
How to remove stretch marks on the stomach: the most effective ways. Plastic surgery - as a way to remove stretch marks. Cosmetics for stretch marks


Every day, every woman spends a lot of time on self-care: applying cosmetic products, decorative cosmetics, manicure, pedicure, exercise. With all this diversity, she is the keeper hearth. In a rush for a perfect appearance, we often neglect the appearance of the skin, hiding its defects behind dresses. Girls aged 17 and older are faced with the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Such problems must be fought, and the result will undoubtedly be.

What are stretch marks (stretch marks) on the skin and why they appear

The appearance of stretch marks is very similar to scars - pale cicatricial formations. In individual cases, they are single or multiple. Cell activity as a result of unstable hormonal background broken, the skin loses its former elasticity, the level of collagen begins to fall rapidly.

As a result, the layer of inner skin is stretched and torn. But the body tries to deal with the problem itself, creating a replacement for torn fibers in the form of scars, which are called stretch marks. They appear in women and men of all ages, starting from the moment of puberty. Most often, stretch marks become enemies of expectant mothers during pregnancy.

Among the observed women, a causal relationship of scarring was noted - vertical scars occur during pregnancy or a sudden jump in weight, horizontal scars appear for all the other reasons described below. The appearance of stretch marks depends on many factors. We list the most popular:

  1. Rapid increase or decrease in body weight;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Changes in hormonal levels during adolescence;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. Taking glucocorticoids;
  6. Bodybuilding and other strength training.

Methods for removing stretch marks at home

How to get rid of a distended stomach? From the point of view of cosmetology, skin stretching is a defect that can be eliminated by methods available to every woman without leaving home. All you need is time and our recommendations. To eliminate stretch marks, modern cosmetology offers a system of three procedures.

Scrub application

Use salt, ground coffee, sugar as the basis for a homemade scrub. Add a few drops to the grains essential oils. The resulting mixture eliminates the upper cellular layer, activating the production of collagen and elastin. Massage problem areas for 10 minutes twice a week. The result - the structure and color of the skin have a healthier and more well-groomed appearance.

After applying the scrub, wash off its remnants with a contrast shower - the vessels will gain tone and elasticity. To retain moisture in cells skin apply a nourishing cream or oil.

Healing rubbing

After exfoliating the skin, we proceed to the second stage to eliminate stretch marks. Rubbing natural oils nourish the skin, saturating the cells with natural components. Apply to problem areas a mixture of lavender and rosemary extract - 10 drops each, lemon juice, a set of oils: orange, jasmine - 5 drops, jojoba - 100 ml.

You can get rid of stretch marks by rubbing almond and hazelnut oils. Their composition is rich in vitamin E - an antioxidant that allows skin cells to retain elasticity longer. Moisturize your skin several times a week.

Massage and wrap

Massage is a little trick for the fastest removal of stretch marks at home. For massage, choose an oil or cream that contains vitamin E. For more deep penetration nutrients, treat the skin with a pre-scrub.

How to apply? Start by lightly stroking the skin. Then rub the problem areas with your fingers horizontally, and then vertically. On the stomach, a different massage technique - gently apply the oil in a circular motion from top to bottom.

The wrapping procedure is popular in every beauty salon. Its essence is to create a greenhouse effect for better absorption of compounds by cells. You can make a wrap at home using cling film. Algae, chocolate or clay are used to give the skin elasticity and firmness at home and in salons.

Methods for removing stretch marks in the salon

Deep stretch marks require lengthy manipulations at home. As a radical way, beauty salons offer to get rid of acquired skin defects with hardware technologies, injections and resurfacing. The procedures are aimed at activating the production of elastin fibers and collagen.

The method of removing stretch marks is selected individually, depending on their "age" and the area they occupy. Get rid of stretch marks as soon as possible.

gentle grinding chemical peels offer girls who have striae appeared within half a year. At the initial stage, to remove red stretch marks, cosmetologists offer resurfacing with glycolic peels. To restore damaged tissues, grinding is combined with mesotherapy.

For stretch marks that are more than half a year old, cosmetologists offer courses in microdermabrasion procedures. Hardware resurfacing will get rid of stretch marks, make the skin more toned. After visiting the salon, apply a special cream to problem areas. It should contain moisturizing ingredients: aloe vera, chitosan.

Some women want to get rid of stretch marks as quickly as possible. One of the radical methods to eliminate them is plastic surgery. The performed abdominal operation in a few hours will make the surface of the skin even, leaving no traces of scars. The fastest method has contraindications and a difficult recovery period in pursuit of perfect skin.

Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of stretch marks

Stretch marks on the skin are the result of lifestyle and health conditions. With the help of rules, you can get rid of and prevent their occurrence.

  • Eat in a balanced way. Remember that fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals should be present in the daily diet.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Be sure to apply body moisturizer after showering.
  • Keep your skin toned by doing physical exercise few times a week.
  • Instead of a hot bath, use a contrast shower.
  • Lose weight gradually.
  • During pregnancy, moisturize your skin with oils and creams that prevent stretch marks. Wear corrective tights.

How to get rid of stretch marks folk remedies

Getting rid of stretch marks in beauty salons is a very costly pleasure for many girls. You can try to eliminate striae that have appeared recently at home with affordable procedures.

Method number 1 - striae brighten in a month

Depending on the area of ​​spread of stretch marks, prepare salt and sugar in equal proportions. Mix dry ingredients with essential oil. Massage the stretch marks with the resulting peeling without stretching the skin. After washing off the peeling, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Method number 2 - compresses

Boil 0.5 liters of milk and add a handful of chamomile inflorescences to it. With the help of wide cotton pads or a dense cloth soaked in a decoction, wrap problem areas. The action of the compress can be enhanced if its surface is wrapped with cling film. What's happening? Milk and chamomile brighten stretch mark scars, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. After 20 minutes, the compress must be washed off and a moisturizer applied.

Nutrition normalization

A balanced diet in many cases is the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks. By limiting your intake of certain foods, you can harm your skin. Products rich in vitamins C, A, E and zinc activate the production of collagen, stimulate the renewal of skin cells, increasing its density, elasticity and healthy appearance.

The daily diet should include: bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, citrus fruits, liver, lean beef, eggs, beans.

Exercise to get rid of stretch marks

By exercising regularly, your skin will look fresh and toned. During training, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, creating ideal conditions for the production of collagen in them.

We offer to master a set of 4 exercises to get rid of stretch marks in different areas:

  1. To tighten the skin in the abdomen, lie on your back, bend your knees, bring your hands together at the back of your head. As you exhale, lift your shoulders, while tensing your abs as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 15 times in 3 sets.
    Stretch marks on the chest are noticeably reduced after performing effective push-ups. Starting position - side plank with alternately raising arms.
  2. It is easy to work out problem areas in the hips and pelvis with a single exercise. Lying on your stomach, swing with straight legs, fix your hands along the body.
  3. It is convenient to get rid of stretch marks on the side surface with the help of a fitball. Lean on the ball with the left side of the body: the arm is bent, the elbow is on the support, the knee is on the floor. With your right leg extended to the side, perform movements that describe the trajectory of the circle.

Repeat each exercise 15 times for 3 sets.


In some parts of the body, the skin is not strong enough. Due to hormonal changes, malnutrition and lack of sports Everyday life- the skin is stretched, stretch marks are formed. You can get rid of fresh traces at home, with rough scars and a large area of ​​striae, you should seek professional help from cosmetology centers.

To prevent deterioration of the skin condition, moisturize it regularly: rub cream or oil after a shower. Apply the scrub once a week with light massaging movements. A properly formulated diet will improve the density of the skin, and regular exercise will make it more elastic.

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All representatives of the fair sex strive to acquire and then maintain a beautiful figure. But not everyone succeeds. Age, heavy loads - all this does not allow the body to remain perfect. Periodic hormonal changes in the body entail unpleasant consequences, especially during pregnancy.

White stripes on the skin look very unattractive - stretch marks or, more simply, stretch marks. In this case, they don't even help. beautiful shapesappearance deteriorates, and with it the mood is rapidly deteriorating.

Having studied this problem, cosmetologists have come up with a number of techniques and technologies to remove stretch marks.

What are stretch marks and how do they form?

Stretch marks- These are stripes on the skin that look like scars.

Stretching, the skin becomes thinner, the flexibility and tone of the tissues decrease. As a rule, this is caused by exorbitant loads that cause micro-tears in the skin. The body immediately responds and “sews up” such mechanical deformations with connective tissue. That is why only the formed striae are usually bright burgundy in color. Stretch marks lighten over time.

When the deformations are small and there are few of them, then later they will become completely invisible. But much more often, striae do not disappear anywhere. And if in winter they can be disguised with clothes, then on the beach such defects cause discomfort. Particularly spoils the mood is the fact that when the body is already tanned, stretch marks remain pale and even more noticeable.

Under what conditions do striae occur:

  • pregnancy (every second pregnant woman notices the formation of stretch marks on the tummy),
  • hormonal disruptions,
  • sudden fluctuations in weight (the skin cannot adequately respond to sudden changes in volume),
  • transitional age (rarely, but sometimes rapid growth provokes the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents).

Recipes to combat stretch marks at home

cosmetics industry and ethnoscience offer a wide range of ways to deal with skin imperfections. They have been tried and tested for a long time and proved to be excellent:

Proper nutrition

At first glance, there is no direct connection between food and stretch marks. However, the food you eat directly affects the condition of the skin.

A well-designed menu is fundamentally important for keeping the skin supple and smooth. Fruits and vegetables (raw or stewed), seafood, fish, lean meat and a lot of greens must certainly be present on the table.

It is worth noting that for elasticity, the dermis needs moisture, which it must draw from inside the body.

Sweet soda should be strongly excluded from the diet, and drink only clean water for less than one and a half liters a day.

Cold and hot shower

Such a water procedure will strengthen the skin, activate blood circulation and tone the fibers. To combat stretch marks, it is necessary to massage alternately with hot and cold jets of water every day.

The temperature contrast should be increased gradually. Over time, you can make the water pressure more powerful, and the duration of the procedure longer. You need to complete the contrast shower with ice water.

Wraps and massage

Massaging movements accelerate metabolism, increase blood circulation in the skin. When doing self-massage of the abdomen, it is recommended to alternate rubbing with a slight pinching.

If stretch marks appear on the sides, massage this area with smooth movements, without pressure, in the direction from the bottom up. On the buttocks, circular movements will have a greater effect.

To speed up the result, you can use a cotton mitten. But, in order to enhance the effect of the massage, a wrap should be performed immediately after it.

For the procedure, the tummy is lubricated with a cream with collagen. Next, the problem area is carefully wrapped in cling film. Then you need to cover yourself with a heavy and warm blanket and lie down for 30 minutes. After several sessions, the striae will turn pale and become almost invisible.

Rubbing the press area

There are 3 options for rubbing: using oil, ice cubes or vinegar. In the first case, the oil mixture is first prepared. Olive oil is taken as the base, to which a small amount is added. almond oil or a wheat germ product plus 2-3 drops of essential oils.

Here, extracts of plants that help restore the dermis are preferable. These are neroli, rosehip, rosemary, thyme and orange tree. Such a mixture is stored for a long period of time. You can also take 5 drops of lavender and 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and mix them.

Rubbing should be done twice a day, optimally - after a contrast shower. For rubbing with ice, 6-7 ice cubes are placed in a strong waterproof bag, tied and rubbed with striae for several minutes.

After completing the procedure, it is advisable to wrap the stomach with a blanket and rest for a quarter of an hour. To make rubbing with vinegar, you need its wine or fruit variety, alcohol and water in proportions of 2: 1: 1.

In the resulting mixture, you can pour 10 drops of thyme oil and cool everything. Rub the cool mixture into the skin twice a day.

Therapeutic baths

The most efficient and gentle procedure. The skin of the abdomen is constantly and evenly exposed to nutrients. To take a bath, you need to make a mix of sea salt, honey, baking soda, chalk, oatmeal jelly and a few drops of neroli or rosehip essential oil.

Everything should be mixed in water at a pleasant temperature and lie down in it as long as you want. At first, sessions should be no longer than 5 minutes, and over time, their duration can be increased.

After the bath, you do not need to dry yourself, but simply put on a dressing gown made of natural fabric so that the medicinal substances are more thoroughly absorbed.


Modern technologies and achievements of science in the field of body care make it easy and quick to choose a ready-made cosmetic product to solve any problem, including stretch marks. They can be purchased at beauty parlors, specialized outlets, pharmacies, or made by hand.

For example, a scrub can be easily mixed from coffee and sugar, and a healing ointment can be made from any baby cream and the usual mummy. Also available in pharmacies are horse chestnut extract and ointments with this ingredient, tea tree oil, medical preparations based on collagen and elastin.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks in beauty salons

Remove stretch marks that have already appeared faster and more efficiently with the help of an appropriate specialist. There are several well-established methods:

laser therapy

laser therapy- a popular and effective way to get rid of stretch marks. The laser beam practically erases the newly appeared strips, and makes the old ones almost invisible. This method eliminates striae permanently.

The technique for performing the procedure is as follows. A specialist cosmetologist treats the abdomen with a special device with a laser nozzle. After the end of the session, the skin may turn slightly red, occasionally small crusts appear.

This is a natural process, and after 2 weeks everything will disappear. The number of repetitions of the procedure is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the size and duration of the appearance of striae. On average, 6-10 sessions are needed.

It should be noted that after childbirth, laser therapy is allowed to be resorted to no earlier than 3 months after the birth of the baby.

Or peeling by means of a vacuum removes the upper dead cells of the skin. This activates the growth of new cells, and the surface of the skin is visually leveled.

A significant limitation: after such peeling, it is necessary to refrain from solarium and scalding products for some time. sun rays.


Mesotherapy or the so-called beauty shots enable tissues to regenerate using internal resources. Healing substances are injected under the skin of the abdomen through the finest needles.

For this procedure, a mixture of vitamins is taken, hyaluronic acid and nutritional elements that contribute to the restoration of the skin. Medicinal ingredients activate the synthesis of collagen, which is indispensable for smoothing tissue defects. Vitamins increase blood circulation, and skin cells of the abdominal region are updated faster.


The type of plastic surgery is good because the effect is visible immediately and allows you to solve serious problems of the figure. Owners of a stretched and sagging abdomen resort to this form of correction.

The surgeon removes excess fat deposits and skin along with stretch marks. This method is painful, expensive and requires long-term rehabilitation. However, this is a great chance to find an attractive tummy.

So, getting rid of stretch marks is quite realistic, following simple rules:

  • the combination of ways to combat striae increases their effectiveness,
  • the sooner the use of stretch mark removal products is started, the faster the result will be achieved,
  • any method should be used regularly.

However, it is much more practical to avoid stretch marks. During pregnancy, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer every day and wear a properly selected bandage. Adjusting your diet and active movement will help prevent stretch marks and keep your skin beautiful.

The happiest and at the same time difficult period in the life of every woman is pregnancy.

Her body and all organs must be rebuilt to perform a new and important task - to safely endure and give birth to a healthy child.

For nine months, the load will only increase, and when the pregnancy comes to its logical conclusion, and the baby is born, the young mother may find that not only her figure has undergone unpleasant changes, but also flaws called stretch marks remain on the skin.

Unfortunately, more than eighty percent of women who have given birth face this problem. difficult, and getting rid of them when they have already appeared is even more difficult. However, do not rush to despair, because with the right approach, a certain result can still be achieved.

Stretch marks have another name - striae. They look like thin stripes, which either rise slightly above the skin, or vice versa, seem to be retracted.

Stretch marks can be of different colors - from light pink to deep purple, blue or purple, and even brown.

As a rule, it depends on the characteristics and color of your skin, but such bright striae usually occur immediately after the appearance. Then, when the capillaries die, they become whitish or silvery, and then they cannot be dealt with with ordinary home methods.

Simply put, stretch marks are neoplasms at the site of ruptures in the connective tissues of the skin. They can occur for a variety of reasons, and pregnancy is one of them. In addition, this state becomes a trigger for the formation of others:

  • During the period of bearing a baby, you are subject to strong hormonal changes.

This affects the work of all organs and systems: an excess of production affects the sensitivity of the skin, and a lack of elastin and collagen makes it incapable of stretching, deprives it of elasticity, elasticity and tone.

  • All nine months the baby in your belly grows and gains weight, respectively, and your own weight increases.

It’s good if this happens gradually and smoothly, and not in sharp, fast jumps - so the skin has time to adapt to your condition and breaks under conditions of additional care will be minimal. If you recovered very rapidly, then, unfortunately, breaks are unlikely to be avoided.

  • The risk of stretch marks increases and, and at very, because the skin and collagen fibers have their own stretch limit.
  • Moreover, your skin may be inelastic and prone to stretch marks by nature, or a genetic (hereditary) predisposition will be to blame for this feature.
  • Deficiency of microelements and vitamins is also capable of provoking the occurrence of striae.

They are necessary for the formation and synthesis of collagen, because during pregnancy, the reserves of nutrients in a woman's body are often aimed at providing for the child.

As you can see, some factors are difficult to deal with, but if nothing can be done about heredity, then you can influence the causes that are subject to you. With the help of a whole range of preventive measures, you have a chance to minimize the risk of stretch marks even if you have inelastic skin.

However, how to deal with unsightly scars that did appear?

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth at home?

This question is asked by almost all women who have recently given birth and found on their stomach, and sometimes on their chest, thighs or buttocks, many small stripes that look like scars.

Doctors say that it is best to deal with fresh stretch marks - you can really deal with them on your own at home. Exists different ways, with which you can make striae almost invisible or completely get rid of stretch marks on the pope, in the abdomen, chest or on the hips.

A set of physical exercises

Physical exercises can tighten the stomach and restore tone to the skin and muscles.

However, remember that you can not start exercising immediately after giving birth.

Check with your doctor - he should confirm that you can already start playing sports and physical activity.

Usually, doctors allow some minimum exercise six to eight weeks after natural delivery, but for intensive training, you will have to wait about six months or even throughout the entire lactation period.

  • You need to start small.

You can try breathing exercises to recover faster: to do this, draw in your stomach as you inhale and inflate strongly, like a balloon, as you exhale for ten to fifteen minutes. Having mastered this technique of breathing with your stomach, you will very soon help the uterus to contract.

  • Then try to warm up a little.

Before starting the main training, do not forget that the muscles must first be warmed up and the joints developed. Create your own set of exercises that will bring maximum effect and positive results.

  • An excellent tool for combating flabbiness of the abdomen and stretch marks is the plank.

Unlike the usual press, it gives an increased load on the muscles, moreover, it is very often not recommended to pump the press after childbirth. The usual bar is done like this: you keep your body parallel to the floor, standing on outstretched straight legs and arms, while you can climb it from the elbow position.

Having frozen, you need to strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible and tighten your buttocks. It is also good to try other types of plank, for example, the side plank, or to complicate the task by crossing your arms, etc. At first, you will only need ten to twenty seconds for this exercise, but gradually the time can be increased to a minute or two.

  • Another good exercise that can help you is called the boat.

It combines the belly breathing technique and the plank. To do it, you need to lie on your back and slightly raise your legs and upper part body, as if forming a boat. After that, start breathing intensively with your stomach. The first approaches will also take a few seconds, but then you can hold on longer.

  • Over time, the complex can be supplemented with other exercises.

For arms, legs, hips, buttocks, back and chest, pump the press, squat, twist the hoop, etc. Swimming and yoga will be very effective. However, remember that the load should increase gradually, and the key to success will be the regularity of the exercises.

Massage and contrast shower

In addition to exercise, do and massage. The procedure can be carried out in different ways: taking a shower, or after it, rub the skin on problem areas with a massage brush, and also do self-massage with your hands. Choose a brush with natural bristles, but the main thing is that it should be soft. Rub the skin surface in a circular motion. Alternate hot and cold water for a contrast shower - this perfectly tones the skin and helps it recover faster.

Start a regular massage with stroking movements, and finish with them. In addition, stretch skin light pinches, tap it, rub it, “saw” it with the edges of the palms. The procedure should take about ten to fifteen minutes and be carried out regularly.

It is very effective to massage using natural oils or a special cream. Also enhance the effect of wraps and peels. Even such improvised means as the thick of ground natural coffee or sea salt, which are considered an excellent basis for home scrubs, will help you fight stretch marks.

With the help of these procedures, you can achieve skin smoothing, restoring its tone and elasticity, stimulating blood circulation and activating collagen synthesis.

Proper diet and vitamin intake

As a nursing mother, adjusting the diet to get rid of stretch marks is quite difficult. However, you can try. If you have already stopped feeding the baby, then it will be much easier for you.

So, in order to start metabolic processes in your body and help your skin become elastic and healthy again, you need to:

  • Drink enough liquid.

Clean and mineral water without gas, green and white teas rich in antioxidants, fruit drinks, compotes and fresh juices.

  • Eat fractionally, but often, in small portions, so that the body does not starve, but do not overeat.
  • Continue to follow all the rules that were in effect during pregnancy.

Nothing fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and salty, less muffin and flour, sweet and sugar.

  • Your diet should be balanced and contain all foods rich in vitamins and beneficial elements.

Low-fat meats and fish, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, dairy products, cereals, cereals, nuts and dried fruits.

  • Ask your doctor to prescribe you a complex of vitamins and minerals.

They should improve skin elasticity by increasing the production of collagen and elastin and contributing to the speedy regeneration of tissues (must be present, A and C, plus trace elements - copper, calcium and potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron).

Cosmetics for stretch marks

Today you can find a lot of cosmetics with which you will take care of your skin after childbirth. They will increase the elasticity of the epidermis, prevent the formation of microcracks, dryness and dehydration, heal and soothe the skin, give it tone.

Their choice is quite large and varied: and, ointments and balms, lotions and tonics. In addition, you can create oil mixtures from vegetable and essential oils at home, make masks and other remedies to combat stretch marks.

Among the most popular manufacturers and effective creams you can note "Lierac", "Vichy", "MamaComfort", "Mustela", "Nine months" and others. The composition of the cream must include vitamins, collagen and elastin, retinoids, herbal extracts.

When choosing natural oils, carefully read the instructions and information about how they are produced. The main conditions for effectiveness are steam distillation and cold pressing. Only with this method of production can oil really be useful.

A very good base for masks and oil mixtures will be olive, almond and castor oil, you can also use jojoba oil, cocoa, coconut and liquid vitamin E. They can also be used separately.

Add a few drops of essential oils to blends or base oils to enhance the effect. For example, rosewood oil will help to dissolve scars, and peach oil will soften the skin and have a rejuvenating effect, grape seed oil will speed up the recovery process, and jojoba will restore firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Cosmetic procedures, as ways to remove stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and pope

If home methods do not bring the desired result, you can turn to more drastic measures. There are several very effective ways, which are cosmetic procedures that will really help you get rid of stretch marks.

Laser correction

The laser method for the treatment of stretch marks is very popular, because with the help of a laser, stretch marks are removed easily, quickly and painlessly.

True, the procedure cannot be done immediately after childbirth, but after a few months you can check how effective it is.

Laser resurfacing brightens fresh stretch marks and adds a special pigment to old ones, thanks to which they become almost invisible.

Depending on how big and deep your striae are, you will need five to ten or more sessions. After the procedures, small crusts will remain on the skin, but then they will disappear on their own, sometimes swelling or redness occurs.

The laser is able to remove scars, the depth of which is up to one millimeter. Also, such resurfacing contributes to the formation of a young layer of skin.


The procedure consists in the fact that certain substances are injected directly under your skin, which will have to have their therapeutic effect. In the case of stretch marks, these are injections of collagen and elastin, as well as vitamins and amino acids, plant extracts - the final composition is selected for each individual.

Since this is done directly to the stretch marks, the procedure can have a positive effect even on the deep layers of the epidermis. However, you will need a lot of sessions, and to maintain a permanent result, the course will have to be repeated periodically.

Ozone therapy

It is very similar to mesotherapy, only here an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin. Its effect has a very beneficial effect on the state of the dermis, helps it recover by activating the production of collagen, promotes the speedy revival of healthy and young cells, and also the fact that the connective tissue dissolves faster.


Another effective procedure with which you can correct the skin and remove stretch marks. It consists in saturating the deep layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid.

Sometimes biorevitalization or natural revitalization is indicated after laser resurfacing and peeling procedures to help the skin recover faster.

It can be injectable (essentially superficial mesotherapy) or laser, non-injectable, where acid is injected into your skin using low-intensity laser radiation.

Plastic surgery - as a way to remove stretch marks

The most radical method. Doctors consider abdominoplasty, or surgery that removes entire areas of defective skin, as a last resort.

Indeed, firstly, this procedure is not cheap, and secondly, it is still an operation, which means that it has its own contraindications, and complications and postoperative risks are also possible. Sometimes laser removal of stretch marks is performed.

In addition, you should be prepared for a long and painful recovery period and subsequent rehabilitation. Pregnancy after abdominoplasty is undesirable.


As you can see, even such an unpleasant defect as stretch marks can be eliminated over time. The main thing is to choose the best method for dealing with them.

However, it is better to take care of their prevention in time and prevent the appearance of stretch marks at all or reduce their number to a minimum. To do this, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, go in for sports, swim, take care of your body, eat right, take vitamins.

Well, if you spend and prepare the body for the upcoming loads.

Stretch marks on the abdomen spoil the mood, plunge into despondency and at the same time awaken the spirit of struggle. After all, cosmetic defects are not a sentence, there is always a way to improve the appearance of the skin. The main thing is not to waste time on empty regrets, but immediately take action on how to remove unsightly stripes.


This is a microtrauma of the deep layers of the skin, arising from excessive tension. Fresh red striae due to damaged capillaries. Over time, injuries are overgrown with connective tissue and turn white. This nuisance is not dangerous to health and can happen to anyone. Doctors attribute such cases to cosmetic defects.

The ability to stretch the skin is given by protein fibers containing collagen. Sometimes the production of this substance is inhibited, the fibers lose their elasticity and literally break under the pressure of a growing belly. This happens against the background of different conditions:

  • growth or fluctuations in body weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • excessive physical activity.

The increase in the fat layer on the abdomen is the most common cause scarring with rapid weight gain. This problem is not only female. Thirty percent of men and even teenagers suffer from obese striae. This often happens with excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates: buns, cakes, sweet soda. However, with a sharp weight loss, stretch marks also occur. Therefore, you need to gain and lose body weight gradually.

On a day with a normal diet, a person accumulates about 1 g of excess fat. When overeating, the figure is much higher.

A common occurrence is striae when carrying a baby. They accompany a woman in this happy period with:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition.
During pregnancy, the skin of a woman experiences strong pressure from the inside.

Stripes on the abdomen in pregnant women usually appear in the third trimester. Progesterone levels rise and collagen production falls. As a result, the skin does not withstand stress. The risk group includes women with polyhydric pregnancy, when the volume of amniotic fluid is above the norm - more than 1.5 liters. According to statistics, 25% of women in labor face such a complication. Multiple pregnancy almost always accompanied by striae.

But even when amniotic fluid and the number of fetuses is not breaking records, a genetic factor may come into play. For example, if a mother and grandmother acquired striae while expecting a child, then the daughter will also be susceptible to their occurrence. With such heredity, unfortunately, even preventive measures aimed at maintaining the elasticity of the skin.

Irregular nutrition, age-related hormonal changes in adolescents can also lead to scarring on the abdomen. In such cases, it is worth consulting an endocrinologist.

Chronic stress, the use of corticosteroids lead to increased production of hydrocortisone. This "stress hormone" in high concentration is the enemy beautiful skin. It destroys connective tissue proteins and causes the growth of body fat due to an increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, the stomach grows and stretch marks appear.

Cortisol is produced by the adrenal cortex. It regulates carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for the accumulation of energy reserves in the liver - glycogen.

Taking anabolics also provokes the appearance of stretch marks. Steroids accelerate muscle growth but reduce the skin's ability to stretch. Bodybuilders often have these defects.

How to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach without leaving home

Starting the fight, immediately get ready for the fact that the results will be modest if the stretch marks are old, more than a year old. Home treatments help only with fresh striae. The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the more likely you are to get rid of defects.


This procedure is easy to carry out at home using a ready-made or homemade scrub. Mechanical peeling solves several problems:

  • exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin;
  • deep cleansing of pores so that subsequent care is effective;
  • improving tone and metabolism to accelerate collagen synthesis;
  • stretch marks alignment.

It is most convenient to clean the skin in the bathroom. After the procedure, the scrub is washed off in the shower. The mass is applied to the stomach and rubbed in a circular motion until a rush of blood is felt to the treated surfaces. After the massage, leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week for two months.

Many note the positive effect of scrubs on the skin with regular use.

An army of female warriors with stretch marks tested and confirmed the effectiveness folk recipes scrubs.

  1. Mix fresh chopped lemon zest with 50 g of yogurt and 1 tsp. almond oil.
  2. Connect 1 tbsp. l. sugar with 1 tbsp. l. finely ground salt and 1 dess. l. unrefined vegetable oil.
  3. Add to 2 tbsp. l. asleep coffee grounds 1 tsp salt and honey.
  4. Mix 4 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l. peach kernel oil and 1 tsp. honey.

Massage at home

Rubbing the skin should precede the application of any stretch marks treatment. Then blood flow will improve, metabolism and useful substances will be fully absorbed. Massage is best done after a contrast shower and peeling. Ideally, the whole body is rubbed from the feet to the heart. The abdomen is massaged clockwise without excessive pressure for 5-10 minutes. massage mitt or brush. If the massage is done with your hands, perform pinching movements: grab the skin with your fingers and gently pull from the bottom up.

Smoothes the skin massage with silicone or glass jars.

  1. Apply a suitable stretch mark remedy to your abdomen.
  2. Place the jars so that the skin is not strongly absorbed, otherwise it will be difficult to move them.
  3. Move the jars in a circular motion for 5-15 minutes.

When massaging with cans, it is better to apply oil: it is slippery and the cans move easily.

With stretch marks, it is useful to do rubbing with honey, since its amino acids and trace elements increase tissue regeneration.

  1. Apply the required amount of honey on the stomach.
  2. Make hand claps on the skin for 5-10 minutes until a white coating forms. Wash off the residue.

But the most effective massage is carried out with the help of vegetable and essential oils. Fatty acids and vitamins of these products penetrate the skin deeper than other products. The following base oils reduce the size of scars:

  • almond;
  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • linen;
  • jojoba;
  • wheat germ;
  • grape and peach seeds.

For accelerated cell renewal, mixtures are recommended: base oils are combined with essential oils at a concentration of 10:1. To avoid burns from concentrated substances, the components are thoroughly mixed and only then applied. Essential oils trigger tissue regeneration:

  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • cypress;
  • citrus.

Tangerine oil is used for stretch marks, but not during pregnancy, it is dangerous for the unborn child

If stretch marks hurt and itch, do an anesthetic rubbing.


  • aloe pulp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • unrefined extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E - 2 capsules,
  • vitamin A - 1 capsule.

Mix the ingredients and rub the painful area of ​​the abdomen. During pregnancy, this composition is not used, it is better to rub the skin with wheat germ oil or flaxseed.

Masks: folk remedy recipes

To restore the beauty and tone of the skin, tightening and nutritional formulations. They are applied to a clean stomach for 15-30 minutes. 2 times per week. Course duration - 10 procedures. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a week break.

The nourishing mask stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.


  • yeast - 15 g;
  • cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Dilute yeast with cream.
  2. When foam forms, add honey and stir.

The skin of the abdomen sagging from stretch marks will be tightened by the composition of the following components:

  • cocoa powder or melted dark chocolate - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix ingredients and apply by rubbing in circular motions.

Chocolate mass is best applied to the stomach in a warm form.

The mask with badyaga improves blood circulation in sagging skin: dilute the powder according to the recipe on the package and apply to the skin. Massage your abdomen for 3 minutes. Leave on for another 15 minutes, then rinse in the shower. Do not use a freshwater sponge when sensitive skin, burns are possible.

Grape gruel evens out wrinkled skin from stretch marks: separate the pulp of 7 grapes and rub it on the stomach. Wait for it to dry, rinse off.

For masks from stretch marks, use any means that increase blood circulation in the area of ​​application.

Creams, ointments from stretch marks on the skin

Store-bought products are less effective than homemade mixtures, because they contain useful substances in a meager amount. The only advantage is fast absorption. If there is absolutely no time for an oil massage or a mask, it is better to apply a ready-made cream than nothing at all. Among the inexpensive products for stretch marks, buyers distinguish: a remedy for TM "Sanosan" from Germany and cream Mom and Baby from "Vitex" from Belarus. Before you buy a skin care product, find out its composition. An effective cream usually contains:

  • vegetable oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • vegetable collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol.

Cream from TM "Sanosan" is also used as a prevention of stretch marks

Pharmacy funds usually cheaper than cosmetic ones. They are also used to treat and prevent scarring.

  1. Bepanten even smooths old stretch marks a little.
  2. Clearvin tones the skin.
  3. Zinc ointment increases collagen synthesis.
  4. Heparin ointment improves blood circulation at the site of application.

Creams are applied 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 2-5 months.

In homemade creams, we ourselves regulate the concentration of nutrients. The first place in terms of effectiveness is occupied by a simple cream with mumiyo.


  1. Dissolve 6 tablets of pharmacy mumiyo in 1 tsp. water with a temperature not exceeding 39 ° C.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. any cream. Leave for 15 minutes, stir.

Apply to strips 1-2 times daily. Keep for 2-3 hours, then rinse the skin. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Mumiyo contains a unique complex of vitamins and minerals that heal any damage. Based on the reviews, this the best remedy from striae.


Sedimentary rocks truly serve beauty, tighten the skin with excessive stretching. Blue, gray and green clay copes with defects. It is diluted with water to the density of sour cream so that the composition does not drain from the body. Various additives are welcome: herbal infusions, essential and vegetable oils, algae. Prepare mixtures with bee products.


  • Gray and blue clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey - 1-2 tsp

Dilute the clay and add honey. The composition is best applied at night, securing with a bandage or cloth. Minerals of the mixture smooth out stretch marks when applied twice a week for a month. Then take a break for 2 weeks. Be sure to moisturize and nourish your skin every time you apply the clay.

Clay masks unclog pores and make skin firmer

With striae big size apply the heating mixture.


  • clay powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground dried ginger - 1 tbsp. l.

Dilute the mixture of components with warm water until a thick mass is formed. Apply for 10-20 minutes. In case of severe burning, rinse immediately.

Some tribes in Africa and Australia use green, blue and white clay for food.

How to get rid of defects on the stomach: a visit to the salon

Salons offer to get rid of even old stretch marks with the help of injections, laser, chemical resurfacing. However, these methods do not work for everyone. The cure depends on how the metabolism in the deep layers of the skin will take place, and no one can predict this. If you are willing to risk a large amount of money for the sake of an illusory hope, start with the most gentle procedures.


This is the only painless and pleasant procedure for stretch marks. Salons offer as a working composition: oils, chocolate, algae, musk, guarana, clay, mud. With stretch marks, kelp wraps are most effective and popular, aimed at improving skin turgor. Surely in each salon you will be offered some of their successful developments. The number of sessions and additional procedures are prescribed by the doctor depending on the number and size of stretch marks.

Chocolate wrap treats stretch marks and cellulite


During the session, pain is felt, but after the body heals quickly. This method is as follows: a medical solution is injected under the skin with a needle, which helps the cells recover faster. The specialist himself selects the necessary medicines. Numerous injections are carried out using a syringe gun. The problem is that the client has no control over the composition of the injection. It remains to believe in the integrity of cosmetologists.

There are also needleless types of mesotherapy. Medicines are administered without skin puncture using: ultrasound, electrical impulses, laser or gas. Such services are provided in the salons of large cities.

To avoid bruising after injection mesotherapy, do not take alcohol, blood thinners for 2 days before the procedure.


With the help of a laser, most often fractional, the skin is “cauterized”. Thus, its renewal is stimulated. The metabolism is accelerated, collagen is synthesized more actively. Hormonal contraceptives are canceled 90 days before the session. The procedure is carried out once a month. Next comes the recovery period. Within three months after grinding, the treated areas should not be exposed to sunlight. After the procedure, clients often complain of pain and swelling. Most likely, up to 5 such procedures will be needed.

Laser peel stimulates the production of collagen and elastin proteins

Chemical peeling involves exfoliating the skin with various abrasives, such as acids. After the removal of the stratum corneum, even homogeneous skin grows. To ensure that peeling does not lead to a burn, it is entrusted only to a qualified doctor. The rehabilitation period is the same as after laser resurfacing.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen

Getting rid of ugly stripes takes a long time, and sometimes painful. Therefore, it is better to reduce the chances of their occurrence in advance. To do this, you need to pay attention to the deep process - the metabolism of the body. After all, it depends on him how the connective tissue proteins that support the structure of the skin will be produced. A normal metabolism needs decent nutrition. Eliminate foods that negatively affect the chemical processes in the body:

  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fatty.

It is clear that it is impossible to completely abandon temptations. You just need to replace most of the junk food with fruits and vegetables. In addition, when gaining or losing weight, do not allow sudden jumps.

If you eat right, you are less likely to gain weight and get stretch marks.

As a source of protein food, use lean meat, fish and seafood. Replenish the lack of healthy fats with nuts and unrefined vegetable oils. Low-fat jelly based on gelatin is useful for the skin, because it contains animal protein - collagen.

Do not eat more than one type of protein at a time. For example, do not combine milk and meat, cheese and nuts. In addition, do not combine meat, fish with sour fruits and vegetables - protein is much worse absorbed.

Proper metabolism is impossible without a sufficient amount of clean water. Drink up to 2 liters of moisture per day, not counting tea and coffee. These diuretic drinks do not replenish the body's water reserves, but steal them.

And only now, after eliminating the underlying cause of scarring, proceed to external influences:

  • regular massage;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;

Charging is very useful, warming up those muscles over which stretch marks usually appear. Every day for 15 min. do exercises for the press to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen. Walk more, walk in the park and the forest, play outdoor games: tennis, badminton, volleyball. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor what kind of exercise will not hurt you.

Getting enough sleep is an important part of prevention. After all, the skin is restored when we sleep.

For the prevention of scars on the abdomen, the same means are used as for their treatment. A mixture of oils is especially effective:

  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • geranium - 2 drops;
  • tangerine - 3 drops;
  • wheat germ - 10 drops.

During the period of bearing a baby, it is better to use only approved base oils in their pure form: olive, linseed, coconut, almond. To prevent stretch marks, also pick up a bandage if there are no contraindications.

Foods and dishes to prevent stretch marks - gallery

Any nuts are good for the skin Aspic contains collagen - a protein responsible for the elasticity of the skin Shrimp in sauce - an easily digestible protein to maintain the elasticity of the abdomen

How to avoid stretch marks - video

From the author: how my stretch marks disappeared

When faced with stretch marks, you go through 3 stages: frustration from loss of beauty, struggle, humility. Coincidentally, already at the first stage, my family acquired a dacha. As a result, I avoided subsequent disappointing situations. The arrangement of the site, the construction of the house did not leave me time for a war with defects. Many years have passed and now I came across the topic of stretch marks. When I examined the places where they were, I did not see the striae. If you strongly strain your eyesight, only a thin light cobweb is visible. Fresh air, constant physical activity, a lot of fruits, vegetables, clean water, smoothed out defects. I did not use any cosmetic products for scars. My advice is to shift your focus away from your navel and onto something big that will improve your entire lifestyle. As a result, improve your health, improve your metabolism and striae will become invisible. If you care about them at all. After all, as you get older, your priorities change.


Before any procedures, ask your doctor if they can be carried out in your particular case. This is especially important during pregnancy. Even harmless "weeds" can be harmful. For example, when carrying a baby because of the threat of miscarriage, the use of essential oils is prohibited: lavender, jasmine, rosemary, citrus. Not recommended and any warming compositions, which include: badyaga, ginger, pepper. When performing massage while waiting for the baby, do not press on the stomach, rub the products with light movements.

Do not use hot wraps when:

  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • gynecological inflammatory diseases;
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • diabetes.

Mesotherapy is contraindicated in:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • low pain threshold.

Laser and chemical peeling is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • tumors of any etymology;
  • epilepsy;
  • kidney failure.

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy occur in almost every woman. The body immediately after conception begins to rebuild, the production of progesterone and estrogen increases to support the development of the fetus, the baby grows inside the womb, the mother's weight increases. The skin on the abdomen is not always able to withstand tension. Microcracks appear, which are tightened by scar tissue.

When do stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

The epidermis contains collagen and elastin fibers, which in the normal state stretch when stretched, and then return to their original position. When stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, the skin, under the influence of various factors, may not return to normal. Tissues rupture, cells do not have time to regenerate, striae form.

The main reason for this situation is most often hormonal changes and excessive production of estrogen, which weakens the regeneration of skin cells. Other risk factors include:

  • content in the diet of a minimum of vitamins and minerals. The quality of nutrition should be improved through fruits, vegetables and lean fish;
  • a sharp weight gain, when the skin does not have time to stretch;
  • lack of physical activity to maintain the tone of the whole organism;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking) leads to a weakening of the fibers.
First of all, stretch marks begin in the second trimester, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly and gain weight. The skin is pulled too tightly, which leads to small tears.

If the stretch marks in the lower abdomen itch slightly, then this indicates a rapid stretching and the appearance of new striae. They look like red, burgundy, rarely blue vertical stripes that fade and become less noticeable over time. Horizontal stretch marks during pregnancy are rare, and they say that the cause of the occurrence was a hormonal failure.

What to do and how to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy

It is possible to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy, but constant, regular care is required. If a striae appears, then you should immediately use special cosmetics. Severe sprains, and even more so chronic ones, are difficult to treat, only after the birth of a child can laser therapy or other radical methods be used.

From the first month after fertilization in pregnant women, the restructuring of the body begins. It is from this moment, and preferably earlier, that you need to start adhering to the basic recommendations for prevention:

  1. Bandage - will reduce the stretching of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, there will be a feeling of lightness and comfort. This will reduce tension from the skin, which will lead to the strengthening of the epidermis.
  2. Adjust the diet taking into account the growing fetus inside the womb. Diversify the daily menu with fruits, vegetable salads, cereals and lean fish. Limit the consumption of sweets and starchy foods to avoid excess weight.
  3. Moderate physical activity is an integral part of the health of not only the baby, but also the expectant mother. Yoga classes, swimming in the pool, special fitness exercises will strengthen the muscular frame and increase the tone of the epidermis.
  4. A contrast shower with a light massage will restore blood circulation in the cells, and the blood, in turn, will nourish the skin useful substances, which will speed up the regeneration process and increase strength.
natural oil for the abdomen during pregnancy from stretch marks, will become an indispensable tool with which you can massage and tingle until slight redness. A high concentration of vitamin E will restore the elasticity of the fibers and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

How to smear the stomach from stretch marks during pregnancy?

Treatment of stretch marks involves the use of special cosmetic products that have a direct effect on the deep layers of the epidermis. In this case, the remedy should be recommended for use during pregnancy, as will be stated in the instructions.

You can lubricate the stomach and other problem areas, both folk and professional means. Modern market a huge number of products from economical to elite are presented. The most effective, according to consumer reviews, are:

  1. Avent (Great Britain) - moisturizes, tones and improves skin elasticity, thanks to the presence of almonds, papaya, algae and mineral oils.
  2. Biotherm (France) - the cream is able to remove stretch marks or make them less noticeable due to components such as carite, soy, organic silicon and hydroxyproline.
  3. Clarins (France) - has a preventive effect, making the skin more elastic and firm.
  4. Clinique (Great Britain) - a cream based on seaweed extracts that fights age-related changes and chronic stretch marks.
  5. Donna Mama (Italy) - prevents rupture of collagen fibers, nourishes and softens the epidermis.
  6. Bepanten (Germany) - an ointment with the active ingredient dexpanthenol or provitamin B5, restores collagen and elastin, which makes the epidermis more elastic.
  7. Kontratubeks (Russia) - a tool designed to combat scars and scar tissue. The composition contains heparin, onion extract, allantoin. These components eliminate only appeared striae, relieve inflammation and itching.
Stretch marks on the skin are breaks in collagen fibers that are tightened by connective tissue. To increase the elasticity of collagen, it is necessary to act in a complex way, along with professional means, you can use folk methods.

A scrub will help get rid of stretch marks, which gently exfoliates dead cells and prepares for the subsequent application of a nourishing cream or mask. You can prepare the product on the basis of coffee grounds, sugar or salt with the addition of olive oil.

The mask uses yeast, cream and honey. Apply the mixture on the tummy and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Regular use of various means, throughout the entire period of gestation, will reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. The skin will become elastic and strong, the fibers of the epidermis will be less torn.