
Holy Trinity script. The script for the celebration of the Trinity in the village club, the House of Culture: games, contests, ditties, a concert. How many days is Trinity celebrated? How to celebrate the Trinity correctly? Hares and wattle


Scenario of the ritual holiday "Trinity"

Ritual holiday« Trinity»

Target: Introduce preschoolers to ritual holiday« TRINITY» .


Expand your understanding of folk traditions, rituals of our ancestors.

To develop interest in the history and culture of the Russian people, to promote the development of a strong interest in small forms of folklore.

To cultivate love for nature, for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's people and their heritage.

Create a joyful mood, a desire to take part in Russian folk holidays.

The course of the holiday.

Leading: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Leading: Lots of sun, lots of light,

What time of year?

Children: Summer!

Leading: Well done boys. That's right, here comes our summer

Red, our summer is warm.

If there are thunderstorms in the sky

If the grasses bloomed

If early morning dew

Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

If in the groves above the viburnum

Until the night the rumble of bees.

If warmed by the sun

All the water in the river to the bottom. -

So it's already summer!

So spring is over!

Leading: Guys, what holiday we celebrate? (children's answers)

The grove is young, white-trunked

At dawn, it will wash with dew.

Ringing is heard bell-

Sunday bright - Trinity!

Ringing is clear, bell-like

They spill into the sky.

Praise Trinity fields free,

The birds sing with a melodious song.

Fiftieth day after Easter.

The sun is shining like summer.

Church domes cast a shadow

To the meadow where the dew drops shine.

How beautiful the world is - just look!

And everything leads the soul into amazement.

Beautiful day from dawn to dawn

After all, it is our Church's Birthday!

presenter: Do you know what it is? Trinity holiday? And what is the Holy Trinity? (children's answers) Do you want to know? Well then, sit back and listen!


presenter: Many, many years ago, the Apostles, the disciples of Jesus Christ, gathered in one upper room.

Icon of all the apostles

Suddenly, the Apostles heard a noise, as if the wind had swept by or wings were rustling, and fires were lit over their heads. It was the Holy Spirit that came upon them! And they spoke in different languages. The apostles went out into the streets and told ordinary people about God. Some Apostles went to the south, others to the east and west. Apostle Andrew preached in the north - in our lands where we live. These were the first priests, preachers of the teachings of Jesus Christ. That's why we call the day Trinity also Happy Birthday to the Church.

The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Sometimes icons depict God the Father as an old man, God the Son - Jesus Christ, and God - the Holy Spirit as a dove.


And I also saw another icon, where the saint Trinity depicted as three beautiful youths. And this is also correct.

(shows icon)

Trinity- one of the most beloved by the Orthodox people holidays. These days they decorated the house with green branches and herbs. Also on Trinity people went to church.

Pay attention to how elegant the church is in this day: young grass is scattered on the floor, fresh wildflowers are all around, twigs of young birch trees with sticky shiny leaves. Sheaves of greenery stand at the altar; icons are decorated with branches; people come to the service with bouquets made up of twigs and flowers.

Green on Trinity is a sign of renewal of life. The ringing of bells, the spicy aroma of herbs, filled with summer and sun Trinity.

Very beautiful these days in the temple. And these days it’s good to be in nature to admire the beauty of God’s world, to feel that this beauty cannot be ignored.

The pious Russian people, who loved their native land, said in the old days that Trinity the earth itself is a birthday girl.

This day is not supposed to work. In the old days, people sang songs, danced round dances.

Leading: symbol the feast of the Trinity became a birch, so this the holiday is also called the holiday of the Russian birch. The girls decorated the birch with ribbons and made a wish, danced round dances, sang songs.

Song: "Young, I'm young"

1 child: Every day I see

Birch by the window

And no friend is closer

Sweeter to me than her!

2 child: Green light haze

Wrapped up in the spring

And the invisible wind

The carved sheet sways.

Leading: Oh, guys, who is in a hurry to us?

(Birch comes out)

birch: It's me, birch, in a new sundress,

I want to have fun with you kids.

WITH happy holiday to you, children, I congratulate all!

I wish you happiness, fun, joy!

Leading: Birch, stay with us, have fun, because today we have a special day - Trinity holiday. Today we all have fun and sing songs.

round dance "There was a birch in the field"

Leading: Let's guys, together with the birch, rejoice at the red summer, the sun, flowers and play a game "Wreath"

The game "Wreath"

Children - "flowers" stand in a circle, forming a wreath. The driver is in a circle, he says the words:

I'm going to pick a flower

Weave a wreath from flowers.

Children "flowers" meet:

We don't want to be ripped off

And wreaths were woven from us.

We want to stay in the forest

They will admire us.

Saying the last words, the children scatter, and the driver tries to overpower them. The victim sits down.

Children take their seats

Leading: And also on Trinity ceremony was performed"Green Kuma"rite of passage, an oath of girlish friendship, witnessed by a birch. The girls kissed through wreaths, swore friendship.

Girls - beauties chose a girlfriend according to their hearts, approached a birch, one on one side, the other on the other, through a wreath tied from branches of birches, they pooled.

The host offers the girls to shop:

Gossips, gossiping,

Wherever you meet, bow

Go home - do not scold.


(They kiss three times and exchange rings)

(The rest of the couples do the same)


1. Gossip, dove -

gray cuckoo,

Come with you girl

Let's have a bite

You are my gossip

I am your dove

2. Let's have fun, let's have fun

Do not quarrel, do not scold.

(Kiss, exchange rings)

Leading: From today you become friends, sisters named. Help each other in everything and never quarrel. At the gates of the solstice, come out to dance, people!

Free Cossack dance

The children sit down, Leshy comes out from behind the bushes. (Recording of birds singing)

Goblin: What's that noise? Who woke me up? In my forest there is silence, peace, birds sing, flowers bloom, and suddenly someone makes noise, sings songs.

Leading: Goblin, don't be offended by us, today we We celebrate the Trinity.

Goblin: Okay, you reassured me. And I thought that you came to burn fires, destroy bird nests, break forests. I do not like such people and protect the forest from them. And I want to play with you.

Goblin A: Look how beautiful the land has become. The grass is green all around, and how much different colors adorns it and streams run.


Goblin: Thank you guys for celebrating the birthday of the forest, our land. Come visit the forest more often. Now I know you won't hurt him. I have to go

birch: You kids for having so much fun celebrate Trinity. In gratitude for your songs and dances, I have prepared a treat for you. (feeds children)

Leading: Thank you, birch, for the treat. Our holiday ends see you friends!

Related publications:

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"Trinity". Synopsis of a folklore circle for children of senior preschool age Purpose: Acquaintance with the rites for the Trinity through folklore. Tasks: 1. Contribute to the revival of the traditions of the celebration of the Russian.

Folklore holiday for children preparatory group"Trinity". Purpose: development of the personality of a preschooler through his familiarization with values.


Explanatory note

Target: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the celebration of the Trinity.


    give an idea of ​​the content, history and tradition of the holiday;

    reveal the moral values ​​of the people through acquaintance with proverbs and sayings - as samples of folk music, folk songs, dances, games and other fun;

    to renew the tradition of family celebration of the Trinity.

This scenario of the holiday "Trinity - green Christmas time" can be used both for Sunday school, as well as for carrying out extracurricular activities in schools and other educational and educational institutions.

The duration of the holiday can be adjusted from 45 minutes. up to 1 hour 30 minutes, depending on the duration of each game, which is important to consider depending on the age of the children.

Since the Trinity is traditionally celebrated as a holiday, when the whole family, after the solemn service, goes to nature, in order to continue celebrating the Day of the Holy Trinity, it makes sense to actively involve parents in the preparation and holding of the holiday. This holiday scenario is designed for children. different ages(from 4-5 years to 14), as well as their parents, grandparents.

The venue for the celebration is a clearing, large enough (depending on the number of participants), suitable for active games. To introduce the unusual into the atmosphere - we decorate the space in a special way - we place signs, leave clues, we attach leaves with proverbs and sayings to birch branches.

Before the start of the holiday, you can invite parents to prepare wreaths, flowers and other attributes to create a special mood. In addition, costumes are needed for the hosts: a red maiden and a good fellow, and a third costume for a birch.

The musical arrangement of the holiday is possible with the help of live music (for example: button accordion, balalaika or guitar) or with a soundtrack. Lyrics are attached. I will make a reservation that the lyrics of the songs were shortened, which is explained by the rules of the holiday and considerations of the need for censorship, taking into account age restrictions.

In addition, it is advisable to distribute the texts of songs and poems to several children in advance, which should be memorized.

For active participation in games, competitions and performance, small gifts can be provided - for example air balloons with comic inscriptions or drawings.

Before the start of the performance, Russian folk songs are played. To the soundtrack, the presenters (Red Maiden and Good Well Done :) invite children to the holiday.

Trinity Feast

Good fellow:

Holy Trinity Day is a special day. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. It happened on the fiftieth day after Christ's Resurrection. Now the apostles could speak in all languages ​​in order to carry the good news of Christ to all nations. On this day we glorify the Most Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Red girl:

In Russia, the custom of decorating houses and temples on this day has long gone. After all, green is the color of renewal. A young birch has been and remains a symbol of the blossoming nature in Russia.

They tried to celebrate it not in the house, but in the garden, in the forest, in the field. Ayda and we glorify the birch on the street.


Red girl: In Russia, the most common tree is a birch. She was even called the tree of life: people were treated with her juice, leaves, used buds and bark ... And for this, on Trinity Day, she was dressed up with ribbons. OH! Where are all the birches? We were just standing here yesterday. Not otherwise, the evil Koschei decided to spoil our holiday - he stole and hid all the birch trees. Guys! Where do you think he could hide our birches?

The children find the first CLUE on the ground on a "dropped" birch leaf. ("Look for birches in the forest"). Further, following the signs, we move towards the meadow. The children go to the festive meadow, in the middle of which stands a girl - Birch.

Good fellow: OH! Here it is - a birch. Now we can start the holiday! " Green Christmas time"Today we are celebrating, but we are meeting the Trinity!

Red girl: We see off the spring, but we meet the red summer! In ancient times, girls danced cheerfully, curled multi-colored wreaths, decorated the birch!

Good fellow:

white birch,

curly birch,

what did you come for?

birch On the carpet, on gold,

On satin, on velvet; -

Red girl:

"Who did you visit?"

birch Father, mother,

In the clan, in the tribe,

The Red Girls.

Good fellow:

curly birch,

curly, youthful,

Under you, birch,

Not a fire burns;

Not a poppy blooms

Not a fire burns

Red girls

They stand in a round dance,

About you birch

All songs are sung.

Children dress up a birch, sentence and tie colored ribbons on a birch.

Bless the Trinity

Mother of God,

We go to the forest

We sorivati ​​flowers,

Yes, curl the wreaths.


Having tied the ribbon, the children stand in a round dance. In the center of the clearing, bowing its head and branches, stands a "birch".

You are my dear girls

You are true friends!

Oh, thank you for the outfits donated,

For gentle songs, for daring dances.

As I heard ringing songs,

Yes, I came to you for the holidays.

I came to life - I want to have fun,

Sing songs, lead round dances.

The music sounds "In the field there was a birch." Children lead a round dance around a birch. Birch "comes to life" and dances with children.

There was a birch in the field

There was a birch in the field

Curly stood in the field,

Lyuli, Lyuli, stood. (2 p.)

Break a birch for someone

Break someone's curl

Lyuli, lyuli, break it. (2 p.)

How do I go to the forest, take a walk,

white birch break,

Lyuli, lyuli, I'll break it. (2 p.)

I cut three rods from a birch,

I will make myself three beeps,

Lyuli, lyuli, three years old. (2 p.)

And the Fourth balalaika;

And the Fourth balalaika;

Luli, lyuli, balalaika. (2 p.)

I will play the balalaika

I will play the balalaika

Lyuli, lyuli, I play (2 p.)


Red girl:

Pick a leaf from our birch,

You will find comfort in it - not tears.

The holy fathers once said so,

The Church brought this to us, guys!

The children run up to the "birch", on the branches of which are pre-attached at different heights (among the real ones) leaflets cut out of paper, with sayings of wisdom written on them. They read them (with the help of adults) out loud and return to their place.

    A submissive word tames anger.

    Repent, but again for the same do not take.

    What the body likes, the soul is rude.

    Whoever loves God's deeds, life is dear and dear to him.

    To live is to serve God.

    Without the gospel, it's like without the sun - and during the day it's dark at the window.

    God loves the righteous, but the devil loves the sneak.

    In a smart conversation, gain your mind, and in a stupid conversation, lose yours.

    Fear the Almighty - do not say too much.

    Talk less to others, but more to God.

    Honor your parents and God, and your path is everywhere.

    Pray to God with your tongue, but do not be lazy to work with your hands.

    Where there is love, there is God, yes, silence, yes smooth surface, yes God's grace.

    Live more humble, and you will be nicer to everyone.

    The devil was proud, but fell from the sky.

    Do not rush to answer, but hurry to listen.


The girl and the boy stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates". The rest of the children stand one after another (boy, girl) and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain passes under the "gates" to the Russian folk melody "As under our gates." "Gate" pronounce:

Golden Gate

Come in gentlemen!

The first mother passed -

Spent all the children.

Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

Bread, salt and water

We close the gate!

After these words, the music stops, the “collars” abruptly drop their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".


The game "Burners" is traditionally ternary. The players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is ahead, he holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head. While the song is being sung, the couple prepares to start, and with the last words of the verse, the children of the last couple run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who runs to the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with him in front of the column, and the late one "burns", that is, drives.

Good fellow:

It's time to play the burners -

- There is also a game)

Playing "burners" is a blessing!

And let's start playing!

Good fellow: conducts the game. Everyone sings in chorus:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying.

The bells are ringing!

Dili-don, dili-don -

Get out of here!


Good fellow: And here is another fun, loved by children and adults - riddles. Who among you knows how to solve riddles?

Who invent this world

So wonderfully able?

Life, who gave people?

Well, of course… (God).

As the Lord loves all people,

So we must love.

Remember this people

And let's in the world ... (live).

If someone offended you

God taught us not to scream.

Don't hold grudges in your heart

And with all my heart ... (forgive).

Who has enough

With that makes friends easily and smoothly.

I will buy for the soul

I have God ... (kindness).

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds learn to sing

Spider ... (patience).

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us ... (labor).

And besides, in their work

All in fairness.

Reflection in water

Teaches us ... (truthfulness).

Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches ... (kindness)

And for all the magnitude

Teaches ... (modesty).

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people

Teaches strong ... (friendship).

Good fellow: And now let's play - "to braid", get up and you are with us, Birch.


The players are divided into two teams of equal strength - hares and wattle. Wattle players, holding hands, become in the center, and hares - at one end of the site.

Wattle children repeat after the leaders:

Hare, hare won't come in

To our green garden!

Braid, braid

Hares are climbing, save yourself!

At the last word, the hares run to the wattle fence and try to break it or slip under the hands of the players. Hares that slipped through gather at the other end of the corridor, and those who were detained are told:“Go back to the forest, nibble on the aspen!” And they are out of the game. Wattle children turn to face the hares and read:

Won't come in another time

The wattle fence saved us from hares.


The game is played on level ground. The players are divided into two teams that line up against each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters.

The first team goes ahead with the words:

Boyars, we have come to you!

And returns to its original place:

Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did you come? Dear, why did you come?

The dialogue starts:

Boyars, we need a bride. Darlings, we need a bride.

Boyars, what do you like? Dear ones, how do you like it?

The first team confers and chooses someone:

Boyars, this sweet one is for us (they point to the chosen one).

Dear us, this is sweet.

The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, looking the other way. The dialogue continues:

Boyars, she is a fool with us. Dear, she is a fool with us.

Boyars, and we whip it. Dear, and we whip it.

Boyars, she is afraid of whips. Darlings, she is afraid of whips.

Boyars, and we will give a gingerbread. Dear, and we will give a gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt. Darlings, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, and we will reduce to the doctor. Dear, and we will reduce to the doctor.

Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.

The first command completes:

Boyars, don't play the fool, give us the bride forever

The one who was chosen as the bride must scatter and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player first. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The task of the teams is to keep more players.

Children read poetry

Ding-dong, ding-dong, a ringing is heard over the village

Above the river is an ancient Temple, let's go there together!

Windows and floors are decorated with greenery

The corners are hung with birch branches,

Here in the middle of the Church is a priest with a Cross

The people stand with flowers in this holy temple.

Ask God to save you

Ask that the flame of faith does not go out ...

Candles burn out, the choir sings psalms,

We were at the Trinity in the Temple.

Since ancient times, our people have met the Trinity,

Everyone carries green twigs to the Temple,

Consecrated twigs, grass and flowers,

Decorate walls and floors in the house.

And then to freedom, to the forest meadow

They sing about birch, maple or oak.

And the girls and boys lead a round dance,

Representation, songs amuse the people.

Children perform a round dance (they lead a round dance with green twigs in their hands).

Will I go, will I go

Will I go, will I go, yes,

Will I go, will I go, yes,

In the valley, in the valley, yes,

In the valley, in the wide.

Will I rip, will I rip, yes

Will I rip, will I rip, yes

A berry from a grape, yes

Wine from grapes.

Is it not a berry for me, yes,

Is it not my fault, yes,

I picked a flower, yes,

I made a wreath.

I'm sitting with a young man, yes,

I look at the young man, yes,

Say soul, say light, yes

Tell me, do you love or not?

Say soul, say light, yes

Tell me, do you love or not? - Yes,

"I don't like to love, yes,

I can't look!"


No matter how sorry I am to say goodbye to you today, dear guys, but it's time and honor to know. They were waiting for me at my home: birds, animals and people. And I will give you joy, on a hot afternoon - you will find coolness with me, rest under the rustle of leaves. And you do not forget me, but invite me to visit again.

Good fellow:

Well, guys, our holiday has come to an end. We sang and danced, and played old games. Yes, and it’s time for our birch to return home - to delight all people with its beauty - to our delight, to others a feast for the eyes. And we will thank her and invite her to come to our holiday in next year.

List of used sources and literature:

    Dal V.I. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people.

(For kids preschool age).

Purpose: To introduce children to the features of the celebration of the Trinity: decorating the home and the Temple with green branches, flowers, fragrant herbs. To form impressions of summer changes in nature. To give ideas about the world around us, holidays, moral values ​​of our people through theatre, game, fairy tale based on the traditions of the family celebration of the Trinity. To arouse in children the desire to be honest, to do good deeds, to take care of loved ones and those who are sick. Replenish the children's vocabulary with the words: Trinity, church holiday.
To cultivate a respectful, merciful, attentive attitude towards others, the ability to empathize, the desire to be truthful, to live according to conscience.
Equipment: Bouquets of greenery and flowers for all children, a model of the Orthodox Church, a screen, decorations: green trees, fir trees, birches, a house, a bag, a basket, an ax, the sun, clouds, flowers; theatrical puppets: cane - Mom, Grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, Woodcutter; gloves: wolf.

Presenter: Invented by someone and simply and wisely
Say hello when meeting Good morning
Host: Hello girls! - Hello!
Presenter: - Hello, boys! - Hello!
Host: Hello adults! - Hello!
Presenter: Congratulations guys on the Feast of the Holy Trinity!

Presenter: Guys, tell me, what do you think, is the feast of the Trinity a church holiday or an ordinary one? That's right, it's a church! What do you already know Orthodox holidays?
Presenter 1: And March 8? Is this a church holiday? Let's play, I'll call the holidays, and you clap your hands if it's an Orthodox holiday or put your hands on your knees if it's a regular holiday. Good?
New Year, Easter, Radio Day, Christmas, Apple Savior, May 1, Victory Day, Trinity, St. Nicholas, Independence Day, Protection Day, Constitution Day, Palm Sunday, Maslenitsa.

Presenter: We glorify the Trinity, we continue the holiday!
Presenter: So the Trinity has come - brought a sweet holiday!


The grove is young, white-trunked
At dawn, it will wash with dew.
Ringing is heard bell-
Holy Sunday - Trinity!

Ringing is clear, bell-like
They spill into the sky.
Free fields glorify the Trinity,
The birds sing with a melodious song.

And every creation of God
Repeating a prayer aloud
Praises Eternal Unity:
God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit.

Fiftieth day after Easter.
The sun is shining like summer.
Church domes cast a shadow
To the meadow where the dew drops shine.

How beautiful the world is - just look!
And everything leads the soul into amazement.
Beautiful day from dawn to dawn

All in unison: It's our Church's Birthday!

Ah, Trinity, ah
Trinity, green time!
How to breathe, how to pray
How to call in the morning!

And the heart is cleansed
Love for everything
And it's so easy to say goodbye
when you go to him.

Presenter: Ding-dong, ding-dong, a ringing is heard over the village
Above the river is an ancient Temple, let's go there together!
Presenter: Windows and floors are decorated with greenery
The corners are hung with birch branches,
Presenter: Here in the middle of the Church is a priest with a Cross
The people stand with flowers in this holy temple.
Presenter: Ask God to save you,
Ask that the flame of faith does not go out ...
Candles burn out, the choir sings psalms,
We were at the Trinity in the Temple.
Presenter: Since ancient times, our people have met the Trinity,
Everyone carries green twigs to the Temple,
Consecrated twigs, grass and flowers,
Decorate walls and floors in the house.
Presenter: And then to freedom, to the forest meadow
They sing about birch, maple or oak.
And the girls and boys lead a round dance,
Representation, songs amuse the people.
Children sing a song (dance with green twigs in their hands).

Puppet Show - Fairy Tale
"The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood"

Characters: Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother, Mom, Woodcutter, Wolf.

Presenter: And we are in honor of the holiday of the Trinity
For adults and for children
About Little Red Riding Hood
Let's talk in a new way.
We will watch a performance about how our old acquaintances - Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother celebrated the Trinity. Be careful. If you are asked, help the heroes of the fairy tale. Deal?


Presenter: The dense forest sleeps sweetly on a pillow hill,
The small house stands on the edge of the forest.
A girl lives in the house, and believe me, children,
What is more charming than her is not in the world.
Presenter: Mother is proud of her and does not have a soul.
Well, grandmother misses her every day.

Music. (Little Red Riding Hood comes out and sings)

Little Red Hat: “The sun came out, it shines in the meadow
I happily run towards the sun
And white daisies I tear on the fly
I'll make a wreath, I'll weave the sun. -
Oh, how many houses of flowers are around
Blue, scarlet here and there.
What region are you from?

Or maybe you from paradise
Heaven sent to us?
How beautiful here and there! (Mom comes out) Mom, why do we have so many flowers at home?
Mom: We have the Trinity holiday, here are the herbs and flowers,
I brought them from the Temple for my grandmother and daughter.
Decorated the house with flowers, washed the windows cleanly
She lit a light in the lamp, is it good with us, my friend?

Little Red Hat: How beautiful it is, mom! Why flowers from the Temple?

Mom: These wonderful flowers remind us of paradise.
And I'll tell you a secret, they are a little magical.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, mom, tell me quickly, how magical is it?

Mom: Yes, whoever sniffs them wholeheartedly will immediately find out the whole truth about himself.

Little Red Hat: How is it?

Mom: You try.

Little Red Riding Hood: (sniffs) Oh, how it smells!!! (Magic music) Oh-oh-oh! (Crying) Mommy, I broke your favorite cup, but I said that it was a cat. What a shame! Mom, forgive me!

Mom: You see, the flowers are magical after all. It's good that you said it yourself. Of course I forgive you.

Little Red Hat: Mommy, can I do something good?

Mom: Of course, I baked a pie for my grandmother with potatoes
Congratulate her on the Trinity, daughter, take the basket.

And also take her cow's butter
Yes, better ask about her health.

Cr. Riding Hood: I'll take another bouquet of flowers and grass
On the path I will run away from that groove.

Mom: Be careful, daughter, be! Don't go off the path. (Leaves).

Little Red Hat: (sings) I'm walking along the path to my beloved grandmother
(leaves the basket)

Presenter: We wouldn’t have a fairy tale and there would be a point here,
If mother's order had not been forgotten by the daughter.
She walked along the path - she counted butterflies
I saw a grasshopper and ran off the path.

Wolf: (sings): I am an evil Wolf Wolf walking through the forest
Bunny trip, squirrel pushed
I stole an apple from a hedgehog
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha I pulled.
- Oh, I did a lot in the forest
Now I'm tired, I sat down on the stumps.
-Oh, what is it? Basket. And there is no one around.
Guys, did the bear leave the basket? (Answers)
So, is it a rabbit? (Answers) And who? (Little Red Riding Hood) Little Red Riding Hood? Where did she go? (Answers) What's in the basket? (Looks in) Pies, butter!

Presenter: This is a basket of Little Red Hats. She brings gifts to her grandmother on Trinity.
Wolf: I also want gifts for Trinity. I'll take the basket. We will celebrate with the fox in the evening. WOW!!! I love gifts! (leaves)

Presenter: Ay-ya-yay, is it possible? (Music).

Little Red Hat (sings):
I walk along the path to my beloved grandmother
On Trinity, I bring gifts to her in a basket.
- What butterfly I saw, a grasshopper I almost caught ...
- Oh, where's the basket? Under a flower? Not!
Under a bush? Not! Ah, under the tree! No. - Guys, have you seen who took my basket? (Answers)
- Wolf? But what to do now? What can I give my grandmother?
(Crying. Music sounds)
Oh, looks like someone's coming. I'll hide behind a tree.
(Hides. Woodcutter walks with a sack)

Woodcutter (sings): I'm going merrily through the forest to Trinity
From the Temple I deliver gifts to old women
How fun, how green, how nice in the forest
And if someone suddenly gets sick, I will come to the rescue.
(Crying is heard)
- Yes, there is someone crying. Did you guys hear? (Answers)
And who is crying? (Answers)
- Yes, where is she? Let's call together. (Little Red Riding Hood)
(Music. Little Red Riding Hood comes out)

Cr. Riding Hood: Hello, Uncle Woodcutter!

Woodcutter: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! Who offended you in our forest?

Cr. Riding Hood: The wolf took my basket.

Woodcutter: How dare he on such a holiday! Everyone is congratulated on Trinity, and he carries baskets. Here I will ask him, the robber!

Little Red Hat: Yes, how can I visit my grandmother now without a gift. (Crying)

Woodcutter: Don't be discouraged. Your grandmother did not come to the Temple for the holiday, she was probably sick. So I bring her gifts from our father. Let's go together to congratulate your grandmother with the Trinity.

Lumberjack and Little Red Riding Hood: (sing)
We are going to congratulate the grandmother on the holiday!
How fun, how green, how good all around. (they leave).

Wolf: (walks with a basket and sings)
I am an evil wolf-wolf walking through the forest
I am an evil Wolf-Wolves offending animals.
- Here is my basket, I have pies
I will eat cow butter for health.
And what's that? (Looks into the basket) Flowers? Can eat them? No, I don't eat flowers! What are these flowers?
-Guys, do you know what these flowers are? (Answers)

Presenter: This is a wolf, the flowers are special, they were consecrated on the Trinity in the Temple. Whoever sniffs them will find out the truth about himself with all his heart.

Wolf: Ha ha ha! Oh, they laughed. Yes, I know the truth about myself. I am the bravest, the smartest in the whole forest! What to smell them, these flowers? … Guys, do you think I should smell the flowers? (Answers) Well, I'll try (Sniffs) Oh!!! (Magic music playing)
- What is it? Everything was dark and scary. (Crying) How could I offend a little girl and take a treat from my grandmother. After all, today is a big holiday - Trinity! All good deeds are done. And I! What a stupid! And I thought that I was the smartest and most courageous. (Crying)
Host: Our Wolf found out the whole truth about himself. And now she's crying. But what should he do? Tell me guys. (Answers) That's right, Wolf, the guys advise you to return Little Red's basket and ask for forgiveness.
Wolf: Thank you! How could I not have guessed. I’ll run as soon as possible and congratulate my grandmother on the holiday of the Trinity. And I apologize to Little Red Riding Hood. Thank you guys for everything. Till! (leaves)

Presenter: Well, my grandmother lived on another edge
She got sick a little, it was not easy for the old woman.

Grandmother: (sings sadly) Today is the holiday of the Trinity
How to breathe, how to pray
How much you really want
Get me to the Temple in the morning.
- Oh, I got a little sick, I couldn’t even go to the Temple for a holiday!
Has everyone forgotten about me?

Little Red Riding Hood and the Woodcutter: (sing)
On Trinity, how green, how good all around
We are going to congratulate our grandmother on the holiday.

Little Red Hat: Grandma, I congratulate you on the holiday!

Woodcutter: And I congratulate you, our father from the Temple gave you a bow and gifts!

Grandmother: Thank you! Thanks! My dears, how glad I am! How many gifts! Come into the house, now we will drink tea from fragrant herbs!
(Voice heard): Oh!! Ouch!!! Wait!!!

Woodcutter: Who's that screaming like that?

Wolf: (out of breath) Yes, it's me, Wolf! I congratulate you all on the holiday of the Trinity. Here, take the basket. Little Red Riding Hood left her in the forest. And I took it... And then I smelled the magic flowers... And I understood everything about myself. Please forgive me!

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, everyone can stumble. The main thing is that you understand it. Guys, forgive the Wolf? (children's answers)

All: We forgive you, Wolf, and invite you to the holiday!

Grandmother: Well, friends, let's have fun!

All (singing):
Let's go, friends, rather into the forest, let's go play in the meadow!
We will bring wonderful flowers with you from the Temple,
And if someone is sick, let's go visit!
Trinity! Trinity! What fun around!
Let's go, friends, rather into the forest, let's go play in the meadow! (Leave)

Presenter: Guys, did you like the fairy tale?
And on what holiday did you congratulate your grandmother?
How is Trinity celebrated?


Who invent this world
So wonderfully able?
Life, who gave people?
Well, of course… (God).

As the Lord loves all people,
So we must love.
Remember this people
And let's in the world ... (live).

If someone offended you
God taught us not to scream.
Don't hold grudges in your heart
And with all my heart ... (forgive).

Who has enough
With that makes friends easily and smoothly.
I will buy for the soul
I have God ... (kindness).

Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches.
Birds teach ... (singing),
Spider ... (patience).

Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us ... (labor).
And besides, in their work
All in fairness.
Reflection in water
Teaches us ... (truthfulness).

Snow teaches us purity,
The sun teaches ... (kindness)
And for all the magnitude
Teaches ... (modesty).

Nature all year round
Need to be trained.
Us trees of all kinds,
All the big forest people
Teaches strong ... (friendship).

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1"

Scenario of folk festival


A backdrop in the form of a birch grove, in the foreground - a river, a house is closer, a birch is nearby.

We hear: accordion, horn and other Russian instruments.

    They go out in pairs - 2 girls, 2 guys (threes, groups of girls and guys, bow).

Young woman: Let's go, girlfriends, into the woods, into the woods

Let's pick, girls, a flower and a flower.

Let's sit down, dear, on the meadow, on the meadow.

Sow, beauties, a wreath, ah wreath.

Guy: Oh you beautiful girls

Where are you going? Where are you on your way?

Girls: We go to the forest, to the birch grove -

Develop birches, weave wreaths,

Lead round dances, celebrate the trinity - the Virgin Mary.


Pair: 1. Hello you for a walk.

    For fun for fun (bow).

Everything: And good health to you (bow).

Turning to the audience

II. Hello trinity - the virgin (music subsides).

    In the spring the earth warms up

And blooms in summer.

And again glorify the trinity

Both the old and the young will come.

The birch is twisted

Wreaths float in the river

And the holiday begins

    And everyone is waiting.

Bells are heard. A man and two women (handkerchiefs, aprons) come out of the door.

    I love the service in the rural church,

The shutters are open, the air is pouring,

By the face of the image, by the frame

Quietly the butterfly scurries.

    And in the church garden: overhead

The girls who came flowers

Living in rows,

Full of spring colors.

    Echoing the holy words of prayer

At the consecration of gifts.

Birdies are different, gutora,

They chirp through the windows from the bushes.

(K. Sluchevsky)

The youth turns to them, bowing to each other.

    Hello to the festivities,

    For fun fun.

    Bless for a walk

    Trinity - to celebrate the Mother of God.

The elders put a wreath on the girl's head.

Guys pin a flower on a cap, bow to each other.

The elders leave, the music sounds. (The elders are sitting on the mound).

    The harmonica will tune in

And lead the song.

On the Russian holiday of the trinity

The people have gathered here.

harmonica eloquent,

Tell me quickly

What are we with a pure soul

We meet friends here.

    This is a holiday our ancestors started,

This is the holiday of our mother - the earth,

We glorify everything that grows on it,

We invite all our friends to visit.

They stand in a circle, clap, play along.

Come out soon, my friend

Yes, sing your ditty.

You, my friend, go bolder

Don't feel sorry for the spatulas.

Reach out, people, black-browed is coming

Black-browed, poor,

Will not disappear anywhere.

trinity - trinity

All birches will move.

The little one is coming soon

The heart will calm down.

Soon - soon trinity

The earth will be covered with grass,

Soon the bread will rise

The heart will calm down.

curls curl

On my head

As in a green birch

Songs at the Nightingale

I go out and sing

I lower my eyes down

Hello good friend,

And a cheerful harmonist.

Harmonist, harmonist,

Let's quarrel with you

You play and I dance

Who gets tired sooner.

IV. Dance - the game “And we sowed millet” (advance and retreat).

And we sowed millet

Oh, yes, young, sowed, sowed

And we will trample millet, trample

And what do you trample on?

And we will release the horses

And we will take the horses prisoner, we will take them prisoner.

And we will redeem the horses, we will redeem

And what do you redeem, redeem?

And we will give gold.

We don't need gold, gold.

And what do you need

And we need a girl, girl

And what is her name, name?

Call her Lenochka, Lenochka

Open up the gates, gates

Take the girl, girl.

In our regiment arrived, arrived

In our regiment, it's gone, gone

In our shelf they drink beer, they drink beer

In our regiment, tears are shed, tears are shed.

V. As we walked through the meadow -

Mushrooms, berries were looking for.

As we walked through the meadow -

They searched for the witch's herb.

We came to you for the holiday -

Here proverbs are found.

We must first collect them.

Well guys, well done

Where is the beginning? Where are the ends?

They give boxes or trays with signs - proverbs, sayings, who will collect faster. The winner is a wreath.

A) Sow bread for bread - neither thresh nor winnow.

Return the debt to the earth - it will be of use.

B) Weed the field - prick your hands, but do not weed and do not grind bread.

While the ear is in the field, work at the hem.

And who else knows proverbs, sayings about the earth and its fruits?

The last or the winner is a wreath.

What is the land, such is the bread.

Sow thistle and quinoa, trouble for crops.

The horse - oats, and the earth - manure.

Do not believe in buckwheat in bloom, but believe in bins.

IV. Hey people, are you tired?

Music is calling us all

In a friendly dance round dance.

2. Sing the same song to start

"There was a birch tree in the field"

    Well, let's be brave

Sing along to our song

This song is not easy

The most dear to us

    She is sweeter and more beautiful than all,

Because - about our edge.

They become in a round dance, inside the girl is a birch. (Russian folk song "In the field stood a birch tree."

(They walk in a circle, in the other direction. They put on a wreath, converging. They disperse. They break into two circles. "Birch" became sad. "Snowflakes in one direction, in the other. A general circle. Raise a hoop with ribbons of 3 on each side.)

VII. Mariinsky birch

Standing in the middle of the field

crowned with a green crown,

Engaged with a gold ring.

birch, birch,

Curly Curly

The girls came to you

Reds have come to you

Let's go around the birch,

We will braid her green kerchiefs

Let's decorate her white sundress with flowers,

Let's dance merrily around the birch tree.

2 teams of 3 people each take ribbons by the end, and weave braids without letting go.

Who is faster and better, the wreaths.

VIII. Cumulation.

“Birch branch” is twisted in a ring, 1 girl from the team approaches the ring, holding a raised cross on a thread in her hand.

    Already you, gossip - godfather

Let's have fun with me.

    Oh, you gossip - godmother,

Let's fight with me.

    Make peace with me

Let's kiss me.

They kiss, exchanging crosses.

    Century we do not scold

    Age we do not swear.

IX. The elders appear with trays (pies, rolls, scrambled eggs on a piece of bread, pots of kvass).

    Eat up, girls.

    Eat well, fellows.

    The Trinity - the Mother of God sends special greetings to dear guests.

1. To make the field ugly.

2. To be friendly in the house.

3. For children to grow up.

    To marry the girls.

    Generous evening, warm evening.

    Good people to health.

They feed everyone. The girls lay tablecloths on the table. They put up a meal. They bow. Thank you at the end:

Thank you for the bread - salt, treats.

Bless, the trinity is the Mother of God.


We go to the forest

We curl wreaths.

We curl wreaths.

We pick flowers.

And we will go to the forest

And we'll pick flowers.

We will pick flowers

And make a wreath.

X. During the words, they take wreaths, go to the river, towards the fortune-teller.

1. Let's go girls

curl wreaths

Let's curl green

Let's curl flowery.

Stop, my wreath,

All week green

And I'm young

All year long, baby

2. Come tell fortunes

red youths,

I will explain all fate to you,

Lovely swans.

Here the narrowed one will be found,

Snuggle, smile,

Take the white hand

He will lead you to his upper chamber.

You guys are right

All beauties are gone.

Do you want to visit us

On matters of the heart

Here you will find girls

Here you will bring your fate

With a beautiful girl

Which one do you like better?

The first fortuneteller has a box with numbers - she guesses everything.

3. - prosperity in the house,

32. - unexpected happiness,

12. - children in the house,

7. - unexpected wealth,

9. - the wife of a grumbler,

5. - greedy father-in-law,

23. - cheerful mother-in-law,

13. - evil mother-in-law,

99. - what is so, what is different - peace to your home,

3. - you can see the abundance in the house,

5. - greedy father-in-law - do not drink, do not eat,

7. - we are waiting, we are not waiting, but the money is raining,

9. - the wife grumbles with frying pans, knocks, maybe she won’t hit, but fry something.

12. - in the house of children, that there are twigs on the oak, there will not be enough children, so the grandchildren will add,

13. - evil mother-in-law - her son-in-law is skinny,

22. - happiness in hand, you will forget boredom,

25. - cheerful mother-in-law, cheerful, baked pancakes for her son-in-law,

The second fortuneteller collects the rings in a cup of water, covers with a handkerchief. Takes out one by one (only women, girls).

    A ring rolled on velvet,

A ring rolled on the yacht

Who misses

Who will come true

Who will come true

Doesn't pass.

The pike was walking near the new city.

She carried her tail from the white of the lake.

Silver scales on the pike,

The head of the pike is pearl.

Why this ring - to wealth.

I'll sit, I'll sit

Let me move my hand.

And who will take

The truth will come true

Doesn't pass.

Ring, ring show

Sweet face.

What is this ring for - for marriage, for happy family life.

You roll, roll, ring

On a silver wing.

Who will take out

That will come true.

Tom will come true

Doesn't pass.

The road is far from the birth threshold.

The way home is close not to turn.

Why this ring - to a long journey.

XI. The song “The girls were walking in the garden” sounds. (everyone joins and goes to the river).

My viburnum, my raspberry.

Reds were walking in the garden.

Flowers were plucked, wreaths were tied,

They threw them into the river Kiya.

Who will catch the wreath

I will marry him.

Where did the young man come from?

From the Mariinsky Row

undressed, undressed,

I threw myself into the river Kyu.

Like a wreath he grabbed

I loved the red girl.

They come to the river, throw wreaths.

I went for a walk in the green garden.

I plucked a flower from the grass.

I'll go to the river

I'll be on my cotton

I'll throw my wreath on the water.

And I'll go away myself,

I'll take a look at my wreath.

Whether the wreath sinks, does not sink

Does he love, does not love a friend

My wreath swam well, calmly -

Be me happy.

Ah, my wreath sank,

Some grief awaits me.

No, it didn't sink, look

Spinning in place - there will be a lot of trouble.

The elders are coming.

God willing, there will be troubles for the happy.

Trinity is the Mother of God.

Give everyone happiness - health.

The first is cow, the second is sheep, and the third is human.

So that in every house

Everything was satisfying.

Happiness in every house

Love and consent.

Come visit us again

Don't forget our trinity.

Teacher - librarian: Kopylova I.V.

Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and moral education through introducing schoolchildren to the basics of Orthodox culture, focused on educating children in spirituality and morality through acquaintance with Orthodox holidays.

To introduce children to the origins of Orthodox culture through participation in church holidays and restoration of the traditions of the Russian people.
Contribute to the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​on the basis of knowledge and disclosure of the meaning of Orthodox holidays.
Create conditions for creative activity.

Planned result. Assimilation by schoolchildren of eternal values: mercy, compassion, striving for good, a positive attitude towards the world around us, towards other people.

Equipment: Russian folk costumes for hosts, a music center, CDs with the songs “There was a birch in the field”, “My birch, birch”, colored ribbons for decorating the birch, bags for outdoor games, clay toys, whistles, sweets.

The holiday begins on the site of the school yard or in the park where birch grows. Presenters (peddlers) dressed in Russian folk costumes come out to the children.

1st peddler:

Let's start the round dance

Come on, honest people.

Let hearts open

To the Holy Trinity!

2nd peddler:

Come on honest people

Peddler sells

birch twigs

For Katenka and Svetochka,

For Masha, Natasha,

Glashenki and Dashenka -

For all the girls, for all the guys

Birch outfit for everyone!

1st peddler:

There are brooms for the bath,

For Masha and for Vanya.

fresh, fragrant,

Tender and squishy!

And here is kvass for all of you!

There is also birch sap,

So that the cheeks are pink!

2nd peddler:

Oil of birch

For Fedya and for Masha!

1st peddler:

Birch buds

Take a bite!

2nd peddler:

birch bark products

Take it - you won't regret it!

Come on honest people

Let's start the round dance!

Children stand in a circle and sing the song "My Birch, Birch".

1st peddler:

Ay, people, the one who sings songs,

Stop the round dance, come forward.

The sky is white, the sky is blue

Today they sing songs about birch trees!

— Good people, do you know the songs about our Russian beauty? The one of you who sings the opening lines or verse of the song more than others, where the words “birch”, “birch”, “birch” would be, or reads a poem about a birch, will receive a prize. Who is first? Who is brave?

Song examples:

- There was a birch in the field ...

- And the motherland generously watered me

Birch sap, birch sap.

- Now a birch, then a mountain ash ...

- Oh, my Russia,

The song is light

Birch edge.

Edge of Yesenin...

Host: Hello guys! We are here today for a reason! Today is a big Christian holiday! Tell me what it's called? I will help you! This holiday, which is associated with the flowering of young vegetation, was also called green Christmas time, a holiday of honoring ancestors and glorifying blossoming nature.

Children: Trinity!

Leading: Yes, this is the Trinity, and who remembers the symbol of this holiday?

Children: Birch.

Host: That's right, our beautiful birch. People decorated

dwellings with greenery, branches of felled birches, flowers, sprinkled floors with fragrant grass. And let's, and we will meet this holiday, as it was done in Russia.

Children: Come on.

Leading: How did the girls and boys dress for the holiday?

Children: Beautiful, elegant.

Leading: Yes, guys, they wore smartly embroidered clothes,

the girls put on beads, wreaths on their heads or tied ribbons, we will also tie beautiful ribbons.

Children tie bright ribbons to each other, sing the song "There was a birch in the field."

2nd peddler:

And now the auction, it is very secret,

However, not so secret

But noticeable in knowledge.

- We will ask you questions about our heroine - a birch, and you try to answer correctly.

What bird was baptized on Trinity Day? (Cuckoo)

What does it mean to feed "birch porridge"? (Whip with a branch, punish.)

What are the mushrooms whose name is associated with birch? (Boletus.)

The birch has “clothing”, from which wonderful dishes are made, laid under a plank roof, and a bast is made for weaving baskets. What is it called? (Birch bark.)

A nimble animal lives in the forest, which is called ... from the root of the word "birch"? (The gray lizard - birch bark, lives near rotten stumps.)

What is another name for a broom and where is it used? (They call it golik, and it is used in the bath for the steam room and in the house for sweeping.)

Leading: Well done, sit down in our clearing, and I will tell

How did you celebrate this holiday?

One of the most important Christian holidays falls on guys this week. This week is called “Semik”, “Rusal”, “Green”, three of its days are specially noted: Semik, which falls on Thursday; parent Saturday; Trinity is Sunday, the 50th day after Easter.

Semik - the seventh Thursday after Easter was considered a very big holiday, it opened a complex set of rites that marked farewell to spring and the meeting of summer, glorifying the green land with the main symbol - a birch.

Houses and streets are decorated with cut birch branches and flowers.

The girls decorated the birch tree in girls' outfits with ribbons, beads, and flowers. Near the decorated tree, the youth arranged a festive meal. Each participant brought refreshments, the birch, as it were, took part in this. Then the procession, led by beautiful girl, took birch branches and went to the grain field in order to convey to the earth the plant power that they had tasted from ritual food. After the detour, the branches were thrown into the wheat field.

- Guys, let's decorate the birch with ribbons.

Children tie ribbons on a birch.

Presenter: Well done, and here are some more riddles for you:

1. Green, not a meadow,

Belena, not snow.

Curly, not a person.

2. Fedosya is standing, having loosened her hair.

3. There is a beauty in a clearing,

In a white dress

In a green coat.

- The birch, a symbol of the holiday, was called "gostenka", "gossip", "wreath". On the Trinity, the girls wove wreaths of flowers and greenery on their heads. Making wreaths had a magical meaning. Decorating themselves with greenery, the girls attached themselves to the life force contained in the vegetation. Twisting, weaving into a wreath of vines, hops, flowers, leaves is also a symbol of marriage.

Well, we've been sitting too long, let's play the Russian folk game "Wreath".

Game "Wreath".

Children - "flowers" stand in a line on one side of the site. The driver is on the other side at a distance of 8-10m. from the children, approaching them, pronounces the words:

I'm going to pick a flower

Weave a wreath from flowers.

Children "flowers" answer:

We don't want to be ripped off

And wreaths were woven from us.

We want to stay in the forest

They will admire us.

Having uttered the last words, the children run to the other end of the playground, and the driver tries to knock them down. Caught to become a driver.

Host: Guys, sit down in our clearing. Tell me

please, why is birch useful for us people, what can we “take” from it?

Children: Birch sap, tea can be brewed from the leaves.

Presenter: Yes, that's right, and tea can also be brewed from the kidneys and

birch branches. Brooms are also made from birch twigs to take a steam bath in the baths and thereby “expelled” the ailment from the body.

Also, they made splinters from birch. Who knows what it is?

Izba for a long time illuminated by a birch beam. Previously, there were no candles, no light bulbs, so they made such shelves from birch, they were called a torch, and they illuminated the hut.

By the light of a torch, the girls spun for long winter evenings, sang long songs, listened to grandmother's tales.

Game "Overtaking"

Teams compete. Children put bags on their feet (like pants), jump into them at speed. Who will overtake whom. The winners are awarded with colored clay toys, whistles and sweets.

Music sounds, all the participants of the holiday in a round dance, pass around the birch tree, standing in the center of the meadow. (If possible, bonfires are lit in the clearing, when the fire subsides, you can jump over it, clearing everything bad with fire.)

1st and 2nd pedlars in chorus:

wili wreaths,

Round dances were led,

Played - had fun!

Goodbye! See you soon!