
Learning the seasons for preschool children. Nature and weather phenomena in different seasons


Educational process for children in preschool age includes many stages, important points and features. One of the important areas is familiarity with nature, the concept of what time of year it is now, and other factors. The learning process involves not only an objective understanding of objects and terms, but also the formation right attitude to the natural world. The main point in this process is acquaintance with the seasons, which is carried out using various methods.

Methods and objectives of classes by seasons

Nature has an important educational value. This world has a positive impact on a person. The educational process includes methods aimed at understanding weather phenomena, studying objects and forming the right attitude. With the help of this approach, the ability to observe is brought up, and also formed logical thinking and aesthetic attitude towards nature. Thus, new information about living objects and phenomena is mastered, a careful attitude is brought up.

In the process of learning in the preschool period, each child learns about what different periods of the year are. For this purpose, there are many types of classes, but all methods can be divided into the following types:

  • Contrasting comparisons allow children to understand the difference between the seasons. For such a lesson, you can use conversations, visual material in the form of various manuals and other means. During the conversation, the teacher interacts with the children and discusses the beginning of each season and the features of the period, which forms the child's interest in what is happening;
  • The periods of the year and pictures of each season allows you to better understand the features of nature. In this case, with the help of visual materials, the child learns about appearance animals, the activities of man in every season, and the changes in the street. This technique is especially effective when using various technologies, a creative approach;
  • Music is a wonderful method of exploring each period of the year. A certain melody can symbolize autumn, and also winter or spring can be expressed through sound. Children can listen to the melody and then try to represent the seasons or express the feelings they experienced while listening to the music. This approach allows not only to get acquainted with nature, but also to form the right attitude towards musical works and creativity;
  • Various literary creations, such as poetry, are effective tool which allows you to study the features of nature and form an understanding of creativity. Different seasons for preschool children, all phenomena can be described very colorfully and vividly;
  • Game techniques help to master the concept of the change of seasons and the features of each period. Such activities can be active or take place in the form of a board game.

Seasons in games for preschoolers

During the period preschool age the process of development and education of children is important. Children actively perceive, assimilate and use new information and skills. This feature allows you to explore all four seasons, as well as understand the world. Spring, summer, autumn or winter have characteristic features and therefore a lot of activities and methods for children have been created, aimed at the correct formation of each period.

The correct implementation of classes and the use of materials allows you to create correct ideas about the features of nature in each period. On the basis of this, a moderate curiosity, respect for all living things and the development of creative skills are formed. The use of literary or musical works in the learning process contributes to the development of the child's creative abilities and ideas. Games, activities or conversations are aimed at creating the right attitude towards nature. At the same time, children are interested, master many concepts, study pictures, natural phenomena and those features that autumn, winter, spring or summer have. In this case, various teaching methods are carried out for the child, but the correct technique is important.

For effective assimilation of information, it is recommended to teach a child from 4-4.5 years. By the age of 5, the baby should already know the months and seasons.

During this time, he has already observed the change of seasons several times and at this age he has an idea of ​​​​what cold, heat, rain, snow are.

Where to start

It’s worth starting to learn with multi-colored pictures, on which the weather is clearly visible and classes consistent with each season.

It is better to start with the seasons, each of which is characterized by certain changes. Names alone are not enough, associations are needed. Each season needs to be described.

  • Winter- this is snow, New Year, Santa Claus and gifts under the tree, the smell of tangerines, snowballs, a snowman and a sled, warm jackets, hats and mittens, skating.
  • Spring associated with the melting of snow, the appearance of flowers and leaves on trees, with Easter eggs and Easter cakes;
  • Summer- this is the sun, the sea, a river or a lake, everything is green and colored, these are butterflies on flowers, a T-shirt, shorts or a dress, skating or cycling, long walks on the street, chalk drawings on asphalt.
  • autumn they harvest, the leaves turn yellow, orange, red, then fall off, the first ice appears on the puddles, etc.

As an example, you can use the drawings that you show to the child.

Ask the Right Questions

Take four sheets of paper different colors. Ask the baby what color, what time he would indicate. Based on this, ask questions that will help characterize each season:

  1. How does the sun shine?
  2. Is there any precipitation and what kind?
  3. What happens to the leaves?
  4. What are adults doing?
  5. What clothes do they wear?
  6. How do animals and birds behave?
  7. How do children spend their leisure time?

Accompany answers to questions with thematic cards or use a book for a good example.

Learn by playing

You can buy a lotto, cards, posters and, while playing, describe to the baby what happens at what time.

Then play pantomime (explanations without words, only through body language) or riddles to reinforce the knowledge gained.

You can ask a child to draw on a 3D board what he associates with a particular time. Or you draw, and the kid guesses what season the drawing belongs to. On such a board, the drawn pictures “come to life” and are more interesting for children. You can use this link for 50% discount.

dress up games

Get things for different seasons, and ask your child to go for a walk at a certain time of the year.

Observation method

Together with your child, choose an object outside the window (a tree or a flower) and watch how it changes depending on the weather. Let the baby describe what is happening with the object of observation, and you write it down. It is better to mark the changes with the help of photographs.

Create a family photo calendar to make it easier for your child to associate not only the seasons, but also the months. Let the photographs be taken at different times of the year so that the child can distinguish them.

Find the extra word

  • Flowers, grass, sun, snowflakes, butterflies.
  • Snow, skates, snowman, flower, Santa Claus, snowflake.

Think of other options.

What time of year do the drawings resemble?



The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring is coming, forests are turning green
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything blooms under the sun,
And ripe berries ask in the mouth.
Generous Autumn brings us fruit,
Fields and orchards give crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.

Four colors of the year

White hats on white birches.
White hare on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
I run skiing through the white forest.

Blue skies, blue shadows.
The blue rivers have shed their ice.
Blue snowdrop - a resident of spring,
It boldly grows on a blue thawed patch.

In a green forest on a green blade of grass,
Leads a green beetle with a mustache.
Green butterfly on the path
He covered my net, a thread cap.

The yellow sun heats weaker.
Yellow melons on yellow ground.
Yellow leaves rustle down the alley.
Yellow drop of resin on the trunk.

Who is in what

Glittering puddles on the paths -
Autumn stomps in boots.
A cloud of rain carried away -
Walks in spring shoes.
Summer goes barefoot
Or in sandals
And winter, creaking with snow, -
In warm boots.


Leaves. Yellow pencil -
This is an autumn landscape.
Whiteness, snowdrift, aspen -
This is a winter picture.
Snow melts, streams, drops -
It's spring in watercolor.
The sun, the meadow, the flowers are full -
This is a summer canvas.
And here is your artist,
Who did all this beauty
And arranged a vernissage!

It will help to distinguish between months correctly fairy tale "12 months" and a poem:

When snowflakes a white swarm flies somewhere into the distance.
February comes after MARCH, behind him APRIL and MAY.
The hubbub of spring flocks of birds is heard in the forest and in the field.

Behind May, summer is on the threshold JUNE will lead to us.
JULY will give berries juice, and the month AUGUST- honey.

During the summer of autumn, the ensemble will perform its dance,
SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, after NOVEMBER s cover the garden with leaves.

Dropping snow on the go, winter will come again.
Twelve months in a year, and you need to know all of them.


Songs about winter

    The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

    The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
    She grew up in the forest
    Slim in winter and summer
    Green was.
    The blizzard sang a song to her:
    “Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
    Frost covered with snow:
    "Look, don't freeze!"
    Coward Bunny gray
    Jumped under the tree.
    Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf
    Ran through.
    Chu! Frequent snow in the forest
    Creaks under the canopy
    Hurry, run.
    The horse is carrying firewood,
    And in the woods an old man,
    He cut down our Christmas tree
    Under the spine.
    Now she is elegant
    Came to us for the holiday
    And a lot, a lot of joy
    Brought to the kids!

    Once upon a frosty winter

    Once upon a frosty winter
    Along the edge of the forest
    The bear went to his home
    AT warm coat fur.
    He walked, walked to his lair
    Along a country road
    And walking across the bridge
    Stepped on a fox's tail
    The fox raised a cry -
    The dark forest roared.
    And a bear with a fright in an instant
    Climb a big pine tree.
    Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
    Squirrel's house caulked
    And he said: "You, bear,
    You have to watch your step!"
    Since then, the bear decided
    What you need to sleep in winter
    Do not walk along the paths
    Don't step on the tails.
    He is in the lair serenely
    Sleeps in winter under a snowy roof,
    And happy for a reason
    Who was born without a tail.

About spring

    green carriage

    Sleep, sleep mice, sleep hedgehogs

    Everyone, everyone fell asleep before dawn
    Only a green carriage
    Only a green carriage
    Rushing, rushing in the sky
    In silvery silence
    Six hot horses
    In scarlet and green hats
    They rush over the earth
    On the backs of a black rook
    Do not keep up with the carriage
    After all, spring is in this carriage
    After all, spring is in this carriage
    Sleep, sleep, sleep bear cubs
    And hedgehogs, and hedgehogs and guys
    At the most, at the quietest hour
    The ringing of horseshoes will wake you up
    The ringing of horseshoes will wake you up
    Just look out the window
    Spring is in the yard
    Sleep, sleep mice, sleep hedgehogs
    Bear cubs, cubs and children
    Everyone, everyone fell asleep before dawn
    Only a green carriage.

    Hello Spring

    Hello, hello beautiful spring!
    We have sown seeds in the ground
    Seedlings grow from the ground
    Flowers bloom on the window.

    Bird house at our window;
    Fun in this house today
    The winged tenants have a housewarming party.
    Hello, hello beautiful spring!
    May Day is celebrated by the whole country.
    And we wave flags cheerfully
    To brave falcons, our pilots.


    I'm lying in the sun

    I'm sitting in the sun
    I'm looking at the sun...
    I'm all sitting and sitting
    And I look at the sun.
    - I'm not "sitting", but "lying" ...
    - It's you lying, and I'm sitting!
    Rhinoceros, horn, horn is coming,
    Crocodile, dil, dil swims.
    I'm just sitting (lying)
    And look at the sun...
    A lion cub lies nearby
    And wiggles his ears
    Only me I'm all lying
    And I don't look at the lion cub.
    - And all the same, you need to sing - "I'm lying"!
    -And-and-and raaz...
    I'm lying in the sun,
    I'm looking at the sun...
    I lie and lie
    And I look at the sun.

    Song of Leopold the Cat

    The rain passed barefoot on the ground,
    Klein patted his shoulders.
    If it's a clear day, that's good.
    And when it's the other way around, it's bad.
    Hear how they ring in the sky high
    Sun rays strings.
    If you are kind, that's good.
    And when it's the other way around, it's hard!
    Share your joy with everyone
    Scattering laughter loudly.
    If you sing songs, it's more fun with them.
    And when on the contrary - boring!


    Song of Crocodile Gena

    Let run clumsily
    puddle walkers,
    And the water on the asphalt river.
    And it is not clear to passers-by
    On this bad day
    Why am I so cheerful?
    And I play the harmonica
    In front of passers-by.
    Sorry, birthday
    Only once a year.
    Suddenly a magician will arrive
    In a blue helicopter
    And they show movies for free.
    happy birthday wishes
    And probably leave
    I have five hundred popsicles as a gift.
    And I play the harmonica
    In front of passers-by.
    Sorry, birthday
    Only once a year.

    Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes

    Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes,
    Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes,
    Tilly tili trali wali

    Tili-tili, trali-wali
    We did not go through this, we were not asked this

    Antoshka, Antoshka, play the harmonica for us,
    Tilly tili trali wali
    We did not go through this, we were not asked this
    Tili-tili, tali-wali.
    We did not go through this, we were not asked this
    Pa-ram-pam-pam, Pa-ram-pam-pam.
    Antoshka, Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner
    Antoshka, Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner.
    Tilly tili trali wali

    Tili-tili, trali-wali
    These are my brothers, I can hardly refuse now
    Pa-ram-pam-pam, Pa-ram-pam-pam.

Watch educational cartoons with your child:

  • "Lessons from Aunt Owl";
  • "Shonny the Tank Engine";
  • "Kids";
  • "Smeshariki", etc.


* * *
One gray
Another young
The third is jumping
The fourth is crying. ( Seasons)

* * *
The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does it happen? ( spring)

* * *
The sun bakes, the linden blossoms.
Rye ripens, when does it happen? ( Summer)

* * *
The days got shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen? ( autumn)

* * *
I have a lot to do
- I am a white blanket
I cover all the earth
I clean the ice of the river,
Whitewash fields, houses,
And my name is ... ( Winter)

* * *
Troika, trio arrived.
The horses in that trio are white.
And in the sleigh sits the queen -
Belokosa, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered in silver. ( winter months)

* * *
I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
Full of movement. My name is…( Spring)

To help your child learn the months and their sequence, come up with clues that start with the same letter as the month.

Exploring the months

Tell your baby that 1 year = 12 months.

All 12 months must be divided into 4 seasons, which the child should already know. Their names just need to be memorized. It's easier to do this using associations.

For example: December - New Year, Santa Claus, gifts; March - women's holiday March 8, the willow blossoms, the first snowdrops appear, etc.

Remember the number of days in a month

You can quickly, conveniently and correctly distinguish the number of days in a month using your hands.

The bone rule:

  1. You need to clench your hands into fists and look at the bones.
  2. The first bone of the little finger is January, the hollow after the bone is February, etc.
  3. The month that the bone denotes has - 31 days; month "in the hollow" - 30 (exception February - 28/29 days).

  • Watch cartoons with children, ask questions, answer their questions.
  • Get the necessary literature: S. Berner series "Town", V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", V. Svechnikov "Seasons. Illustrated encyclopedia”, S. Marshak “All year round”.

Every season is beautiful in its own way. Spring is rich in flowers and the first rays of the sun, winter brings holidays and winter fun. In the eyes of children, all seasons look like a new world with bright characteristic odors, colors, and also sensations. It is best to start introducing the child to all the seasons of the year, using children's pictures for preschoolers "Change of seasons: spring, winter, autumn, summer." It is desirable that they clearly demonstrate the features of each season separately. Such a didactic game contributes to the development of the horizons of preschoolers, their understanding of the laws of nature.

How can you use them?

Pictures on the theme "Change of seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter" and a didactic game for children are best suited. So the child will remember the studied material better. First, the baby should be explained what natural phenomena are characteristic of each season. Only then can he be shown all kinds of pictures for children with images of different seasons. When the kid carefully examines them, let him name all the seasons that the didactic game offers. So your child will not only visually remember new information, but will also be able to consolidate it well.

At home, you can come up with another option for studying the change of seasons for children.

For example, such a didactic game can be created. To do this, make a card out of white cardboard yourself and draw on it at the top of flying birds, a blooming snowdrop, a strawberry bush and a sleeping bear. From each drawing, draw the paths in the form of a labyrinth, sign the corresponding seasons of the year below. Ask the child to walk along the paths of the labyrinth and say at what time of the year birds fly to warm countries, when snowdrops bloom, strawberries ripen in the forest, and at what time of the year the bear sleeps. Proceed with the child to such activities only when he shows interest in this. In kindergarten, the following didactic game may be applicable. The teacher gives each child 4 children's cards with images of certain objects. Give them a few minutes to consider. Then he asks to name if there is an extra item among them that does not belong to a certain time of the year. For example, a snowman is an extra item, because it can be molded or found only in winter. Whoever gets everything right wins.

Such a didactic game for children "Change of seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter" is well suited. The teacher invites the children to choose the name of the season of the year, for example, spring or winter. When the choice is made by each, they are shown in turn fragments of pictures with different times of the year. The one to whom this fragment fits, takes it for himself. Whoever completes the task first will be the winner. Here I have collected free pictures for children "Change of seasons", as well as posters, all kinds of cards about the seasons, games and much more. All materials can be downloaded for free. Click on the pictures below to download and print.

Didactic game"Change of seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn" for children develops Creative skills, helps to increase the level of erudition. It will interest your child in learning the seasons, nature and its features. The game is the main method of teaching kids. Only she is able to make them sensitive, inquisitive and interesting people.

Thematic materials

Picture cards

A complete set of thematic cards about different seasons for children. The pictures are very colorful and interesting.

Didactic game

Sorting game about seasons for kids:

The simplest cards depicting cartoon characters from cartoons about different seasons.

related poster



You can download this book for free.

Example pages from inside the book:

Poster about seasonal clothes and seasons for children:

seasons with winnie the pooh for kids:

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season consists of 3 months, and in total there are 12 months in a year. Every month of the year has its own name since ancient times. The names of the months of the year came from ancient times, in their names you can see what is happening in given time year, in this month.

Let's take a closer look at each season.

Four sisters

Poems for children about the seasons(author E. Karganova)

Has nature
Four pages
The weather has
Four sisters

Pages about every season

Spring in poems and pictures for children

Spring has come! Nature is awakening after winter, the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting, birds from warm lands will soon return to the forest, filling the forest with singing. Birds are about to sing, flowers are blooming, and the forest is dressed in green foliage.

In spring, the snow begins to melt in the sun and turns into water; streams fill lakes with water; birds fly; buds appear on trees from which small leaves grow; birds make nests, and insects appear in the forest, and the entire plant and animal world awakens from hibernation.

Tell me what is shown in the picture in spring?