
Thread horse. Master class with step by step photos. How to make a horse with your own hands? Making a textile horse



The horse is the favorite animal of many children. Even adults love it. Many people like to do DIY crafts and today we will learn how to make a horse out of paper. We will learn how to make origami - this is folded paper.

    The Japanese used this technique to make paper crafts.

We will also see step by step instructions how to make a horse different size.

How to make an origami figurine - step by step description

As we have already said, origami is japanese art. To make a horse with our own hands, we need to take scissors and an album sheet. Let's see the step by step instructions.

  1. The first thing to make from a sheet is a square. Bend any corner of the paper diagonally, and cut off the excess.
  2. Open the paper and fold it on another diagonal so there are two lines. Then expand it.
  3. Fold the sheet in half, horizontally and unfold. Do the same for the vertical line. As a result, you will get a square with four lines.
  1. Make a rhombus out of paper as follows, bend the sheet along a diagonal line, hide the sides inside the product by bending them along another diagonal bend.
  1. Bend the sides of the rhombus to the center and then, bend the upper triangle of the craft into the middle.
  2. Open the top diamond and cut the top sheet from the bottom edge to a horizontal strip down the center.
  3. After the cut, you need to open the triangles, which will be in the form of a diamond.
  1. Fold horizontally towards the middle of each of these diamonds.
  2. Turn the item over to the other side.
  3. When you see the top diamond, repeat steps 5-8 with it.
  4. You need to turn the craft 180 degrees and bend the central triangle of the corners up.
  5. Divide the craft so that you get a square.
  6. Now we are going to make the body of the horse. Fold the square in half horizontally, and its sides should be folded towards the center. Iron all the curves of the craft.
  7. Now, let's make the legs of the horse. It is necessary to bend the upper right triangle so that the bottom of the figure makes a horizontal line. Unfolding, bend the corners inward along the marked lines.
  8. You need to slightly bend the upper left triangle.
  9. Open and bend the corners inward along the lines.
  10. The horse's head is easy to make. Bend the tip of the head inward so that the horse's muzzle is not sharp.

So our paper horse is ready.

graceful horse

To make a beautiful horse out of paper and cardboard, you need to make a three-dimensional modular figure. Its technology will be described below.

little pony

A small paper horse can be made from a small white sheet and then it can be decorated with any color. Some knit small ponies from threads.

Volumetric modular figure

Also from paper, you can make voluminous objects. To make them, you will need a ready-made horse scheme, which will help you easily make such a figurine yourself. Such a scheme must be said on the Internet and printed on a printer.

For such a product, you need to take scissors and glue. Cut out the details carefully, following the numbering. Then bend the cut parts and glue them. With this, the work is completed.

Important! If you download a non-color scheme, then the child can paint it, so it will be more interesting for him.

large stallion

A large horse can be made from wire, fabric and thread. A horse's skeleton is made of wire, a fabric is wound around it and fastened with threads, carefully wrap the entire fabric so that it is not visible. Finally, you can sew on the hooves and attach the mane and tail using hair or thin thread.

The size of such a horse will depend on the height of the wire skeleton. Exactly such a product can be made from thick paper, replacing it with threads.

mask horse

Today we will talk about how to make a simple paper horse mask. The advantage of such a mask is that it can be done quickly and easily. To do this, you need a ready-made scheme, glue, A3 sheet, colored paper, black felt-tip pen, scissors. If you wish, you can draw a template or diagram of the horse yourself.

Choose the color of the horse, and with the help of a carbon paper, transfer the animal template to a colored sheet. From the main color, cut out the head, and then transfer the rest of the parts, namely the mane, ears and bridle, to other colors and cut them out. Glue all the details on the base and trace the outline of the horse, for clarity. With a felt-tip pen you need to draw eyes.

Then glue the finished horse onto a blank A3 sheet and leave room for the rim at the bottom. Cut out the horse from the sheet, leaving a rim at the bottom for attaching to the head. As you can see, making a mask is easy.

Schemes and ideas from other techniques

The horse can be made of thick paper and with moving legs. To do this, we need a horse template, flat small buttons, paints, scissors, thin wire and thick paper.

Cut out the horse template and transfer it to thick cardboard. Then paint the horse and cut out all the details. Make holes in the horse's legs and torso where they will be held together, and connect these parts of the body with wire and a button on both sides. Attach the mane and tail. By the way, the mane and tail can be made of thread to make the horse look more attractive.

For reference! If you want to move all parts of the body, then you will need to attach additional buttons with wire to the neck, tail, and legs.

Another way is to make a horse on paper from threads. We will need to take threads, scissors, glue, A4 sheet. Draw on paper what your horse will look like. Take the glue and spread it on a separate part of the body, then quickly glue the threads in a circular motion. This should be done with every part of the body. As a result, you will get a horse like in the picture.

Applications in the form of horses

Small children cannot always make a horse out of paper, so an application in the form of a horse is suitable for them. To do this, you need to take a cardboard or a regular landscape sheet, colored paper and scissors. Find on the Internet a diagram of how to make an applique and cut out all parts of the horse's body from colored paper and glue them together.

Such applications allow you to make horses of different sizes. If the child wants, you can cut out all parts of the body from a regular white sheet and decorate them yourself.

Paper bookmark horse

There are many ways to make paper bookmarks. To do this, we need cardboard, paper, glue, felt-tip pens, pencils and scissors. On a blank sheet, you can draw a horse or copy it from a picture. Some people use carbon paper for this. Then paint the horse and cut it out.

Then select the cardboard from which we will make a bookmark and stick the carved horse on it. Give the cardboard the look you want by cutting off the extra parts. You can also glue cut out photos of a horse or ready-made drawings from the Internet onto cardboard. To make the bookmark last for a long time, laminate it or wrap it with tape.

Can kids make these crafts on their own?

Depending on the age of the child, you need to choose one or another technique for paper horse crafts. For the smallest, it is better to use the easiest way - this is a paper application. Older children will already be able to make an ordinary horse out of paper, and teenagers will be able to complete a voluminous modular figure.

To make a beautiful horse, before starting work, watch the video with step-by-step instructions.

V Lately master classes on making soft toys, various crafts, little animals and gifts are very popular. You can make products practically from all improvised items, most importantly, a little imagination and a desire to create something unusual.

If you have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesire, but with a worse fantasy, then let's start crafting together. For example, let's talk about how to make a horse with your own hands using various materials. Perhaps the tips that will be given below will lead you to your own interesting idea.

We make a horse out of paper and buttons

You need to start training with the simplest products and materials, so now we will make a horse out of paper, and to decorate it we need buttons, as well as glue, scissors and some wire (you can replace it with fishing line or strong threads).

Let's start making the figurine:

You have a wonderful horse that will move its legs. You can decorate it at your discretion, making it very original and unique.

The first stage has been completed, now you know how to make a horse out of paper with your own hands, you will continue to create.

We make a plasticine horse with our own hands

Probably, all parents of little fidgets aged 2-3 years old will be interested in learning how to make a horse out of plasticine with their own hands. This process, by the way, is very exciting and can interest both adults and kids for a long time.

For creativity you will need:

  • 2 different colors plasticine;
  • Toothpicks - 5 pieces;
  • Stack - a special stick that lies in almost all boxes with plasticine;
  • 2 eyes (you can buy special ones or get by with buttons, beads, etc.).

If all the materials for creativity are available, you can start sculpting a horse:

Everything, a beautiful plasticine horse is ready, it can be made multi-colored, large or small, decorated with decorative elements. In general, everything is in your hands, create!

We make a horse from plastic bottles

Want to keep your little fidget busy? Make him a horse with your own hands plastic bottles. Rather, only one container is needed. And the craft itself will not take much time, but the child will be delighted and will be able to work with new toy long enough, imagining himself as a cowboy or some other fairy-tale hero on a horse.

To get the job done you will need the following:

  • Plastic bottle - 1 pc. (it is recommended to take brown or white color);
  • Material for ears, eyes and nostrils. Suitable cardboard, buttons, etc.;
  • Thick thread for the bridle. It is best to take twine - 1-2 m;
  • Threads that will imitate a mane (choose a color arbitrarily);
  • Scissors, glue and a stick to secure the horse's head.

After all the necessary equipment is prepared, you can start creating:

Now your baby has a funny horse that you made with your own hands.

Learning to sew a horse

Sewing a beautiful soft toy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to stock up necessary materials and patience, then everything will work out. What needlewomen do not sew at home, but now let's talk about the horse.

To create it you need:

  • Multi-colored or plain cotton fabric;
  • Knitting;
  • Small buttons, beads or beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Stuffing material (suitable for cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, old fabric, etc.).

In the year of the horse the best gift will become its symbol. Both an adult and a child will be pleased to receive a funny textile horse or some other souvenir related to this topic.

DIY textile horse: master class

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a horse on the site

In order to make a textile horse, you will need:

  1. white calico,
  2. sintepon,
  3. acrylic paints for fabric (white, black and brown, blue and purple),
  4. outline for fabric (black and white),
  5. coffee,
  6. cocoa,
  7. cinnamon,
  8. scissors,
  9. needles,
  10. threads (white, black and brown),
  11. pins,
  12. fabric glue,
  13. pastel,
  14. tassels,
  15. 4 buttons (2 cm in diameter),
  16. patches of colored cotton,
  17. yarn for mane and tail.

Print the pattern on white A4 sheets, cut, glue. Take a piece of calico and a marker to transfer the pattern to the fabric.

Transfer the pattern: one piece each - torso, muzzle and head, two pieces - ears, four pieces - legs. Note! Between the pieces, leave room for a seam allowance of 5 mm for each (the distance between the pieces is 1 cm). Cut out the details. Take tailor's pins. With their help, pin each of them to the canvas close to each other.

Cut out all double pieces. Stitch them on the machine. For the following parts, leave an unstitched opening for stuffing: for the body - at the top of the neck, for the ears - at the bottom, for the legs - on the side. Sew the muzzle and head completely, leaving no holes. Turn out the legs and ears. Before turning the body, muzzle and head, make cuts along the edges of the part in concave places.

To stuff the muzzle and head, cut a hole on one side of the part. At the head, a hole is at the top, at the muzzle - in the center. Take a synthetic winterizer. Stuff each piece very tightly. Secure the holes in the neck of the muzzle and head with a thread and a needle. Fix the holes on the legs with a hidden seam.

To keep the hoof looking neat, fold the corners at the bottom of the foot inward and secure with a needle and thread.

All details are ready. They should be dyed with a mixture of cinnamon, coffee and cocoa to give an aged look and a pleasant aroma. Proportions: 1 tsp. coffee, 1 tsp cocoa, ½ tsp cinnamon and 100 ml of water.

Paint over each detail on 2 sides in a lighter color, and the muzzle in thick to give a darker look. Take a brush with soft bristles. After painting, lay the parts on cotton and leave to dry.

While the parts are drying, start making the mane and tail. You need a notebook or a box measuring 13.5x20x2.5 cm, yarn. Wind the thread around the notebook along the short side (40 turns). Drag the threads in the center on both sides of the notebook and cut them. You will get 2 bundles for the mane. The number of bundles depends on the thickness of the thread. They will need 15 pcs.

The tail is made in the same way, but you need to wind the thread along the long side of the notebook. Drag the threads from one side of the notebook, and from the other - they should be cut. Fold the bundle in half, drag it with a thread below the fold.

When the parts are dry, they need to be brushed. An old toothbrush is best.

I need art pastels. With brown chalk, outline the perimeter of the muzzle. Draw circles - these are the nostrils. Outline the perimeter of the head, legs and torso along the seams.

Rub the pastel into the details straight with your finger. If at the same time the outlined places become pale, repeat their outline. They will take on a voluminous appearance.

You need acrylic paints. Draw a hoof in brown. Draw a white line along the border of each hoof. With a white outline on the fabric, draw lines - an imitation of stitches.

The legs for the horse are ready.

Draw white spots on the body and head with white pastel chalk.

They need to be rubbed into the fabric. To make the spots brighter, make it white acrylic paint.

The most expressive part of the toy is the eyes. They are drawn acrylic paints. Both glossy and matte paints are suitable. Draw the pupils, iris in blue or in green. Paint the whites of the eyes with white paint. Use purple paint to paint the eyelids, white paint the eyebrows. Black outline on the fabric - cilia. The eyes are ready.

Get to the muzzle. With a brown thread, make a “forward needle” seam along the perimeter of the muzzle, stepping back from the edges about 5 mm. With a black thread, make the nostrils in the form of crosses. Prepare your ears. Shade the inner parts of the ears with brown chalk.

Don't forget to rub in the pastel. Hem the ears along the bottom edge, folding them in half. Ears are ready.

You can start assembling. The parts are stitched and glued together. Glue the muzzle to the head, ears to it, and the head to the neck. Attach the mane. Make a bang by gluing a strand to the head in front of the ears. Glue the rest of the strands on the back of the neck tightly.

You need a needle with a large eye, it should be threaded with the same thread from which the mane was made. With a "tambour" stitch, fasten each strand of the mane, but not very tight to close the gaps between the strands.

Got a lush mane.

Attach the tail. Lubricate the base of the tail with glue, wind the same thread around it that was used to make the tail in a few turns. Secure the end of the thread with glue. Delete the thread.

Got a great tail.

Make patches. Cut the colored calico into small patches and disassemble the edges.

Randomly glue the patches on the legs and torso. Draw stitches on them with a black outline.

You can decorate the horse with accessories in the form of a hat, skirt, etc.

How to sew a horse: video

Making a horse out of thread with your own hands is not difficult for children 8-9 years old. But even preschoolers can make this model with your active support. A horse made of threads, not being a folklore toy proper, has its origins precisely in folk traditions. Very similar dolls were made from straw, bast, reeds. In some Russian villages, such skates were made for the first spring calls (although the image of birds was more common in such rituals) and hung under the roof. This sees echoes of ancient Slavic pagan beliefs. Dazhdbog - the giver of sunlight - traveled around the sky every day in a chariot drawn by white horses. The god of rains and thunderstorms Perun is inextricably linked with the horse. And what else is needed for a good harvest - lots of sun and rain on time.

The horse can also be given a rider by making crafts from threads.

How to make a handmade horse from threads with your own hands.

To make a horse you will need: woolen threads two colors, scissors, a base for winding (you can take books that are suitable in size).

1. We wind two identical skeins on a large base (book): one for the head and front legs, the second for the body and hind legs. The skeins can be made a little longer than you intend to use, then you can cut off the excess - this will make the horse's legs neater.

On a smaller base, we make two more identical skeins with threads of a different color: for the tail and mane of the horse.

2. We remove the first large skein from the book and tie it with a thread. The skein is not cut yet.

3. With a thread of a contrasting color, we make a bridle for a horse. Insert a pencil into the loop near the previous tie, wrap the thread around the muzzle and tie it. Tie the thread tightly and as close to the pencil as possible, the knot should be at the bottom.

4. Making the horse's head. We wrap the head with a thread of the main color and tie a knot at the top.

We tie the mane with the same threads - a skein of a different color.

5. We make the neck of the horse. We bend the main skein a little so that shorter threads are obtained from below than at the top and we tie. Can be tied new thread or use the one left from the previous step.

6. Cut the free end of the skein, divide it into two parts. We tie each leg with separate threads below and above the knees. For stability, you can insert a wire into the legs by bending it in half.

7. We take the second skein of the main color, we tie it on one side, as in paragraph 2. We put the loop on the horse’s neck and tie it tightly with a thread as close as possible to the neck (the first skein).

8. With another thread we tie the body on the other side. We make a knot from above and tie the tail - the second skein of threads of an additional color.

A do-it-yourself horse is not only cute soft toy! The horse is the symbol of 2014! Let's sew together cute Christmas gifts and imbued with the location of the hostess of the coming year)

cloth horse

Everything you need to create this toy will surely be found in the bins of any needlewoman:

  • Cotton fabric (two colors) - base
  • Hollofiber - filler
  • Color matching threads
  • Wool - for the tail and mane
  • Buttons - fastenings for legs
  • Beads - eyes
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Needles and pins
  • Fabric marker (crayon)

We print this pattern on paper and transfer all the elements except for the ears (we will return to them later) on a fabric folded in half.

Please note that there is only one detail for the legs, but for convenience, when cutting, you can make 4 identical patterns.

Before cutting out, we stitch all the details, first of all, the tuck on the head.

Having made a small allowance, we cut out all the details. After we make small cuts along the allowance in places of rounding.

We turn the details inside out and start stuffing them with holofiber. You do not need to make the horse too dense with your own hands, but do not spare the filler either.

After that, we sew all the holes with a hidden seam.

With the help of buttons we attach the legs to the horse.

The next step is to give our toy a mane. We wind the prepared yarn on a piece of some small cardboard.

Sew a mane along the seam on the horse's head.

For the tail, we repeat the algorithm with the mane, only this time nothing needs to be cut. We make a kind of brush and sew on the back. The horse is almost ready.

Now it's the turn of the ears, which we forgot about at the beginning. With them, you need to do the same as with other parts of the body of our horse, only without folding the fabric in half, but by combining pieces of different colors.

After stitching the details, iron them and tuck the lower edges of the ears inward.

Using the technique of a hidden seam, we attach the ears.

At the final stage, we make eyes for the toy - we sew on beads.

We rejoice at the resulting masterpiece. Agree, it was not very difficult to sew a horse with your own hands!

coffee rocking horse

A do-it-yourself soft toy horse can be made like wooden horse, if you attach an arc-rocking chair to its legs. It will turn out a wonderful rocking horse, familiar to all of us from childhood. This toy is also interesting because it is tinted with coffee solution and painted with acrylic paints.

To get such a horse, you need to print a pattern, cut it out and transfer it to a fabric (preferably cotton), cut and sew the details, fill with filler. Next, we reunite the parts with each other and make the mane and tail.

To tint our toy, we use the easiest way.

Dilute one teaspoon of instant coffee in 50 ml of water. The resulting solution is applied to the toy with a brush. After the first layer dries, apply the second. While the surface is still wet, paint the horse with acrylic paints to get an interesting blur. We also paint the hooves and seams. Then we draw spots: first with light brown paint, on top - dark brown. In the same way we make eyes. Using black paint, draw the eyelid, eyelashes and nostrils.