
Presentation for older preschoolers "The story of Christmas tree decorations" presentation for a lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation on the theme "Creative project" Christmas tree "" Class hour with a presentation


Natalia Kuznetsova
Presentation "The Story of the New Year Tree"

On shaggy, prickly paws

The tree brings to the house smell:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind

And a snowy forest

And the barely audible smell of summer.

Y. Shcherbakov

Now we cannot imagine meeting New years without its symbol - fluffy evergreen beauties ate. It is installed in every home, decorated with toys, tinsel and garlands. The fragrant smell of fresh needles, the taste of tangerines - this is what is associated with New Year's celebration... Children find their gifts under the tree. Round dances and songs are performed around her at matinees. But this has not been the case at all times.

Where did it come from in Russia Christmas tree? -

Our ancestors believed that all trees are alive, that spirits live in them. There was such custom: at the end of December, people went to the forest, chose the most fluffy and tall tree, decorated it with colorful ribbons and made various offerings. Then they danced around and sang ritual songs. Ancient Slavs instead Christmas trees dressed up oak or birch.

Once on Christmas night, a poor lumberjack sheltered a lost in the forest little boy... He warmed, fed and left the lost child to spend the night. The next morning, the boy disappeared, and instead of himself left a small coniferous tree at the door. Since then, spruce has become the main Christmas attribute.

The custom of planting a Christmas tree appeared in the country during the reign of Peter I.

The Russian tsar issued a decree that the nobility should decorate their homes with pine and juniper trees and branches before Christmas. January 1 was also commanded to launch rockets, arrange fireworks and decorate the buildings of the capital with coniferous branches.

V different times and Christmas trees were decorated in different ways: first with fruits, natural and artificial flowers. Later decoration became fabulous: gilded cones, surprise boxes, sweets, nuts and burning Christmas candles. Soon, toys made by their own by hand: children and adults made them from wax, cardboard, cotton wool and foil. And at the end of the 19th century, wax candles were replaced by electric garlands.

Now Christmas trees installed in all large areas. In our country, the largest new year the tree is the Kremlin tree in Moscow

Christmas tree (excerpt)

Shaggy branches bend

Down to the heads of children;

The rich beads shine

Overflow of lights;

Ball after ball is hiding

And star by star

Light threads roll

Like golden rain.

Play, have fun

Children gathered here

And you, spruce-beauty,

They sing their song.

And, sparkling, sways

Christmas tree lush dress.

R. Kudasheva

Slide 9, 10, 11

Christmas tree (the game)

There is one game for you:

I'll start poetry now.

I'll start and you finish!

Answer in chorus.

It's snowing in the yard

The holiday is coming soon.

New Year!

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit is coming.

From Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright.


And toys swing -

Flags, stars,.


Threads of variegated tinsel

Bells ,.

Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers,.

Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and red nose

Under the branches.

Father Frost!

And decorating the top,

It shines there as always

Very bright, large,


Well, the tree is just a marvel!

How smart, how.


Here they lit up on it -

Hundreds of tiny ones.

E. Blaginina

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Creative project: "Christmas tree". Completed by: Solin A.E. Leader: Bolsunova N.N. Suleya 2009

Christmas tree- an integral attribute of New Year's celebrations in Russia, in the post-Soviet space and in Christian countries. The Christmas tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the holiday New Year in houses or on the street.

History Christmas or New Year tree is a form of display the oldest symbol humanity - the World Tree, especially widespread among the Indo-European peoples. Already in our era in Europe at Christmas they began to decorate the fir tree: apples, cookies, lighted candles.

There is a version that the first New Year tree was erected on the square of the city of Celeste in Alsace in 1521. The first Christmas tree toy - glass bowl- appeared in Saxony in the 16th century. Peter I brought the custom of celebrating the New Year from Germany to Russia; the first in Russia new year holidays were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century. In 1927, during the anti-religious campaign that began, Christmas ceases to be an official holiday and the Christmas tree has been declared a "religious relic". However, before the onset of 1936, the tree was again allowed, but this time as a New Year's.

New Year tree in the light of Russian and Christian traditions Among the ancient Slavs, the fir tree symbolized death. ... And among the Orthodox, the spruce was notoriously famous as a refuge for evil spirits: "They crowned around them ate, and the devils sang." The expression "tree-stick" was a hidden curse, swearing. It was customary to put the tree in the tavern, which is where the popular expression came from: "go under the tree" (that is, to the tavern)

The process of "Christianization" of the Christmas tree did not go so smoothly in Russia. He met with resistance from the Orthodox Church. The priests saw in the new holiday a "demonic act", a pagan custom that did not in any way resemble the birth of the Savior, and, in addition, a custom of Western origin. Today, the dark symbolism of spruce as a "tree of death" is reminiscent of the funeral custom, when on the way to the cemetery, spruce branches are thrown in front of the coffin of the deceased. Spruce trees can also be seen on Red Square near the Lenin Mausoleum and the Kremlin wall, where famous Soviet figures are buried.

The New Year tree also denotes a festive event - a concert at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on New Year 1935, when the custom, which had previously been persecuted by the Soviet authorities as "religious", was officially restored. Nowadays, the Christmas tree is organized everywhere by both commercial and government agencies, including for commercial purposes.

Some models unusual Christmas trees! Knitted tree This giant Christmas tree, 10 meters high, is made from several thousand knitted sweater sleeves. The top is crowned with a knitted white angel. About a thousand craftswomen from Great Britain, aged 4 to 96 years, worked to create the Christmas tree. They sent their knitting at the request of a charitable organization. The tree helped raise several thousand dollars.

Mountain Dew Christmas Tree It took a fan of his three months to create a Christmas tree from soft drink cans. That was how long he had to drink soda to accumulate enough cans. The editing took four days. The red and green signature range of Mountain Dew perfectly matches the generally accepted New Year colors, and the lights of the Christmas tree garland are beautifully reflected from the metal sides of empty containers.

Pumpkin tree The attraction in Tokyo Disneyland is based on the cartoon "The Nightmare Before Christmas". An ordinary green tree would surely be out of the general style and scary atmosphere, the Japanese thought. And that's why they created a tree of pumpkins with faces - an indispensable attribute of Halloween. Thus, the two holidays were mixed, and the "Christmas tree" turned out to be memorable.

Last year, Singapore-based jeweler Shoo Key created this Christmas tree with 21,798 diamonds totaling 913 carats and 3,762 crystal beads. The tree looked like a million dollars (and cost no less).


I am very sorry for the tree!

In the first days of each new year, we become eyewitnesses of the same unsightly picture: hundreds of discarded Christmas trees appear in our yards. Yesterday, forest beauties were decorating houses. Christmas trees stood in a prominent place, they were carefully decorated with toys and tinsel, children walked around green beauties round dances, gifts were folded under them "from Santa Claus

Today, citizens are parting with old trees without much pity. The crumbling and yellowed needles fill the yards and garbage dumps. Those who glided out of windows, stuck in a snowdrift or deliberately shoved into garbage containers - this is how the forest beauties set off on their last journey. Heaps of crumbling spruce skeletons near the yard trash cans, on which forgotten serpentine rings and scraps of "rain" dangle lonely - a sad picture of each new year.

After a while, the remnants of the holiday fun will be picked up by the utility vehicles. They will be taken to the landfill along with your regular household waste. And already there this symbol of noisy holidays will turn into charred remains, smoke and soot.

This is how, year after year, thousands of cubic meters of valuable timber in Russia are carelessly turning into useless waste. But better use could have been found for them.

Every year, the Russian Greenpeace website publishes an article on how to minimize economic losses during the winter celebrations. Many different options are offered: get an artificial tree, make a composition from live spruce paws, purchase a tree in a pot

or replace the tree altogether, for example, with a small ikebana made of lacquered silver-plated cones. If you did buy a Christmas tree, then after the holidays you should cut it into pieces and take it to the country house as fuel.

Sorry, tips world organization for the protection environment followed by units. We, unlike many other civilized countries, do not have a program for recycling Christmas trees.

In the countries of Europe, they learned to benefit from the green symbols of the New Year for a long time. Western municipalities use alternative energy sources for a variety of purposes. For example, in Sweden, New Year's trees plus some holiday paper and wood packaging are recycled and burned in small town boilers. Thanks to this technology, more than 13% of Swedes receive heat and hot water.

In Germany, they learned how to profit from the trees that had defended the festive watch, making wooden national knives for butter from them. Then the Germans sell this curiosity to tourists for a lot of money.

In Vienna, after the New Year holidays, 460 Christmas tree areas are open every day and around the clock in all districts of the city. All sites are equipped with signboards, and Christmas trees are accepted free of charge. All conifers go into circulation. They are crushed and turned into fuel briquettes. Last year, 670 tons of expired Christmas trees were harvested in the Austrian capital.

In the United States, there is the American Christmas Trees Association, formed already in 1935. There, wood is reused as wood products, paper and even filler for cat litter... In New York, the old tree is crushed into sawdust, which is later sprinkled on the paths in the city's parks.

In the Netherlands, Christmas trees are taken to zoos at the end of noisy holidays. Then they are engaged in ... elephants and camels, for which coniferous branches are a real delicacy.

And in Russia, private enterprises are already being created that are engaged in the comfortable disposal of Christmas trees. They are used for boiler rooms operating on wood waste. Special wood chippers are available to process trees into compost or shavings for packaging. There are innovators who suggest using gingerbread Christmas beauties in the chemical industry. Experts say they make excellent woody vinegar. Since Soviet times, for industrial purposes, holiday trees have been used for the manufacture of chipboard (chipboard) and grave wreaths.

In Valdai, as in almost the entire country, old trees are taken to the city dump. This is very sad. Environmentalists have long been convincing people to buy artificial trees.

Indeed, why do people put up living Christmas trees? In addition to a pleasant coniferous aroma for a couple of days, there is nothing more interesting in this habit. After the holiday, a heap of fallen needles grows on the floor, it becomes necessary to put the tree somewhere. Many simply put it in the drifts, and by the end new year holidays the whole surrounding landscape is "decorated" with dead trees.

What is the point of chopping down a living tree so that it will stand for a week or two in an apartment and be taken to the trash heap? Yes, a holiday. Yes, it pleases the eye. But the eye can also be pleased with lush artificial trees - both shiny, and of different sizes, and durable, without falling needles, for every taste. They may be more expensive, but you can put on this all your life. And your beloved artificial tree can be passed on from generation to generation. Eventually it will turn into a family heirloom.

How many trees are cut down every year across the country for a few days of dubious pleasure? One family can destroy up to 70 trees in a lifetime! How many such families are there in Russia ?! It turns out that buying an artificial tree is beneficial not only for you and your children, but also for the country!

Another option is beginning to take root in the Russian open spaces. Recently, in large cities you can buy live tree in a tub. Such trees are grown in special nurseries (mainly in Denmark). A tree in a pot can serve as a decoration for more than one year. Well, if you are tired of it, you can "return to nature" by planting it on your summer cottage or in the woods.

But it seems that we still have a long way to go before that. And if this year your spruce was still alive, do not rush to part with it. Phytotherapists and ecologists actively advise, before taking the tree to the trash can, be sure to collect the needles from it. After all, an infusion of spruce needles is very useful for neuritis and neuralgia, for diseases of the heart, respiratory system, oral cavity, ear, throat, nose, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, for cystitis, urolithiasis, female and male diseases, and infectious processes, including flu, colds, etc.

Presentation for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old "What is New Year?

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
On New Years it is golden,
It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.
E. Mikhailova

Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from?
The history of this wonderful holiday dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower valley of the Nile at the end of the 4th millennium BC, civilization was first born. It was here, according to scientists, that for the first time (in the third millennium) they began to celebrate the New Year.

Traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia.
In the tradition of celebrating the New Year in Russia, such attributes as: a tree, New Year's table, Santa Claus, fireworks, mass celebrations.
On the night of December 31 to January 1, it is customary in every family to cover festive table... As a rule, there are invariably three ingredients: salad "Olivier", champagne and tangerines.
In Russia, it is customary to sit down at the festive table around 11 pm in order to "spend" the old year.
At about 11.55 pm, the president of the country speaks on all central channels, he sums up some of the results of the outgoing year and wishes happiness and good luck to all residents of the country in the coming year. Then, at 11.55 pm on January 1, the chimes strike.
On this night you can meet people walking around the city dressed as Santa Claus. Another symbol of this holiday. Parents of children often order an artist at home in this image for their beloved children.

New Year in Russia.
In Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 1. In the XIV century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, by a special decree, commanded “to count the summers from January 1,” onwards.

The history of the New Year tree.
The Christmas tree - an integral part of the winter holidays - also arrived in Russia along with Peter's reforms. However, the arriving "stranger", though not immediately, but took root in the Russian land firmly - as if it had always grown here: from the branches that decorated the houses, a luxurious tree in a festive dress grew.

The most important of the guests:
-Who's in smart warm fur coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya

The story of the origin of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus became who he is thanks to the existence of a very concrete and living prototype. In the 4th century in Asia Minor, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker lived and did good deeds.The figure of this quite reliable historical character gradually grows overgrown with legends and fabulous details, as a result of which a new image appeared - a kind grandfather who can make a baby happy, as soon as he turns to him with a request. In the old days, Santa Claus brought along with gifts and rods, entering the house with the words: "Are there obedient children in this house?" Nowadays, this peculiar element of upbringing has almost disappeared, and every child, even the most cocky fidget, receives a cherished gift.

Snow Maiden.
At the Snow Maiden in the morning
New Year's affairs mountain:
Need snow fringe
She will decorate her native forest,
Bake a pie for the animals
And light the lanterns.
And then on a holiday to the children
In a golden carriage fly.

The story of the origin of the Snow Maiden.
Only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter Snegurochka and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden", which he created on the basis of folk tale about a girl fashioned from snow and melted from warm sun rays... Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter.
The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl), dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbols. Her headdress is an eight-pointed crown, embroidered with silver and pearls.

Riddles for children.
Christmas tree on New Years holiday
Calls for adults and children.
All people are inviting
On New Year's ... (round dance).

There is a roar everywhere on this holiday!
Explosion, followed by cheerful laughter!
A very noisy toy -
New Year's ... (cracker.)

Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl ... (Snow Maiden).

It sparkles in the sky
Decorates our tree.
Will never fade
On New Year's Day ... (star).

On New Years we are not sad
We are sitting under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expression
We say ... (congratulations).

Thank you for your attention!!!

Peter I, who was still a young man visiting his German friends at Christmas, was pleasantly surprised to see a strange tree. It looks like a spruce, but instead of cones, there are apples and sweets on it. The future king was amused. According to the tsar's decree of December 20, 1699, henceforth it was prescribed to keep the chronology not from the Creation of the world, but from the Nativity of Christ, and the day of the "new year", until that time celebrated in Russia on September 1, "following the example of all Christian peoples" should be celebrated on January 1. This decree also gave recommendations on the organization of the New Year's holiday. To commemorate it, on New Year's Day, it was ordered to launch rockets, light fires and decorate the capital (then Moscow) with pine needles: , which are made at Gostiny Dvor ". And the "poor people" were asked "to put each one at a tree or a branch on the collars or over his temple ... and stand that decoration of January on the first day." And as a sign of good beginnings and joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in matters and prosperity in the family. In honor of the New Year, decorate with fir trees, amuse children, sled from the mountains. And adults do not commit drunkenness and massacre - there are enough other days for that. ”From 1704, Peter the Great moved the New Year celebrations to St. Petersburg. There they walked royally, and attendance at New Year's masquerade balls for nobles was mandatory.

The New Year tree is an attribute of the New Year celebration in Russia, in many countries of the world. New Years of Russia New Years of Russia A tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the New Year holiday in homes or on the street. The Christmas tree is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas. The Christmas tree is a coniferous tree decorated with garlands, glass and plastic toys, candles and sweets. Installed at the time of the New Year holiday in homes or on the street. Christmas

History o Christmas or New Year tree is a form of displaying the world's most ancient symbol of humanity, the World Tree, which is especially widespread among Indo-European peoples. Already in our era in Europe at Christmas they began to decorate the fir tree: apples, cookies, lighted candles. World Tree Indo-European World Tree Indo-European

There is a version that the first New Year tree was erected on the square of the city of Celeste in Alsace in 1521. The first Christmas tree decoration, a glass ball, appeared in Saxony in the 16th century, 1521, the 16th century, 1521, the 16th century. Peter I brought the custom of celebrating the New Year to Russia from Germany; the first New Year holidays in Russia were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century. The custom of celebrating the New Year was brought to Russia by Peter I from Germany; the first New Year holidays in Russia were arranged, according to the tsar's decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century. Peter I1700 XIX century Peter I1700 XIX century

The New Year tree also denotes a festive event, a concert at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on New Year 1935, when the custom, which had previously been persecuted by the Soviet authorities as "religious", was officially restored. The New Year tree also denotes a festive event, a concert at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on New Year 1935, when the custom, which had previously been persecuted by the Soviet authorities as "religious", was officially restored. Stalin 1935 Stalin 1935 Nowadays, the Christmas tree is organized everywhere. Nowadays, the Christmas tree is organized everywhere.

Some models of unusual Christmas trees! Knitted Christmas tree Knitted Christmas tree A giant Christmas tree 10 meters high is made from several thousand knitted sweater sleeves. The top is crowned with a knitted white angel. This giant Christmas tree, 10 meters high, is made from several thousand knitted sweater sleeves. The top is crowned with a knitted white angel. About a thousand craftswomen from Great Britain, aged 4 to 96 years, worked to create the Christmas tree. They sent their knitting at the request of a charitable organization. The tree helped raise several thousand dollars. About a thousand craftswomen from Great Britain, aged 4 to 96 years, worked to create the Christmas tree. They sent their knitting at the request of a charitable organization. The tree helped raise several thousand dollars.

Mountain Dew Tree Mountain Dew Tree It took a fan of his three months to create a tree from cans of drink. That was how long he had to drink soda to accumulate enough cans. The editing took four days. The red and green signature range of Mountain Dew perfectly matches the generally accepted New Year colors, and the lights of the Christmas tree garland are beautifully reflected from the metal sides of empty containers. It took his fan three months to create a Christmas tree from cans of the drink. That was how long he had to drink soda to accumulate enough cans. The editing took four days. The red and green signature range of Mountain Dew perfectly matches the generally accepted New Year colors, and the lights of the Christmas tree garland are beautifully reflected from the metal sides of empty containers.

O Pumpkin tree o Tokyo Disneyland attraction inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas. Have created a pumpkin tree with faces that are indispensable for Halloween. Thus, the two holidays were mixed, and the "Christmas tree" turned out to be memorable.