
Drawing lesson in non-traditional technique in the preparatory group on the theme "Bouquet in a vase" (scratchboard). Summary of the lesson on non-traditional drawing in the preparatory group: "Magic shred. Summary of the lesson on non-traditional drawing in the preparatory group


Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory school group "Reflection in the water". Unconventional technique drawing

Prepared and conducted by the teacher Davydova V.S.

Drawing lesson summary

in the preparatory group for school.

Lesson topic:"Reflection in water"

The purpose and objectives of the lesson:

1. Developing.

Improve the technique of painting with watercolors. To expand the possibilities of the method of drawing "on the raw" with the receipt of prints as an expressive and pictorial means in children's painting.

2. Educational.

To acquaint children with the technique of drawing double (mirror-symmetrical) images (monotypes). Teach children to make a harmonious color composition, cutting edge impressions of autumn.

3. Educational.

Raise an interest in learning about nature and displaying ideas in visual activity.

Prior work:

Examination of illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists depicting autumn landscapes. Viewing photographs illustrating trees reflecting in the water. Observation of the trees while walking.


White paper, watercolor paints, 2 brushes of different sizes, a jar of water, a napkin, reproductions, illustrations depicting trees reflected in water.


Artistic word:


I. Bunin "Outside the Window"

Through the window I see piles of clouds

Cold, snow-white, as in winter,

And the brightness of the sky is moist blue.

Autumn afternoon is bright, and to the north

The clouds are leaving. Maples golden

And white birches by the balcony

They pass through the sky with rare foliage,

And icicles sparkle with crystal on the bottom.

They, swaying, melt, and behind the house

The wind is raging ... The doors on the balcony

For a long time already sealed for winter,

Double frames, baked ovens -

Everything protects the dilapidated house from the cold,

And the wind whirls through the empty garden

And, sweeping the leaves along the alleys,

It is buzzing in the old birches ... the day is bright,

But it's cold - it's not far from the snow ...

I. Bunin "From the Window"

Cedar branches - green embroidery

Dark plush, fresh and thick

And behind the cedar plush, behind the balcony -

The garden is transparent, light like smoke:

Apple trees and gray paths

Emerald bright grass

On the birches there are gray earrings

And branches of weeping lace.

And on maples - smoky-through

Veil with golden flies

And behind it - valley, forest,

Blue, melting distance.

Course of the lesson:

1. Introductory part (4 min.)

The teacher includes classical music. Shows children images autumn nature.

P.: Guys, what did the artist draw on this picture?

D.: The artist painted nature.

P.: When an artist paints nature, what is the name of such a picture?

D.: Landscape.

Children remember that landscapes are such special paintings in which the artist depicts nature. Looking at the landscapes, we seem to be looking out the window and see a real forest or river, field or meadow ...

The teacher reads I. Bunin's poem "Outside the Window".

The teacher invites children to draw landscapes with the reflection of trees in the water.

2. Work progress (20 min.)

The teacher explains the sequence of work.

We take a sheet of white paper, bend it in half, marking the fold line, open the sheet, put it on the table so that the fold line passes like the horizon line: as if the sky is higher and the water below. Draw a blue sky very quickly and neatly on the top half of the sheet, up to the fold. Fold the sheet across the floors to get an imprint of the sky in the water. We take a thin brush and draw trees, again a leaf, fold it in half. Then we take paints of yellow, orange, red colors and draw leaves on trees, on the ground. We open the sheet and see what we got. autumn landscape with the reflection of trees in the water.

After the show, the teacher invites the children to go to work, advising them to place a sheet of paper vertically. You need to draw quickly, and most importantly, carefully, because the reflection will not work if the paper is dry.

3. The final part.

At the end of the lesson, children look at their work, exchange their impressions.

The teacher asks the children questions about what they were drawing today? What is the name of the technique in which they painted? etc. These questions at the end of the lesson help the children to consolidate what they have learned.

Abstract directly educational activities for drawing in preparatory group"We are butterflies."

Material description: the peculiarity of this lesson is that the acquaintance of children with an unconventional drawing technique - monotype occurs in an active form through the organization of collective mental activity in search of an unconventional way of depicting a butterfly; in its structure, the lesson has initiation, motivational aspect, psychokinetic warm-up, staging problem situation, reflection. This material will be useful for educators of the preparatory group, teachers of additional art education, teachers primary school.

Target: Formation of artistic and creative abilities in children by means of nature.
- To create conditions for independent search for a new way of depicting a butterfly.
- Introduce the concepts of "monotype", "imprint", consolidate the idea of ​​symmetry as a means of expressiveness of the image.
- Raise an interest in learning about nature and reflecting impressions in different types of activity.
- To form communication skills, confidence, initiative.

Materials and tools for children:
- White paper size 15cmx20cm;
- watercolor, brushes, a jar of water, scissors, glue stick;
- individual sets of 5x7 color cards made of paper for applique work (Some of the cards are bright, cheerful tones, the other part is deaf, tense, dark tones. Each child has 10 -12 cards)
- small paper caterpillars in red, yellow and green;

- a full-length self-portrait of a child drawn with felt-tip pens or colored pencils in A5 format and cut out along the contour.

- painted panel - transformation "Sleeping Flowers" the size of a Whatman sheet (flowers are drawn on paper, and the petals are cut out and glued to the middle of the flower. Until a certain moment, the petals are collected in a bud;

- a telegram in the form of a petal;
- a small butterfly made of paper;
- an algorithm for creating a monotype (photo series);
- multimedia presentation "Butterflies".

Equipment: multimedia installation;
Musical row:"Butterflies" F. Cooperin

Preliminary work:
- In the previous lesson or in free activity, it is necessary that each child draws his self-portrait in A5 format with felt-tip pens or colored pencils and cut it out along the contour.
- Consideration of insects, including butterflies for a walk, in books of encyclopedic content.
- Consideration various subjects, toys in the surrounding reality for their symmetry. Educator: Guys, I suggest you play a little game "Moths" (tearing paper technique by Katie Davis). (The teacher distributes small sheets of white paper to the children) Imagine that this piece of paper is all your grievances, fears, anxieties. Let's get rid of them - rip them into small pieces and throw them up! (The game lasts a few minutes, then all the pieces of paper are removed together)
An unexpected knock on the door interrupts the children’s play. An urgent telegram was delivered. The teacher reads the telegram.
Educator:"Help! Save us! An evil witch turned us into eternal sleep! And we so want to please everyone with our beauty! And the signature: "Flowers"
Educator: Guys, would you like to help flowers and disenchant them?
Children: Yes!
Educator: But, before embarking on a difficult path, I want to know, are you ready for the tests? Look, I have these enchanted flowers on my board (draws attention to the panel with flowers). And each of you has three caterpillars different color... The color of each caterpillar has its own meaning: red - I am afraid, cannot and do not want to solve the problem of insects; yellow - I want to help in solving the problem, but I do not know how or I am afraid of something; green - I'm ready to solve the problem. Red caterpillars are afraid to climb high and sit on the grass, yellow ones - on the stem, and green ones - at the very top of the flower. So, if you are not ready to help insects, then select a red caterpillar and place it on the grass near the flowers. If you are not confident in your abilities, but you really want to help, then choose a caterpillar yellow color and place it on the stem. And if everything is in order - you are confident and ready to come to the rescue - then the caterpillar is green, which will be located on the bud.

The guys choose the caterpillars and attach them to the flowers. If all caterpillars are green, then the teacher praises everyone for their courage. If there are yellow caterpillars and red caterpillars, then in further work the children who have chosen these caterpillars must be in the center of the teacher's attention.

Educator: Guys, when you yourself are convinced that these flowers are enchanted, and sound asleep. And why do you need to wake flowers, except for people, does anyone need them?
Children: Butterflies, bees collect nectar.
Educator: You are right, so the flowers must be woken up. How do we do this? ((Children offer different options. It is necessary to lead the children to the idea that they can turn into an insect, namely a butterfly)
Educator: Guys, really, we could easily turn into butterflies. Moreover, each of you has your own self-portrait. We only need to add wings and antennae for ourselves. But before we become a butterfly, let's remember what they look like. Take a close look at the butterflies, their wings and try to reveal their little secret.

Viewing the multimedia presentation "Butterflies"

Educator: So, who noticed what is the peculiarity of butterflies, what is their secret?
(You can additionally consider the image of a butterfly cut out of paper. In the end, the guys should guess that one butterfly wing is very similar to the other) And what do we call objects that have the same halves? (Symmetrical).
Educator: Well done! You have revealed the secret of butterflies. Now let's try to reincarnate as butterflies: we will do as they do, we will think as they do.

Educator: Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a magic garden. ( The music of "Butterflies" by F. Couperin is slowly playing Children get used to the image and fulfill everything said by the teacher in this image).) There are many beautiful flowers, inhale their wonderful scent, and exhale slowly. They took another deep breath and exhaled. Look, you are sitting right on a flower and you are a small caterpillar, furry and green. Nobody wants to be friends with such a little bitch. The caterpillar is sad, scared and lonely. But she is not discouraged. She asked the caterpillar of a small spider to weave a blanket out of silver threads so that she could hide from prying eyes. The caterpillar wrapped itself up in the blanket once, wrapped it up twice, wrapped it up three and fell asleep. The Sorceress Spring found out about this, decided to help the caterpillar, she touched magic wand to the silver cocoon (the teacher tries to pat each child at this moment on the head) and the caterpillar woke up from sleep, began to get out of the cocoon, it is hard, the cocoon is narrow, but she was able to get out of it. And when the caterpillar got out of the cocoon, there was something behind it. She looked around and saw wings that looked like flowers. The caterpillar looked into a drop of water, and from there a beautiful butterfly looked at it. She spread her wings and flew, flew, flew. And then, tired but contented, she returned to her magic garden to your favorite colors.
Educator: Guys, there are always problems, fears, doubts. But you need to learn to overcome them, are not afraid of difficulties and remember that there will always be people ready to come to your aid.

Educator: So, we learned a lot about butterflies, felt like butterflies. Now all that remains is to draw them. But we faced a new problem: there is not much time left, but look what complex patterns on the wings of butterflies. And notice, no one draws these patterns, they appear on their own. So we have to somehow create these patterns on the wings, and absolutely the same on both wings and very quickly. What do we do? I suggest that you split into three groups and come up with new way images of a butterfly.

Children are divided into three groups at will. You are given 4 minutes to find a new way. After this time, one representative from the group proposes the invented method. During the discussion within the groups, the teacher can unobtrusively take part in it, direct the search in the right direction, leading the children to the “invention” of the monotype technique.
After brainstorming, the teacher generalizes the invented methods, or rather one method - "monotype".

Educator: Guys, indeed, the same butterfly wings can be made using a print. And your invented method can be called "monotype": "mono" means "one", "typos" - an imprint, an imprint. That is, only one print can be made in this way.

The teacher proposes to draw up the stages of work on a monotype. The guys talk over the content of each stage - a photo appears on the screen displaying the required action. Thus, an algorithm of work appears in front of the children.

Educator: With the help of monotype we will make the wings. And when the resulting print is dry, you need to cut off the edges of the paper in the form of wings and paint on the veins on the wings with a felt-tip pen. And then glue your self-portrait to the wings.
The teacher illustrates his story with photographs, adding them to the previously created work algorithm.

Educator: So everyone is ready to go. It remains only to remember what colors we will use in our work. (A "color warm-up is carried out: children lay out colored cards in front of them. The teacher asks the children to pick up the cards in the colors they would like to depict the wings of butterflies. Then he asks them to pick up the cards of those colors that should be avoided in their work."
Educator: Guys, raise bright cards again. Look, it has already become beautiful here, but imagine how great it will be when you become butterflies of these colors!

Before self practical work the teacher once again draws the attention of children to the algorithm of work, reminds of the color that should be used in work, and also recalls the rules for safe work with scissors. The guys make 2-3 impressions, so that later they can choose the best one.
If someone coped with the task earlier than others, the teacher invites him to play with his butterfly, “fly” in another part of the group, since all children should take part in the “disenchanting” of flowers.

Educator: So, all the butterflies are ready - it's time to wake the flowers! (When all the children gather at the flowers, the teacher suggests "flying" near the flowers, and he himself discreetly removes the tape holding the buds closed, and the flowers open).
Educator: Glue the butterfly onto the flower. At the same time, if you liked the lesson and everything was successful, then the butterfly can be glued to the bud or above the flowers. If something didn't work out or something didn't like it, then go to the stem. And if everything was bad and not interesting, then to the grass. But, you remember that all butterflies were originally caterpillars. And therefore, guys, after gluing the butterfly, take the caterpillar for yourself.

Target: Acquaintance of pupils with non-traditional technique "scratching".

Tasks: develop skills in the use of techniques for the graphic representation of objects. Form interest in artistic activities, continue to develop imagination, fine motor skills.

Equipment: audio recording of water noise, pictures of freshwater animals, multi-colored pebbles, prepared sheets of paper with paint, wax and ink applied on them, toothpicks, a laptop.

Course of the lesson:
Children stand together with the teacher in a circle. Before starting the lesson, I invite everyone to join hands and smile at each other, thereby, we will cheer each other up and tune in to productive work today. Let's play the game "How are you?" to the song-exercise.

How is it going? - Like this! (show cams with thumbs up).
-How are you going? Like this! (They walk).
-Are you running? Like this! (Jumps).
- How do you sleep at night? - Like this! (They put their heads on their palms).
-How do you get it? Like this! (They make a grasping movement with their hand).
-And you give? - Like this! (Stretch your hand forward).
-How are you naughty? - Like this! (Teasing with their palms at the nose).
-Do you threaten? - Like this! (shaking their index finger at each other).

Educator: And now I invite you all on a trip, but where we will go - guess!
/ I turn on the recording "The sound of water" ./
What kind of mirror lies - the sun, the sky, the clouds - all admire there?
-Answers of children.

Educator: Indeed, we are going with you to the lake. But how will we descend to its bottom? Or maybe we can get into a submarine? Sit down and quickly swam. We close all the eyes with handles.
So we plunged to the very bottom of the lake, let's see together what kind of inhabitants there are. Who is this here? (I show a picture of a cancer).

-She herself crawls, is she carrying her house on her? (Snail)

- The pig has a pig,
The kitty has a kitten,
There is fish - their name is Lenok,
And the fish has a son - ... (baby)

- It walks along the bottom of the river - creeps,
And he carries the tongs with him. (Crayfish)

Physical education:
The game "Streams and Lakes".
Children stand in a circle. When the signal "Streams" is given, the children stand in two columns one after the other, while placing their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. At the signal: "Lake" - children stand in a large circle, holding hands. At the signal "Mountain" - holding hands, slowly walk to the center. Signal: "Bumps" - squat down and press their head to their knees. "Grains of sand" - spinning.

Educator: Guys, quieter, quieter, a pike swam very close to us, it has very sharp teeth, since it is a predator in fresh waters, let's hide and watch it (I show a short video with a pike).

Educator: Fun game it turned out with us, and now I propose to draw everything that we saw, but we will draw with unusual objects, pay attention, there are objects in front of you. A dark sheet of paper is our lake, and we will scratch its inhabitants with ordinary toothpicks. Let's try to draw a snail together? Who can tell me where to start? I think we need to start with the shell-house, and then draw its torso and head with antennae (I show it on my sample sheet). To make our inhabitants of the lake more comfortable, you can draw algae, pebbles of different sizes, air bubbles in the water.

Children continue to paint on their own, the teacher helps individually - gives advice, corrects. After the end of the visual activity, the children with the teacher draw up an exhibition of works.

Finger gymnastics:
Children repeat the movements of their fingers behind the teacher with a pencil, tennis ball and pebbles.

Educator: How many different freshwater inhabitants have you drawn: fish, fry, and frogs !!! What is your fish doing? And yours? And here is a whole fish family! Everyone has a very cool lake, everyone has their own, special! It's a pity, but it's time for us to return, but while we are going up in our submarine, let's summarize: where have we been? What did you like the most? What do you remember the most?

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the preparatory group: "Magic shred"

Program tasks

Developmental tasks:

Develop in children Creative skills(using the received views), creative thinking, perception, fantasy, artistic and aesthetic taste, color perception, good attitude to the whole world around.

Develop a sense of self-confidence, contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Educational tasks:

To educate accuracy, interest in the lesson.

Learning tasks:

To consolidate the ability to work in various non-traditional drawing techniques:

With wax crayons, crumpled paper, straws, cotton swab, cork, foam rubber.

To consolidate the ability to place objects in space on a sheet of paper.

Continue teaching children to convey a joyful mood in the drawing.

Material: cloth scraps, foam rubber, wax crayons, crumpled paper

Course of the lesson:

Look at the guests, say hello.

Are you all seated? Are you comfortable?

I'll tell you in detail now,

What happened with us.

Over the mountains, over the seas

A miracle leaf came down to us.

We have friends we have a secret

I will tell you

And I will tell you what to do.

I know that you know how to work like real artists. But, today, you and I will be not just artists, but magical artists.

Each has an album sheet on the table.

What did you see on the sheet?

What kind of fabric?

Guys, since we are magical artists, will we reveal the secret of each piece?

(Roma, what can come out of your piece, but from your Olesya?). It can be a subject or part of a landscape.

Let's close our eyes and everyone will think about how to reveal the secret of their shred?

Music- calm.

I'll count to three and we'll open our eyes. One two Three…

Guys, in order for everyone's picture to turn out more interesting, more unusual, more beautiful, what can we use besides brushes? (Wax crayons, white gouache, foam rubber, crumpled paper, straws, palette.)

Let's remember how to use the straw?

And what is the tube for?

What is a palette?

What is it for?

So that your hands and fingers draw not only interesting, but also neat, beautiful picture and we are not tired, we will train them a little:

Finger gymnastics:

Two centipedes

We ran along the path

So they ran, so they ran

And they met each other:

Hugged, hugged

When we ate we dispersed them.

I turn on the music:

Everyone takes a white piece of paper

To make it boil

And they will help us-

Foam rubber, tubes

You take, apply

Decorate a miracle with a leaf.

Well, get down to business,

Let’s try.

It will work out, I know

And I help with advice.

If necessary, speak

And call for help

You me. I, of course, you guys,

If you need help.

Children start to work.

While the children are finishing painting, Vanya, tell me what you have drawn? What did Veronica add to make the fish?

At the end of the lesson, mark the person who used for drawing different materials... Insert the drawings of the children into the frames made with the children earlier.

Now take your work and stand in a circle like a carousel. And we went in a circle, we will show each other our drawings, and now we will turn around and show the guests.

Natalia Volkova
Lesson on non-traditional drawing technique in the preparatory group "Miraculous transformation".

Municipal preschool educational institution

General developmental kindergarten number 20 "Alyonushka"

Lesson on non-traditional drawing technique in the preparatory group

« Miraculous transformation» .

Dmitrov city

MDOU No. 20 "Alyonushka"


Educator: Volkova Natalia Alekseevna

Software content: Arouse interest in creating an expressive image of the winter landscape. Learn to combine different pictorial painting techniques to convey the characteristic features of the landscape ( wet drawing, seal, drawing).

To improve technical skills(skillfully use a brush, draw wide lines with the entire bristle of the brush and thin lines- the end).

Develop a sense of color creative imagination, aesthetic taste.

To foster a sense of beauty through love of nature.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today I took out an envelope from the mailbox, let's see what's in there? These are paints, but paints are not simple, but magical. This is my friend - the artist sent it, I told him that you love very much draw, so he made a surprise for you. He also asked you to open one secret: guys, all the objects that surround us have their own colors, and therefore their colors. Your toys, furniture, carpet, even your eyes, clothes - everything has its own colors. Do you think the seasons have colors?

Children: yes, I have.

Educator: What colors of spring do you know?

(slide projector)

Children: lists the colors of spring.

Educator: Summer colors?

Children list the colors of summer.

Educator: Colors of autumn.

Children list the colors of autumn.

Educator: What colors of winter do you know?

Children list the colors of winter.

Educator: Colors match the mood of the season. Winter colors are calm "Cold", and in summer - bright, multi-colored, warm tones prevail.

Children look at the magic window.

Educator: Why am I holding magic paints in my hands? I'll put them on the table. (put)... What happened? (The colors of winter disappear in the magic window)... Why did the colors suddenly disappear? This is probably because I removed the magic paint. Can you imagine what will happen to the world if all the colors disappear?

Children: The world will become faceless, colorless, transparent, like a coloring.

Educator: Let's check if all the paints are gone. The colors of spring are in place, summer paints are in place, autumn paints are in place, only winter paints have disappeared.

Since I am to blame for the disappearance of winter colors, then I have to return them. Guys, can you help me get the paint back? To return the colors of winter, we need to become wizards, and wizards create wonders using a magic spell. I will now utter the winter magic spell, and you will repeat it after me.

“All night the blizzard covered the trail,

And today there is a silver blanket,

The sparkles will spin, she takes them herself,

And mother weaves into lace - winter.

All patterns are woven in a wonderful round dance,

Wonders outside the windows lays a winter.

Now circles, now lines of wondrous beauty,

There are white and blue flowers in the windows.

I go to the window and put my hand on it.

I’ll breathe at the window, look at the patterns ”.

(finger gymnastics)

Educator: What can you and I see through the thawed hole in the frosty window?

Children: houses, snow, trees, people.

Educator: You can see the winter landscape, but the colors of winter have disappeared and in order to see and remember them, we must turn to other wizards for help. What kind of wizards do you know?

Children: winx fairies, harry potter, etc.

Educator: No, guys, these wizards won't help us, let's turn to artists and poets, because they are wizards too. Can you write a poem or create a painting? So wizards are masters of their craft.

The teacher invites children to look at "Magic window"... Painters' paintings appear.

1 scene - reading a poem

Winter sings - hunts,

Shaggy forest lulls

Stozvon pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Are sailing to a distant land

Grizzly clouds.

Scene 2 - reading a poem

Bewitched by invisibility

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white kerchief

A pine tree is tied.

3 scene - reading a poem

Snow flutters, whirls,

It's white on the street.

AND turned into puddles

Into cold glass.

Remember what colors winter has? Ready draw a winter landscape? You all know that a miracle always arises out of nothing, and now I will show you how to create a miracle.

The children sit down in their seats.

Educator: Lay the sheet in front of you horizontally. Take a sponge in your hand, dip it into a jar of water and squeeze out excess water. Then cover the sheet of paper with a thin layer of water, leaving no dry "Islets"... Then take a thick brush, dip it in a jar of water and draw blue paint on the brush. In the middle of the sheet, draw a large wave, wash the brush, take in a bulla of paint and paint under the blue wave, a white one. If the paints start to spread, you don't need to be intimidated. Under the white wave, paint another blue and one purple. After that, draw alternating blue and white small waves to the end of the sheet.

Print the upper part of the sheet with a crumpled dry napkin dipped in blue paint.

Now look at what you get. Yes, something is missing. We lack impressions. I suggest we go after them into the winter forest.

Logorhythmic exercises:

We walk through the snowdrifts

We are walking, we are walking.

Raise our legs higher

We are lifting, we are lifting.

Here the trees stood in a row

We stood in a row, stood in a row.

Branches stick out to heaven

So stick out and so stick out.

There are bushes under the trees,

There are bushes, there are bushes.

Everyone wants to grow up

Grow up, grow up.

As the trees stood in a row

We stood in a row, stood in a row.

Branches stick out to heaven

We are walking, we are walking.

Raise our legs higher

We are lifting, we are lifting.

Before us is a Christmas tree

Herringbone, herringbone.

A prickly needle

Needle, needle.

He boasts of a sundress,

Boasting, boasting.

Green beauty

We are walking, we are walking.

Raise our legs higher

We walk through the snowdrifts.

Rabbit tracks are visible

Here are footprints, there are footprints.

Hares are not visible in the snow,

They are not visible sitting.

And there is a crow on the tree,

Where is the crow? - there is a crow.

Croaks loudly asleep,

"Kar" asleep, "Kar" asleep.

We walk like skiing

We are walking, we are walking.

And we don't scare the animals,

We do not frighten, we do not frighten.

And a merry crowd,

The whole crowd, yes the crowd,

We will return home

Is everyone home? - hurray, home!

Movements are performed according to the text.

Educator: Did you like the walk? Now let's transfer the impressions of the walk to our paintings.

Children perform drawing... (Under the big wave, children draw trees, shrubs. Dots depict the tracks of a hare that has run, crows flying with jackdaws, draw Christmas trees between the waves.) Educator: Well, my young artists, did you get a winter landscape? What beautiful works.

The teacher approaches the children and shows the best works by reading a poem.

"By the sorceress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands

And under the snow fringe,

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -

Not dead and not alive

Enchanted by magic sleep,

All entangled, all shackled

With a light down chain. "

On the "Magic window" winter colors appear.

Educator: Guys, look, winter has colors! You and I managed to save the winter from discoloration, we became real heroes. And we drew such wonderful pictures that you can hang on the wall and admire the beauty of the winter landscape.