: "When will the studies finally end?" And now we are already facing adults, graduates. A difficult choice lies ahead: who to become in this life? Let fate tell you the right decision, and we, parents, will help you with this.

We wish you, our dear children,
So that they are not afraid of anything in the world,
After all, living life is not a field to cross,
And only the one walking can go through everything.
Thank your teachers,
You sincerely "thank" them, tell them
For so many years they have recognized you all -
You have become the second parents.

Our beloved children, our hopes and the pride of our hearts, we congratulate you on your graduation. Each parent wants only the best for his child. So may your dreams come true, may the path to goals and success not be thorny, may each of you manage to become a respected person in life, having authority among friends and a high status among competitors.

So you have grown, matured,
Leaving the school walls
The chicks flew away from the nest,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights that you wanted
And sockets so you don't forget
From which you flew away!

Today our children leave the walls of the school, and tomorrow a new life will begin for them, where there will be a place for independent decisions and deliberate actions. Our dear children, let the knowledge presented to you by wonderful teachers will certainly help you to make a successful start and a successful breakthrough to new achievements. Thank you very much, dear teachers, for putting your efforts and efforts into the upbringing and education of children. We wish you success, respect and good health for many, many years.

Children, how fast you are growing!
Yesterday we were still first graders.
Today you are walking into an adult life
Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.
Childhood is left somewhere behind
Let the memories warm your hearts.
May the expectation of the happiness of adulthood
You will brighten up the bitterness with the childhood of parting!

Our grown-up children, leaving the school class, we want you to find your only correct path and not turn off it under any circumstances. Let your ambitions be high, but fate will favorably allow all dreams to come true.

Graduates - success in life,
To teachers - bow to the ground!
We all live in the knowledge of truths,
Everyone is inspired by a dream!
Let the ardor of desire not fade away
And the spirit of eternal youth!
Less disappointment
May the best days come to you!

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your graduation. We wish you a successful and successful first step into adulthood. Let everything be smooth with you. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you purposefulness and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

Most recently, the last bell of 2019 died down, when the graduates heard the ringing of bells calling for a lesson for the last time, said goodbye to school teachers and to everyone that has been so dear for 11 years. After passing the ZNO 2019, 11th grade students will leave the school. The milestone in this marathon always goes. Therefore, we consider it necessary to prepare congratulations at the graduation in school in verse and prose for graduates, class teachers and parents who always touch the strings of the soul on this already emotional day.


Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come. High school graduation. So many paths have been trodden down around the school and so many roads are opening into a new life. I wish you always warmly remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to make the right choice and take the road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on you. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Human without a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, to cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

So the next stage in your life has ended. You are moving into a more responsible adult life. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and do not give up, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter into a new life. So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright, and his plans - grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said warm words will not be forgotten.

This is important and wonderful holiday we wish to realize everything that is conceived and dreams of. The responsible life of an adult is ahead. So let there be no adversity and obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they put into each effort and work!

Congratulations to graduates on graduation from school in 2019

Not only graduates are looking for good poems to congratulate each other and teachers on this sad holiday. Very often they look for congratulations from parents to graduates at the 2019 graduation. After all, congratulations from parents at the 11th grade sound like goodbye to childhood. The child, leaving the school, plunges into an adult and independent life. Congratulations on graduation from parents sound like a parting word, like a guideline on what you need to rely on in life. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we publish congratulations for the graduation party from the parents or congratulations to the children at the graduation party.

Farewell to school today
We are proud and happy for you.
We remember the years gone by
How we took you to the first grade.

We wish to create and learn,
Work, search, create:
Sometimes it's not scary to make a mistake
It's scary not to dream at all.

School years are over
Here is your graduation night.
We wish you, in any weather
So that you come home.

Accept from your parents
Congratulations from the bottom of your heart.
For a long time you studied at school,
You could learn a lot.

And now a new one is ready
The stage of life you start.
All roads are in front of you.
It's up to you to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate.
May luck help you
The path is worthy to walk.

Well, school, your school
Will always be in memory.
Childhood and youth passed in her,
And there were friends around.

Kids are growing imperceptibly
And they leave their home ...
We are magnificent on this day,
On the most important holiday - graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find a calling, your own path.
Go ahead, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems clicking like nuts
Though there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love dearly.
Let you guys be lucky!

So our children have grown up,
School is already behind
We, parents, congratulate everyone
After all, today is our graduation ceremony.

This is a day of worries and joys,
This is the day of both the end and the beginning
Handing the certificates to the children,
School has become a life start.

We wish you all success, good luck,
Let fate pick up speed
To make children the paths of happiness
We went through life only forward.

Our dear, dear, our children,
Scatter like birds, you are around the world,
Who wants to study, who wants to work,
Let none of you forget your family.

The path will be both smooth and thorny,
Let the heart be good, the conscience clear,
And you keep in hearts and souls and minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teacher for the 2019 graduation party

On such a touching day, how can one fail to say "thank you" to those who have worked for 11 years, passing on precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to teachers at graduation is a modest opportunity to thank from the bottom of the heart for wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that the teachers of schoolchildren fed on. To this end, we have made a selection: congratulations to teachers for the prom, congratulations class teacher for graduation, as well as congratulations for the graduation to teachers from parents.

How much they did for us
Do not convey everything in words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compares with mother's love,
Which you awarded us.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that relatives are nearby!

Being a teacher is a calling.
You keep your patience!
May for all your efforts
Fate will reward generously!

And unlimited health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only excellently,
Do not know the troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
So that love envelops.
At work, everything is fine
Obedient disciples to you!

Thank you for the kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
Let you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sorrow and loss.

Today memory turns back the clock -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
For your invaluable work, we hasten to say
Thank you, our class teacher!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class by friendship
And they taught the unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, goodness,
Love and mercy ... Forever
To you, our teacher, we are in debt
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish the last one to the trill of the bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
That we remember, adore and miss!

You are the most precious teacher for us,
After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And they settled our differences.

It's the hardest thing for us to say goodbye to you,
After all, for so many years under your leadership
Our class learned about friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are a classroom leader by vocation!

Thanks to all teachers
For condescension to our children!
For patience: noise and din
To transfer - health is necessary.

We walk around to work,
You are discovering talents.
Suddenly unexpectedly we find
Diamonds in notebooks, in souls ...

And this is the meaning and joy of life.
May the May bell ring
But the moody continues,
A wonderful life lesson!

2019 Graduation Party Congratulations to Parents

In addition to beloved teachers, alumni at their holiday also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioning love by the most dear people... Therefore, parents cannot do without congratulations. Congratulations to parents on the graduation party will definitely become a "highlight" and turn the event into a sincere holiday. Write down congratulations to your parents for the 11th grade.

I will thank my parents
For everything that is in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Welcome, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dear,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for the warmth
There is no more dear than you in the world.

Our dear, good ones!
How can I say thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkably difficult,
It is very difficult to bring up children.
We were sometimes so unbearable,
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To my daughters and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
Who else will love us?
You live for a long, long time in the world,
Wisely, happily and well!

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
A son - like a dad, will be strong
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
AND achieve success,
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!

For moms and dads, which is the best in the world,
For those who love us with all their hearts,
Children say their "thank you":
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are - alas! - grow up so quickly
They lose a thin thread with you,
And they leave far from home,
And they promise to call every day ...
And so the summer flies by in the summer.
You are looking forward to meeting them again and again.
Thank you parents for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
May the good angel not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in my soul
Let the children come to you more often
Giving care and love in return.

Dad and mom, how to pay back
For everything that you have done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much love did you give?
You nurtured, you cherished
From evil, misfortune and resentment.
You always did the best you could,
How can I thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my dear features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of the years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your family
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
To you, dear ones, to bring.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much,
May God always keep you.

We hope our congratulations at the graduation party will help you choose the most touching and hold your prom 2019 in the warmest atmosphere. Happy holiday!

Photo:, open sources on the web

The prom is an exciting event for a graduate. On this day, tears will be shed, sadness will run. Congratulate your daughters, students, girlfriends and classmates on the Graduation with our personalized poems. The girls will be touched by your words, because we composed each speech from the bottom of our hearts.

Personalized congratulations for the prom girls

Options for universal congratulations to students at Graduation

First name and last name have a gentle look,
As in the portraits of Italian masters,
And her dark curls wave carelessly
It falls on the shoulders like a silk cover.

She is always responsible, hardworking
And the ambulance is ready to provide assistance,
And if necessary, then gracefully and beautifully
And the machine will be able to make out at speed.

As a perpetual motion machine Name Surname -
Sings, dances and is always full of ideas
And you can't say for sure about her,
What talent manifests itself more strongly in her?

The name is a creative person, no doubt
English, she is passionate about swimming,
And in the near future she is an advertising genius,
And she is talented in photography.

Smart Name Surname and beautiful,
Her gait is flawless and light
It combines in harmony happy
Her French charm and knowledge of the language.

(Svetlana) - delicate, graceful nature,
She, perhaps, was created for the stage,
Let everything be given to her: both talents and a figure,
But she is a real worker in life.

All spaces are open for First Name Last Name:
She is a thinker, composer and poet,
For convictions ready to move mountains,
And the impossible for (Katya) is simply not there.

Strength and skill on television
She plans to apply successfully.
With her energy, talent, inspiration
She can change everything in this area!

Modest Name Surname is very,
With everyone it is restrained, calm and even,
Not verbose, but her smile is for sure
As the moon suddenly appears from behind a cloud.

She paints, loves the piano
Now knocking on the keys of the computer,
She dreams of writing complex programs,
Those who will be responsible for safety.

Airy Name Surname, light, plastic,
Scythe - for envy, with a blind eye,
She is all so sublime and poetic,
But what is superficial cannot be said about it.

Behind this ephemeral appearance, beautiful
Solid character is hidden, striving forward,
She is always responsible, hardworking,
And having set a goal, it will always reach it!

There are no difficult obstacles for Name Surname,
And he knows how to win, and keep a blow,
And there is nothing that is not possible for (Anna),
She is ready to give everything for the result!

Thin as a string, but the string is steel,
I got used to (Anna) always decide everything by herself,
She also performs music beautifully,
God gave everything to her - both talent and intelligence!

(To Arzu Mamedova), an oriental beauty,
She likes to study, she is capable,
But she has more inclination towards exact sciences,
And she is very keen on physics.

And she loves to play sports even more,
She already had many victories,
The soul of the company, it's nice to talk to her,
She has no refusal to her friends!

Everyone knows Masha Perminova in our school -
For many years he has been reading poetry better than anyone,
In addition to talent, she has willpower,
This means that success in life is always waiting for it!

She is a young violinist with the soul of a poet,
I have been fascinated by political science for a long time.
As they say, the spool is small, but expensive is
Everything about Masha - so much has been given to her!

Reshetnikova Rita was always modest,
And silent among all her friends,
The time has come, and it became bright and open,
It all blossomed and changed suddenly.

Without hesitation, energetically and with pressure
She chose her destiny -
She wanted to become a sound engineer,
And everything will work out, of course, with her.

Julia Sorokina should be a model,
With such a scythe and with legs "from the teeth",
But only Julia set herself a different goal -
There is love in it both for physics and for lyrics.

She is consistent in her actions.
And she is able to convince her that she is right.
Himself without indulgence and concessions,
She decided to firmly enter MGIMO.

Anna Khodorovich is always ready to help,
And reflected in the eyes of her soul
She is gullible, open and humane,
And she is very feminine and good.

I'm a little shy from delicacy,
He knows how to be friends and forgive for mistakes,
And in life I chose the hard way -
She will defend the law with order!

Chernova Sophia is independent and practical,
Knows how to make the right decision,
And he understands perfectly in our life -
Able to quickly change everything and cool.

She drew so well and for a long time,
But suddenly she decided to go to the economy,
Not afraid to start all over again,
Having overcome many difficulties on the way.

Katya Sharikova has a strong character,
She is proud in moderation, and always
She goes forward resolutely and proudly,
Having invested a lot of effort and work into this.

An economist from Katya should turn out,
She started moving towards her goal,
And to study at the Higher School of Economics -
Katya raised such a bar for herself!

Congratulations for Anastasia at the prom

Nastya has a graduation at school today,
The beginning of life as an adult and beautiful ...
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
Let there be no grief and misfortune!

Let you choose an equal road
And you will go to her for a very long time ...
Let there be a lot of good news
And your path is always correct!


Congratulations to Alexandra
Happy graduation. Let the first ball
Will burst into life like a blue bird
Successfully taken the pedestal.

Spread your wings without fear
Comprehend the essence of success.
We wish you bright happiness
And perseverance. Good luck!


Congratulations to Alice
Happy graduation day - cherished day,
And we wish you to be successful
Striding light stripe.

You will meet happiness - be in friendship with him,
Trouble - hold on.
Let it be simple and easy
Life is a difficult riddle.


There is a graduation party at school,
Congratulations to Alina.
Create life, sculpt, sculpt,
Like malleable clay.

Let it accompany in everything
Reckless luck
And self-confidence.
Keep it up, and not otherwise!


School is left behind
Time to say goodbye to childhood.
Happy prom, Albina,
With a new life, with a new happiness.

Find your calling
Among a thousand roads
Let dreams, ideas, plans
Come true in the cherished time.


Congratulations to our Alla
Happy graduation magic ball.
School in the past, ahead
Choosing a personal path.

And if you are not a student,
Step over the border
The grown-up world is ready to accept
Those who love to win.


Angelina graduate,
Life's new page
Opens slowly
Be happy and successful.

Happy Farewell Graduation Ball!
There are many roads ahead.
Can you find yours
And good luck on the way!


Angels make a point
The other day at school. Congratulations!
Let the flowers bloom
For you - we wish it so!

And also, Angela is ours,
Let the evening starry flourish
Says: “The vastness is not terrible!
Follow the light of dots on your way! "

Poems to Anna at the Prom

We congratulate Annushka!
Prom will spin your skirts!
You will not go astray - we know -
You know the measure of the ringing of cups!

But we wish you not to be shy
Your points for obedience!
Here is the order: to laugh at all
On a day when boring is absurd!

I congratulate Anna on her graduation from school.
Today is a holiday - graduation night!
I wish only four words:
Go for it! And be kind soul!

Anyuta! The years flew by
And then came the coveted graduation.
Let adversity bypass your life,
Well, good luck, let the river seethe!

May the road always lead to success
And problem cases are solved in an instant.
Let there be no days without laughter
And the biography will remain bright!


Antonina congratulate us
It is necessary: ​​a bird, you are already in the sky!
We wish a bunch of springs
In sparkles of apple snow!

Let it not melt
A sour look at the course of things!
Life is big - noise and stomp.
It's fun to be smarter in it!

Congratulations to Valentina on Graduation

Valentina graduate
Congratulations! You are beautiful,
Like a reaper from a picture!
We are all from schools - it's great!

This is very wonderful
That the barrier was taken off!
We love Valya personally.
Let the gentleman love so!

Graduation is knocking at your door.
I congratulate you on this day.
Let bad things not happen in life
And let the heart burn with fire!

I, Valentina, wish you
Dear adult only go forward.
Friends, colleagues, beloved and desired
Be sure to find on a long way!

May good news always find you
And the evil ones - let them bypass.
Let experience and skills come
And they will bring gratitude with them!


And Lera's graduation!
We wish you a lot of happiness
For you now, in the spring!
Congratulate! Flowers on the road!

Bring gifts
Lera our - graduate -
To gentle harp trills,
And let the orchestra dream!

Poems at the prom Vasilisa

Vasilisa we are on release
Let's wish you the best!
Congratulations: Free Grazing
It's spring for you! Walk!

Let there be no steep roads -
Basilisks, soft ground -
On holidays, in labors and on weekdays,
Yes bouquets weighing a pound!

Congratulations to Varvara on her Graduation at school

Congratulations to Varvara on her graduation!
So that life is richer, brighter, more beautiful, -
We wish to reach all the heights in life.
We wish our graduate happiness!

So that everything that you strive for comes.
So that you catch a crane with a tit.
So that you can say: "I was so lucky!"
And so that we all can be proud of you!


Veronica, graduate
to a pretty girl,
congratulations, all of us.
May good luck be everywhere!

And for envy and for joy,
Let youth be reckless.
Conquer all the peaks.
Even the mountains are giants!


Dear Violetta,
Always be warmed by the sun.
Today you are like a queen -
Glory to everyone, graduate!

Graduation Congratulations for Victoria

Vika, no, kinder and more beautiful,
Today our graduates.
Happy prom! Tasks,
Decide everything in life! Good luck!

On our school grounds
You are no more charming, Victoria.
You are our dear graduate.
For all teachers, a favorite.

Let your life shine like the sun.
Let everything in her come true and blinded.
And let the successes be bright:
With luck, happiness and gifts!

Gathered classmates for the evening.
And this evening is school prom.
Victoria! I congratulate you
Today I am very proud of you!

I want to wish you a great road,
Good luck, joy, victories
Let the excitement and anxiety pass
And may your fate be without troubles!

May the earthly profession await you
And you will become a five-year employee,
But breaking away from school studies,
Try not to forget about us!

Poems to Vera

May Vera at school graduation today
Everything will be exactly on the shoulder in life!
May you always be an example for everyone
And here's what I still want to wish:

Choose your path carefully and accurately!
May God lead you with his hand ...
And achieve your goals very urgently!
And stay forever by yourself ...

Poems for the prom Galina

Galinochka, in honor of the graduation today
Allow me to wish for more!
May happiness only be in its true guise
You will sooner be able to find!

Let luck accompany the centuries,
Let success follow the trail ...
Let you always have enough!
Let there be a winning ticket in life!

Congratulations to a girl named Diana

Here is the last graduation bell at school
To you, Diana, today I have heard ...
And you will become an adult soon the other day,
So always be you above all praise!

May life's path be simple and even,
May joy be forever on the way ...
May grief and sorrow pass you by!
I wish you to bloom in everything!

Poems for Dasha

You were a miracle student.
There is a final station at the school.
For Dasha, our graduate,
All congratulations are cordial.


You are lovely, like Malvina,
Our graduate, Dina.
As Malvina you are diligent.
So attentive, successful.

Happy prom! You are everyone's envy
So I learned that to congratulate,
Everyone hurries you to a glorious day.
For you, the most important day!

Beautiful congratulations for Eugene's graduation party in verse

Congratulations on your graduation, dear Evgenia!
I wish you a great mood!
This day is unforgettable. There is so much joy in him.
Fireworks around emotions, beauty and youth.

I also wish you courage and courage,
After all, the roads ahead are woven like lace,
Today you are at a crossroads and you are looking at a loss,
Choose yours, don't be afraid, and walk confidently.

We congratulate you on a joyful event
End of School - High School Graduation!
We wish Evgenia some discoveries in life
And win, no matter how difficult the battle is!

Let them surround you in adulthood
Your irreplaceable friends
May work bring only success to the Fatherland
And your family will be waiting for you at home!

Congratulations to Ekaterina on Graduation

Picturesque painting -
Catherine's graduation!
Congratulations dear!
I wish you earthly blessings

Optimism and success,
Happiness, joy and laughter,
All sorts of different pleasures,
Adventure is not dangerous.

The days go by, the years run like a river
And now your high school prom has come!
Your parents are proud of you
You, Katya, are pretty!

We wish you to be successful in your new life
Live. Love. Reach heights!
Don't jump to conclusions
And never forget your school friendship!

Poems to Elizabeth

The day is full of warmth and light
Happy prom, Elizabeth!
This is a holiday of parting
Well make a wish

And may they come true
I want to wish love
Long, interesting life,
Bright, joyful and honest.

Poems to Elena for the prom at school

Here's a school ball today, just yours!
And the real prom is coming!
Elenochka, you've been waiting for him for a long time!
Now the road promises to another life ...

You grew up, blossomed so quickly ...
Let your affairs go well all your life!
Let adult life sprout young
It will bloom with fruits just in time!

Graduation Congratulations to Jeanne

You woke up early today
Congratulations, Jeanne!
The ball is graduation today,
Have fun, dance and sing.

May I wish you
The path will be easy
Youth and happiness are eternal
And health is impeccable.

Poems for Zinaida

How beautiful you are in your prom dress
In the morning your house was filled with joy and laughter,
Saying goodbye to school today forever
I want to wish you success and good.

You yourself will soon become your teacher,
I wish you, Zina, I always be "on horseback"
Energy, fantasies, emotions over the edge,
Catch your luck and keep it, don't let it go


As if a doe swept through all the school years,
Goodbye today, Zoya, you are with the school forever,
I want to congratulate you on such an event
I believe that you are ready to go your own way.

I want to wish you success and goodness,
May dreams come true, life will be good
I wish you joy, love, health and victories,
And to people, so that they always carry their warmth and light.


Ilona! Congratulations on your graduation!
We wish all your dreams to come true!
All paths are now open before you,
Everything is ahead, it only remains to choose them.

Let life be lived - not a field to cross,
But you are right at the start.
It's scary, but go ahead,
We wish good luck to meet there.


I congratulate you on the prom ball
You today, Inga, dear!
And on this day with all my soul
I wish you happiness and well!

A little bit sad holiday - graduation.
You part with school on this day,
Friends will disperse, leave their home,
So let fortune smile at everyone!


Inna, here's your graduation night!
Light, joyful, a little sad holiday.
This childhood suddenly says goodbye to you
Just do not grieve in vain.

In a ballroom dress, youth on the doorstep
Suddenly I stepped into a warm summer evening,
Your world is full of joyful roads
So hurry to meet your fate!

Irina with graduation verses

We congratulate you, Irina
With a certificate, with a graduation ball.
We sincerely wish you
Faithful to be your aspirations.


Christina, congratulations on your graduation!
Your ball today is tender and beautiful!
Hairstyle, this dress is lace
You turned your classmates' heads.

Will spin the waltz, the last school waltz,
And suddenly your stern teacher will cry.
After all, for him today you are the last time
Christina, Masha, Dasha, Sveta, Viti.


Karinochka, dear, congratulations!
The evening of graduation is coming.
And with all my heart I wish you
Good, joyful, big life.

The future is bright, like a song,
So that the best dreams come true
To live to be very interesting
So that you meet with good people.


Dear Larissa! Today
You have a great day.
Graduation is so awesome!
Everything: hairstyle, outfit - pretty!

We congratulate you, dear!
Please accept our wishes:
May luck help you
On difficult and difficult days.


Congratulations, Lilia, you
Happy holiday, cheerful and beautiful!
It's a bright prom night
Let him be joyful and sweet!

We are in a hurry to part with childhood,
Though later we remember with sadness.
I wish you live life
Carefree, happy, skillful.


We congratulate you, Lida,
Farewell prom has arrived.
Forever the school will be a guide
Life as an adult is not easy.

Remember your friends smiles
The teachers and the class are native.
After all, you are facing mistakes
Now fix everything myself!


You are a graduate. Bravo, Lyuba!
I want to consider you.
What outfit, eyelashes, lips ...
When did you manage to grow up?

Childhood rushed by unnoticed.
So good luck! Happy days!
Hopes, dreams of different colors!
And go boldly towards the goal!

Congratulations on the Graduation to Lyudmila

Congratulations on your graduation, dear Lyudmila.
It's time to say goodbye to your school and your class.
We wish you that everything will be exactly in the future.
Let luck come, and you will stay with him forever!

May luck smile at you hard time.
And may the good people in life meet you.
Well, let the bright tomorrow replace your school.
Have fun at the prom, my dear Lyudmila!

Marina, Happy Graduation!

You're graduating, Marina!
In the eyes of delight, warmth and sadness.
And congratulations with an avalanche
They fly to you. Dear friend, don't be afraid!

We wish you sunny weather
Don't be sad about what happened.
Your teachers through the years
Help with wisdom along the way.


The golden years passed,
And here is the graduation door.
I hasten to congratulate Maria.
You will not forget your native class,

Teachers, friends, lessons ...
I wish you wisdom along the way.
And the path from the school source
Worthy, joyful to pass!


Here he came, Margarita,
It's a magical day - graduation.
The door to the adult path is open
The schoolyard waves his hand.

How many words, victories, mistakes
During these years you knew!
Remember them! In the path of smiles
Dreams come true!

Beautiful congratulations to Nadezhda

It won't be the same as before
A bright class to meet you.
Happy prom, Nadezhda,
And, growing up, win!

I am glad to wish you good luck
School days do not forget.
Having met the obstacles of adulthood,
Never back down!


The ball rejoices at the graduation
Nina's look is mischievous.
Congratulations, graduate,
With a new, rainbow page.

We wish white stripes in it,
Actions of clear, bold thoughts.
Don't hunt tits -
In the hands of only respectable birds!


Forgotten school affairs
Olga has blossomed today.
Happy prom to you princess
We joyfully want to congratulate.

We wish you taste freedom,
Don't waste years
Find yourself and become successful,
And personal happiness, of course.


Life is like ancient papyrus,
You write - it is stored for centuries.
Olesya, happy prom,
With adult days, years.

Sculpt your story easily
Let the lines not be born in agony,
And at least sometimes remember
About school friends and girlfriends.


Theorems are forgotten, dictations are written,
Children with adult thoughts have already gathered,
You so want to believe - everything is flawless there.
Happy graduation, we congratulate you, Oksana.

Let everything turn out the way you dream - smoothly.
Just remember, you will not pass your notebook.
Act carefully somewhere, but somewhere spontaneously,
Be yourself, even if you seem strange.


Polina, former student,
We wish you plans and ambitions,
The goal is to see, to steer and rule to her,
And we want to congratulate you on your graduation.

May the memory of your beloved school
Will support in difficult times and in the field,
Sown with a grain of knowledge,
Will sprout, growing a vocation.


Rimma, the queen of the ball,
School years a lot has passed
Congratulations on your graduation,
The smoke of this freedom is sweet.

Get up on the wing fearlessly
Yesterday will live gloriously,
Baby leave the grudges
All paths are open to you.


The school marathon is over
Life opens up perspectives.
Svetlana, graduation evening
Remember bright and happy.

Fly away on the positive
From the walls that managed to become family,
And let you have a different life
Will accept with delight and care.


Sofia's graduation.
Congratulations, my angel!
And I wish you a bright life
Do not expect gifts from fate.

Make plans and a career
Feel both the edge and the measure,
Do not be afraid of trials, attempts,
And read your scroll of happiness.


The graduation ball will end
And Tatiana will say goodbye to childhood.
Congratulations to you, fly!
We wish you victories without flaws.

Success without bitterness of tears,
Without knocked down elbows and knees.
Let life leave a gap
For school breaks.


Received a school certificate,
The whole class is dressed like a parade.
Elvira, graduation, dear,
And congratulations on your new life!

Let the foggy path clear
Crane in hand and titmouse with it
There will always be in reserve.
Your finest hour has come!


Graduation, like a secular ball,
The farewell waltz sounded.
Julia, congratulations on sadness,
We will cry, but we will let go of everything.

Let's blow up a firecracker for joy.
Let to the very top
Life will cover with creativity
Be free and happy!

I do not

Boys are gentlemen
And girls are princesses.
We congratulate Yana
With adult interest,

With a cherished certificate,
With a farewell school ball
We wish you to reach
Everything I dreamed of.