
Eggshell applique. How to make an eggshell mosaic? Egg applique


Draw a drawing on thick paper that will be laid out with a shell. Cover a small part of the pattern with glue. Attach a piece of shell to the smeared area of ​​the drawing and lightly press down on the glue. The shell will crack, you get a mesh pattern. Glue the next section with glue and stick on a suitable piece of shell.

So fill in the whole drawing. The shells should be placed as close to each other as possible, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the picture.

The gaps that remain between the shells are filled at the end of the work. Pick up small shells according to the size and shape of the gaps, apply glue to empty places with a thin brush, gently attach pieces of the shell with tweezers. It is not necessary to fill in very small areas in the application, but with further work you can simply mix small particles of the shell with glue and fill in tiny gaps with such a mixture.

Let the appliqué dry and paint over with paint, trying to paint over all the small cracks. Leave to dry. After the paint is completely dry, start sanding. There are several options - you can highlight individual places or strongly sandpaper the entire drawing so that the paint remains only in the cracks. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve. Cut out the finished figure, you can glue it or attach it with back side mount and hang.

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Type of educational work: handicraft made from natural material.


  • Repeat the application technique using a new natural material as an example.
  • Introduce new material for application - eggshells and the technique of working with them.
  • Discuss natural phenomena that can be displayed in the new applique technique.
  • To consolidate the concept of the compositional solution of the craft.
  • To learn compositionally correctly positioning images.
  • In the process of work, develop imagination, the imagination of children.
  • To instill a love of beauty.


  • for the teacher: ITK, figures of swans from different materials; Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint.ppt
  • for students: crushed eggshells, glue, pencils, colored cardboard, aprons, templates, a cloth for hands and for sweeping away excess shells from a sheet of paper.

Preliminary work: watching the cartoon based on the tale of G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

During the classes

I. Introductory conversation

Today, guys, we have an unusual labor lesson. In the lesson, we will do the applique work. And the unusualness of this lesson is that in addition to the main material, which is familiar to us, there will be new material, we have not worked with it yet.

What can the applique be made of? (Paper, scraps of cloth, leaves and plant seeds)

Right. We have already worked with these materials. Samples of your work, using the materials that you have already named, we see at the Crazy Pens booth.

I want to add some mystery to the lesson, and therefore I will not say with what new material we will work today, you will find out about this later.

And now we will go on a hike to a very beautiful place. To do this, you need to get up: and go!

First we will go through the meadow.

1 slide: "Meadow with a girl walking"

Then we go through the forest.

Slide 2: "Forest" + click "Forest and children"

On the way, you come across branches, carefully remove them to the side.

(children make movements to the teacher's words)

And so we went to a beautiful place, guess which one:

Young birches
His before him
Correct hairstyles
Both the month and the stars
It reflects
What is this mirror called? (Lake)

Slide 3: "Lake"

Sit down at your seats. We are making a halt and will only watch.

Guys, on the lake we see a wonderful bird: This: (Swan)

II. Preparation of practical work

4 slide: "Swan on the lake"

Right. Guys, swans have been the most popular among people at all times. This is not surprising - a strong bird, a symbol of beauty and fidelity. In the tales of various peoples, you can often find the plot of the transformation of a bird into a girl. Who can remember such a tale and the author? (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan:")

5 slide: picture "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

The great Russian composer - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky:

6 slide: portrait of the composer

He even composed a great piece of music about the beauty of these birds - a ballet called "Swan Lake".

7 slide: ballet "Swan Lake" with music

This ballet is considered the best in the world. In the picture you can see only a fragment from the ballet.

Swans are duck birds.

8 slide: "Swan" picture

Swans have a very long neck, an elongated body, and a medium-sized head. The beak, equal in length to the head, is straight and wide. Chicks and young swans are brownish-gray, they become white only after a few years. They live on lakes and ponds. Swans live long up to 30-40 years. They are cautious and intelligent birds. They swim well, but do not dive. They take off with difficulty, but fly quickly. They do not walk well and rarely land on land. Swans are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest flying birds. Swans live in pairs.

9 slide: "A pair of swans"

Such couples live together all their lives. The nest is built large - about 1 meter wide and about 70 centimeters high.

10 slide: "Nest and swans"

The female builds the nest, and the male drags along the material for construction. The nest can support the weight of an adult.

Guys, let's turn into swans for a while and rest.

III. Phys. a minute

IV. Practical work

So, guys, let's start working, and since we are going to work, we can even say to create with our hands, then let's prepare our hands.

Phys. minute for hands

Our pens are not easy, our pens are like that!
If you squeeze them into a fist, you will get a hammer
Current-current hammer, this is our hammer.

Many people like the beauty that they see in swans, and therefore, so that this beauty is near, many make a swan with their own hands from various materials.

11 slide: "Swan from the wheel"

And also made of paper (show), and here are the swans made of glass at the factory (show).

And we will do application.

Since we will be working with glue, we will put on aprons.

You have blue cardboard on your tables. Why do you think this color? (water)

From paper of a different shade of blue color we will make the border of the water (show)

Since we will be working with scissors, let's remember safety precautions. (children's answers)

Cutting out the waves


The main character of our picture will certainly be a swan. Place the bird in the center (working with templates)

We have got a silhouette of a swan, let's try to depict a swan.

Stretch your neck up and slightly forward, straighten your back, bring your shoulder blades together. Lift your chin. You see, we got a proud posture like a swan.

Guys, the piece of paper that was inside the outline needs to be filled in. And now you can guess what kind of material we are going to fill.

May crash
Can and boil
But if he wants to - into a bird
May turn into. (Egg)

12 slide: "Egg with chicken"

Right. But we need eggshells. But she needs to be prepared. It needs to be crushed into small equal pieces.

Safety rules when working with eggshells:

Guys, you need to be careful when handling shells. It is thin but sharp. Therefore, try not to touch the sharp edges of the shell.

1) The teacher distributes the shell on a piece of paper.

Cover this sheet with another sheet.

2) - Press down with a pencil or pen and roll it on a sheet like a rolling pin.

These pieces of shell will be the material for the final design of the swan. But for now, let's put our shells aside.

Guys, what's missing on our lake? (Plants)

It is true that reeds grow on the shores of the lakes.

13 slide: "Reed"

Which serves to build a nest. Let's and we will place the reeds in our picture.

Now comes the most important part of our work. The piece of paper that turned out to be inside the contour of the swan figure must be covered with egg crumbs.

1) - We smear the silhouette with glue (display)

2) - Sprinkle the silhouette with a shell (display)

3) - Gently shake off the excess from the sheet.

Set the applique aside so that it dries up.

V. Checkpoint (Summary)

What new technique did you learn in the lesson? ( Application from eggshell)

Who is the central figure of our applique? (Swan)

IV. Cleaning of the workplace. Saving the product

The finished applique must be inserted into the album so that it does not wrinkle.

Tidy up your workplace.

The remnants of the eggshell must be brushed off with a cloth on a piece of paper and thrown into a bucket.

Many centuries ago, Chinese and Vietnamese lacquer artists came up with a wonderful idea - to use eggshells for their miniatures. Craftsmen noticed: thin cracks formed when pressed on its surface create beautiful pattern, which resembles a cracked rock, a long-unpainted wall or an ancient fresco.

Oriental craftsmen turned the main disadvantage of eggshell - fragility - into its greatest value and began to use the shell of eggs in the image of various buildings and trees.

This is how the technique appeared crackle- creating a pattern of cracks with an antique effect. And the cracks themselves formed on the surface, regardless of the material for making the mosaic, began to be called craquelure.

Come on and you and I, for a moment, imagine ourselves as talented oriental masters and try to make an Easter fresco. The eggshell mosaic is a wonderful craft for a school exhibition and a great souvenir for a friend for Easter.

You will need:

  • eggshell,
  • paper napkin with a pattern,
  • PVA glue,
  • brush, sponge,
  • a sheet of paper for drawing,
  • cardboard sheet,
  • watercolor paints,
  • oil crayons,
  • soda and salt.

1. To prepare the shell for the fresco, soak it for 30 minutes in 500 ml of water and add a spoonful of salt and the same amount of baking soda.

Remove the shell from the water and remove the thin white film underneath - this will make it easier to grind the mosaic material.

2. Choose an Easter-themed napkin, unfold and cut ¼, that is, one complete drawing. I chose a napkin with a bunny and his mother. Now cut a sheet of cardboard in accordance with the size of the napkin and generously grease it with PVA glue.

3. Glue the eggshell to the cardboard, carefully pressing it to the surface of the workpiece.

The shells should cover the entire area of ​​the future fresco.

4. Did you? Wonderful! Now take a sponge and lightly press it against the shell-covered surface - this way you will take away excess glue and make the workpiece more uniform.

5. Take the cut out part of the napkin and separate its top layer, with a picture.

6. Carefully glue the napkin to the workpiece. From above, lightly press the pattern with a sponge so that the irregularities characteristic of the eggshell appear.

The fresco is ready, but if you want to make a frame for it, glue the painting to a sheet of paper for sketching and decorate it to your liking.

That's all! This Easter eggshell mosaic will make Your holiday brighter and will certainly attract the enthusiastic glances of Your guests.

If you and your child decide to be creative, that's great. There is a very wide range of destinations here. You can draw, write poetry, do origami, and do modeling. Exists big number types of creativity. Both simple and unusual. Today we will talk about one of the unusual species creativity- making crafts from eggshells. There are a huge number of master classes on the Internet. Using them, you can master crafts of any complexity.

Who would have guessed that you can make crafts from the shell? After all, the overwhelming majority of people, having breakfast with an egg, throw it away. The idea for crafts from eggshells is very interesting. From it you can make:

  1. Paintings.
  2. Mosaic.
  3. Applications.
  4. Crackle.
  5. Simple crafts.

Let's talk in more detail about each of these types of crafts.

Eggshell paintings

If you want to diversify your interior with a painting, you don't have to buy it. Moreover, you don't even have to buy a puzzle. If you show a little imagination, then you can get by with a few eggs. Or rather, what remains of them after breakfast. In order to make a good picture, you will need:

  1. Flat surface. It can be plywood or cardboard.
  2. Paints and varnishes.
  3. Sponge.
  4. Ordinary PVA glue.
  5. Shell.

The shell must be carefully broken into small pieces. After that, these pieces must be carefully glued to the flat surface that you prepared in advance. If your pieces Brown, then it is necessary to cover them with white paint. If not, then you do not need to do this.

Next, you decide what to do with the resulting surface. If you paint it with varnishes and paints, then it will be a shell mosaic, which we will talk about in the next paragraph. And if you stick on the resulting surface, for example, decorative napkin, then you will get a beautiful picture with the effect of antiquity.

Gallery: crafts from eggshells (25 photos)

DIY eggshell mosaic

Here the situation is somewhat more complicated than with the painting. The first manufacturing steps are the same as in the previous paragraph. Further, when the pieces of the shell are finally glued, you can start painting them. It all depends on your fantasies and desires. The main thing is accuracy. You don't want your mosaic to be ugly, do you?

from eggshells can be of varying complexity. This refers to the drawing that you will draw on it. Any child can handle some. And with another, for example, you have to tinker for several hours.

An eggshell mosaic for children can be called some simple drawing. For example, a house or a car. A child may not master complex pictures like a forest or a sunset. There is one very good thing if you decide to seriously engage in making eggshell mosaics - master classes. They can be found on the internet. Perhaps by watching these master classes on the video, you can make your craft much better.

Eggshell applique

This is almost the same concept as with mosaics. Only all work is done on paper. You must first draw on a sheet of paper a template of what you want to get as a result. Let's take a look at the example of a house.

All work will consist of the following action:

  1. Draw a house with all the details: windows, doors.
  2. Gently break the eggshells into small pieces.
  3. Pick up and glue the pieces of the shell so that they do not stick out. At the same time, you need to try so that there are almost no white gaps between them.
  4. Carefully paint the windows in blue so that it does not go beyond their boundaries.
  5. After you decide on the color of the house, you also need to carefully paint it.

Egg Crackle

Egg crackle is a decoupage technique. That is, when you decorate an existing object with patterns that you make from an egg shell. For example, you can decorate:

The list is endless. If you turn on your imagination, then you can decorate anything with the help of an eggshell crackle.

This type of crafts is considered one of the most difficult. Therefore, before doing something, it is recommended to look at various master classes on the Internet.

First of all, such a craft requires perseverance and painstaking work. So, you may have to do some kind of craft more than once. In one sitting, such work can only be done by a true master.

The film will greatly simplify your task. You can simply glue the pieces of eggshell onto the plastic. After that, cut out segments of the required shape and size. Next, you paint them and stick them wherever you like.

Simple crafts

It turns out that you can make a lot of eggs with your own hands. different crafts... We talked only about those made from broken pieces of shell. But you can make crafts from whole eggs. For example, make a rabbit. After all, it will not be difficult for anyone to paint an egg gray or blue. And then finish drawing the eyes with a mouth. Next, cut out the ears from the cardboard and paint them in the same color. Then you need to carefully make holes in order to insert the ears. For this purpose, it is better to use a boiled egg.

You can make a funny face. This done easy:

  1. Take a boiled egg.
  2. Gently do it in the form of a smile. It is better to do this in the yolk area. Then you get a funny yellow smile.
  3. Include imagination and draw the eyes, hair, nose and other facial features you want.

Such crafts can be done both for Easter and on days when you have nothing to do. And you can also start making such crafts with your child. After all, it will more useful than watching cartoons all the time.

In any case, if you are not sure that you will do everything the first time, then watch the master class. It is proven that when people cannot do something, but see how others do it, they learn faster.

Now you know what crafts can be made from eggshells. In addition to fine motor skills in children, it develops creative thinking. After all, in order to find such an unusual application for an egg, it is simply necessary!

Oksana Burakova

Oksana Leontievna Burakova MKDOU d / s p. Cobra

This master class is for children preparatory group, teachers and


The works can be used as interior decoration.

Target: to introduce new material for applications - eggshell and technique

Appointment: interior decoration, as a gift.


Instill knowledge, skills, practical ability to work with waste material

Develop aesthetic senses, cognitive interests

Foster responsibility

Application made from eggshell relatively cheap kind of needlework. After all, there is plenty of this material in every home. In work you can use shell, both from boiled and raw eggs; color shells also does not matter - white or colored.

There is a lot that can be done from eggshells do it yourself, but before that it is necessary to prepare the raw materials. Of course, it is not necessary to specially beat the eggs for creativity. Just collect shell after cooking the next meal. We decided to paint it.

Here's what we got:

A master class "Miracles from shells"

Here are the works we have turned out:

Thank you for your attention.

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