
How to celebrate the anniversary of a named library. A creative project dedicated to the anniversary of the library. Rural library - a hotbed of culture


Today, on the holidays in January, summing up the results of the outgoing Year of Culture, let us warmly remember the moments of our life associated with the library in which we are now. This is the first library for the general reader in our region. In 2014, the regional library celebrated its 95th anniversary!

And let time rush like a chariot,

The century changes over the centuries,

But I know that the most valuable

There are books left

Keeping libraries warm!

This is how the beginning of the meeting of guests and colleagues took place, those who in different years of the library's existence worked in it and now remain faithful to librarianship and work in other libraries.

We present to your attention the course of the event, how you can spend an anniversary in a small room without having large halls and areas.

Let's walk through the library rooms, take a short tour and get in touch with the history of the library. We specially saved the New Year's decorations, because only yesterday came New Year in the old way, this is a holiday always in anticipation and anticipation of some miracle, and so I want to believe that a holiday will come on our street too.

And we will begin our journey from the common hall, here in the card version the entire fund of the library is presented to date 51253 copies, in front of you is a system of catalogs and card indexes, here is information than the library lives and breathes, pay attention to the completely new stand "Library and Reader: Together in Life". It is designed and prepared for the anniversary of the library. Please note that our readers are also represented here by profession or the nature of their work - librarians "Life in the profession": Valentina Petrovna Shubina is the director of not only this library, but also the head of the centralized library system of the entire Mikhailovsky district. From 1980 to 1996, the director of the Central Library System was

Shubina Valentina Petrovna. In 1981, the Central District Library of the Central Library System of the Mikhailovsky District was awarded the title "Library of Excellent Work". This is largely the merit of its director Valentina Petrovna Shubina, under whose leadership there were also 33 rural libraries - branches.

Ponomareva Lidia Evgenievna graduated from the Kuibyshev State Institute of Culture, worked in the children's library for 18 years, then for almost seven years in the regional library.

Kamysheva Maria Stepanovna and Ermilova Anna Ivanovna with extensive library work experience. Our regular and loyal readers. How many poems Anna Ivanovna knows by heart! And how she reads them !!!

Yastrebova Lyubov Aleksandrovna, graduated with honors from the Volgograd cultural enlightenment school, worked in the Bezymyanskaya rural library.

"Reading Today and Always" - the most active and regular users of the library, and Time to read!- the best young readers, and, of course, a photo chronicle of activities in various years of its existence "Library, years, life." The rarest photographs of one of the first collectives of the library, the terrible wartime, when the building was damaged, a shell hit the rack, books were damaged. Penetrated by shell fragments, they are kept in our local history museum.

Photos of subsequent years to the present day.

Stand "Library, Time and Us"

The brightest facts of the history of the library, familiar to many of the faces of professionals in their field.

From this hall in which we are now, readers different ages get into the fabulous world of books in accordance with their needs and interests.

If you go straight, you will get a subscription for adults; if you go to the right, you will find yourself in the children's department.

"Everything is secondary compared to caring for children." If this statement of John Chrysostom became the norm in our life, many problems associated with the upbringing of young people would disappear. Life would not be easier, but much more interesting.

Exactly 80 years ago, in 1934, a children's department was opened at the regional library, with a small book fund. It was here that Alexandra Fateevna Kovalenko's career began. Among the librarians who have worked with young readers in different years, it is impossible not to name Lavrova Varvara Fateevna, Mamonova M.P., Popova T.M., Aksenova M.P. Zhelezkina E.G., Moskalenko A.P.

A children's library grew out of the children's department; from 1946 to 2006, exactly 60 years old, it was located in a building on Lenin Street. Then again the children's department at the regional library. Highlighted the lightest and warmest room - the former reading room. I had to make room, reduce the number of seats. And now Pyrkova G.I. and Markina T.N. serve 1537 readers of children. In 2013, a club of lovers of literature and nature of the native land "Ekoloshka" was created, and a mobile reading room "BiblioZnayka" operates. The massive work is reflected in the albums.

All major departments of the library are computerized. Work is underway to create electronic databases. To date, more than 9000 bibliographic records have been entered into the electronic catalog, into the local history and systematic card index of articles, card index teaching materials and scripts in electronic form.

As we continue our journey, I would like to draw your attention to one more stand "Library World". Since, despite all the changes that have taken place, the library still has the function of a methodological center for rural libraries, the largest and most fundamental moments of this activity will be reflected on this stand.

Diplomas and certificates for participation and victory in global competitions, International actions and projects, information on regional and citywide literary competitions, libraries - anniversaries of the current year, traitors - librarians (in the given time- winter), a photo collage of large public events with the participation of most libraries, in the section “We inform. We advise. We offer "memos, booklets, methodical and bibliographic materials developed in this year methodological center.

And now we suggest you go to the department of services for adult readers. Subscription, open access to works of various topics, genres, authors. Real book wealth. Markina E.A. will always help you find exactly what you need. Operational information for readers is available at the Biblioexpress stand. The subscription serves 750 readers aged 15 and over.

For many years, the Yaroslavna book and library lovers club, created in 2009, has enjoyed popularity and love of readers. For many, it is a source of emotional communication and creative meetings. Before you now are albums about the work of the club and "Reviews and Suggestions". Anyone present can become a member of the Yaroslavna book and library lovers club. You can leave your feedback and wishes to our library in the feedback album.

publications thanks to sponsorship from the personal savings of Valery Stepanovich Klupov. Remember the legal deposit times for the library !? This year, thanks to a subscription campaign for the Prizyv newspaper and an increase in the number of subscribers at the library by three, our library will receive issues of the local newspaper free of charge.

The meetings of the youth club "Interlocutor", organized in 2008, are held in an interesting and meaningful way. The culture of communication, new personal discoveries in different areas, increased vital activity attract young people.

Look out for paintings by local artists on the walls of the reading room, kindly donated to our library.

Previously, it was a methodology - a bibliographic department. Currently, the head of the department works here. IMD Dolgova E.Yu. and bibliographer N.V. Tonkonogova. The library, as already mentioned, is still a methodological center for libraries of rural areas. Here novice librarians get the basics, all employees of our library provide their colleagues with both theoretical and practical assistance. The Continuing Education Program "Professional" is successfully operating, it is designed for several levels of training and advanced training, taking into account education and work experience. Within the framework of the Program, there are “School for the Beginner Librarian” and “The Edge of the Profession”. "School of Library Skills", "Methodical Emergency".

In 2014, four rural librarians became students of the Volgograd State Institute of Art and Culture.

Let's go back to the reading room.

Not so long ago - just 400 years ago, books were worth a fortune and were rare on a par with large gems.

Each of us has our own reading circle, like a circle of friends. Because the book is both friends and helpers, and educators, and the most precious treasure of our heart. / Music fades /

I think almost each of us has our own jewelry box, which we periodically look into, which we would like to pass on to our children, and where are the books that our parents read. This is the real "family jewels".

E. Bogat once wrote that to teach a person to read means to teach him how to live, for: “ … There is no person who would not like to know himself, his own spiritual world. Recognition in the images of literature is one of the most exciting forms of this knowledge " .

An invaluable gift of centuries and generations,

Oh, the book is wise! How precious is a wondrous syllable

Your sublime beautiful sayings!

It is always possible to find a lesson in them.

In the hearts of young people, awaken dreams,

To discover the beauty of the world for all of us

With just one phrase - this is the secret of the book

And magic, and light, and grace!

Books are capable of awakening in us the deep power of self-knowledge, self-education, the true life of the spirit. And the content of a person's personality largely depends on the content of communication with books. Tell me what you read and I will tell you who you are. The title of the handbook alone often defines a person more fully than the most decisive actions and speeches. Fiction plays a priority role here.

"I wonder what my great-grandchildren will read?" - asked Leo Tolstoy. You, dear Lev Nikolaevich…. Russian classics have long become not only the greatest national, but also the world heritage. Classical writers are always in demand at all times, they are out of fashion, political views and ambitions.

There are many classics, they are different. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - one of the most beloved classic writers in 1888 wrote: "Everything I have written will be forgotten in 5-10 years."

But the great writer was wrong. He has not been forgotten and will not be forgotten.

Dear friends! Remember, A.A. Akhmatova wrote in one of her poems:

And every reader is like a secret,

Like buried treasure in the ground.

Man loves secrets. Of course, there must be secrets - because without them it is not interesting. Today we will reveal some of the secrets hidden in our readers' forms. Of all the variety, we decided to tell you about the most beloved authors and literary heroes of our today's guests, and decided to give you the opportunity to take a photo as a souvenir. We will reflect the literary photo report later in the blog of our library "BiblioParus". In the meantime, we conducted a preliminary survey and here's what we learned ...(see next post)

To give readers the joy of communicating with the kindest, eternal, sublime that is in the world - a book! - the high and wonderful mission of the librarian. It is the librarian who, by his personal example, his interests and preferences in literature, is able to inspire the reader to read the best examples of literature, to develop his artistic taste. What do librarians read? The reading circle is very diverse - this is the specificity of our work, but each of us has our own priorities.

(see next post)

Librarian is the right profession,

And a lot of knowledge was laid in it.

And a long procession of wise books

It always helps us to become smarter.

We are sometimes addicted to the Internet,

But we will not understand just one thing:

There are common truths only in the book -

After all, the book is the foundation of everything!

“The book can truly be called 'Mental Medicine',” says three thousand years ago an inscription over the entrance to the library of Rameses P.

When we get acquainted with a new book, we always expect a miracle, because it is not without reason that the famous writer Sergei Lukyanenko said: “Each book read is another life lived”.

Diversify your life, read books !!!

Enter the silence of the libraries!

Breathe in the air that smells for centuries!

Hear behind familiar lines

Everything that a person lives and breathes.

John Herschel : “Teach a person to read - and you will make him happy. You will introduce him to the society of wise men and witties, his friends will be the most gentle, pure and courageous people who have been an adornment of mankind at all times of its history. "

Now there are Christmas evenings, you can tell fortunes and find out your future, or you can look into books and see what astrologers and horoscopes predict for us. ………

A good, smart book is always valuable. The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise and the future Queen of France, Anna, received the Gospel from her father as a wedding present. In subsequent centuries, all French kings were crowned on it.

Today's librarians serve the book faithfully. For us, she is both work, and a spiritual need, and the best friend.

And yet a person is so arranged that no matter what, he always believes in the best!

A wonderful person, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev once said that the main thing is “To keep the memory of others. Leave a good memory of yourself ... ".

We tried to reflect the history of the library in the album, calling it “Chronicle of Success”. A huge amount of work has been done. Great painstaking work of the artist Olga Anatolyevna Kuznetsova on the face. All new stands are decorated with her hands, I would even say with my heart and soul. You can see for yourself by considering their clarity and originality. Transformed and appearance libraries of rural areas in this is also the merit of Olga Anatolyevna. Work on the album continues, and we would be very grateful if you could provide information or photos from your personal archives.



Special and important -Alimova Anastasia
Today is an anniversary
Hurrying the library
Congratulate soon,

Today is our famous hero of the day, -Kalinina Elizaveta
Familiar from childhood to any person.
This is not some venerable actor,
And our lovely library!

The library was and will be -Parovov Denis
Sacred temple of living printed words,
Young Bunin also went to her priests,
And for thirty whole years - the sage Krylov.

Oh, how many books there are in this house! -Popova Alina
Look carefully -
There are thousands of your friends
They settled on the shelves.
They will talk to you
And you, my young friend,
The whole path of earthly history
As if you would suddenly see ...

Once captured wonderful, - Petrova Anastasia
You will not break free forever!
The world is endlessly interesting

The magical world of libraries!

The road to the library

It is very important for a person -Egorov Artyom

Know the way to the library.
Reach out to knowledge.
Choose a book as a friend.

I go to the library - Komozov Artyom
I read books.
I don’t have any more love!
I love to dream ...
And be in a fairy tale
In a mysterious forest.
See a wolf, a hare
And the red forest.

And after reading the whole book,
Think with your head -
What a good hero
Which one is bad.

She will always tell you
Where how to behave,
Will help and tell
How to find a friend for us.
And something in this life
We will begin to understand
To love the native land
And protect the weak.

Bibliophile song
(On the motive « March of the cheerful guys » )
How many interesting books there are!
And we strive to read them all.
We meet the book as a best friend
And we are glad to discover the secrets of it.

We walk with the book together through life,
She is our loyal ally and friend.
We turn the pages of our favorite books,
We cannot imagine our leisure without them.

Book heroes seem to be alive
We are made to laugh, to suffer.
Some become like family to us
And they help to solve problems.

The Spirit strengthens us the bookish word,
It calls him to perfection.
And we are ready to storm the heights,
Go where victory awaits us.

So that all dreams can come true
And so that the paths become short,
We will strive for knowledge with a book,
We cannot find a friend better than a book.

BIBLIOPHILE - Alexey Bochenkov

I am very well-read. I read, I read ...
Everyone tells me that I swallow books.
Once upon a time I swallowed skates with hunchbacks,
Now - Harry Potter with glasses.

Spies in spinach, vampires in tomato
The princess in syrup and cotton candy
And the Three Musketeers with weapons together,
And sharp dragons in a mythical test.

Then Robin Hood tried it with onions.
But science just doesn’t squabble!
I don't have enough sugar, then salt.
Jam to spread on textbooks, or what?

Librarian is the word - Loginov Kirill
Magical like a crystal!

Always ready to help you

He became your best friend!

He is in the sea of ​​books - a navigator! - Uncle Denis
Like a guiding star

Keeper, companion and innovator,

Shine, shine, shine always!


Script for the scene "Turnip" (redone)

You can't read a lot of fairy tales in the world at once,
But you will not find such a scene as ours in a book.
The whole scene has been altered in a new way,
And everyone will be glad to see her.

Lived, did not grieve grandmother and grandfather.
Money was not saved and not in poverty.
Grandpa planted a turnip in the spring

Grandpa planted a turnip ...
Grandpa turnip said:

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
There are five buckets of fertilizer ...
Oh, tired, it's time to sleep.
(He lies down not far from the turnip and falls asleep.)

Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile, the turnip is growing
Yes fights with weeds:
With their feet and hands ...

Chilly September morning
Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering teeth.)

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Ah, I'm old enough to sleep.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little bit.
Oh, yes, the turnip is ugly!
I never dreamed of this.

She grew up big, enough for everyone.
And grandpa calls his grandmother ...

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Wife granny, help me!

Grandma: - Zhukova Ulyana
This is where granny, did you see the old one?
You see, I'm doing a manicure, got it!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Help me pull the turnip off the ground
And then cook porridge from the turnip.

Grandma: - Zhukova Ulyana
What are you grandpa? Digging in the ground for me?
I didn't plant a turnip, and it's not for me to pull.
I'll get my hands dirty!
The best things await me today:
Massage and beautician, okay, I'm going!

Grandfather sadly calls his granddaughter ...

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Granddaughter, dear help
Pull the turnip off the ground as soon as possible.
The grandmother refused: manicure, massage ...

And in response, a refusal is heard from the Granddaughter.

Granddaughter: - Shpagina Daria
Oh grandpa, grandpa, I'm going to the solarium,
It is necessary that the skin often sunbathes.
I will be the first model in the country
Call - you better call your animals.

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, I’ll go to the Bug, I’ll call him.
Kind mongrel, help, please.
I'll cook turnip porridge for you,
You will live warmly in the house all winter.

Bug: - Smirnova Yana
Woof! Woof! Woof! Laughing, how you look!
I don't need your porridge, I only eat "Pedigri".
I have a diet, I want to be slim,
And from your porridge I no longer growl.
I don't need your house, because winter is over,
I have no time, grandfather, it's time to walk with my friend.

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, do you really have to ask Murka ...
Murka, dear, take pity, help,
Let's go fishing together, we go,
Eat raw fish and cook fish soup ...

Murka stretched, meowed in the corner,
She turned on her side and said ...

Murka: - Parievskaya Elena
M-u-r! What happened again, Grandpa, with us?
You better go and buy a Whiskas.
The grandmother then eats handfuls of sweets.
And no one will even buy Kitekat for me.
I'm allergic to a turnip, I don't like it,
And my gardening hobby is not mine.
Now, grandpa, I need to sleep
To give a concert on the roof until the morning.


Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis

It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly September morning
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little bit.
Oh, yes, the turnip is ugly!
I never dreamed of this.

(Grabs the turnip and pulls.)

Suffice it, but the turnip was outraged.

Carrot: - Balbekova Ksenia
What an awkward old man you are!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You have not washed your eyes.
I am a hundred times slimmer turnips.
And orange, too.
Kohl Korean salad is needed,
You will be lost without me ...
You can't drink carrot juice,
There is no substitute for me in the soup ...
And one more secret.
I am rich in vitamin
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, get into the basket.
What is, what a miracle
Maybe I slept poorly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait a minute
I will stretch another turnip.

Potato: - Gerasimova Elizabeth
Oh oh oh,
I am protesting!
I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even a cat knows it.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s clear as two times two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
You hear me for chips, grandfather,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look
I can become fries
I am your main crop!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, get into the basket.
I'll go over the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the land!
Ah yes turnip, here they are!

Cabbage : - Kovalchuk Ksenia
Indeed, I am outraged!
Grandfather, you ate too much sneakers,
I've seen enough of the series,
Maybe you fell off the stove?
Once I didn't recognize the cabbage.
I'm not like a turnip
She has one piece of clothing
Well I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons ...
And then ...
I am crispy cabbage!
The salad is empty without me
Any lunch with me
Cabbage roll il vinaigrette ...
Will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear, You can ferment and salt ...
And store it until summer. You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
You are welcome ... to the basket.
What are these miracles?
It's been already broken two hours
I spent in the vegetable garden.
Where is the turnip! This kind of ...

Beetroot: - Syresina Masha
Again, the grandfather did not guess.
Know the glasses you lost
Or has the demon beguiled you?
Mixed up beets with turnips.
I'm a hundred times redder than her,
And healthier and tastier!
No beets and no borscht,
In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...
I am alone - the source of color!
And the beet cutlet -
It's just delicious!
One hundred percent - weight loss.
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, get into the basket.
And you will find a place.
Only still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

Onion: - Evgrafov Ivan
I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let it be a little tricky
But popular among the people.
The most delicious barbecue
The one in which there is a bow.
All mistresses know me
They add to soup and porridge,
In pies, mushrooms, broth ...
I'm a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu is afraid of me ...
Even though I'm ready to fight now.
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
Well, get into the basket.
The evening is drawing to a close.
The month comes to heaven.
Yes, and I have to go home.
Tomorrow morning
I will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Uh, heavy basket
A car would be useful ...
A notable crop has grown!


Grandfather went sadly, to the turnip in the garden,
Knowing that the Mouse won't go either.

After all, he is a small rodent, he did not call him
But, he sees that the Mouse immediately came running.

Mouse: - Fochenkov Ivan

Nothing, grandpa, we can handle it together. Pulled a turnip! One, another ...

(The mouse and grandfather pull out the turnip and find a bag under it.)

Grandfather: - Pankratyev Denis
God! What is this? Gold! Coins! A whole bag here!
That's a miracle turnip! What a miracle vegetable garden!
We will live richly Mouse, we are with you.
Well, I won't let those bums go home.

Mouse: - Fochenkov Ivan
We must live in harmony, friendship and love,
After all, native people should help.
There is a lot of money, enough for you and me,
We will give half of the amount to an orphanage.

(Grandfather and Mouse lift the bag over their shoulders.)

Everything (running after grandfather):
Well, forgive us, Grandpa!
- Zhukova Ulya
We will help you
- Shpagina Dasha
To obey you in everything, -
Smirnova Yana
Always live in harmony! -


Very soon, in November of this year, the Central Library will celebrate its 120th anniversary.

Founded on the initiative of the Zemstvo, the Ardatovskaya Library became the first public library in the county. During this time, many changes have taken place, the “face” of the library has changed: status, name, premises ... But the library did the main thing - it introduced people to knowledge, taught them to think, read, dream, and became the center of communication and information.

The modern professional and cultural life of the library is diverse and interesting thanks to the well-coordinated work of its friendly staff.

V Lately new forms of work are used, an electronic catalog has been created, databases are being formed. The library hosts a variety of vibrant events that are distinguished by professionalism, artistic taste and novelty.

On the eve of the anniversary of our library, I would like to congratulate all its employees, veterans, as well as our dear guests and readers. I wish you all good health, desire for new knowledge, literacy, wisdom and love for the library.

E. B. Razumkova, director of MBUK "MBS"

We invite you to take part in the events dedicated to the anniversary of the library!

Action plan

the date of the Name of events

in tech. of the year

Exhibition-exposition "Library: people, years, life"

February -

Library Chronicle
"A 120 Years Path"
(for the anniversary of the library)

July - October

Creative reading competition "My favorite library is 120 years old"

August - October

Virtual quiz "The book opens up the whole world for us"

August - October

Library Today Video
(interviews of each department + readers)

August - October

Promotion "Give new book for the anniversary of the library "

August - October

"My favorite library is 120 years old"

Decade of open doors "Library familiar and unfamiliar: for the anniversary of the central library"

September October

Virtual photo album

"Happy birthday, library!"



Bookmark for readers "Ardatov Central Library - 120 Years"



Festive evening“Anniversary with friends.

The library is 120 years old! "

Regulations on the creative reading competition

"My favorite library is 120 years old",

dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Ardatov Central Library

1. General Provisions

1.1. The creative reading competition "My beloved library is 120 years old" is organized as part of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Ardatov Central Library

2. Purpose and objectives of the competition

2.1. The goal is to position the central library as a historical and cultural object of the r. p. Ardatova

2.2. Tasks:

Raising public attention to the anniversary of the central library

Involvement of residents of the village in creative activities within the framework of the library's anniversary

Increasing readership by participating in the competition.

2.3. The organizer of the competition is the Ardatovskaya central library of the MBUK "Intersettlement library system" of the Ardatovskiy municipal district

3. Competitors

3.1 Participants in the competition can be all residents (readers and non-readers) of the river. p. Ardatova aged 15 years and older.

4. Procedure and timing of the competition

4.1. The competition is provided one creative work from the author (essay, composition, sketch, poem). Topic: anniversary of the central library. Perhaps the story of one librarian or library event. The scope of work is not limited.

4.2. Works are accepted in the Ardatov Central Library in the methodological office or on a subscription

4.3. Terms of the competition: from April 1, 2016 to October 15, 2016

4.5. Jury - employees of the central library

5. Evaluation criteria

Compliance of the content with the theme of the competition

Use of means of artistic expression

Reflection of a personal relationship to the topic

Depth of historical understanding of the topic

Availability of photographic material is welcomed

It is desirable to submit the work in printed and electronic form.

6. Awarding the winners

6.1. The jury determines the winners - 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and three incentive prizes. At the discretion of the jury, a different variant of prizes is possible

6.2. The winners will be awarded with certificates and mementos.

6.3. The awarding ceremony will take place as part of the festive anniversary event in November 2016.

6.4. All works will be included in the final collection released for the anniversary of the Ardatov Central Library

Organizing committee of the competition

Virtual quiz

"The library has an anniversary"

The Central Library invites everyone to take part in the quiz dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Ardatov Central Library.

Replies should be sent from September 1 to October 15, 2016 at the address: st. Lenina 35, inform by phone 5-01-19, e-mail: [email protected]

The participants of the quiz must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, address and contact phone number.

The winners of the quiz will receive prizes.

Quiz questions:

1. In what year was the first library opened in Ardatov?

2. Who was the first librarian?

3. Name the first head of the district library.

4. What are the names of the leaders of the library?

5. Which of the past library workers do you remember?

6. In what buildings was the library previously located?

7. What street is the Central Library currently on?

8. In what year did the library move to the building where it is located now?

9. What was in this building before that?

10. What library event What do you remember the most?

11. How do you envision the future of our library?

MBUK BP « ICB » them. M.V. Naumova

"125 - everything is just beginning"

Prepared by L.A. Shevchenko, librarian Ok and ol

Art. Romanovskaya



holding solemn event dedicated to

anniversary of the library named after M.V. Naumov

"125 - everything is just beginning"

Date of the event: 03/29/2017

Time: 15.00 hours

Venue: Assembly hall of the Children's Art School

The stage is decorated according to the theme of the event.

Instrumental music sounds 30 minutes before the start.

The leitmotif sounds - minus songs by Y. Antonov

"Under the roof of their house", the presenters take the stage.

Presenter1: We are all in a hurry for miracles

But there is nothing more wonderful

Than meet you here again

Under the roof of his house ...

Leading 2 : Good afternoon dear friends!

Leading1 : Hello! It is no coincidence that this particular music theme... The fact is that due to the amount of time spent here, and for many other reasons, the library for many of us can safely claim the title of our home.

Lead 2: We are glad to see you in our house, on our holiday, where guests are always welcomed with love, and in the center of attention today is the birthday girl - the Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumov Central Library, which celebrates its 125th anniversary birthday!

Lead 1: We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you new ones.

achievements, further prosperity, creative success ...

Lead 2: ... we wish grateful readers, the implementation of all our ideas, may we have even more good readers, new wonderful books, smart young librarians, experienced mentors, bright interesting events!

Together: Happy anniversary to us !!

Musical beat

Lead 1: The anniversary, as you know, is celebrated in different ways. You can blow all the fanfare and let fireworks into the sky, or you can

Lead 2: 125 years is a long time in itself. A 125 years successful work in the field of education and cultural development - even more so. During this time, our library has become a modern institution that conducts great cultural and educational work.

Lead 1: The library has invariably been doing and is doing the main thing all these years: it introduces people to knowledge, teaches them to think, read, dream, is the center of communication and information. The Naumov Library has something to be proud of! She brings significant victories to the treasury of the cultural life of the Volgodonsk region.

Lead 2: Today, all congratulations and wishes sound in your honor, dear library staff!

The Head of the Volgodonsk District Administration is invited to the stage

Solemn music sounds.

Chapter Speech

Lead 1: A holiday is always a joy good mood and, of course, congratulations! And the most important thing is honoring the best workers. It is rightly noted that not only people do work, but work also makes people.

Gratitude from the Head of Administration of the Volgodonsk region for high professionalism and achieved results in the preservation and development of the culture of the Volgodonsk region:


Head of the Methodological and Bibliographic Department of the Central Library. M.V. Naumova;

Head of the Service Department of the Central Library. M.V. Naumova;

- chief accountant of the Central Library. M.V. Naumova;

Programmer of the library center for legal and local history information of the Central Library named after M.V. Naumova;

Chief librarian of the Ryabichevsky department.

Music for the award.

Award Ceremony.

Lead 2 : Thank you, Viktor Pavlovich, for the kind words of congratulations and wishes! ...

Lead 1 :… And congratulations to all the awardees.

Lead 2 : It is a holiday today! And congratulations and gifts will sound in your address. Accept a musical gift from the winners

all-Russian and international competitionsfolk ensemble of folk songs "Straddushka", supervisorAnna Medvedeva .

Concert number of NANP "Storonushka"

Lead 1: 21 century. Technical revolution. An abundance of computers, e-books. All this is good. But no technique can replace that living energy that comes from a volume of poetry or prose. The reader opens the book, the soul of the book and the soul of a person merge into one beautiful soul, full of beauty and harmony. A witness to this wonderful merger is the Central Library named after M.V. Naumova, who is 125 years old!

A word for greetings to the chairman of the meeting of deputies of the Volgodonsk region.

Solemn music sounds.


Lead 2: The library's birthday is a significant event for all of us. The head of the Romanovsky rural settlement joins the festive congratulations.

Music on the way out.


Lead 1: Anniversary is a special holiday. On the one hand, this is the time for summing up. On the other hand, making plans for the future. Many complex, multifaceted tasks are being performed with good results largely thanks to the understanding and support of the Volgodonsk District Administration.

Lead 2: Head of the sector for culture, art, folk art.

Music on the way out.


Lead 1: It is known that a tree grows well and holds firmly on the ground if it has reliable, strong roots, and library veterans are these roots. Indeed, for many years a special kind, homely atmosphere in the library has been created by its employees. Over time, some leave, but other people come to replace, invariably passionate about their profession.

Lead 2: We invite our veterans to the stage

Music for the award.

Award ceremony (presentation of flowers).

Lead 1: Let the performance be a pleasant addition to the congratulations.Donskoy SDK.

Concert number

Lead 2: The library is a whole kingdom full of smart, wise books, and the librarian is the master of the book kingdom. These are lovely, calm, smiling women, everyone who works in libraries, selfless workers. Only enthusiasts like you support our libraries, which means that the culture will also be alive.

We invite to the stage the Chairman of the Territorial Election Commission of the Volgodonsk District.

Solemn music sounds.


Lead 2: Dear friends! Today is our holiday. Love, respect, recognition are deserved by honest labor. Today is a holiday, but on a holiday it is customary to say Nice words... We are pleased to give the floor to our guests.

Solemn music sounds.


Lead 1: Specialists of the Centralized library system the city of Volgodonsk.

Music on the way out.

Performance and musical number from guests

Lead 2: On this anniversary day, we want to go back in time, remember all the bright moments from the life of our library and relive them with you.

Video news

Lead 1: From the historical reference it follows that today the library is a methodological center for 20 regional libraries.

The library fund is 199,970 copies,

Registered readers in 2016 - 15819

Of them children - 4809

Youth - 3811

Library Visits - 148,093

Visited public events – 29320

Books issued - 272,065

The heads of cultural institutions of the Volgodonsk region are invited to the stage.

Music on the way out.


Lead 2: Dear friends! Pupils of the children's art school of the Volgodonsk region came to congratulate you on your anniversary.

Performance by children of the Children's Art School.

Lead 1: Friends! What a birthday without congratulations, gifts and guests, representatives of enterprises and organizations of our village came to congratulate you.

Music on the way out.


Lead 1: The library named after Naumov has passed a glorious way and has long been the cultural center of the village of Romanovskaya, has retained the reader's devotion to several generations of people living in the village.

Lead 2: Dear friends, our library maintains a close relationship withother organizations ...

Music on the way out.


Lead 1: Our artists join in congratulating the staff of the Central Library and present you with their creative gifts, which, we hope, will pave an invisible magic bridge that connects all of us on this holiday.

Sings for youNina Rudolskaya.

Concert number

Lead 2: How wonderful it is that many guests and friends have gathered for the anniversary. Came to congratulate the staff of the Central Library ........

Music on the way out.


Lead 1: We remember bright events, noting the contribution to the common cause, who are accustomed to honestly working, giving people the warmth of their hearts, care, investing their soul and talent in their favorite work.

The younger generation came to congratulate the staff of the Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumov Central Library on the anniversary ...

Music on the way out.


Lead 2: No matter how the authorities and epochs change, the holidays have not been canceled, they remain. And on a holiday, as you know, you can't do without gifts. They are different: big and small, long-awaited and unexpected. And our gift is musical.

Sounds to you musical greetings performed by Matusevich Alexander.

Concert number

Lead 1: Dear friends, try to guess who in any library you can safely say “If it weren't for you, tell me, why then should we be?”.

Lead 2: This is the reader! Everything that is done in the library is done for the readers and for their sake. Dear readers, our faithful friends, with each visit you leave the sparks of your heart within these walls, and we are grateful to you for your inexhaustible love for the book and your friendly participation.

Lead 1: It is with great pleasure that I want to invite to this stage the inspirer and organizer, the director of the Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumov Central Library.

Music on the way out.


Lead 2: Today, on a holiday, I would like to celebrate and reward the most loyal and loyal readers of the library.

Rewarding active readers.

Lead 2: The land of the Volgodonsk region is generous for talented people. Dear Colleagues! All these years, the library has enjoyed a well-deserved prestige among the residents of our region. Library named after M.V. Naumova maintains close ties with writers: writers, poets, journalists.

The word for congratulations is provided….


Lead 1 : The library works closely with creative organizations and collectives of the region. Among them, a special place is occupied by the folk choir of the Cossack song named after A.A. Zabaznova.

Lead 2: Birthday children, attention!

I am glad to inform you:

They want to congratulate you now

Your best friends.

May everything be wonderful with you!

You are full of strength, energy!

Let your life be like a song

With which you are in love!

Choir to them. A.A. Zabaznova.

Presenter1: Library! You are a constellation of books

Candle of thoughts, feelings and morals of different.

And people are here, perceiving them,

They are experiencing a real holiday.

Lead 2: When some kind of celebration is celebrated in the house, the ownersusually invite guests to look through the family album. This is what we propose to do.

Presenter1: 125 years, more than a century ...

And memory will tell you a lot

Suddenly you will see everything, like in a movie,

And it will lie on my heart so tenderly

All that was so long ago ...

Video about events

Lead 1: Dear friends! Our holiday program is coming to an end, but we hope that it has given you a boost of cheerfulness.

Once again, we congratulate everyone on the anniversary, wish you health, happiness, so that your families will be accompanied by love, good luck and good mood.

Lead 2: And thank you for your applause and smiles.

As long as we are together, as long as our readers are next to us, our library-library named after Naumov!

The final song sounds

Pros of working in a library

There are several reasons to visit the nearest library as soon as possible. First, there is the possibility that not all books or periodicals were scanned and posted online. Secondly, work with books is a search, research. Thus, everything you find will be somewhat more valuable than if you found it on the Internet, because it will be better remembered, you will delve into the essence of what you are writing about. Also, it is quite interesting if you have a large number free time, and develops useful skills. Another plus is that many more or less modern libraries have computers with network or wireless access, so the old-fashioned argument is swept aside.

The library is also a place where you can really devote yourself only to work. Imagine that you are sitting at home with your laptop preparing for an important talk. You are distracted by annoying advertisements, a new message looms, or someone calls for help every minute or pester you with questions. This is not in the library. Peace, silence, the muted sound of the phone, only the rustle of books or a whisper. Are you considered an eccentric because of your disappearance in the library? But in vain. They are still popular among the reading population. Here you can meet people who may be researching the same problems as you - and these are new ideas, mutual assistance in work. So it makes sense to visit this institution! Moreover, a lot of interesting things are happening here.

Library Holidays

Librarian is an interesting and even noble profession: a real feat is to devote oneself to the work for such a salary. Be that as it may, being a book keeper is quite difficult and painstaking.

Librarian and Libraries Day was created in order to draw attention to the problem of the declining popularity of libraries and the work of their workers. It is celebrated on May 27. This is a reason to look into the book storage, because events and interesting exhibitions are held. What can you think of about this? It depends on what the library is. For example, a small village may host a small concert with the participation of regular readers. A reputable institution, on the other hand, can afford a larger event, for example, a lottery among active visitors.

On this day, you can put the librarian in the center of attention and devote the holiday to his work. If it's a small group, throw a theme party. “Yes, at work every day such theme party"- you say. This is where stereotypes come to the rescue. There are two ways: either to exaggerate them, or to "break the pattern." If you decide to go first, then find somewhere a lamp with a lampshade, a round table, wrap yourself in shawls, put on glasses and drink tea with the whole team (the table, you understand, should be quite modest: tea, coffee, sweets or cookies). For entertainment - charades, riddles, intellectual games. You can give everyone a task in advance: to come up with a story from the "stormy" library youth (do not limit yourself in choosing an era). The second way: to show that representatives of such a profession as a librarian can have fun, and how! Therefore, as a team, go to a concert, a club, an extreme amusement park. For visitors, you can arrange an exhibition combined with a mini-presentation of employees' talents. The more unusual the feature, the more interesting it is. The holidays don't end there.

Celebration Ideas: Anniversary and More

For example, World Book and Copyright Day falls on the twenty-third of April. On this day, of course, thematic exhibitions in libraries will be ideal. It is also appropriate to work with children: they can be asked to tell about their favorite books, writers, to draw the heroes of the works. For some, this may be the reason for a writing debut. Therefore, there is a lot of material for decorating a festive wall newspaper. You can also carry out field work, for example, in schools. Usually they organize quizzes, they tell Interesting Facts and teach you how to handle a book. In preparation for the event, you can take to the streets, asking adult passers-by tricky questions from the field of literature.

And, of course, each library has its own personal holiday - an anniversary. How to mark it? You can use the same ideas as for any library holiday. But it is customary for us to celebrate anniversaries on a grand scale. Scenario developments will be presented below.

Library anniversary: ​​script. mission Possible

First, understand what kind of holiday you need. It depends on the contingent and the date. If the figure is solid enough, then the same should be the anniversary of the library. The script can be built on the history of the institution. If this is a gala evening, then look for photographs of the life of the library in different times... You can make a slideshow of them. Probably every library has such an album, like a book of complaints and suggestions. Negative reviews not there, but there are certainly wishes written by the grandparents of today's readers, their notes, children's drawings. This can be the basis for an evening of memories.

If you have a large enough amount of money, hire an agency to develop a short film about the book depository. If your own straight arms allow - please! This material can be shown at the beginning of the gala evening. Then announce the history of the library. Starting from the year of foundation and naming the subsequent anniversary years (or those when something significant happened in the library and the world), briefly tell what time people experienced, and at the end - what happened to the library. Perhaps there was nothing special. Beat that too in celebration of the library's anniversary. Build a scenario on the fact that she is indestructible, she is the guarantor of knowledge, wisdom and stability. So the story has been told, what's next?

Then give the floor to the guests of honor (they will be discussed below). Then you can hold a solemn rewarding of employees, the same guests and readers. If the chosen format allows, be sure to use amateur performances: sketches, songs, dances, performances by children's ensembles, presentations of folk art. Don't let everything go by itself: alternate long speeches of invitees with numbers. This way the audience will not lose interest in what is happening. Devote the next block to the present of the library: present your achievements. Most libraries have circles and all kinds of associations. Give the floor to their members. In the final part, you can look into the future: talk about plans or innovations. To end the holiday with a handout of books is a great idea.

Young book depository

If the library is relatively young, then in the presentation film, focus on the present. Make changes to the chronicle as well. Let the history of the library be compared with life path person. If long evenings with speeches and performances are not to your liking, then transfer the anniversary of the library to the virtual space or supplement the complex of possible events in this way. On site or in groups in in social networks declare, for example, a flash mob. This can be a photo with your favorite book, in the library, and so on. Best photos it is worth noting book gifts, of course. If you want to celebrate the anniversary of the library on a larger scale, break the script for the whole week. During this time, host library anniversary events and book and photo exhibitions. Give each day a separate topic. It can be the history of the library, and the stories of readers, and facts about books, about reading generations, about talents, about circles, about plans ...

Rural library - a hotbed of culture

If in your locality there are no cultural centers and major events, then the anniversary of the library is the best time to remember its services to the village. Write the script for the anniversary of the rural library under the slogan "So many years for the center of culture." Then you can proceed as in the paragraph above. The importance of this institution in countryside... Perhaps a lavish celebration will not be entirely appropriate, but it is still worth talking about the achievements. Organize an amateur performance or concert. Since rural institutions often receive little funding from the budget, the library anniversary is an excellent reason to find sponsors. Moreover, they can help not only with money: books, materials, repairs and so on. When composing a scenario for the anniversary of a rural library, you can focus on the progressiveness of this institution, on the popularity of reading.

Book holiday for children

Here you can give a flight of imagination and write a fabulous script. The anniversary of the children's library is always celebrated quite widely, as children read a lot and often go to the library. Option one: a journey into the depths of the centuries. In the script, start from the idea of ​​telling about the history of the library in general. Where were the first, what they looked like, what has survived to our times. And so travel from antiquity to our time. And only approaching the present, start talking about the hero of the occasion. You can ask the children in advance how they see the library of the future. The script for celebrating the anniversary of the library for children should be as interactive as possible: use video and music, computer games... As many children's performances and games as possible is what you need. You can arrange a holiday with your favorite book heroes.

Events for the anniversary of the library

Congratulations on the anniversary of the library can be done not only in the form of a concert. It can be both pranks and quests. By the way, treat the latter with attention. Hide clue notes in a specific area. Organize an action: every home has unnecessary books, so let them be useful in the library! You can also arrange an exhibition.

Why organize an exhibition?

If exhibitions on duty in libraries do not cause much attention, then anniversary exhibitions should correct this. Every librarian is a creative person, so special attention should be paid to the design. Let it be books on a specific topic. Catchy headline stand. The graphic design should match the theme. Arrange the books not randomly, but so that the composition is respected. Pay close attention to illustrations. What other exhibitions to hold? This is the work of townspeople or fellow villagers, and what is associated with various clubs and circles. By the way, you can invite to meetings with writers - then make the topic appropriate. Try to cooperate with some publishing house and exhibit his books.

How to congratulate the hero of the day?

Congratulations on the anniversary of the library are warm words, full of hope and confidence that it is needed and will be needed for another hundred years. What does the library want? Guests of honor often present something truly necessary. So, you can congratulate the library in different ways ... With books. New books are always held in high esteem. Ideas. Help in organizing events, especially material assistance, is welcome. Improvement of the condition. Of course, this is not a renovation and not a new building, but still. But surely best gift for the library, every day is people's love for books.