
How to make autumn leaves from napkins. Decorative napkin made of artificial autumn leaves. Decorations from leaves and flowers


Autumn is such a bright and generous time that its gifts seem simply endless! All these variegated colors inspire creativity, excite imagination. How much can you do with your child from autumn materials! It seems like these ideas will never end! Each leaf in the fall becomes unique thanks to its bright colors, it is impossible to find two identical! All these chestnuts, cones, acorns, seeds, twigs, herbs and other gifts of nature beckon to be turned into some kind of designer little thing or at least a children's handicraft.

We offer you a few more ideas for autumn creativity!

Make these cute paper hedgehogs. Fold the sheet like an accordion, fold it in half. Cut off the edge so that needles are formed when turning. Fan the accordion. Glue the muzzle, and that's it!

From autumn leaves you can make a beautiful crown. Both princess girls and boy kings will love it!

A beautiful picture of the leaves. Make an applique from the collected leaves, and then iron it through a blank sheet of paper to dry the leaves.

And this wonderful applique made of children's palms is perfect for creating with the whole family.

You can even paint with autumn leaves by making prints.

Volumetric application "Autumn forest".

See what awesome masks you can make especially for the fall ball.

Cute owls made of leaves.

And this is an autumn forest of napkins.

Glade with mushrooms.

Do-it-yourself topiary of flowers from napkins. Master class with step by step photos

Holiday gift. Master Class.

Topiary "Orange Happiness". Master class with step by step photos.

Marina Yudicheva, teacher primary grades, boarding school №1, Kirov.
Purpose: This topiary is a perfect gift for any occasion. They will be very happy with such a gift from mothers and grandmothers on International Women's Day. Topiary will serve for interior decoration. Will add a special flavor to the interior.
Description: The material is intended for children of average school age, as well as for children of senior preschool and primary school age in cooperation with parents, it is interesting for teachers and all creative people. I highly recommend doing this work on the eve of March 8 to dads with their children and to please their mom or grandma.
Target: to make a topiary - a gift for the holiday.
- to teach how to make topiary, flowers from napkins,
- to develop an aesthetic taste, Creative skills, cooperation skills,
- foster care and love for others.


Topiary art is curly shearing of trees and bushes. Many saw trees in the form of animals or flowers. Even the ancient Romans decorated their gardens with deciduous or coniferous balls, pyramids, all kinds of animal figures.

Today, when not everyone can afford a garden with decorative trees, topiary art migrated from gardens to apartments, and trees began to be made from any available material. The most popular form of topiary is the circle. It is a dynamic figure that will always grab attention. Such trees are also called trees of happiness.

(Topiary on the makeup table).
While mom is at work.
Dad got down to business.
The topiary was made.
Mom got a surprise!
We went to the forest for branches.
For a napkin to the store
The DSP was bought there,
And they found the pots in the closet.
This is a tree for good luck
We give mom on a holiday.
May mom be happier
From this wondrous beauty!
To complete the work, you will need the following materials.

- pots
- DSP (cement-sand mixture)
- one thick willow twigs (another tree is possible) 30 cm long, two thin 35 cm long
- newspapers
- threads
- napkins
- leaves from artificial flowers
- decor - ladybug
- stapler
- scissors
- glue (glue stick is better)
Now the work is in full swing!
Dad and I got down to business!
Daddy - with DSP and branches,
Well, I - with napkins!
1. Pour DSP into the pots (about ¾ of the height of the cough), pour a little water, mix everything well. Wipe the edges off the cement with a napkin.

2. Insert the twigs into the center of the planter. From above, you can sprinkle pebbles, or glass pieces, or artificial grass on the DSP. They will decorate the gray mass. Leave it for a few hours for the DSP to harden.

3. Wrap a thick twig with thin branches. We make the trunk of our tree.

4. Fix the thin branches at the top. The willow can be tied in a knot or secured with tape.

5. We take the straightened newspaper and crush it along.

6. Tightly wrap the top of the trunk with crumpled newspaper.

7. We make several layers, form a ball of newspapers. The size of the ball approximately corresponds to the size of the planter. We fasten the resulting ball with threads.

8. Take a napkin, fold it in half and again in half.

9.In the center, we fasten the resulting square with a stapler.

10.Cut out a circle from the square (cut off the corners of the square with an arc).

11. Each flower has 16 layers. Take the top layer of the circle, lift it up and shrink it to the center arbitrarily.

12. In this way, crush all 16 layers one after another. Try so that the next layer does not repeat the shape of the previous one, so the flower will turn out more magnificent.

13. Spread the petals and the flower is ready.

14. The topiary will need 30-35 of these flowers (this will depend on the size of your newspaper ball and the density of gluing flowers).

15. Put flowers on a newspaper ball. It is better to start from the trunk (bottom to top). Apply glue to a newspaper ball and glue the flower.

sixteen . Try to stick the flowers so that the newspaper does not show through between the flowers.

17. We animate the flower ball-crown of the tree with leaves. 6-9 leaves are enough.

18.Glue the ladybug on the trunk.

19.Topiarium is ready.

20. Such a tree will decorate the nit terrier.

I bring to your attention a few author's ideas.

Summer is ending, but why? Unfortunately, no one has an answer to this question. We have an assumption, but we're not sure if everyone likes it. We think that summer is ending so that autumn will come. Like this. What's good about autumn? Someone has a birthday (but not everyone, so it doesn’t fit), someone will fly to the sea, but what should the rest of us do? Admiring the autumn forest and making crafts? Perhaps, today we will do just that.

Dry leaf beauty

The beauty of the autumn forest was described by many Russian writers and poets, but even without this, everyone knows perfectly well that it is in the autumn that the freshest rain is in the forest, the trees are full of yellow, red, fiery flowers and are pleasing to the eye, and cones sometimes fall on their heads. Collect the ones that have already fallen, take them home, and let's start creating wonderful crafts from tree leaves.

Decorations from leaves and flowers

Of course, this, first of all, is what children love to do. In schools, they are asked to make collages, and everyone strives to lay out beautiful pictures on a piece of paper that, to some extent, reflect his mood. Someone loves bright colours, someone likes to lay out pictures using flowers, while someone can even adapt twigs and roots. The scope for imagination is huge. Look at the photos below - you can make paintings on the wall, lamps and even funny animals from the leaves.

Leaf applications

The most common applications are on a piece of paper. There is nothing difficult in their creation - you need PVA glue and a little patience. Arrange the leaves on a sheet and glue one at a time. To create a spectacular background, you can use watercolor and paraffin in some places, so you get the effect of scuffs and uneven coloring. Often such leaves are given to relatives or friends for their birthday, because making a postcard from autumn leaves is as easy as shelling pears, and a person is pleased.

DIY autumn leaves

What else can you make from autumn leaves? They can be used to decorate a lampshade self made, or luminaire body. Hanging on a string, you can make a wonderful decoration for the wall - you get a real magic twig on which the leaves dangle in weightlessness.

How to paint tree leaves

We want to help you surprise your guests. To do this, we will reveal one secret - you can give the leaves a different color in just a few minutes. For this we need a bunch of fresh leaves and regular baking soda. We fill the leaves in the container with soda and add a little water, let them brew, and after the leaves have lost all the green background, you can paint them with ordinary children's paints. You will get the effect of airy colorful leaves.

Spectacular elements of decor from leaves

Garland of autumn leaves

Leaves on the front door

Pillow with picture

Autumn garland of tree leaves

Modular paintings with autumn forest

Wall decoration with autumn leaves

Autumn Leaves Applique

Wreath of autumn leaves

Autumn Leaves Bouquet


Happy child 20.11.2017

Dear readers, today I once again want to invite you to do creative work. And, of course, it will be great if you actively involve your children in the creative process. Children always offer something new and different. Such joint creativity is always distinguished by its originality and originality. In addition, the process of making crafts together with the child brings them closer together, makes it possible to talk about something important and intimate. Don't miss this opportunity! And another idea for such creativity is decor and do-it-yourself napkin crafts, with which Anna Pavlovskikh will introduce us. I give her the floor.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina's blog. I am very glad that my master classes and photos creative works resonate among you. I always read the comments with interest and I am sincerely glad that people are passionate about creativity. This is very important for me both as a teacher and as an artist.

It's great that you create with your children. This, it seems to me, is an important component of upbringing. How often parents are busy with work, worries, but if, nevertheless, in this bustle you find at least a few hours a week for modeling, crafts, drawing with a child, then it is these memories that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

Now I bring to your attention crafts from napkins with children with step-by-step photos of making flowers from napkins. Such flowers can beautify both our holidays and weekdays. The material we will use is the simplest and most accessible - paper napkins different colors and shades.

Napkin applique

What we need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • napkins of different colors;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

To begin with, draw the outlines of the future applique on colored cardboard. Next, you need to decide what exactly will be done in volume with colored napkins, and what will be done on a plane of colored paper.

To make balls, you need to cut napkins into squares with a side of about 5 cm. Let the children roll small balls out of these squares with dry hands - they will surely enjoy this exciting process.

In a few minutes, you will have a lot of paper balls, and all that remains is to glue them according to the drawing. Apply PVA glue to the desired areas of the pattern and glue balls from napkins on them.

Make the individual parts out of colored paper. You can also cut rectangles from napkins and roll sausage tubes from them, from which you can get antennae for butterflies, stems for flowers.

I invite you to see the work of my daughter Svetlana in this technique. Perhaps you will be inspired by some ideas and do similar work with your child.

Bouquets of flowers from napkins with children

How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands? We need the following materials:

  • napkins in bright colors;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • cardboard for the base or a flower ball.

Children from five years old are happy to make such flowers. They are done very simply, but they look impressive. You can decorate with them greeting card or make a whole bouquet.

Draw 4-5 cm circles on the folded napkins. Carefully cut the circles out. Secure the middle of each multi-layer circle with a stapler.

Peel off each layer of the napkin and fold it up towards the middle. Fluff each layer, shape beautiful flower... Make some of these flowers and collect them on a flower ball for bouquets or on a cardboard base for a postcard. The postcard can also be supplemented with colored paper leaves and a beautiful inscription.

Roses from napkins

I offer you three options for making a rose from a napkin. Look and choose the one that you like best.

Option 1

To make a rose, you need one napkin. Cut off the two folded edges of the napkin and separate all layers separately.

To make the first petal, it is necessary to fold one layer of the napkin not in half, but so that one part is slightly larger. Start curling the folded edge evenly along the entire length. On both sides, you need to twist the corners of the resulting rectangle.

Make petals from all the separated napkins. Twist a bud from the first petal and continue to wind all the petals in this way, gradually expanding the petals that are farther from the center. Make several of these roses and combine them into one bouquet. Such compositions can be used for table setting.

Option 2

Spread out the entire napkin, fold the square at a corner. Lower part fold the triangle one centimeter and continue bending, leaving a small triangle at the top. Twist the wrapped strip in a spiral. Turn the tails remaining from the triangle to the other side - these will be the leaves of the rose.

Option 3

Divide the napkin into one large square. Roll the square into a tube. Step back six centimeters from one end of the tube and twist it tightly - this is the future base of the bud. Straighten the corner from the opposite side of the tube - it will be a rose leaf. Twist the remainder below the sheet tightly. Open the petals of the bud, twist the center of the bud tightly.

Rose and water lily from napkins for table setting

On holidays, we especially want to see the table beautiful and elegant. Flowers from napkins will help to decorate it with minimal means, but such decor will look very bright, unusual, original.

the Rose

Take a small glass and napkins of the same color. Place the corner of the napkin inside the cup and turn the opposite corner of the napkin downward. Place the next napkins in the cup with a slight shift in a circle and turn the corner down in the same way.

After inserting 12 napkins, remove the finished rose from the glass and place it on the table. Making such a rose will be a real surprise for a child and a worthy decoration of the dining table.

Origami water lily

In working with napkins, you can use a technique such as origami with great success. Let's try to make a beautiful water lily using this technology.

Spread out the napkin and fold it diagonally. Unfold and fold the four corners towards the center. Next, fold all four corners two more times towards the center.

Turn the napkin upside down and repeat this step once. Flip it over and turn the petals out of the corners on the underside. Also, turn the corners up from the bottom side.

Let's watch a video on how to make flowers from napkins.

Today we met with this interesting material for creativity, like paper napkins. We learned how to make flowers and crafts from them. This material provides great creative freedom, is very easy to process, is not toxic or dangerous for children. In stores today there is a huge selection of napkins of different sizes, colors and shades. This material is very accessible and inexpensive. I hope that you will definitely use my advice on working with this material, and you will enjoy doing work in this technique with your children.

Napkin topiary is a modern type of creativity, with the help of which amazing decor elements and compositions for home or festive table... The products look noble and stylish, even though the simplest and most affordable materials are used to create them.

Napkin topiary is a modern type of creativity

Most often, topiary is made in the form of a circle, but a craft made in the form of a heart or a star will look much more original.

Moreover, flowers from napkins can be collected completely different:

  • roses;
  • carnations;
  • dandelions;
  • peonies;
  • asters;
  • lotus.

Each bud, if desired, is additionally decorated with beads, beads, sparkles and even sweets. The aroma is imparted using aromatic oils.

The future tree trunk deserves special attention. For its manufacture, it is customary to use ordinary twigs, which are simply varnished. In fact, the material can be different: wire, cardboard, plastic tubes. And in this case, it is worth approaching the decor more creatively, decorating the tree with ribbons, small pebbles, braiding with threads.

The cache-pot is another important detail. The standard material for it is a flower pot, but much brighter craft looks in a cup or tiny bucket.

Ideas for topiary appear in the process. It is enough just to start making the first flower to start fantasizing. If you are not afraid of experiments, you will get a truly unusual, memorable masterpiece that can add coziness and an incredible atmosphere to any home. See the pictures below.

Gallery: napkin topiary (25 photos)

Simple napkin topiary (video)

How to make a flower from topiary napkins

Assembling beautiful and lush peonies step by step will be a simple task even for novice needlewomen. A simple technique for their manufacture will not cause difficulties. Just a little patience and attention is enough.

To create buds you will need:

  • several multi-layered white, green and red napkins;
  • wire;
  • wooden stick;
  • scissors.

A simple technique for their manufacture will not cause difficulties.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trim the non-unfolding edges of the napkins.
  2. Expand several napkins so that the result is a rectangle instead of a square.
  3. Fold them on top of each other and bend them in the form of an accordion.
  4. Tie the resulting accordion with a wire closer to the center.
  5. Cover the visible part of the wire with a small piece, cut off at the very beginning.
  6. Raise all petals to add volume.
  7. Form the stem from a wooden stick.

Make the leaves from green material.

Topiary from paper napkins

Even schoolchildren will be able to make topiary in this way. The finished craft will be a great gift for someone close. She looks incredibly beautiful, original and extraordinary. Each element in it is thought out, fits exactly into the overall picture and gives the product a special grace.

What is necessary:

  • pots;
  • a mixture of sand and cement;
  • a couple of thin twigs and one thick;
  • threads;
  • newspapers;
  • small stones;
  • napkins;
  • leaves with artificial flowers;
  • stapler;
  • Scotch;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Even schoolchildren will be able to make topiary in this way.


  1. Pour a mixture of sand and cement into the planter, add water and mix everything.
  2. Gently wipe the edges of the planter.
  3. Set branches in the center, sprinkle everything with pebbles.
  4. Gently wrap thin twigs around a thick one, thus forming a trunk.
  5. Fix the structure at the top with adhesive tape.
  6. Crumple the newspaper with your hands and wrap the top of the formed trunk with it.
  7. Make some newspaper layers to make a ball.
  8. Fix the finished ball with threads.
  9. Fold the napkin in half, and then in half again.
  10. Fix the square, which eventually turned out, with a stapler.
  11. Cut a circle out of the workpiece, then lift each layer one by one.
  12. Carefully spread all the petals.
  13. According to this principle, make the required number of flowers, then glue each of them on a newspaper ball.

Give a more natural look to the crown with leaves.

Roses from napkins for topiary: master class

One of the most beloved flowers for most women is precisely roses. Naturally, having made a topiary with these flowers, you will be able to please absolutely any representative of the fair sex. Such a gift will not go unnoticed, especially since it is made with your own hands.


  1. Unfold the napkin completely.
  2. Cut off about five centimeters from one of the edges so that a rectangle forms instead of a square.
  3. Fold the workpiece along so that one of its parts covers the other, but not completely.
  4. Start shaping the rose by winding it around your finger.
  5. This should leave a tight but tapered edge.
  6. Attach the stem of the rose to this edge.
  7. Spread out each of the petals carefully.

Roses are some of the favorite flowers for most women.

Attach the leaves to the stem and straighten them too.

How to make napkin leaves

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces a new problem - making leaves. After all, they must fully correspond to the idea, look harmoniously against the background of roses or peonies.


  1. Cut the napkin into sixteen equal parts. The result will be small squares.
  2. Fold three squares together with a slight offset.
  3. Make a small cruciform incision.
  4. Put the leaves on the bud and fix it with glue or a stapler.

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces a new problem - making leaves

Napkin lotus: step by step instructions

A lotus made from napkins is very difficult to distinguish from a real one.... He looks incredibly gentle and natural. Initially, it is even difficult to imagine that such beauty can come from such simple material, which is always at hand.

What is necessary:

  • 8 green napkins;
  • 24 white;
  • 1 yellow;
  • stapler.


  1. Initially, you need to create foliage from green parts. To do this, fold the napkin unfolded into a triangle.
  2. Roll the corners down from the top.
  3. Wrap the ponytails that have formed up on the other side.
  4. Fold the structure in half to the outside.
  5. Make a total of eight green blanks in this way.
  6. Connect all the elements with a stapler.
  7. Make petals from white material in the same way.
  8. Lay them on top of the greens in three rows.

Add stamens to add brightness to the design. yellow color twisted diagonally.

Napkin topiary: imitation of marigolds (video)

Topiary art is used most often in landscape design. Trees, trimmed in the form of animals and geometric shapes, are incredible delight and always attract attention. Due to the fact that not everyone has their own personal plot, this kind of creativity began to be used in the home interior. All kinds of materials at hand are used. Particular attention among such designs is paid to those made from napkins. This material is incredibly easy to work with, and accordingly, even schoolchildren can cope with such a craft. You just need to master the basics of technology to start creating your own, unique masterpieces.